Hipster style in clothes and hairstyles. Hipster style for girls

Hipsters are a very young subculture in our area. It's like a modern version of beatniks or dudes. The movement is most developed in cities such as London or New York.

In our country, this culture is most popular among students. Hipsters differ from others in their clothing, behavior and worldview.

The basis of existence for hipsters is an attempt to move away from the social structure, to create an image of an alternative and original person, while at the same time observing a certain style and behavior. Being a hipster means being unique.

Some people may be impressed by the subculture, but others laugh at it, calling this behavior a consequence of the boredom of the “golden youth”. However, it is impossible not to notice her influence on modern fashion. If you want to look stylish and be on trend, take note of a few tips.

Fashion trend: how to dress in hipster style?

1 Hipster style - tight pants.

Take note of a couple more fashionable words - jeggings (thick leggings that imitate the color and texture of tight skinny jeans) and treggings (also thick leggings that imitate tight trousers).

2 Hipster style - ironic T-shirts.

More precisely, not the T-shirts themselves, but the inscriptions on them. Your sense of irony must be stronger than your sense of decency. Of course, finding things that will match your sense of humor and degree of irony will be very difficult. However, if you want to dress like a hipster, you can safely conquer sarcastic heights (keep in mind that such things can be worn for a walk, a party or meeting with friends - problems with management may arise at school and work).

The prints on T-shirts can be photographs (preferably black and white), stills from films, scenes from cartoons, book covers, favorite quotes. In the cold season, ironic tops are replaced by the same sweatshirts and sweatshirts.

3 Hipster style - dresses.

This point applies, of course, only to girls. Choose retro options decorated with lace and floral patterns. Grandma's closet can be a source of real gems in this regard (of course, if the things are not outdated or yellowed). It is advisable to customize grandma’s dresses a little - shorten them, tie them with a strap. If you think one dress is too cold, don't forget to wear warm wool tights. If you wear a vintage dress with high heels, you will transform into a dude. To be a hipster, you also need to choose the right shoes. More on this in the next paragraph.

4 Hipster style is shoes.

The choice here is very wide. It is very fashionable for girls to wear lace and floral dresses with sports moccasins, sneakers, sandals or slip-ons. Guys also actively wear these shoes, as well as top-siders, classic Converse sneakers, and boots. Look for vintage shoes at stocks.

5 Hipster style - accessories.

There is also a very wide spectrum in this regard. Moreover, this does not mean ordinary jewelry, hats or haberdashery, but very unusual things. Gramophones, telephones, records and cameras are just a small part of them.

Random scars, as if acquired during carpentry work (they are filled in salons using the scarification service), are considered a kind of decoration. When it comes to classic accessories, girls love floral headbands, colorful necklaces and unusual rings.

6 Beard or mustache.

This, by the way, is also an accessory. The point concerns the exclusively strong half of humanity J. The beard should usually be longer than the hair. And in the case of a mustache, it is advisable to curl it - it looks very noble. Women, fortunately, cannot grow a beard, but they can compensate for its absence with other elements - beautiful tops, leggings, jewelry.

7 Hipster hairstyle.

They may be quite different, but the slogan is the same: “An artistic mess on your head.” By the way, achieving it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. You need to practice quite a lot to get what you need. Hipsters prefer to look as casual as if they just got out of bed. However, this sloppiness is feigned - the hair must be clean and styled in a “mess” with the help of styling products. Girls can tie a ponytail, make a tousled bun, or tie their long hair with a bandage.

8 Hipster Points.

Hipsters love to wear glasses. If it’s not the season to wear sunglasses, then buy yourself regular ones as an accessory (by the way, if you have good eyesight, you can put lenses on them with protection from UV rays and computers). Choose wide, rough horn-rimmed frames, interesting colors, plastic ones, the so-called “nerd glasses.”

9 Messenger bag.

We include the accessories that are integral to a hipster and form the basis of his image as a separate item. For example, a small messenger bag. In their bags, hipsters carry only the most necessary things, for example, a MacBook, iPhone, vinyl records of their favorite band, lunch boxes like those that children take to school (preferably with a child's drawing, cartoon motif, comic book).

10 A bicycle is an indispensable attribute of hipsters.

What does this mode of transport do on the list of things that characterize a hipster image, you ask? For those who are in an ironic mood, let us explain that it is also a bright addition to the hipster image. They prefer sleek city bikes with a curved tube and a cute basket on the front rack. Hipsters with high levels of material wealth buy expensive folding bicycles. Your vehicle should also reflect your personality. Paint the basket your favorite color or wrap colored tape around the knitting needles.

In addition

At the end, let's add a few more words about hipster style. It is somewhat reminiscent of the grunge style - with its feigned negligence, but not so categorically. Hipsters wear expensive and high-quality things (it’s not for nothing that the subculture was generated by representatives of the “golden youth”), which, however, should look like they were bought at stocks. A true hipster buys clothes from high-end stores, but puts them together in a way that doesn't seem too expensive.

Look through your mom's closet to find vintage pieces. Ha, that's the same as saying:<<сходите в любой магазин, где отовариваются молодые взрослые>>. Haven't you noticed the fashion for pseudo-vintage items yet?<<везде>>? But to be more, as they say, authentic, go to vintage stores, second-hand stores, or ask your relatives to look through their junk closets. Surely someone has an old rainbow T-shirt lying around in a box from when they were 12 years old.

  • The T-shirt should be either too small or too big. But if by some miracle you find a Davy Jones T-shirt in your aunt's old wardrobe and it fits, then wear it - Davy Jones is worth it.

