The role of theatrical activities in the development of a child’s speech. The role of theatrical activities in the development of speech in preschool children

Consultation for educators

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II category

Rybalko S.E.

The role of theatrical activity in the development of children's speech.

Theater activities very important in the development of children's speech. It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child’s speech, intellectual artistic and aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of becoming familiar with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child

    knows the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil;

    learns the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt.

In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for fairy tales, miracles, and the feeling of a carefree childhood.

Theatricalization is, first of all, improvisation, the animation of objects and sounds, since it is closely interconnected with other types of activities - singing, moving to music, listening, etc.

I started working on theatrical activities with junior group, where children are just starting to go to kindergarten. Theatrical games helped me in my work on painless adaptation of children. I played with any toy in the group or the one the baby brought. And seeing how she, his toy, dances, sings, talks, a smile and joy appear on the child’s face. This distracted him, helped him get used to the team easier, and encouraged him to communicate with me and the children.

She taught me to act out the songs “Cockerel, Cockerel”, lullabies with dolls, nursery rhymes: “Kitsonka-Murysonka”, “Vodichka-Vodichka”

I teach how to act out familiar fairy tales, folk songs, nursery rhymes, using toys, plane and finger theater. All this helps prepare children for active participation in theatrical games. This allows you to teach children to use a variety of expressive means in their combination (speech, chanting, facial expressions, pantomime, movements)

I draw the children’s attention to the intonation of animal voices in the fairy tales “Kolobok” and “Teremok”. I teach you to pronounce phrases emotionally and pronounce sounds clearly. For example, in the game “Walk in the Forest” (as the wind rustles, leaves rustle), onomatopoeic words pronounced with different intonations develop speech breathing.

After guessing riddles about animals, children imitate the voice of the guessed animal.

I teach children to pronounce words expressively in pure phrases, changing the strength of their voice. (“Sa-sa-sa, a wasp is flying towards us” - with different voice strengths. - quietly, louder, louder. Also changing intonation - surprised, questioning, scared, delighted, etc.

Children's vocabulary expands.

IN middle group I plan to pay great attention to the expressiveness of speech. Strengthen children's ability to combine speech with movement

For theatricalization I use the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”, “Aibolit”, Fedorino’s grief and others by Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “Gloves”. Russians folk tales“Fox with a rolling pin”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”. Songs “We lived with grandma”, “A grasshopper sat in the grass”. Poems “Rain - rain”, etc.

In the group we have created a theatrical corner, which includes the following types of theater:

    finger theater;

    tabletop theater;

    flat theater;

    scarf theater

    mummers' theater;

    theater hats.

All of these theaters are accessible to children.

I use the scarf theater at different moments(washing, direct educational activities, gymnastics after sleep, outdoor games, eating, etc.)

The group has created a mummers' corner, where children love to dress up and act out different scenes.

In my work on theatrical activities, I involve parents who help make costumes and attributes.

Thus, work on theatrical activities not only contributes to the replenishment of knowledge and skills, but is also a means of forming speech, personal qualities child, his adequate behavior in various situations.

The child’s speech becomes more expressive and literate. Enriched with new words.

My desire is to ensure that children understand that speech should be clear, sonorous, expressive, and unhurried. It should be colorful and express the child’s thoughts.

Theatrical activities contribute to the development of fantasy, imagination, all types of memory and children's creativity(artistic speech, musical play, dance, stage. It introduces children not only to the world of beauty, activates thinking and cognitive interest, but also helps to reveal creative potential, develops speech and, most importantly, helps the child adapt to society.

The main difficulty in theatrical performance is the poor development of children's speech and impaired sound pronunciation. There are children in the group who speak poorly and cannot pronounce words or sounds. Some children have trouble remembering. I recommend that parents read fairy tales to their children more often, and then retell short passages in roles, teach poems and nursery rhymes.

Elena Lendeneva
The role of theatrical activities in the development of children's speech preschool age

Speech development of preschool children in particular, development of coherent speech- one of the most important areas in the work of preschool teachers. Largely determining the success of school education, determining the formation of a communicative culture, development other important mental processes(thinking, memory, imagination, attention, perception, mastering practical communication skills in various life situations, preparation for learning to read and write, development creative abilities.

