Laser coagulation of the face. Laser removal, review

Removal of spider veins at the BL Clinic - an effective and safe way to get rid of unattractive “mesh” on the body and face.

Removal of spider veins: price, principle of operation

Doctors call the stars telangiectasia. They appear because the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity. Because of this, blood flow in them is disrupted. The capillaries dilate, swell and appear through the skin. They do not cause discomfort, but they look ugly. To remove telangiectasia, a laser is used. Its thermal energy penetrates through the skin into the superficial dilated vessels. Since the target (chromophore) of the vascular laser is hemoglobin contained in the blood, the blood inside the vessels coagulates and the capillaries are “sealed”. The blood flow in them stops. The vascular formation turns pale and disappears over time.

The procedure solves only a cosmetic problem. To eliminate the cause of the stars, consult a doctor. He will select a treatment that strengthens the walls of the capillaries.

Previously, stars could only be removed surgically. Laser is now commonly used because it:

  • Does not leave scars or spots on the skin.
  • Does not require complex and lengthy rehabilitation.
  • Does not cause pain. The patient only feels a slight tingling or tingling sensation.

The laser beam affects only a certain area of ​​the body, the radiation penetrates to a given depth. It has no effect on surrounding tissues.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • Diabetes.
  • Infectious diseases, chronic in the acute stage.
  • Oncology.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Skin diseases in areas affected by laser.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Mental illnesses.

If you have a penchant for education keloid scars , tell your doctor about the problem. He will decide whether laser removal of blood vessels is acceptable in this case. The prices for the procedure are quite affordable, it is safe, but sometimes it is better to use another method. The doctor will tell you which one.

How is laser removal of blood vessels on the face performed?

In Moscow, various centers offer laser removal of facial vessels, but contact a trusted clinic. BL uses equipment from the German company Asclepion. equipped with a cooling system. Thanks to it, patients do not experience any unpleasant sensations.

During the procedure, the doctor:

  • Cleanses the skin and treats it with a disinfectant. No pain medication is required - you will feel almost nothing.
  • It will treat the area with the visible capillary mesh with a laser.

Everything will take no more than 30 minutes. After the procedure, a small red spot will remain on the skin; it will disappear in a couple of hours. The skin may peel for several days. Sometimes a crust forms. This happens if you have a very sensitive skin. Do not touch this place and do not peel off the crust - it will go away in a couple of weeks. You will see real results only after a month. Sometimes one session is not enough. In this case, the procedure is repeated until the capillary network disappears. Up to 3 sessions may be required. The clinic is located in Moscow, in the North-Western Administrative District, not far from the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station.

Popular questions

1. Can the stars appear again?

In the same place no, but in the new place yes. The laser solves the problem only in a specific area.

2. Will the procedure stop the development of varicose veins?

No. A laser beam does not treat varicose veins, it simply removes a cosmetic defect. To get rid of the disease, consult a doctor. Removal of dilated vessels with a laser is necessary to treat the manifestations of the disease.

3. How to prepare for the procedure?

No special preparation is needed.

4. What restrictions are there after removing blood vessels with a laser?

For 2-3 weeks you cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium. Do not take vasodilators or drugs that affect blood clotting. If you are undergoing treatment, consult a specialist before the procedure.

Face - business card every person, so it is very important to ensure that the skin remains clean and healthy for as long as possible. With the use of laser technologies, this has become easier to achieve: now unaesthetic vessels on the face (spider veins), which cannot be hidden, can be successfully eliminated with special lasers. In order to fully appreciate the importance of this result, it is enough to remember the sclerotherapy method, which allows you to get rid of large vessels on the face, while the thinnest vessels are visible to the naked eye.

Let's take a closer look at the problems that people most often encounter and methods to combat them.


It is a persistent dilation of superficial vessels, looking like bluish-red spots of one shape or another. They usually appear on the wings of the nose, cheeks, and chin. To remove them, the Telo’sBeauty clinic uses Vbeam and GentleYAG vascular lasers.

Port-wine stains, flat capillary hemangiomas

Congenital vascular pathology of the skin in the form of red spots. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the timing of the start of therapy. It is best to remove this pathology early childhood. When a patient approaches an adult, the effectiveness decreases, but, nevertheless, it is possible to achieve significant lightening of the vascular spot. Vascular lasers Vbeam and Gentle YAG are also used for treatment.

