Extraordinary nails. How to do a manicure at home? Basic instructions for everyone

A woman's calling card is beautiful, well-groomed hands. To get a manicure, you don’t have to go to a salon; you can do the procedure at home. The main thing is to purchase necessary tools and follow the recommendations.

Home manicure technique

Mastering the intricacies of manicure is not difficult. First, select your tools:

  1. Knipser with sharpened blades. He easily bites off his nails.
  2. Cuticle nippers to create a trim manicure. Choose small-sized models that fit comfortably in your hand and do not cause discomfort when working.
  3. (another name is trimmer). Most often double-sided, made of a metal alloy. On one side there is a spatula for pushing back the cuticle. The other edge is pointed; it is used to remove dirt from under the nails or a thin layer of cuticle attached to the nail plate.
  4. Nail scissors. Straight ones are designed to shape the length and shape of nails, and rounded ones are designed to remove cuticles.
  5. Orange sticks made of soft, but at the same time dense material. With their help, you can easily remove the cuticle without damaging the surface of the nail.
  6. 180 grit file, ideal for shaping natural nails. And - a polishing file with different grain sizes. You need to start polishing the nail with the largest one and ending with the smallest one. Don't get carried away with polishing. For those with healthy nails, 1-2 times a month is enough.

Photo gallery: necessary tools for the procedure

Using a nail clipper, you cut the nail at an angle of 90°, preventing it from splitting
The tool must be of high quality, durable and lightweight. Buy pushers made of hypoallergenic steel. They are comfortable and will last a long time
Give preference to nail scissors made of medical steel
The material from which orange sticks are made has antiseptic properties.
The surface of the file should display the grit

You will also need a deep bowl, a towel, nail polish remover, cotton wool, and moisturizing oil. If you want to do an unedged manicure, then buy a cuticle softener.

Now you need to select a form. By choosing it correctly, you can make your nails visually longer and your fingers more graceful. Remember that all nails must be the same length, otherwise it will be obvious.

Features of edged manicure

Wash your hands with soap and remove from nails old varnish. Spread a towel on the table and place a bowl of warm water. If desired, add a little liquid soap to the water. Now start the procedure:

  1. If you are right-handed, start your manicure with your left hand. Place your hand in the bowl and hold for a few minutes.
  2. Remove your little finger from the water, dry it with a towel, and use a trimmer to move the cuticle to the base of the nail.
  3. Clear nail plate from rough skin. Use cuticle clippers or special nail scissors to carefully trim the cuticle.
  4. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining fingers (start with the little finger and end with the big).

After treating your left hand, change the water. Place your right hand into it. Carry out the manipulations that you did with the left one. After this, polish your nails and apply oil to the cuticles, thoroughly rubbing into each finger.

If you do not want to use colored polish, then apply a base or clear coat to protect the surface of your nails from harmful influences. detergents and powders.

Video: DIY trim manicure

Features of the unedged version

In beauty salons they do hardware unedged manicures. If you don't have a special device, it doesn't matter. Making it unedged is quite simple.

The essence of the method is that the cuticle is not cut, but softened and pushed back. To soften the cuticle, a remover is used - a product based on alkali or acid. An acid-based remover should not be left on the cuticles for more than two minutes. Alkaline removers are more gentle, but their effect is noticeable only after 15–25 minutes.

The benefits are not trim manicure:

  1. The action of the remover occurs in 1.5 – 20 minutes, depending on the composition. In any case, there is no need to wait for the skin and nails to dry, as is the case with the use of softening baths.
  2. The simplicity of this manicure also makes it popular. Even a beginner can handle applying the remover and then removing the cuticle, even on his own hands.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  1. There is a risk of damaging the nail plate. Remover is a definite chemical composition, which, in addition to keratinized areas of the skin, can also corrode the nail plate at the base, and this is dangerous.
  2. Tissue burns and plate splitting are possible. Therefore, it is not recommended to use potent drugs containing aggressive acids at home.

Before the procedure, wash your hands and wipe dry. There is no need to soak the brushes in water. Actions during the procedure:

  • apply remover to the cuticle;
  • starting with the little finger, use a special ceramic hoof or an orange stick to push back the skin and clean the nail plate;
  • remove the softened skin and give the nails the desired shape;
  • wash your hands and wipe your nails with a piece of cotton wool and an alcohol solution to degrease the nail plate;
  • Apply regular or clear varnish.