Theatrical activities is one of the most interesting for preschool children, which allows you to include them in the performance of fairy tales, small literary works and thereby solve speech problems development. IN preschool age comes qualitatively new stage development speeches. The motive for active mastery of the native language is the growing needs preschooler learn, tell and influence yourself and the other person. Speech is included in all types activities, including educational ones. Change facing preschooler tasks, emergence of new species activities, complicating communication with adults and peers, expanding the circle of life connections and relationships. In which the child is included, leads to intense development. Firstly, all aspects of speech development, secondly, its forms (contextual and explanatory) and functions (generalizing, communicative, planning, regulating, symbolic).

The kindergarten program provides training in dialogical and monological speeches. Work on development of dialogical speech aimed at developing the skills necessary for communication. Dialogue is a complex form of social interaction. Participating in dialogue is sometimes more difficult than constructing a monologue. Thinking over your own remarks and questions occurs simultaneously with the perception of someone else’s speeches. Participation in dialogue requires complex skills: listen and correctly understand the interlocutor’s thoughts; formulate your own judgment in response, express it correctly using language; change the topic of verbal interaction after the interlocutor; maintain a certain emotional tone; monitor the correctness of the linguistic form in which thoughts are expressed; listen and control your speech.

Theatrical games are the performance of literary works in person (fairy tales, short stories, specially written dramatizations). Peculiarity theatrical games is that they have a ready-made plot, which means activity the child is largely predetermined by the text of the work. Real theatrical the game is a rich field for creativity children. The text of the work is only a canvas into which new storylines are woven, new characters are introduced, etc. The child’s creativity is manifested in a truthful portrayal of the character. To accomplish this, you need to understand what the character is like, why he acts this way, imagine his state, feelings, that is, penetrate into his inner world. And this needs to be done while listening to the work. So, full participation in the game requires children special preparedness, which manifests itself in the ability to aesthetically perceive the art of artistic expression, the ability to listen attentively to the text, to capture intonations, and peculiarities of speech patterns. To understand what a hero is like, you need to learn to simply analyze his actions and evaluate them. Understand the moral of the work. The ability to imagine the hero of the work, his experiences, the specific situation in which events are developing, largely depends on personal experience child: the more diverse his impressions of the environment, the richer his imagination, feelings, and ability to think. To play the role, the child must master a variety of visual means (facial expressions, body movements, gestures, speech expressive in vocabulary and intonation, etc.). Therefore, preparedness for theatrical the game can be defined as the level of general cultural development, on the basis of which the understanding of a work of art is facilitated, an emotional response to it arises, and mastery of artistic means of conveying an image occurs. All this does not develop spontaneously, but is formed in the course of educational work.

Planning my work with children development of speech through theatrical activities based on a system of game trainings, which are recommended to be carried out in the afternoon in a joint activities with children.

The structure of the training includes myself:

A greeting aimed at unification children, creation of favorable psychological climate, emotional mood;

The main part, which includes didactic games, exercises, conversations, dramatizations;

Warm-up aimed at relieving muscle tension development ability to control your body, development facial and emotional palette, gestures;

The final part, which provides for consolidation of the content of the main part, transition to subsequent material.

The sequence of tasks to be solved, the use of methods and techniques are presented in the following version of the lesson system.

Classes theatrical activities carry an unusually high emotional-positive charge, affecting the sphere of perception and feelings of every child; literary material is a bright, visually imaginative standard of the speech culture of the people. Literary images and storylines allow preschooler master social and moral norms and rules that form a communicative culture. A fairy tale is the main and most understandable type of literary work in preschool age, therefore its importance in development of children's imagination, imagination, enrichment child's speech, V development his emotional life, in helping to overcome the difficulties that are typical personality development. While listening to a fairy tale, children internally draw pictures and images for themselves, which contributes to development of imagination. At the same time, from time to time the life of these internal images should be enriched by external images. It performs this important function in kindergarten theater.

