Emerald is a green colored gemstone. What is emerald? Properties, mining, history of the gemstone Where the best emeralds are mined

A transparent variety of green, sometimes blue, beryl is called emerald. Dark green specimens are more valuable. In Greece, the mineral was called the “stone of radiance.” In Rus', the gem was considered a stone of composure, wisdom and hope.

What color is emerald

Natural emerald is usually green in color.

Stones whose deposits are located in Colombia are especially valued: they have a bright grassy-green hue. In the same country, a variety of emerald called Trapiche is mined. His distinctive feature is that six rays of amazing beauty extend from the center of the mineral.

The Zambian emerald is particularly transparent. These gems are known for their purest green hue (they are much darker than Colombian ones), but can also have a bluish tint.

Also in Zimbabwe, one of the most common stones is emerald with yellow tint. This combination of green and yellow is highly valued in the jewelry industry.

Main deposits

The richest mines sparkling with green gems are located in Colombia. That is why it is called the land of emeralds. Emeralds from Colombia are rightfully considered the kings of all emeralds: the gems mined here are distinguished by their quality, rich green color and a minimum number of defects and inclusions.

Ural emeralds

The discovery of these emeralds occurred in the 19th century.

Ural emeralds are famous for their rich green color, which is caused by their high iron and chromium content. This, without a doubt, will make these gems stand out from others.

The Ural Gemstone Company offers products made from untreated emeralds. The stones do not have any additional processing other than cutting. Gems have the appearance that nature gave them.

Emeralds grown by hydrothermal and solution-melt methods.

This type of emerald is grown in a special laboratory. Such stones in their qualities - including jewelry - do not differ from natural emeralds grown in the thickness of the earth's crust.

Artificial emerald is grown from emerald powder dissolved in water using high temperature. That's why it's called hydrothermal. A solution of water, ground emeralds and special chemicals enters a cold zone, where the emerald is deposited onto a special substrate - a seed.

The result will be a mineral with the desired properties. The interesting thing is that the growth process of the gem can be controlled. To do this, it is necessary to select the required position and size of the seed. On average, the cultivation of hydrothermal emerald lasts about a month.

The ability to create artificial emeralds makes them more accessible to gemstone lovers. Moreover, as already mentioned, emeralds grown in this way are not inferior in quality to real ones.

How much does an emerald cost?

The price of a stone consists of the following characteristics:

The magical properties of emerald stone

The healing properties of the mineral

For Gemini, the gem will become a source of composure and wisdom, because these are the qualities that representatives of this sign lack to make the right decision. Emerald will soften and reduce nervousness, restlessness and irritability, which are characteristic of Gemini. At the same time, the stone will strengthen memory, which will be very useful, given the sociability of this sign and its inherent talkativeness. Emerald will save Gemini from emotional distress - representatives of this sign will stop tormenting themselves, as well as tormenting others with their lamentation. Jewelry with this mineral will be useful for Geminis suffering from loneliness, who hide this fact under the guise of confidence and sociability, and for those who, for some reason, have limited communication with people.

Diamond - description and properties of the stone Chrysoberyl - a stone of harmony and good luck Demantoid - green garnet stone

Emerald is a stone that belongs to the grassy-green variety of beryl and is valued extremely highly. A green and sometimes bluish tint appears in colorless beryl due to chromium impurities.

The color of emerald is unique and represents the calling card of the stone.

The name of the mineral comes from the Persian language, and the deposit is considered to be Colombia, East Africa, and India. The magical properties of emerald and its healing functions are issues that have been hotly debated for several centuries. The description of the emerald worries researchers even now, since the functionality of the stone is amazing.

Characteristics of the mineral

It is not difficult to recognize a green emerald among other precious stones - it stands out for its elongated prismatic crystal shape, bright color and glassy luster. It is believed that complete information about the gem has not yet been revealed, and the knowledge of emerald stones continues.

Find a pure green gem with perfect shape difficult, because cut minerals with bright colors and beautiful appearance are highly valued and are not available for purchase by most people. The cost of an emerald is comparable to the price of a diamond, since the mineral is one of the most expensive precious stones. At the same time, prices for pale emeralds are low. The uniqueness and originality of a precious mineral depends on its bright shine and the place of extraction.

Thus, the mineral found in Colombia is distinguished by its beautiful grassy color and bright shine.

Emerald is a soft mineral with an easily erasable surface that is susceptible to scratches. A damaged stone, lacking shine, is estimated to be 10 times cheaper than a polished one. Despite its softness, the mineral is considered durable, although inferior in hardness to rubies and diamonds. Detailed description stone plays a key role in determining its price.

