How to do makeup with blue eyeshadow. Blue makeup

Blue makeup has been considered a classic for quite some time; it has won women's preference, displacing even the popular smokey eye.

Makeup with blue shadows looks quite rich and noble, and the choice of a color palette of shades of blue will not leave any representative of the fairer sex indifferent. Makeup of blue color can be blue-gray or blue-violet, bright blue or light turquoise. There are a lot of options! It is suitable for both fair-haired girls and those with dark hair. Green, blue, gray or Brown eyes

– none of them will be left out of the blue range.

The nuances of blue makeup at home

It's no secret that creating an image with your own hands brings a lot of pleasure to girls, but makeup should also be harmonious. That is why the scheme for applying cosmetics must be thought out step by step so as not to miss any important points.

Face tone When you choose bright colors for your image, remember that thereby you will be attracted to your persona a large number of attention. That is why, when choosing blue evening makeup, take care of a fairly even complexion. If you have small pimples, treat them with a corrector, then apply foundation

in skin color.

Make-up eyes

Eye makeup with blue shadows implies a correctly designed accent and harmonious application. Never use more than three color shades to create your own look.

Techniques for applying blue makeup for each eye shade

Dark blue makeup for green eyes

  1. Green eyes framed in a dark blue frame look gorgeous and incomparable. Let me down upper eyelid
  2. with a black pencil, paying special attention to the inner and outer corners of the eyes.
  3. Apply dark blue eyeshadow to your eyelid.
  4. Place some black eyeshadow on the outer and inner corners. Blend all the transitions.
  5. On top of the blue color, moving towards the eyebrow, draw a line of a dark gray, almost black shade and also blend it. Highlight the lower eyelid with black eyeliner, smoothly entering into a small arrow.
  6. upper eyelid

Complete the look by applying mascara to your eyelashes.

Brown eyes will look alluring and seductive in blue tones combined with pink.

  1. Apply a bright eyeshadow to the moving eyelid pink shade and blend towards the eyebrow.
  2. Pay special attention to the inner corners of the eyes, leaving them without shading.
  3. Line the lower eyelid along the entire contour of eyelash growth with a pencil or eyeshadow in a bright blue shade.
  4. Using a black eyeliner, draw a smooth arrow over the pink shadows, into which the blue tint should “flow”.
  5. Complete the look by adding mascara to your lashes.

Framing blue eyes with blue makeup

Many people believe that blue eyes should not be “dressed” in blue colors, but this is a rather erroneous and outdated opinion.

  1. Line the inner eyeliner with a blue pencil.
  2. Cover the upper eyelid with transparent silver shadows and blend them.
  3. Draw a black arrow over the shadows, visually lifting it at the outer corner of the eye.
  4. Apply pearlescent gloss under the eyebrows and erase the border at the transition of the eyelid from fixed to mobile.
  5. Complete your makeup by applying black mascara to your eyelashes.

Makeup with blue mascara for gray eyes

It's time to destroy the stereotype that says that colored mascara looks rather vulgar. IN modern world More and more often you can meet girls who want to add some zest to their look and choose blue mascara.

  1. Apply blue-pearl shadows to the upper eyelid and blend towards the eyebrows.
  2. Line the lower eyelid generously with the same color.
  3. Apply black mascara to your eyelashes and wait until it dries.
  4. Highlight the ends of your eyelashes with blue mascara. This will make your look more radiant and unusual.

Lip tone in blue makeup

In order not to seem vulgar, when creating any colored makeup, you should carefully choose a harmonious tone of lipstick. In the case of blue shades of shadows, you should give preference to calm, light colors.

  • Blondes can use pink pearlescent or metallic shades. They will emphasize their tenderness and innocence.
  • Brunettes should give preference to beige and caramel tones. They will help make your image more confident and attractive.
  • Red-haired girls can even get by with transparent lip gloss, in their color scheme and so there is a wide variety of colors.

