How to celebrate the New Year? How to celebrate the New Year of the Fire Rooster: recommendations on the signs of the zodiac What to wear for the new year

Hello, my dear readers, in this article you will learn how to celebrate the New Year 2019 of the Pig (Boar) according to the signs of the Zodiac, what to wear on New Year and what color of outfit to choose, what dress to sew and wear on New Year's celebration.

And now in order:

Imperceptibly, with barely audible steps, the bright year of the Dog is leaving. The year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) is in a hurry to replace it. Eastern calendar predicts that the symbol of the year is a smart, reliable animal, appreciates care, and not material values. How to appease the Earth Pig (Yellow Boar)? What to wear for the New Year 2019 and attract good luck?

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 and in what color to wear an outfit: general trends? New Year's dress style

Fashionistas will find the outfits boring and simple this year. These are the requirements of the hostess of the holiday. She does not tolerate vulgarity and unnecessary details. Earth shades are in fashion. We give special preference to yellow and brown colors. Of course, gold is in trend. Follow these recommendations, and good luck will not go away.

Earthy shades may not suit girls. Celebrate the new year in the colors of nature. Blue, crimson, pink, peach will be a kind of compromise for young fashionistas.

It is not necessary to use clothes of the same shade. Take contrasting things with prints and large colors, which dictates the fashion of the next year.

By the way, shiny sequins are back. golden dress from sequins will please the Earth Pig. Men should wear comfortable clothing. Celebrate in brown. May the Boar protect you.

How to celebrate the New 2019 Year of the Pig according to the signs of the Zodiac?

What to wear according to the signs of the zodiac?

Astrologers explain that the Pig loves things that attract attention. The hostess of the year will not appreciate the thoughtless waste of money, and a simple outfit will scare away luck. Enter 2019 with elegance and style. Follow the prediction of your zodiac sign.


In the coming year, Aries will plunge into nostalgia. Events promise a fateful meeting. Dress for the holiday in discreet colors. May good luck accompany you all year. Harmony will come to family Aries.

A light silk dress will look great on you. golden color.


The year promises Taurus support in their careers and an increase in wealth. Taurus belong to the elements of the Earth, so they are doubly lucky. Put on a comfortable brown or lemon dress, add gold jewelry. This is enough to meet the Yellow Pig.


In the coming year, Gemini will master an interesting field of activity. The year promises peace in everything. Successful colors will be the blue color of the sky, air, as well as green color plants. Floral and tropical patterns will attract good luck. Let Gemini's accessories be paired:

  • gold earrings;
  • earth tones bracelets;
  • blue or green hairpins.


Do not miss the chance that the Year of the Pig will give you. He promises something interesting. When interested, do not forget about the health that you do not protect. Meet in colors and sparkles. An accessory for you will be a mask that will add mystery to your appearance.

a lion

Leos will be interested in philosophical questions. The stars advise not to get carried away. How to meet the lions in the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar)?

Better think about how to make a less flashy costume. Out of habit, you are drawn to fashionable outrageous new clothes and jewelry. Hold back your fervor. Dress modestly. None tight skirts and deep cuts in the neckline.

If you could not resist and bought such a dress, cover the neckline with an elegant scarf. This will please the symbol of the year and will give you a unique charm.


Virgos will have business meetings, negotiations, projects at work. Prepare thoroughly for the meeting with the Earth mistress.

What color to wear for the New Year of the Pig (Boar)? Let sand tones be in your outfit. A long dress will give your image tenderness and femininity.


At the beginning of the year and until the summer, you will think about a solution difficult questions. In the end, weigh everything and make the right decision. Astrologers advise to pay attention to the New Year's outfit. Your dress with sequins or lurex. Observe moderation in colors.


Passionate scorpions will reduce their activity in 2019. They will hide in their house like turtles, resting from the hustle and bustle until spring. Scorpions will attract success if they go to a friendly party in unusual shoes. Any color other than red. Women's stiletto heels are the perfect option.


Get ready for nice gifts. Friends will captivate you with interesting things. IN new year's eve surround yourself with an atmosphere of mystery. A fashionable unusual hat covering the eyes will help with this.

