Is it possible to give birth in any maternity hospital? A complete list of rights of a pregnant woman in the maternity hospital

- This special document, which is part of an addition to the government's Health program. It performs a support function in assisting during childbirth. The project began to be implemented in Russia in 2006.

Thanks to the birth certificate issued to the expectant mother registered with the Women's Consultation Center, a woman gets the right to choose a maternity hospital, observing gynecologist and medical institution for consultations.

Thanks to competent medical supervision, recommendations, prevention and treatment, the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby are significantly increased, and numerous risks for both the unborn child and the mother are minimized. Complications during childbirth, the threat of miscarriage, anemia, late toxicosis, etc. - all these are dangerous pathologies, the prevention of which falls on the shoulders of domestic specialists.

Legislative side of the issue

They began to be issued to women who registered for pregnancy. this innovation was a qualitative improvement in the services provided medical care women during pregnancy and childbirth. This program increases the financial interest of healthcare institutions. This issue is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated November 28, 2005.

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman must register with the antenatal clinic at her place of residence before 12 weeks. During the entire obstetric period, the expectant mother visits her doctor consistently twice a month, a total of 10 times. Such regular appointments and examinations, ordering tests and observations ensure timely diagnosis of complications and identification of dangerous pathologies.

According to this document, a pregnant woman is given the right to choose a supervising doctor, a antenatal clinic for registration, in addition I have an opportunity choose maternity hospital, where the child should be born. The doctor cannot refuse the patient. However, this practice is rarely used by women in labor, since most of them have either entered into a contract with a specific institution in advance, or do not consider it necessary to fuss about this and go to the nearest free maternity hospital already with contractions.

But for such an important event as the birth of a new person, it is necessary to prepare well, choose personnel and a place for the birth, especially if the state bears the costs. The fact is that it itself consists of several parts, tear-off coupons, each of which has a specific purpose. One pays for the observation of a woman during pregnancy and the provision of medical services to her at this stage in the amount of 3,000 rubles. The state also transfers 6,000 rubles to the maternity hospital in the event of a successful birth for each patient. Additionally, funding for dispensary observation of a child during the first year of life was introduced in the amount of 1,000 rubles for each newborn.


Usually, the treating gynecologist, along with the birth certificate, issues a referral to the maternity hospital chosen by the woman.

However, the fact is that this choice is limited territorial framework, more precisely, the administrative-territorial division of municipalities and affiliation with a specific department.

All maternity hospitals in the country divided into three categories:

The condition of the pregnant woman and the peculiarities of the course of the entire period decide which category of institutions the attending physician from the Women's Consultation Center will refer her to. Based on the results of the decision direction will be issued, you can go with him to childbirth already with contractions. Or you can go to the chosen maternity hospital to maintain the pregnancy when the appointed period has already approached, that is, exceeded 40 weeks. A woman in labor has the right to choose herself, taking into account the testimony of the gynecologist and existing pregnancy pathologies, a specialized or regular maternity hospital.

Citizens are faced with the problem of getting medical care in any city. Russian Federation possible if you are registered in this region. It is enough to register in order to have the right to be served in a district clinic or hospital. But not all women living in the capital are registered. When pregnancy occurs, they begin to be tormented by the question of whether it is possible for nonresidents to give birth in Moscow.

Nuances of legislation

The regulations stipulate that pregnant women have the right to be observed in the chosen consultation, regardless of the place of temporary registration or permanent registration. But in practice, expectant mothers are faced with refusal to register. Women in labor manage to get into maternity hospitals by arriving with contractions.

Free pregnancy management carried out if you have health insurance. For a medical institution, the insurance policy and passport are the main documents. The unified insurance system allows you to go to any hospital in the country. This is confirmed by relevant regulations. If you refuse to register for pregnancy, you must refer to the order of the Ministry of Health, which confirms the right of patients to receive medical care in any region of the Federation.

This also applies to maternity hospitals. In Moscow, without registration with an insurance policy, you can give birth in any maternity hospital. If medical staff refuse to admit a woman in labor, then they are violating Law No. 323-FZ of November 21, 2011. It states that the state provides health protection regardless of place of residence. And having insurance makes this help free for those who apply.

If you don't have insurance, the situation is different. Women without a policy and exchange card are sent to an observational maternity hospital, as they are considered “conditionally infected.” Patients without documents can give birth to a child in Moscow at the maternity hospital of City Clinical Hospital No. 6.

List of services provided

Some believe that those registered in the capital are treated better. Women wait until the last minute and go to the capital's maternity hospitals with contractions. Expectant mothers believe that they will be denied planned hospitalization due to the lack of permanent registration or registration certificate. They don’t know for sure whether residents of other regions can give birth in Moscow.

When faced with a refusal to hospitalize, complain to higher authorities. The list of cases in which medical care is provided under the compulsory health insurance program includes the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • birth of a child;
  • postpartum period;
  • abortions.

