Which oils are considered mineral? Mineral oil

Everyone knows that most products for both face and body care and hair care contain various oils. The most useful in terms of nutritional properties are vegetable oils, but the problem is that they spoil very quickly and require the addition of chemical components to cosmetic products. In its turn a large number of Preservatives in the product also do not bring any benefit, but can, on the contrary, cause significant harm.

Mineral oil, due to its origin (a product of processed fractions) for a long time does not go rancid and is less expensive than vegetable oils. Many people are afraid that this oil is obtained from petroleum products. However, it is worth noting that it does not enter cosmetics in its pure form, but through careful processing and purification from carcinogens. Moreover, some types of mineral oil, for example, Vaseline, are included in the composition of even those cosmetics that are intended for the care of children's skin.

If we talk about the direct effect on the skin, then in terms of moisturizing properties, mineral oil is in no way inferior to others. But it does not provide nutrition to the skin, since it is not absorbed and remains on the surface. Due to this, an invisible film is created on the skin, which, on the one hand, allows less oxygen to enter the skin, but on the other, prevents toxic substances from entering it.

Very often you can come across the opinion that cosmetic products containing mineral oil are comedogenic and thereby provoke inflammation. This cannot be said to be a true statement. Mineral oil is a little fattier in its characteristics than vegetable oils, therefore, if the skin is problematic and prone to acne, then cosmetics containing it should really be avoided. However, for this skin type, any other oils may not be suitable and may cause the same reaction. In general, scientists claim that mineral oils are not comedogenic and if they cause a reaction on the skin, it is only individual.

It is worth noting that now manufacturers are trying to add various herbal infusions, extracts and other plant components to cosmetic products, along with mineral oils, in order to reduce the oil content of the product and prevent clogging of pores. Among the positive characteristics of mineral oil is hypoallergenicity. It really is not capable of causing an allergic reaction on the skin, which is why it is approved for use all over the world and even in children's cosmetic products.

To summarize, I would like to say that everyone is free to choose cosmetics based on their personal preferences. If you are confused by the non-vegetable origin of mineral oil or the rumors that float around it, it is better to avoid using it. In general, there is no truly confirmed data that would indicate the harm mineral oil does to our skin.

It has long been no secret that mineral oil is on the “black list” of unwanted cosmetic ingredients. Supporters of natural and “eco” cosmetics react especially sharply to it. Oil receives many reproaches, for example, that it does not allow the skin to breathe, clogs pores and, worst of all, is a petrochemical product. That’s how it is, but let’s figure out whether mineral oil really has no right to exist.

Mineral oil is

Mineral oil is a colorless and odorless substance, which in reality belongs to petrochemical products. Minoils (or hydrocarbons) include:

  • petrolatum;
  • paraffin;
  • ceresin;
  • petrolatum;
  • isoparaffin;
  • microcrystalline wax.

There are two types of mineral oil: cosmetic and technical. The first, unlike the second, undergoes a multi-level degree of purification from harmful impurities. Many skincare and decorative cosmetics, as well as pharmaceutical ointments, are made from cosmetic mineral oil.

The purpose of mineral oil is to create a thin film on the skin and protect it from moisture loss. With the help of oil, the skin looks well-groomed and moisturized, but the disadvantage lies in the fact that the film often inhibits the natural process of skin regeneration. The skin is a living organ that can regenerate on its own, the main thing is not to interfere. Creams with mineral oil can be a hindrance and cause more trouble than they are worth.

Is it safe to use oil?

Oil is the dead remains of animal and plant life that have been “settled” underground for a very long time. But the chemical composition of this fossil cannot be called useful and safe. Lovers of all things natural try to avoid this component at all costs, but there are situations when mineral oil is simply irreplaceable.

Thus, some cosmetics manufacturers are convinced that Mineral oil increases UV absorption levels and works great in combination with UV filters in sunscreen cosmetics.

In addition, when you go to a pharmacy for ointment, you will most likely receive a product containing mineral oil. Especially if such an ointment is necessary for the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, when the skin barrier cannot recover on its own. After salon acid and laser treatmentspeelingsthe skin is also restored due to mineral oils (in the most acute period). Also, such ointments can help people with particularly sensitive skin cope with exacerbations.

Well-refined oil can remove flaking, retain moisture and prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin. It does not contribute to acne and clogged pores. This substance is found in makeup removers, foundation creams, lipsticks. It provides durability and shine, prevents skin from drying out, and protects it from harmful factors.

