What to make from plastic plates. Simple crafts for the New Year from plastic and paper dishes

Crafts from disposable plates can be done with kids different ages. What makes me happy is that the material for making it costs a penny, and sometimes it just sits at home idle. It's easy to create crafts from disposable plates. Little ones will definitely be interested in such things.

Paper plate products

What to make from such material? For example, paper plates can be decorated with markers, paints and pencils. If you have plasticine, you can sculpt the shapes of animals. Using colored paper, you can create various animals, for example, a dog or a turtle. Some do Carnival masks. For example, it could be a lion. To create a mask, you need to paint the plate itself yellow, and draw the face of the animal inside. To create more complex animals, it is recommended to use two plates.

Owl from plates

Looking at crafts made from disposable plates, one cannot help but remember the owl. An older child could do this thing. To create crafts from disposable plates, you will need to stock up on: glue, two plates, paints, scissors, colored paper and brushes.

Making an owl at home

1. First paint two plates brown, then let them dry.

2. From colored paper, cut out two large yellow circles, as well as two circles white smaller in diameter and 2 small black circles.

3. Cut out the owl's beak from orange paper.

4. Using scissors, cut one plate in half. As a result, you will get wings.

5. Then glue the eyes and beak onto the plate.

6. After to back side Glue the wings onto the whole plate. That's it, you have an owl.

Similar toys can be used in puppet theater. You can also make a photo frame out of a plate. To do this, it should be painted. You will get beautiful jellyfish if you glue ribbons to the plate.

Frog from plates

What other crafts can be made from disposable plates? For example, a frog. To create you will need:


Colored paper (black, white and red);

Two egg cups;

Glass of water;



1. Paint a plate and egg cups with green paint.

2. Cut out the tongue from red paper, and small circles (these will be eyes) from black and white paper.

3. Glue the tongue on the unpainted side, then fold the plate in half.

4. Then glue on the “eyes”. That's all, the frog is ready.

Crafts from disposable multi-colored plates

Colored tableware is also sold. The plates, as you understand, do not need to be painted. You can create crafts from them right away. For example, if you can cut out fish from colored plates. You can place them in an aquarium drawn on paper.

Bouquet for mom

If, in addition to plates, you also have plastic cups, then you can give your child an interesting gift.

To make a bouquet you will need:


Green and white plastic plate;

Yellow plastic cup.

Making crafts from disposable plates

1. Cut out chamomile petals from white paper and stems from green paper. The cores of the flowers will be the bottoms of the cups. They also need to be cut out.

2. Then glue all the parts of the daisy together.

3. Place the resulting flower in a yellow cup. That's all, the bouquet is ready.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make crafts from disposable plates, photo interesting products presented in our article. We hope that with our recommendations you will be able to create fun things at home. Such activities will allow you to develop your imagination and Creative skills child. Good luck!

Disposable tableware can serve well not only during a holiday or a picnic - if desired, it can easily be turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity. Crafts made from disposable tableware are distinguished by their ease of manufacture, volume, clarity of shape and variety. Making something from disposable plates for children is a completely doable task, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will be happy to follow an adult’s instructions to get the desired result.

50 cool ideas for kids

Leo is more relevant than ever. By the way, his eyes are made of plastic spoons.

The cat with the chenille wire mustache is adorable.

The dog is from the same series. Moreover, if it is not expected that the finished composition will be stored, some eyes can be used repeatedly. And water-soluble paint, for example, gouache, is easily washed off, so you can have fun playing even with only one paper plate.

And here are some more funny cats and dogs, each from two plates.

The decorative panel “Jolly Whale in Profile” will also require a little more drawing and cutting on paper.

But a semi-frontal rhinoceros can be carved from one plate.

Perky monkey.

For bird lovers.

Two types of aquariums and a turtle.

A couple of insects. I like that they have moving parts. The worm hides in an apple, and the wings of a ladybug will hide, for example, congratulations or the baby’s daily routine.

Great idea! A real chameleon The bottom plate is painted in different colors(before that, it could well serve as a palette), and the lizard itself is carved into the top one. You rotate the top part and the chameleon changes color. Magically!

Paper plates can be turned into Noah's Ark or UFO.

Here are some interesting bunnies. The first serves as a basket for sweets.

And the second is a whole educational game. You need to feed the bunny cookies with the number of chocolate chips that fell on the card. The bunny is happy!

Paper plates are great musical instruments. Rubber bands stretched over a banjo will really make a sound.

And for a real tambourine, it is better to equip the structure of plates with bells.

Vera Samoilova

Plastic bottles, disposable spoons and glasses - all of this can be given a second life by turning it into decorations for a summer cottage, garden or patio. You just need a little imagination and patience.

Plastic bottles, disposable spoons and glasses - all of this can be given a second life by turning it into decorations for a summer cottage, garden or patio. You just need a little imagination and patience.

For work we need:

-disposable spoons;

Cardboard or disposable base plate;

Glue moment or glue gun;

Paints, colored paper and other little things for decoration.