Determining the cost of a stone

To find out how much an emerald costs, it is not enough to determine it by eye. The ideal stone is one that combines rich, bright color and transparency.

The brighter the color of the mineral, the more valuable it is

To calculate the price, special criteria are used:

  1. With fewer cracks, the price of emeralds will be higher. To treat splits and damage, cedar oil, thermal or vacuum installations, and epoxy resins are often used.
  2. The value of a stone directly depends on its color. The bright green shade is characterized by the highest cost. There are cases when stones with less bright colors are highly valued, but after cutting they turn into sparkling and brilliant gems. The advantage of emeralds among other jewelry is that the price does not depend on the number of inclusions. On average, the cost is several tens of hundreds of dollars for one carat of emerald, the color of which is rich and deep.

The value of the mineral directly depends on the cutter.

A cut called “emerald” was developed specifically for the gem, which is a rectangular or square shape with slightly blunted corners.

This design gives exceptional jewelery and prevents the effects of mechanical damage.

The healing properties of emerald

Natural emerald is valued not only because of its beautiful appearance and the status it gives to the owner. Since ancient times, the crushed mineral was considered a powerful antidote, a means of combating night blindness and an eyesore. Ancient healers believed that by holding a natural stone in the mouth, you could get rid of dysentery, psoriasis, and diabetes forever.

Shades of emerald

The following medicinal properties are now attributed to the gem:

  • decrease in temperature;
  • treatment of burns, inflammation and infectious diseases;
  • pressure reduction;
  • improved vision;
  • fight against epilepsy;
  • treatment restless sleep and insomnia;
  • eliminating depression, groundless fears and increased fatigue.

The emerald mineral fights high blood pressure, headaches and joint pain, gastrointestinal diseases, and inflammation in the bladder.

If you put the stone in a container of raw water and leave it overnight, the liquid can be consumed without further purification.

It is believed that you can get rid of melancholy, strengthen your memory, gain peace of mind, and calm nervousness thanks to the green, soothing glow of emerald: the properties of the stone for a stressed person are revealed with exceptional power.

The magical powers of emeralds

Several centuries ago, there was an opinion about the ability of emerald to provide protection to warriors and make them braver. The magical properties of the stone amazed with the power of healing and giving happiness. If you believe ancient legends, then with the help of the mineral you can achieve universal recognition and success.

Esotericists believe that emerald affects the sphere of feelings

The characteristics of emerald as a magic stone connect it with the ability to influence feelings, love, and fidelity. Because of the mineral's enlightenment abilities, it can be used during meditation, prayer, or confession.

The magic of stone modern life extends to many areas. So, it will be useful:

  • when ensuring material well-being;
  • if adultery is detected, in this case the stone will split into pieces;
  • in the fight against the owner’s deceit and propensity for scams;
  • in case of disagreements in the family;
  • for problems with procreation.

The mineral gives the owner health, luck, dispels negative energy, warns a person’s house against dangers. Thanks to emerald, you can get in touch with dead people and decipher the mysterious signals of the Universe.

Finding out who suits emerald is easy. Due to the delicate properties of the stone, it will not be able to take root with a rude and aggressive owner who constantly demonstrates these aspects of character.

But the mineral will correct the character of young people, rid them of bad habits and cheeky inclinations. The stone will have a special positive impact on nursing mothers, creative individuals, artists, and researchers.

Only emerald can attract inspiration and go in search of a muse with a subtle nature. magical properties who attracts luck, goodness, success and creative spirit from all sides. There is a legend that to create works known throughout the world, Goethe used a small amulet interspersed with a magical mineral.

Emerald for zodiac signs

When can you wear emeralds and who are they suitable for? The gem is not only an attractive jewel with magical properties for every person, but also a talisman for individual signs.

The strong energy field of the stone can positively influence the lives of Leo, Aquarius, Cancer and Pisces.

This is due to the proximity of the signs to nature. Strengthening the family hearth, seeking peace, love and respect is the purpose of emerald; The meaning of the stone for the listed signs is also manifested in the ability to find the necessary support, friendship, and cope with attacks of anger.

This stone is most effective in jewelry

The most effective talisman is in the form of a ring with the inclusion of emerald stones. Each sign must wear a talisman on a specific finger:

  1. Taurus - average.
  2. Cancer and Pisces - on the little finger.
  3. Leo and Sagittarius - on the index.
  4. Aquarius - on the nameless one.