Gradually applied harmonious makeup is always the key to success. Be creative and create masterpieces on your face yourself, but remember that the right choice color palette– this is already half the work done.

Video: master class on creating a luxurious smokey eye in blue tones

Makeup in blue tones will always be relevant and effective. It is believed that this type of makeup is suitable for overly self-confident women and that you need to “know how to wear it,” but this is not entirely true. As time and practice show, with a correct assessment of your natural appearance and skillful application of makeup in blue tones, the result exceeds all expectations.

Eye color

Makeup in blue tones is considered one of the most common types of make up. If you apply the texture correctly and skillfully select a shade of blue that matches the rest of the makeup elements, then this look will suit almost all women. However, there are some peculiarities that are worth considering when applying makeup in blue tones.

Despite the general misconception that such makeup is only suitable for blue-eyed people, many fashion experts argue that this is not the case.

For example, brown eyes framed with blue eyeliner around the lower eyelid and slightly emphasized with blue shadows look very stylish and beautiful. Blue eyes should not blend in with the color of the shadows; they should be several shades darker or lighter than the eye color. WITH gray eyes the situation is a little more complicated, since grey colour looks different in different lighting. In bright daylight, girls with gray eyes should follow the makeup rules for blue eyes, because in bright light gray eyes appear blue. Green-eyed representatives should experiment in front of the mirror and find that shade of blue that will not look too pretentious.

Daytime make up

Lately, you can increasingly see women at business meetings who prefer blue makeup to all other options. With skillful application and selection of colors, you can create a very discreet and elegant look. For example, you can use a soft blue pencil to create an accent around the edge of the eye, paint the upper eyelid beige shadows go one or two shades lighter than your natural skin color and widen your look with black mascara.

Another great option for daytime makeup, which is especially suitable for fair-haired girls: shade the upper eyelid with silver shadows, maybe with small shiny splashes, but not too bright. Using a small brush, paint the lower eyelid blue-violet and lightly shade it. Apply white shadows to the inner corner of the eye with your finger, creating a smooth transition. Finally, complete the look by tinting the lower and upper eyelashes with mascara.

The main rule of daytime makeup using blue shades is not to overdo it with color. Even a rich blue-violet color can be used very discreetly, for example, apply it only to the outer corner of the eye, creating a smooth transition, for example, from pink.


When it comes to special events where you need to look exceptional, then it is best to give preference to makeup in blue tones. After all, the flight of fantasy here is limitless. Perhaps the most popular look is the smokey eye, done in dark blue tones. Starting from the highest point of the eyelid - under the eyebrow - begin to apply shadows from the lightest to violet-blue or black. Then apply eyeliner of the darkest color, not forgetting about the arrows. Lightly shade the lower eyelid and add expressiveness to the eyes using false eyelashes.

One of the most popular evening looks is applying gold mascara to blue or light blue eye makeup. Such a look may seem too bold, but if you focus only on the eyes, and make the entire wardrobe and hairstyle more restrained, then the image will look very laconic and interesting.

Pink eyeshadow goes well with dark blue mascara. With this solution you can create the glamorous look of a certain “Barbie”. To do this, we frame the eyes with soft pink shadows on the entire upper eyelid and two millimeters on the lower one. You can apply rhinestones or sparkles to a special glue, which will look very original. Pink dress or a top will perfectly complete the look.

Original images

For lovers of club life or those who often attend fashion parties or shows, ordinary evening makeup is not enough. For those who want to look unusual and attractive, makeup artists offer several interesting ideas that can be implemented using makeup in blue tones:

  • Blue lipstick. Such a daring look has recently been chosen by celebrities. It is worth noting that some people use blue lipstick in their everyday look. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is worth remembering that the remaining elements of makeup should be cold. No bright eye shadow or blush.
  • Artistic drawing on the eyelids. You can create unusual image using simple repeating patterns on the upper eyelid, for example, diamonds. They must be performed either in single color, for example, black, or in harmonizing shades of blue.
  • Blue eyelash stickers. Recently appeared on the catwalks interesting idea– use makeup in cool blue tones and apply stickers or rhinestones to the eyelashes. This kind of makeup is not particularly convenient, but it is definitely original.

