Causes of a cyanotic cervix. Possible signs of pregnancy

Diseases of the reproductive system organs can manifest themselves in different ways, including being visually noticeable to the doctor during examination. Diseases of this type, for example, include cyanotic cervix. Although cyanosis, in this case, is more likely a symptom that can occur for various reasons and indicate pathologies of one type or another, both more serious and less. Why does this phenomenon occur, is it necessary to treat the causes. Who caused it, and if so, how to do it? This is discussed in this material.


How does it manifest?

Another name for this condition is cyanotic cervix. This condition should be taken literally - the vaginal part of the organ actually takes on a bluish tint. When examined by a doctor, this is noticeable on the vaginal part; in addition, this condition is visualized during colposcopy and some other instrumental studies of the cervix and uterine cavity.

Why does such a change in shade occur from a physiological point of view? The change in shade develops due to changes in the blood circulation of the pelvis in general, the uterus and its cervix in particular. But such changes can be caused by various reasons.


An interesting feature of this condition is that it can be both a sign of a serious pathological process and a normal symptom in certain non-pathological conditions. For example, this is normal during pregnancy. For this reason, all reasons that can cause such changes in blood circulation can be divided into pathological and non-pathological. For non-pathological processes, treatment is not required; for pathological processes, in most cases, it is necessary. What reasons can cause cyanosis of this organ?


Very often, the gynecologist makes the first assumption about the presence of pregnancy based on such a symptom as a cyanotic cervix. This is considered one of the main diagnostic signs of pregnancy during a standard examination by a gynecologist. After this phenomenon is detected, the patient is prescribed ultrasound examinations and pregnancy tests to confirm this condition.

Why does this symptom appear during pregnancy? It is directly related to the action of the hormone progesterone. Moreover, it is present at all stages of pregnancy, since in the early stages progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum in the ovaries, and in later stages by the placenta.

Infections and inflammation

Pathological processes of this nature cause a fairly strong disturbance of blood circulation in the mucous membrane, as a result of which it changes its color and cyanosis of the cervix occurs. It is quite easy to diagnose such a process. Firstly, it is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, such as pain, menstrual irregularities, uncharacteristic discharge, etc. Secondly, you can take a smear from the vagina and/or uterus, which will show the presence of pathology.

The most common conditions that cause cyanosis are:

  1. Endometritis;
  2. Cervicitis;
  3. Inflammation of the tubes/ovaries/uterine cavity.

If no infectious agents are detected as a result of a smear, then the doctor begins to look for other reasons why a blue cervix could occur.


The condition can develop in the presence of any neoplasms. The most pronounced cyanosis accompanies cervical cancer, since the oncological process completely changes the anatomy of the organ, including its circulatory system. For this reason, the doctor often takes tissue for a biopsy for this diagnosis - the samples are examined for the presence of atypical cancer cells.

But not only malignant tumors can cause such changes. For example, myomas and fibroids are sometimes also accompanied by the same symptom as endometriosis. Although these conditions have nothing to do with oncology, they are also associated with active tissue proliferation, and therefore affect the circulatory system in the organ.

Organ prolapse

Another fairly serious condition is significant prolapse and prolapse of the uterus. It is due to the fact that the tone of the pelvic floor muscles weakens for one reason or another, the ligaments that fix the organ stretch and lose elasticity, and under the influence of gravity the organ falls down. First, it puts pressure on the vaginal vault, and then, together with the cervix, may fall into it altogether. After this, the organ may even fall out through the genital opening.

It is clear that in this condition the blood circulation of the organ is disrupted, and this is what causes cyanosis.

This condition is quite easy to diagnose, since its signs are obvious. But prolapse in the early stages is more difficult to diagnose, since at first no characteristic symptoms are observed.