The main advantage of an unedged manicure is that there is no pain associated with cutting the cuticle, and also minimizes the risk of infection.

Video: unedged manicure at home

Secrets of sustainable coating

When doing a manicure, every woman dreams that it will last as long as possible. It has long been noted that when unedged manicure Cosmetics on nails last longer than with trimmed nails.

On polished and degreased nail plates, the polish adheres better and lasts longer. The main thing is not to be overzealous when polishing your nails so as not to damage them.. Degrease with alcohol solutions. Soak a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and wipe each nail thoroughly.

The quality of the varnish is also important. It is better to buy products from well-known companies. If you bought a polish that lasts a long time, store it in a dark and preferably cool place, such as the refrigerator.

Do not shake the bottle before applying the polish to your nail. The coating will lie on the surface unevenly and cause bubbles to appear. It's better to roll the bottle between your palms before opening it.

One layer of varnish is not enough, but three or more is already too much. The best option is two layers. Before applying polish, cover your nails with a protective coat or base coat. When it's dry, apply varnish. Apply the second layer no earlier than after 5–10 minutes; Allow the first layer to dry, otherwise there is a risk of wrinkling. If something goes wrong and defects appear, then the varnish must be erased and everything must be started again.

At the finish, apply a fixer to the nails. Allow the polish to dry for 15 minutes before starting your daily routine. Don't rush - and then everything will work out.

Do your homework with gloves. This will extend the life of the manicure and also protect the skin of your hands from the harmful effects of detergents.

To make your manicure look fresh, apply a coat of topcoat every few days.

Video: how to make nail polish stay on your nails for a long time

Design ideas

The easiest way to apply polish is to apply a single color coat on all nails. If you want variety, paint each nail with a different color of polish or highlight only some of your fingers.

Appeared in the middle of the last century, it quickly gained popularity among women of all ages. You don't have to limit yourself to white varnish, bright colors also suitable for French.

You can easily make a chess manicure at home that looks original. You will need black and gold varnish, paper tape and a fixative. First, coat your nails with black polish and let them dry. Using tape, cover the nail so that only a quarter remains free, onto which gold varnish is applied. When it dries, do the same manipulations with the second quarter.

Looks luxurious moon manicure. You will also need paper tape for this, as well as a thin manicure brush.

Using a thin manicure brush, you can apply a stunning polka dot manicure.

Your nails will be admired if you cover them with medium-sized colorful polka dots.

Apply a simple design to your nails. First, practice on paper, and then start drawing on your nails. Try to apply the picture not to all the nails, but to select only a few.

Don't forget to cover the polish with a sealer at the end to preserve your manicure for a long time.

Modern manicure has turned into a work of art. But even simple, neatly painted nails with a single color varnish evoke admiration. By following simple recommendations, you will get a high-quality manicure that will delight you for a long time.

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It's hard to imagine a modern woman's nails without original manicure. Today, fashionistas do nothing but compete to see who has the most fashionable and original manicure.

But often, we simply don’t have enough time to go to the salon and get a manicure.

We offer you several options for an original manicure for all occasions, which you can do yourself at home using simple improvised means.

But you should be patient, because... Not everything can work out the first time.

All you need to become the owner of beautiful nails is multi-colored varnishes, special manicure brushes, which can be purchased at any cosmetics store, or other available products. More on this later and in more detail.

1.So, let's start with the simplest.

As for me, the simplest manicure option is a manicure with polka dots or dots. This manicure couldn't be easier to do. All you need is a special brush with a ball on the end, or you can use a regular pen. Here's a good example.

2. Ombre manicure.

Popular and current manicure ombre, i.e. gradation from dark to lighter colors and vice versa can be easily done at home. All you need is a few polishes and a sponge or piece of foam rubber.

There are two options for gradient manicure. The first and simplest option is to paint each nail with a single-color varnish with a color gradation from dark to light. Of course, if you have five polishes different shades one color, then the task is greatly simplified.

You can also make this manicure using just two polishes - any colored polish and white.