New Year 2019 is coming soon - what color of outfit should archers wear? Sandy and yellow shades. If you have not yet chosen what to celebrate the New 2019 Year of the Pig in, then look at the golden outfit.


Capricorns have to solve many life problems at the same time. Set your priorities. Choose important and minor questions. Plan and everything will work out. Stars recommend wearing new silk clothes in beige and golden tones. Your accessory will be an original handbag or clutch.


The whole of 2019 will be successful and productive for Aquarius. The stars advise wearing lace on the first night of the year. Your accessory is beautiful white or blue air gloves.


Pisces astrologers promise good luck in everything. Just don't forget about health. Let your dress be decorated with big flowers. It will attract prosperity, health, love and success.

Video about how to celebrate the New Year in spite of the horoscope. The girls approached this issue quite simply corny, but it turned out even very well.

How to celebrate the New Year 2019: Jewelry and accessories

If you want all the best in 2019, follow these tips:

  • choose elegant and original jewelry and accessories for the New Year's Eve;
  • add a yellow accessory;
  • decorate the body with gold sequins;
  • do makeup and manicure, meeting the requirements of the symbol of the year.

Hairstyle and makeup for the new 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar)

Try new things - be free to desire

Start celebrating the New Year in a natural way. Simplicity and carelessness are in fashion now:

  • simple slightly disheveled hair;
  • light curls;
  • any braids - small and large disheveled;
  • slightly messy hairstyles;
  • loose and intricate tails;
  • hair gathered in a bun.

And here is a video, How 10 minutes before the chiming clock you can come up with and create a festive New Year's hairstyle:

And also change, do not be afraid of anything and do not be shy - part with the past. Keep up with fashion.

And try something new to cook: New Year's menu 2019 in the year of the Pig

Your hands will be flawless with such a manicure.

The final touch is a manicure. Gold, silver and bronze shimmers look great on nails. Hit of the year - short nails with a neat natural manicure. There are no restrictions on patterns. Bright nails will give elegance to the image.

Video, the brightest and most attractive New Year's manicure with varnishes from Fix Price:

Chinese New Year starts on February 16th. Feng Shui advises to observe traditions twice so as not to offend the symbol of the year. Celebrate February 15 in the same way as you met and celebrated December 31.

Now you have prepared for the meeting of the New Year holiday: you know what color to wear, what decoration, hairstyle, makeup and manicure will suit you. Meet the New 2019 Year of the Yellow Pig fully armed!

Happy New Year my dears! Good luck, health and prosperity in 2019!

The Yellow Earth Dog runs away beyond the horizon, the New Year of the Pig of the same suit is coming. Or Boar, if you prefer. The gender of the totem animal does not affect the choice of festive attire at all. And you can't use last year's. There is a great chance to disappoint the new owner, fall out of favor, lose good luck for as much as 12 months. It would seem that a dog and a pig, both domestic, four-legged and the same color. But that's where the similarities end, they're completely different characters. It is easy to decide what to celebrate the New Year 2019 in if you think through the whole image in advance in detail - color, style, makeup, accessories, hairstyle. detailed instructions with a photo will help to understand the details. And a bonus - recommendations for each zodiac sign.

In this article:

The pig sets the tone

Someone will meet the coming year of the Pig, and someone will be the year of the Boar. Feminine and masculine do not conflict here. Both animals are inquisitive, appreciate the family, sometimes they like to indulge in gluttony, tastefully relax and have fun. They are frugal in small things, and they know how to make big expenses wisely. It looks like a sane and happy person - it is.

Another important feature. In the Chinese horoscope, the Pig plays a special role. It completes a full 12-year cycle. This event should be celebrated in a big way. Set a rich table, decorate the house, buy gifts and enter the year 2019 exclusively in a new outfit.

The extravagant Yellow Pig, despite its roundness and seeming earthiness, knows a lot about fashion and is endowed with excellent taste. She won't be impressed by a modest outfit, and the colors of 2019 are not as limited as they seem at first glance. What to wear and how to meet are paramount questions that should not be left to chance. Otherwise, instead of luck, a financial hole awaits.

