Is it possible to get chickenpox again during pregnancy? Chickenpox during pregnancy: danger, prevention and treatment

Potentially dangerous to the fetus not only early dates gestation, but also then throughout pregnancy and before childbirth.

Viral “childhood” infections during pregnancy

The gestation period for a baby lasts nine calendar months, and this period may include the most dangerous months in terms of infections and epidemics. The expectant mother may well get sick not only with colds and flu, but also with special, so-called “children’s” infections, most typical for babies and less typical for adults. These include several diseases. But if everyone has heard about the dangers, then not everyone knows that chickenpox (or, as it is more commonly called, chickenpox) can threaten a pregnant woman and her fetus. Difficulties during gestation arise not only with the infection itself and the introduction of the virus into the body, but also with the difficulties of selecting medications that would effectively fight viruses without harming either the mother or the fetus. Many people consider chickenpox to be a trivial disease, since most children (but not all!) tolerate it easily. But in relation to pregnant women or people with weakened immune systems, this statement is not true, and if the expectant mother has not had chickenpox, she needs to stay as far away from adult children as possible.

Is the risk real?

According to obstetricians-gynecologists and infectious disease specialists, chickenpox during gestation, along with many other microbial and viral infections, is extremely dangerous for the fetus and the further development of pregnancy. The degree of risk is especially high during critical periods - the first trimester, when all organs and tissues are formed and the risks of developmental defects or death of the embryo are high, as well as the third trimester - when childbirth is soon and all systems and organs must fully function for independent life. But how can this disease become dangerous:

  • In the first trimester chickenpox operates on the “all or nothing” principle, and the virus either leads to fatal and irreversible changes in the fetus and in the developing placenta, leading to miscarriages, or does not critically affect the fetus, and it continues to develop further.
  • In the second trimester chickenpox is not dangerous for the fetus, the placenta simply does not allow the virus to reach the fetus, but it also does not develop immunity to this infection.
  • In the third trimester , after 36 weeks of pregnancy, the virus is dangerous for intrauterine infection of the fetus due to the fact that the immune system does not initiate processes of resistance to infection in the fetus. And then the child is born with severe symptoms of congenital chickenpox with damage not only to the skin, but also to many internal organs, including the nervous system and.

If there is immunity to chickenpox (if a woman had it in childhood or was vaccinated against it), no manifestations of the disease upon contact with chickenpox patients are observed in the pregnant woman or the fetus.

What is chickenpox: the danger of the virus

Along with seven more types of viruses that are dangerous for humans by developing various diseases, the chickenpox virus belongs to. Due to the special properties typical of all representatives of viruses, they are combined into one group, although the symptoms of the diseases and treatment may be different. Chickenpox is caused by herpes type 3, and after the initial infection and exposure to chickenpox, it can develop exacerbations of herpes zoster throughout life. These are skin rashes on the chest or abdomen along the nerve trunks, due to the reactivation of the herpes virus.

In children or adults, including pregnant women, who develop chickenpox for the first time, it manifests itself as a combination of general and local symptoms with the formation of specific rashes on the skin of the body.

Features of chickenpox and herpes zoster

When infected with a virus, chickenpox is formed - a classic infection with skin rashes throughout the body, which look like grouped blisters that turn into crusts. After suffering from the disease, lifelong immunity remains, and people do not get chickenpox twice (although in last years There is evidence that recurrent chickenpox is also possible).

The virus remains in the body of a person who has had chickenpox for life, and against the background of severe immunodeficiency, a special manifestation of infection can form - herpes zoster (herpes rashes along the nerve trunks in the chest or abdomen). During gestation, both variants of the course of chickenpox are possible:

  • Primary contact with the virus leads to chickenpox infection in almost 100% of cases.
  • Severe immunodeficiency threatens a pregnant woman with manifestations of a secondary infection - herpes zoster, a painful skin process.

The formation of chickenpox elements on the body is characterized by itching and burning, but they should not be injured in order to prevent the spread of the virus and the formation of secondary infection with the formation of scars. On average, rashes stay on the skin for about 5-6 days, going through successive stages of formation, and then disappear without a trace.

Symptoms of chickenpox in pregnant women

From the point of view of the infectious process, chickenpox in pregnant women occurs in its clinical symptoms in the same way as among other categories of people. During gestation, it is typical to have successive stages of the process, characterized by specific body changes and symptoms. So:

  • The incubation period lasts for pregnant women from the moment of infection to the first manifestations a maximum of 21 days, and on average, the clinic develops already in the second week from the moment of contact with the patient.
  • The prodrome period lasts up to two days and is manifested by general infectious symptoms typical of many acute respiratory viral infections and ends with the appearance of the first skin rashes.
  • The rash stage lasts from the first pimples to the last ones, which completely disappear from the body. On average, this is a period of up to two weeks, sometimes the pimples appear in waves a couple of times with a new round of fever.