Keep your neck and all your hipsterdom warm by wrapping yourself in a large scarf or shawl. The good news is that scarves look good with any outfit. ANY. Are you wearing a T-shirt? Scarf. Wedding Dress? Scarf. Is it +35 C outside? Scarf. Even Kanye West doesn't take off his scarf. Now you understand how cool you are.

  • Learn to tie a scarf/shawl in a dozen different ways. If you don't know how, then just casually drape it around your neck once. You don't really care what the scarf looks like, you just like the comfort it gives your neck, right?
  • Find a floral dress. Sometimes you probably like a light breeze blowing<<туда>>, isn't it? Dresses can be comfortable. But just like a T-shirt, dresses should smell like a different era. Old-fashioned floral dresses are just the thing. The more flowers, the better.

    • You found a dress that is too big for your purposes or too conservative with sleeves that are too long and need to be trimmed. Go for it, neon bras and headbands were invented for exactly this reason. No kidding. Look on the Internet.
    • Is it too cold to wear a dress? Excuses! Have you heard of wool tights? Woolen, patterned, neon tights? If they don't solve the problem, nothing will. Simple black tights under voluminous woolen socks are another good look.
  • Throw away all your jeans for boots and bell-bottoms. We know that you have several pairs of them. You've been buying only them since 10 years, except for 2006, when skinny jeans appeared for a moment, and they were quickly replaced by flares from the other side of the disco Spectrum. After that strange year, you're once again stuck with the safety of straight-leg jeans. It's okay - we've all been through it. But now, it's time to get rid of them. Just skinny and nothing else. Ankles don't have to breathe!

    • Your favorite jeans don't fit the hipster code? Make them into shorts. The higher the waist and the more it looks like you borrowed it from your mom, the better. And when we say cut short, we mean short. And the more casually, the better.
  • Wear a bunch of accessories on yourself. That's right, take everything you have and put it on yourself. Do you happen to have a tribal wooden bracelet, your grandmother's ruby ​​necklace, and a lace collar? Great. Exactly what is needed. The main thing is to combine the incompatible.

    • What is outrageous for some is commonplace for you. A huge flower right on top of your head? Why not? A flashy, huge neon yellow hair clip? ...Exactly what is needed.
  • Mix up trends from the past. Since you were 12, you've gone through (in order) a Hello Kitty phase, an N*SYNC phase, an emo phase, a preppy phase, a flannel phase, a grunge phase, and now you've gotten here. Great - now take one item from each bow and combine them into one. Voila! And you are a hipster. Like 2+2.

    • Seriously. The essence of hipster fashion is a mismatch of styles and a clash of cultures in nonsense - if you really need to put a label on it here. The main mistake of a bad hipster is that he thinks too long about what to wear; if you are careless in your wardrobe, you will fit.
  • Wear anything except flip-flops and heels. This is probably the only rule for approaching shoes. If you're not wearing flip-flops or heels, you're fine. Loafers, cowboy boots, sneakers are great choices. Hipsters love ballet flats! Who knew that something as innocent as ballet flats would become very hipster?

    • The main thing is that the shoes do not look too new. If you have just returned from the store with brand new sneakers<<конверсами>>(you are an original cutie), give them a good rub. These babies need to be carried around a little before being taken out into public.

    For the hipster

    1. Wear your sister's jeans. In all seriousness. If you fit into them, tighten them. And the tighter they are, the better. They should be tight from the scrotum to the ankles. And don’t worry that you won’t remove them later, that’s not the point at all.

      But what you should be wary of is hanging sides over the waistband of your jeans. They should fit very well and be tight from top to bottom. In other words - don't forget to wear briefs - tight underpants!

      Feel nostalgic. Anything that reminds you of being five years old should be in your wardrobe. And everything that reminds your father of his age of five, too. If the item is vintage, then there is a place for it in the closet. Your wardrobe should only contain brands from companies that no longer exist. Except, of course, American Apparel.

      • Things don't have to fit. More on this later, but if the thing is small or large, cool! Size should be the last criterion by which you choose clothes.
    2. Pretend you have bad eyesight. If you want your hipster meter to go wild, wear big, thick black framed glasses. If you want to make the hipster meter explode, then wear black thick frame glasses without lenses. Well, at least you'll always know your ears are in the right place.

      • This style is starting to become outdated, so try to stand out, for example, with provocatively bright Ray Bans frames. Ray Bans are always in fashion.
    3. Half business, half weekend. If you've read the girls' chapter, you already know that combining mismatched styles is an important part of a hipster's look. Just as you combine styles from different times, combine different levels and statuses. The TNMT tee makes layering with an Armani blazer appropriate, layer a plaid knit scarf on top, skinny jeans and a pair of distressed loafers underneath. Is he going to a job interview, to a bar, or for a bike ride? Nobody will ever know.

      • Don't be shy about provocatively bright prints. Plaid, plaid, paisley, colorful things - anything that will make a girl reading Cosmo scream in horror - you are on the right track. Do you have a checkered tweed jacket and a striped cowboy shirt in your closet? They are clearly suited to each other.
    4. Layers. Weather permitting, layering in combination (as discussed earlier) is a great idea. Cardigans can be worn over anything, just a note. Sweaters, long sleeves - it all exudes irony. A scarf over a T-shirt and a raincoat? Ofcourse, why not?

