How to whiten dark jeans. Lightening jeans: secrets of the skill

If, from prolonged wear, your favorite jeans have lost their original appearance, do not rush to part with them. You can add a little modernity to old jeans with minimal expense and effort. Eat different ways how to bleach jeans, transform them or restore them to perfection White color at home.

Jeans in our life

Comfortable and practical jeans– the most popular clothing for all ages. Different fabrics, models, styles and colors allow these clothes to be appropriate for any event.

Old, worn jeans also remain in demand. After simple manipulations at home, they appearance They are in no way inferior to fashionable denim products with light stains, abrasions and patches. They continue to be worn with even greater pleasure.

Means and methods of whitening

Used to bring worn denim trousers back into life. different methods. Depending on the purpose and quality of the material, soda, ammonia, bleach, citric acid, washing powder, and turpentine are used at home.

In some cases they are simply soaked in a special solution, in others they are boiled, rubbed, sprayed, etc.

How to make jeans white again

Over time, white jeans develop stains and become yellowish or grey colour. To return impeccable whiteness use:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. When washing, you can add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the washing machine along with the powder.
  2. Oxygen bleach. Regular use will promote lightening.
  3. Baking soda. Jeans that have lost color during washing will be helped by adding baking soda powder at the rate of 10-20 grams per 1 liter of water. This will soften the water and enhance the effect of the powder.
  4. Citric acid or lemon. Often used to soak jeans for whitening purposes. Squeeze lemon juice into heated water or add a pack of acid, soak in this solution for 2 hours, and wash the trousers.

How to remove stains

It is much easier to put stains on white jeans than to remove them later. But there is effective means to cope with this problem.

Fresh stains can be removed by machine washing with good powder in hot water at 60°. If the spots are old, white denim products wash by hand with the addition of 4-6 tablespoons of ammonia, especially carefully in areas with stains.

Ammonia is a powerful bleaching agent that will help deal with the yellowness of jeans.

Complex stains and dirt on white jeans are removed by boiling in water with 50 ml of ammonia and 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Jeans completely covered with the solution are boiled for at least 30 minutes and then washed.

Using chlorine bleach can remove stubborn stains on white jeans. Nothing can remove the traces left by bleach. Therefore, they must be washed separately from other things.

If the fabric of white trousers contains cotton or linen fibers, it will help remove stains folk method using turpentine.

Approximately 4-5 tablespoons of turpentine are dissolved in a bucket of water, mixed, loaded with jeans and kept in the solution for 12 hours. After that they wash it.

Bleaching with bleach and soda

The method of lightening with whiteness at home allows you to radically change the color of jeans. Fabric bleaching occurs under the influence of chlorine contained in bleach. Pour water into a bucket to fill 2/3 of the volume, heat it to about 80 degrees, dilute it with white (200 ml). Stirring constantly, the solution is brought to a boil, after which the jeans are completely immersed in it and boiled for about 20-30 minutes.

The cooking time depends on the desired degree of lightening - the longer, the lighter. But even here everything should be done in moderation. If you overdo it, the structure of the material will be disrupted in places, which will have a detrimental effect on the item as a whole.

Original ideas for whitening jeans

If you limit the effect of bleach on the material, make knots, pinches or twisting, you can get an original pattern in the form of unbleached stars and multidirectional stripes.

Partial bleaching with white can be done without boiling:

  1. A beautiful effect will be obtained if you spray bleach on the fabric and wash it after 5 minutes.
  2. Jeans can be partially lightened in some places by treating them with a sponge soaked in white. After which you must wash it after 5 minutes.
It should be remembered that whiteness corrodes the fabric if the exposure time exceeds 5 minutes. Therefore, it must be washed off thoroughly.

For the “aging” effect, the bleached areas are additionally treated with coarse material or sandpaper.

When is the best time to lighten with baking soda?