In these cases, assistance to insured patients is provided free of charge in any city.

Attachment to medical institutions

Compulsory medical insurance policies are valid in any region of Russia. But the list of cases when they need to be replaced also includes moving from one region of the country to another. But even if there is no registration, you can do this. An application is drawn up addressed to the head of the municipal health department. In the text a request is written about attachment to a specific antenatal clinic, and all attached documents are listed. You should also complete the following points.

  1. Enclose a copy of your passport and medical insurance in the letter.
  2. Send a registered letter with notification.
  3. A few days later, call the government agency employees and find out how to get a coupon to be assigned to the clinic.

Having collected the coupon, you can go to the consultation for registration. You can also indicate that if you refuse or there is no response to the application, you will contact the prosecutor’s office or the court. After registration, you don’t have to worry about giving birth in Moscow without registration.

Is it worth going to the capital?

If you live and work in Moscow without registration, then it is easier to register and give birth in this city. Once the child is born, he will have to be registered. This will require parental registration.

There is no point in going to the capital to give birth in Moscow. In other cities, conditions and material support for hospitals approximately at the same level. Traveling 1-2 times a month for routine examinations to a consultation is problematic, even if you live in the Moscow region. If indicated, any hospital located in the Moscow region will give a referral to a specialized maternity hospital in the capital. This is done when serious pathologies are detected during pregnancy. In this case, even planned hospitalization in Moscow with registration outside Moscow will not cause problems.

It is advisable to be observed at your actual place of residence. The antenatal clinic and clinic store medical records of expectant mothers. The doctor will review your medical history and adjust pregnancy management tactics if necessary.

Metropolitan doctors who observe nonresidents are not given such a chance. The desire of patients to be observed in the capital leads to the fact that antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals are overcrowded. Is it worth giving birth to a child in Moscow in such conditions, think in advance.

Not all expectant mothers know when and how to choose the right maternity hospital.

In Soviet times, our parents went to the medical institution closest to their home. Modern medicine gives pregnant women the right to choose any maternity hospital depending on their requirements and taste preferences. A woman is not limited in her choice, she just needs to fulfill several conditions.

Is it possible to choose a maternity hospital yourself?

On recent months Pregnant woman is puzzled by the question of whether the ambulance will take her to the chosen maternity hospital.

Many expectant parents make arrangements with the doctor in advance while the pregnant woman is registered. It is considered normal practice to first meet with your doctor and obstetrician 1-2 months before the expected date of birth.

During such a period of time, you can have time to meet with the doctor several times, he will be able to carefully look at the medical (exchange) card and find out about possible complications. In this case, you will be able to establish contact with a professional doctor.

When visiting the maternity hospital for the first time, the expectant mother is often asked to sign a contract on a paid basis, and she is introduced to the list of additional services. They assume comfortable conditions location, necessary medications and attentive attitude of workers. So, you will be able to choose a separate room and stay in it with your husband, mother and other close relatives.

In the process of getting to know a doctor, it is strongly recommended to take his phone number and also clarify the possibility of calling at any time of the day if necessary. Such an agreement implies a monetary reward.

It is important to understand that even paid childbirth does not guarantee its easy resolution. Often, on a paid basis, the conditions for the expectant mother in the maternity hospital are improved.

If you are unable to pay for childbirth, you can use a birth certificate, which allows a mentally vulnerable woman to be confident in the future and not worry about the upcoming event.

In 2006 it was adopted Government program, which allows pregnant women to choose a consultation and maternity hospital. Its action has significantly improved the medical care of the population.

At the same time, young mothers and their children are provided with high-quality medicines completely free of charge. Having a birth certificate greatly simplifies financially the management of pregnancy, childbirth and further monitoring of children by pediatricians in the first year of their life. It allows a woman to choose in which maternity hospital she would like to give birth to her baby. The expectant mother has the right to come to any medical institution and declare her desire to become its patient.

When is it impossible to choose a maternity hospital on your own?

Today, there are a number of cases that do not allow a woman in labor to choose a maternity hospital according to her wishes.

  1. The first reason is the lack of a birth certificate when contractions begin. In this case, the ambulance will take the woman to the nearest facility. The occurrence of such a situation sometimes leads to the most unfavorable consequences in the form of a lack of urgent qualified assistance from medical workers and the necessary equipment.
  2. Secondly, all maternity hospitals are forced to close one or more times a year for sanitary treatment. Therefore, when the day of birth coincides with this procedure, the expectant mother will not be able to get to the selected clinic.
  3. Many maternity hospitals specialize in providing certain types of care. If complications arise during pregnancy, it would be advisable to contact an institution that meets the necessary requirements. Not all clinics are equipped with everything necessary to attend births for women suffering from diabetes, problems with the cardiovascular system, and so on.