The energy that emerald conveys to the zodiac signs is not suitable for everyone. According to the horoscope, the mineral is contraindicated for Aries, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and especially Scorpio. Gemini requires a separate reservation, for whom the stone can become a guide to the afterlife or a thread connecting the owner with the spirits.

When choosing jewelry with a natural component, you should take into account its detailed characteristics. Despite the attractiveness of stones, sometimes purchasing them may be unnecessary. This can be seen by looking at emeralds, the color of which attracts everyone, but is not suitable for everyone due to individual characteristics.

, sapphire, ruby, chrysoberyl, alexandrite, noble spinel and euclase, refers to semi-precious stones of the first order.

The main criteria for the quality of an emerald are its color, and then its transparency. An ideal emerald is a transparent stone with an evenly distributed rich color. Large, defect-free emeralds of a dense tone weighing from 5 carats are valued more than diamonds.


The word "emerald" (originally will die) comes from the Semitic root b-r-q“to shine” (cf. Hebrew ‏‏‎ bareket"emerald"), borrowed into Russian through tur. zümrüt, in turn borrowed through Pers. زمرّد ‎ zumurrud from Greek σμάραγδος smáragdos. Sanskrit goes back to the same source. मरकत marakata, lat. smaragdus and its medieval variant esmeraldus, esmeralda.

Physical properties

Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl, colored grass-green by chromium oxide or vanadium oxide, sometimes mixed with iron oxide (South African emeralds). That the emerald has the same chemical composition that beryl was proved in the 1790s by the French chemist Louis Vauquelin, who studied chromium and chromium-containing rocks. However, emerald continued to be classified as a separate type of stone until 1830, and in amateur literature green and even blue beryls were called emeralds until the very end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, it was discovered that emeralds are more likely to contain impurities of vanadium than chromium.

Emerald easily loses color at temperatures above 700 °C, but is resistant to acids and other reagents.

Hardness and fractures

Natural emeralds are rarely flawless, they usually have cracks and splits, often dissected by a complex network of fine veins and fissures. Increased fragility - characteristic feature stone: its hardness is 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale (diamond has 10), in combination with thin cracks in the transverse section, this makes it very sensitive to compression and heat.

Unlike a diamond, where quality is typically assessed at 10x magnification, an emerald is assessed by eye: a stone that has no visible cracks (provided normal visual acuity) is considered flawless.


The color of a stone is divided into three components: hue, saturation and lightness. There are emeralds various shades- from yellow-green to blue-green, but the main tone is always green, right down to the darkest green tone.

The color distribution of emerald is uneven: usually the free end of the crystal is brighter colored than its base; there are also zonal crystals with a longitudinal change in color intensity (often with a brighter core) and with transverse alternation of light and dark green zones. In brightly colored stones, dichroism is noticeable even to the eye - a change in color from yellowish to bluish-green when the crystal is rotated.

The best emeralds are approximately 75% tone on a scale where 0% is no color and 100% is opaque black:108. A high-quality stone should have a rich color with bright emerald shades. A dull green or grayish-green tint is also possible.


Only emeralds highest quality transparent. Most often, stones are clouded with inclusions of liquid and gas bubbles, healed cracks, as well as pinpoint inclusions of other minerals captured by emeralds during growth. Stones that do not have surface damage are extremely rare, so almost all emeralds are treated with various chemical mixtures to give them a beautiful appearance. appearance :108 .


Emerald from Brazil

Emeralds are formed by the interaction of acidic magma with host ultramafic igneous rocks, so their deposits are represented by greisenization zones. Occasionally, small emeralds form at exocontacts of pegmatites.

In most deposits of the world, emerald is associated with phlogopite mica, formed as a result of greisenization - the impact of high-temperature aqueous solutions on ultrabasic rocks. As a result of this process, the original rocks, due to the feldspars of granites, are transformed into complex rocks containing quartz, light mica and often valuable ore minerals in the form of inclusions. The presence of greisen is a leading search indicator for deposits of rare metal ores and precious stones, including emerald.

The best quality emeralds are confined to hydrothermal veins located in carbonaceous shales. Colombian emeralds occur in low-temperature carbonate veinlets cutting through black bituminous limestones.

Since emerald is close in density to quartz, alluvial placers of this stone are usually not formed; secondary deposits are represented only by weathering crusts.

Place of Birth

Good emeralds are rare, most of them are found in the Colombian deposits of Tunja (discovered in 1555) and Muso (known since 1537), in New Granada, Zambia, Brazil and Egypt. Emeralds of lower quality are found in Habachtal, Salzburg (Austria), the Mourne Mountains (Ireland), Lake Mjosen (Norway) and some other places.

