Kefir for dry scalp. Kefir hair masks for strengthening and restoration

Sometimes, if your curls have weakened and lost their former shine, you don’t have to run out to buy expensive branded cosmetics; a regular kefir hair mask can change the situation for the better. The product contains calcium, yeast and protein, lactic acid bacteria and vitamins B and E. All these useful elements nourish the hairs, strengthen and restore their structure. The composition perfectly moisturizes and softens dry curls; it forms a thin film on their surface, protecting them from external negative influences. environment. Let's take a closer look at the spectrum of action of kefir-based masks and learn how to prepare the most effective ones.

About the healing power of kefir

Fresh milk is a nutritious product that a growing body needs. Surprisingly, even when it turns sour, it doesn’t lose healing properties, and in some cases even surpasses the paired one. Each nation has different names for this drink, but the principle of preparation is the same - the milk is naturally populated with bacteria and beneficial fungi. These microorganisms produce lactic acid, which gives yogurt new properties.

WITH early childhood caring mothers feed their children kefir, saying that the miracle cocktail will give the baby strength and health. Many beauties know that with its help you can lose weight and then monitor your weight. Yes, this is true, because it contains many useful elements. However, in addition to the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the body from the inside, it can also promote health from the outside.

Its benefits are as follows:

  • prevents hair loss and stops the process that has begun;
  • has a restorative effect on the hair structure;
  • slightly brightens. Of course, a brunette will never turn blonde because of kefir, but it is better to use it with caution on freshly colored hairstyles.

It contains protein - an active building material that is necessary to restore damaged curls. Regular lotions and wraps significantly improve the structure and appearance of the strands.

Milk contains a lot of calcium. And with acid it is absorbed even better. This microelement is necessary for nails, hairs and skin. In other words, it should be present in sufficient quantities in every person’s diet.

And the vitamins and minerals contained in fermented milk completely transform your hair beyond recognition. So fat is a direct indication for owners of thin and dry hair, it has good moisturizing properties. At the same time, acids regulate the production of sebum, so oily strands will thank you for the miracle masks. Normalizing the formation of natural fat in the root zone allows you to get rid of dandruff.

Kefir helps to cope with the loss of strands, because it strengthens the hair follicles. A course of 3–4 weeks is usually enough to for a long time forget about the problem. After each procedure, a thin film is formed on the hairs, which creates a protective barrier from the effects of photoradiation and thermal devices, ultraviolet radiation, wind and moisture, frost and other factors.

Advice! If your curls are dry, damaged, falling out a lot, lifeless and dull, try yogurt lotions. These procedures are much cheaper than salon offers, but the results are excellent. The main thing is not to stop the course after the first or second use, but to stretch it out for two to three weeks.

How to choose a drink for preparing a medicinal composition at home?

It is advisable to purchase natural product. Take a closer look at the following details:

  • short shelf life (7-10 days). Here, give preference to fresher goods. Although, if lightening of hair is required, lactic acids are responsible for this process. And there are more of them in old yogurt;
  • leaven. Bacteria and beneficial fungi must participate in the fermentation process. If you wish, try fermenting milk at home. To do this, buy a special dry starter and natural milk at the pharmacy, if possible from a grandmother you know;
  • fat content This fact also matters. Over-dried strands will “to taste” with fatty yogurt, but for those prone to fat content, take it with a lower percentage. Although completely low-fat dairy products are not recommended for consumption either internally or externally, because fermented milk fats have a beneficial effect on health.

In order for the miracle mask to be beneficial, the following conditions must be met:

  • apply the composition before washing your hair, the main thing is that the hair is not overly dirty;
  • Before use, warm the mixture, leaving it to stand at room temperature for an hour or two;
  • After applying the solution, insulate your head with a plastic cap and a towel wrapped over it;
  • rinse with clean and warm water.

Preparing a product for hair growth

Various supplements help a girl cope with specific problems, we will look at this further. However, pure curdled milk applied to the skein helps their growth.

To enhance the beauty effect, combine it with other products. Try one of the following suggestions, they have all been proven to be effective.

With yeast and honey

In this recipe, honey actively nourishes the scalp, and yeast is responsible for activating hair growth. To prepare effective remedy take:

  • 1 glass of fermented milk at room temperature;
  • 1 tsp. honey melted in a water bath;
  • 20 grams of dry yeast.

First, pour honey into the curdled milk and stir thoroughly. Then add the yeast and give it time to activate its action. After 20 minutes, apply to the entire length and wait 40 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

With chicken egg

The yolk and white contain proteins that enhance the effects of the components of sour milk. Take one egg and a glass of curdled milk, shake quickly. Then distribute throughout the curls and rub into the roots. Massage your skin for 3 minutes, then wrap your head warm cloth and leave for 30–40 minutes. After this time, rinse with shampoo to prevent the protein from curdling.

