How to draw cat eyes. How to draw a cat's eye Draw a cat with big green eyes step by step

Cat eyes are adorable, aren't they? Cat eye makeup is a trend this year and has not lost popularity for many years.

That slender shape and outline - there's just something about those cat eyes! Cat eye makeup has been quite popular in the makeup world for a long time.

From Cleopatra to Hollywood actresses, cat eyes have been flaunted by all women who are at the top of their fashion game. This makeup look will always be in fashion, so it's best to try and perfect it now. It's never too late to start!

What will you need

  • Primer
  • Eyeliner

There are a few things that you should take care of before you start your makeup. Pay attention to the following steps, they are important!

Step 1: Prepare your eyes

The very first step is to create a good base for the cat eye. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin. If you have redness around your eyes, dark circles or puffiness, use an eye serum or eye cream. They work wonders! To make sure your makeup sits well, apply an eye primer.

Step 2: Choose your eyeliner

Now that you've done the base, it's time to choose a product that works for you. You can use liquid eyeliner that comes in a tiny bottle with a thin brush applicator or felt brush. You can also use a gel eyeliner that comes in a tube.

For this you will have to use an angled brush or an eyeliner brush. For simplicity, let's use eyeliner. It is convenient and easy to use if you are a beginner. I really love using it! It is also convenient to apply arrows with gel eyeliner, which comes in the form of a pen. The applicator is the best part of it since it is located at an angle.

Now, without further ado, let's start applying cat eye makeup!

How to do cat eye makeup - step by step

Step 1: Line your upper lash line

Line the upper lash line with slow strokes. Start with small strokes as you don't want to rush too quickly and ruin everything. If you are doing small strokes then you can gradually increase the thickness as per your requirement.

Step 2: Find the right angle

It is very important! Follow the natural shape of your eyes to direct the eyeliner to where the extension of your eyes is. Imagine your lower lash line is extended. This should be the angle at which you create the line. You can use eyeshadow and an angled brush to roughly outline the shape.

Step 3: Create an Arrow

Once you've determined the angle, use stippling movements with your eyeliner to create a line. Using small dots will help you figure out what the final arrow shape will be. Once you are satisfied with this, connect the dots and fill them in to connect to the line you drew above your lash line.

Step 4: Cleaning the Eyelids

If the shape is a little crooked, you can always use a cotton swab or corrector to correct it. Voila! One perfect cat eye, ready to see the world!

Experiment with your makeup

Feeling a little brave? Make the line above the eyelashes thick. A rounder, thicker liner will make your eyes appear larger. If you want to lengthen the shape of your eye, then create a thin line. A thinner cat eye will give the illusion of longer eyes.

You can also play with the length of the arrow, but not too much. If you want to keep it simple, you can create a tiny extension beyond the eye line. I call it the cat's eye. When you want to go for a dramatic look, you can afford to make the arrow a little longer. Avoid both extremes as it may look inappropriate.

Another thing to consider is what kind of shape you are looking for. A straight sharp line will give you a sharp look. Draw a curved arrow and you will have a very graceful aura.

Types of cat eye makeup

The classic cat eye is great, but you can also play around with it once you get tired of it.
Take a look at the different styles you can choose from:

1. Smoky cat eye

Who doesn't love a smoky color? They are always in trend. I love my black liners so this is one of my favorites. What's more, it's really easy to create!

  • Step 1: Create a cat eye with a smudgeable pencil.
  • Step 2: Use a dab or brush to smudge it out and create a soft look while maintaining the winged shape.
  • Step 3: Apply the pencil to the lower lash line and smudge it as well.
  • Step 4: Use concealer under your eyes to make them stand out more. That's all!

2. Eyeshadow

Add a little extra. Draw a long arrow and apply some eye shadow.

  • Step 1: Apply some eye shadow and blend well.
  • Step 2: Create a cat eye. It's so simple!

3. Vivid image

  • Step 1: Create a cat eye.
  • Step 2: Create a smokey effect by using brown eyeshadow near your lower lash line to create a base.
  • Step 3: Choose a glitter pencil. If you don't have one, you can also use glitter and apply it with a very fine brush.
  • Step 4: Apply under lashes to create a bright and shiny look.