Emeralds are also mined in Russia, USA, Canada, Australia, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, China, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Somalia, Nigeria, Namibia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Madagascar.


Nowadays, from 50 to 95% of all emerald production comes from Colombia (the exact percentage varies greatly from year to year in different directions). Between 2000 and 2010, emerald production in Colombia increased by 78%. In addition to ordinary emeralds, Colombia also produces trapiche emerald, which is characterized by the formation of crystals in the shape of a wheel with spokes.


Zambian emeralds are of higher quality than Colombian ones. Zambia's largest emerald deposit is the Kagem mine, which is located 45 km southeast of the city of Kitwe. In 2004, about 20% of all emeralds mined that year were mined here, making Zambia the second “emerald” country after Colombia. In the first 6 months of 2011, 3.74 tons of emeralds were mined in the Kagem mines.


Stones mined in Brazil are lighter and much purer than Colombian ones. It was also here that the world's largest emerald was found at 57,500 carats (11.5 kg), called Teodora and approximately valued at $1.15 million.


In Egypt, emeralds are mined in mines near El Quseir and Mount Zabara (this deposit, according to hieroglyphic monuments found there, was mined already in 1650 BC). Deposits near Aswan, 50-60 km from the Red Sea coast, were developed under Pharaoh Sesostris III about 37 centuries ago. Slave miners dug shafts up to 200 meters deep in strong shale, which could accommodate up to 400 people at a time. It was believed that emerald was afraid of light, so the work was carried out in complete darkness. On the surface, the emerald-containing rock was split into pieces and smeared olive oil in order to distinguish precious crystals.

Emerald mines of the Urals

USSR postage stamp from the “Ural Gems” series

And they [the Indians] carried a lot of silver and gold things along the "ario" with them to make an exchange with those with whom they were going to trade, these included crowns and tiaras, belts and gauntlets, and armor, both for the legs, [ so] and breastplates, and tongs, and rattles, and counting threads and bundles, and “red silver”, and mirrors set in that silver, and bowls, and other drinking vessels; and they transported a lot of woolen and cotton capes, and shirts, and “alhulas”, and “alcacers”, and “alarems”, and many other clothes, most of it decorated with patterns, very rich in red and carmine, blue and yellow colors , and all other colors applied different ways, and [with] images of birds and animals, and fish, and trees; and they carried several small weights for weighing gold, similar to a steelyard, and many other things. On some bunches of beads there were several small emerald and chalcedony stones, and other stones and things made of glass and tree resin. They brought all this to exchange for sea shells, from which they make multi-colored grains for rosaries, similar to coral necklaces, as well as white ones, which are transported in almost overcrowded ships.

Finds in Peru (-)

Tiara of the Duchess of Anjou, contains 40 emeralds and 1031 diamonds. Made in 1819-1820. in Paris Earrings with natural emerald Brooch with emerald "Hooker", 75 carats. Kept in the National Museum of Natural History (Washington). Tiara of the Empress of France

The conqueror of Peru, Francisco Pizarro, captured the largest military booty in history, which included some emeralds. After the capture of the Inca king Atahualpa, the Spaniards were offered the famous “Ransom of Atahualpa” for his release, in the form of gold and silver items (then melted into ingots), filling the room up to the mark at the height of the raised hand. According to the report of the notary Pedro Sancho, Governor Francisco Pizarro with his servants and translators received the following amount during its division on June 18, 1533: gold - 57,220 pesos, silver - 2,350 marks. Many items were inlaid with emeralds and other precious stones.

Some of the Inca's treasures were taken to Santo Domingo, where this news caused a real shock. One man in Panama swore that "it was a magical dream." Historian Oviedo: “that this is not a myth or a fairy tale.” The first of four ships, loaded with treasure, arrived in Seville at the end of 1533. The royal "fifth" was delivered by Hernando Pizarro himself. After this event, the desire to find treasure became the main desire of all newcomers to the New World. So, in 1534, the future chronicler Cieza de Leon, traveling with his merchant father, saw in Seville how the treasures from Atahualpa's ransom were unloaded, which apparently served as a reason to leave for South America.

Juan de San Martin and Antonio de Lebrija. Report of the Conquest of the New Kingdom of Granada (July 1539).

Emeralds constituted an important source of income for the Chibcha Indians in the cities of Bogota and Tunja: the main item of exchange “for these emeralds was gold and beads, which were made in that region, and a lot of cotton clothing.”

