Cheap pharmaceutical drugs. Inexpensive pharmaceutical beauty products

To maintain youthful skin, freshness and beauty of the face, it is not necessary to spend a fortune on expensive creams. You can use pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation. They are guaranteed to be certified, stored in accordance with all rules and recommendations and are in no way inferior in effectiveness to creams from well-known manufacturers.

Rules of application

It is necessary to use pharmaceutical products for cosmetic medical procedures wisely, strictly following the basic rules:

  • Before you start using a pharmaceutical drug for the purpose of rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles, carefully study its composition: some substances and vitamins help moisturize the epidermis, others, on the contrary, dry it out. A wrong choice can lead to an increase in the problem, which is extremely undesirable.
  • If necessary, consult a specialist (cosmetologist, doctor) about possible effect, combinations of some components.
  • When purchasing a medicine, be sure to check the expiration date, integrity of the packaging and dosage. It is PROHIBITED to use low-quality, questionably manufactured or expired drugs! This threatens with serious consequences, even death.
  • Before using the drug, you need to conduct a rapid test for an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Preparations and masks based on them can only be applied to cleansed skin; this will speed up the expected result.
  • Store medicines strictly in accordance with its instructions, in pharmaceutical packaging.

Pharmaceutical preparations to combat facial wrinkles

  • Taufon is a drug known in ophthalmology, the active component of which is taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that has a positive effect on the normalization of metabolic and energy cellular processes, improves cell functioning, which is necessary for facial skin rejuvenation. The use of taufon consists of wiping the surface of the face 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment procedures is carried out for a week every 25 days.
  • Vitamin A (Retinol acetate) - the drug is used to treat many diseases, including eye diseases (similar to taufon). Retinol actively affects the regenerative, protective and restorative functions of cells. The product smoothes the surface of the face, including wrinkles, refreshes and rejuvenates it. IN cosmetic procedures ah is used in capsules with an oily liquid inside, similar to taufon, rubbed into the epidermis in the morning and evening, 7 days every 25 days.
  • Panthenol - available in the form of an ointment or spray. Any shape is suitable for cosmetic procedures. The action of the drug is aimed at the rapid restoration of damaged tissues, active production of collagen, and the fight against aging of epithelial cells. Therefore, the product is indispensable for the face after 50 years. Panthenol can be used several times a week instead of a night cream or as an anti-aging mask.
  • Retinoic ointment is a popular anti-wrinkle ointment in cosmetology, due to not only the rapid smoothing of wrinkles, but also the prevention of the formation of new ones. The high content of vitamin A activates cell function, the skin becomes more elastic and acquires a healthy color. The ointment is applied 2 times a day to problem areas, excluding the area around the eyes, in a thin layer for 2-4 weeks. It is better to carry out a course of treatment with a retion drug in spring or autumn (cold and active sunlight negatively affect the effect of the drug).
  • Capsicam is an ointment used to treat skin inflammatory processes. The product helps accelerate cell division (regeneration), therefore it is actively used against facial wrinkles after 50. Long-term use of the product is not recommended: it is better to take short courses every 2-3 weeks.

Don’t forget about the product that has been proven by generations of our grandmothers and mothers - fish oil is the number 1 product in cometology.