Motley Boar or what color to celebrate the New Year

There is an opinion that every new totem is delighted with the outfit in its color scheme, defined back in ancient China. What's in the future - New Year 2019 in yellow and brown?

Do not rush to conclusions and do not listen to homegrown advisers. Times are changing, patron animals are increasingly guided by fashion trends and allow themselves liberties. Do not believe me - ask the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. They know and know how to celebrate their Eastern New Year.

But it is not necessary to break stereotypes sharply. Pay tribute to tradition if these colors suit you:

  • yellow, golden;
  • ecru, beige, coffee with milk;
  • orange, terracotta;
  • brown, chocolate.

By adding warm or cold tones to the yellow-brown palette, you can get a lot of interesting shades. Not happy and not suitable - use the colors of grass, water, summer meadow, dawn or sunset sky, anthracite night, early twilight. All this is on earth, which means it does not contradict the terms of the Chinese treaty.

There is also an original point of view. Maybe, Earth Pig Is it considered yellow because it was covered in dust? If you wash it properly, you get a completely different picture. Apparently, the designers were guided by this, including pink, black, and white in the list of current colors of 2019. Achromatic tones are used both independently and in combination.

Style from a picky guest

The pig is not in vain the most popular prototype for the piggy bank. Women will be able to shine on New Year's Eve and attract financial luck by choosing a stylish and comfortable look:

  • outfit with a fluffy skirt;
  • elegant;
  • white blouse with complex decor;
  • spectacular jumpsuit;
  • loose pants in light colors;
  • bright leggings or tights.

Make a childhood dream come true by wearing a dress with a full hem, like a princess. The style is not impressive or does not fit - voluminous sleeves-lanterns, with flounces and ruffles will be a full-fledged replacement.

If you choose small black dress- let it be embroidered with gold. Overalls are preferred in the evening. Combine complex blouses with a laconic cut of trousers and skirts. Colored tights require a simple top.

What should men do? Consider that the Yellow Pig came to them - a dandy, fashionista, a strong personality who knows his own worth, and celebrate the New Year according to his rules. Financial and other well-being will provide an elegant suit in beige and brown tones and shoes made of soft skin.

Home option - loose trousers, shirt, jumper. Any spectacular detail will complement the image - a tie with an original clip, cufflinks, a buckle on a belt, a ring, a bracelet, a chain. It is undesirable to use accessories made of rough leather.

Important little things for a whole image

We figured it out, it remains to think over the details - accessories, makeup, hairstyle. The image should be complete and harmonious. And do not forget to set aside a couple of hours to rest, the Pig loves contented and relaxed.

Doubt that a frisky boar will appreciate the outfit - shoes will save the situation. Shoes or sandals beige colour they will confirm that you are of the same blood with him, and at the same time they will lengthen and show off your legs in a favorable light. In general, it is advisable to celebrate New Year's happiness in comfortable shoes made of soft leather or suede.

Fold your phone, lipstick, mirror and other feminine little things into a classic clutch. This accessory should be simple in form and effective in color solution. In jewelry, it is better to prefer gold, complex decor, large size. Suitable jewelry from natural materials- wood, bone, ceramics.

In the new year 2019, declare a categorical no to complex hairstyles, obvious asymmetry, varnish and styling. Maximum naturalness and freedom:

  • loose ponytails;
  • various weaves and bundles;
  • careless styling with light texturing;
  • soft curls and vintage smoothness.

Hair accessories are welcome - hairpins, headbands, combs, tiaras, ribbons.

Makeup pick up waterproof, so as not to "float" during the evening. Shadows to match the color of the eyes, blush and powder to match the skin tone, it is desirable to highlight the lips with bright lipstick or shimmering gloss. Relevant smoky eyes makeup and vintage a la 70s with thin expressive arrows.

New Year's outfits according to the signs of the zodiac

In addition, enlisting the support of stars is not a bad idea. Suddenly, the Yellow Pig will be out of sorts and consider your outfit not original enough or appropriate for the earth theme. A brief briefing to all the signs of the zodiac, in what to meet the year of the Earth Pig, will serve as a saving straw if something does not go according to plan.


It is recommended to slightly muffle, but not to suppress the fiery energy. On New Year's Eve, give up the red color, preferring bright yellow or golden. The best choice of fabric is natural silk, flowing and weightless.