Let's talk about the cons

It is worth mentioning right away that mineral oil, like any other cosmetic product, is not ideal and using it in excess can lead to over-hydration of the face and the appearance of acne. Mineral oil is great for people with dry to very dry skin. For many women, this is simply a salvation. But if you have normal or oily skin, then you shouldn’t get carried away with creams with this component.

How to properly use cosmetics with mineral oil without harm:

  • purchase only high-quality cosmetics from trusted manufacturers;
  • do not use nourishing night creams more than 3 times a week;
  • forget about cosmetics with mineral oil in the warm season, during sports or physical labor;
  • if you are fat problematic skin, don't use oil at all.

How to replace mineral oil

Manufacturers organic cosmetics We have found many ways to replace mineral oil:

  1. lanolin (animal wax);
  2. squalene and its derivative squalane;
  3. vegetable solid oils: shea butter, mango butter, cocoa butter;
  4. natural waxes: beeswax, candelilla wax, flower wax from rose petals.

The plus is that natural oils consist of many components (fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants), which the skin breaks down into small “bricks” and uses for restoration and nutrition, as opposed to mineral oil, which does not interact with the skin and does not nourish it, but only forms a thin film.

It is important to remember that natural oils are absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis and clog pores, which can cause problems with the skin. Use oils carefully according to your skin type and in moderation.


Mineral oil is made from petroleum and contains a mixture of hydrocarbons that are separated from gasoline. It has the following properties: carcinogenic and skin irritant.

Mineral oils are not absorbed by the skin; they linger on the surface of the skin, clog the sebaceous glands and contribute to the appearance of blackheads on the skin.

Cosmetic properties

By using mineral oil in cosmetics as a means to moisturize the skin, we thereby create a water-repellent film on the face, while moisture still remains locked in. There is a belief that if you retain moisture in your skin, it will become smoother, more vibrant and softer, and that your skin will look much younger. But in reality, the film on the face made from industrial oil retains not only moisture in the skin, but also carbon dioxide, many toxins, as well as waste products that are excreted only through the skin.

In addition, mineral oil prevents oxygen from entering the skin. And the skin, first of all, is that part of the body that constantly requires oxygen to enter it.

Just imagine what can happen to the skin when so many toxins accumulate in it and oxygen does not reach it. As a result, skin cells stop developing as they should, their growth slows down significantly, the skin begins to dry out and crack easily, and becomes more sensitive and irritable.

Self-defense and regeneration reflexes weaken, which means that all harmful elements environment penetrate the skin faster. Of course, liquid is the only remedy that can improve the condition of dry skin, but it must be remembered that improper moisturizing methods negatively affect the skin and do not lead to its rejuvenation, but, on the contrary, to premature aging.


Have you ever wondered where such famous mineral oil is used? It is used everywhere in cosmetics, in car services, and for the production of skin care products. Mineral oil has gained particular popularity due to its ease of use.

It is much easier to produce lipstick using certain consistencies, the basis of which are synthetic substances, including mineral oil, than to take as a basis natural noble oils (for example, olive, soybean, shea butter, almond, jojoba oil), which are included in composition of creams and lotions of branded companies.

Mineral oil is used in many industries: in cosmetology, in the automotive industry, and is used as machine and technical oil. These oils are in great demand among cosmetic companies. The main value of mineral oil for manufacturers is its unlimited shelf life, as well as the low cost of raw materials. But the cosmetic usefulness of mineral oils raises huge doubts.

Full and long-term operation of a car engine is the key to a long service life of the car and the absence of problems for the owner. Mineral engine oil differs from other lubricating compounds in that it is produced on a completely mineral basis using a special technology by distilling oil.

Among key differences Mineral oils exhibit instability of characteristics, but this is typical only of old lubricating fluids, and with modern products everything has changed somewhat. Mineral oils are even made from industrial crops, so they are an order of magnitude cheaper than synthetic fluids.

Distinctive features of mineral oils

First, let's figure out what mineral oil is for a car engine? This lubricant composition contains additional substances and various additives. They enhance the efficiency of the fluid and give it new properties that are useful for internal engine parts. Among the main additives that are present in 5w-40 or 10w-40 mineral oils are:

  • detergents;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • anti-wear.

The names of the types of additives in mineral motor oil speak for themselves. Anti-corrosion agents are needed to protect metal elements from corrosion, detergents wash away deposits and contaminants, and anti-wear agents are needed to extend engine life.
Additives have one key feature, which is that at high operating temperatures and mechanical friction, they break down, causing the lubricant to become ineffective and have to be replaced. Without additives, the lubricant works much worse and the engine wears out faster.