    5. Before you buy<<конверсы>>, think about it. Let's be honest: everyone who is not too lazy wears Converse. There is no irony, hipsterism or protest left in them. All they talk about:<<Посмотрите, я был в магазине Converse и потратил почти 3000 рублей на кеды, и мне абсолютно наплевать, как я выгляжу>>. So unless your sneakers are 15 years old or handmade to your feet, try something else.

      • Dr. Martens is a good start. Cowboy boots, old Reeboks, Keds, and vintage loafers will also work. Just ditch the flip-flops.
    6. Carry a courier bag over your shoulder. Google it<<Курьерская сумка хипстера>> and be surprised. This horror is called<<сумками хипстера>>. Here, as usual, the society did not show much originality, but what you bought for was what you sold for: to carry everything you own with you, you need a courier bag.

      • Someone might notice your bag - and ask where your bag is, hipster men's bags (murse) are now gaining momentum. Well, let him ask, but you have both hands free to poke him in the eye for being so narrow-minded and ignorant - he deserves it.

    Hipster look for both genders

    1. Avoid<<ширпотреба>>. This means that you should not wear brands such as Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostale, etc. For two important reasons: it shows your individuality, and that you are against big corporations. For things to buy, look to brands like Buffalo Exchange. If you don't want to buy second-hand items, look at stores that sell clothes that look worn or vintage. However, American Apparel is perhaps an exception, as they do not use sweatshops to make their clothing.

      • Okay, do you live in a small town where second-hand shopping is out of the question? If you're caught at the city mall or H&M, you might feel a little embarrassed, but you won't be the only hipster shopping there.
    2. Find a T-shirt that fits well. Remember:<<хорошо сидит>> for a hipster, not the same as<<хорошо сидит>> for the non-hipster. A hipster men's shirt should be tight-fitting, and the sleeves should be a millimeter shorter than a regular men's shirt. Women's shirts often replicate the boyfriend's look. Women don't have to buy shirts from the men's department, but you can choose a women's shirt a couple of sizes larger than you.

      • To be sexy, you have to look unsexy. Especially for girls, tight clothes that make it difficult to breathe are not from the hipster's repertoire (this does not apply to men's skinny jeans). Baggy and loose clothing is good, even excellent. The main irony is not the silhouette.
    3. Don't forget about denim. Except denim skirts. Skinny, skinny jeans --<<маст хэв>> for both sexes. They can be any color or pattern, even floral or acid green. If you don't like pants, consider cut-off jeans. They can be any length for girls and just above the knee for men.

      • Girls can wear their boyfriend's jeans by folding the bottom of the legs a couple of times.
      • Denim shirts and jackets are a great addition to a hipster's wardrobe. Don't be afraid to reshape and trim them. Denim vests are also in price!
    4. Fasten what you're wearing. It fastens, right? For sure. If you are a hipster girl, then you probably have several hooded sweatshirts in your closet. They go with any clothes. Exactly, to anyone. a hoodie should be your best friend.

      • You'll score extra points if you pair the hoodie with a fedora, blazer, or feminine floral dress.
    5. Reuse old things. There's no point in fighting for the environment and becoming a vegetarian if you can't do the same with your wardrobe. If in doubt, before throwing something away, find out whether it can be given a second life. Can you turn it into something new and completely wearable?

      • It is not necessary to keep them in their original form! A sweater can be turned into gloves (a lampshade cover, a book cover, a pillow cover)! Do you want to be original? Doing it yourself is a good start.
    6. Get ready for winter. The intensity of the attire will depend on the time of year and where you live, but it is still important to dress warmly without losing your hipster look. Here are some ideas:

      • Find a flannel. An oversized button-down shirt is a good addition to the hipster look, no matter the color. Ideally, the color should not match the rest of your clothes.
      • Buy a couple of cardigans. They are sold everywhere, even in the most consumer stores. Choose a cardigan with large buttons and a deep V-neck. If you find one, buy a cardigan a couple sizes larger.
      • Find an ironic turtleneck or pullover. Grandma's patterns are best suited: kittens, flowers or Christmas trees. The more terrible the pattern, the better.
      • Keep your head warm with a fluffy, gray beanie. The color can be changed to acid orange.
    7. Don't be shy about color. Since you can combine any, even the most incompatible things, you can become a real rainbow person. The more colors the better. And the brighter and more patterned they are, the more reasons there are to put it all on and go to a public place with your analog camera.

      • Neon, neon, neon. Neon pants, neon shoes, neon accessories, neon Ray Bans - even if you're out of style, you'll stand out! Regular colors go too well together (color palette be damned), so spruce up your wardrobe with neon, patterns and more.<<несочетаниями>>.
      • Watch TV series<<Девчонки>>, <<Убить скуку>> or<<Портландия>> for inspiration. The way your favorite performer dresses will do too!
    • Don't try to combine everything in your clothes. Sure, there's a common hipster look, but it's not about looking like you're trying to look like a hipster, but rather like you've thrown on whatever you had on hand and walked out the door.
  • Every era, every century is inseparably connected with the emergence of youth movements. Remember the era of hippies - lovers of life, dudes with their struggle for self-expression, and more recently the time of emo, ever-present punks, goths and others. Today, hipsters are becoming increasingly popular - a subculture, the main idea of ​​which, in my opinion, does not have much depth; representatives of this movement do not fight with anyone, but only enjoy life and all its benefits. And especially hipsters are attracted to everything that is fashionable and trendy. The origins of this informal culture are really interesting. Let's get to know her better together.

    Who are hipsters?

