How to make a tit costume. Making a titmouse costume for a girl with your own hands: options, patterns, useful tips for making

Very soon we will celebrate International Bird Day. Help your child find out what kinds of birds exist, teach him how to make crafts and costumes for winged creatures.

Bird Day - scenario

After familiarizing yourself with it, it will be easier for parents to come up with a costume for their child, and teachers will learn what gaming and educational tasks can be included in the event program.

The hall is decorated accordingly. You can put it up and decorate the walls and windows with branches to create a forest atmosphere. There are many songs about birds. The teacher turns on one of them, and the children enter the hall to the music.

They are dressed in matching costumes. Someone imagines a woodpecker, a cuckoo, a dove, a sparrow, a swan.

The presenter tells riddles, and the answer will be the character of some child. Children must find out and answer which bird is meant.

The next competition sounds like “Bird Names”. The presenter asks questions, the guys must guess a specific bird. Here is a sample list of questions:

  1. Why was the cuckoo called that way (because it makes the sound “cuckoo”).
  2. What action influenced the fact that the group of birds was called sparrows (these birds eat grain and seeds and tried to feast on them where people were processing the crop. Therefore, the workers shouted “Beat the thief!”).
  3. Why is the magpie called white-sided (because it has white sides).
  4. That's why the bird was nicknamed pika (it sounds like it's squeaking).
The next activity will allow the children to exercise. Therefore, include it in your script for Bird Day. For this competition you will only need:
  • buckets;
  • baskets;
The game is called “Feed the Birds”.

The containers are placed at a certain distance. Children take turns hitting them with a small ball. Each participant is allowed three attempts. For one hit, 1 point is assigned, at the end of the competition the results are summed up, and the winner is selected.

The next task is intellectual. It is necessary to prepare cards with photographs of birds and drawings of food for them. In addition to this, you also need to prepare incorrect cards, which will show what birds cannot eat. For example, salt, black bread.

Two cards will show millet and simple. Children should put photographs of a waxwing, sparrow, siskin, bunting, and goldfinch on this loose food. Since these birds are very fond of this cereal.

Children will put photographs of waxwings and bullfinch on cards with images of elderberry, rowan, and bird cherry. These birds love these berries.

On the seeds of melon and watermelon you need to place a nuthatch, tit, and woodpecker. And next to the dry branches of nettle, quinoa and burdock, place the bullfinch, goldfinch, tit, and siskin.

Nuthatches, tits, bullfinches, and sparrows love sunflower seeds.

The next game is active, called “Bird Meeting”. Children in feathered costumes are called up. One guardian of the birds is selected. Others at this time must resolve important issues at their meeting. As soon as a stranger appears near the group, the guard must give a voice, imitating the singing or cry of the very bird whose costume he is wearing.

On Bird Day kindergarten the scenario may include the proposed calm and active games, as well as others.

How to quickly sew a woodpecker costume for Bird Day?

To do this, you don’t have to be an experienced dressmaker; you can make it in a couple of hours, using an easy idea.

To make such a costume, take existing clothes as a basis. These are black trousers and a turtleneck or T-shirt of the same color. You will also need:
  • light red fabric;
  • white thick fabric;
  • red butterfly bow;
  • seven red buttons;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.
Cut out the breast from thick white fabric, use scissors to make 7 slits in it, these loops must be overcast. But if the fabric is like drape or fleece, you don’t have to do this.

Fold the white canvas in half and draw a semicircle at the bottom. Cut it out using a zigzag motion.

Draw a template in the shape of a cone or sharp triangle. Place it on the front side of the wings and trace. Color the space between these shapes with a black marker, leaving the triangles white.

To make the woodpecker costume further, these wings need to be sewn to the sleeves of the T-shirt and the back of its neck. The child will put on black boots on his feet, and a hat should be sewn on his head. Suitable for this product thick knitwear. You can use leggings or old sweater. As you can see in the pattern, the cap consists of four wedges. In this case, three need to be cut from red fabric, and the fourth front - from black.