The second version of the ombre manicure is a little more complicated, but it can still be done and even necessary. Apply several strips of polish of different colors to the sponge and quickly apply to the nail, using horizontal movements to carefully paint the entire surface of the nail. Carefully remove any remaining varnish using a cotton swab.

3.Negative space.

The now popular manicure called “negative space” can also be done by every girl on her own. To do this, you need to purchase various stickers for manicure in advance. These can be stencil stickers for a French manicure or foil strips for a manicure. What pattern to create is a matter of your imagination. And we offer you several scheme options.

4.Geometric manicure.

In general, depict various geometric figures, stripes are always relevant. And by the way, it's not very difficult. For this manicure, use special stickers or regular tape.

5. Manicure “Frame”.

Manicure frame is today's trend. You can do it in two ways. First: paint your nail one color. This must be done very carefully, carefully painting all corners of the nail. Let the varnish dry. And then paint the nail with a second color. Do this in such a way that the bottom and sides of the nail remain unpainted.

DIY manicure frame

And the second option: paint the nail with one color, and then, using a thin brush, outline the edges of the nail.

DIY manicure frame

Another option for frame manicure is to simply paste round beads on the sides of the nail or make polka dots with varnish.


Doing a leopard print manicure yourself is also not difficult for those who really want it.

DIY leopard manicure

7. One more original idea for manicure is a manicure using feathers. If you have beautiful feathers, then feel free to use them to create an amazing manicure.

DIY feather manicure

8. Manicure in a mesh.

A manicure with a fine mesh will look very original. To do this, you need to find a dense fine mesh and get started.

DIY manicure with mesh

9.Caviar manicure.

The so-called caviar manicure is also very popular now. There are special varnishes, and it can also be made using special small beads for manicure. All you need to do is paint your nail and roll it in beads.


To prevent the skin around your nails from looking like you killed someone or were poking around somewhere after removing red or other bright polish, apply a rich cream to your hands before the procedure.

2. Remove any remaining varnish from the skin


If you did not use the previous advice and the skin around your nails is stained, tape will help remove stains. Adhesive tape is great for collecting polish residue, especially silver.

3. We erase the varnish quickly

In the manicure departments of cosmetic stores they sell various products for quick removal varnish They are bubbles with a sponge soaked in cleaning liquids. You don't need to run the cotton wool over your nails: just dip your nail into the bottle and wait a little.

You can make this product yourself. Take a small glass jar, place a sponge cut to size in it and soak it in nail polish remover. The principle of operation is the same.

4. Remove glitter polish

Soak cotton pads in nail polish remover, apply them to your nails, and wrap each finger in foil. After 10 minutes, the polish will come off easily, despite the glitter.

5. Whiten your nails

Sometimes colored polish is absorbed into the nail plate, leaving behind an unsightly yellow discoloration. You can get rid of it with whitening toothpaste. Take an old brush and brush your nails with it.

But to prevent such incidents from happening at all, do not forget to use a base coat before applying the main varnish.

6. Saving a broken nail

You will need a tea bag and clear nail polish. Apply the latter to the damaged nail, and then place a patch cut from a tea bag over the crack. Re-coat the nail with clear polish.

7. We store varnishes conveniently

If you store your polishes in an opaque box, label the caps with the appropriate shades. This way you don't have to take out all the vials to find what you need.

8. We make our own varnishes

If you have few varnishes or cannot find the desired shade in the store, you can make what you want yourself. You will need clear varnish and mineral shadows. They dissolve perfectly in varnish, and you can adjust the color saturation.

You can also add various glitters to your homemade varnish.

9. Open a bottle of nail polish easily

If the varnish cap is glossy, screwed tightly and does not give in, they will help you deal with the problem. By wrapping them around the lid, you will get the desired grip and easily open the varnish.

10. Extending the life of manicure

If you want the varnish to last longer, before applying it and applying the base, the nail plate must be thoroughly degreased. To do this, wipe your nails with a cotton swab dipped in white wine vinegar.

11. Paint your nails correctly


The accuracy of a manicure largely depends on the technique of applying varnish. How to paint your nails correctly, read this.

12. Create an even coating


One thick layer will never lie as smoothly and neatly as several thin layers. Just be patient: let each layer dry.

13. Making a matte finish


Matte varnishes have been very popular lately. But if you don't have one, then just mix light loose powder with a clear polish. In this case, you should mix as shown in tip No. 8.