Popular brands

Let's take a look at the most popular brands that produce palettes and eyeshadow palettes, especially those that predominantly feature blue.

  • Guerlain eyeshadow palette very compact, it contains about 7 shades of blue, which can help when creating evening makeup. According to the survey results, many professional makeup artists have such a palette in their arsenal.
  • Yves Saint Laurent- a truly legendary company that produces real masterpieces of cosmetics. The latest collection of blue and purple eyeshadows, released in an amazing case, will not leave any fashionista indifferent.
  • The Essentials Clarins released a palette of 10 colors, where 9 have natural beige shades, and 1 of them is bright blue. By mixing these shadows, you can create a lot of shades that are not included in any palette from other manufacturers, which makes it possible to create a unique unique makeup. A nice bonus is that the manufacturer offers to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions to create unique makeup.
  • Ultra bright eyeshadow palette Make Up For Ever contains shadows of almost acidic blue and purple shades. There are also two types of eyeshadow in cool and warm beige tones to create a more subdued look.
  • Beauty market sensation: palette Double Exposure. 14 unique measured colors that can be diluted with plain water for more vibrant shades. Among them there are violet, blue, turquoise and blue shades that can be used for daytime makeup, and, if desired, diluted with water, create a chic evening look.

Many people still associate the blue color of eyeshadow with the barmaids of the times Soviet Union like a relic of the past. However, world stylists decided to “breathe” into it new life. How to wear modern makeup, read and see in our material.


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Blue eyeshadow is a very controversial part of the cosmetic bag. On the one hand, they can help to create, on the other hand, if used incorrectly, they will make the image vulgar. To always look fashionable, emphasizing your eyes with blue, follow simple rules.

Blue suits everyone

Many people mistakenly believe that blue eyeshadow is only suitable for blue eyes. Fortunately, makeup artists have dispelled this myth, proving that everyone can use blue: you just need to choose the right shade, the exact accent and the right makeup direction.

If you doubt whether blue tones suit you, do a simple experiment: first apply this color as an eyeliner, then make a small color accent, and then try to “play” with it as the main color for eye makeup. Many girls deny the possibility of using blue eyeshadow simply because they are not used to it. And the new quite often seems inappropriate.

By the way, this season blue shades can be mixed with colors that have always been considered “inappropriate” for blue: brown, lilac, peach and others.

Perfect tone

When using blue shadows in any role, you need to take care of the ideal complexion. If, for example, with golden shadows or a natural palette, somewhere you can make an error, with blue shadows this option is not suitable. Everything should be perfect: no redness, no bruises or bags under the eyes and, of course, no peeling on the face.

The thing is that the blue color emphasizes imperfections, and if they are not hidden, the effect of trendy makeup will not be the most pleasant.

Lips and cheekbones

Blue makeup's best friends are bronzer, pink blush and nude gloss. Remember, if you place a color accent on the eyes, all other parts of the face should look unobtrusive and natural. It is for this reason that for cheekbone makeup, choose a delicate pink blush or a bronzer 1 shade darker than your natural complexion (no more!).

Best choice for lips natural color gloss or lipstick. Note that now you can often see photos where blue shadows are combined with dark lips in berry shades. However, this is an option for photos; in life, such a combination will look vulgar.

Eyebrow makeup when using blue shadows should also be natural: step back a few millimeters from the beginning of eyebrow growth and work on the eyebrow without adding thickness with shadows that match the color of your hair.

Suitable Products for Blue Makeup

Blue makeup can be done using compact shadows, pigment, cream shadows or a pencil - this should be entirely your choice. Pigments and cream shadows provide a brighter coating with a strong color accent, the brightness of compact shadows can be controlled by application technique (dry method they will be translucent, and if applied wet they will sparkle with brightness), the pencil can be used as an eyeliner, a color accent or for creating a substrate.