Cut out eyes from white fabric, paint over the pupils with a black marker or sew on buttons.

Make the beak from a folded sheet of cardboard, which is painted over or covered with brown or gray fabric.

DIY sparrow costume for Bird Day

It will also come in handy on International Bird Day. There are easy options for making this outfit.

For him take:
  • T-shirt;
  • brown fabric;
  • beige and dark gray tulle;
  • an elastic band.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. Cut the T-shirt to create a vest shape. From tulle, cut ribbons 5 cm wide, stitch each in the middle, simultaneously gathering them together.
  2. You can sew these ribbons onto a rectangle of fabric and make wings by tying the sewn ribbons around the neck. Or sew them together, and only then sew them to a T-shirt vest.
  3. For the skirt, take a rectangular fabric. The top needs to be folded twice and stitched. Thread an elastic band here, measured around the girl's waist. At the bottom, the skirt is hemmed and decorated with a lighter strip of tulle.
If you only have brown fabric, use it to make a sparrow costume as well. To do this, you need to sew a sleeveless vest, cut out two wings and a tail. The bottom and each feather are marked using a stitch lighter than the fabric.

The hat is made in the form of a cap with a visor; you can take a ready-made headdress of a suitable color. Fluffy shorts should be gathered at the bottom with an elastic band.

If you need to quickly make a sparrow costume, then put a brown skirt on the girl, and trousers of the same color on the boy, which are tied at the bottom or elastic bands are inserted here. You can sew a light lace collar onto a white turtleneck or tie a frill, or quickly sew wavy wings from brown fabric.

All that remains is to make a sparrow mask. For it you will need the following materials:
  • colored white paper;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • rubber.
Take white paper and fold the sheet in half. Draw a circle on one side and a circle inside for the eye. Draw feathers on the outer edge.

Unfold the mask and try it on your child. At this stage, you can adjust something. Now you need to put this template on brown cardboard and cut out the base of the sparrow mask from it.

Draw an equilateral triangle on the cardboard, leaving an edge for gluing this part to the mask. Cut out the beak and bend it in the places marked with dotted lines on the diagram.

You need to glue light brown paper on top of this blank. Using glue, attach the beak to the mask.

You need to make small holes on the 1st and 2nd sides of this part, stretch an elastic band here and tie its edges.
If you want to make a bright bird costume, then take the following master class into service.


  • pleasant to the touch fabric;
  • bright rags;
  • for ties - soft ribbons;
  • matching threads.
On a base fabric that will fit comfortably against your baby's body, draw two triangles with a semicircular edge.

Sew the edges of these blanks. Make feathers from bright scraps, the height of these parts is 5 cm. But it is most convenient to cut strips of fabric, making their edges wavy.

Place the prepared strip on the base of one wing, on the bottom row, and sew it on. You will do the same with the second wing. Gradually moving up, attach other decorated colored ribbons.

To connect these two pieces, sew a strip of fabric on top, it should be long enough for the child to tie these wings around his neck. Sew the remaining feathers onto the remaining free upper part of the wings.

Using this pattern, you can sew an outfit for almost any bird for the Bird Day holiday. You just need to take scraps of the appropriate color. If you are making a sparrow costume, then use pieces of brown and gray fabric.

The same goes for the mask; the corresponding colors will help you make it for different birds. Here are the materials from which you will assemble this part of the costume:

  • felt;
  • rubber bands;
  • thread
To make the mask correct size, gently place a rectangle of paper towel on the child's face. Determine where the slots for the eyes will be, what length and width this part should be.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut it out.

You will need two such blanks to place the triangular nose cut out of felt between them.

Mark the elastic band according to the size of your child's face. If it is thin, tie knots at both ends. Insert these places into the sides of the mask. Sew along the edges.

If you want to decorate it, then you can cut out the same leaves from green and blue felt as in the sample in the photo. On Bird Day in kindergarten or school, it is quite possible to put similar masks on primary school children.