If the jeans are made of thin material, bleaching them with white will simply destroy them, they will fall apart in your hands. In this case, baking soda will help out; it is mixed with washing powder and diluted with water.

For every liter 1 tsp. soda Jeans are soaked in this solution for an hour, after which they are washed by hand. To obtain the desired effect, lightening is carried out several times.

With minimal investment of money and time, you can update your jeans by adding an exclusive product to your wardrobe.

In Soviet times, there was a very popular procedure - boiling jeans with the addition of various substances.

Ordinary blue pants turned into beautiful, stylish “washed” jeans, perfectly emphasizing the individuality of young people.

Today, lightening jeans remains relevant, because sometimes you really want to add some zest to your outfit.

You can make stains or completely lighten jeans at home, using available products and proven methods.

Basic methods of lightening jeans

Everyone wants to look fashionable, even if the clothing market is represented by a huge variety of pants models.

Originals are always on the lookout; as soon as a new method of experimenting with clothing appears, it is immediately tested in action.

A good, inexpensive way out of the situation is to lighten your jeans yourself at home.

The main methods used today look like this:

  1. Application of whiteness. Blue jeans with uneven coloring will help to whiten well this composition.

    It is based on bleaching particles, so you should choose products that contain chlorine. It is worth noting that bleaches made on the basis of active oxygen are not suitable for this work.

  2. Using soda. Bleach is not suitable for working with thin and delicate jeans fabrics; baking soda will be appropriate here.
  3. Lightening with hydrogen peroxide. This component allows you not only to lighten, but at the same time to clean jeans from stubborn yellow stains.
  4. Application of lemon juice. Lemon juice will be less effective, but natural and safe for clothing.

    It is used to whiten pants various shades. If citric acid is used, it must be taken in half.

The methods listed above are considered the most common today. Originals, creative people Sometimes improvised materials are used, such as foam sponges, to give texture to the stains.


The most effective, proven method is to use store-bought bleach or whiteness.

The product is made on the basis of chlorine, which imparts a light color in a short period of time.

Let's look at how to work with whiteness:

  • Choose your jeans carefully: they should be made of thick textile, then the result will be beautiful.
  • The more intense and brighter the base color, the more interesting it will turn out. ready-made option– this should be taken into account by girls and boys.
  • Prepare necessary materials: bleach, clothespins, bucket, rubber gloves and rubber bands.
  • Twist your pants correctly: if you pinch the jeans with clothespins, a star-shaped pattern will appear, and fixing them with elastic bands will leave vertical streaks.
  • Fill a bucket with 2/3 of the water and put it on the fire to boil.
  • As soon as the liquid boils, add a glass of white and wait for it to boil again.
  • Place jeans in a bucket and boil until the desired result is obtained.

In order for the jeans to dye evenly, you need to constantly monitor the process. The longer they are in the white, the more they will lighten.

Important! Be sure to rinse your jeans completely after treatment.

All fasteners on the pants must be removed. If you reach desired result failed - repeat the procedure later, immersing the pants completely.


There are several techniques that allow you to whiten jeans of any shade without being white. One of them is the use of baking soda, which is probably found in every woman’s kitchen.

Note! This technique relevant for jeans from too thin fabric, because it will not cause an aggressive reaction and will not ruin your pants.

You can work either manually or using machine washable. For the second option, you need to mix soda and washing powder in equal quantities and wash the jeans.

The manual method is described below:

Hydrogen peroxide

When the use of chlorine-containing compounds is prohibited due to the characteristics of the fabric, it is recommended to pay attention to another simple method: using hydrogen peroxide for lightening.

Step-by-step actions look like this:

  • Before processing textiles, be sure to wear protective rubber gloves, because peroxide can lighten the skin of your hands and corrode it.
  • You can lighten your pants either in a machine or manually: in the second case, you need to repeat the manipulations of the method with soda, only add peroxide to the basin instead.
  • If you chose the machine washing method, mix 2 tablespoons of peroxide with laundry detergent and place it in the machine reservoir.

