What to put in a guy's kinder surprise. Wedding ring

Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs are positioned as a treat for children, but adults are often partial to them. The secret to success is simple: delicious chocolate and a cute souvenir inside. What’s especially nice is that the surprise is complete; you can never guess exactly what kind of toy you’ll find inside the egg. If desired, this unusual candy can be used as an original gift wrapping. How to open Kinder and close it back?

Original do-it-yourself gift

All you need to create an unusual surprise present is a Kinder egg, a knife and the gift itself. You can hide anything inside the treat: a cute note, jewelry, jewelry, some little thing with a personal hint. How to open Kinder Surprise with your own hands? It's very simple - carefully remove the foil. You will see a chocolate egg joined at the seam. Using a fairly sharp knife, divide the figure into two parts at the junction. Here is the answer to the question of how to open Kinder Surprise! But what to do next with the curly treat? Once you get to the plastic capsule, all you have to do is remove the factory toy and insert your gift.

How to open Kinder and close it back?

Internal plastic egg closing it back is not difficult at all. What to do with chocolate halves? There is a way - take a knife and heat its blade, carefully run the warm metal along the cut of one half. Now repeat this manipulation with the second part and try to quickly connect the chocolate figure. If the egg sticks together evenly, you have done everything right, now all that remains is to wrap the gift beautifully. Carefully wrap the chocolate in wrapping foil, the most important thing is not to tear or wrinkle it. Now, on occasion, hand over your unusual sweet gift to the addressee. And don’t forget, now let’s open Kinder Surprise together, because you want to see the recipient’s reaction?

Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs are almost the most favorite treat for children. This sweetness does not leave adults indifferent either. And the secret of this phenomenon is considered to be not only excellent taste, but also the presence of an interesting souvenir inside.

The main thing is that you can never predict what exactly is placed inside. By the way, this original candy Can be used as gift wrapping. Naturally, it’s interesting how to open and close Kinder Surprise. This procedure is simple, you just need to follow the basic rules.

Creating an original gift

To do the job, do you need to know how to open Kinder Surprise? To create wonderful gift, you need the delicacy itself, a knife and a present that will be presented. You can place any item:

  • a note;
  • costume jewelry;
  • jewel;
  • another little thing.

How to open Kinder Surprise? This procedure is simple, and therefore anyone can handle it. It is necessary to carefully remove the foil. There will be a chocolate treat inside, joined at the seam. Using a knife, you need to divide the figure into 2 halves at the place of their attachment. This is where the work ends.

When the egg is opened, a plastic capsule can be found there. It is enough to take out a toy from it and put a gift in return. This elementary way of opening Kinder Surprise will help you create an original gift and present it dear person. It is enough to do everything carefully and not rush.

Opening and closing method

You need to know not only how to open Kinder Surprise, but also how to close it correctly, because the gift should look neat. The second procedure is also easy.

What do you do with the treat halves? There is a simple method: you need to take a knife and heat its blade, and then run it along one half. Then you need to perform the same procedure with the second part, after which they need to be fastened. If the parts are stuck together, then this is the correct result.

At the end, the gift is wrapped. It is necessary to carefully wrap the chocolate in foil so that it does not become torn or wrinkled. After which you can give the gift, enjoying the recipient’s reaction. Children will definitely be delighted with such a gift, and many adults too.

What does the packaging indicate?

To purchase Kinder Surprise of a specific series, you need to read the information on the packaging. It may say on the wrapper. for example, "The Fixies" or "Disney Princesses". Usually there are characters from these cartoons inside. If the series is not designated, then the toy can be anything. Moreover, the drawing does not necessarily correspond to the internal content.

To keep the toys inside intact, the manufacturer places them in a plastic container. The product is similar to real yolk. But other colors may also occur.

Composition of a chocolate egg

The delicacy includes 2 layers: milky and white. Chocolate egg It has a vanilla aroma and taste. It is recommended to purchase it for children over 3 years old, since there are small parts inside. The caloric content of sweets is 543 calories per 100 g of product.

The chocolate base includes all those components that are present in sweet treats. Thus, “Kinder” includes cocoa butter, which is enriched with antioxidants and fatty acids. Children should consume sweets within normal limits, which is necessary to strengthen nervous system, improving memory and mental activity. And due to an excessive dose, an allergy may appear.

A chocolate egg can be served to any child. And it is not necessary to add some kind of gift into it, since it already contains beautiful toy. But if you want to give an original gift, you need to use tips for opening and closing sweets.

Ideas on where to hide it when you propose to your girlfriend

Sooner or later in the life of every man there comes a moment when he realizes that it’s time to propose marriage to the one who is always next to him. And where there is a marriage proposal, there is an engagement ring.

