Your own fox mask. Head mask, print pictures of animals: hare, cat, dog, wolf, horse, fox, pig templates, how to make paper faces for children with your own hands

Festive matinees V kindergarten or primary school often take place in the form of theatrical performances. Every child participates in the celebration. For an interesting performance you need appropriate costumes and head masks. You can buy them in specialized children's stores or make them yourself.

Used to make masks different materials. Most often - paper and cardboard. The picture is downloaded, enlarged on the computer screen, and then printed.

The sketches can be colored; the child just needs to cut out the model. There are black and white or theatrical coloring masks. These need to be colored with pencils or paints at your discretion. Leather, foam rubber, felt and other materials are also used in production.

The shape of the masks is also different. Some are made on a wide rim. Image of an animal or fairy tale character glued to the headband, put on the head, while the child’s face is not covered. Other sketches hide the face, and cuts are made for the eyes. There are masks, respirators, gas masks (rubber elements are usually used for their manufacture) or on a stick.

From paper



From felt

From foam rubber

On a stick

Sketches of headbands

For girls

When choosing sketches for girls, they give preference to funny animal faces. For example, a bear or a bunny with a pink bow, masks in the form of powerful fairies or beautiful princesses.

For boys

A holiday mask for a boy depends on the child’s character and preferences. Some kids love to portray not only good animals (bear cub, cockerel, piggy, hippopotamus), but also pirates, sorcerers, supermen, and villains.

Animal faces

Costumes and masks of forest and domestic animals are a common option for holding a matinee. Some children prefer to dress up as cats, dogs, hares and other recognizable animals (bull, goat, wolf). Others want models of less common animals - raccoon, moose, platypus or koala.

A universal option is the “mask of the Year”. It symbolizes the animal eastern calendar. For 2019, the faces of a pig, piglet, and wild boar are relevant. They can be made not only from paper, but also sewn from fabric. Patterns and sewing patterns make it easy to complete the task.
























Polar bear




Bird patterns

Having selected ready-made sketches, they are saved or copied for subsequent printing, and the masks are cut out. They are usually used as a headband without covering the baby's face. To make a full-fledged mask, you need to make an effort. The specificity lies in the anatomy of the bird's head. You need to prepare a template for the head and beak separately. The bird's beak is glued along the marked lines. Its size and shape depend on the bird - for an owl it will be small and hooked, for a crow it will be long and sharp.











Masquerade masks of representatives of the insect world are less popular among children. But they are also suitable for the holidays. And baby centipedes, cockroaches, flies or mosquitoes will stand out among dozens of cats and dogs. Children will love the costumes of the grasshopper Kuzi, the ladybug Mila, grandfather Sher and woman Kapa and other friends of Luntik.








Pictures of pets

Masks are often used for photo shoots. Parents can take funny photos of their child themselves. The look will be created by cat ears with a tail, paper glasses, and a funny hairstyle.

Mouse, goat or chicken masks are suitable for the theater or circus, when kids are taken to the New Year's performances. Older children or parents of preschoolers can make voluminous masks according to drawings. They are put on the head and cover the back of the child's head. Incisions are made for the eyes and nose. Children will like the head of a horse, boar, or donkey as models.


Cats and Kota





A rabbit









Mask designs for cutting

There are different patterns that do not always symbolize animals. Children love cool costumes; a mask of a plague doctor, a mad genius or a gypsy is suitable for them. Some people play evil characters at matinees. In this case, masks with the face of the devil, an old sorcerer or uncle Chernomor would be relevant.

The black and white masks are painted by the children themselves. The advantage of sketches is that the child shows creativity. His cow comes in purple and his goat comes in flowery pink. After the matinee, the organizers organize competitions for the most interesting or original face mask.

While creating New Year's image masks of snowflakes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or Baba Yaga are suitable. If a child does not want to wear a full-fledged mask, then the ears of a hare, fox or bear will suit him.

Emotion masks will convey a happy or sad mood. They are made in the shape of a sun or a popular smiley face.





New Year's



Coloring pages


The facial expressions of the mask are of great importance. Even the most ordinary characters convey a palette of moods. They can be sad and cheerful, kind and angry, surprised and indifferent. This is achieved by drawing the eyebrows (raised, lowered, like a house), a smile on the face, and the position of wrinkles, if we are talking about a mask of an old man or woman. Emotions are conveyed not only by the faces of people and animals, but also by inanimate images: templates for masks of flowers (bells, roses, daisies), vegetables and fruits (apples, tomatoes, plums).






To be honest, the fox mask is an exact copy of the wolf mask. And this lesson should be placed in an article about a dog mask, from which in one fell swoop you can make a wolf, well, and then add another fox. Of course, they are relatives, so they look alike. However, this is an endless chain. For example, believe it or not, using the same principle as wolf-fox masks, you can easily make a mask... of a crane or a heron or any bird with a straight beak.