    Simply put, hipsters are representatives of an informal movement who always want to “be in the know.” The first hipsters appeared in the 40s of the 20th century in the USA; initially, representatives of this movement were characterized as wealthy young people interested in foreign literature, jazz music, arthouse cinema, and street fashion. In today's understanding, hipsters (subculture) are young men and women striving to be advanced. At the same time, they do not have a special political or social opinion, they do not fight for anyone’s rights, they prefer to bring fashionable foreign things into their lives.

    Hipsters enjoy using all Apple products; in their arsenal you will definitely find an iPhone, iPad or Macbook. And among them there are many people with modern creative professions: photographers, graphic designers, journalists, DJs. Or they prefer to work in establishments such as music stores, nightclubs, and branded clothing boutiques.
    Reading this post, you shouldn’t think that the subculture of modern hipsters is hopeless: these people, in most cases, have a creative mindset, they are cheerful, sociable, and party-goers by nature. They prefer to watch films with deep meaning, read Palahniuk, and have their own style of clothing, which I will tell you about later.

    How do hipster girls and boys dress or How to become a hipster?

    The age category of this subculture ranges from 16 to 25 years. The hipster girl wears vintage things, in her wardrobe you will definitely find skinny jeans, she has a lot of T-shirts with bright prints and slogans. An essential attribute of any hipster is a plaid shirt. They also love to wear backpacks and parkas, and the famous Converse sneakers have become the iconic shoes of this subculture, both for boys and for the fair sex. In general, a hipster girl prefers comfort and practicality when it comes to clothes.

    For hipster guys, the wardrobe is not much different from women's. Tight trousers, T-shirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts with prints and designs, soft jackets (joggings), sneakers, and backpacks still dominate here. You can also add hats - with pom-poms, tight-fitting ones, and hats - to your hipster wardrobe arsenal. Guys of this subculture usually wear beards, like casual hairstyles, and button up their shirts.

    Another important hipster accessory is large glasses with black frames.

    Is it possible to become a hipster only by dressing according to the above recommendations? I don't think so. After all, hipsters (subculture) unite creative people with their aspirations and goals; they are not only those who want to live in St. Petersburg and drink coffee from cardboard plastic cups. And at the end of this post, watch the video from Comedy Woman about hipsters. I liked it, how about you?

    Hipsters are intellectual men who despise the mainstream

    (As a parallel phenomenon - “life in the BOHO style” - sophisticated fashion for women who also despise the mainstream).

    Of course, the Internet will give you hundreds of “hipster girls”, but this is all “wrong” - not conceptual.

    A woman with a good sense of fashion trends cannot be a hipster. If such a woman wants to become something like a hipster, she will choose the “female equivalent of hipster” - boho.

    Hipster - who are we fighting against?..

    Any loud cultural phenomenon with a hint of revolutionism is a reaction of a part of society to the fact that it is not satisfied with the mainstream (mass market)... So, for example...

    The deliberate cycling movement is a reaction to cars-as-part-of-the-massmarket.

    Deliberate veganism is a reaction to fast food as part of the mass market.

    Hipsterism is the reaction of thinking men to the image of a man in the mass market.

    Hipsters are fashionable men, with a touch of revolutionism (There is nothing to argue with that). And like men fashionable They can be contrasted, for starters, with unfashionable men. (In parentheses, we note - for men without any hint of revolutionism).

    What unfashionable men, who agree with the mass market in everything, will we oppose hipsters? We have identified exactly four types of unfashionable men, thanks to whom the mass market and the mainstream feel good.

    Mainstream #1: Boy

    The “clean boy from the area” exists and will exist precisely because it is (oddly enough) the only surviving image of a modern “courageous”, handsome male. (This is what hipsters are trying to argue with).

    Several factors played a role in turning Brutal Men into downtrodden creatures without testosterone:

    • disappearance of traditional male crafts and professions requiring endurance,
    • the collapse of the traditional family, where the “head” was a man,
    • a general improvement in life that no longer requires the presence of a “strong male protector and provider.”

    “The smart guy from the area” claims to be the only Man now. But this “strong man,” unfortunately, aggressively denies the traditional ones:

    • education,
    • intelligence,
    • good manners,
    • law-abidingness (respect for other people's property, Personality),
    • culture,
    • humanism,
    • breadth of views.

    The mainstream and the mass market don’t care about “The Boy,” because petty punks who can’t clearly express their thoughts are not a worthy opponent for them in business and information battles.

    “We do not agree that flaunting one’s lack of culture, in other words, “redneck style,” is a necessary component of the image of a “Man.” You can be a Man without being either a criminal or a poor student.”

    The next unfashionable image of a modern man, which the hipster contrasts with.

    Mainstream #2: Manager

    This is a man who has chosen a unified “corporate” style - in clothes, in thoughts, in the consumption of material and spiritual goods.

    That very “middle class in everything” for which in our world (as it sometimes seems) everything is created...

    The “manager”, like the “boy”, is aggressively not intellectual. His typical purchase is a wide-screen TV, on credit.

    If he reads books, then mainly books on “motivation” and “very popular psychology”, written in sickening American language 30-40 years ago, obsolete in his homeland, but which have found their market in the CIS.

    A middle and lower level manager does not necessarily work only in an office at a computer (clerk). Sometimes he works in the service sector (for example, as a salesman). A typical image of such a character is SpongeBob (SpongeBob), a low-level employee of a restaurant chain like McDonald's.

    An angry hipster message directed against this type:

    “Aren’t you tired of mass market marketers thinking for you, and that you support their comfortable existence with your thoughtless economic choices?”