The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead recorded that the Egyptians received an emerald as a gift from the great god Thoth. The green color of the stone is reminiscent of spring, and it was considered a symbol of eternal youth. The Egyptians called emerald “the stone of the goddess Isis” and attributed to it the ability to turn dreams into reality, read minds, see the past and foresee the future. It was also believed that emerald rewarded a person with fidelity and unchanging love. This stone was the patron saint of future mothers, it was considered the best gift for women in labor. Emeralds were also widely used in ancient Egyptian jewelry, and many people desired to be placed in their tombs.

In ancient times, emerald was also considered a powerful talisman, healing for vision, and a remedy for the bites of poisonous animals (one type of which was supposedly fatal to poisonous snakes).

It is noteworthy that in Islamic countries, green emerald has always been positively perceived as desirable. magic stone. Christian tradition, on the contrary, considered it a witchcraft stone generated by hell. According to legend, the largest emerald fell to the ground from Lucifer's helmet when he was expelled from heaven. The Holy Grail was carved from this emerald. [ ]

There are images of the duel between St. George and the serpent (the embodiment of evil), in which the serpent’s body is made of emeralds. [ ]

Alchemical production plants philosopher's stone, which is capable of turning metals into gold and giving immortality, were (according to alchemists) written on an emerald tablet. In the history of myths, this tablet is a huge emerald on which the postulates of the occult sciences are carved. This emerald was allegedly found next to the mummy of the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth, who is identified with Hermes.

In Central Asia it was believed that “whoever wears an emerald does not see dreams that confuse the spirit. Emerald strengthens the heart, eliminates sorrows, and saves from epilepsy and evil spirits. If an emerald is set in gold and used as a seal, then its owner is insured against pestilence, the spell of love and insomnia.”

In Russia of the 15th-17th centuries, emerald was considered a stone of wisdom and composure, and it was this quality that A. Pushkin valued in his emerald ring.

There is a tragic story associated with this emerald. Together with other stones, which were seized from Kokovin by denunciation, the auditor Yaroshevitsky sent him to St. Petersburg, to the vice-president of the Department of Appanages L. A. Perovsky. But, after receiving the precious mail, the stone mysteriously disappears in the capital. And again Ya. V. Kokovin is accused of his loss - and Yakov Vasilyevich was arrested and put on trial. After serving more than two years, he was released seriously ill. In 1839, the slandered Kokovin turned to the emperor with a request to reconsider the case. However, there was no reconsideration of the case, and in 1840 Y. V. Kokovin died.
As a result, decades later, from the property of L. A. Perovsky (the true culprit of the loss), the emerald ends up in the collection of Count Kochubey and then, in the course of revolutionary ups and downs, leaves the country. It was subsequently purchased by the Soviet government and returned. Now the emerald is kept in Moscow in the Mineralogical Museum named after. Fersman.

According to some experts, the President emerald is “explosive”, that is, after some time, due to internal stresses in the crystal, it can disintegrate into several parts.

Artificial emeralds

Emerald is a 1st class gemstone. Large emeralds, absolutely defect-free, rich, thick tone weighing from 5 carats are more expensive than diamonds. Emerald It is considered ideal in cases where a perfectly transparent stone has a uniformly distributed rich color.

The main criterion for high emerald quality is its color, but transparency comes second. Stones of natural origin almost always have splits and cracks, and only occasionally are specimens found that are ideal in all respects, and they are very highly valued.

Emeralds come in various colors - from green-yellow to blue-green, but the main color is always green, sometimes even dark green. The distribution of color is almost always uneven; very often the base of the emerald is colored darker than its free end.

The word "emerald" comes from the Perso-Arabic zumurrud, as well as from the Turkish zümrüt. Previously, in Russian the word emerald was written as izumrut.

Turkish and Arabic words come from the Greek word σμάραγδος, smáragdos, previously used in the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples, which means precious stone Green colour.

In Europe, emerald has the following names: in Spain it is called esmeralda, in Germany this stone is called emerald, and in France it is called emerald.

Varieties of emerald

Emerald occurs in various species in nature. Brazilian emerald has a transparent green tint. Quite a rare name Trapiche, this type has the shape of a carriage wheel with spokes. They are usually found in Colombia.

Another type is called emerald – malachite or Eurohit. The next variety of emerald is called Vilyuisk or Vesuvian. There are also copper emerald or dioptase, Ural or demantoid and nickel emeralds.