Of course, how can you do without themed crafts on such a day? They can decorate the venue of an event, give it to each other, or take it to a competition.

Making crafts for Bird Day!

To make a bird in a nest, take:

  • colored paper;
  • balloon;
  • thick brown threads;
  • paper napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.
To make a winged creature, roll small and large balls from a napkin, tie them with threads of the same color to secure them. Glue the resulting head and body to each other, cut oval feathers from colored paper and use glue to attach them to the future bird.

From colored cardboard you need to cut out the paws, beak and eyes for the birds. While the glue dries, start making a nest for this character. To do this, you need to wrap the inflated balloon with threads. It is pre-lubricated with glue.

When the yarn dries, the ball is pierced with a needle, and the filament blank frozen in this position is cut into two halves.

Place straw or yarn similar to this material into the resulting nest. You can use loose ones satin ribbons. Tie the nests on ropes and hang them on trees, which you also made yourself.

This way you can decorate the room where Bird Day will be held in kindergarten.

You can also invite the children to make these birds, and then perform a small performance with the participation of birds.

First take:
  • cotton pads;
  • wooden skewers;
  • glue;
  • plastic eyes;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper.
To make one bird, you need to take four disks, one of which is cut in half. Place a wooden skewer between two whole cotton pads, gluing these elements together.

Cut out a beak from colored paper, glue it and eyes onto the face. Attach halves of cotton pads as bird wings. Let children decorate their creations with colored ribbon.

To hang the bird later, insert a piece of ribbon of the appropriate size between the two blanks. Sew these parts together on the wrong side, leaving a small space free at the bottom of the tail. Turn the bird through it, straightening the corners with a skewer or pencil.

Stuff the bird with padding polyester over this edge and sew these places with a hidden seam. Using a thread and needle, embroider the bird's eyes and attach the wings using a decorative stitch.

Sew a button onto the tip of the tail of the craft, after which the bird you made with your own hands is ready.

You can also use such creations to decorate your party venue. Prepare for it in advance, include interesting quizzes and games for children in your Bird Day celebration scenario. Help the children fall in love with these animals, teach them how to protect and feed them during the cold season.

For your child to fully understand how to make crafts for Bird Day, look at this process with him.

Your beloved child will also definitely want to make a fabulous Firebird from napkins and plasticine, especially since the process of twisting colored paper balls is very exciting.

The following photo selection will help you make cards for a quiz on International Bird Day.

The following video will help you quickly make a black crow mask. The idea will be useful not only for International Bird Day, but also for a theme party, a matinee in kindergarten or for staging a play.

26.02.2016 15:47

Simply stunning in beauty carnival costume for a girl, which is easier to make with your own hands than it might seem at first glance. A fluffy tutu skirt is the key to his success. Any girl will feel like a real princess in this outfit. This Bird costume is made in blue colors - it perfectly recreates the image of the Blue Bird, the bird of happiness, as it is called, the Bird of Paradise or the Peacock costume.
Let this costume serve as inspiration for you to create your own unique Bird costume for girls. It is enough to change its color scheme and we can get several more equally spectacular options: in white - a Swan costume, in a red-yellow-orange color scheme - a Firebird costume, in a yellow-green-lime color scheme - a Parrot or Canary costume. Imagine!
For full skirt tutus You will need from 5 to 10 meters of fabric - depending on the age of the bird girl and the fullness of the skirt. The more fabric, the fluffier. For a tutu skirt, it is better to use tulle, tulle, organza or other airy or mesh fabric.
The belt is a wide elastic band.
As a top - an elastic bodysuit, a swimsuit, a tight-fitting blouse, a turtleneck. We decorate the collar or neckline with a boa from thin ribbons, tulle, swan's down or feathers.

DIY bird costume for a girl - watch the master class with step-by-step photos:

For the Bird costume, the author of the master class used tulle in 5 colors - it’s very impressive: sky blue, turquoise, light blue, blue, black. Each of the colors in this tutu is repeated twice - we are actually making two layers of fabric in our tutu. You can sew two skirts and combine them afterwards, or after sewing all the seams, fold the skirt in half.