Theatrical activity is very important in the development of children's speech. It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of expressiveness child's speech, intellectual artistic and aesthetic education. She is an inexhaustible source development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way to become familiar with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns about the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil;

learns the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt.

In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for fairy tales, miracles, and the feeling of a carefree childhood.

Theatricalization- this is primarily improvisation, the animation of objects and sounds, since it is closely interconnected with other types activities - singing, moving to music, listening, etc.

I started working with the younger group, where children are just starting to go to kindergarten. Theatrical games helped me work on painless adaptation children. I played with any toy in the group or the one the baby brought. And seeing how she, his toy, dances, sings, talks, a smile and joy appear on the child’s face. This distracted him, helped him get used to the team easier, and encouraged him to communicate with me and the children.

Taught me how to play songs "Cockerel, cockerel" lullabies with dolls, nursery rhymes: "Kitsonka-Murysonka", "Water-water", act out familiar fairy tales, folk songs, nursery rhymes, using toys, plane, finger, glove theater. All this helps prepare children to active participation in theatrical games. This allows you to teach children use a variety of expressive means in combination (speech, chanting, facial expressions, pantomime, movements)

Paying attention children on the intonation of animal voices in fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok". I draw attention to how you need to pronounce phrases emotionally and clearly pronounce sounds. For example, in the game "Walk in the Woods" (how the wind rustles, leaves rustle) onomatopoeic words pronounced with different intonations, develop speech breathing.

After guessing riddles about animals, children imitate the voice of the guessed animal.

I try to get the children to pronounce words expressively in pure phrases by changing the strength of their voice. (For example “Ri-Ri-RI – the bullfinches have arrived.”) - with different voice strengths. - quiet, louder, louder. Changing intonation - surprised, questioning, scared, enthusiastic, etc.

All these games and exercises allow you to expand your vocabulary children. I also pay great attention to expressiveness. speeches. The skill is consolidated children combine speech with movement

For theatricalization using fairy tales K. I. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha", "Aibolit" and others Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "Gloves".

Russian folk tales "Fox with a rolling pin", "Teremok", "Kolobok".

"Zayushkina's hut"

Songs "We lived with grandma", "In the grass Grasshopper sat". Poems by A. Barto, etc.

The group has theatrical corner, which includes the following types theater:

finger theater;

bi-ba-bo theater;

desktop theater;

planar theater;

glove theater;

mummers theater;

theater hats, masks.

Everything is within easy reach children place. In certain boxes, with inscriptions of symbols. So that children can take the material they need.

The group has created a mummers' corner, where children love to dress up and act out different scenes.

In his work on theatrical activities I also involve parents who help make costumes and attributes. Often, when staging a fairy tale, we invite parents to take part.

Thus, work on theatrical activities contributes not only to the replenishment of knowledge and skills, but also is a means of forming speeches, personal qualities of the child, his adequate behavior in various situations.

The child’s speech becomes more expressive and literate. Enriched with new words.

My desire is to ensure that children understand that speech should be clear, sonorous, expressive, and unhurried. It should be colorful and express the child’s thoughts.

Work on theatrical activities will continue to be carried out. I plan to spend it with my parents Master Class for making puppets to replenish theater corner.

The main difficulty in working on theatrical activity is a weak development of children's speech, impaired sound pronunciation, stiffness. There are children in the group who speak poorly and cannot pronounce words or sounds. Some children have trouble remembering. I recommend that parents read fairy tales to their children more often, and then retell short passages in roles, teach poems and nursery rhymes.

Theatrical activities promote the development of imagination, imagination, all types of memory and children's creativity (artistic speech, musical play, dance, stage. She introduces children not only into the world of beauty, it activates thinking and cognitive interest, but also helps to reveal creative possibilities, develops speech and, most importantly, helps the child adapt to society.