Spider angioma, senile angioma, vascular mole

It looks like a bright red vascular formation with a convex center and inflammation along the periphery. Appears with age, most often caused by hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, liver problems, and excessive sun tanning. As in other cases, Vbeam and GentleYAG lasers are considered particularly effective.

Rosacea (rosacea)

Chronic disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the facial skin, combined with increased sensitivity of the skin capillaries to heat. First, hot flashes are observed, later a vascular network appears on the face - telangiectasia. A common disease that affects approximately 10% of fair-skinned people. Complex therapy using the Vbeam vascular laser allows you to forget about rosacea.

Vascular dyschromia of the skin of the face and neck

It is characterized by either strengthening, weakening, or an absolute absence of skin color. Congenital skin dyschromia remains with a person until the end of life, while acquired ones can be corrected. The following is used as a therapeutic effect:

  • external therapy.
  • fractional photothermolysis on Fraxel Re:Store.
  • vascular lasers Vbeam and Gentle YAG.

Vbeam and Gentle YAG lasers are the answer to the question of how to restore freshness and beauty to the skin, so it is important for anyone who plans to get rid of vascular pathologies to learn about laser methods.

The Vbeam vascular laser is characterized by reliability and safety in use; it often does not even require local anesthesia and guarantees the absence of scars. The laser helps get rid of problems with the appearance of blood vessels on the skin caused by excessive sun tanning coupled with hormonal disorders, taking contraceptives and improper selection cosmetics. The influence of the Vbeam vascular laser extends to dark spots, telangiectasia, large vessels of the wings of the nose and lateral areas of the cheeks. The principle of operation of the laser is quite simple: through the skin, laser energy penetrates directly into the blood vessel, where it mixes with blood components, selectively affecting the lining of the blood vessel in such a way as not to damage the surrounding tissue and skin. At the same time, the duration of the laser pulse is less than one second, which eliminates excessive heating of the skin.

How to get rid of blood vessels on the face

The laser activates the process of regeneration and restoration in the skin and involves at least several procedures, after which the condition of the skin noticeably improves, and vascular defects disappear without a trace, be it large pathologies or small stars. However, the Vbeam laser is designed primarily for people with fair skin. Its use on dark skin types V and VI is also possible, but in such cases, Telo’s Beauty dermatocosmetologists advise paying attention to another vascular laser - Gentle YAG.

The method is based on RF coagulation of blood vessels. The effect occurs purposefully without the risk of burns and pigmentation. The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia. The maximum result is achieved after the first procedure:

  • instant relief from vascular skin defects, including spider veins;
  • the skin becomes smooth without any obvious signs of blood vessels;
  • the procedure is all-season;
  • Possibility of impact on any part of the body.

Spider vein removal results:

  • elimination of blood vessels;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • reduction of pores and elimination of blackheads;
  • rejuvenating effect.


  • skin cleansing;
  • application of conductive gel Aquasonic (USA);
  • performing the Elos procedure;
  • no rehabilitation is required, there are no marks or redness left after the procedure.

Benefits of Laser Sprocket Removal

  • Laser treatment of spider veins allows you to remove absolutely any vessel, regardless of its location;
  • laser removal of blood vessels gives visible result already at the first procedure;
  • elos removal of rosacea and rosacea removes vascular manifestations of a large area in 1-2 procedures;
  • Elos removal of rosacea or laser removal of stars has its own cooling system, which makes the procedure painless.


  • acute forms of chronic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin damage and the presence of a fresh tan;
  • taking retinoids in the last 6 months.

Svetlana Valerievna Pluzhnik, dermatologist-cosmetologist, about the procedure for laser and elos removal of blood vessels:

Today, vascular defects on the skin face and body in the form of dilated blood vessels, rosacea and rosacea are common phenomena. The reasons for their occurrence are improper facial skin care, frequent use of cleansing with steaming, self-prescription and use of peelings and products containing acids, “squeezing out acne,” hereditary factors, excessive tanning, some infectious and chronic diseases.

Method laser removal spider veins has been used in cosmetology and medicine for more than 30 years; elos removal of blood vessels has been used since 2000. Laser and elos methods have confirmed their effectiveness and safety. To achieve and maintain results, you should strictly follow your doctor’s instructions, avoid excessive tanning, do not frequently visit baths and saunas, and do not perform facial cleansing or chemical peels on your own.