Cut off the required length - from the waist to the level of how long you want the skirt to be.

We arrange the fabric by color.

Make a stitch at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. When a piece of one color ends, place another next to it and continue stitching. So until the end.

We do gathering on one and the second skirt.

We put them on top of each other - you can mix the colors - it’s more beautiful.

If we used a lot of tulle, the number of layers of the skirt for the Bird costume may increase. In this case, of course, the skirt will only benefit - it will be more magnificent.

We fasten all the layers of the skirt.

We sew them together.

We cut the elastic band to the width of the girl’s waist, and sew the edges into a belt. We begin to secure it to the skirt.

Then we sew it on.

You can create such a magical image of a Bird in a costume for a girl with your own hands! The happiness in your daughter’s eyes from seeing a costume is more valuable than the effort and time spent on creating it. The admiring glances of others will bring you joy. Happy crafting!

Face painting and decoration with a feather and veil complete the magical look.

We will decorate the head of our magical Bird of Happiness with a hat with a veil or a headband with a flower and feathers. Use feathers, down, tulle or mesh for a veil, rhinestones, sparkles to decorate it - according to your taste. The main thing is to stick to it color range the image you create.
You will find ideas on how to make your own head decoration for the Bird costume below by following the links.
In the photo there is a hair decoration in a Bird costume - a headband on which several feathers and a veil are sewn.

Do-it-yourself handicrafts creativity design - interior, furniture, decor, clothing, accessories, toys - handmade ideas and master classes on the ArtImperia.rf website:

A titmouse costume will help your daughter stand out from the crowd. The image of a bird, which symbolizes the arrival of winter with its appearance, would look appropriate on children's party. How to make such a costume? Read about it below.

Prefabricated version

The image of the titmouse should be based on the color contrast of blue and yellow. And since any girl wants to wear a dress to a matinee, she needs to choose clothes of a festive style in the chosen color scheme. The titmouse costume will be made from loose blue dress. It must be made from light fabric so that when moving, the illusion of flight is created. On top of this dress you need to wear a yellow corset. If a girl doesn’t have such an element in her wardrobe, then you can replace it beautiful blouse without sleeves. The main thing is to maintain the right harmony so that the top is not too yellow. If you still haven’t found the optimal combination, you can complement the look with another blue layer. It will turn out very realistic - the bottom and back will be blue, and the stomach will be yellow. So, the do-it-yourself titmouse costume is almost ready, all that remains is to make the headdress. To do this, you will need to take a blue hat and sew a yellow fur trim onto it. You need to make a cone-beak out of papier-mâché or just cardboard. Now all that's left to do is glue the eyes to the hat. If desired, you can decorate the bird's head with black fur.

Costume for a matinee

This option is similar to the previous one, but the only difference is that it will have to be sewn and not assembled from existing clothes. To make a titmouse costume you will need yellow and blue fabric. First of all, you need to sew a circle skirt from blue material. You can choose yellow fabric as a lining. Now let's move on to making the top. We sew a yellow vest using a regular rectangle pattern. You need to leave holes for the arms in the side seams. The sleeves will be blue and tiered. They will look original if the edge of each tier ends in a wave, symbolizing feathers. Remaining It will consist of three parts. The right and left will be yellow, and the center will be blue. All that remains is to attach the beak and sew on the eyes.

Funny titmouse

This costume is easy to make. To make it you will need corduroy shorts. They should be worn over white tights. It is advisable to match them with a turtleneck of the same color. A yellow vest will help make the suit recognizable. In order for the bird's image to look winter-like, you will need to trim some parts of the costume with fur, for example, the legs of the shorts and the perimeter of the vest. The only thing left to do is to cut out two semicircles from corduroy or velvet, the length of which should be equal to the length of the child’s arm from wrist to shoulder. These parts should also be trimmed with fur, and you can also make an applique of stripes in the middle of the wing. The wings will be attached to the arms using rubber bands. They need to be sewn on at least three. The titmouse costume is almost ready. All that remains is to make fur hat, and just below the top of the head you need to sew black fur. A cardboard beak and paper eyes should be attached to the front of the headdress.