There is no reason to explain in detail: here are pictures of the step-by-step production of a fox, make the nose a little smaller than that of a wolf and take the color of the cardboard red, maybe even red - it will look impressive!

The details of the pattern are half-mask glasses, a nose, two ears and a strong strip for a hoop on which the mask will be attached. I don’t recommend using elastic bands or ties - they will press the cheekbones of the mask towards your face and it will look very narrow.

Pattern of parts for a fox mask

Fox mask

About other approaches to making a fox mask

And now, for the sake of literary associations and out of love for Krylov, we will continue the article with a story on how to make a crane mask. Maybe it’s not for nothing that the fable brought these characters together: both have long noses.

I note that this is not the only fairy tale about the fox and the crane - I advise you to read another fairy tale with the same characters -

Read what a crane looks like

We cut out the glasses, nose and strip for the hoop (this mask can also be attached to an elastic band threaded through the holes in the temples, but I know from experience that a mask on a hoop is less restrictive for the actor.)

You can also decorate with convex upper eyelids and, if you really want perfection, add the lower half of the beak. There is no particular need for this: the beak will not open and will remain closed during the actor’s lines, which looks somewhat...inconsistent.

Crane mask

I’ll tell you from myself that when I was in third grade, we staged the play “The Fox and the Crane.” I played a crane and, having made myself a long beak, walked around the stage. Already during rehearsals, I realized that cranes definitely don’t use jugs in everyday life. This is a vessel for storing liquids and pouring somewhere, and not for blindly rummaging through the neck with a long beak: the cardboard mask was wrinkled even before the performance and had to be restored, strengthened and tried to reduce contact with the jug to a minimum. But I’m telling you this for the sake of safety precautions and so that you don’t repeat my mistakes - cardboard masks are ephemeral.

The fox, along with the wolf and bear, is the most famous character in children's fairy tales and fairy tales. From this article you will learn how to make a fox mask with your own hands and what is needed for this. You will need very little effort, time and materials.

from plain paper?

To make an inexpensive mask, buy colored paper For children's creativity, glue, markers and two strings. You will need paper or cardboard in four colors - orange, light orange, red and black. First, cut out the silhouette of a fox's face from black paper. Then cut out another silhouette from the orange sheet, about one centimeter smaller than the previous one. Next, cut out the silhouette of the nose and eyes from light orange paper. Also make two small triangles for the ears. Use black cardboard to make a small triangular nose and mustache. Cut out beautiful thick eyebrows from a red sheet. Glue all the pieces together. Tie strings to the sides of the fox mask. The mask is ready!

What do you need to create a felt fox mask?

You will need the following materials: hard felt two to three millimeters thick (orange, black and white), thread, needle and elastic. First, draw a template of the fox's face on paper. Cut it out and attach it to the felt orange color. Trace the template with chalk and cut out the fox's face from felt. Make cheeks out of felt in the same way. white, nose and white triangles that you will sew to the ears. Sew cheeks, nose and white triangles to the muzzle. The fox is almost ready! If it seems to you that the mask is not rigid enough, then you can sew another layer of felt or cardboard to the wrong side. In this case, your product will not wrinkle much. You can also decorate your fox mask by embroidering black mustaches and eyebrows on it. In addition, it can be decorated with faux or natural fur.

Fox fur mask

Fox fur masks are incredibly beautiful. To create such a product, you first need to cut out a base in the form of a muzzle from thick and durable cardboard. The muzzle can be made voluminous by cutting out additional parts and gluing them together. It is better to connect parts of cardboard not just with tape, but with pieces of paper soaked in PVA glue. After the base is ready, immediately sew ropes onto it to attach it to the head. Then take red, white and black fur. Paste it as shown in the photo. Please note that the direction of the fur fibers should go from the nose to the ears.

What else can you make a fox mask from?

You can make it not only from cardboard, fur or felt. If you want the fox head mask to be strong and durable, then you can make it from polymer clay. But be aware that this material will need to be baked in the oven to harden it. You can try to make a mask from self-hardening clay, but then it will most likely become too fragile.

Fox masks can also be made well using the papier-mâché technique. To do this you will need to buy a certain amount of artistic or children's plasticine and make a model of a muzzle from it. Then take the newspaper and tear it into small pieces. Soak these scraps in PVA glue and paste over the muzzle. Do this in three to ten layers. Remember a large number of layers will make your fox mask stronger and more durable.

After all layers have dried, remove the plasticine from the mask. Now the product can be painted! Best suited for this purpose acrylic paints. After the paint has completely dried, coat the mask with varnish. Make holes on the sides of the product with an awl and thread strings into them. The mask is ready!

Once again, kindergartens are preparing another series of children's matinees with fancy dress costumes.

Parents will once again have to prepare a mask for the matinee. It is better to do this with your child together.

The topic of today's post is a master class that answers the question of how to solve this difficult problem.

We need to turn mask making into an educational game.

The mask should be the most beautiful and cool one in the kindergarten. This requirement requires an extraordinary approach on the part of parents.

Today, together with the children, we will make a mask for the matinee.