Products for the skin around the eyes, getting rid of inflammation and puffiness

  • Liquorice (licorice root) – active substances glycyrrhizin and triterpenoids that simulate immunity. Liquorice root in combination with yarrow herb stimulates the formation of collagen, has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect, and relieves puffiness in the area around the eyes. Licorice root is sold in the form of bags that need to be brewed (pour 2 bags of the product into 50 ml of boiling water, close tightly and leave for 10 minutes). Can be used as a lotion on the eyes (apply for 10-15 minutes), as a wash, or frozen (cosmetic ice).
  • Curiosin gel - the use of the drug is similar to hyaluronic facial mesatherapy. The active substance is hyaluronic acid, which prevents aging, loss of cell moisture, and decreased tissue firmness and elasticity. The method of application consists of applying the gel twice a time (morning and evening) to the area around the eyes and mouth. The duration of the course of procedures is determined by the number of tubes of the product used (for women under 40 years old, one package is enough, for older people - 2).
  • Heparin ointment is a remedy for the treatment of varicose veins, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves puffiness and dark spots under the eyes, and prevents their formation. The drug must be applied 2-3 times a day until the problem disappears completely, but not more than 10 days in a row.
  • Relief – the ointment contains shark oil, which stimulates cell regeneration and tissue hydration. Therefore, anti-wrinkle ointment is widely used to rejuvenate the skin. In addition, applying the product in the morning and evening will relieve puffiness and swelling under the eyes. Suppositories, hemorrhoid cream - no matter how strange their use in cosmetology may be, such preparations are based on shark liver oil. The action of the constituent components helps smooth out wrinkles, increase the tone and density of facial tissues. To use, you will need to melt the candles on steam bath, wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Comprehensive skin rejuvenation solutions

There is another group of pharmaceutical products, the use of which is recommended in combination with others. These are essential oils, cosmetic oils, for example, linseed oil, sea buckthorn oil, almond oil, Solcoseryl, Aevit, etc.

Solcoseryl - used in combination with Demixid. The main active substance of the drug is hemodialysate, which normalizes the pH balance of cells, promoting accelerated education collagen fibers.
Application: facial skin is steamed and wiped with Dimexide diluted with water (in a ratio of 1:4), after 20 minutes Solcoseryl ointment is applied. After 30 minutes, the residue is washed off with water. It is better to perform the procedure 1 hour before bedtime, 1 time per week.

Aevit is a complex of vitamins A and E, essential in the fight against sagging skin and wrinkles, slowing down the aging process of the epidermis and nourishing them. They are used in combination with all kinds of oils and herbal extracts, depending on the problem and skin type.

Laminaria algae, when used externally, will have a rejuvenating effect, and when taken internally, it will also have a cleansing effect; it is also easy to buy in almost any pharmacy.


Ideal in the fight against acne: apply precisely, let dry and go to bed. There will be no pimple in the morning! Just remember: the ointment dries the skin very much, so don’t forget about the moisturizer, otherwise the skin will very quickly turn into dry and flaky. Price - about 40 rubles.

2. Retinoic ointment

This is actually retinol, or vitamin A, which cosmetologists consider the most effective ingredient for combating skin aging. The ointment will help against acne (retinol creams were developed to combat acne), but will also have a noticeable rejuvenating effect. It also soothes the skin, relieving irritation and redness. Caution: ONLY for the night! Retinol is not friendly with ultraviolet radiation, and pigment spots may appear. Price - about 200 rubles.


3. Aspirin

It is also salicylic acid. Brilliant remedy! Can be used as a lift. To do this, crush 1 0.5 mg tablet into powder with a spoon and add a teaspoon of sour cream to make a cream. And feel free to apply as a mask, avoiding the skin of the eyelids! After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and enjoy the result. Price - about 80 rubles.

4. Calendula tincture

Dilute it with water in equal proportions and use it as a lotion. The pores will be cleaned and there will be fewer blackheads! Price - about 40 rubles.

5. Vitamin E

It lives in pharmacies under the name “Tocopherol” and looks like small balls in a transparent shell. Pierce the ball with a needle and massage its contents into nail plates. The manicurist will beg you to give up your secret! Price - about 30 rubles.

6. Licorice root

Your mother probably gave you this infusion as a child when you were coughing. Prepare the tincture and rub it on your skin with excess pigmentation: the whitening effect will pleasantly surprise you! Price - about 30 rubles.