Titmouse in ruffles

This image is incredibly feminine and delicate. It will suit absolutely any girl and even a young woman. It consists of a skirt, top and bolero. Sewing a titmouse costume for a girl is a labor-intensive process. Let's start with the skirt. To make it you will need a piece of fabric and a wide elastic band. We cut the material along the bias into strips 10, 20 and 30 cm long. Now they need to be processed on both edges with a zigzag stitch or using an overlocker. On one side, lace should be sewn to each strip. Now you can assemble the skirt. We sew frills to the wide elastic band in layers. Topic yellow color also needs to be decorated with lace. To do this, thin strips of a beautiful frill of the same color as the decorative trim of the skirt should be sewn into the seams of the product. You need to make a bolero from blue fabric. To prevent it from slipping off, you should definitely sew elastic bands on the wrists, and ties at the neckline. The collar and sleeves should be trimmed with lace.

If desired, you can make a shirt front. It is cut on the bias from yellow fabric. Its edges must be overlocked, then lace must be sewn to one of the sides. This decorative element you need to attach a bolero to the collar. All that remains is to make the hat. To do this, you need to find a matching headdress, sew a small veil and a few feathers onto it.

One of the most anticipated holidays among children is New Year, and not only because of gifts and sweets. This day is filled with magic and charm, and only adults know that it is best to celebrate the holiday in an interesting and nice suit, so every parent tries to come up with something unusual and beautiful.

DIY New Year's costumes for girls based on a tutu skirt

A carnival costume is one of the most important attributes of the New Year. Parents' imaginations are endless when it comes to making outfits, and the process can be very long and labor-intensive. Many mothers fluffy dresses They prefer tutu skirts made of tulle; on its basis, you can create a lot of memorable images that will remain in the child’s memory for a long time. Even a beginner can handle such a product, because it is not necessary to sew a skirt. For the work you will need very few materials:

  • elastic for a belt 5-7 cm wide;
  • tulle;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure.

Important! The amount of material depends on the fullness of the skirt. You should always take into account the length of the product and the child’s waist circumference. When calculating the amount of material, use these values ​​as a guide, multiplying them by half.

Fluffy tutu skirt - instructions

Some manufacturers produce tulle already in spools. If you find exactly this one, it will be even easier, since you just need to cut it to length. Don't be upset if you don't find it. Take the tulle in one piece. The simplest ballet tutu does not require any effort to make; we will consider step by step two options for how to make a tutu skirt without sewing. In the first case, you will need to do the following:

  1. Measure the child’s waist with a measuring tape, take a wide waist elastic band, and cut the resulting length, first subtracting 3-5 cm.
  2. Place the ends of the elastic on top of each other and sew them tightly. This elastic band will become a belt for a future skirt.
  3. Prepare tulle. Set aside the required length, multiplying it by half and adding 2.5 cm. If you have a solid piece of material, cut it into strips 7.5-8 cm wide.
  4. The elastic band of the belt needs to be pulled over something rigid, the back of a chair will do. Fold the tulle strip in half and tie it around the elastic.
  5. Repeat the steps, gradually moving the tied strips closer together.

The second method is useful for those who want to make a 2- or 3-layer tulle skirt. The manufacturing process is not much different, but a checkerboard elastic band is suitable as a belt. What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare the tulle as in the first case; for a two-layer skirt you will need 2 spools.
  2. Stretch the rubber band over a large book or suitable board.
  3. Fold the tulle strip in half and thread it into the second row from the bottom. Then do the same until you have covered the entire row.
  4. To make the second row, take a pen or pencil. They will help you avoid getting lost in layers. Tie further strips without missing any space. Straighten and tighten the material to make the skirt look neater.