14. Making the polish brighter


Many girls know that if you apply shadows to the base, they go on more evenly and the color turns out more saturated. It's the same with varnishes.

If your colored nail polish looks faded, use a white matte polish as a base. You will get a bright manicure and will be able to avoid multi-layer application.

15. Apply glitter correctly

This video shows how to apply polish with large glitter so that it adheres well to the nail and does not bulge.

16. Protect your skin

Applying stamping or gradient to your nails can seriously stain the skin around you. We have already written that in this case a special one will save you. But if you don’t have one, use PVA glue: it also forms an easily removable film.

17. Eliminate defects in manicure

Painting your nails without staining the skin around them, especially on your right hand, is quite difficult. But it doesn't matter if this happened.

Take a thin brush, soak it in nail polish remover and erase the blemishes. Unlike a cotton swab, the brush does not cling to the polish and does not leave lint.

18. Draw patterns on your nails


If your eyeliner has dried out or simply doesn't suit you, don't rush to throw it away. Her excellent elastic brush - as a rule, this is exactly what is there - can be used in nail design to draw fine lines.

Some girls even use ordinary stationery markers for nail art.

19. Create an animal print on your nails

If you cut the eraser on a pencil like this, you get a homemade stamp: dip it in black polish and make leopard print designs on your nails.

20. Making blanks for nail art

Add varnishes different colors alternately into the water. Use a toothpick to create a pattern. Remove the resulting film and cut out blanks from it.

21. Making sliders for design

The principle is the same as in the previous case. Only here you need to make a film of transparent varnish and apply drawings on it. For example, using dots.

22. Replace dots

A dot is a stick with a tip in the form of a metal ball. With it you can create various designs on your nails.

If you don't have a dots, use available tools. For example, safety pins, toothpicks, empty ballpoint pens and so on.

23. Doing a French manicure

French manicure looks feminine and suits almost any occasion. But not everyone can draw a smile line for a French jacket. The video shows several ways to do this carefully.

In addition, you can highlight the tips of your nails using a regular rubber band.

Just pull it around your finger and apply white polish. This is a budget alternative to special vinyl stencils.

24. Masking the unevenness of the French coat

If, despite all the tricks, you cannot get even stripes, you can use a trick. Draw a line under the white part with glitter varnish. Glitter will hide flaws, and you will get an original design.

25. Making stencils from electrical tape

This irreplaceable item can also be used in nail art. For example, for the same drawing of a French jacket.

Insulating tape also makes excellent stencils, which, unlike adhesive tape, do not stick tightly and do not peel off dried varnish.

26. Dry your nails quickly


To protect freshly painted nails from small lint and dust, add a drop of cuticle oil on top.

28. Saving a manicure

If you have smeared the manicure you just did, do not rush to wash everything off. Just wet your finger with water and gently rub the damaged area. The varnish has not yet hardened and will easily return to the desired position.

29. Shake the varnish correctly

What do you do before opening a bottle of nail polish? Do you shake it well to make it less stringy? Great! Just do it right: place the bottle between your palms and roll it around.

If you shake and turn the varnish over, it may bubble up when applied.

30. Saving thickened varnish

Has your favorite polish started to thicken and doesn’t fit well on your nails? Place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes and then shake well.

If you have your own manicure difficulties, be sure to share them in the comments.

Beautiful, well-groomed hands are the key to success for any woman. The modern pace of life sets its own conditions in which it is not always possible to find time to visit a beauty salon. And sometimes the prices in these salons are simply astronomical and, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. For those who always want to have beautiful manicure and at the same time not waste time and money on visiting a specialist, we have prepared this article. In it we will tell you how to make a beautiful manicure at home simply and quickly.

Features and types of manicure at home

Manicure at home is good because you don’t need to rush anywhere and spend a huge amount of money. In beauty salons, you can pay an impressive amount for a high-quality manicure with gel polish.

If you decide to go for a manicure from a friend of a friend of yours who does it at home in the kitchen, be prepared for the fact that you will then have to deal with the consequences of this action. All tools for any type of manicure must be carefully processed, and in some cases, disposable tools should be used. Good master It is quite difficult to find at home, so be careful!