7. Badyaga

Freshwater sponge in powder form is sold in almost every pharmacy. Ideal for fighting wrinkles and exfoliating. Dilute the powder with peroxide, moisten your face with water and apply a mask. It will sting, so wash off the mask as soon as the burning sensation becomes intense (usually 5-10 minutes). After the mask, your facial skin will be noticeably red, so plan your time so that you can spend 10-12 hours at home after the procedure. But the effect!!! How I visited the resort. To make the redness go away faster, you can use the already mentioned zinc ointment. Price - about 80 rubles.

8. Burdock oil

The best mask for hair. Heat it in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, apply it to your hair, wrap it with a towel (use a shower cap if you don’t want to wash the oil off the fabric) and walk as long as you can. The longer the better! Repeat twice a week. Minus: hair will begin to grow faster, and you will have to visit the hairdresser more often :) Price - about 40 rubles.

9. Aevit

These are capsules with a solution of vitamins A and E together, a super duet against wrinkles. Crush the capsule, apply the mixture all over your face and let it absorb. The course is 2 weeks, it’s no longer worth it so that the skin cells don’t completely relax, because you supported them so well! Price - about 60 rubles.

10. Solcoseryl

This ointment, originally intended for healing minor injuries, can be added to face creams, or can be used as a mask at night 2-3 times a week. Solcoseryl accelerates regenerative processes in the skin, works as an antioxidant, increases the supply of oxygen to the skin and stimulates the transport of glucose into cells that lack vitality for proper functioning. It also increases collagen synthesis. In short, it’s unclear why you haven’t bought it yet. Price - about 200 rubles.

Pharmacy facial products will provide professional care at home. Active ingredients act at the cellular level, solving problems of all skin types. They will help tighten the oval, cope with acne and age spots, available solutions, ointments and acids will restore the elasticity of the skin. Thanks to regular use, it is possible to prevent aging and protect the epidermis from adverse factors.

Terms of use

Pharmaceutical products are actively used in cosmetology. For rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, treating acne, can be used in home care. To solve aesthetic problems, it is important to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Pharmacy drugs have a different spectrum of action. Some allow you to achieve a lifting effect, moisturize, smooth out wrinkles. Others, on the contrary, dry, cleanse, and tone. It is worth carefully studying the composition before use.
  2. When using more than two components from a pharmacy, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist about their compatibility.
  3. Prepare in small portions; long-term storage may result in unpredictable chemical reactions.
  4. Be sure to test the prepared product for an allergic reaction.
  5. Before carrying out the caring procedure, wash your face; to enhance the results, you can steam the skin.

Review of pharmaceutical drugs

Indicated for the care of problem skin prone to acne and blackheads. An effective remedy not only for treating acne, relieving irritation and inflammation. Zinc is an important element necessary for the structure and division of cells. The ointment has protective properties against adverse conditions environment. Smoothes wrinkles, relieves swelling. By improving the movement of lymph, it helps tighten the oval contour. Cheap but effective products can be purchased in 30 grams. for 35 rub.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

The ointment is one of the inexpensive products from the pharmacy for mature skin. Helps smooth out wrinkles, fights sagging skin, and restores elasticity. The active substance is dialysate from the blood of dairy calves, which increases regeneration processes. Improves oxygen respiration, strengthens capillaries, and is effective for the prevention of rosacea. Increases collagen synthesis, helps smooth out wrinkles varying degrees. Solcoseryl-based anti-aging products are also used if there are wounds or burns. Restores skin after sunbathing. Buy 20 gr. possible for 314 rubles. We wrote more about the use of this ointment on the page.

The drug helps eliminate wrinkles, pigmentation, and improves skin structure. The active ingredient is isotretinoin, which is a biologically active form of vitamin A. Treat pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation, as well as the fight against acne. It has a peeling effect, stimulates collagen synthesis, and improves oxygen respiration. Thanks to regular use, you can restore color and smooth out the texture. Cost 15 gr. 330 rub. Read more about using retinoic ointment against wrinkles.