An earth sign will intuitively understand how to meet an earthly guest. As an option - a dress or jumpsuit with a laconic cut in the color of amber or ripe truffle. Massive gold jewelry in large quantities will save you from excessive simplicity and rigor.


Your symbol in the year of the Boar is a couple. Symmetrical jewelry, decor on clothes, repeating ornaments and prints, an even number of rings or beads in a thread. A good option is paired bracelets or hair clips, large earrings with pendants.


Modest Cancer should shine. On New Year's Eve, an unusual event awaits you - a romantic meeting or the fulfillment of a wish. Attract good luck with rhinestones, feathers in your hair, an unusual hat, golden shoes. The dress should be simple and elegant.

a lion

The motto of Leo 2019 is to command and rule. It is not necessary to show a dictatorial character, it is enough to bring a regal note to New Year's image. The best choice for this is a tiara in a high hairstyle or loose, slightly disheveled hair.


Naturally feminine Virgo New Year's Eve will be charming in delicate shades of ecru or light beige. Choose from lightweight fabrics, flowing silhouettes, soft cut lines that create a constant illusion of movement.


Play on duality and contrast - fur and chiffon, velvet and silk, white and black. As an option, open shoulders and a fur boa or boa made of exotic feathers against a background of smooth straight dress restrained tone.


Get ready to show the Boar legs, or rather, extravagant shoes. These can be elegant pumps, but on a stiletto heel of incredible height. Suitable low original heel, unusual color, bright buckle, fur trim.


The highlight of Sagittarius is the hairstyle. On long hair you can make unusual weaving, spice up short ones with plenty of sparkles, decorate medium ones with hairpins, headbands, ribbons. The most chic is a miniature hat with an exquisite veil.


Vintage jewelry, voluminous necklaces, large earrings, rings, bracelets will make your New Year's look. A catchy make-up can become a replacement for spectacular accessories. Not war paint, but a bright accent on the eyes, lips, nails.


The lightness of being Aquarius is emphasized by transparent gems. Diamonds, cubic zirkonia, rhinestone in jewelry, Swarovski crystals or rhinestones on clothes, handbags, shoes. As a last resort, appease the Boar by decorating the hem or belt of the dress with New Year's tinsel.


Silver and gold - the union of two noble metals will balance the complex energy of Pisces. These can be combined jewelry, silver nail polish and a golden clutch, shiny lurex on the matte fabric of the dress.

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 will tell your own mood. And to do this according to the rules of the Yellow Pig or the Earth Pig is not difficult. A friendly couple recommends having fun, loving yourself, appreciating loved ones, not worrying about what will most likely never happen. Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true!

The most main holiday a year, and many people are already starting to think about what to wear for the New Year of the pig, what shades and styles should be preferred so that good luck accompanies the next 12 months. The answer to this important question is prepared not only by fashion designers, but also by astrologers.

There are some universal tips, which are suitable for all signs of the zodiac: since the pig is an unpretentious animal, there is no need to spend fabulous amounts of money to buy an outfit.

Clothing can be quite modest, its cost does not matter. However, this does not mean at all that simple, homemade or tasteless and cheap things are suitable for the celebration. You should also abandon too tight outfits that hinder movement, giving preference to free and comfortable clothes. As for fabrics, they should be natural, soft, flowing and noble.

If there is a desire to prepare for the New Year more seriously, then it is still important to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of astrologers, and wear an outfit that is fully consistent with your own zodiac sign.

Aries is a sign of the fire element, so outfits of all shades of red will suit him. At the same time, astrologers advise choosing freely flowing clothes that fall down in soft folds, like flames.

The following women's outfits will look appropriate on New Year's Eve:

  1. Long evening dress with a deep neckline.
  2. Suits and blouses made of fine silk.
  3. Light skirts with large slits.
  4. Graceful shoes with thin high heels.
  5. Gold jewelry, decorated precious stones(they can be replaced with good exquisite jewelry).
  6. Small red bag.
  7. Thin black stockings.

It is advisable to open the shoulders; a light airy shawl can also be used as accessories.

Add elegance to the image will help long black gloves, tight-fitting hands.