With soda

This recipe is not suitable for those with dry hair. However, for normal people and those prone to oiliness, it works magically: it increases blood flow to the scalp, resulting in increased curl growth.

Pour 10 tablespoons of soda and 1 tbsp into a glass of kefir. l. table salt. Distribute the resulting paste over the entire length, leave for 35 minutes, then wash your hair in the usual way.

Advice! Natural curdled milk does not have a pleasant sour aroma for everyone. To remove it from your skeins, rinse them with chamomile infusion.

Miracle masks against hair loss

Every day every inhabitant of the planet loses about 100 hairs. However, sometimes this figure turns out to be several times higher. This is influenced by many factors: body diseases and lack of vitamins, poor environment and unbalanced diet, incorrectly selected bathing cosmetics or hormonal disorders.

Trichologists assure that it is impossible to get rid of the unpleasant process with 100% probability, but it is quite possible to reduce its activity. The following suggestions have been tested by more than one hundred representatives of the fair sex, so we confidently reveal to you the secrets of their preparation. However, remember: the main key to success lies in regular and long-term use.

With mustard

To 150-180 ml of kefir add half a teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and 2-3 drops of rosemary oil. All this must be mixed thoroughly; after obtaining a homogeneous consistency, the solution is distributed throughout the hair, capturing the root part.

30 minutes after application, rinse off the solution. The positive effect is noticeable after the first use. Dry mustard has a slight burning effect, which increases blood flow to the scalp, accelerates nutrition in the hair follicles, follicles become stronger, and this reduces hair loss and accelerates their growth.

Advice! Mustard mask has some contraindications. So it should not be used by people prone to allergic reactions, suffering from hypertension and increased dryness and sensitivity of the scalp.

With onion

Grind one medium onion into a homogeneous paste, add 1 yolk, half a glass of kefir and a teaspoon of burdock oil. Distribute the resulting composition on your hair, rub into the roots. Leave for at least one hour, covered with a cellophane cap and a terry towel. After this, wash your curls.

Such folk recipe It will not only stop partial baldness, but also make the skeins obedient when combing, strengthen the hairs and give unprecedented shine. Don't be afraid of the specific onion flavor. The dairy product completely neutralizes the odor.

Kefir-herbal miracle remedy

To begin, carefully grind the following herbs in equal proportions (a blender will help you):

  • fresh nettle leaves;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • dandelion;
  • rowan.

Add 3/4 cup of kefir to the herbal pulp and whisk the product. The main thing here is to rub it evenly into the scalp and insulate it; distribution along the length is not required. The mixture is kept for half an hour.

Sometimes you come across another name for the miracle mask – “Vitamin”, and it speaks for itself. Meadow herbs saturate the hairstyle with vitamins, facilitate further combing, stimulate the growth of skeins and prevent their loss. If you want to achieve unprecedented shine in your curls, be sure to use this recipe.

Advice! In addition to all its wonderful properties, kefir is also affordable. It’s good if you can find a natural home-made product, but store-bought options will also work. Give preference to products with a short shelf life; they contain the fewest preservatives.

Recipe for a miracle composition for removing paint and lightening curls

If you have at least once had to wash off pigment from a strand using chemical reagents, you know first-hand what irreparable damage such an effect causes on your hair. The hero of our article is an excellent alternative to chemical compounds. It works gently and carefully, not only washing away the pigment, but also restoring the hair structure.

Advice! However, there is one drawback - you will not achieve instant results. For a visible effect, about 5-6 procedures will be required. However, this is a very small price to pay for healthy hair.

To prepare the composition you will need very few ingredients:

  • 100 ml fermented milk;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons of burdock or castor oil.

Mix all this, apply to your hair and leave for 3-4 hours. It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily for two weeks or until the desired effect occurs.

There is another recipe for lightening curls. You will need:

  • 100 ml kefir;
  • 1 yolk;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vodka or cognac.

This composition will need to be insulated after application. Keep it on your head for as long as possible, preferably overnight. Wash off with warm water, repeat every other day. You should not hope that such washes will help a burning brunette become a pretty blonde. But still, lightening by several tones is quite possible. And the safety of the method comes first here.

I, like many girls, like to use natural remedies when taking care of yourself, and one of my recent hobbies is kefir hair mask. It helps add strength and shine to my curls. By the way, my grandmother told me about the benefits of kefir after she saw that I had bought a kefir-based hair mask in the store.

And after a little googling, I found out that this is not just an old grandmother’s remedy, but a really useful and pleasant way to take care of your hair. I’ll share my observations, tell you about everything I’ve learned, and give you a few recipes for masks—keep them for yourself so you can always have them on hand.