Refer to pharmaceutical acne products. Recommended for tightening pores, relieving inflammation and redness. The product is also effective against wrinkles; the composition with hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration. Thanks to the normalization of water balance, renewal processes are activated. The skin becomes firmer, more elastic, and its texture is evened out. Buy 15 gr. possible for 551 rub.

The alcohol solution has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Helps cheaply and quickly narrow pores, remove blackheads, and improve color. Does not dry out the skin, can replace a tonic for oily, problematic dermis. Price 25 ml 12 rub.

Belong to popular pharmaceutical facial care products. The sorbent removes toxins, oxidants, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The paste can be used for oily skin, as well as in anti-aging procedures to relieve swelling. Effective for getting rid of bags under the eyes, used for lifting the oval. You can buy 225 gr. for 390 rub.

The active substance is provitamin B5. Thanks to its action, it is possible to get rid of inflammation and soothe irritated dermis. Often prescribed by cosmetologists after professional cleaning, chemical and hardware peelings. Promotes integument regeneration, restores cellular metabolism. Can be used even on open wounds, burns, cracks. Strengthens the protective properties of the skin, revives after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Cost 30 gr. 425 rub.

Pharmaceutical masks

Available facial products from the pharmacy can be an excellent basis for preparing a mask. The result of application can be compared with professional cosmetics, which often includes pharmaceutical products. For comprehensive care Recommended for use on all skin types, including sensitive ones.

Lifting mask

Age-related changes in the integument are characterized by a shift in the oval line and the appearance of deep wrinkles. It is recommended to prepare face masks with curiosin for a facelift, for sagging skin, and also for restoring a beautiful, even tone. The composition is rich in active ingredients that stimulate regeneration processes.


  • 10 gr. curiosine;

Mix the gel with a liquid solution of fish oil. Clean your face of makeup and apply a thick layer. Leave night mask during rest, in the morning - wash off as usual. It is recommended that after 35 years of age, use in 8-day courses every other day, 3-4 times a year.

Black mask

Provides deep cleansing, regulates the work of sebaceous secretions with a home procedure. The mask has an anti-inflammatory effect, stops the spread of infection, and soothes the skin. As a result of use, you can get rid of post-acne marks and refresh the color. It is recommended to use to prevent the appearance of rosacea stars.


  • 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  • 5 ml aloe gel.

Pre-crush the coal into powder; there should be no large particles, so as not to injure the skin. Separately, dilute gelatin granules with green tea, add aloe gel. After mixing the ingredients, spread over the entire surface of the face or only on the T-area in a dense layer. Leave for 20–25 minutes, then carefully remove the film, observing massage lines. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a month.


For facial beauty and maintaining freshness and elasticity, procedures using tocopherol are recommended. Vitamin E relieves dry skin, restores elasticity, and stimulates renewal processes. It is useful to prepare a mask for moisturizing, against dry skin, cracks and pigmentation.


  • 5 ml tocopherol;
  • 10 ml Lyoton gel;

Mix pharmaceutical products, add warm almond oil. Steam your face, distribute the cosmetic mass over the entire area of ​​the face, including thin skin eyelids and around the mouth. Leave for an hour, then remove the residue with a damp sponge. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a month.


Pharmaceutical preparations will not only help get rid of pigmentation, but also protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Luxurious color and smooth structure, deep hydration will provide affordable homemade recipe. The mask warns premature aging, activates collagen synthesis.


  • 5 gr. retinoic ointment;
  • vitamin B5 ampoule;

Dilute white clay with mineral water until you obtain a sour cream consistency. Add pharmaceutical ointment and pantothenic acid and mix thoroughly. Distribute evenly over cleansed skin, excluding eyelids and nasolabial triangle. Finish in the usual way after 15 minutes.

Video: Top pharmaceutical products for facial beauty for pennies

Most often, we go to the pharmacy only to purchase some medicines there. And only a few representatives of the fair sex know that some pharmaceutical products can also be successfully used for cosmetic purposes, to maintain beauty. So don’t rush to turn away from sometimes unsightly packaging - they can hide great opportunities and unexpected effects! What makes sense to buy at the pharmacy specifically to maintain beauty?