Long hair should not be styled in a complicated hairstyle, it is better to leave it lying on the shoulders in soft curls.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Taurus

In order for good luck to accompany the calves all year, you should meet the battle of the Chimes in clothes of a deep of blue color. As for the style, there are no special requirements for it. The main thing is to be present in the outfit decorative elements golden color: buttons, buckles and other accessories.

Some things this New Year's Eve will be completely unacceptable.

These should include:

  • too short skirts;
  • natural furs;
  • any "cat" prints (leopard, tiger, lynx);
  • headbands and hats with "cat" ears;
  • faux fur trim;
  • make-up in style cat eye» and too long arrows;
  • any clothing with the image of cats or symbols of these animals.

Do not use tight corsets or too long trains.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: twins

The new year will be happy for the twins if they meet him in silver-colored clothes. To this outfit, you should choose the appropriate jewelry: large earrings, massive bracelets, bright hairpins (it is very important that all these elements are paired).

In order not to sparkle at the holiday, as Christmas tree, you can “dilute” the outfit a little with white or light gray clothes. Fabrics should be chosen soft, preferably natural. Jewelry such as a chain or necklace should be completely abandoned.

Silver is for the twins.

Thin lace gloves will be an ideal accessory for twins, which will add sophistication and elegance to even the simplest outfit.

If it was not possible to purchase silver-colored clothes, you can wear a blouse or blouse with small sparkling silver sequins. Lurex is also suitable.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: cancer

Noble wine shades should prevail in the festive attire of cancer on New Year's Eve. However, the most important attribute should be bright Carnival mask, decorated with rhinestones, feathers, lace, gold, flowers, silver, sequins. Such an original element will make the image of cancer deeper and more mysterious.

It is better to give preference to precious metals, not jewelry.

Rules to follow on New Year's Eve:

  • choose clothes that do not restrict movement;
  • behave naturally and naturally;
  • do not use black in the outfit;
  • put your hair in a beautiful hairstyle.

Do not wear clothes made of cheap synthetic fabrics.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Leo

The royal lion will bring good luck on New Year's Eve with two royal colors - snow-white and bright gold. A woman should choose White dress, reminiscent of a Greek tunic in its cut. It should be long and thin.

  • thin satin;
  • silk;
  • velvet;
  • velours.

Gold jewelry - bracelets, rings, earrings - will help to decorate the image. updo on the head should be crowned with a thin elegant hoop, or a luxurious diadem with bright stones.

Shoes should be elegant, gold or white. Ideal pumps with medium or high heels.

Particular attention should be paid to manicure. It should not be too defiant, it is better to give preference to light shades of varnish.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Virgo

If a Virgo wants to make a lasting impression on the people around her during the celebration of the new year, she should pay more attention to choosing her outfit.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have an innate sense of style. They choose elegance and femininity in everything.

Perfect party outfits:

  • light silk jumpsuit with a thin belt at the waist;
  • middle length Cocktail Dress;
  • a strict suit, complemented by good jewelry;
  • graceful stilettos;
  • small clutch bag.

As for the color scheme of the outfit, all shades of chocolate and emerald should prevail in it. Exquisite accessories will help to complete the look: a light organza scarf, large jewelry, a golden belt.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Libra

To attract good luck on New Year's Eve, all shades of blue will help the scales - it must definitely dominate the outfit. You can also use some shades of green, but in small quantities.

A wonderful outfit for women will be light dresses with sequins and other decorative embellishments. At the same time, there should not be too much shine.

The outfit may contain elements such as a cape, bright accessories, lace inserts, etc. Ideal fabrics for New Year's costume: velor, velvet, satin. It is desirable that the material in its texture and depth resemble sea waves.

A great addition to a short elegant dress high boots made of thin suede will become.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: scorpio

Scorpio is not a simple sign of the zodiac, it has a complex character and original taste. Such a person is too demanding of others, but he is no less strict with himself. In order for him to be constantly lucky next year, you should carefully consider your New Year's outfit. Its color scheme should be rich and saturated.

The main shades will be coral, brick, orange.

Women should choose a long evening dress made of heavy flowing fabric (velor or velvet is perfect, you can also choose expensive satin).