What methods are used to diagnose the condition? At the initial stage, the absence of pregnancy is established using tests and ultrasound. After this, the doctor begins to look for reasons other than pregnancy. To do this, a smear is taken from the vagina and uterine cavity - it is examined for infection in order to confirm or refute the presence of an inflammatory process in the organs. During an ultrasound to refute pregnancy, you can also see the presence or absence of tumors, neoplasms, and pathological tissue growths.

Cyanosis itself is diagnosed through a visual examination by a gynecologist using mirrors.


Treatment depends on what process caused the pathology. But in addition to the specific treatment described below, drugs are also used to improve blood circulation.

  1. In case of inflammatory processes, broad-spectrum antibiotics (Tsiproldet) and anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac) are prescribed for a period of five to fifteen days;
  2. For benign pathological tissue growths, hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Utrozhestan) are used for two to six months;
  3. In the presence of cancer, surgery, radio wave and chemotherapy are used in various combinations or separately;
  4. In case of loss, only surgical intervention can help.

During pregnancy, cyanosis is normal, so it does not need to be treated.


Cyanosis is a symptom, and in itself is not capable of causing virtually any harm. But it is important to treat the diseases that caused it. Inflammatory processes can lead to sepsis, abscesses, peritonitis, cancer - to extensive metastasis, benign tumors sometimes degenerate into malignant ones. Uterine prolapse is fraught with infection, and in addition, it does not allow you to lead a normal lifestyle.


Prevention is:

  1. Regular visits to the gynecologist;
  2. Careful hygiene;
  3. Use of barrier contraception;
  4. Control of hormonal status.

It is important to maintain healthy image life.


A cyanotic cervix itself does not pose any danger, but it is important to establish the reason why it developed. Since the reason can be very serious, you cannot delay this.


A bluish or cyanotic cervix in gynecology is considered a likely symptom of pregnancy. The reasons for the change in color of the mucous membrane of the cervix are changes in the nature of blood circulation in the pelvic cavity.

The cervix is ​​the part of the uterus visible to the obstetrician, located in the vagina at a depth of 6-8 cm. The main task of the organ is protective. The glands of the canal epithelium produce mucus, which forms a plug that protects the uterine cavity from infection. During pregnancy, the muscular frame of the reproductive organ ensures retention of the fetus throughout the entire gestation period.

A bluish cervix is ​​considered one of the first signs of pregnancy, and is explained by the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is intensively produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary, and then by the placenta.

Sometimes cyanosis is a sign of pathology, and not evidence of approaching motherhood. The causes of color changes can be determined after a thorough diagnosis by a gynecologist, including instrumental and laboratory methods.

Cyanosis of the cervix is ​​not the only sign of pregnancy, therefore confirmation or exclusion of gestation must be proven by additional examinations.

Possible causes of a bluish tint

The shape of the cervical region is like a cylinder with a narrow lumen - the cervical canal. It contains a special mucus that protects the gynecological tract from the spread of germs, such as sexually transmitted diseases. But the integrity of the barrier can be compromised with concomitant gynecological diseases, both infectious and hormonal. A number of infectious and inflammatory diseases may be asymptomatic, but the color of the mucous membrane will be changed due to venous congestion.

A regular annual examination by a gynecologist will allow timely diagnosis of changes in color, consistency, and discharge in the presence of inflammation.

The cervix may be bluish for several reasons:

The cervix reflects the state of a woman's reproductive system.

According to the color of the mucous membrane, consistency, presence of discharge, the doctor suggests the presence of a disease and prescribes a series of studies to verify it.


One of the likely signs of fertilization and normal development of the embryo is a change in the pink color of the mucous membrane to bluish. As a rule, the neck acquires this shade at 6-8 obstetric week pregnancy.

The reason for this phenomenon is a change in blood supply under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is otherwise called the pregnancy hormone. In addition to cyanosis, the doctor diagnoses an increase in the size of the uterine body, its softening and increased mobility.

The most reliable sign of pregnancy is blood test for hCG, which will show positive result even before the next menstruation is missed.