    Mainstream No. 3 Pot-bellied married man

    A pot-bellied married man is a man who (of his own free will) exists as a raw material appendage to his Family, consisting of a wife, mother-in-law, children, unfinished apartments, cars, dachas and loans.

    Working hard, such a man early loses his enthusiasm and attractiveness, gets sick and dies prematurely.

    An angry hipster message directed against this type:

    “Why do you prove by your example that your existence is what every young man should expect in the future?”

    Mainstream #4: Nerd

    “Nerd”, “nerd” is... well, almost a hipster.

    • He doesn't act like a "boy" because he doesn't despise culture and intelligence;
    • he, as a rule, is “not yet” married (and therefore does not serve as a raw material appendage of the Family as a consuming unit of the Consumer Society);
    • he is most often a scientific and technical “personnel” (engineer, programmer) or a university teacher, which immediately excludes him from the environment of office workers and service sector (trade) workers.

    Why then is the nerd still the enemy of the hipster? Because a nerd is a person who does not know how to present himself beautifully. After all, a botanist by default despises... Beauty itself.

    This “aggressive pose” was also objected to by A.S. Pushkin:

    “You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails.”

    No one takes the botanist seriously as a worthy opponent in a discussion with the mass market (just as it happens in the case of the marginal “kid”).

    A nerd is conspicuously sloppy, unkempt, usually not familiar with technical innovations (some university teachers still flaunt their inability to work on a regular computer), and deliberately does not follow fashion. (A typical hallmark of a “nerd” is being “stuck” in the image of the 70s, 80s, 90s - that is, the decade in which their youth fell).

    If a male nerd wears a stretchy pullover in the fashion of the 80s (which is popularly called a “mom sweater”), it is only because this item of clothing has been hanging in his wardrobe for forty years.

    If you see a stretched pullover in the fashion of the 80s (60s, 50s) on a hipster man, it is only because the hipster respects this era and bought this vintage piece of clothing in a concept store.

    If you see a male botanist wearing sports shoes (sneakers) under the trousers of a business suit, it is because he came to the lecture straight from the dacha.

    If you see sports shoes on a hipster, it will be Converse sneakers...

    An angry hipster message directed against this type:

    “How long will the people associate the words “culture” and “intellect” with the dandruff in the greasy hair of a philosophy teacher?”

    So, we have looked at those types of modern unfashionable men, from whose unfashionable image hipsters build their opposite (fashionable) image.

    And what picture is observed in the camp of fashionable men? Is there complete agreement there? No! After all, the “camp of fashionable men” is also divided into its own irreconcilable competing camps.

    And hipsters, as an advanced faction, in their own way contrast themselves even with their “brothers,” “fashionable men.” However, they do not consider them “brothers” at all...

    So who (and what exactly) are hipsters opposing in their complex message?

    Here we have identified only two types of “fashionable enemies” of hipsters.

    Fashionable hipster enemy No. 1: “Party-loving metrosexual”

    This type is often confused with a hipster, especially in the provinces, where “true hipsters” can be counted on the fingers of one hand in the entire city.

    • Just like a hipster party animal - hangs out at several trendy spots in the city. But unlike the hipster, who hangs out in places where some kind of cultural or professional activity is still carried out, the partygoer prefers “simpler fashionable places”, where he will not be embarrassed by an intelligent question about a book he has not read or about a director he is talking about knows nothing.
    • Having finally reached the “smart place”, party animal unlike a hipster, he will show off his clothes, while a hipster will come there to show, in addition to his clothes, his mind. If the partygoer still dares to open his mouth, then the false hipster mask will fly off from him in one moment, revealing under the shell of a fashionable intellectual - the intelligence of a “glamorous eighth-grader”
    • Just like a hipster metrosexual attaches great importance to his appearance, “total look” and even reads something. But if a hipster reads cultural primary sources, that is, books, then a metrosexual draws all the cultural information he needs exclusively from journalistic articles written for fashionable and not so fashionable publications such as “Dog”, “Snob”, “Afisha”.

    Fashionable hipster enemy No. 2: Pan Athlete or lucky owner of a fitness membership

    A distinctive feature of some part of “true hipsterism” is such an extreme as - absolutely unpumped, thin arms, complete disregard for the concept of “biceps”. The message of such an unmuscular body, which part of the hipster movement boasts of: “These hands did not hold anything heavier than a volume of Brodsky.”

    However, this pointed feature is more typical of young hipsters. Hipsters who have reached adulthood and gained intelligence (we will discuss them below), as a rule, outgrow such youthful maximalism.

    However, it would never occur to a hipster to walk around in an unbuttoned shirt to show off his abs, drink a protein shake and sunbathe in a solarium...

    A hipster believes that the cult of fitness is a sign of either the lower class or (even worse!) the “middle middle class,” that is, for a hipster it is bad form. An adult hipster, who has reached the point of needing to develop his body, will engage exclusively in “gentlemanly” (that is, vintage) sports in the classic Victorian version.

    To put it bluntly, the fitness business has “offended” the hipster for not being “vintage.”

    What and in what places does a hipster consume?

    As we found out, the hipster is the enemy of the mass market and the mainstream, the enemy of the consumer society, designed for the average taste of the so-called “fool”. This means that he tries to get out from under the pressure of “sameness”, no matter where and how this pressure knocks. Traditional media (mass media), such as news and entertainment TV channels and mass printed publications, are not friends for the hipster. The hipster creates the news himself and the Internet helps him in this.