Laser removal of blood vessels or removal of spider veins, elos removal of rosacea or rosacea - methods to get rid of unwanted vascular phenomena on the skin of the face and body. Unwanted blood vessels appear on the face mainly in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, on the cheeks and chin. The only method that can deal with blood vessels is laser or elos. After the procedure, removal of stars or removal of rosacea, small capillaries disappear after the first procedure; for complex vessels, one to three procedures are required for elos treatment of rosacea.

For laser or ELOS removal of small vessels The results of the procedures are noticeable immediately after the procedure. Small capillaries disappear, and rosacea and rosacea lighten and become less noticeable. Larger vessels require repeat laser vessel removal procedures after one month.

After a course of procedures, laser removal of rosacea or removal of vascular network, subject to the doctor’s recommendations, the result lasts forever. But in some cases, it is necessary to repeat the course of procedures for removing blood vessels on the face after one or two years.

Contributing factors Frequent visits to the solarium or bathhouse, improper skin care and systemic peelings and facial cleansing with steaming can lead to the re-emergence of rosacea, rosacea or local dilated vessels in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, cheeks and chin. It should be remembered that proper adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and the exclusion from lifestyle of factors that contribute to the formation of blood vessels will allow you to maintain the result after laser removal of spider veins for a very long time. a long period time.

Unwanted blood vessels, rosacea, rosacea, spider veins arise due to expansion of the capillary wall. A laser beam or ELOS (a combination of light and RF energy) heats the hemoglobin in the dilated vessels. Heated vessels “stick together” and disappear. Dilated vessels do not perform the necessary function of nourishing cells and tissues. Where there are dilated vessels, the skin forms new vascular collaterals, through which the skin area is nourished. Accordingly, laser removal of spider veins on the face is necessary procedure, which frees the skin. Heating is carried out only in dilated vessels. Blood flows faster through vessels with a normal capillary wall than through dilated vessels. Therefore, when removing spider veins with a laser, only dilated vessels are heated. They stick together and disappear within a few days.

Laser removal of blood vessels, as well as laser removal of spider veins on the face and wings of the nose, is used to remove local vascular defects and remove dilated vessels in hard-to-reach places: in the eye area, wings of the nose. Elos vascular removal or laser removal of asterisks is used to treat skin with large vascular defects - rosacea, rosacea, as well as on the wings of the nose and cheeks.

Doctors at the Global Beauty clinic will perform a dermatoscopy before performing laser removal of spider veins or elos treatment for rosacea and rosacea. This will allow you to see the location of the vessels and then prescribe the necessary method for removing the vessels using a laser or the Elos method.

Various manifestations of blood vessels on the face in the form of meshes, stars, veins, red spots or even purulent pimples - all this is the work of impaired blood circulation. The listed defects are united by one name - rosacea, sadness and chagrin of many women. Once again, nature rewarded the fair sex with a disease inherent to a greater extent. Although no, men who prefer drunkenness to normal life or work in harsh conditions can also be honored to wear these stars on their faces.

But, as always, if there is a problem, then there must be a solution. Removing blood vessels on the face is, of course, possible. And there are plenty of ways. But before declaring war on rosacea, you need to find out, with the help of a qualified specialist, the reason why it insidiously appeared.

And, having already gotten rid of it, decide how to eliminate capillary expansions. Of course, having previously studied the essence of each removal method and reviews about it.

There are several ailments that are accompanied by the appearance of dilated blood vessels.

  1. Telangiectasia. Sustained vasodilation. It can exist independently and be a concomitant disease. It can be acquired or congenital.
  2. Rosacea. Or rosacea. Chronic skin disease accompanied by rashes.
  3. Hemangioma. Is benign neoplasm. It differs from other couperoses in its density and protrusion. It can be a simple speck for many years, and then suddenly begin to grow. But it is possible that it will simply disappear on its own.
  4. Flaming nevus. Forms one continuous spot on the face. It happens that it disappears without treatment, but more often it grows and changes color. Another name is port wine stains.
  5. Spider hemangioma. Spiders that suddenly appear on the face, which resolve after two days without outside intervention.

All diseases have external reasons, which provoke their appearance. Not all diseases are caused by nerves.

The reason for the occurrence of some may be:

  • winter temperature changes;
  • direct sunlight;
  • alcohol, spicy and hot foods;
  • heat in the bathhouse and sauna;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • genes;
  • and, of course, nerves and severe stress.

The next step will be the removal of spider veins on the face and other manifestations using hardware cosmetology.