Infectious and inflammatory processes

The causes of a cyanotic cervix may lie in an active infectious process occurring in the tissues of the cervical canal, the integumentary epithelium of the cervix, and the uterine cavity. Infections such as chlamydia, urea and mycoplasmosis, herpes simplex viruses, diseases caused by opportunistic flora can cause venous congestion of the lower gynecological tract.

The reason for the change in the color of the cervix from pink to bluish are pronounced infectious processes - endometritis, cervicitis, as well as inflammation of all parts - the ovaries, tubes and uterine cavity.

The vaginal mucosa also becomes bluish.

Factors contributing to the development of inflammatory processes:

  • decreased resistance;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • moderate to severe anemia;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet;
  • hormonal therapy with corticosteroids and oral contraceptives;
  • intrauterine contraception.

Warning signs regarding hidden diseases of the genital organs are infertility, menstrual irregularities, periodic aching pain, spotting and acyclic bleeding, and pathological discharge.

Tumors and uterine prolapse

Changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body can cause the growth of fibroids, which are localized both in the body of the uterus and in the cervical region. The growth of a benign tumor leads to impaired blood circulation in the cervix. Obstruction of the outflow of venous blood leads to a change in the color of the mucous membrane from pink to bluish.

The reasons for the bluish tint of the cervical region with growing fibroids are excessive production of estrogen or disruption of the perception of this hormone by the uterine receptors.

Conditions such as elongation (lengthening and drooping) of the cervix and its prolapse cause the bluish color of the mucous membrane. Signs of the disease include the sensation of a foreign body in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, and discomfort.

A bluish color to the cervix may accompany a health and life-threatening condition - cancer.

A malignant tumor completely changes the anatomy of the organ, causing a change in color.

In addition to tumors, Blue colour the cervical region can acquire endometriosis. The cause of the bluish tint in this case is endometriotic lesions.

Diagnostics and prevention

The question of why the cervix is ​​blue can only be answered by a doctor who has performed the full range of studies related to the reproductive tract.

If pathological changes are detected, the following studies are prescribed:

  1. Analysis for sexually transmitted infections by PCR and tank. sowing
  2. Ultrasound with Dopplerography.
  3. CT and MRI.
  4. Cytology smears and HPV tests.
  5. Biopsy if necessary.
  6. Blood test for hCG.
  7. Blood tests for tumor markers and hormones.

Treatment is carried out depending on the identified disease.

The following will help protect against possible diseases and infections, as well as their spread:

  • regular visits to the doctor;
  • completing a full course of treatment for diseases of the genital organs;
  • use of contraceptive methods (condoms and spermicides);
  • simultaneous examination of the sexual partner;
  • changing a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one;
  • good nutrition, vitamin therapy courses.

Most common cause A cyanotic hue in the cervical region is pregnancy.

If, during a visual examination on the gynecological chair, it is discovered that the cervix is ​​blue, the doctor will prescribe a number of additional studies. For many women, this may be the beginning of a new stage in life - pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. However, if the possibility of conception is excluded, it is necessary to carry out a number of additional checks to identify the true reason that the mucous membrane is cyanotic.

Considered installed.

Lack of menstruation

You can talk about a delay in menstruation or its absence when a week has passed after its expected start date. Changes in the duration of the menstrual cycle during the week are not considered a deviation from the norm. Such changes may be associated with stress, unusual physical activity, climate change, or adherence to a strict diet. This is the body’s reaction to too sudden a change in living conditions. Stress - long-term or severe short-term - causes a malfunction of the central structures (cerebral cortex, hypothalamus) that regulate the functioning of the ovaries and uterus. An example of such disorders is the so-called wartime amenorrhea, when women stopped menstruating under conditions of stress.

If menstruation does not come even after a week, the first thing a woman should think about is pregnancy. However, in some women, the cause of a long delay in menstruation may be various diseases of the female reproductive system.