Teacher of MKDOU Kutuliksky kindergarten No. 3 Lendeneva Elena Vasilievna, Irkutsk region Alarsky district

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: MBDOU TsRR d/s No. 14

Locality: Ulyanovsk

How pleasant it is to talk with a person whose speech is rich, figurative, full of epithets, and emotionally colored intonations. Nowadays, unfortunately, this wealth of the native language is treated mercilessly: illiterate expressions, careless speech, abbreviation and paucity of vocabulary. Year by year, the number of older preschoolers with defects in the pronunciation of speech sounds and other qualities of speech: tempo, strength of voice, verbal communication, and developed coherent speech is growing. Not every child can construct a detailed story or come up with his own fairy tale. Not everyone can understand the author's idea and answer questions about the content of the text read, or ask a question.

Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for children's speech development. This is the time when children are actively learning the world, as a result of which psychological processes are formed: thinking, memory, speech culture develops. Well-developed speech helps a preschooler better convey his thoughts and emotions; children learn to communicate with the people around them. Imagery and accuracy of speech are enriched by means fiction: poems, stories, fairy tales, fables, etc.

Preschool age is a unique period of human development, with its own logic and specificity; This is a special world with its own language, way of thinking, and actions. This is a period of active assimilation by the child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical.

Speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Well-developed speech helps him easily communicate with the world around him, clearly express his thoughts and desires, consult with peers, parents, teachers, promotes the development of mental functions and successful learning at school.

Full command of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition solving problems of mental, aesthetic, moral education, for the full formation of the child’s personality.

Speech, in all its diversity, is the main component of communication,

in the process of which it is, in fact, formed. The most important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication.

Speech child development, is carried out in various types of children's activities, one of which is theatrical performance. Theatrical activity is improvisation, the revival of objects and sounds, a vivid emotional transmission of the image of the hero by verbal and non-verbal means, it is associated with musical and speechtypes of activities: singing, moving to music, listening, improvising, playing music.

The role of theatrical activities in the speech development of a child is great (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). It stimulates active speech by expanding the vocabulary, working to improve the articulatory apparatus and expanding the area of ​​communication (with toys, peers, adults), is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences, emotional discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual wealth, and is the most important means of development conditions necessary for organization joint activities children, during which the speech development of preschool children occurs. Theatrical play helps create situations in which even the most unsociable and constrained children enter into

into speech communication and are revealed. Research by G. A. Volkova showed “that children’s theatrical games contribute to the activation of different aspects of their speech - vocabulary, grammatical structure, dialogue, monologue, improvement of the sound side of speech, etc.” Intensive speech development It is the independent theatrical and gaming activity that serves

which includes not only the action of children with dolls or their own role-playing, but also artistic and speech activity (choosing a topic, conveying familiar content, singing songs on behalf of the characters, humming, etc.).

The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are enormous: its topics are not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds and music, and questions skillfully posed by the teacher encourage children to think, analyze rather complex situations, draw conclusions and generalizations. This helps improve mental development and closely related

improve speech with him. Theatrical activities make it possible to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child’s speech, intellectual and artistic-aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of becoming familiar with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns about the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt.In the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and one’s own statements, the child’s vocabulary and the sound side of speech are imperceptibly activated. A new role, especially character dialogue, confronts the child with the need to

express yourself clearly and clearly. His dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve, the child begins to actively use the dictionary, which, in turn, is also replenished. What they see and experience in amateur theatrical performances broadens children’s horizons and creates a need to tell their friends and parents about the performance. All this undoubtedly contributes to the development of speech, the ability to conduct dialogue and

convey your impressions in monologue form.The role of theatrical activities in expanding and consolidating the vocabulary of preschool children is important. In the process of working on literary works, children become acquainted with new words, which contributes to the accumulation of passive vocabulary and the activation of nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs in speech. The ability to distinguish and name names of actions and characteristics that are opposite in meaning is formed. Theatrical games enrich the productive speech activity of preschoolers (composing their own stories or improvising a given one). Particular attention in theatrical activities is paid to the development of intonation expressiveness, allowing each child to convey emotions, feelings, characteristics hero, to express his own attitude to events in a monologue and dialogue, without being embarrassed by the audience.