Hardware methods for removing dilated blood vessels

All these methods can restore beauty painlessly and without surgery. Their essence is to block the wrong vessel. After which the blood begins to bypass it, forming new capillaries. The result is excellent: not only the disappearance of a defect that spoils life, but also facial rejuvenation.

What does cosmetology offer? Laser coagulation, photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, ozone therapy, Beautek therapy, radiofrequency coagulation are excellent at removing blood vessels.

More details about everything.

Laser coagulation of blood vessels on the face

Pain and discomfort during procedures are a thing of the past. You can forget about the reappearance of the vascular network. Because modern methods and devices are gentle and non-aggressive.

Laser machines come in various types. The most effective are those with yellow and green radiation. They easily cope with flaming nevus. There are two types of yellow radiation:

  • pulsed lasers (dyes and flashes are used during operation);
  • devices operating on copper vapor.

The operating principle of a pulsed laser is as follows:

  • The vessels are heated and sealed. Blood stops flowing into the microchannel, it becomes empty and dissolves over time, leaving the skin with nothing else to do but become lighter, prettier and younger.

Of course, it's not that simple. Before the face returns to its former self fresh look, you still need to go through some difficulties. First, a crust will appear on the treated area. Under no circumstances should you touch her! It will fall off on its own after a week. Under the cover of this unsightly thing, new and healthy, very necessary vessels will form.

Full recovery will occur 3 months after surgery.

This removes the wine stain. And telangiectasia can be eliminated using laser coagulation using photothermolysis. This is the same laser that runs on copper vapor. After such a procedure, during which the capillaries are soldered, a crust does not form.

The same method is used to perform coagulation of nasal vessels.

Large vascular formations on the face disappear after treatment with a long-pulse device. They are a salvation from rosacea.

We are all individuals and this is no secret. That's why the reviews are different. Some people are delighted with the result after laser exposure, while others cry after it. But still, this method of combating rosacea gets 4 points out of five. Most likely, he deserves it. No wonder he is so popular.


Laser photocoagulation is also one of the popular methods of getting rid of aesthetic suffering. Small vascular networks and other manifestations of early rosacea cannot withstand the pressure of the device and disappear without a trace.


A procedure such as sclerotherapy is a virtually painless and completely safe operation. A drug is injected into the diseased vessel, which forms a plug in it. It blocks the access of blood to the diseased microchannel, the walls of which eventually stick together and this vessel becomes unnecessary in the circulatory system.

Sclerotherapy of facial vessels includes the following types:

  1. Microscopic sclerotherapy. Combats manifestations of telangiectasia.
  2. Foam-Form sclerotherapy. Foam is introduced into the vessel. The principle of action is the same - foam blocks blood flow. This method easily copes with varicose veins. This means that rosacea is not a problem for Foam-Form.
  3. Echosclerosis. The sclerosant (drug) is administered in a targeted manner by scanning. This ensures accurate insertion. Removes hemangiomas.

Sclerotherapy is quite popular, and judging by the reviews this method receives, effective remedy removal of blood vessels.

Ozone therapy

The essence of the method: pricking damaged and burst vessels with ozone. Hemangiomas and rosacea receive a portion of ozone by introducing it into the neoplasm. Oxidation occurs and the vessel disappears. The benefit of this method is not only in removing rosacea, but also in rejuvenating by saturating the skin with oxygen.

Reviews about ozone therapy are mostly good. In addition, it was noted that, in addition to being effective in removing spider veins and spider veins, it also copes well with chronic fatigue and strengthens the immune system.

Beautek therapy

A new method of combating rosacea. It is performed on the device of the same name.

Problem areas on the face are treated with electrolyte gel. A microcurrent is transmitted through the sensor, which affects the desired points. This device activates collagen production and eliminates blood flow disturbances. Everything goes completely painlessly. And expensive. One session of Beautek therapy will cost at least 3 thousand rubles.

Radiofrequency coagulation - rf eraser

Effectively and instantly solves problems with blood vessels. The ThermaVein rf eraser device, used in this technique, copes very effectively with rosacea. This method and apparatus have many advantages over other methods.

Why ThermaVein rf eraser? Advantages of RF coagulation

First the advantages:

  1. Vessels disappear right before our eyes. No need to wait days or weeks. Everything happens instantly. At most, a second procedure will be required.
  2. The operation with the ThermaVein rf eraser is quite easy to carry out. Depends on the pain threshold. Some patients feel nothing at all.
  3. There are no residual effects in the form of scars, scars, or age spots.
  4. There is no recovery period. Or it takes a minimum of time.
  5. The ThermaVein rf eraser device can be used on any skin type and on all areas of the body.
  6. A healthy complexion can be achieved in just 15–20 minutes. This is how long one procedure lasts.