These makeup looks are extremely easy and super fun to create. Now that you know everything there is about how to master the cat eye makeup technique, take a look at these tips on how to perfect it further.

Tips to Follow When Applying Cat Eye Makeup

  • Do not pull the skin next to the eyelid when creating the wing. This is a huge no no! You will end up completely ruining the shape.
  • Instead, look down to keep your skin smooth.
  • Buy a makeup mirror. This will help you perfect these small details.
  • Try using a vanity while applying eyeliner. This will make it easier for you to keep your body in good position. You can rest your elbow on the table, which will give you a steady hand and a smoother result.

I'm looking forward to the next time I can do this makeup look because I personally just love the cat eye and enhancing it with colors! Well then what are you waiting for? I know you will be excited to try and test it for yourself. Let us know how it turned out in the comment box below.

Not many amateur artists take the risk of drawing a furry model. In fact, everything is quite simple. All you need is a little patience, a lot of desire and just a little ability to draw basic geometric figures. Don't believe me?

How to draw a beautiful lying cat step by step with a pencil for beginners and children?

If you have already read previous articles on the topic and, you know that any image, even the most complex one, should be decomposed into simple shapes: circles, ovals, rectangles, triangles. This technique will greatly simplify further drawing.

Once you apply a similar technique to the image of a cat, all you have to do is draw auxiliary and main lines.

Option 1

  1. Conditionally divide the field of the drawing sheet into two parts: right and left. On the left side, draw a circle, slightly flattened at the top and bottom. This will be the cat's head. Draw two auxiliary lines in the inner part of the circle:
  • vertical axis (strictly in the center of the circle)
  • a horizontal line that divides the vertical axis into two parts: the upper (2/3 of the axis) and the lower (1/3 of the axis)

  1. Using the lines as a guide, draw the following auxiliary shapes:
  • two ovals for eyes
  • one large oval for the nose area
  • two intersecting ovals for the upper lip
  • isosceles triangle for nose

  1. Since our cat is in a sweet slumber, her eyes are closed. This greatly simplifies the artist’s task: closed eyes can be drawn with two smooth lines going down to the nose. For the nose, round off the already drawn triangle. Draw the ovals of the upper lip.

  1. Look carefully at the drawing, if the result completely satisfies you, erase the additional lines of the animal’s eyes, nose, and lips.

  1. Cat ears have triangular shape. Place two auxiliary triangles at the top of the head. Focusing on them, draw the relaxed ears of the animal. Use a smooth line to mark the line of the cheeks.

  1. Be sure to erase the guide lines as you progress.

How to draw a beautifully lying cat: drawing the lines of the ears and cheeks (step 6).
  1. Before you start drawing the body of the lying animal, draw two auxiliary ovals. Look at the picture below for their location relative to each other and the auxiliary oval of the head.

  1. Draw the body of the animal, the elbow of the tucked paw, its tail.

  1. Add small details to the image: pursed paw, mustache, eyebrows.

  1. Color the drawing.

Option #2

Another sleeping cat. Monochrome technique does not limit your imagination if you decide to make a drawing in color.

  1. Sketch a few auxiliary shapes and lines:
  • large oval (for the body of a lying cat);
  • a small, slightly flattened circle (for the head). To make the image as natural as possible, take into account the following rule: the cat’s body along the long axis is slightly larger than twice the diameter of the animal’s head;
  • draw the axes of the small oval; they will become auxiliary lines when working above the animal’s head.

  1. Sketch the animal's head. In this work we will take the path of least resistance: the cat's eyes will be closed. To outline them, simply draw two light lines at the bottom of the small oval. Animal's nose: an isosceles triangle located on the vertical axis of the oval. Just below the triangle, draw a slightly curved line for the mouth. The animal's ears are located quite far from each other and have a triangular shape.

  1. Draw the auxiliary lines of the body. To do this, connect the arcs of the large and small ovals with a smooth line. Draw two convex lines just above the cat's head, indicating the convexity of the shoulder blades. Draw another circle for the tucked paw.