The development of speech is closely related to the formation of the child’s thinking and imagination. The gradually developing ability to compose simple stories, but interesting in terms of semantic load and content, to construct phrases grammatically and phonetically correctly, and to compose their content compositionally, contributes to the mastery of monologue speech,

which is of paramount importance for the full preparation of the child for schooling. Also, in preschool age, the child’s vocabulary constantly increases, but its qualitative transformation is entirely mediated by the participation of adults. Thus, we can conclude that theatrical gaming activity makes it possible to use theatrical games as a strong, but unobtrusive

a pedagogical tool for the development of children’s speech, because the child feels relaxed and free while playing.


1. Antipina A.E.. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. M. Creative Center, 2009

2. Belous E. Development of speech and phonemic hearing in theatrical play activity. Preschool education: monthly scientific and methodological journal: No. 7 2009

3. Bochkareva L.P. Theatrical and play activities of preschool children.Method. manual for specialists in preschool education. – Ulyanovsk: IPKPRO, 1993.

4. Bryzgalova A.N. Theatrical and play activities of preschoolers: a manual for teachers preschool education- Mn.: Unipress, 2006.

5. Doronova T.N. We play in the theater. Theatrical activities for children aged 4-6 years. M. Education, 2005

6. Doronova T.N. Development of children from 4 to 7 years old in theatrical activities // Child in kindergarten. - 2001. - No. 2.

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Gataullina Gulnur Gumarovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU" Kindergarten No. 414 combined type"
Locality: Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan
Name of material: article
Subject:"The role of theatrical and play activities in the development of a child's speech"
Publication date: 27.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 414 combined type"

Novo-Savinovsky district


“The role is theatrical and playful

activities in the development of a child’s speech"


Gataullina Gulnur Gumarovna

Kazan, 2017

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, speech development is highlighted

into a separate educational field and includes:

Mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active vocabulary;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and

monologue speech;

Development of speech creativity;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension

texts from various genres of children's literature;

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as

prerequisites for literacy education.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, children are taught through play, so

how play constitutes the main content of a preschool child’s life

age and is his activity. It activates the child’s mind and will,

deeply affects his feelings, increases the vital activity of the body,

promotes physical development.

Theatrical and gaming activity is one of the practical

methods for developing a child’s speech.

Relevance The problem is this:

Theatrical and play activities are of great importance for the development

creative abilities of preschoolers, it allows you to solve problems

personality development, activates vocabulary, develops monologue and

dialogical speech of the child, promotes the ability to organize communication

with peers, the ability to outwardly express one’s inner emotions and

understand correctly emotional condition interlocutor.

Target: to form and improve children's speech skills

through involving them in theatrical and play activities.


Form the correct model of behavior in the modern world;

To improve the child’s general culture and introduce them to spiritual values;

Introduce him to children's literature, music, visual arts

art, etiquette rules, rituals, traditions, instill sustainable

Improve the skill of embodying certain experiences in the game,

encourage the creation of new images, encourage thinking.

The main directions of speech work in theatrical and play


Development of speech culture: articulatory motor skills, phonemic

perception, speech breathing, correct sound pronunciation.

Development of general and fine motor skills: coordination of movements, fine

hand motor skills, muscle tension relief.

Development of stagecraft and speech activity: development

facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, emotional perception,

improving the grammatical structure of speech, monologue and

dialogical form of speech, gaming skills and creative


Working methods and techniques:

1.Reading works of fiction, fairy tales, poems.

2. Conversations with children.

3. Acting out sketches, theatrical games, staging, dramatization.

4. Examination of illustrations.

5. Show puppet show for children of the younger group.

6. Exercises to develop expressiveness of performance (verbal

and nonverbal speech).

In the course of theatrical and play activities the following develop:

personal qualities of children:

Communication skills:

The ability to accept yourself and others;

The ability to see his merits in another person;

Emotionally positive attitude towards peers;

Knowledge of the culture of human communication.

Communication skills:

Development of speech skills (verbal communication skills)

accumulation of experience of positive interaction;

Ability to find a common language;

Ability to resolve conflicts without violence;

Effective communication skills;

Ability to express one’s opinion publicly;

Teamwork skills;

Skills of mutual respect and recognition.

Activity qualities:

Ability to plan your activities;

Ability to establish partnerships, interact in pairs,

Ability to act in conflict situations

Human values:

The value of family;

Value healthy image life;

Knowledge and respect of folk traditions.