If we talk about specific brands, then look for compact shadows in the Dior line, the best blue cream shadows - from Shiseido and Chanel, the pigments are very good from the budget brand Essence, and choose a pencil from the NYX brand.

Watch online video How to apply blue eyeshadow in modern makeup

Blue or blue shadows are one of the main fashion trends in the makeup of the summer season 2014. In terms of relevance, only orange lipstick and white eyeliner can compete with it. At the same time, blue eye makeup in our country does not have the best reputation. Many people associate it with vocational school girls or barmaids from the distant eighties, with something tasteless and even vulgar. Others are not so categorical; they simply believe that blue shades do not suit anyone.

Is it so? No, of course not, otherwise the best make-up artists would hardly be carried away now by the blue-blue range. Yes, blue shadows do not suit everyone, they are not always appropriate, but the same can be said about other shades. As for bad taste, there are many recommendations that help, without neglecting blue shades, to look stylish and stunning.

Who suits blue and blue shadows?

Bright blue and blue eyeshadows are ideal for pale-skinned girls with black or platinum hair. If you have a different hair color, you should choose your shade more carefully. Blue shadows look good in combination with brown and gray eyes. Those with green eyes can also use them, but it is better for them to stick to cool shades of blue with lilac, turquoise or purple tints.

It is noteworthy that blue eyeshadow on blue eyes is not fashionable this season. Why? Imagine what a sapphire looks like on a blue base. Agree, not very much. If you have blue eyes and really want to use the current color, makeup artists advise limiting yourself to blue eyeliner. Mature women should not use blue or blue eyeshadow. Especially sparkling, rich shades with shimmer. In this case, the image may turn out to be vulgar.

To begin with, there are two main rules for using blue eyeshadow:

  1. If your eye makeup is done with blue/blue shadows, your lipstick should be pale!
  2. The shadows must be shaded. If the colored area of ​​the eyelid ends abruptly, or the transition from one color to another is made sharp, makeup with blue shadows looks sloppy, cheap and rough.

And a few more tips.

  • An excellent result can be achieved by using two shades of blue-blue shadows: a lighter one and a darker one. First, apply a light shade to the entire eyelid, and then apply a dark shade to the contour of the upper eyelid (between the moving and fixed eyelids). Double baked shadows will help you implement this technique.Pupa Luminys Duo Baked Eyeshadow 30.
  • There is no need to combine blue shadows with black eyeliner - such a duet makes the look heavy. Much the best option– dark blue or indigo pencil. For example, to the shadowsL'Oreal Color Infaillible 07 (Blue sky) contour will suit L’Oreal Infaillible Eyeliner 306 (Abyss Blue).

  • Blue or bright blue eyeshadow looks great next to light shades of eyeshadow, such as matte white, beige or brownish. Blue should be applied up to the contour of the moving eyelid (not higher) and shaded thoroughly. Example: a combination of two shades of eyeshadowM.F.Earth Spirits Eye Shadow – 132 (ultra blue) and 116 (wicked white) .
  • When wearing a blue or light blue dress, forget about blue shadows. This combination is a stylistic taboo. But with clothes in beige, pastel, and cream tones, blue shadows are more than appropriate.
  • In photographs in fashion online and print publications today you can see a combination of blue eye shadow with blue mascara. There is no need to make this a role model - what is good for photo shoots is not always appropriate for Everyday life. Use black mascara.

And blue and cyan shadows can be mixed with other shades. When mixed, the effect can be stunningly beautiful. For example, if you apply green eyeshadow under blue eyeshadow, your eyelid makeup will shimmer from green to blue.

Readers often write to me with questions about how best to do makeup for blue eyes - apparently they like my selfies. I will be happy to tell you about how I paint my blue eyes, give some tips and tell you how to choose cosmetics in the right tones.