Zinc ointment

This simple and laconic name hides a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that has a pronounced adsorbent, antiseptic, astringent and drying effect on the skin. This ointment can be applied to the skin not only for acne or various inflammations, but also after such a well-known procedure as facial cleansing. If you accidentally discover that a pimple is about to appear on your face, you can simply lubricate this area of ​​skin with zinc ointment before going to bed - in the morning there will be no trace of the pimple left! By the way, if you look closely at expensive acne products, you can often see zinc ointment in their composition. So why not just purchase it separately at a more affordable price?

Helps great zinc ointment to cope with irritations after depilation in the bikini area - in order to get rid of irritations in one single application, the ointment is left on the skin for several hours at once. And if you apply this ointment to your heels and feet from time to time, you can significantly extend the life of a pedicure done in the salon!

Epsom salt

This drug is quite widely known under the name magnesia or magnesium sulfate, however, it is used mainly by people with a diseased liver or hypertension. However, this valuable medicine is also useful for cosmetic purposes, however, for these purposes you should purchase not ampoules, but powder. If you add one kilogram of this powder to a bathtub filled with water, you can lose a little weight in one single session! This is due to the fact that magnesia is endowed with the ability to remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, such baths will bring great benefits to people suffering from edema - magnesia perfectly helps the kidneys cope with almost any load. They will also serve well for patients with psoriasis, as magnesium perfectly cleanses the skin.

It is recommended for women with magnesium to take baths with problem skin(especially if there are acne on their body), as well as for everyone who just wants to cleanse their body. However, do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to abuse such baths - they are allowed to be taken a maximum of once a month!


This product is a great helper for fighting wrinkles! Aevit is nothing more than a mixture of the most important vitamins for maintaining beauty - vitamins E and A. And it is usually sold in capsules. Aevit is recommended to be applied under the eyes in the mornings and evenings. However, you can use it just once a day, but in this case it should be left on the skin for at least two hours, and then (if necessary) the remaining product is removed with a napkin. And if you finally have a day off, you can wear this look all day! By the way, it is advisable to use Aevit in two-week courses, after each of which you need to take a break.

Heparin ointment

This ointment can help to quickly cope with swelling. If you suddenly notice ugly bags under your eyes in the morning, just apply heparin ointment to the area!


Made from royal jelly, this drug is not only an excellent general tonic, but also boasts the ability to successfully cope with a number of cosmetic problems. And “Apilak” is produced in completely different forms - both in the form of dietary supplements, and in the form of suppositories or ointments. The ointment in combination with a dietary supplement is an excellent remedy for the treatment of neurodermatitis and seborrhea; moreover, after just a month of use, this product helps to significantly reduce the oiliness of the skin, as well as reduce itching and inflammation.

For those with problematic or oily skin, it is recommended to apply Apilak ointment in a thick layer to the face at least once a week and a half. And people who are constantly faced with colossal mental or physical stress or suffer from chronic fatigue, it makes sense to purchase Apilak in the form of dietary supplements.

As you can see, even the simplest and cheapest pharmaceutical products can bring many benefits not only to our health, but also to our beauty!

We are used to coming to the pharmacy only in case of illness, but few people thought that here you can buy the products that are necessary and healthy person.