The most the best master You can become one for yourself if you master all the subtleties of home manicure.

So, there are 3 main types of manicure:

  1. Trim manicure.
  2. Hardware manicure.
  3. European manicure.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own characteristics and nuances. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Trim manicure

Perhaps the most popular type of manicure at home. With it you can carefully treat the nail plate, cuticle and create a truly beautiful manicure.

So, trimmed manicure is performed in the following sequence:

  • The first step is to remove the old coating, if there is one of course. We will tell you how to properly remove gel polish coating below.

  • After removing the old coating, you can move on to shaping your nails. Using a nail file, we carefully file down our nails to the required length and shape.

Remover - specialized a cosmetic product that has a gel or cream consistency. The remover should be applied to the cuticle and the area around it when performing a manicure. This gel contains substances that destroy dead and rough skin cells. It is in view of this that the exfoliation effect is achieved. People call this product anticuticle due to the fact that the skin under the cuticle moves away from the nail and literally dissolves before our eyes.
  • Next we move on to processing the cuticle. We prepare a hot bath, apply remover to the cuticle and lower our hands into this bath. You can add it to water essential oils or extract from medicinal herbs. We hold the hands in the bath for 5-7 minutes and begin processing.

A pusher is a special metal tool that has peculiar pointed spatulas at both ends. Using this tool, you can push back the cuticle for its safe removal when performing a trim manicure. Orange sticks can be a substitute for a pusher, but unlike it, their reusable use is unacceptable.
  • The already softened cuticle can be easily pushed away from the nail with an orange stick or pusher.

  • The next step is to carefully trim the pulled back cuticle using metal nippers or nail scissors. Then we clean the side areas.

  • Next, apply nourishing oil or cream to the treated areas and rub it in with massage movements.

  • After all procedures, you can proceed to applying the coating.

Hardware manicure

Last time hardware manicure is gaining more and more popularity among women, due to the fact that it is performed much faster than the same trimmed manicure.

It is worth remembering that hardware manicure is much more difficult to master. There is a risk of injury to the nail or skin if you are not careful and squeeze the nozzle.

In addition, it is worth remembering that hardware manicure is performed only on dry skin. Regarding the rotation speed of the cutters, for beginners it is better to use low speeds.

If you nevertheless decide to master this type of manicure, then working with it consists of the following stages:

  • Again, the first step is to remove the old coating.

  • Next, we treat the skin of our hands with a special antiseptic liquid.

  • Slightly pushing back the cuticle with an orange stick, remove it using a cone-shaped nozzle. At the same time, we move smoothly, without sudden movements from left to right. We do not press the cutter too hard.

  • Using a disk attachment, we give the nails the appropriate shape.

  • Carefully blow off all dead particles and proceed to applying the coating.

European manicure

European manicure is another potential competitor to trim manicure. It is also done quite quickly and easily.

  • First of all, of course, do not forget to remove the old coating.

A polishing buffer is a softer nail file used to polish the nail plate and make it uniform.

  • Then, using a medium-hard nail file, we give the nails the appropriate shape and polish them a little with a buff.

  • The next step is to apply remover to the cuticle and wait for 3-5 minutes. The waiting time depends on the brand of remover. Be sure to read the instructions before use. After the time has expired, wash off the remover with water or wipe off with a cotton pad.

  • We remove the softened cuticle with a wooden stick and apply a special product to slow down its growth.

  • Once again we polish the nail plate and proceed to applying the coating.

Coating and removing gel polish at home

Gel polish has replaced regular nail polish. He immediately won the love of women around the world. The gel polish coating lasts for about a month and there is no need to adjust or change it every 2-3 days. True, to apply such a coating you need a special lamp. But now you can buy it in any store and it is absolutely inexpensive.

So, the sequence of applying gel polish is as follows:

  • Polished nails must be degreased special means to remove the sticky layer.

It is better to degrease your nails using special lint-free manicure wipes.

  • The next step is to apply primer.

  • Next, we apply a base for gel polish to protect the nail plate from its effects. Dry in an LED lamp for 30 seconds.

  • The next step is to apply the varnish itself. We should apply the varnish from the middle, gradually approaching the edges. If necessary, you can apply 2 or 3 layers. Each layer must be dried in a lamp.