The severity of clinical manifestations of chickenpox in pregnant women is associated with the woman’s age and characteristics; she usually has many rashes and severe general symptoms. Fever up to extremely high numbers against a background of malaise and weakness, symptoms of intoxication and abdominal pain, mild respiratory manifestations in the form of coughing will be typical. After about two days, a profuse itchy rash in the form of grouped blisters appears throughout the body. Every 4-5 days, the temperature may rise again and a new batch of pimples may appear. Typical for adults will be rashes everywhere except the palms and soles, including possible damage to the scalp, oral mucosa and genitals. Inside the bubbles there is a cloudy content, which, when opened, produces crusts that are very itchy and disturbing. But you can’t pick them off or comb them; there is a high risk of secondary infection, which will leave scars during healing.

Chickenpox and pregnancy: risks, prognosis

A woman is more susceptible to chickenpox during pregnancy, weeks in normal conditions due to a decrease in immune defense, and its severity will be more severe. Having had chickenpox in childhood, a woman is reliably protected from it during pregnancy and will not get sick a second time. But if you have doubts whether chickenpox is dangerous for the expectant mother, you can conduct a blood test to determine the level of antibodies to chickenpox - it will show the presence or absence of immunity. Antibodies present in the blood protect the fetus and mother from infection, and they are also formed in a woman when vaccinated against chickenpox before conception.

About 5% of women are not immune to chickenpox, and contact with sick children and adults is extremely dangerous for them. If infection occurs, no matter what trimester of pregnancy it is, this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy; they are quite compatible with the correct approach to therapy.

However, the risks dangerous complications and unfavorable prognosis for the fetus and mother, complications vary by gestational age.

Features of infection at different times

Depending on what stage of pregnancy the infection occurred, the degree of risk to the mother and fetus varies greatly:

When infected a couple of weeks before birth, the child develops neonatal chickenpox. In essence, this is the course of ordinary chickenpox, but with a large number of rashes, severe condition and serious skin lesions, risk of damage to the brain, liver and lungs. Often children can die due to complicated and severe chickenpox.

Methods for diagnosing chickenpox during pregnancy

The basis of diagnosis is a conversation with the patient and her examination, as well as instructions for contact with chickenpox patients. Women with early gestation need to be treated especially carefully; they undergo an unplanned ultrasound and determine the condition of the fetus, its viability and possible defects.

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In doubtful cases it is indicated amniocentesis- fence for research amniotic fluid and genetic research. In doubtful situations it may be indicated cordocentesis– taking blood from the fetal umbilical cord to confirm defects.

It is important to know that infection with chickenpox is not a contraindication to prolonging pregnancy, there is no need to immediately have an abortion, the risks of an unfavorable outcome are not so great.

How is chickenpox treated during pregnancy?

In fact, the principles of treating chickenpox during pregnancy do not differ from those when treating children. Treatment of skin with rashes is carried out using antiseptic, antipruritic and regenerating drugs. Aniline dyes (fucorcin, brilliant green or methylene blue) or calamine lotion are recommended, bathing daily without soap and a washcloth in a shower in warm water. Against the background of fever, adherence to bed rest and plenty of drinking, nutrition according to appetite, and vitamins are recommended.

If there are few rashes, the general condition does not suffer sharply, you don’t need to use specific medications. You can limit yourself to local and nonspecific therapy.

If the condition is severe during the second or third trimester, it is permissible to take Acyclovir according to the regimen, for the first trimester it is indicated only in very severe, life-threatening conditions. The drug is used in tablets (after the 2nd trimester) or intravenously and intramuscularly in severe cases and in hospital treatment. The duration of therapy in the first trimester is no more than 5 days; from the second trimester, treatment up to 10 days is acceptable.

Chickenpox before childbirth: doctors' tactics

The most serious problem is infection with chickenpox before childbirth. In this case, the woman is placed in the infectious disease ward of the observation department of the maternity hospital and they will try to slow down the delivery date for at least a week. This is important because after 5-6 days from the onset of the rash, antibodies to chickenpox are formed on the skin, which are transmitted through the umbilical cord to the fetus and will protect it from infection during childbirth.

If labor does not stop, after birth the child must be given specific immunoglobulins that suppress the activity of the virus. If a woman’s rashes are densely located in the genital area and mucous membranes, the question of delivery by cesarean section arises.