With the manual lightening method, it is much more convenient to control the process, which allows you to obtain a uniform color on black or white jeans.

Important! There is another method of treating with peroxide without boiling: just soak the pants in the solution and powder, then put them in the machine for rinsing and washing.

By following the suggested recipes and methods, you can get beautiful lightened jeans from pants of any shade.

Lightening denim is a creative procedure, so you need to approach it wisely. If you fix your jeans with rags, rubber bands or clothespins, you can end up with gorgeous stains.

  • To create light scuffs on the legs, you can use a pumice stone: gently rub the places where there will be stains, then treat them with a white sponge.
  • Using these methods, you can return your former life to already outdated pants, not only by lightening them, but by refreshing them.
  • If you have artistic skills, dilute citric acid in water and apply patterns to the jeans using a brush.

Many people are afraid to experiment with their favorite pants, but if you strictly follow the advice, you can end up with a stylish and beautiful product.

These jeans will perfectly complement your walking look.

Useful video

The most indispensable and practical type of clothing is jeans. This wardrobe item differs in models, styles, fabrics, and colors. If you want to give your old jeans a makeover and turn them into a trendy item, we'll show you how to whiten jeans at home.

How to whiten jeans?

Since denim trousers will need to undergo bleaching, we suggest using the following bleaching agents:

  • white;
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon juice.

How to bleach jeans white?

If you use white for whitening, you will achieve maximum effect. If, in addition to bleaching, you also want to get a fashionable print from lightened patterns, then select something of a rich color for the experiment.

To work you will need:

  • metal bucket or large saucepan;
  • white.

To obtain divorces:

  • elastic bands;
  • clothespins;
  • clamps.

Important! To bleach jeans at home and not harm yourself, carry out the entire procedure with rubber gloves.

Instructions for using whiteness:

  1. Mix a cup of bleach in a bucket of water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Lower the product until it is completely dissolved in the chlorine solution.
  4. Leave the jeans in the product for 5-20 minutes.
  5. After boiling, remove the jeans and place them under running cold water. Remove all clothespins, elastic bands and clips.
  6. Rinse the product.
  7. Wash and dry.

Important! Leaving an item in bleach for too long can destroy it completely. Therefore, when thinking about bleaching jeans at home, do not try to get the best result by violating the time frame for exposure to the solution.

Another practical advice: If your jeans float when bleaching, use a large spoon or stick to push them back down.

Artistic design of jeans when bleaching

To create interesting stains on jeans, you need to twist them, but not too tightly. The shape of the print directly depends on the method of curling:

  • vertical streaks will result if the jeans are simply folded and pinched;
  • horizontal - if the product is fixed;
  • star patterns will appear if the jeans are compressed using clothespins.

Bleach Solution Recipe Options

The amount of bleach used depends on the density of the material, the original color, and the desired result. Adding two cups of the product will give you a light blue tint.

Important! If after a few minutes the shade of the jeans does not change, then add more white.

How to bleach jeans with soda?

If you need to lighten jeans made of thin fabric, then do not use aggressive bleaches, but use regular soda. This is the simplest method of whitening, it will allow you to get more light shade fabric that will change with each wash.

Important! It is better to perform the clarification operation manually, since the inner surface washing machine wears out due to prolonged contact with soda. In addition, you will have the opportunity to control the bleaching process and the intensity of the change in the original color of the product.

Add baking soda to washing powder when washing.

Transforming things with hydrogen peroxide

This product is a lifesaver for many housewives who don’t have time to boil their pants and don’t want to torment their washing machine. baking soda. In order to whiten jeans at home, wash the product in an automatic washing machine with the addition of powder and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (load it all into a ditch).

Important! If you add 3 tbsp. l. peroxide in a small bowl with water and powder and wash the denim by hand, you will get rid of the yellowness.