  1. - a universal means for disinfecting wounds. A 3% solution will help disinfect any object, and even deal with fungus on the walls. (Price ∼ 10 rubles)
  2. Various essential oils easy to replace tablets. Insomnia keeps you from getting proper rest all week? Just drop a little lavender oil on a napkin and place it next to it. Need a quick pick-me-up? Breathe in grapefruit oil. (Price ∼ 100 rubles)
  3. will become the best remedy to restore dry hair, you just need to apply the product to the ends and rinse after a couple of hours. (Price ∼ 50 rub.)
  4. Bodyagi mask (algae powder) - ideal remedy for healing bruises and fighting blackheads. (Price ∼ 100 rubles)
  5. Cosmetic clay is another source of beauty that can be purchased for pennies. Clay masks cleanse and tighten the skin, saturating it with moisture. (Price ∼ 50 rub.)
  6. Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic that allows you to clean your hands of bacteria in a minute, and by adding the product to the water for washing floors in an apartment, you can protect your family during the period of rampant colds. (Price ∼ 20 rubles)
  7. Tar soap is a product that enhances skin regeneration. It will help to quickly heal wounds and also get rid of dandruff in a few days. (Price ~ 100 rubles)
  8. - a source of vitamins that improves health and revitalizes the skin. (Price from 100 rubles)
  9. Herbal infusions can solve almost any problem. They restore immunity, relieve spasms, headaches, and can also be used for cooking cosmetic ice, replacing tonics. (Price ~ 70 rub.)
  10. Cotton swabs and cotton pads are accessories necessary in any apartment. With their help you can treat, clean wounds and quickly correct makeup. (Price ∼ 50 rub.)
  11. Bandages and plasters are dressing aids that need to be kept nearby. (Price ∼ 50 rub.)
  12. Bepanten is an ointment that quickly heals wounds and abrasions. It is especially needed if the house has Small child. (Price ~ 400 rub.)
  13. - an inexpensive product that allows you to even out your skin in the shortest possible time. A good option for a makeup base. (Price ∼ 220 rub.)
  14. - one of the most effective means to maintain the beauty of the skin. It quickly dries out acne. (Price ~ 30 rubles)
  15. Vitamins A and E in capsules are a “life-giving remedy” for nourishing dry skin. (Price ∼150 rub.)
  16. Calendula ointment is the main assistant in the fight against dry skin on the heels. (Price ~ 80 rub.)
  17. Walnut oil is an inexpensive remedy that allows you to get rid of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes in a few months. (Price ~ 270 rub.)
  18. Glycerin is a universal means for softening the skin of hands, especially in winter period. (Price ~ 30 rubles)
  19. Bath salt is something that will quickly get rid of spasms and muscle tension. (Price ∼ 200 rub.)
  20. Rose water - tonic, suitable for men and for women as a means of combating dry skin. (Price ∼150 rub.)
  21. A nicotinic acid. An amazing product for hair growth, available in ampoules. Apply to the roots and leave until the next shampoo. Be careful with the product from the Vial company: it has bad smell. (Price ~ 120 RUR)
  22. . This product is a real find for those who want to get everything at once. It contains a shock dose of vitamins and proteins. By the way, just 1g accounts for a whole kg of vegetables! (Price ~ 1000 rub.)
  23. Nasal drops. More precisely, the cheapest nasal drops. An excellent option for pimples and redness. It will be good if you take a vasoconstrictor. (Price ∼ 20 rubles)
  24. Disposable examination gloves. Suitable for washing dishes, floors, working with paints, plants. They are thinner than household ones, which increases sensitivity. Naturally, you can use it more than once. (Price ~ 300 rubles per 100 pcs)
  25. Pipettes and syringes. Pipettes are very convenient for applying oil to the skin (especially under the eyes) and body. Syringes can be useful in the kitchen or for mixing oils and tonics. (Price ∼ 10 rubles)
  26. Glass spatulas and wooden spatulas. An excellent device for applying cream or paste: using your finger is not always hygienic and convenient. (Price ∼ 10 rubles for 10 pieces)
  27. Emla. A real salvation for those girls who perform hair removal at home. The cream has analgesic effect, which allows you to calmly work with tweezers or an epilator. (Price ~ 1200 RUR)
  28. Lecithin. Craving something sweet? Then try this remedy. It helps a lot if you are on a diet. (Price ∼ 200 rub.)