As you all have already noticed, I have light eyes, light skin and naturally light hair (which I often dye, but this does not change the essence). IN real life Blue-eyed girls with dark skin are not often found, but those with light eyes and dark hair are not uncommon.

Dark hair in combination with fair skin is very beautiful, but there is a risk of making you look too pale and expressionless, so brunettes and brown-haired women would also benefit from tinting their eyes.

Pros of blue eyes:

  • Almost all makeup colors are suitable;
  • easy to combine different styles and technology;
  • For everyday makeup Gray or chocolate mascara is enough;
  • rarely found;
  • You can use makeup to achieve a lilac or blue tint.

However, blue eyes also have their own disadvantages. I can’t call these shortcomings, but, in my opinion, such nuances need to be taken into account. So, the cons:

  • light eyes are lost on light skin;
  • dilated vessels are very noticeable;
  • any redness makes the girl look like a rabbit - he also has red, inflamed eyes;
  • any makeup flaws are very noticeable.

I would like to say especially about the latter. It is clear that we are all human, and we can make mistakes - somewhere our hand trembled, somewhere we overdid it with the arrows, somewhere our mascara fell off a little. And it is clear that every girl tries to avoid such situations, and in case of any shortcomings, correct them immediately.

But the fact remains a fact - where dark eyes, dark skin and burning eyelashes hide slightly smeared eyeliner, and the blue-eyed girl looks tear-stained. This means that cosmetics must be of the highest quality possible - otherwise you will not look very well-groomed.

How to turn minuses into pluses? In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. For light eyes to look bright, they need a decent frame. Believe me, permanent coloring of eyelashes and eyebrows does an excellent job of this - your face looks shaped and fresh.

Next, dilated vessels. In everyday life, a cooling gel and a cool mask will help, and if you urgently need to get yourself in order, you can use moisturizing drops or briefly immerse your face in cold water and take a good breath. The blood vessels will return to normal, the look will become more expressive.

Redness can appear either from fatigue and dryness - Any will do refreshing spray or thermal water(be careful, it can dry out the skin), or for allergies - in such a situation it is better to treat the skin.

To make makeup flaws less noticeable (for example, when the mirror is small, or you need to put on makeup in the car, or when you simply don’t have time to apply makeup), choose something light and smoky. It is very difficult to ruin makeup, which consists of two light shades of eyeshadow and is applied with your fingers.

On every day

I am sure that daytime makeup for blue eyes should not be too rich and heavy. However, there are some rules to keep in mind:

  • shadows with mother-of-pearl or shimmer - evening;
  • too dark shadows should either be a constant in the image, or be used only when you are doing evening makeup for blue eyes;
  • All kinds of gold and silver eyeliners should be used carefully.

What do we have in the bottom line? Products that can be used for blue eye makeup should not be shiny or shimmery (you don’t want to remind Christmas tree?), you shouldn't do too much dark makeup and you can’t use many metallic shades. But you can:

  • experiment with matte and satin shadows;
  • use baked eyeshadows of different shades;
  • wear bright colored eyeliner and mascara;
  • do cool nude makeup;
  • love natural tones with all your heart.

Natural makeup for blondes with blue eyes is done either in gray tones or in shades of brown. It depends on the color type - if your appearance is dominated by cold shades, then it is better to use cold cosmetics, if warm, then warm tones.

Check out this little makeup tutorial for blue eyes, step by step photos:

  • First you need to prepare the skin - clean it, lubricate it with moisturizer or nourishing cream, remove excess and apply makeup base;
  • the next step is to work out the tone; you need to precisely mask various skin imperfections with concealer and corrector (green tone is used for pimples and redness, yellow for scars and bruises, pink color helps make your complexion look fresher);
  • then apply the main product to the skin of the face foundation in any convenient way, for high-quality shading it is best to use a beauty blender, but you can also apply makeup with brushes, a sponge, a clean cotton pad or even your fingers;
  • after the tone has “settled” a little on the face, you can proceed to the eyes - for example, apply a base for the shadows;
  • paint the eyebrow line with a special pencil or shadow and comb them;
  • apply shadows to the moving part of the eyelid and blend;
  • paint over the crease of the eyelid;
  • remove excess, add highlights with highlighter;
  • Apply mascara and line your eyes if necessary.