Important! Use soft or medium-hard tulle. A skirt made from it will look much more beautiful and will bulge less.

Tutu costume ideas

A tutu skirt will suit almost every look. Just add accessories, decorate the finished product a little, and you can safely go to the ball. In this simple but effective way you can make a costume for a fairy, kitten, squirrel, frog, snowflake, butterfly, and any other character. The main thing is to have imagination and a desire to surprise your child.


Many girls loved this magical image, and my mother loved it precisely because you can match an ordinary dress with accessories, and the outfit is ready. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a dress of a suitable style or color. This is where a tulle skirt will come to the rescue. For this product, select suitable color: soft lilac, pink, lilac. Length can be maximum. You can sew a bodice of matching flowers to the skirt, and decorate your head with a wreath or a cap with a tulle ribbon in the color of the entire ensemble. The main attribute of a fairy is Magic wand and wings!


When creating a skirt, the main thing is to choose a material that matches the color. Here you can combine several colors in one product: orange, brown and black, tying the stripes on the elastic band one by one. Additional accessories will be:

  • ears;
  • tail;
  • paws.

Ears can be made from felt by cutting out 2 triangles orange color and fasten them together. Place slightly smaller white triangles on them. The base must be glued to the hoop. It will be convenient to use hot glue. The tail must be bushy. To keep it in shape, sew a wire inside. Use natural or faux fur as material for the tail. You can put gloves with cut off fingers on your hands, and sew fur strips or pom-poms on them.


A very interesting costume can turn out if the skirt is multi-colored. Here you can use several shades of green at the same time. As in the previous costume, you can put green satin sleeves on the arms, or the same gloves. You can decorate the child’s head with a mask, or have a specially sewn hat for the costume. It wouldn't hurt to have leg warmers on your feet.

Important! If the skirt is 2 or 3 colors, then the rest of the accessories should be the same shade, then the whole ensemble will look harmonious.

Snow White

This Disney princess is a frequent guest at the New Year's ball. A girl in such a costume always looks unusual. There are many different interpretations of this costume, but the color scheme remains the same: blue top, yellow bottom. In this case, the tutu skirt should be made long, made of soft tulle, and one color. If a girl styles her hair like Snow White and adds a headband with a cute bow to her costume, then the look will be completely complete.


Becoming a princess is every girl’s dream, which means the carnival costume must match. Gold, cream, or beige colors are suitable here. The skirt must be maxi. Ideally, it will be made with a checkerboard elastic band and it will be magnificent. Every princess should have a crown. Making a crown yourself is not at all difficult. There are many options: you can make it from cardboard, from wire, decorated with beads. Or you can make a small crown out of lace by first greasing it with PVA glue and letting it dry.

Little Red Riding Hood

In Charles Perrault’s fairy tale, it was not indicated anywhere that the main character’s skirt, like her cap, was red. However, most New Year's costumes This character is sewn in red. You can go the same route and make a red tutu skirt; in terms of length, it will still be better if the product is knee-length. An invariable attribute of the costume is a red cap. You can complement the look with leg warmers, an apron, and a basket.


A tutu skirt in this look looks very impressive if it is one color, for example black or white. To a short fluffy skirt you need to sew a fur tail, tights or striped leggings. The look will be completed with ears on the hoop. As a top, you can use a single-color turtleneck or dance leotard. It wouldn’t hurt to trim it with faux fur to complete the look.


There can be a lot of color options here, the butterflies are bright and cheerful. The skirt can be made in 3, 4, or even 5 colors, the main thing is that they match each other. It is better to decorate your hair with long mustaches on a hoop. Don't forget to attach the wings to the back. It’s not difficult to make them: twist a frame from strong wire, tie it nylon tights, and color with paints. A bright butterfly in front of you.

As you can see, a suit made by yourself is an excellent alternative to a store-bought one. You can craft together with your child; this exciting process will bring both you and your daughter a lot of pleasure.