  1. At this stage draw the two front legs. Add a small auxiliary circle to make it easier to draw the back paw. Draw the animal's ears in more detail. Work on the outline of the muzzle.

  1. Continue working on the details of the image:
  • using two auxiliary lines sketch out the tail. Draw the outlines of the fur along the sketch lines;
  • draw the toes of the hind paw;
  • above the eyes, mark the lines of vibrissae (three above each eye);
  • do not forget to draw the contours of the fur in front of the animal’s ears.

  1. Don't forget to draw your cat's mustache and the pillow on which the cat sleeps.

  1. Pay attention to the shadow around the nose. By applying a denser color to this area, you will achieve a three-dimensional and realistic image.

  1. When working on an image of an animal's fur, keep in mind that a cat is a living creature whose fur does not grow perfectly evenly. The fur shading may look something like the photo below.

  1. Carefully draw the animal's fur

10. Don't forget to mark the shadow and folds on the pillow.

Option #3

The diagrams below show several more options for depicting a lying cat. Before you start drawing the drawing you like, learn the tips for drawing a cat's face and eyes.

How to draw a beautiful cat's face?

If you're tired of drawing sleeping cats, a fun activity awaits you: drawing a cat's head in front view (front view), profile (side view) and three-quarter view.

Tip: In fine art, maintaining proportions is very important. To depict a cat, many artists use the formula: the length of the cat is equal to 5 heads (counted from the animal’s nose towards the tail).

Face of a cat from the front

  1. The beginning is quite predictable: draw a circle and divide it into four parts with two mutually perpendicular diameters. Please note: one diameter must be strictly vertical, and the second must be strictly horizontal (see picture below).

  1. The point of intersection of the horizontal and vertical diameters indicates the bridge of the animal's nose. Divide the bottom of the vertical diameter in half and construct another auxiliary circle, the radius of which is equal to ¼ of the diameter of the large circle.

  1. Divide the vertical diameter of the small circle into 6 equal parts. Draw five auxiliary lines through the marked points. The lines are parallel to each other and parallel to the horizontal diameter of the great circle.

  1. Also divide the middle line of the small circle (horizontal diameter) into six equal parts.

  1. The cat's nose is an isosceles triangle (see picture below). Using auxiliary lines, construct a triangle, and just below mark the upper line of the animal’s mouth.

  1. Carefully study the drawing below and sketch the lower part of the muzzle, focusing on the auxiliary lines.

  1. Cat's eyes are a different story. This part of the article describes general rules drawing an animal's eye. To accurately determine the location for the eye, draw several auxiliary lines (see picture below)

  1. Based on the auxiliary lines, draw the eyes of the animal. Remember, in an adult animal the eye shape is elongated, while in kittens it is round (be careful: the auxiliary lines in this case are constructed slightly differently). Detailed recommendations on how to draw a cat's eyes are found further in the text.

  1. Construct auxiliary lines for drawing the ears and cheeks.

  1. Using parallel auxiliary lines and a circle, sketch out the cat's ear.

Draw the fur in the animal's ear. Please note that the outer part auricle not covered with hairs!

  1. Draw the animal's nose.

  1. Don't forget to draw the mustache on your tabby.

Cat face in profile

Drawn using circles and auxiliary lines (see picture below)

Ears are also quite easy to draw

Below is another option for drawing a cat's profile.

Cat face in three-quarter turn

Since you are already familiar with the magic of auxiliary lines, drawing a mysterious purr will not be difficult. Study carefully step by step diagram and try to achieve perfection

The eyes are a detail that will require some work. However, the more often you draw, the more natural the cat will be in your drawing.

  1. So, you have this basic image of an eye (see the section “How to draw a cat’s face from the front”)

  1. Based on the basic shape, make a preliminary sketch (see picture)

  1. The shape of the pupil in felines changes depending on the lighting.

  1. Draw the halo around the pupil with short dark strokes. Fill the rest of the eyeball with strokes of a less saturated color.

  1. Be sure to mark the place for the eyebrow whiskers and draw the hairs around the eye.

  1. The eyes in profile will look like the picture below.

  1. The result is a very natural image of the animal.

How to draw a cat by cells

Drawing by squares, which was first offered to children as a simulator for the development of graphomotor skills, is becoming an increasingly popular hobby for fairly old people.