  • Next, we apply a transparent fixer (top) so that the coating lasts longer. It also needs to be dried in a lamp.

Now let's figure out how to properly remove the gel polish coating.

First of all, it is worth noting that the gel polish coating is very durable and simply removing it with ordinary liquid will not work. However, with a certain tool and skill, you can remove gel polish at home.

  • First of all, use a rough file to remove the finishing coat (top).

  • Next, apply a special gel polish remover to a cotton pad, apply the disc to the nail and wrap it in foil. We carry out all these manipulations with each finger.

  • We keep the nails in foil for about 10-20 minutes, depending on the brand of the product. Again, read the instructions for use.
  • After the time has passed, remove the foil and remove the coating using a stick or pusher. We clean up the irregularities with a buff.

Ideas for easy manicure designs

A simple manicure is not an ordinary monochromatic polish. It can easily be diversified with various options for simple design and decor, which even a manicure novice can master.

One of the most simple options design is gradient manicure. To complete it we will need:

  • sponge or sponge;
  • varnish of at least two colors;
  • liquid latex.

So, first we cover the treated nails with white varnish. Next, apply liquid latex near the nail so as not to stain the skin. Then we apply a dark varnish to the sponge on one side and a lighter one on the other. Next, using a brush, carefully mix these colors together in the middle so that a smooth transition is obtained. After that, take a sponge and transfer our polish to the nail. We repeat the procedure with each nail. Don't forget to dry each layer in a lamp. Finally, cover the nails with top coat. This seemingly complex design is done very quickly and easily. You can master and make it yourself at home.

Well and a few more step by step photos ideas for simple manicure at home.

To get a manicure regular varnish at home, you need to master the correct technique for applying the material and familiarize yourself with some important life hacks that will help you create a neat manicure.

What you need for a home manicure

You can create a simple and beautiful manicure with regular varnish if you have a number of tools and materials:

  • nail polish remover;
  • brushes;
  • one or more varnishes;
  • greasy hand cream, oil or wax;
  • cotton pads.

Every girl can create a beautiful manicure with her own hands; for this there is no need to resort to the services of salon specialists.

Preparatory stage

To do even the simplest manicure, you need to prepare your nails for painting:

Tip for beginners: apply a base first. This step is optional, but it helps to level the plate and prevent it from yellowing and preventing paint pigment from penetrating into it. Also, in order for the polish to always lie flat on the plate, it is necessary to moisten it regularly using wax, oils and special moisturizing nail pencils.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you begin the process of applying varnish, you should consider that the girl has 40 minutes of free time, eliminate or minimize distractions, and also think through the design. In addition, you need to check the shape of the brush; it should not be narrow and dense. Instructions for creating the perfect manicure:

  1. Apply wax or oil to the periungual area without touching the plate. This will help you subsequently easily remove excess material from the cuticle and rollers.
  2. It is recommended to apply a coat of base to facilitate subsequent application of colored varnish.
  3. Take a brush of colored varnish and wipe it on the edge of the bottle so that very little varnish remains on it, literally on the tip. This way it won't bleed onto the skin.
  4. We paint our nails with regular polish, starting with the little finger. You should place a drop in the center of the plate, then carefully “adjust” the varnish with a brush to the base.
  5. Then, with slow movements, holding the brush confidently, you need to apply the varnish to the side surfaces of the plate. Thus, the varnish does not flow onto the cuticle.
  6. You need to complete the manipulations with a brush at the end of the nail. Thanks to this, the varnish will last longer.
  7. Apply another coat of varnish to deepen the color.
  8. When performing movements, the elbow should rest on the table and the hand on which we are applying the varnish should also lie on the table; you should not apply the varnish while holding your hand suspended.
  9. Apply a quick-drying top coat. This item is optional, but it will extend the wear time of the coating and make the manicure perfectly glossy.

    On the left is a top coat applied to the nail, on the right is a nail without a top coat.

    Ready-made manicure with regular polish

What to do if varnish gets on the cuticle

It often happens that varnish gets on the cuticle and ruins the entire manicure, but don’t be upset, now we will show you how to fix such a manicure.

To do this we need a lint-free cloth, a flat brush and nail polish remover or acetone.