Laser removal of spider veins on the face is a non-invasive technique in aesthetic medicine.

A multidirectional laser beam, which heats pathologically altered vessels and scleroses their lumens, allows you to get rid of the capillary network on the face and body. Thus, the defective vessel completely disappears.

Vascular mesh on the face is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a dangerous condition in the presence of diseases of the vascular system.

Timely elimination eliminates the risk of the spread of the capillary network under the skin structures, promotes improvement appearance patient.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of spider veins on the face is caused by a number of factors that are, in one way or another, related to the impact on the capillary plexuses.

Cosmetologists call spider veins rosacea, and specialized clinicians identify them with the formation of telangiectasia.

Vascular damage can be localized to the face, body and lower extremities, which is largely determined by the predisposition of these parts of the body to capillary damage.

Telangiectasias are represented by the following types:

  • venous;
  • capillary;
  • arterial.

Each type of vascular lesion has various sizes, forms, tendency to generalization. The main causes of pathological changes in blood vessels on the face include:

  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • gynecological diseases of any origin;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • infantilism or weakness of connective tissues;
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • constant squeezing of blackheads or pimples;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • long-term drug treatment;
  • alcoholism and aggressive external factors.

The main localization of rosacea is the wings of the nose (on one or both sides), cheeks, and chin. The presence of deep rosacea contributes to scarring of the skin in the area of ​​vascular damage.

Lack of correction affects not only appearance separate area face, but also on the condition of the skin in general.

Indications for use

Usually, the indication for removal of spider veins is their presence and any degree of severity. Indications for removal are related to the severity of the pathology.

To determine the depth of the capillary network, classification according to the stages of occurrence is used:

  • persistent vasodilation(the appearance of redness of blood vessels and their long-term disappearance after drinking alcohol);
  • determination of vascular pattern(point, root-shaped, linear, arachnid);
  • visible progression of rosacea(lack of vascular contractility);
  • the formation of inflammatory or stagnant processes(blood circulation is impaired).

Even the initial stage of development of the pathology is displayed as an unpleasant defect on the face, significantly spoils the external attractiveness, and is difficult to disguise with decorative cosmetics.

The main indications for removal of rosacea are the patient’s desire for ideal facial skin, the ineffectiveness of alternative procedures or treatments, and late stages of development of rosacea.


Despite the relative safety of laser removal of spider veins on the face or body, such a hardware technique may be contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation;
  • active phases of inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • implanted pacemaker;
  • abnormalities in the development of connective tissues;
  • autoimmune skin diseases;
  • the presence of ulcers, inflammations, rashes on the skin;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • the likelihood of keloid scars;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological tumors of any location

Some contraindications may be transient. In the presence of persistent functional disorders of organs or systems, it is recommended to resort to more gentle methods of cosmetic correction.

Types of equipment

Each device that generates a laser beam has many attachments. Thanks to the attachments, specialists select the desired depth of penetration of the laser beam and select the intensity of the effect on the vascular network.

There are several types of laser:

  • Neodymium laser. The most advantageous type of laser for the treatment of vascular dilation on the face or body. Covers small and large vascular changes, allows you to achieve the best result.

    The neodymium laser beam evenly distributes radiation, cools the skin, and eliminates the risk of burns. To achieve a lasting result, 2-5 procedures are usually sufficient, depending on the severity of the problem.

  • Diode laser. It is used to remove pronounced telangiectasias with a bluish tint. Red dilated capillaries are practically impossible to completely remove. For maximum effect, 1 to 7 procedures are required.
  • American system of influence. The essence of the procedure is to expose the affected vessels to flashes. Ideal for removing rosacea (signs of lichen), dilated capillaries and port-wine stains from the face.
  • Palomar Star Lux 500. The American laser system is suitable for removing various facial skin defects, and the effectiveness of the hardware technique is often comparable to the effect of plastic surgery.

    A variety of attachments allows you to solve almost any problem not only with blood vessels and pigmentation, but also with signs of skin aging.

  • Quantum. The laser acts as a pulsed light beam, and is more effective than many phototherapeutic manipulations.

    The absence of pain, long-lasting effect, short rehabilitation period allows the laser to be used in many professional clinics.