The beauty of drawing by cells is not only the wonderful relaxing effect, but also the ability to create beautiful drawing, without possessing pronounced artistic talents. By and large, even those of us who can hardly draw straight line on a piece of paper.

All you need is squared paper of the appropriate size, pencils and free time.

Samples for drawing by cells are presented below.

How to draw a cat by cells: Hello Kitty How to draw a cat by cells: kitten Woof.

Video “Drawing silhouettes of black cats. Drawings and crafts for Halloween" will tell you how to draw mysterious and not at all scary silhouettes of black cats.

Video: Drawing silhouettes of black cats. Halloween Drawings and Crafts

How to beautifully draw a cat with kittens

Soft, purring cats and kittens are a favorite in fine art.

Even a 6-7 year old child can draw such a drawing on his own. The drawing is based on the simplest geometric shapes and a minimum of auxiliary lines.

Anime cats are charming and playful. Perhaps thanks to this, big-eyed creatures have gained worldwide popularity. We offer you several options for step-by-step drawing of these handsome guys.

Carefully study the proposed algorithm.

Step 3 How to draw a cat for a child easily and simply: drawings for sketching.

Video: How to draw a Cat: Drawing lesson for children from 3 years old

Confident women are not afraid to attract attention. When creating an image, they most often focus on the eyes, because the interlocutor looks at them first. To make your look truly mysterious and at the same time playful, make-up using the “cat eye” technique, which has not gone out of fashion for several centuries, will help. Correctly selected cosmetics, honed skills in drawing arrows and shading will easily and quickly add expressiveness to your appearance.


Description of makeup features

The technique of creating a “cat” style appeared in ancient Egypt, when women tried to give their gaze a resemblance to the eyes of a cat, the sacred animal of the Egyptians. This type of makeup is still popular today. It involves giving the eye an oblong shape, the corners of which should be slightly raised. This gives the woman’s image a unique charm.

The most important thing in “cat” makeup is to learn to draw beautiful, even arrows, and the space around is painted in a special way. This make-up will suit all girls without exception. The emphasis, skillfully placed on the look, will make it languid, attractive and exciting.

Products for creating “cat makeup”

Cosmetics for this type of make-up should be selected taking into account the structure of the face and skin type. To create a “cat-like” look, you should have the necessary cosmetics on hand:

  1. Foundation and powder. With their help, the skin will become healthy and fresh look, which is important for creating any makeup.
  2. Eyeliner and pencil. They can be different shades, but the classic black color is irreplaceable; it should be in any beauty’s makeup bag.
  3. Shadows. It is better to take nude tones that focus on the eyelids and go well with any eyeliner and eye color.
  4. Mascara. When creating a “cat” style, preference is given to an extension brush with a curling brush.

In some cases, when there is a going out or another evening event, you can stick on false eyelashes, creating an additional effect cat image using hairs of different lengths.

Classic cat eye makeup

Make-up with a “cat’s eye” effect is performed using different techniques. Some people make it deep with shadows, others use eyeliner. The technique is not that complicated; with enough experience, everyone can do it:

  1. Any makeup begins with cleansing the skin and evening out its tone. It is important to hide imperfections; this can be done with concealer.
  2. Then the area under the eyebrow is highlighted, and for everything upper eyelid light shadows are applied (porcelain or ivory color). This way your look won't seem tired.
  3. Using liquid eyeliner, draw an arrow from the inner corner that ends a little further from the outer corner.
  4. A thin arrow on the lower eyelid, drawn at the very base of the eyelashes, is gradually connected to the upper one. Thus, make-up visually narrows and lengthens the eyes.
  5. At the final stage, the eyelashes are painted with mascara. In this case, the upper ones emit more than the lower ones.
  6. Don't forget about emphasizing your eyebrows and properly coloring your lips. It is better to use nude lipstick or gloss so that attention does not shift to too bright lipstick, but is focused on the eyes.