We wet the brush in nail polish remover and move it over the area where the nail polish needs to be removed. We wiped off the polish, wiped the brush on a napkin, soaked the brush in nail polish remover, repeated, and so on until it was clean.

Result of work: before the varnish flows and after

Tips to help you paint your nails perfectly

The following tips on how to paint your nails correctly and beautifully will help you achieve a flawless manicure:

  1. Before you start applying colored varnish, you can practice using transparent varnish. Daily coating of the plates with treatment bases will help you get used to proper brush work.
  2. To ensure a dense and beautiful coating, the varnish should be applied in two layers.
  3. If the coating is damaged during drying, you can smooth it out with a damp fingertip. It is necessary to smooth the coating carefully in a circular motion.
  4. It is better to apply “loose” varnish on a layer of white. Thanks to this, the coating will be more saturated.
  5. To ensure a perfectly even coating, the varnish should be applied to the base.
  6. To make a hole on the plate, you can use strips cut from regular tape.
  7. If you only have clear varnish left at home, you can make it colored by adding blush particles and two beads that will help the materials mix.
  8. PVA glue will help prevent the area around the plate from getting varnished; it should first be applied with a cotton swab to the rollers and skin at the base of the nail, without touching the plate itself. When the glue dries and the nails are already painted, the film must be removed.
  9. If the product does not dry for a long time, you can resort to using ice water and dipping your hands in it; the coating will dry much faster.
  10. To remove the polish from one nail and not ruin the manicure on other nails, take a cotton pad soaked in acetone, you can use the following life hack: you need to place the sponge in a glass jar, pour acetone into it and immerse one finger in it. Thus, the manicure on other nails will remain the same. The jar should be tightly closed.
  11. A thick layer of cream will help prevent streaks in the area around the plate after erasing the varnish.
  12. If you bring your nails painted with glossy varnish to a pan of boiling water, the coating will become matte.

Nail care after coloring

Caring for your nails after painting involves following several important rules:

  1. Wear rubber gloves when working with household chemicals.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your hands twice a day.
  3. In the cold season, wear gloves made from natural materials.
  4. Renew your manicure at the first sign of chipping.

Interesting ideas for manicure with regular polish

Newspaper manicure

When performing such a manicure, first you need to apply a transparent varnish to the plates, then white, after which you can also distribute holographic varnish, it will add shine to the nails. When the layers have dried, apply small newspaper clippings soaked in alcohol (10 seconds) to the nail. The paper must be pressed tightly, and then apply a transparent varnish or topcoat to the nail.

Lace manicure

For this you will need an orange stick, a brush, nail polish remover and varnishes. Apply two layers of the product to the plates and wait 7-10 minutes. Then use an orange stick to create drawings; this is especially easy to do with glitter. You need to draw designs on glossy varnish with a regular brush dipped in nail polish remover and an orange stick. Then the nails are covered with top. Thus it turns out Beautiful design nails with regular polish.

Manicure with a pattern

For it you will need a thin needle and varnishes of different colors.

The first option: you need to apply three red vertical stripes on a layer of white varnish, after which you need to make a pattern with a needle using gentle movements, moving it from one side roller to the other, gradually moving towards the free edge of the nail.

Second option: on a nail covered with dark varnish, you need to apply three white drops so that they are located on the same line, then draw a needle along this line from the edge of the plate to the base.

Third option: place a few drops of pink on a white polish, and a smaller drop of white on them, then use a needle to connect the circles in a chaotic manner.

Volume manicure

Manicure on short nails can be voluminous. After waiting for the varnish layer to dry completely, you can begin creating a knitted manicure. It is necessary to mix white varnish and the one that was already used to cover the plate, and use a brush to create a pattern as in the image.

Manicure with dots

For creating unusual manicure You will need a toothpick and two polishes. After waiting for the layer of one varnish to dry, you should use a toothpick to create several dots on the nail, moving from the free edge of the nail to the base, there should be fewer and fewer of them.


To create it you will need a sponge and three varnishes. You need to apply white varnish to the plate, and a strip of white, blue, for example, and blue to the sponge. Then you should cover the area around the nail with PVA glue. Then, using patting movements, transfer the material from the sponge to the nail, cover it with topcoat and remove the glue film.

Thus, to create the perfect manicure at home, you will need a little time and skill.