To be honest, I always thought that my hair was not very susceptible to various masks and balms - it seemed to me that it did not absorb various beneficial substances well, so I looked after it only with cosmetics from the store.

However, when I noticed that in any line I like some specific skin care products, and they all contain almost dairy products - whey, sheep and goat milk, kefir. Therefore, the idea that my curls lacked exactly dairy products stuck in my head very simply, and when my grandmother talked about how she liked a hair mask with kefir and egg in her youth, I firmly decided to look into the issue. Why is kefir so good for hair?

  1. The large amount of organic acid in kefir helps to somewhat dry the hair, which quickly gets dirty, and stabilize the fat glands. The hairstyle will look fresh and well-groomed. By the way, don’t make my mistake - I thought that it was most beneficial to take full-fat kefir, because it seemed more natural to me. But in fact, acids do not get along well with fats, so kefir that has less fat content is most beneficial for hair.
  2. It also contains many useful substances and helps nourish and moisturize dry curls. In my case it's perfect option— I have an oily scalp, but at the same time my hair is quite dry from constant dyeing, and I had to find a middle ground. Kefir contains potassium, which helps normalize water balance and retains water in skin and hair cells, making the curls look moisturized.
  3. One of the main problems of modern women is the high incidence of injuries. We do coloring and highlighting, use a hair dryer and metal combs, and our hair also suffers from frost and cold, it is negatively affected by ultraviolet radiation and rain. This leads to the fact that almost every fashionista has damaged hair.

    The easiest way to treat hair collagens - they are found in milk protein. The protein covers each hair scale with a protective film and supports it, but does not weigh it down or fill it like silicones.

  4. If you have problems with hair loss, then riboflavin, which is also quite abundant in kefir, will help you. It improves blood circulation and hair stops falling out.

And of course, it should be noted that there is a very useful kefir mask for hair growth, with which you can easily gain the desired length of hair.

How to use kefir cosmetics

If you have already decided to try it and can’t wait for me to share the recipes, then know:

  • You need to use kefir masks immediately after preparation; you should not leave it in the refrigerator, such a product will not benefit your curls;
  • any acidic environment washes off the dye from the strands, so think carefully before applying kefir to colored strands;
  • It is very important to use only natural kefir. The fact is that any long-lasting fermented milk drink contains preservatives; it has too little benefit and meaning.

    Choose one that can be stored for about a week or a little more - in the store closest to my house it is the most ordinary kefir in unremarkable cardboard boxes. By the way, it tastes better than widely advertised brands.

The most effective masks

The easiest way is to make the simplest mask - just apply a little kefir to your hair, roots and scalp, stretch well along the entire length, and then wrap your head to create a sauna effect (acids are more active in a warm environment).

You should keep this mask for about one and a half hours. To feel the result, you need to do the mask several times, about 4 times a month.

If you remember, recently there was a fashionable hobby, cowashing - washing your hair with balms (without shampoo). Naturally, many girls tried this method on themselves, and amateurs natural cosmetics I immediately remembered kefir. So, completely replacing shampoo with a fermented milk drink only makes sense if you have very dry and Thin hair. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite.

Mask for dry hair

Most The best way strengthen dry strands - add oil to the mask. This can be any base oil - for example, palm, coconut, castor, olive.

You need to take one tablespoon of oil and mix with two to three tablespoons of kefir, mix well (I use a dye brush for this), then apply the mask to your hair and leave for at least an hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Dry hair will also benefit from a mask with an egg. The recipe is the same - kefir and egg are mixed with oil (the same as in the previous recipe will do - from olive to castor oil), the mixture is kneaded and distributed over the hair, and after an hour it is washed off.

By the way, a hair mask with an egg once became the cause of my embarrassment. I’ll tell you only to protect you from the same mistake. In general, one day I decided to get ready for a romantic date, and naturally I wanted to liven up my hair a little. I’ll say right away that I haven’t tried making masks with eggs before.

In general, an hour later I went to wash my hair, but out of habit I turned on hot water, almost boiling water. And it was, let me tell you, not very pleasant. The egg mixture practically boiled into my curls, and I spent several hours combing the remnants of the mask out of my hair. Therefore, I remind you that to wash off the mask, use cool water first.

Mask for color change

I’ll say right away that with the help of kefir, hair is more often lightened than tinted, but this can be done.

Kefir mask To lighten hair, it is done with the addition of acids. However, you should not rashly immediately squeeze an orange into a cup. In the hair different types- a different pigment, and it should be lightened with different acids, otherwise the result will not visually satisfy you. If you have dark hair, then you should add a tablespoon or even two to kefir:

  • lemon juice;
  • natural cinnamon;
  • rhubarb juice

But for blondes, lemon, onion juice and egg yolk are suitable. By the way, you don’t have to try to coat the roots well - the mask does not give a bright effect, and it is better for the root zone to look more natural, so it’s easier to create a soft ombre stretch.