Physical properties of emerald

According to the well-known classification of A.E. Fersman, the emerald mineral belongs to the first-order semi-precious stones. They also include diamond, ruby, euclase, sapphire, alexandrite, chrysoberyl, and noble spinel.

Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl that has a grassy green color. This color shade is given by vanadium oxide or chromium oxide, very rarely there is an admixture of iron oxide, usually South African emeralds. Emeralds are characterized by increased fragility; their hardness ranges from 7.5-8 units.

Unlike emerald, it has a hardness of 10.0. Transverse separation, combined with small, thin cracks often found in emeralds, makes this mineral very sensitive to pressure and high temperatures. At 700 degrees and above, emeralds easily lose their color, but they are resistant to various reagents and acids.

Emeralds often have various defects. Precious varieties of emeralds very often characterized by the presence of a rather complex network of thin cracks and veins that cut the stone lengthwise and crosswise.

Often found and zonal emeralds, the crystals of which have a longitudinal change in color intensity, usually with a lighter and brighter core, as well as with transverse alternation of dark and light green zones.

In light emeralds, even without magnifying devices, but by eye, dichroism is clearly visible, that is, a change in the color of the mineral from bluish to yellowish-green when the crystal is rotated.

The best emeralds contain approximately 75% tone. In addition, a high-quality emerald should be well saturated with color, its shades should be light and bright. Grey colour is normal.

Transparent are only emeralds of the highest standard quality, however, they are often clouded by various inclusions of gas, bubbles and liquid, as well as healed cracks, pinpoint inclusions of other minerals captured by emerald crystals during their growth. It is by the mineral composition of the inclusions contained in an emerald that it is determined from which deposit a given specimen was mined.

Transparency of emerald

Basically all emeralds contain a large number of inclusions and surface disturbances of cracks. Unlike a diamond, whose quality is assessed at 10x magnification, an emerald is assessed by eye.

Thus, it turns out that if the emerald does not contain visible to the eye cracks and flaws, of course, provided good visual acuity, then it is considered flawless.

Emerald crystals, which do not have surface damage, are quite rare, so almost all emeralds are chemically treated with various mixtures to give them the most pleasant and beautiful appearance.

The irregularity and unevenness of the shape of emerald crystals makes it possible to use the cabochon method instead of the simple one. Emerald cut, which helps intensify the color shades, was designed to avoid chipping corners gemstone.

Origin of emerald in nature

Emerald crystals are formed by the interaction of felsic magma with ultramafic host rocks, so their deposits are usually caused by zones of greisenization of ultramafic rocks or phlogopite mica, sometimes emeralds are found in or near pegmatites. However, the best in quality emerald specimens found in hydrothermal veins that occur in carbonaceous shales.

Alluvial scatterings of emerald crystals practically do not form, due to the fact that emerald is close in density to quartz. Secondary deposits are caused only by weathering crusts.

As a result of greisenization processes, in the presence of feldspars and granites, micas are formed light colors. Such as muscovite or lepidolite.

As a result of this process, the original rocks turn into greisen, which are complex rocks containing light micas and quartz.

Very often, greisen are saturated with valuable ores and minerals in the form of small inclusions. The choice for deposit development is made, as a rule, in the presence of greisens containing ores of rare colored stones and rare metals.

The greisenization process is necessary for formation of emeralds. In most deposits discovered on earth, the formation of emerald is confined to the presence of phlogopite mica; they are usually formed as a result of the interaction of ultramafic rocks and high-temperature water solutions.

In Colombia, emerald crystals are found in low-temperature carbonate veins that are adjacent to black bituminous limestones. Quite rarely, small emeralds are formed in exocontacts of various pegmatites.

Emerald deposits

The biggest and richest emerald deposit Colombia is considered. IN last years 95% of all emeralds are mined there. From 2000 to 2010, emerald mining in Colombia increased by 80%. Also, deposits of this mineral are located in Zambia in the vicinity of the city of Kitwe.

In 2004, approximately 20% of all emeralds in the world were mined from this deposit, such statistics placed Zambia in second place after Colombia in emerald production. During the first half of 2011, 3.7 tons of emeralds were mined from the Kagem deposit.

Emeralds mined in Zambia are considered better than those from Colombia, as they are of high and impeccable quality. Emerald deposits also available in these countries: Austria, Afghanistan, Australia, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Cambodia, Canada, Ethiopia, Egypt, Germany, France, Kazakhstan, India, Italy, Namibia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Mozambique, Norway, Russia, Pakistan, Somalia, Spain, South Africa, USA, Switzerland, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

High quality emeralds quite a rare occurrence. Most of them are found in several deposits: on the Red Sea coast, in the Zabara mountains near the city of Kosseir in Egypt, there is a deposit that, according to hieroglyphic inscriptions discovered there, was developed in 1650 BC; an emerald deposit called Tunja was discovered in 1555 in Colombia; Another famous deposit is located in the town of Muso, in New Granada, which has been developed since 1537.