    We can say that “new media” (the blogosphere) and hipsterism were born on the same day. A hipster uses a smartphone to be constantly online - to exchange opinions and create news on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. VKontakte and LiveJournal - to a lesser extent. The hipster actively uses mobile applications, newfangled gadgets and easily reads QR codes. A hipster orders all the things he needs, including clothes, from online stores.

    In addition to the online sphere, a hipster can be seen in a conceptual coffee shop (tea house) or in a “concept store”.

    The hipster consumes exclusively organic, or even vegan, food. The hipster prefers to get around the city on a bicycle (less often, a scooter).

    An older hipster always grows a conceptual beard (a la the Russian emperor) or a conceptual mustache that turns into sideburns (a la a guardsman in the imperial army).

    This is why you won’t find a hipster in a modern “unisex” hairdressing salon - a hipster has his own exclusively and distinctly vintage men’s salon, but rather a barber shop, where his hair is tidied up; this hipster salon is called a conceptual barbershop, where only traditional men’s cologne is respected, just a straight razor and simple soap suds.

    What does a hipster do and how does he earn his living?

    The hipster is a stronghold of freelancing. If a hipster still prefers not to work at home, then he will most likely go to a co-working office, but not to an “office” in the traditional (and rapidly becoming outdated) form.

    Co-working offices - they exist because of And For hipsters.

    A hipster is the one who creates the space of a new urban environment. He can be an architect, an artist who creates art objects, a web designer of QR codes, but not only...

    A hipster creating a new urban environment can at least be a restaurateur, and a grassroots one at that.

    In Russia, all this activity is carried out by a new educational platform in Moscow - Art Strelka. Many people call the founder of Art Strelka, Ilya Oskolkov-Tsentsiper, the progenitor of hipsterism in the domestic version, who once created the Afisha magazine, which sadly gave birth to masses of non-true hipsters in the provinces.

    A real hipster does not need leaders and never consults magazines on important issues such as: “What to read,” “what to listen to,” “what to wear,” and even presented in a jumbled manner, in the language of a columnist.

    The hipster looks for answers to these questions exclusively in primary sources, which the average person is too lazy to dig into, lacks good English, and simply has no time.

    So, the motto of the new generation of fashionable men is: “Intelligence is in fashion!”

    Fashionable QR code and simple men's shopping

    The topic of the so-called “Q AR” code is inexhaustible today. This is a new genre for the creativity of artists and web designers, a new genre for a new urban infrastructure and, of course, for a new concept of trade - interactive, with minimal participation of a human intermediary between the product and its potential, nervous buyer.

    The QR code is read and recognized by a smartphone pointed at it - and this explains everything - especially its wild popularity in the West.

    A store in Seattle called Hointer is believed to be the first pilot site for this experiment. Hointer believes that it has managed to organize routine retail in a completely new way. The main goal of the men's shopping store - "hointer" - is to deprive shopping of all the inconveniences associated with it, which is most strongly felt by men who do not receive any pleasure from the shopping process itself, unlike women.

    So, simple shopping. For this purpose, the men's denim store "hointer" (pants only) has a showroom and many, many fitting rooms.

    If you visually like a particular pair of jeans, you don’t take it off the hanger and run to the fitting room with it. You scan the QR code on that pair of denim pants and they show you your fitting room number. You go to that fitting room, and that exact pair of jeans is waiting for you there. Try it on for your health! After trying it on, you can remove the heavy store tag yourself and buy jeans by paying at the checkout.

    Coworking office in the editorial office

    An American newspaper based, respectively, in Boston, a newspaper called the Boston Globe, is well known not only in America, but also far beyond its borders. It would seem that this brand should have no problems at all. But, let's reveal a secret - the general crisis that has covered all the print media of the world, all the editorial offices and printing houses producing fresh, ink-smelling editions - has also captured the Boston Globe newspaper.

    And as a result of this crisis, half (well, maybe not half, but still a little less...) of the office space once occupied by various editorial staff is empty.

    New pathos or give a rehearsal point!

    As you understand, a holy place is never empty. New young people will still wander languidly along the corridors of the newspaper editorial office with a cup of coffee in hand. Such is the karma of these premises...

    However, how to do this?

    How to attract the interest of society (especially society - young, mobile, advanced) to your paper newspaper?

    A solution was found: all the now empty office space in the editorial office, all the offices from which the slackers were kicked out, were subleased to strangers as a “co-working office.” Two types of young and advanced people poured in:

    • rock indie-folk and other musicians who found a rehearsal point (base) in the newspaper premises,
    • and “start-ups”, that is, fashionable young entrepreneurs of all possible genres of this folk art.

    This is how “new wine is poured into old wineskins” and, as you can see, contrary to the popular expression, “old wineskins” do not break at all, but, on the contrary, even have a profit from this. They earn money by subletting part of the premises and gain respect from young hipsters.

    Leather glasses frames

    Leather frames for glasses are flexible and very durable. Sukjin Moon came up with frames for not ordinary glasses, but protective and sports glasses, as ordered. Foppish frames for glasses are used by dudes in life: bikers, just motorcycle enthusiasts and hipsters in general. All of them are long-time clients of this very old company from Birmingham, a saddle company called Brooks England. That is, there was no need to conquer the market - the audience that would rush to buy a new product from their favorite supplier was already ready, formed. These people have been buying saddles for horses, bicycles, and motorcycles since the 19th century. Probably, their foppish great-grandfathers only bought them from Brooks England...