    In addition to targeted effects on blood vessels, the laser solves many problems of age-related changes in the skin of the face, body, and pigmentation.

  • Harmony XL laser. It is considered a complex laser in hardware cosmetology with many different attachments. The skin cooling system during laser exposure eliminates possible burns and pain. Some attachments are used for deep tightening of the skin on the face and body, to remove redness, spider veins, post-operative scars, and acne scars.

The choice of laser is determined by the severity and localization of vascular dilations on the face, as well as the need for additional correction cosmetic defects in the treated area.

Preparation for the procedure

No specific preparation is required for the procedure, but there are a number of special recommendations that must be followed a few days before laser manipulation:

  • Avoid tanning in a solarium or in the sun;
  • do not take tetracycline antibiotics 14 days before the procedure;
  • exclude anticoagulants 2-3 days before removal;
  • do not wipe your face with alcohol infusions;
  • Avoid alcohol and other toxic substances the day before the procedure.

If it is not possible to cancel heparin drugs, aspirin and anticoagulants, it is recommended to postpone the procedure until the end of treatment for various blood diseases.


Despite the type of laser in the beauty salon and the cost of the equipment, the preparation of the patient’s skin for laser treatment and the procedure for carrying out the procedure are no different.

The algorithm looks like this:

  • treatment of leather with a special composition;
  • applying gel to improve contact with the laser;
  • laser treatment of the area (about 5 minutes).

Under the influence of the laser, the vessel heats up and sclerosis. Before removing telangiectasia on the face, the patient must wear protective glasses.

If the patient's pain threshold is low, as well as in the presence of large vascular nodes, it may be necessary to administer anesthetic drugs (an hour before the procedure).

Removing rosacea on the nose takes about 2 minutes and often occurs in 1 procedure. First, the doctor acts with a laser beam on large vessels, after which he moves on to small defects.

During standard spider vein removal, the patient experiences a slight tingling sensation in the treated area.


The absence of specific contraindications and the relative painlessness of the procedure do not allow you to immediately return to your previous life.

  • visiting hot saunas, baths;
  • it is necessary to reduce the number of water procedures;
  • exclude hardware cosmetic procedures, massages;
  • avoid ultraviolet radiation and direct sunlight;
  • physical exercise.

During the entire period, it is necessary to apply a protective cream to the skin before going outside, as well as products that enhance the regenerative and protective properties of the skin.

Possible complications

Complications often arise due to the high sensitivity of the skin to laser exposure, when the depth of penetration of the beam is violated, or when the procedure technique is not followed.

The main complications include:

  • redness of the skin in the treatment area;
  • small blisters;
  • pigmentation;
  • formation of new vessels;
  • skin suppuration;
  • thrombosis of capillary lumens.

Normally, redness, swelling, puffiness or blisters will disappear within 1-2 days after the procedure. Inflammatory lesions disappear after treatment with Vaseline, and pigmentation after applying whitening creams.


Laser removal of telangiectasia has whole line advantages, which significantly distinguishes this type of correction from other non-invasive techniques (cosmetics, massages, etc.):

  • possibility of extended effects on skin structures;
  • a thin laser affects only damaged capillaries;
  • for minor damage to blood vessels, one procedure is sufficient;
  • absence of burns and scarring of the skin;
  • no need for anesthesia.

In addition to removing the vascular network, it is possible to improve the overall condition of the skin and launch natural regenerative processes in the deep structures of the skin without surgery.

Pros and cons

In addition to the advantages and disadvantages, the laser vascular reconstruction procedure has some disadvantages:

  • undergoing several procedures when affecting large vessels;
  • severe peeling in the treated area;
  • high cost of procedures if it is necessary to undergo an entire course of several sessions.

The disadvantages are quite objective and do not always occur for all patients. Usually, the beauty of the skin after laser exposure makes you forget about all the possible disadvantages of the procedures.


Results are usually visible after the first procedure. In the presence of large vessels or severe rosacea, the effect can be observed after several sessions.

Cost of sessions

The final cost is formed from a number of aspects, ranging from the region where the clinic is located, to the professionalism of the doctor and the cost of hardware.

Average cost of laser processing 1 sq. cm of leather varies from 850 to 6000 rubles. This price range depends on the severity of vascular lesions, if it is necessary to treat a large area of ​​skin, or when working with expensive equipment.

The more expensive the equipment, the faster it is eliminated existing problem, and this significantly saves the patient’s budget.

For more details on the procedure and its effectiveness, watch the video.