An important element of the outfit will be a deep neckline, a bold neckline on the back, a high slit on the skirt. Complement the look with elegant high heels.

To look elegant, you need to choose the right hairstyle. Women of this sign will suit smoothly combed hair, collected in a luxurious ponytail.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Sagittarius

The main colors in clothes on New Year's Eve for archers should be: dark purple, mysterious indigo, royal blue, emerald green. Men can wear formal suits, women should choose elegant dress discreet silhouette, completing the look with a hat with a light veil.

To make the whole year successful, it is recommended to spend the holiday in a noisy company of friends. All relatives should give gifts - these can be trinkets, but pleasant and dear to the heart of the recipient.

The chosen outfit should not be too frank, it is better to refuse a deep neckline. Let there be room for imagination and mystery.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Capricorn

If someone should not hold back in choosing an outfit for the New Year's holiday, then this is a Capricorn. This sign of the zodiac can safely wear the brightest and most colorful clothes that will distinguish him from any crowd.

Men can wear shirts in original colors, they can also match incredible ties to them. The choice of women is puffy dresses with long hemlines, flowing with numerous folds and shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. You can also wear an outfit decorated with prints in the form of bright colors or fantasy patterns.

The main thing is not to be afraid to demonstrate to others all your originality. Large jewelry will also not be redundant. It is better to choose a small handbag for the outfit, decorated with bright accessories.

To dance and have fun comfortably, it is better to choose shoes with low heels. Pumps or ballet flats are perfect.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Aquarius

The following shades will bring good luck to all Aquarius on New Year's Eve:

  • bright yellow;
  • gold;
  • light brown;
  • orange;
  • terracotta;
  • coffee with milk;
  • beige.

Colors can be both rich and bright, and more restrained. If the clothes are dominated by muted shades, then catchy jewelry will help diversify the outfit.

In the decoration of costumes, you can use shimmering rhinestones, feathers, lace, artificial flowers, sequins.

As for the style, there are no strict restrictions - as long as the clothes are pleasant and comfortable enough for full-fledged fun throughout the night.

Long hair can be decorated with a golden rim, or a lush flower can be pinned to it. Makeup should be expressive, but not flashy.

And what to wear for the new 2019 year of the pig according to the signs of the zodiac: Pisces

It will be easiest for Pisces to choose an outfit suitable for the holiday - you just need to make it as similar as possible to shining fish scales. This means that you can safely wear long silver dresses, or tunics decorated with shiny sequins.

All shades of the sea wave can also be present in the outfit: blue, blue, turquoise, purple. Fabrics should be chosen light and flowing, transparent or translucent elements of clothing will look appropriate.

Don't forget about decorations the best option there will be an elegant string of pearls around the neck and the same earrings for it.

Hair should be loosened to resemble a real mermaid as much as possible. Shoes are also very important - light ones are suitable for the "marine" outfit open shoes with or without heels. To look organic, do not spend too much time creating an image. It should appear slightly "disheveled" and careless.

All signs of the zodiac can be advised not to take this hilarious and bright holiday. This is an ideal time for new romantic acquaintances, meetings with friends, vivid emotions and unforgettable adventures.

The right outfit will only help create a certain mood, make you feel irresistible, give inspiration and a sense of self-confidence. And the most modest, and the most original outfit - a reflection inner world man and his state of mind. The main thing is to feel comfortable in the chosen clothes, and not blindly follow fashion. Individuality is always valued above all else.

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06.09.2017 fortune

The New Year is approaching, and many are puzzling over where and what to celebrate 2020, and what outfit will suit each zodiac sign. The coming year will be held under the auspices of the white metal Rat. Experts recommend choosing a festive costume in accordance with the preferences of the animal.

What color to celebrate 2020?

Color options on the topic of what to celebrate the New Year of the Rat 2020 in are different and multifaceted. Light colors are considered to be the predominant shades. In this case, the fabric should be shiny or iridescent. Feng Shui experts note that the first animal of the eastern horoscope loves:

  • white;
  • silver;
  • grey;
  • ashen;
  • nude;
  • golden;
  • pastel;
  • menthol;
  • turquoise;
  • violet;
  • green;
  • black;
  • calm red.