The secret of artistic coloring

Jeans treated with peroxide can be made more exclusive by rubbing them with a pumice stone, a stiff brush or fine-grained sandpaper.

Making beautiful jeans with your own hands

Instead of peroxide, you can use Domestos: dilute ½ cup of the product in 3 liters of water and soak the jeans in the solution until they lighten to the desired level, after which rinse the product thoroughly and dry. The procedure can be repeated as needed.

Important! Working with chemicals carry out only with rubber gloves.

Using lemon juice for whitening

Lemon juice has a brightening effect, which means it can also be used to whiten jeans at home. For this:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or 1 tsp. Dilute citric acid in 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak the item in the solution for several hours.
  3. After the time has passed, remove the product.
  4. Rinse and dry.
  • To get the effect of partial bleaching, treat the desired areas of the product with a sponge soaked in bleach. After the procedure, leave the clothes for 5 minutes, but no more, so that the fabric does not become loose and tear. With this method, you can use all your imagination: lighten only one leg or create a smooth color transition from bottom to top or vice versa. You can even spray your jeans with bleach from a spray bottle. After all “washing”, thoroughly rinse the treated areas of fabric with running water and wash the product thoroughly.
  • If the method of bleaching with peroxide or chlorine seems uninteresting to you, then draw patterns using citric acid, after diluting it in clean water. To work, use a regular paint brush.
  • Except folk remedies, you can also use store-bought products for whitening. We'll have to empirically figure out what's best. The downside of household chemicals is that repeated use of bleaches wears out the fabric, especially denim.

Designers suggest wearing light-colored jeans with fraying, but stylish new thing can be very expensive. At home, there are some ways to transform unworn jeans into a fashionable, exclusive item by bleaching with “Whiteness”.

What is the best way to lighten denim?

There are times when over time white clothes loses its color, becomes gray and yellow, or any other color is boring and no longer makes you happy. Then you can transform your old trousers at home to your liking by making a new color using bleach.

Denim fabric, despite being dyed with chemical pigments, loses its brightness over time and becomes pale. So, when washed with powder at a temperature of 60 degrees, the fabric will lose its color and become lighter. In this state, it lends itself very well to lightening using bleaching agents.

  • Hydrogen peroxide will help whiten denim that has turned gray or yellow. To do this, you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of this substance to the powder, throw the product into the washing machine and put it on the normal wash cycle.
  • Baking soda brightens discolored items. It also needs to be added to the powder, which helps soften the water during washing and increase the effectiveness of the powder itself. The proportions are as follows: for 1 liter of water, 10–20 g of soda.
  • Lemon or citric acid. Add lemon juice or a pack of citric acid to warm water. Soak denim clothes in this solution for several hours, then wash them and repeat the process a couple more times.
  • When washing denim, you can use oxygen bleach, which will also make it lighter.
  • Most effective way The way to lighten jeans is to use bleach, which is based on sodium hypochlorite. It comes in both liquid and powder form. The amount you add varies depending on the color and density of the fabric and the desired result.

In any case, the desired effect may not be achieved once, so each method should be repeated several times.

  1. Jeans dark colors, such as blue, brown, black, cannot be made completely white, but they will be much lighter.
  2. For lightening, denim trousers in a light blue or light blue shade are more suitable.
  3. It will be much easier to lighten the product in spots than completely.
  4. The bright threads used to sew colored denim trousers are usually not lightened, so if the effect of such seams is not needed, you should give preference to light blue, yellow or gray shades.
  5. You can create scuff marks on denim using fine sandpaper, a stiff brush or pumice stone.

To whiten jeans at home, use bleaches. They are based on chlorine or oxygen. In the first case, the color of the product may change dramatically, and in the second it will become several tones lighter.