You can also dye your hair using kefir, but it will take a little effort. Usually kefir is used to remove paint, but if you choose the right coloring pigment, which is released in an acidic environment, then you will have a soft, natural and at the same time effective hair mask. I wouldn’t say that you can radically change the color, but you can definitely give your hair a new shade, and everything else depends on your hair.

For example, a hair mask with kefir and cocoa will help give your hair a warm shade. By the way, she will also give wonderful aroma. For one tablespoon of cocoa you will need half a glass of kefir, an yolk and a tablespoon of butter.

It is better to leave this mask on for a long time, and wash it off carefully, with repeated rinsing with acidified water - this way you can fix the new shade on your hair. By the way, cocoa reduces hair loss and stimulates new growth. This mask also adds volume well., look at the video detailed description how to apply a similar mask on the head.

A regular kefir hair mask will help tint your hair if you add henna to it. Many people think that henna should be left to our grandmothers, but it seems to me that dyeing with henna on kefir allows you to get a beautiful bright color.

It is worth remembering that henna with kefir dries out your hair, so you need to add something to soften the strands. I usually add Castor oil.This mask also gives shine and strengthens hair!

Another interesting way to make an interesting kefir hair mask at home is to beat the yolk with honey and lemon, and then carefully mix kefir into the mixture, to which henna, turmeric and ginger powder have been added - you get a beautiful golden hue.

You need to keep this mask on for more than an hour, wrapping your head tightly with film and a towel. By the way, brewer’s yeast is also added to this mask - it strengthens the hair, making it healthy and strong.

Now you know how kefir is good for hair, and what masks you can make from kefir to lighten, nourish and color your hair.

Luxurious hair has always been a special pride for women. healthy, shiny curls, regardless of length and color, invariably attract the eye. To make the natural strength and beauty of the strands sparkle with all its colors, today natural care products are increasingly used.

One of the effective and completely safe methods is kefir for hair and the use of kefir masks.

This dairy product is inexpensive, pleasant and easy to use and can become a source of hair growth and strength.
Let's figure out the benefits of kefir for the scalp and hair, who it is suitable for, and how to prepare a full-fledged mask from it.

The benefits of kefir for hair

Kefir can restore the condition of curls in such cases as:

🗸 frequent use hair dryers, straighteners and other styling devices;
🗸 multiple coloring, highlighting, other chemical effects;
🗸 prolonged exposure to the sun;
🗸 lack of vitamins;
🗸 illiterate hair care;
🗸 appearance of dandruff.

Thus, kefir has a beneficial effect on weakened curls, helps with hair loss and insufficient volume.
In addition, kefir masks will serve as an excellent preventive remedy for hair care, nourishing and moisturizing it.

Another purpose of using fermented milk is lightening hair with kefir- This is a fairly gentle method of lightening natural curls.

Let's find out what components kefir has the above beneficial properties.

🗸 Fermented milk fungi
These ingredients improve blood flow and metabolism. Therefore, kefir masks can accelerate hair growth, normalize skin greasiness, and eliminate dandruff.

🗸 Protein
Nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, helps prevent split ends.

🗸 Calcium
This element is indispensable for hair growth, so with regular use of kefir you can achieve a noticeable increase in hair volume and reveal the natural beauty of your curls.

🗸 Lactic acid
This organic compound destroys pathogenic microbes, removes dead cells and dandruff. In addition, due to the acidic environment, you can get rid of the staining result. More information about washing with kefir will be discussed below.

It must be added that Kefir masks leave a microfilm on the surface of the hair after use, which serves as additional protection from ultraviolet radiation, wind and other harmful effects.

We also emphasize the 100% safety of this product. This is a completely natural product that creates an optimal moisturizing and nourishing environment.

Removing paint using a kefir mask

Due to the lactic acid contained in kefir, you can get rid of the staining result. This is the most harmless way to remove dye from hair.

The acidic environment dissolves the coloring pigment, while acting gently and carefully. In order to achieve the desired effect, the kefir mask must be applied over a course of 1-2 weeks.

Below are recipes for products, including a mask for washing off. You can also lighten your hair with kefir, but you need to understand that this method is only suitable for girls with natural hair fair-haired and light shade. As a result, the hair will become 2-3 shades lighter.

Who is kefir hair masks suitable for?

The fermented milk product does not have side effects, so there are no restrictions on age, hair or skin type. A girl or lady with any type of hair can try a kefir mask. In this case, it is necessary, of course, to choose a recipe based on the specific purpose.