If we consider the characteristics of the animal according to the horoscope, then the Rat is active, hardworking, scrupulous and wise. Eastern sages endow the first representative of the horoscope with a lively mind, inexhaustible energy, determination and a cheerful disposition. In addition, the Rat is cunning, according to legend, she came to the call of God on the back of the Bull, which allowed her to be the first to jump to the feet of the lord.

The rat knows how to combine the incongruous and has a refined taste, so you need to celebrate the New Year 2020 in a stylish outfit with shades of metal, but without unnecessary decorations. You can create an interesting image with an unexpected, but appropriate accent.

The animal does not like stiffness and restrictions, so women are advised to choose dresses that are comfortable in cut. Back cutouts allowed wide sleeves, puffy but no-frills skirts, pleating and wide belts. Shoes must match the outfit, if any. Short dress, then high or medium heels, and if the suit is in Greek style, then ballet flats or sandals will do.

  • atlas;
  • velvet;
  • crepe satin;
  • brocade;
  • silk;
  • chiffon.

“Meet the year of the Metal Rat in dresses with rhinestones and stones,” stylists advise. The animal loves glitter and decorations, so the New Year's look should match the tastes of the 2020 totem.

New Year's outfit: what is fashionable?

Fashion houses, giving recommendations on what clothes to celebrate 2020 in, note that the cut of the suit should emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. The rat loves relevance, so the color of clothing and its style should be in harmony, and not cause a smile on the faces of others.

When choosing an outfit for a corporate party, you should not:

  • overload the image with accessories;
  • be too naked;
  • inappropriate for the event
  • too tighten the silhouette;
  • look accessible and cheap.

Minimalism is welcomed in hairstyles. It is better to pick up the hair in a high ponytail or leave the curls to fall freely over the shoulders. No need to overload your hair with varnish and jewelry.

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How to celebrate the year of the Rat according to the signs of the zodiac?

The stars advise representatives of all zodiac signs to carefully consider the image for the holiday. A properly selected outfit that matches the external data and the advice of astrologers will help attract the totem animal of the coming year to your side.

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Aries stars recommend choosing a loose-fitting outfit. Nothing should restrict freedom of movement. It is better to give preference to natural fabrics of warm citrus shades or the color of a young peach. In jewelry, they choose products made of silver or platinum, and in makeup they prefer naturalness.

Light and open Taurus astrologers recommend choosing clothes in black, white or pastel colors. The image must be supplemented with jewelry: a brooch, bracelet or beads. Air fabrics are what you need on New Year's Eve for the second sign of the horoscope.

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Twins can experiment with the image and fabrics. Experts recommend implementing the most unusual ideas For festive costume. The Year of the Rat will be successful if a person decides to change their hair color or hairstyle.

In the image Cancer women there must be romance and freedom. Flowy dresses made of light shiny materials and silver threads wrapping around the neck, a must-have for New Year's attire. In makeup, naturalness or emphasis on the eyes is welcome. Hairstyle should look careless.

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Fire Lions can wear costumes made of bright fabrics. Calm red, bright peach or iridescent gold will subtly emphasize the activity and passion of nature. It is recommended to make a hairstyle lush, and make-up - to match the brightness of the dress.

Twins should combine British aristocracy and Hollywood classics in a festive bow. Appropriate will be an outfit made from natural fabrics light shades or silver. A minimum of jewelry will emphasize natural beauty the sixth representative of the zodiacal house.

Libra experts advise giving preference to clothes made of black, red or "metallic" fabrics. The image will be complemented by massive jewelry, and shoes should be on a stable low heel. In makeup, an emphasis on the eyes is required, and in the hairstyle - simplicity and elegance.

In a festive way scorpio there must be femininity. Discreet and classic makeup, high, but not bulky hairstyle - good idea for New Year's Eve. In choosing a dress, it is better to stay on the classic little black.

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Sagittarius everything is allowed on New Year's Eve. Astrologers recommend listening to your inner voice when choosing an outfit. From jewelry it is better to choose products with pearls or aquamarine. Turquoise and other shades of the water surface are welcome in the color scheme of clothes.

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