Emeralds of significantly lower quality are mined in Norway, near Lake Mjosen and in its environs, in Ireland in the town of Mourn, in Habachtal, in Salzburg, Austria. IN Russian Federation emerald crystals are found 90 km away. northeast of Yekaterinburg on the Tokovaya River.

There is black mica slate there. Emerald deposits are also known at the sources of the Bolshaya Refta River. The stones mined in these places are famous for their size. The Bolshaya Refta River is also rich in phenacite and alexandrite.

Under Pharaoh Sesostris III, who reigned about 37 centuries ago, emerald deposits were developed, which gave the world many beautiful specimens. They are located near Aswan, 50-65 km. from the Red Sea.

Slaves dug mines in hard rocks, the depth of which reached 200 meters. One such mine could house about 400 people at a time. They believed that emerald did not like light, so all work was carried out in absolute darkness.

Emerald-bearing rock extracted to the surface, then chopped it into pieces and generously smeared with olive oil, this helped to distinguish and select precious minerals, which the ancient Romans and Greeks called stones of green radiance.

History of emeralds

In ancient times, they were highly valued by the rulers of India. It is believed that the builder of the Taj Mahal, the famous Sultan Shah Yahan, wore emeralds as a talisman, they were depicted with sacred scriptures.

Most likely, it was because of this that the emerald was credited with influencing love, because the Taj Mahal is one of the greatest symbols of devotion and love.

The famous report of Juan de Samano, who was the secretary of the great Emperor Charles V, indicates that Colombian emeralds were first found in 1525. And this was associated with the first expedition of Diego de Almagro and Francisco Pizarro.

This mineral was also highly valued by ancient cultures. The inhabitants of Babylon sold emeralds back in 4000 BC. The famous emerald deposits belonging to Cleopatra were located in the vicinity of Aswan in Egypt.

For many years it was believed that these deposits were just a fictitious story or legend, but in 1818 they were discovered again in these places. And in the old mines, tools were found that were later definitely dated back to 1300 BC.

By 1530, almost all emerald deposits and mines were known to Europeans. Their number was not large. After the Spanish conquest of Colombia, large quantities of emeralds found their way to Europe.

IN ancient Egypt there was a Book of the Dead, in which it was written that the Egyptians accepted an emerald as a gift from the great god and ruler Thoth. Green color speaks of spring and therefore emerald was considered a symbol of eternal youth.

The peoples of Egypt called this mineral the stone of the goddess Isis. And they endowed him with the ability to turn dreams into reality, see the past, read minds and predict the future.

It was also assumed that emerald is capable of rewarding a person with unfailing love and fidelity. He was considered the patron saint of expectant mothers, and the emerald was the best gift for a pregnant woman. Emeralds were also very popular in ancient Egyptian jewelry.

And a huge number of people wanted jewelry to be placed in their tombs after their death. There is a legend about the great emperor Nero, which says that he had big size emerald, which he used as a monocle when watching gladiator battles.

Emerald is a type of beryl mineral with a rich velvety green color, sometimes even with a slight bluish tint. Pure beryl is colorless, and acquires color when its structure contains elements responsible for a particular color. The green color of emerald is due to the presence of chromium Cr in it. Typical emeralds contain 0.14% Cr chromium, 0.12% Fe iron and 0.05% V vanadium.

Origin of the name: The word "emerald" (English emerald) comes from a Persian word, which, through such modified forms of the Latin smaragdus as esmeraude, emeraude and esmeralde, has come down to our times. Smaragd is the old Russian name for the mineral emerald. The main deposits of Emerald: Colombia (deposit in Muzo), East Africa, Transvaal, India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe (Sandwana).

Physico-chemical properties of emerald

  • Chemical formula - Be3Al2Si6O18.
  • The shape of the crystals is elongated prismatic.
  • The color of the mineral is green of varying intensity.
  • The crystals are transparent and translucent.
  • Is the mineral brittle?: Yes.
  • The shine is glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale is 7.5-8.0.
  • Density - 2.8 g/cm3.
  • Cleavage: absent.
  • Light refraction or refractive period is 1.576-1.582.
  • Fracture: conchoidal, uneven.