Such a remedy has preventive and therapeutic effect. Equally suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women, and blondes. For colored, weakened strands, such a mask will become a source of energy. For split ends, it will help restore the hair structure and have a lamination effect. A kefir mask will restore elasticity and strength to dry, lifeless curls.

Thin, brittle hair, straight or thick curls - it doesn’t matter. Skin type can also be any - kefir mask is universal.
Even if you have naturally thick, shiny, healthy hair, kefir can make it even better, protect it from harmful environmental influences, and prevent dandruff and other problems. Just try using this product in combination with your usual cosmetic products.

Selection and use of kefir for hair care

To obtain the desired result, follow the following rules for preparing and using masks:

🗸 do not use expired sour milk;

🗸 do not leave ready-made compounds in the open sun;

🗸 when bringing the mask to the desired temperature, try to carefully monitor the consistency: kefir and eggs, often included in mixtures, quickly coagulate when high temperatures. It is best to use a water bath to warm up the mask.

🗸 To achieve maximum effect, after applying the kefir mixture, wrap your head with a towel or cling film and put on a warm hat.

🗸 The duration of the mask should be at least half an hour, and in some cases 1-2 hours.

Another very important point: product selection. Only by using high-quality fermented milk will you truly improve your hair’s health in full. Of course, kefir made from fresh homemade milk is best. But few people have the opportunity to get this regularly.

For dry hair ideal for most fatty fermented milk product (3.2%). The rest are recommended to use 2.5 percent kefir.

When choosing, pay attention to expiration dates. A long storage time indicates an excess of preservatives; it is better to avoid using such kefir.

A high-quality product should be dense, contain a minimum of liquid, without bitterness and without an unpleasant odor.

Kefir hair masks - recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for kefir hair masks; you can come up with your own variations of kefir masks. The following go well with kefir: oils, honey, eggs, herbal infusions, mustard. You should add such a component depending on what effect you want to achieve. For example, for growth hair will do a mixture of kefir and burdock oil; to moisturize your hair, you can mix kefir and your favorite base oil (olive, almond, coconut, etc.)

You can also use pure kefir for hair; this is the easiest option for those who are too lazy to prepare complex masks or don’t have the time for it.

Here are the most effective recipes according to reader reviews!

Mask with kefir against hair loss


Kefir – 150 ml;
Dry yeast – 10 g;
Honey – 1 tbsp.


Dilute the yeast with water, add honey and kefir. Place in a warm place for a quarter of an hour, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to the roots, then to the rest of the curls. Leave for 1 hour. Rinse off with warm water without using cosmetics.

Kefir mask to moisturize hair, add shine and elasticity


Kefir – 100ml;
Yolk – 1 piece;
Olive oil – 1 tbsp;
Coconut oil – 1 tbsp.

Mix room temperature kefir with the rest of the ingredients, apply to the scalp and distribute along the length. Warm your head and leave for 40 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water and shampoo, apply balm.

Mask with kefir for strengthening and growth of hair


Kefir – 200 ml;
Yolk – 1 piece;
Burdock oil – 1 tbsp;
Onion – 1 pc.


Chop the onion and strain the resulting juice through cheesecloth. Combine with kefir and beaten yolk and pour in Burr oil. Apply the mixture to your entire head. Leave for half an hour. Rinse your hair in the usual way and rinse with water and lemon juice. IMPORTANT: Onion juice can leave residue on your hair. bad smell. Therefore, the mask can be made without this component.

Mask for oily scalp


Kefir – 150 ml;
Dry mustard – 1 tbsp;
Yolk – 1 pc.;
Essential oil (rosemary or any other for aroma) – a couple of drops.


Beat the yolk and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Gently massage the mask into your scalp. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse as usual.

Kefir mask for hair growth


Kefir – 150 ml;
Essential oil Bay (Bey) - a couple of drops
Burdock oil 1 tbsp.


Heat the oil in a water bath, add to kefir. Add essential oil to the mask before application; the mask should be at room temperature. Apply the mixture first to the roots, you can also distribute it along the length. Leave for 30 minutes.

Hair strengthening mask


Kefir – 200ml;
Yolk – 1 piece;
Honey – 1 tbsp;
Chamomile infusion – 50 ml.


Melt honey, pour into kefir, add egg and strained chamomile decoction or chamomile infusion. Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Distribute the mixture evenly over the entire length of the curls. Warm your head, wait 1 hour. Rinse your strands with warm water without shampoo.

Lightening hair with kefir

Lightening hair with kefir is a popular procedure among girls who do not want to resort to lightening with dye. You need to understand that lightening hair with kefir is suitable only for girls with natural colors hair(from dark brown to light) also for natural red hair.