Advice: Do not close your eyes while drawing arrows. Otherwise, they may turn out crooked, and the corners will fall down. This will ruin all the “cat makeup”.

The lower arrow is often made thinner than the upper one. Here it is important to observe moderation and not overload your face with cosmetics. All beauty products are applied carefully so as not to smudge makeup.

Video: Traditional makeup to create a “cat look”

Drawing arrows for “cat” eye makeup

Beautiful, rich arrows are created using eyeliner, which is the most important component of such a make-up. To do this, it is better to use high-quality waterproof cosmetics. When applying the product, be sure to rest your elbow on some surface, otherwise the lines may turn out uneven. The procedure for drawing arrows is divided into several stages:

  1. First of all, dark shadows are driven in with a brush along the future line of drawing arrows. They should be shaded a little.
  2. Then the outer corner is slightly pulled back and eyeliner is applied as close to the lash line as possible. The line is slightly extended towards the temple.
  3. Next, the arrow is thickened, giving it the required width. This is done at will.

Advice: In order for the “cat” eye makeup to turn out correctly, you do not need to extend the arrow beyond the outer edge by 1-2 cm. The optimal length here is 0.5 cm.

This type of eyeliner looks better on round eyes, the shape of which becomes close to almond-shaped. In some cases, this helps to correct the proportions of the face.

Features of makeup depending on the color of the iris

Every woman has a unique eye color, and everyone tries to make it more expressive. After all, different combinations of shadows and eyeliner are suitable for blue and gray, green, and brown colors of the iris. Each case has its own color nuances, which are taken as the basis when applying makeup.

“Cat” makeup for gray and blue eyes

Owners of blue or gray eyes often receive a lot of compliments from male representatives. Such girls are hard not to notice in the crowd. To make their eyes stand out even more when creating a cat-like look, you will need the following eyeliner colors:

  • black (classic color when creating makeup for blue-eyed people);
  • brown (will fully emphasize the depth blue color);
  • bronze (this color should have shimmer, which will add brightness).

Peach, plum, lilac or gray tones will look good here. However, when choosing cosmetics, you should always take into account the intensity of the color of the iris. Light shades are more suitable for milky blue and gray eyes, and dark shades are more suitable for blue eyes.

Cat look makeup for green eyes

Green eyes always create an atmosphere of mystery and magic around their owner. Make-up here is appropriate to do using purple, blue-blue and pearl-gray shadows. In this case, you should also focus on the cold tone of the eyeliners:

  • lilac (improves eye color and suits romantic people);
  • lilac (makes the look deep and goes well with dark color shadows);
  • blue-green (emphasizes natural beauty green eyes).

Peach, brown and golden shadows will highlight and brighten the green color of your eyes. On the contrary, you should not experiment with neutral green and dark gray pigments. This will give the look an expression of fatigue.

Makeup for brown eyes

Makeup done using this technique will look especially attractive on brown-eyed girls. After all, they are most similar to Egyptian beauties. Here you can pay attention to a specific eyeliner color:

  • blue (contrasts with eye color and is suitable for evening events);
  • coral or peach (will make the look warmer and deeper, suitable for daytime makeup);
  • green (it can be used with yellow; extravagant girls will like this combination).

For dark brown or almost black eyes, you should choose more dark shades colors, since light ones will simply get lost on them.

Not all girls know the nuances of creating a “cat look”. It is important here that the make-up looks flawless. To do this, it is worth remembering a few useful tips:

  1. For narrow eyes wide arrows are drawn, and round arrows - the tails of the arrows must necessarily protrude beyond the outer corner.
  2. In this makeup, eyeliner is applied only after eye shadow. This will prevent the pigments from smearing.
  3. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is always drawn only with kajal (a special soft pencil), since it is easy to injure. And the line turns out clearer and smoother.

Many people believe that arrows are more appropriate for evening events, but, well and accurately drawn, they will be attractive during the day. Here you should not make them too wide and long, and it is better to choose muted tones of the shadows, then the make-up will not look so aggressive in the light.

Every girl can do cat eye makeup. This will take time and patience. Cosmetics must be applied with gentle movements. Gradually everything will turn out clearly and beautifully.