Delayed menstruation can be caused by various gynecological diseases, such as inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis), uterine fibroids(benign tumor of the uterus), hormonally active ovarian cysts and others. Periodic delays in menstruation are characteristic of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, the body’s production of hormones is disrupted and ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) does not occur. Polycystic ovaries are observed when the function of various organs is impaired: the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and the ovaries themselves.

Also, a delay in menstruation can also occur after termination of pregnancy. The reason is a hormonal imbalance, as well as the fact that during instrumental curettage of the uterus, an excessive amount of tissue from the inner lining of the uterus can be removed, which normally grows during the menstrual cycle and is released in the form of menstrual blood. After discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives and in late reproductive age (over 40 years), irregularities in the frequency of menstrual cycles are also possible.

Delayed menstruation does not always mean pregnancy, just as timely menstruation does not always mean absence of pregnancy. True, menstrual-like bleeding during pregnancy is always unusual: it differs from the usual in color, is often scanty, less painful, or, on the contrary, unusually painful. Such bleeding is popularly called “washing the fetus.” The occurrence of such bleeding is explained by the formation of new blood vessels that actively grow around the embryo implanted into the wall of the uterus. This is why such bleeding is sometimes called implantation bleeding. Naturally, new vessels in the formation stage are still very fragile and are quite easily injured, which leads to a small amount of bleeding. As a rule, implantation bleeding, according to many experts, does not pose a threat to either the mother or the unborn baby. However, sometimes women do not pay attention to the quantitative characteristics of vaginal discharge, considering it just another menstruation. As a result, not knowing about the pregnancy, a woman may unknowingly put the health or even the life of her child at serious risk (for example, by taking medicines, for which pregnancy is one of the main contraindications). To avoid this, you must always be attentive to your menstrual cycles and, in doubtful cases, carry out pregnancy tests.

Pregnancy test

To make sure that pregnancy has occurred, you can carry out a test at home. pregnancy test. These systems are freely sold in pharmacies. They are based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is secreted by the chorion of the fertilized egg, and causes that long-awaited second stripe to appear on the test. It begins to be released after implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall, that is, already at the very early stages pregnancy. As a result, under the influence of hCG, the corpus luteum does not dissolve, but begins to secrete the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy. HCG enters the blood and is excreted from there along with urine. The level of hCG during pregnancy can be determined by urine testing - this can be done even with the help of home use rapid tests, as well as blood tests. In order to perform a pregnancy test at home, you need to place a few drops of urine on a special strip soaked in a certain chemical, or place a stream of urine on the strip. If possible, use your first morning urine for the test or avoid urinating for 4 hours before the test. Before performing the test, please read the instructions carefully and follow their instructions.

A blood test for hCG during pregnancy will give more accurate results, since the level of hCG required for diagnosis in the urine is reached several days later than in the blood. A level of hCG in the blood sufficient to determine pregnancy is achieved approximately 7-10 days after fertilization (i.e. 3-5 days before the missed period). Rapid tests for home use become positive around the time of the expected start of menstruation. By the amount of this hormone in the blood, one can judge how pregnancy develops: normally, throughout pregnancy, the level of hCG is not constant: in the early stages of pregnancy hCG concentration in the body constantly increases approximately 2 times every 2-3 days. At 10-12 weeks, the level of hCG during pregnancy reaches its maximum and then gradually begins to decrease. During the second half of pregnancy, hCG levels are fairly constant.

Significantly higher than the average for pregnancy, hCG levels can be when multiple pregnancy , toxicosis of pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, taking synthetic gestagens ( duphaston , Utrozhestan), some tumors, fetal pathologies (Down syndrome, other malformations). Low hCG during pregnancy may indicate ectopic pregnancy, frozen pregnancy, threat of spontaneous abortion, but more often about incorrect determination of the gestational age.

Deviation hCG level during pregnancy from normal does not serve as the only basis for making any diagnosis. A deviation indicates the need for dynamic monitoring of hCG and additional examinations in order to understand exactly what is happening.