Theatrical play in the development of children's speech:

1) develops artistic taste, creative abilities,

expressiveness of speech;

2) develops stage, singing, and dance creativity;

3) expands the vocabulary of words, speech;

4) develops memory, thinking, imagination;

5) creates a sense of collectivism;

6) introduces children to theatrical art.

For theatrical and play activities of children in our group we have created

favorable conditions. There is a corner of theatrical activities, where

toys, attributes, literary works, theatrical

dolls and costumes. For the musical design of the performance, the group has

tape recorder, cassettes, disks. Theater corners have been decorated for

independent activities for children, where there are various types of theaters,

didactic, board-printed and educational games on literary

works. The group has a rack for costume elements, simple

decorations, screens for puppet and tabletop theaters.

In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' lines,

of one’s own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated,

sound side of speech. The new role, especially the character dialogue, poses

the child is faced with the need to express himself clearly and understandably. Him

dialogical speech and its grammatical structure improve, the child begins

actively use the dictionary, which, in turn, is also updated.

What we saw and experienced in amateur theatrical performances

broadens children's horizons and creates a need to talk about the performance

to your friends and parents. All this undoubtedly contributes to the development

speeches , the ability to conduct a dialogue and convey one’s impressions in a monologue

It is in the game that the child speaks fluently, says what he thinks, and not

what you need. Not to teach and teach, but to play with him, fantasize, compose,

inventing is what a child needs.


Theatrical art is close and understandable to children, because theater is based

lies the game. By participating in theatrical games, children get acquainted with

the world around them, learn to understand it. Through theatrical games we

We develop speech characteristics in children, provide emotional

well-being. Children's vocabulary is significantly activated in

everyday life, speech becomes more vivid and emotional.

Theatrical activity is very important in the development of children's speech. It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child’s speech, intellectual artistic and aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of becoming familiar with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns about the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt.

By participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, sounds, colors, and skillfully posed questions encourage them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. When playing a role, especially entering into dialogue with other characters, the child faces the need to express himself clearly, clearly and understandably. Therefore, children’s participation in theatrical games will contribute to the full development of all aspects of coherent monologue speech and will become the main prerequisite for successful learning at school.

As a result of the targeted use of theatrical games in the immediate educational activities, and also during free activity, children will acquire speech skills, on the basis of which it will become possible to construct coherent statements, and develop thinking, memory, and imagination. Speech will become more emotional, expressive and meaningful.

Coherent speech, being an independent type of speech-cognitive activity, at the same time plays an important role in the process of raising and educating children, since it acts as a means of acquiring knowledge and a means of monitoring this knowledge. Coherent speech The formation of coherent speech skills in preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of teachers, since the further development of the child’s personality and his acquisition of educational knowledge depend on the degree of their formation.

THEATER TALE Coherent speech is a special and complex form communicative activities. In order to develop coherent speech in preschoolers, theatrical games are used that allow them to interest students, hold their attention, liberate them, develop reproductive and elements of creative imagination, elementary logical thinking, memory and, most importantly, form internal motivation for speech utterance. A GAME

What is the purpose of theatrical activities? To develop sensations, feelings, emotions among its participants; For the development of thinking, imagination, attention, memory; To develop imagination; On the formation of strong-willed qualities; For the development of many skills and abilities (speech, communication, organizational, motor, etc.)

The influence of theatrical play on the development of a child's speech Dramatic play: Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary; The child learns the richness of his native language, its means of expression (dynamics, tempo, intonation, etc.); Improves the articulatory apparatus; Dialogue, emotionally rich, expressive speech is formed.

Child speech and various types of theater Finger Theater*Promotes the development of speech, attention, memory; *forms spatial representations; *develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements; * increases performance, tone of the cerebral cortex.

Holistic impact on the child’s personality: his emancipation, independent creativity, development of leading mental processes; Promotes self-knowledge and personal expression; Creates conditions for socialization, enhancing adaptive abilities, corrects communication skills, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, and success. Dramatization game The most “conversational” type of theatrical activity.