Video: Quick makeup in cat style

Many people like cats, and especially their beautiful eyes. Some girls even wear makeup called “cat eye.” But to draw a cat's eyes with a pencil, you will need a little patience and practice.

Where to begin

To work, you will need any pencil or pastel if you prefer to draw with it. You will also need a piece of paper. Any paper you feel comfortable drawing on will do.

You will also need a shading tool. You can use a cotton swab instead. However, it is not advisable to use your own finger for this purpose.

In addition, it is worth noting that when drawing you do not need to put pressure on the pencil so that the lines are thin and can be easily erased. So, how to draw cat eyes with a pencil step by step? The guide is provided below.

Sketch of an eye

The first step in drawing a cat eye is to create a sketch. Therefore, first, draw an oval at a slight angle. But you don’t have to draw an oval, you can draw a circle or a triangle. The choice of shape depends on what shape you want to give the eye.

The next three steps involve drawing the pupil, large or small, adding a highlight that is a reflection of the light source, and finally drawing the tear duct.

After this, you can refine the contour of the eye and paint over the pupil. Remember, if you are going to erase any details, make the lines using only light pressure on the pencil. If you are sure that you will not make any changes, then you can make clear black lines.

Adding shadows

Next, to draw the cat's eyes, you need to add shadows. First you need to shade the iris of the eye. Start lightly painting inner part eyes, leaving a small unobscured gap around the pupil. This will add a little volume. Then rub the pencil onto the paper with a cotton swab or other shading tool. And don't forget to leave the highlight completely white.

Also add light shadows to outside.

Drawing fur

After you have drawn the cat's eye, you need to add some fur. To do this, draw many short lines going from the eye in different directions, but tightly adjacent to each other. If you have difficulty drawing fur, you can simply add shadows around the eyes.

Finally, add a highlight to the tear duct and add a little more shading around the area.

Do you want to add depth and mystery to your look? Do you want to hear that your eyes have become more expressive and attract the attention of others? Then you urgently need to master the “Cat Eye” makeup technique!

This technique appeared in Ancient Egypt. Women tried to resemble cats, which were considered sacred animals. And after so many years, thanks to this eye makeup, the “cat look” continues to enchant others.

Your main task will be to create an oblong eye shape with slightly raised corners. There are many variations of the “cat” technique, but the fundamental principle remains the same - narrowing and lengthening the eyes. The following will help you achieve this effect:

  • drawing arrows;
  • shading of shadows.

The arrows must be neat so that there are no light spots left between the eyeliner and the edge of the eyelid, otherwise all the effectiveness will come to naught. “Cat eye” suits all girls and women, you just need to choose the right one color palette and the optimal length and thickness of the arrows.

A win-win option would be to choose black, brown or gray eyeliner. Women over 30 years old should work with the listed colors.

And young girls can choose other shades based on their eye color:

  • in cat eye makeup for brown eyes It is worth using yellow, green, color, cold shades;
  • green-eyed girls should take a closer look at plum, lilac, and peach flowers;
  • in cat eye makeup for girls with gray and blue eyes Eyeliner in golden brown, bronze, or blue will look good.

Pay attention to the shade of your skin: the lighter the tone, the more the arrows stand out, therefore, you need to monitor the quality of their execution even more carefully.

The angle of the arrow will depend on how the room is lit - the more light, the thinner and shorter it should be.

If you decide to use black, be careful: it’s easy to overdo it and your makeup can turn out aggressive.

In order to understand how stylish and beautiful cat eye makeup can be, you should look at the examples in the photographs below:

As you can see in the photo with Taylor Swift, cat eye makeup makes the look incredibly expressive.

What will you need to do makeup?

To create cat eye makeup and create an attractive look, your makeup bag must have the necessary products. To do make-up you should follow the recommendations:

  • You must have eyeliner, a cosmetic pencil or a felt-tip pen;
  • if you are not sure that you can draw beautiful arrows, you can limit yourself to shadows;
  • “cat eyes” will lose all their charm if the skin of the face with such makeup looks unkempt. Take your makeup base Foundation, powder, blush;
  • Mascara will help complete the spectacular look.