In order to achieve the lightening effect, you need to make a course of kefir masks. For some, 4-5 procedures will be enough, for others at least 10. A kefir mask for lightening can be done 1-2 times a week.

What is such a mask made from? First, let's remember all the components that can lighten hair: kefir, cinnamon (one of the most popular methods), lemon, chamomile decoction.

Well, now everything is as simple as shelling pears, you can choose what to make a lightening mask from, or alternate between different masks. Here are several recipes for masks for lightening hair with kefir.

Kefir mask for lightening with cognac


Kefir – 250 ml;
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
Cognac – 1 tbsp;
Yolk – 1 pc.


Mix all ingredients and bring to a homogeneous mass. Distribute the mask from roots to ends. Leave for 2-3 hours, wrapping your head in a warm towel or cap.

Lightening hair with kefir and cinnamon


Kefir – 6 tbsp.
Cinnamon - 2 tbsp

Mix the two components and apply over the entire length. The mask must be left for at least an hour, and preferably two hours. Don't forget to warm your hair in a plastic bag and a towel. Rinse off as usual.

Lightening hair with kefir, cinnamon and lemon juice


Kefir – 6 tbsp.
Cinnamon - 2 tbsp
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

The recipe is almost the same as the previous one, only in this version we add lemon juice and do the same manipulations.

Hair beauty is the main criterion for the beauty of a modern woman. How to restore health to your hair? How to solve the problem of dull and split ends?

How to restore hair structure and improve its condition? Simple and accessible The solution to these problems can be kefir hair masks prepared at home.

The word “kef” (kefir) is translated from Turkish as “health”.

What are kefir masks used for and how do they work?

Kefir is an accessible and easy-to-use hair care and health product. What are the benefits of kefir hair mask?

The answer lies in large quantities vitamins and minerals in the composition of kefir-based hair masks, such as lactic acid bacteria, calcium, potassium, protein, tremors, as well as a group of vitamins B, PP, H, A and E.

In combination with other natural components of a mask with kefir provide hair nutrition, strengthen hair roots, promote and prevent them from brittleness and loss.

This mask is thanks to kefir fat creates a thin protective layer on the hair, which makes it possible to protect them from harmful effects. Regular use of kefir as part of hair masks will create the effect and will give your hair a shiny and healthy look.

How to properly make and apply a kefir hair mask

Classic kefir mask recipe

The simplest and most popular recipe for a kefir hair mask: apply to your hair and rub into the roots, cover your head with plastic and a towel, and after a maximum of 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

Women with dry hair can use kefir as a shampoo. Other hair types quickly become dirty after such a mask.

Result: shine, elasticity, accelerated growth and prevention of hair loss, possible lightening by 1-2 tones.

Recipes for kefir-based masks

Hair mask with kefir and egg for dry hair


  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 egg.

Mix the ingredients and apply to washed hair, and rinse after half an hour. Use once a week, regardless of the frequency of hair washing.
Result: returns shine to dry hair and eliminates fragility.

Hair mask with kefir, egg and cocoa for hair prone to hair loss


  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa.

Thoroughly grind the egg with kefir. Pour cocoa into the resulting mass. Apply the mask to the scalp in layers until the composition is finished. Use polyethylene and a towel to create a sauna effect for your hair and rinse off after half an hour. Use a hair mask with kefir and cocoa 2 or 3 times a week, but no more than three months.
Result: eliminates minor baldness, makes hair voluminous, strong and shiny.

Hair mask with kefir and yeast for all hair types


  • 1/2 cup kefir;
  • 2 table. spoons of pressed yeast.

Pour warm kefir over yeast for 15 minutes and mix well. First, apply the mask to the scalp and distribute the rest throughout your hair.

Wash off the kefir-yeast hair mask after an hour. If hair is excessively dry, add 1 tablespoon. a spoonful of fat sour cream.
Result: Kefir mask with yeast is indispensable for hair growth, nourishes and moisturizes it, gives volume.

Kefir mask for hair lightening


  • 1/2 cup kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 table. spoons of cognac (vodka);
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 1 table. spoon of shampoo.

To prepare a kefir mask for lightening hair, you need to combine kefir with an egg, add cognac, lemon juice and shampoo. Apply to hair, create a sauna effect and leave overnight. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
Result: lightening of color by several tones, shine and elasticity.

Women with dyed hair not recommended use masks containing kefir, because they wash out pigments from the hair. For those who want to lighten their hair by several tones, on the contrary, it is recommended to use such masks regularly.

Kefir and henna hair mask for all hair types


  • 1 pack of henna (colorless);
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2/3 cup kefir.

The yolk and kefir should be warm! Add the yolk to the henna and mix. Dilute the resulting mixture with kefir. If the mask is too thick, dilute it with warm water. Apply the mask to your hair for at least 1 hour, creating a sauna effect using polyethylene and a towel.