The essence and purpose of the birth certificate

The state program “Health” organizes competition between medical institutions that strive to provide comprehensive care a large number pregnant women. At the same time, it is possible to improve the quality of medical services provided in all clinics.

Registration of a birth certificate helps stimulate the desire of all health care institutions to provide assistance in gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. Hospitals are becoming interested in equipping with certified medicines, as well as modern equipment.

To issue a certificate, you must complete the following steps:

  • register (in the 1st trimester) at the antenatal clinic;
  • Regular visits to the clinic (for at least 12 weeks);
  • monthly visit to the pediatrician with an infant.

Who can issue a birth certificate:

  1. All citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, official employment or registration.
  2. Women with any fetal condition, with or without a legal spouse.
  3. Citizens of other states with a temporary residence permit or residence permit also have the right to obtain a certificate.

The need to obtain a birth certificate

A birth certificate is a kind of financial incentive for modern clinics, maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics, which provide the population with quality medical care on favorable terms. They receive cash payments of a set amount from a special fund (FSS), ensuring interest in each expectant mother, as well as her baby.

According to the birth certificate, a woman chooses a maternity hospital for herself, taking into account the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. The presumable nature of the birth (complicated or uncomplicated) is also taken into account. When choosing a maternity hospital, it is strongly recommended to take into account the territorial criterion (the nearest place where contractions began).

You can receive a birth certificate absolutely free of charge at 28-30 weeks of pregnancy in a consultation or obstetric center where you are registered. future mom. The document allows you to choose the best medical institution.

You will need to obtain a birth certificate to select:

  • consultations for pregnancy monitoring;
  • maternity hospital;
  • children's clinic for patronage monitoring of your child up to 1 year.

Having a certificate in hand, a woman has the right to contact any maternity hospital she likes (with an exchange card) and agree on the upcoming birth. The manager is required to sign the card, so on the expected day of birth, the expectant mother can come to the selected hospital. When contractions occur at home, emergency doctors will take the woman in labor there.

The certificate cannot be sold or cashed out; it does not constitute financial assistance. The main purpose of the document is to pay for medical services in government institutions. The certificate will not be accepted by commercial private clinics.

Is an ambulance required to take you to the maternity hospital and admission without a certificate?

A birth certificate protects a pregnant woman from the provision of poor-quality and hazardous medical services. She has the right to choose any antenatal clinic (maternity hospital), even if the medical institution is located in another city or region of our country. The issuance of the document helps women receive comprehensive support during pregnancy and early after childbirth.

Even in the absence of a certificate, a pregnant woman will not be denied medical care. She will be able to go to the maternity hospital only at her place of residence. The document gives the right to choose any maternity hospital, regardless of registration. Moreover, in the hospital itself, if a woman has all necessary documents They will help her obtain a certificate on the spot. If a document is lost, it can be easily restored. The antenatal clinic will be interested in the efficiency of this process, since based on it, funds for the services provided are transferred to the institution’s bank account.

Modern maternity hospitals are divided into 3 types:

  • the predominance of uncomplicated births (up to 500 babies are born per year), they do not provide for a 24-hour presence of an obstetrician;
  • birth of up to 1,500 children per year (the department has intensive care and intensive care units);
  • regional and federal institutions providing assistance during pregnancy and the postpartum period (often there is a pathology department).

Depending on the characteristics of bearing a child, the gynecologist issues a referral to a maternity hospital in one of the above categories. With such documents, you can go to the selected hospital during contractions. In case of post-term pregnancy (from 40 weeks), you can be admitted to a hospital in such an institution until you wait for the onset of labor.

How to choose a maternity hospital?

Which maternity hospital is better to choose? This question puzzles many women in labor starting from the first trimester of pregnancy. Expectant parents often visit several institutions, learn about the conditions offered, communicate with doctors and choose the best option. It is important that an agreement is concluded between the pregnant woman and the maternity hospital. The attending physician makes appropriate notes in the pregnancy chart. Only in this case, when the water breaks or contractions begin, can you demand that the ambulance take the woman to the maternity hospital of her choice.

To understand how to choose the right maternity hospital, you need to study its following criteria:

  • proximity of the institution to home;
  • living conditions(presence of a separate shower, cleanliness, sterility, etc.);
  • availability of good medical equipment;
  • qualifications and experience of personnel;
  • the possibility of partner (joint) childbirth;
  • 24-hour stay with the baby.

When choosing a maternity hospital, it is necessary to study the attitude of all staff towards natural childbirth.

Domestic medical institutions focus mainly on natural childbirth. In this case, planned caesarean section is used exclusively according to indications.

Sometimes emergency situations occur when, when the water breaks, a weak labor activity. In this case, additional stimulation cannot be avoided, and the life of the newly born person will depend on the highly qualified personnel and the availability of modern medical equipment. After a successful birth, it is advisable for the mother and newborn to be cared for by experienced gynecologists, neonatologists and polite medical personnel.

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