    And to the designer who came up with this very English fashion accessory - leather glasses frames - special thanks.

    This frame copies in its design the heavy tortoiseshell frames of the 30s - 50s of the twentieth century - a typical hipster style!

    Traveling exhibition of drawings made at Moleskine

    This distinctly hipster art project is called The Sketchbook Project. A typical American van (in which you can live and travel, like the girl Ellie) goes for the summer - to tour the cities and towns of America.

    An approximate route for this unusual art exhibition-gallery: Toronto, Portland, Atlanta, Orlando.

    Real hipster guys with the right well-groomed beards and the right well-groomed weight (all lean and authentically conceptual) turn the tables of the miniature summer cafe-area under the awnings and open the folding counter (vasizdas) of their art museum of paintings - on wheels. The painting exhibition has begun! Grab yourself something to drink, grab a book from the shelf, and look at the pictures while sipping a cocktail at a comfortable table. When you finish, return the book to its place.

    A traveling exhibition of drawings is a cross between a mobile library and a mobile art gallery: a place where bulky framed paintings are usually displayed.

    And these paintings are not really paintings, this is not easel painting. The Sketchbook Project celebrates a very specific (and very hipster-fashionable) genre: sketching in a pocket-size sketchbook.

    But our guys from The Sketchbook Project are cool. Just imagine: they got (where - don’t ask, we don’t know) four thousand five hundred moleskins painted by artists... Please applaud them as a pilot who managed to take off.

    The traveling exhibition The Sketchbook Project has collected exactly 4,500 fully illustrated moleskins, sketchbooks, and shamelessly drawn so that you can show off the product with your face!

    25.06.2013 07:35:32

    You see her sitting near the window in a trendy cafe, writing poetry and sipping black coffee. Or in line at the coolest underground club. Or walking around the city center with a cigarette. She is what is now called a "hipster", although she won't admit it, and you want to be like her. To find out how to do this, just calmly follow the next steps.


    Create your own look

      Adopt the “just got out of bed” look. The main aspect of hipster style is the ability to look like you rolled out of bed in style and pulled on the first thing you found. Although, In fact, you don’t do this, but you need to try to make it look as if you didn’t spend hours choosing the perfect outfit for yourself, but just put on the first one that came to you - even if this is far from the case. Here are a few ways to look like you just rolled out of bed:

      • Don't spend hours styling your hair or it will be obvious how much effort you put into looking good.
      • Don't take too long to remove your makeup; again, it will look like you're worrying too much about your appearance.
      • Don't spend too much time trying to perfectly match the pieces in your outfit - the colors should work together, but you don't have to look too slick and neat.
      • Don't wear too many things that obviously look new.
    1. Shop like a hipster. If you want to buy things like a real hipster, you should not overuse expensive and pretentious boutiques. But if you really want to look like a hipster, go through your mom's (or grandma's!) old wardrobe. You can find real treasures at garage sales or thrift stores to create the perfect hipster look.

      • Many hipster girls have an unusual sense of style, looking more like tomboys than ordinary beauties.
      • You can even go to vintage stores and find simple clothes that are so uncool that they can be considered cool again.
      • You can also rip, rip, or sew patches on unfashionable items to give them a touch of style.
      • Do you have a whole bunch of useless clothes that you haven't worn in years and they're just collecting dust in your closet? In that case, you can still salvage some clothes and make them cool and retro again.
    2. Invest in some basic wardrobe items. While hipsters certainly don't have a specific "uniform," there are some items that should be in your closet. Only with their help can you turn into a hipster. Try these:

      • T-shirts with graphics.
      • Skinny jeans. They can be made from dark, light or regular denim.
      • "Hunting" plaid button-down shirts.
      • For shoes, wear TOMS, lace-up sneakers or vans, or ballet flats.
      • Among the accessories, it is necessary to note various baubles, long and wide necklaces or short, sophisticated neck jewelry. Large rings will also work. The most common hipster accessory is a pair of thick-rimmed sunglasses.
    3. Buy clothes that are sold in connection with charity. If you're the kind of hipster who buys clothes to help the community, check out clothing lines like TOMS, Sevenly, or Common Threads.

      Work on your makeup. Makeup is not necessary, but if you want to wear it, stick to neutral, natural trends. The clearer the skin, the better! Don't overdo it with foundation, and apply a little pink blush on your cheeks. Choose natural tones for shadows and use moderation. Stay away from shiny and bright makeup. A clear lip balm is what you need! And if you're going to paint your nails, use soft pink, blue, basic black or clear polish.

    4. Get a new hairstyle. Cut your hair in uneven lines or individual strands, or grow it very long. Try several options: a messy hairstyle, a loose side braid, a ballerina bun, bohemian curls or perfectly straight hair. If you feel confident enough, shave half your head like some celebrities. Try asymmetrical haircuts (one side is longer). It is important that people express doubts about your appearance, but secretly admire it.

      • Bangs are popular among hipster girls.

      We achieve a relationship

      1. Never call yourself a hipster. Hipsters come in all shapes and forms and they all want to be unique and cool. Never in the world call yourself a hipster, otherwise you risk looking like a poser. If someone asks you if you are a hipster, answer no. Or walk away and act like you don't know what they're talking about. Or pretend to be embarrassed and change the subject.

        • You might even roll your eyes or get angry if someone calls you a hipster.
      2. Avoid the mainstream like the plague. If you really want to be a hipster, you have to reject pop culture and try to find your own, more independent interests. That means playing bocce ball with your friends at the park instead of watching the Super Bowl on TV, learning to make tahini instead of going to fast food, and never Don't listen to popular radio stations.