Going out or on holiday

My favorite types of makeup for special occasions are Arabic and smokey. I’ll talk about the last one first, since it’s the easiest to do (in my opinion).

What is smokey eye makeup for blue eyes? This smoky makeup in rather dark colors. I don’t understand why girls now smear light pink eye shadow over their eyes and call it smokey - no, proper smokey is done only with dark shadows! It doesn’t have to be black - chocolate brown, purple, blue, etc. look very beautiful, and my favorite shade for a smokey eye is gray-pink.

How to do smokey eye makeup for blue eyes 2017

First, you need to choose two or three shades of eyeshadow that blend well, give a beautiful gradient and suit your face. It is best to choose two closely related colors and one contrasting one - for example, two purple shades (darker and lighter to draw haze around the eye), and peach to emphasize the depth of the look.

What shadows are suitable for smokey eyes? Finely dispersed, easily rubbed, durable. You will also need a dark eyeliner (felt-tip pen, pencil or liquid) and mascara. Let's get started!

  1. The moving and fixed eyelids need to be covered with an eyeshadow base; it will ensure durability.
  2. Apply the lightest tone, starting from the eyelashes and gradually blending to the eyebrows;
  3. Line your eyes and lightly shade the line;
  4. Apply the darkest shadows to the moving eyelid and blend;
  5. Apply a medium tone of shadow into the crease and on the fixed part of the eyelid, blend and make a beautiful transition;
  6. Limit the shadow line to the most light shade, shade;
  7. Re-line your eyes, if necessary, lightly line the lower eyelid with the darkest or medium shadows;
  8. Apply mascara.

Now about Arabic makeup. For a long time for me, such a make-up was the personification of the saying “the eye sees, but the tooth is numb” - I couldn’t do it beautiful make-up for blue eyes Arabic style, everything was wrong and wrong. And then I met a good makeup artist who told me the secrets of this makeup for blue eyes.

First of all, it should be bright and sparkling. Oriental beauties may be restrained in everything, but most of them love shine - whether in jewelry or makeup.

The next thing you need to understand (and which, by the way, I didn’t understand at the time) is Arabic makeup for blue eyes and brown hair doesn't fit! Arab girls are all dark-skinned, most often they have dark hair and a completely different color type; on pale skin it is impossible to achieve such a bright contrast and such radiance. Therefore, if you are the owner light skin, then it makes sense to either use a bronzer and self-tanner, or wait for the summer and tan naturally. See how to do Arabic makeup for blue eyes step by step.

If you noticed, makeup is done in stages. By the way, I was surprised to notice that many girls first paint one eye and then the other - this is completely wrong. When you apply makeup for blue eyes, proceed sequentially and perform all the actions on each eye. That is, you first need to apply shadows to both eyes, shade them on both eyes, and only then apply eyeliner and mascara. Otherwise you will make mistakes.

I'll show you a few beautiful ideas and lessons - I’ve been collecting examples of makeup for blue eyes for a long time: photos and videos, and I’ll also give some tips.

It often happens that a girl seems to be doing everything right, but the result is still not the same, and it is not always clear why this happens.

And it’s one thing when it comes to everyday make-up with its delicate pastel colors - well, it didn’t turn out like in the picture, but it turned out well - that’s good. And it’s a completely different matter when you try to make something bright. Learn evening makeup For blue eyes, a step-by-step guide will, of course, help, but there are also certain nuances.

For example, you need to apply shades from lightest to darkest.

Be very careful with burgundy, red and purple - it may look like you have a lantern under your eyes.

Many blue-eyed girls believe that they need to paint their eyes blue and cyan. Yes, blue and blue are very beautiful, but not for every day (you don’t want to look like a saleswoman from the past?).