Traditionally, motorists have been under the impression that mineral lubricants freeze and become very thick at low ambient temperatures. This is why special additives are needed to help the liquid retain its properties even in severe frost.

What does mineral water contain?

Mineral oil for internal combustion engines has a specific composition, depending on the manufacturer and type of oil. The liquid may contain hydrocarbons, resinous and asphalt compounds. However, they are not the basis for the manufacture of individual components.

In addition to the base composition, each lubricant contains additives to improve the quality of mineral oil. At the same time, white and traditional mineral oil has a number of disadvantages that are associated with additives. Under the influence of operating temperatures, they quickly burn out.

About the viscosity of mineral water

Viscosity is one of the key parameters of any oil, including mineral oil. In this lubricant, the viscosity changes depending on the operating temperature of the engine. For normal operation of the internal combustion engine, the viscosity must be within certain limits, indicating the minimum and maximum limits. This allows you to start the engine in cold weather and keep the engine running after warming up. The liquid should not be too fluid, otherwise a sufficiently strong film will not be created on the rubbing parts.

Mineral oil has a viscosity index, which characterizes the dependence of viscosity on temperature. This index is a dimensionless quantity that is not measured in specific units. The number indicates the degree of oil dilution, so the higher the index, the wider the operating temperature range in which the engine operates normally.

In mineral oils without viscosity additives, the index ranges from 85 to 100, and with additives it reaches 120. A low viscosity index can make it difficult to start the engine at sub-zero temperatures, and with it the engine will be poorly protected after warming up.

According to the SAE parameter, mineral oils come in several types:

  • 10W-30;
  • 10W-40;
  • 15W-40.

The numbers on either side of the letter W determine the temperature range for use of mineral oil, but it’s not that simple. For example, the operating range of 10W-40 oil varies from -20 to +35 degrees, and at +100 degrees the viscosity will reach 12.5–16.3 units.

Therefore, when choosing mineral oil for an internal combustion engine, you need to be aware that in such liquids the viscosity changes in inverse proportion to the temperature: the hotter the oil, the less viscous it becomes.

The thickness of the film that is created between the contacting parts of the engine depends on the viscosity. Accordingly, the service life and correct functioning of the motor depend on it. If the film is thin, the engine will wear out quickly, in particular, this applies to the camshaft cam.

Other operating parameters of mineral water

An important advantage of mineral oil for a car engine is its affordable price, but you must remember the disadvantages of the lubricant. Compliance with the rules of fluid operation will improve the operation of the internal combustion engine, extending its service life. Properly selected lubricant will protect mechanisms from corrosion and wear.

Additional characteristics of mineral engine oil include:

  • Flash point is an indicator of low-boiling fractions. The volatility of the oil during operation depends on it. Low-quality fluids have a low flash point, resulting in increased lubricant consumption.
  • The ability of a liquid to neutralize harmful acids and counteract deposits due to the content of active additives in the composition depends on the alkaline number.
  • Pour point. This is another important parameter of mineral oil, which determines the pour point of the oil and the deterioration of its fluidity due to paraffin crystallization.
  • Acid number – the content of oxidation products in the lubricant composition depends on it.

How is mineral water inferior to synthetic oils?

Depending on the technical features of the engine and the requirements set for it by the manufacturer, the vehicle's operating manual indicates the recommended type of engine oil.

Today, all lubricants for internal combustion engines can be divided into three main groups. The main criterion is the type of oil base. Fig 1

  • mineral;
  • synthetically;
  • semi-synthetic.

Each group of oils has its own characteristics: composition, scope of application, characteristics, performance indicators. Consider mineral oil.

Production technology

After the separation of light fractions from petroleum products, the remaining fuel oil is used to obtain oil bases as a result of several step-by-step steps.

What is the difference between mineral oil and synthetic and semi-synthetic oils?

In order to understand what mineral oil is and how it differs from synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants, let’s consider its production process and features.

Mineral motor oil

Obtained as a result of purification of petroleum products and the addition of active additives that increase performance. The amount of additives in mineral oil can reach up to 15% of the total volume of lubricant.

How oils are produced in production and how they differ in the end - video

High viscosity makes the use of oils of this classification difficult and undesirable at low negative temperatures.

Since oil aging occurs primarily as a result of additives losing their properties, the service life is reduced due to the high content of additives included in the mineral oil. The recommended lubricant change interval is 6-8 thousand km.

Due to the increased viscosity of the base, mineral lubricants are good for use in engines with high mileage. Are decreasing possible risks the appearance of leaks from under the seals, and a thicker oil layer provides maximum protection for worn-out parts. Low cost.