Important! If you are new to drawing with a cosmetic pencil, then give preference to mild remedy. Eyeliner lines made with liquid eyeliner are more expressive, but you need to have skill in using this tool; it’s best to leave felt-tip pens and gel-based products to professionals.

Instructions for implementation

So, how to do cat eye makeup step by step? To do this, you will need to strictly follow the simple steps and tools described above.

Below is step by step creation“cat” makeup in the classic version:

  1. It is necessary to prepare your facial skin. To do this, it needs to be cleaned and moistened. After these manipulations, apply foundation and powder.
  2. Let's start creating a magnetic look. To do this, distribute light shadows over the entire upper eyelid.
  3. Using darker shadows, draw an arrow from the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. Dark shadows are applied above the top fold, which emphasize the outer corner of the arrow.
  4. Using a soft brush, carefully blend the edges of the shadows. This will avoid sudden transitions. Shadows are applied under the eyebrow light shade- the look becomes more open.
  5. The upper eyelid is lined with eyeliner or pencil, and the lower eyelid is lined with dark shadows.
  6. The finishing touch is applying mascara.

Voila! Now, thanks to the right step by step execution, you have become the happy owner beautiful makeup"cat's eye" and sensual look. Get ready for rapt attention!

Photos from step by step application cat eye makeup.

Important! You need to choose one shadow color range, otherwise beautiful and correct execution will not work! Many girls and women may have a question: should they paint their lips or not?

This makeup technique means that the emphasis is on the eyes, so if you make your lips a bright shade, then the whole image will turn out tacky and vulgar. If you can’t do without gloss or lipstick, choose light shades.

When doing cat eye makeup, you shouldn’t focus on your lips.

Cat eye makeup is not at all difficult to do, especially with step-by-step instructions. And if it doesn’t work out the first time, then definitely the second time!

Video: cat eye makeup step by step.

Video: step by step makeup cat's eye on the looming eyelid.

Master class on drawing

Many women want to try to do this kind of makeup, but those who have no experience ask the question “how to draw cat eyes?”

In fact, it's simple, don't be afraid to create arrows. To create them you do not need to have unique skills. If you don't know which side to approach, read the following instructions.

The technique of drawing arrows for cat eye makeup is very simple:

  1. Mentally mark the line you want to make. Lightly go over it with dark shadows or powder.
  2. Slightly pulling up the outer corner of the eye, apply eyeliner towards the temple.
  3. If you want to draw a thicker line, do it in several stages: first a thin line, and then add new layers to it.

Photo of step-by-step drawing of an arrow for cat eye makeup.

If you want a natural look, just don't extend the end of the liner more than 0.5 cm beyond the outer corner. To create pencil lines, it is best to use a waterproof type so that the makeup stays neat all day long.

It’s very easy to make them with a pencil - place small dots at some distance, and then connect them with thin strokes. The end of the arrow extends beyond the corner of the eye towards the temple.

Video: cat eye makeup technique.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

It would seem that there is nothing difficult to do; no special professional skills are needed. But not everyone can create a “cat-look” eye makeup. The reason for this is banal mistakes made due to ignorance or inattention. Let's fix this!

  1. Wrong arrows. Remember! Those with a narrow shape should not draw thin lines, and with a round shape, the end of the arrow should noticeably extend beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  2. When drawing arrows, you need to close your eyes - so it turns out that instead of the playful look of a cat, your arrows turn out different and at the wrong angle.
  3. Applying eye shadow after eyeliner can cost you a makeover. If the shadows fall off even a little, the shade of the eyeliner will change significantly.
  4. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is drawn with a regular pencil - no, you can damage very delicate tissue, use kajal.

Video: how to do cat eye makeup.

Now you know the intricacies of this chic makeup, its correct implementation and how to avoid mistakes. The main thing is that it is done carefully, give preference only to high-quality cosmetics, and do not be afraid to draw arrows.

Follow simple rules and you will definitely succeed! Having mastered this technique, you will be able to create the image of a real film star, capable of winning the hearts of millions. After all, cat eye makeup always looks beautiful, and with it your eyes become expressive and attractive!

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