        • Even if you secretly love Lady Gaga, Beyonce, or Britney Spears (OMG!), don't talk about it in public.
        • Most hipsters are committed to eco-friendly and healthy lifestyles, so no more trips to McDonald's and pizzerias - no matter how much you want it.
      3. Pretend you don't care. Even if you're upset because your friend hurt your feelings, or you're excited because the cute guy in your class with thick glasses has a crush on you, learn to manage your emotions. The most you can show is a slight smile or a raised eyebrow. There's no need to be unfriendly, but don't wave your arms, cry in public, or hug like crazy.

        • For a hipster, everything is “normal” or “nothing wrong” - your range of emotions should not be wide.
        • Rolling your eyes, looking at the floor, or leisurely checking your phone is a great way to look like you don't care.
        • And try not to snort with laughter, no matter how funny you find it - a quick smile, chuckle, or just the words “that's funny” is enough.
      4. Go heavy on the sarcasm. If you want to become a true hipster, learn not to take everything at face value. Use winning and dark sarcasm, even to express basic ideas. If it's raining heavily, say, "It's time to go for a run" in a calm tone that will make people laugh or at least smile. Be sarcastic towards your boyfriend and any guys, even if they try to ask you out.

        • If you use your sarcasm skills correctly, you will charm and delight people. The main thing is not to overdo it, or everyone will think that you Nothing don't take it seriously.

      Where to get inspiration

      1. Find yourself a hipster role model. Take a closer look at such hipster girls as Corey Kennedy, Willa Holland, Leigh Lezark, Agyness Deyn, Peaches and Pixie Geldof, the Jagger girls, Alice Dellal, Dree Hemingway and Erin Wasson. Find your favorite idol and follow her trends - from clothes to hangouts and dinners.

        • If your close friend is a hipster, observe what she wears, reads and listens to - but don't make it too obvious. Hipsters don't like to be worshiped.
      2. Get inspired by hipster websites. Go to fashion websites and choose the style that appeals to you the most. While not every style on these sites is hipster-friendly, you can wear whatever outfits you like. Try to find the clothes you need (or an idea of ​​what you need) on these sites:

        • garancedore.fr.en
        • thesatorialist.com
        • stockholmstreetstyle.feber.se
        • lookbook.nu
        • cobrasnake.com
      3. Get inspired by magazines and books. Browsing through some cool magazines and books will help you decide on your own style. Subscribe to a few magazines and pick up a couple of fashion books to get a better understanding of the style you want to create. Try searching for what you need in the following magazines and books:

        • Magazines: NYLON, Dazed & Confused, Elle, Paper, POP! magazine and British Vogue
        • Books: Three books from NYLON magazine, Pretty, Street, and Play, and Misshapes, a book by a DJ trio about what to wear to nightclubs.
      4. Get creative. Many hipsters are truly talented or at least have a creative streak. If you don't already have a creative interest, you need to find something you enjoy - photography, drawing, writing, or playing a musical instrument. Whatever you choose, meet experts in this field.

        • Do you like photography? Explore the work of famous contemporary photographers - Ryan McGinley, Desh Snow and Ellen von Unwerth.
        • If you like writing, read the classics and try to understand poetry. You can explore the work of Jack Kerouac, Ken Casey, Sylvia Plath, J.D. Salinger, Haruki Murakami, Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, Dave Eggers, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, and Chuck Klosterman.
        • If you're into art, check out the works of Jogia O'Keefe, Alice Neel, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.
      5. Music can also be an inspiration. Listening to independent, underground and even classical music is a big part of being a hipster. Hipsters can't only listen to what's popular, but must recognize cool music with the potential to become trendy, and when it becomes so, forget about it. You can't just listen to music on a Walkman or iPod - to be a true hipster, you have to attend concerts - in the basement of a tiny cafe or on a larger (but not too big) stage. Here are a few groups you need to check out to get on the hipster girl bandwagon:

        • Daft Punk
        • Justice
        • Grizzly Bear
        • Ratattat
        • Yeah Yeah Yeahs
        • The xx
        • The Vaccines
        • Bring Me The Horizon
        • The Kooks
        • Animal Collective
        • Bright Eyes
        • Deathcab for Cutie
        • Vampire Weekend
        • Minus the Bear
      6. Watch hipster movies and TV shows. If you want to learn how to be a hipster, you not only need to familiarize yourself with fashion trends and music, but you also need to be aware of how hipsters act in movies and TV shows. And never call films "cinema" - it's not hipster. Here are some movies and shows you should check out:

        • Hipster films of the last decade: "500 Days of Summer", "Garden Country", "Valentine", "Juno", "The Family Tenebown", "Little Miss Sunshine", "Amelie", "Tiny Furniture", "Lars and the Real Girl" , "Drive", "On the Road", "Greenberg".
        • Earlier hipster films: Glitter, Reality Bites, Clerks, Hit and Scream, Withnail and I, The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
        • TV series: "Girls", "Portlandia", "Workaholics", "Kill Boredom"
      • Don't call yourself a hipster.
      • Stay calm in any situation!!
      • Try herbal teas, organic bath products, snack on sushi and make your own vegan soup. You will find that it tastes much better than the convenience food from the supermarket. Look for recipes for Carrot Coriander Soup and Potato Soup.
      • Google hipster fashion photos and start developing your own style.
      • Be confident in your hipster-ness.