Today, together with the children, we will make fox, fox, fox, and fox masks with our own hands.

Below are pictures that need to be printed, laminated, cut out along the contour and threaded with twine or elastic to fit the child’s head.

It is also possible to have a strip of cardboard or laminated paper at the bottom of the mask, folded with a rim to fit the child’s head (if you connect not with threads, but with a stapler, then the staples should be directed with their sharp ends outward (so as not to scratch the child’s head)).

To make the mask original, you need to print out the black and white mask templates available here, paint them together with the children with gouache or watercolors and also laminate them, after which you need to thread a string or elastic band to the size of the child’s head or attach the mask to the prepared rim.

Fox 008. Carnival masks of animals and beasts made of paper fox fox fox little fox. Fox mask Fox 007. Carnival masks of animals and beasts made of paper - fox, fox, vixen, little fox. Fox mask.

Fox 006. Carnival masks of animals and beasts made of paper - fox, fox, vixen, little fox. Fox mask.

The tricky red fox is not the most difficult image to create on the eve of the holidays. The main thing is not to forget about orange-red accessories, and also to make an appropriate mask, by which all guests will immediately recognize that this is Lisa Patrikeevna.

If you don’t have enough time, so as not to waste any effort at all, a paper mask can be made in a few minutes. A ready-made online template is printed, then holes for the eyes are cut in it, an elastic band or some other ties are attached, and the mask is completely ready.

  • The task will take a little longer if you are unable to print the mask template in color. Then you will have to look for a color printer and pay for printing. Or you can color the black and white blank yourself - with watercolors, gouache, acrylic, pencils or felt-tip pens, in short, with everything you have at hand. Again, don't forget about eye holes and ties. By the way, to make the mask denser, it doesn’t hurt to stick it on a cardboard base.
  • To show off paper Fox mask, which is made exclusively by your own hands, you will need the most ordinary stationery. And you should start by making a cardboard template, which you can easily print by finding a stencil on numerous thematic websites.
  • Print it out template on orange paper and glue it onto cardboard if you want the mask to be stronger. We cut out the eyes, having previously outlined where they will be, so that later the child will feel comfortable and will not have to periodically correct them Fox mask on the face.
  • The nose can be drawn, but if desired, it can be easily cut out of black paper and glued - this way it will stand out more clearly on the fox’s face. The same goes for the ears; the mask can be cut out with them right away, but ears cut separately from colored paper will look more interesting and brighter. They can be made orange, with white or black inner inserts or edging to differentiate them from the color of the face.
  • Well, now all that remains is to attach an elastic band (sew or glue, whichever seems more secure to you) or double-sided ribbon ties that need to be secured to the sides of the fox’s muzzle.

  • Using the technology described above, you can also make a fun masquerade eye mask. Use a ready-made template, cut it out and design it to your liking: trim it, for example, with an orange or black edge, decorate it with rhinestones, etc. You can secure it with an elastic band or glue a wooden stick.
  • You can add ears to this mask by attaching them to a head hoop. The ears themselves can be fur with cardboard inserts inside so that they stick out provocatively.

Fox head mask made of felt

  • The paper template can also be used to make Fox masks made of felt, attaching it to the orange fabric, tracing it along the contour and cutting it out, not forgetting to cut holes for the eyes. Using black and white pieces of felt, cut out ears and a nose and glue them on using hot glue.
  • Fastening - again, any: tape, elastic band. Or you can use children’s glasses for this purpose, from which you need to remove the glasses, and use the frame by gluing a felt mask to it. This mask is much softer and more comfortable for a child’s face.

Fox mask made of paper using papier-mâché technique

  • Although Fox mask It is made from ordinary paper and looks truly realistic. It will take time and patience to make, but the results will be worth it.
  • So, The basis of the mask is a cast of the face. You can make a plasticine mask that follows the relief of your face, or you can work directly on your face, first lubricating it with a layer of Vaseline. Scraps and scraps of paper or newspaper are placed on it in several layers, and each layer is coated with glue.
  • Now comes the drying process, which takes several hours, during which it is better not to remove the mask so as not to deform. If you are in a hurry and cannot wait for it to dry completely, then at least wait until the mask dries slightly so that it retains its shape, and dry with a hairdryer, not forgetting to try it on periodically to be sure that the mask “fits well.”

  • And after waiting for it to dry completely, stick several more layers of newspaper on the inside to make the mask stronger.
  • Let's move on to the details that can be “build up” from plasticine: nose, ears, etc. If you made the mask directly on the face, then you won’t have to bother with cutting out the eyes, but if you made it using plasticine, you will need to cut out the holes for the eyes. All that remains is to carefully level the surface of the resulting mask and walk over it with sandpaper.
  • The scenic part is a real painting, which is based on a couple of layers of primer, which must be used to cover the mask. Then - paint it with any colors and, if desired, open with varnish. This mask can not only be used for a holiday, but also preserved for many years.

Video: DIY Fox mask