Synthetic oils

Gained by change basic basis at the molecular level. The process allows you to obtain a fairly high level of oil base.

Compared to mineral lubricants, the washing, lubricating, and anti-corrosion properties are an order of magnitude higher, which allows the use of much less active additives. The value can reach up to 5% of the total volume.

A low content of active additives increases the service life of synthetic motor oils compared to mineral ones. A more advanced oil base allows you to achieve high performance under conditions of increased loads.

Good performance in low temperature conditions due to the low viscosity of the product.

Even a slight oil layer between the rubbing elements of the engine reliably protects the new engine. Can also be used in internal combustion engines with low mileage. The recommended replacement interval is 12-15 thousand km. Quite high cost of production.


It is obtained by mixing a mineral and synthetic base with the addition of a package of active additives. An alternative between the above mentioned oils.

The mineral component can reach 70% of the total volume, synthetic up to 30%. The amount of additives is no more than 8%. Due to the moderate viscosity of the product, its use is possible both in hot climates and at low negative temperatures.

Suitable for engines with high mileage and internal combustion engines with low mileage. The recommended replacement interval is 9-11 thousand km. The cost of production is higher than that of mineral oils, but less than that of synthetic oils.


Mineral engine oil differs from synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants in its base, number of additives, viscosity, service life, area of ​​application, operating temperature range, replacement interval and cost.

Mineral oil testing

Lubricants are checked according to the following parameters.

Mineral oil test Lukoil 15w-40, video

  1. . Measurements are carried out using capillary viscometers immersed in a thermostat at temperatures of 40 °C and 100 °C. After the oil has reached the required temperature, the time period required for the oil to pass through the specified area is measured. Viscosity is calculated using the formula.
  2. Sulfated ash content. It is measured by the amount of residue left after burning the lubricant. The greater the weight of the residue, the greater the amount of additives. The indicator should not be more than 1.3% of the total for gasoline and 1.8% for diesel internal combustion engines. Increased ash content causes increased carbon formation.
  3. Base number. In other words, this is an oil resource. When operating a vehicle, oxides form in the engine oil, which cause corrosion of engine components. During production, active additives containing alkali are introduced into the oil composition. The higher this indicator, the greater the durability of the oil.
  4. Flash point. The temperature of the lubricant placed in a special device rises no faster than two degrees per minute. Upon reaching a certain temperature and in the presence of fire, the oil bursts into flames. The data is recorded.
  5. Pour point. Thermometer indicator at which the lubricant loses its fluidity. After placing the sample in a thermostat, upon reaching a certain temperature, the flask is set at an angle of 45 degrees. When the oil does not harden, it shifts. To ensure pumpability in the internal combustion engine system, the pour point of the lubricant should be 5% lower than stated.
  6. Pollution coefficient. The amount of dissolved and suspended oxides in the lubricant.
  7. Viscosity change indicator. A lower percentage indicates more stable qualities of the oil to temperature changes.

Based on the results of laboratory tests and consumer reviews, the following mineral motor oils can be distinguished.

  • LIQUI MOLY MoS2 Leichtlauf 15W-40
  • Lukoil Standard 10W-40 SF/CC
  • MOBIL Delvac MX 15W-40

Is it possible to mix synthetics and mineral water?

From the above we can conclude that mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants have different oil bases and different volumes and compositions of additive packages. Excellent viscosity characteristics and temperature ranges.

What happens when you add synthetic oil to a mineral lubricated engine and vice versa? Mixing different bases with different molecular structures and different viscosities will not allow achieving uniformity of the lubricant without losing its protective properties.

The interaction of different additives and volumes of one lubricant can lead to precipitation of additives in the second lubricant. This can happen due to the impossibility of dissolving “mineral” additives in a synthetic base and vice versa.

It is possible that a viscous mixture may form that can clog the oil channels and the oil pump. Oil starvation and expensive repairs as a result.

Another reason is the destruction of the oil film by additives of one or the second oil. Lubrication functions are reduced, and increased wear of engine elements occurs.

In cases of emergency, mixing oils of different bases is possible, but only in order to get to the point of changing the lubricant.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral oils



  1. Poor manifestation of qualities in conditions of low negative temperatures.
  2. Not suitable for cars with high-tech internal combustion engines and low mileage.
  3. A small resource. Rapid loss of properties due to the high content of additives.

When choosing engine oil, it is very important to pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations, as well as take into account the condition of the engine and operating conditions. Compliance of the engine oil with all tolerances and standards will ensure maximum engine protection and extend its service life.