This event is very significant, and therefore it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that it remains in your and your chosen one’s memory for a long time.

You can, of course, just get down on one knee and say beautiful speech, but it’s better to come up with something original. Below are ten ideas on how to present an engagement ring to your girlfriend in an unusual way.

Wedding ring.

1. Bake the ring in your favorite dish

Surely your girlfriend has a favorite dish. Many people like sweets, such as cakes, but others may prefer pizza or something else like that. Your task is to hide the engagement ring in a piece of treat that you will treat your girlfriend with. Of course, you need to make sure that your chosen one does not swallow your gift out of excitement.

2. Insert the wedding ring into the frame

You can make a real picture out of your wedding ring, or rather a collage. Come up with a plot in which the ring will be used, create a collage, insert your work into a glass frame. It looks very unusual and beautiful!

3. Place the ring on the bottom of the glass

In principle, the idea is quite well known. The wedding ring should be at the bottom of the glass from which your beloved will drink. The walls of the container should not be completely transparent, otherwise there will be no surprise.

4. New Year's ring

This option is suitable for you if you are going to make an offer under New Year. Decorate your wedding ring as a Christmas tree decoration and let your future wife look for your surprise among the Christmas tree decorations.

5. Package

If your chosen one is a very busy person, and she only has enough time to come home, go to bed, get up early in the morning and go to work, you will have to interrupt her working day with your proposal.

Try this option: take a large parcel box, put a small box with a ring inside, hire a postman and ask him to deliver the parcel personally to your loved one while she is at work.

More interesting option- take a very large box, secretly sneak into her place of work, hide in the box, and when your chosen one comes closer to you, jump out and propose.

6. Hide wedding ring in the book

You can use not an ordinary box for the ring, but a thick book volume in which you cut out the central part. Which book you use is up to you. It could be an erotic novel, a collection of love poems, whatever.

7. Use animals

Can you imagine how beautiful it will be if, at the most important moment, your faithful dog brings a box with a ring and puts it on the girl’s lap? Of course, for this you need to have a faithful and very trained dog.

There is another option: rent a white dove, tie a wedding ring to its paw and let it fly around the room in which you will make a declaration of love.

If you want, use a parrot, but it's probably not so romantic.

Try harnessing two white mice into a homemade “carriage” made of paper, and putting a ring in the carriage itself. Don't limit your imagination!

8. Kinder - surprise

You can hide it in a chocolate egg. True, to do this you will first need to carefully break the egg, put your gift instead of a regular toy, then re-glue the chocolate and wrap it in foil.

9. Hollow tree

Lovers love to exchange secret signs and notes. One of the best hiding places for love letters has always been a hollow tree. You can find an old tree in the forest or park area near where your girlfriend lives, put wedding ring into a hollow and make a secret date with your beloved in this place. Let her feel all the romance of what is happening!

10. Ring on a fishing hook

Imagine: you go fishing with a girl, she casts a fishing rod, and instead of a fish she pulls out a box with a ring and your proposal! Romantic and very unusual, isn’t it?

Organizing such a surprise is not so difficult. You may need help good friend, which will be hiding somewhere in the coastal bushes, and at the right moment will imperceptibly place the treasured box on a hook.

But you can do it on your own if you briefly distract your loved one’s attention, for example, ask her to bring you some gear from your backpack, which for some reason you left away from the place where you are sitting, and in the meantime you put the wedding ring on the hook.

The only problem is that the box needs to be securely attached to the rod, otherwise your ring could end up underwater and you'll have to have a deep diving competition.

In general, if you want the moment when you propose to your girlfriend to be remembered for a long time, and the chosen one herself answers you with consent, you need to come up with something unusual. Love and happiness to you!

Kinder Surprise is considered one of the most desirable children's treats. After all, kids are waiting not so much for chocolate, but for the surprise that is in the egg. To be honest, some adults also don’t mind opening a Kinder on their own. Imagine if inside it turns out to be not a toy, but a real precious gift. How to make a kinder surprise yourself without breaking the egg, see further in the material.

To “make” a personal Kinder surprise you will need:

Chocolate egg "Kinder Surprise";
boiling water and container;
the gift itself.

You need to immediately prepare to act very carefully. First you need to remove the foil wrapper without tearing it. To do this, unfold it along the fold line and set it aside.

Take the toy parts out of the plastic container and put your gift in there.

To glue the halves of a chocolate egg together, you need to immerse the knife in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then apply the wide side to the seam of the two halves. The chocolate will melt and the halves will easily stick together.