To lighten denim, you should boil it. To do this, you need to add a glass of liquid “White” to a bowl of water, stir with a wooden stick and place in it necessary thing. The basin is placed on the stove; when the water boils, the jeans must be turned over frequently. After 20–30 minutes, they need to be taken out, washed, rinsed and dried. You should not keep them in bleach for a long time to avoid damaging the fabric.

To get a lot of streaks on your trousers, it is recommended to twist or tie them during cooking, but not too tightly. To achieve unusual horizontal patterns, you need to tie the legs in several places with non-fading ropes.

If the twisted fabric is pinned together with clothespins, it can create a pattern with stars.

There should be enough water in the basin so that the product fits completely. If suddenly it starts to float, it must be pressed down with a wooden stick. You can also bleach only the top or just the bottom of the trousers, which will look very original.

To bleach clothes from denim, you can use a sponge and bleach. Apply it topically and leave for 3-5 minutes. In this case, it will be possible to lighten the top of the trousers with a smooth transition to the bottom and vice versa, you can spray it with a spray bottle or an old toothbrush with a chlorine solution, this will make it spot-on.

Safety precautions

This chemical solution should be used carefully, because misuse can not only damage the product or surface, but also cause harm to the eyes and skin of the hands. Sodium hypochlorite, which “Whiteness” is made of, is an oxidizing agent containing a large percentage of active chlorine. Therefore, it is very important to follow safety precautions.

Bleach should be used by dissolving it in cold or warm water (not higher than 35 degrees). Do not use for bleaching leather, wool and colored items, they will be hopelessly damaged.

Be sure to wear rubber gloves when working with chlorine solutions. If the product gets on your hands, dry skin may occur, and after some time skin disease– eczema.

If the product is used incorrectly, vapor poisoning may occur. Symptoms in this case include attacks of suffocation, lacrimation, burning in the eyes, dry cough, and minor pulmonary edema. In case of poisoning, you should drink a cough emollient and ventilate the room.

If chlorine-containing product gets into the eyes, it will form chemical burn. It is necessary to rinse your eyes thoroughly with running water and then consult an ophthalmologist.

If the solution gets into the digestive tract, you must first call ambulance. Then rinse your throat with warm boiled water, it is recommended to use analgesics, ventilate the room and go out into fresh air.

How to lighten jeans? Of course, with your own hands and at home. After all, only then will you get a completely exclusive thing in a single copy. Today we will look at the most common methods available. We will also evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Lightening jeans with white

A very radical method that significantly changes the shade of denim, up to complete bleaching.

Procedure. Pour 5 liters of water into a large saucepan. Add whiteness. We recommend starting with 7-9 tbsp. l. Stir thoroughly. Jeans are dipped into the resulting liquid for about 15 minutes. They look at the result. If you are satisfied with the shade, then you can rinse and dry your pants. If you want a lighter color, then add white and repeat the process, reducing the waiting time by 5 minutes.

Advice. The more concentrated the solution is prepared, the less time the jeans are soaked.

Pros. No additional movements in the form of washing are required, the effect appears before your eyes.

Minuses. Few people like the smell of chlorine, you will have to use gloves, the whiteness destroys the fabric, the recipe is not suitable for thin summer jeans. By the way, strictly jeans and no jeans!

Lightening jeans with hydrogen peroxide

Another aggressive recipe that gives excellent results without much effort or tricks.

Procedure. Jeans are put into the washing machine. Pour in the recommended dose of washing powder, add 2-4 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. Run a full wash cycle according to the jeans program. All that remains is to dry your pants and evaluate the result.

Advice. If by chance you don’t have an automatic washing machine at hand, then the most ordinary, activator type will do. Isn't there even one? This means they put on gloves to protect the skin with their hands and arms. Just like in the old days.

Pros. There is no bad smell, the fabric lightens several tones in one use.

Minuses. The effect may be much stronger than expected. If you overdo it with the amount of peroxide, your jeans will soon fall apart. This method is not suitable for thin denim.

A fairly delicate method that gives tangible results. And it can be used to lighten jeans of any thickness.