Rinse off with warm water and shampoo. Application period: once a week for two months, for hair loss - twice a week.
Result: thick, elastic, shiny hair with a dense structure and no split ends; hair fragility and hair loss are eliminated.

Precautionary measures

Reviews from women about the results of using kefir masks for hair

As an experiment, we asked four girls to choose a kefir mask from those proposed in the article and use it for 1 month. We invite you to make sure that kefir masks prepared independently are no less effective than salon masks.

Elena, 35 years old:

For many years now kefir - favorite remedy hair care. From time to time I use my grandmother’s classic recipe without additives - I just apply warm kefir to my hair for an hour.

This mask strengthens my hair well, making it “lively”, voluminous and shiny. After a long break, I decided to take a hair restoration course. The effect is obvious! The downside is the liquid texture of the mask, but for the beauty of your hair it’s worth it.

Among the numerous home remedies for improving the condition and appearance of hair, a kefir hair mask at home occupies a special place. The main component in its various variations is kefir, which, in combination with other products and components, provides hair with nutrition, gives it shine, volume and helps eliminate oily shine.

Useful properties of kefir

Enriched with calcium, vitamins and a source of protein, kefir has many positive qualities, including:

  • restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to which the secretion of oil is reduced, and the hair does not become dirty so quickly;
  • he actively fights against fungal diseases of the scalp, a special place among which is occupied by seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff;
  • This dairy product relieves hair from brittleness, and long hair it is able to neutralize the appearance of split ends;
  • normalizes acid balance and improves blood circulation;
  • Pregnant women often have a calcium deficiency, which has a bad effect on appearance hair, it is also replenished with kefir.

How to prepare a mask correctly

To get the most benefit from homemade masks, they should be made in accordance with the recommendations:

  1. It is better to use homemade kefir, prepared at home. It should not be too liquid and not too thick. When making it, you need to use only fresh products that have not expired.
  2. Homemade mixtures must be prepared in glass or ceramic containers to prevent oxidation reactions that neutralize the effect of beneficial substances.
  3. The duration of the course of using kefir masks varies within a couple of months. (They need to be done a couple of times a week).
  4. In any recipe containing hot ingredients (such as mustard, vinegar, onions, hot peppers), it is recommended to add base oils (burdock, castor oil, olives), which neutralize and soften their harsh effect.
  5. If a kefir hair mask at home is provided in the recipe for oily hair, then it should not be applied to dry ones, and vice versa.
  6. Kefir has a slight lightening effect, so brunettes and brown-haired women should use it with caution, observing the dosage.
  7. After applying the composition, you need to cover your head with a plastic bag and keep the mask on your hair for 30-60 minutes (if it consists of heavy components that can burn your hair, then its action time is 30 minutes, soft components are kept on your head for 40-60).
  8. Kefir is a protein; in order to prevent it from curdling, it must be washed off only with warm running water with the addition of shampoo. You can add vinegar to the water (at the rate of 3 large spoons per liter of water) or lemon juice (it has a brightening effect, use on dark curls).
  9. You can replace kefir with sour milk. It's easy to make - you just need to leave fresh milk out of the refrigerator overnight.


Kefir is harmless remedy, which does not carry any contraindications. The only exception may be individual intolerance to lactose or other components in homemade masks. In order to determine the probable presence of an allergic reaction to kefir, you need to apply a small amount to the crook of your elbow and monitor the reaction.

Recipes for homemade masks at home for growth

Among the substances that cause active hair growth, yeast stands out. A more effective remedy, perhaps, cannot be found. A packet of dry yeast needs to be combined with a quarter glass of kefir and honey added to it. This mixture of components needs to be heated a little, rubbing mainly into the base of the growth of the strands.

Another product that has an effect on hair growth is red pepper. This hot vegetable is very effective, but can burn strands, so its destructive properties must be neutralized with a mild substance. Kefir acts as it. Half a spoonful of pepper is stirred into kefir. You can also add a couple of spoons of bee honey - this will also stimulate growth and add shine to your hair.

Recipes for homemade masks at home for shine

Handy tools that are generally available can also add shine. For example, you can collect nettles, dandelions and plantains in the forest. Grind all this and pour in the fermented milk product. If you add mint to such a mask, you can get rid of dandruff.

The egg also gives glossy shine strands, so a kefir hair mask at home can be supplemented with this particular product. The greater the number of eggs in the mask, the better, but usually two are enough. From the whole egg, only the yolk is used, and it must be poured into the cold mixture.

Sea buckthorn oil will also add shine; you only need a couple of spoons of it. You can also add a few drops essential oil of the listed - ylang-ylang, rosemary, geranium, neroli, sandalwood, almond or juniper.