Emerald color

Emerald - like sapphire and ruby, is valued depending on where it is mined. If for a ruby ​​the “password” is Burma, and for a sapphire - Kashmir, then for an emerald it is Colombia, more precisely, a mine in Muzo, not far from Bogota, where stones of the most beautiful grass-green color are mined.

Due to its bright green color, emerald is considered a unique and one-of-a-kind gemstone. Examples of truly good quality are quite rare; evenness of color is often hampered by inclusions. Small inclusions do not in any way reduce the value of the stone. On the contrary, an emerald of bright deep green color, even with inclusions, is valued more than the purest pale green emerald.

Emerald is a relatively soft mineral (its hardness is equal to 7 on the Mohs scale), its surface is easily abraded and scratches remain on the edges. If an emerald has been stored in the same container with diamonds, sapphires and rubies for a long time, it can appear almost dull, lacking shine due to constant damage from harder materials. One of these stones was offered for just £500, but after he had it re-polished, the price increased tenfold.

Emerald is a fairly durable stone, although it is inferior in hardness to diamond and ruby. The market value consists of such concepts as color, weight, purity of the emerald and cut. The range of prices per carat is huge. I will take into account stones with purity from Si2 to IF. Price from $200 to $5000 US per carat. As the weight of the emerald increases, the price per carat increases progressively.

Criteria for evaluating emerald

The ideal emerald is a transparent stone with an evenly distributed rich color. Main criterion The qualities of an emerald are its color, followed by transparency. Natural emeralds almost always have cracks and splits, most commonly cedar as it has the same refractive index as emerald and helps to slightly reduce the glare of some stones especially bright color. Thermal and vacuum installations using epoxy resins are used to fill cracks in some emeralds. Almost all stones mined in Brazil and Colombia are processed this way, but emeralds from Zambia are traditionally treated with oil.

The enormous value of the emerald and also its inclusion require great responsibility from the cutter. A special cut was developed for this stone - emerald. This rectangular or square design with blunted corners enhances the beauty of this gemstone, showcasing its stunning color, and protects it from mechanical damage. But other classic cut forms are also acceptable for emerald. Crystals rich in inclusions and fractures are usually used to make cabochons or emerald pearls.

When assessing the value of an emerald, the most important thing is its color. The brighter the green color of the stone, the higher the cost. There are also interesting emeralds of a less bright color that sparkle and shine when they are set, while stones of a rich green hue, although they have a deeper color, lose their brightness when set. Generally speaking, both lighter and darker stones are valued slightly lower. Unlike a diamond, a beautifully colored emerald does not lose much in value if it contains inclusions.

The fewer cracks, the more expensive the emerald. Natural emeralds of the highest quality weighing more than 2 carats are very rare and very expensive. A large emerald, richly green with hints of blue or yellow and virtually free of inclusions, can fetch tens of hundreds of dollars per carat.

Emerald and its magical properties

The main task of the emerald is to fight the bad inclinations of its owner: deceit, a penchant for scams, infidelity in love. If the owner of the stone does not have bad inclinations, the emerald brings him health and good luck, otherwise it can send disasters to the person. This gem is able to dispel any negative energy, cleanse a person’s biofield and his home from negativity. Emerald protects the family hearth: it preserves marital ties, maintains peace and harmony in the family, and promotes procreation.

People with developed intuition this stone helps to get in touch with the souls of the dead, with creatures from subtle world, grants the ability to decipher signals sent to Earth by the forces of the Universe. Emerald is a very delicate stone. He does not tolerate aggression and rudeness. If you wear the stone constantly for 2-3 months, a person can correct these negative character traits.

Astrologers say that nervous, sensitive people should expose deceptions and intrigues. It is very suitable for Leo, Libra and Aquarius. Emerald is strictly contraindicated for Pisces, Capricorns and Scorpios. Other signs can wear it.

Healing properties of Emerald

It is believed that emerald stabilizes blood pressure, relieves headaches and joint pain, treats stomach diseases, inflammation of the bladder, and has antibacterial properties (if you put it in a glass of raw water, you can drink it without boiling). In ancient times, it was believed that the stone helped get rid of night blindness, eyesores, and epilepsy. Modern lithotherapists claim that the owner of an emerald is not at risk of nightmares, insomnia, unreasonable fears and increased fatigue.

Talismans and amulets

Emerald is a talisman for nursing mothers, sailors and travelers. As an amulet, it protects young boys and girls from vicious inclinations and the tendency to debauchery. Creative people The stone gives inspiration and elation; it attracts success and good luck to business people.