Procedure. For 1 l clean water take about 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir well and place the saucepan on the fire. They put their pants down there. Bring to a boil, turn the heat to low. You will need a wooden stick or a stainless steel spoon with a long handle. They will need to periodically stir the brew and lower the floating fabric to the bottom. Depending on the original color of the jeans, the cooking time ranges from 20 to 40 minutes. You shouldn’t cook it any longer, it won’t get any lighter. After “cooking,” the pants need to be rinsed and dried. It is recommended to do this under straight lines sun rays. They will “eat” the blue a little more.

Advice. With this method, it is better to undercook the jeans than to overcook them. Because wet fabric looks a couple of shades darker than dried fabric.

Pros. Lemon juice can be replaced with 1 tsp. citric acid, and it is in every home. No washing required. You can lighten thin summer jeans without harming the fabric.

Minuses. If you don't stir it regularly enough, your jeans may lighten unevenly and stains will appear in the most unexpected places.

The most delicate and gentle method that does not harm the fabric at all. Can be used on the thinnest denim fabrics.

Procedure. Washing powder mixed with regular baking soda in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then wash the jeans as usual - in washing machine or with your hands.

Advice. If, after drying, you are not satisfied with the result of your work, you can repeat the process several times to achieve the desired shade.

Pros. Absolutely no harm to the fabric. No bad smell.

Minuses. You won't be able to lighten your pants significantly. The maximum that soda can do is change the color by 2 tones at a time.

If you don’t have white on hand, then there is no need to run to the store for a bottle. You can use any oxygen bleach for white items. In extreme cases, even Domestos or Komet will do. The main thing is that it contains chlorine.

Some types of jeans are not dyed Blue colour through. They are much lighter on the inside than on the outside. You can use this to your advantage. Those who like to experiment can try to lighten certain areas of the legs by simply rubbing the fabric with pumice or fine-grained sandpaper. Just without fanaticism! Otherwise, holes will appear instead of the pattern.

A smooth transition from dark to light, the so-called ombre or gradient, looks very beautiful on jeans. But this effect cannot be achieved by ordinary washing or soaking. What to do? There are two options for executing the idea:

  1. The jeans are immersed in bleach to the desired height. After 30 seconds they raise higher. Then again and again, until the edges of the pants appear. The lightening will be smooth, without sharp transitions.
  2. The pants are laid out on a flat surface. Soak an ordinary sponge in bleach and begin to soak the fabric, starting from the bottom. Having reached the desired level of the trouser leg, the bottom will already have a lightened fabric.

Next, you need to quickly rinse your pants before the bleach begins to take full effect. Otherwise the gradient won't work. There will be too sharp a difference in colors at the border instead of a smooth flow from dark to light.

The Internet is full of recommendations on how to twist jeans so that when lightened, you get a pattern of a certain configuration. No doubt, this thing looks impressive. But first you need to think about whether light spots in these places will suit your figure?

Isn't it easier to take the most ordinary inexpensive brush and imagine yourself as an artist? After all, you can paint a whole work of art on jeans with bleach. And no one will have such pants.

As for twisting or tying pants, sometimes a verbal description is too little. Or it is not entirely clear. Before lightening, we recommend watching several lessons on the knotted batik technique. Fortunately, there are a lot of such videos now. Everything is clearly shown there - what and how to tie and twist. But the shape of the finished image will be known exactly.

In order to lighten jeans as much as possible using any of the above methods, it is recommended to pre-boil them for some time. This way more paint will go into the water. And it will become much easier for the active substance to work.

By the way, dark blue or deep indigo jeans will never turn perfectly white. There will still be a yellowish or grayish tint. It’s worth thinking about, maybe sticking with a light bluish color?

How to lighten jeans at home? It turns out to be very simple. The simplest ingredients, a little patience and the desire to create are the ingredients for success.

Video: how to dye jeans at home