We cut out a base from cardboard onto which we glue the spoons. We cut off the unnecessary part of the base.

We paint the spoons with paints and sprinkle a little glitter.

Cut out the feathers from corrugated paper and glue them onto the cuttings spoons. Glue a cardboard blank in the shape of a bird's body on top. It turned out to be a beautiful peacock.

You can glue the spoons on the other side. Also color, decorate corrugated paper, bow and you get a bouquet of tulips.

Separating the deep part spoons from cuttings. We glue them onto a cardboard blank in a checkerboard pattern, starting from the edges to the middle.

Glue the resulting flower onto a piece of green cardboard in the form of a leaf. The result is a water lily.

A little imagination, patience and desire - and with your own hands you can make interesting crafts from, it would seem, no longer necessary things.

Thank you for your attention!

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Perhaps you won’t find a cheaper material for New Year's crafts than plastic utensils. You can use everything:

  • dishes
  • cups
  • bottles
  • spoons and forks

Disposable plates and cups made of paper are suitable for crafts.

In this article you will see photos of completely simple home interior decorations and Christmas tree decorations made from plastic and paper dishes.

So what can you do from plastic and paper plates so that it is simple, fast and at the same time unusual, bright and non-standard? Let's fantasize together!

First of all, prepare it yourself dishes, A also tools and materials , which will be needed for work. The plates must be intact and clean. The color can be any. The following tools and materials may be useful to you:

  • scissors
  • stapler
  • glue gun and glue sticks for it
  • felt-tip pens or markers
  • gouache or acrylic paints
  • glue type “Moment Crystal”
  • PVA glue
  • tassel

Let's start with something simple: let's do “decoupage” of a plastic (or paper) plate . Glue the top layer of a three- (or two-) layer napkin onto the plate using PVA glue and a brush. When the napkin is completely dry, cover it acrylic varnish. The New Year's plate is ready!

If you don't have a dark green paper plate, a white one can easily be painted with gouache or acrylic paint. Let it dry well and cut it into three isosceles triangles. Glue the resulting parts into a Christmas tree shape. You can make a hole at the top and tie twine in the form of a loop. Such Christmas trees decorate curtains or wall. Don’t forget that it’s customary to decorate any Christmas tree. In our case, small beads, sequins or buttons are suitable.

We use the same technique - cut the plates into triangles. Now from the resulting triangles we will make checkboxes. If you take colored plates, the garland of flags will be more elegant.

It is not necessary to paint the back of the plate if you do not intend to hang the flags so that they will be visible from both sides.

It's not at all difficult to cut out of white paper or plastic plates. Christmas angels . See for yourself: a few cuts with scissors and the silhouette of an angel is already emerging.

If you want to make the figure three-dimensional, look at another method: using a felt-tip pen, draw lines along which we cut out the wings and robe of the angel. Then we bend the lower part of the plate so that we get a “skirt” and secure it with a stapler.

Of course, plates make wonderful snowmen. It doesn't take much effort either.

The plates are easy to fasten with a regular stapler or glue with hot glue. Several of these snowmen hung around the apartment will decorate your home and create

The plates are easily pierced with an awl or hole punch. Thread strong twine or rope into the resulting holes and make it together with your children. a garland of funny snowmen.

A New Year's clock ? What, if not plastic or paper plates, can they be made from? Don't know where to get numbers for the dial? You can take it from children's sets of letters and numbers. Usually these are alphabets with numbers. To make your “clock” also show minutes, take two plates different sizes and glue them together. On the outer plate, beautifully write the minutes with a felt-tip pen, and on the inner plate, stick the numbers to indicate the hours.

If you can’t find the numbers anywhere, you’ll just have to draw them on the plate. Make the arrows and pendulum from cardboard.

And how many fun New Year’s “faces” can be made using plates. Firstly, this Father Frost.

And secondly and thirdly and... everyone you come up with yourself.

For the New Year, let them “settle” in your son’s children’s room pirates.

From small colored plastic (or paper) plates, make "lollipops". They look elegant and can be hung like a garland.

New Year's wreath made of paper or plastic plate Even a child can do it. You just need to cut out the middle, paint the resulting rim in desired color and glue on the decorations.

Easy to make from plastic (or paper) plates "fairytale" animals: Sivka-Burka, for example.

And the symbol of 2017 is young cockerel, is made from half a plate, a mug cut from the other half, two “eyes”, several feathers and “palms” made of colored paper.

If you don’t know how to pack small gifts in an unusual and special way, also use plastic plates. It turns out original bunny handbag. You can make a bear bag in the same way.

That's probably enough about plates. Let's move on to other material for New Year's crafts - plastic cups. If you didn't have time to buy snowball, which symbolizes the arrival of winter and new year holidays, do something similar with your own hands.