Nourishing mask at home

To provide your hair with the maximum amount of various nutrients and vitamins, you need to supplement the composition of the kefir mask with burdock or castor oil. You can supplement this mask with cocoa powder, which must be dissolved in warm kefir. The powder will add additional volume and shine to your curls.

Consisting of just two natural ingredients a mask of kefir and eggs will also benefit your hair, especially in the cold season.

Homemade mask for thin and dull hair

If you combine kefir with an equal amount of sour cream (it is also better to take this product with the highest fat content possible), then your hair will gain significant volume in a short time.

Gelatin allows you to achieve the appearance of salon lamination. It is diluted in 3 tablespoons of warm water, ensuring that the gelatin crystals are completely dissolved. To enhance the effect, add half a glass of kefir and an egg yolk to this solution; castor oil will also be useful. The best mask to restore the natural properties of hair cannot be found. It is necessary to take into account that this mask should be applied only along the length of the hair, avoiding contact with the skin.

Homemade kefir mask for hair loss

Regular rye bread soaked in kefir will help solve this problem. After the slices have been infused in the fermented milk product, they should be strained and only the liquid should be used.

Yeast extract diluted in kefir also helps against baldness. This mask should be supplemented with base oils that eliminate the problem of hair loss - jojoba, cedar, St. John's wort, grape. Moreover, they can be used both together and separately. The same rule applies to essential oils, although they can be added in much smaller quantities - no more than 8 drops in their total amount. And you can choose among lavender, rosemary, basil or thyme.

Homemade kefir mask for split ends

Gelatin, in addition to adding shine, has another wonderful property - it helps fight split ends. Burdock root extract and nettle can also help with this. You need to prepare a decoction from the herbs - pour boiling water over it and let it brew for several hours. This is all mixed and poured with kefir.

The same composition can be used if you replace the herbs healthy oils. Among the herbal oils that help get rid of split ends are flaxseed, argan, burdock, almond, and essential oils that are more likely to show their properties in the fight against this problem are cinnamon, fir, lemon balm, cloves, and bergamot.

Homemade kefir mask for strengthening Stir burdock oil in a fermented milk product, enhancing all the qualities of the mask with an egg. The oil can be used as independent remedy, and a combination with castor.

If diluted blue clay(which can be purchased at the pharmacy) with yogurt or kefir, then in the end you can get very effective mask to strengthen hair.

Homemade kefir mask for dandruff

All kinds of herbal decoctions are good for this disease. By preparing a decoction of nettle leaves and grinding them in a blender, you can get an excellent filler for a kefir mask, in addition to getting rid of dandruff, it also makes combing easier.

The second recipe also consists of a decoction, but of lavender flowers. You can also add the essential oil of the same plant. The mixture is mixed with a fermented milk product.

Mask with kefir for lightening at home

For blondes, to add brightness to their kefir masks, it is recommended to add the juice of half a lemon and half a shot of cognac.

So that your curls play color in the sun and are not burnt by chemicals, they can be bleached with lemon juice, colorless henna, diluted in a dairy product.

Revitalizing mask at home

Such formulations can stimulate growth and prevent hair loss. Cocoa powder is added to the main component. To do this, you need to heat the fermented milk base and dilute the powder in it. Various vegetable oils will become effective property enhancers - cedar, sunflower, sea buckthorn.

Green clay is diluted in kefir (slightly heated) and applied to the hair. This mass not only nourishes the curls, but also adds volume to the hairstyle.

Mask for oily hair

Fruits can help cope with oily hair. For example, an apple - half of it can be added to kefir. First, the fruit must be pureed. You can also add lemon juice and egg white.

Mix mustard powder (2 small spoons) with fermented milk product and a spoonful of bee honey.

Mask for dry hair

Various oils will help with dryness. Mix castor oil with drink and yolk in a ratio of 1:5:1. To the same composition add glycerin (just a few drops) and a large spoon of mayonnaise.

Mask for normal hair

Grind onions (1 piece) in a blender, add kefir and a couple of large spoons of flax oil to the puree.

Add 2 capsules of liquid vitamins A and E and a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the kefir mass.

Mask for all hair types

Soak a couple of pieces of rye or whole grain bread in kefir, get rid of the crumbs with gauze.

If you add ground cinnamon extract to the kefir composition, supplemented with lemon juice and bee honey, you will get excellent remedy For blonde hair, which relieves hair from brittleness.

Video recipes

To visually study the preparation of masks, you can watch the video

Photos before and after

In the photographs you can see the result of the action of fermented milk masks - a qualitative change in hair on the face.

Homemade hair masks with the addition of kefir are effective remedy to get rid of many problems - from dandruff to split ends. Such products can be used for any hair type, making it shiny and smooth.