Take plastic cover or cut a circle out of cardboard (it is important that the size matches the diameter of the glass). Look around the house for small figurines (usually found in chocolate eggs). Glue them to the lid using hot glue from glue gun or “Moment” type glue. Sprinkle grated foam or small white beads, coconut shavings, broken eggshells, semolina, finally! That's Christmas story came to you! Place it on the windowsill or on a small table. Believe me, it lifts your spirits! Yes, you can also lightly moisten the side surfaces of the glass with water and sprinkle with a small amount of granulated sugar. Let it dry and you will get a “snow-covered” glass.

Watch this video, maybe it will inspire you or give you something new idea how to decorate your house for the new year.

Maybe you decide to do snowman from plastic cups . It turns out BIG and absolutely wonderful.

How can you do it BIG SNOWMAN from plastic cups, watch in this video.

Do flock of penguins can be made from bottles of different heights. You don't even need to cut the plastic here. Just insert a rolled-up white sheet of paper or white paper inside the bottle. plastic bag. And cut out the “black plumage” from black colored paper.

If you don’t throw away plastic bottles for a long time, then by the New Year you can easily afford to make something like this from the bottoms. You can use strong wire. And you will have to make holes in the plastic with a hot awl or a drill with a thin drill bit. It will work out

Another option wreath of plastic bottles It turns out very elegant. You can’t even tell right away that this unusual wreath is made practically from garbage. In this case, each bottom of a plastic bottle is cut out in the shape of a flower with sharp petals. All blanks are painted with gold paint from a can or other suitable for plastic. Assemble the blanks into a wreath on a strong (thick wire) using an awl or drill.

A simple Christmas tree garland can be decorated with plastic flowers. To do this, you need to cut off the necks of plastic bottles, but do not throw away the corks. Drill holes in the plugs equal to the diameter of the mini-sockets of the Christmas tree garland.

What else can you make from plastic bottles for the New Year? Certainly, candlesticks. In this case, two bottle bottoms were used: one larger, the other smaller. Cuts were made in the plastic and the blanks were heated over an open flame. Then the cut and heated strips were bent in different directions. When the blanks had cooled, hot (or “Moment”) glue was applied to the edges and sprinkled with glitter. For the candle, we prepared a glass bowl with colored bath salts. Plastic candlesticks were stacked on top of each other, and a bowl with a candle was placed inside. All is ready!

You can see another way to make plastic candlesticks in this video.

And in this video you will see wonderful New Year's crafts made from plastic spoons and forks.

That's all! Get ready for the holidays, decorate your home! After all, family happiness always comes to the house where it is expected!

After direct use or by purchasing new disposable tableware, you can give it a second life - make various crafts from it with your own hands. Moreover, this activity is suitable for both small children and adults, it all depends on the complexity of the idea.

Everyone remembers and loves beautiful red bugs with black dots from childhood. Any child, without a doubt, will enjoy making such crafts from disposable tableware.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Three disposable spoons;
  • Flat button without through holes;
  • White, red and black acrylic paints;
  • Paint brush;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Glue gun.

At the very beginning, you need to paint the prepared spoons, apply red to two spoons, and black to one. After the paint has completely dried, dots should be painted in black on the red spoons. The button also needs to be painted black, and the eyes should be painted on the sides with white paint.

Now you need to cut off the handles from the spoons using scissors, trimming the edges for beauty.

The next stage is gluing the red wing spoons by placing them on top of each other. Here you will need a glue gun.

Then the finished wings are glued to the black spoon-body of the ladybug.

A button head is glued to the base of the spoon-wings. If you want, you can make a mustache from wire and glue it to an improvised head.

So that the ladybug can be seated on a flower pot, a thicker wire is glued to the black spoon. Thus, our ladybug from spoons is ready, now we can send it to the flowers.

You can watch the video on how to make snowdrops from plastic spoons.

Fan made from disposable forks

You can create any crafts from disposable tableware, even from forks. For example, you can make a beautiful and practical fan for girls.

For this we need:

  • 22 disposable forks;
  • Red and white lace;
  • Red satin ribbons;
  • Beads;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or disposable paper plate;
  • CD;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors.

By cardboard or paper plate We trace the CD with a pencil, cut out a circle along the contour and cut it exactly into two halves. By outside We lay out the main attribute in a semicircle so that the heads of the forks are pressed tightly against each other. In this position, the forks are glued to the cardboard semicircle with handles, about two centimeters from the edge. And a second semicircle of cardboard is glued on top.

Now you can start decorating the fan. From white lace Flowers are cut out and glued to each fork. You can also thread red lace between the handles of the forks at the base of the fan, and glue lace flowers with beads onto the cardboard and fasten a bow from satin ribbon. This craft, despite its apparent fragility, can last a long time if high-quality materials are used in its creation.

Children's crafts from disposable plates

The smallest craftsmen and craftswomen can easily make crafts from disposable plates. Having on hand white paper plates, paints, brushes, colored paper and glue, you can make interesting animal faces from ordinary plates or fairy tale characters, as well as assorted fruits.

To do this, take a plate, paint it in the desired color and decorate it with pre-cut paper elements, although you can do it with just paints. Thus, a set of ordinary disposable plates turns into a whole zoo or a fairy tale.