Immediately after giving birth, the woman is isolated for two weeks, and the baby is observed throughout this time, noting signs of infection. If a baby develops signs of infection, he is immediately prescribed antiviral drugs intravenously or intramuscularly; chickenpox at this age is extremely dangerous.

Features of complications of gestational chickenpox in mother and fetus

Typically, pregnant women tolerate chickenpox safely; complications are rare and usually in the form of secondary infections of skin elements or pneumonia, encephalitis. Such complications are now prevented by treatment with acyclovir.

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For a child, chickenpox is much more dangerous, about 5% of children from mothers who had chickenpox during gestation are born with fetal chickenpox syndrome, and if a woman becomes infected before birth, within 10 days or less, the child will develop neonatal chickenpox during childbirth type.

Fetal syndrome with chickenpox will manifest itself:

A quarter of children born with a similar syndrome die immediately after birth, most also die during the first months.

Chicken pox is especially dangerous if it occurs immediately after childbirth.– neonatal due to immature immunity and lack of antibodies. Up to 30% of children die from necrotic lesions of the brain and organs, and up to 50% have irreversible complications of internal organs. But, if the mother is infected earlier than 3 weeks before giving birth, there is no longer any danger; the child will receive antibodies against chickenpox produced by the mother’s body and will suffer the infection latently or in a mild form.

Prevention of chickenpox during pregnancy: planned and emergency measures

If there is no accurate information about chickenpox in childhood, during pregnancy planning you need to donate blood for antibodies to it. If they are not there, you should get vaccinated at least three months before conception. You cannot get vaccinated during pregnancy - this is due to the fact that the vaccine contains a live, weakened virus. If, against the background of conception, vaccination was carried out out of ignorance, then this is not an indicator for terminating the pregnancy. The vaccination is well tolerated, usually only minor ailments and a slight rash on the skin occur (not always).

If there has been contact between a woman who has not been ill and a patient with chickenpox, emergency vaccination can be carried out within a period of up to three days (up to 96 hours) from the moment of contact. This is achieved by administering immunoglobulin in the form of Varicellon or Varitent intramuscularly. During infection periods of more than 37 weeks, inhibition is carried out birth process

at least for 1-2 weeks.

Motherhood and the birth of a child are very important events in the life of every woman. Expectant mothers want the baby to be born good and beautiful, and most importantly, healthy, so it is necessary to take the new situation seriously. Unfortunately, no one is immune from chickenpox, and a woman, even if she had it in childhood, can become infected again.

Chickenpox during pregnancy: a harmless disease or a serious danger? Most people had chickenpox in childhood, and have long forgotten about it as an. People who contracted chickenpox in adulthood were very unlucky: for adults it is a serious and dangerous disease, and if it is not noticed during it, complications can easily develop. But what to do if you are unlucky enough to get sick now, before the baby is born?

What is chickenpox?

Chicken pox is an acute viral disease that mainly affects children from 2 to 10 years old. The disease does not pose a serious danger to them and can be treated without any difficulties.

The difference between chickenpox in children and adults is that the latter are more susceptible to it. Characteristic signs of chickenpox:

  1. Rashes on the body in the form of a blistering rash.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Malaise.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Sometimes pain in muscles and joints.
  6. Fever.

The high temperature lasts from 2 to 5 days, with complications - from 7 to 5, reaching up to 41°C).

Incubation period

The disease begins to manifest itself after the incubation period - the time interval between infection and the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. In children, this period lasts about two weeks, in adults – a little longer, approximately 21 days.

After the incubation period, the prodromal period begins. During this period of time, a person becomes weak and headache, a person becomes contagious two days before the characteristic signs of chickenpox appear. After the prodromal period, the main stage of the disease begins.

Sources of infection

The disease is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets, through the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. You can only get it from another person when he coughs or just talks. For people with strong immunity, the disease passes much easier and without complications. If a person had chickenpox as a child, then the chance of getting infected again is almost zero.

Pregnancy and infection: risks at different stages

The surest way to protect your baby from possible consequences– testing for the presence of antibodies before conception. This allows:

  • Find out and determine the exact cause of the ailment.
  • Get information about the presence or absence of a virus.
  • Get vaccinated.

Pregnancy should be planned after 1 month from the date of vaccination.

The course of the disease in expectant mothers is no different from the course of chickenpox in adults. Pregnancy is not a cause of complications. Distinctive features- This is a more noticeable and profuse rash, sometimes accompanied by severe itching.

The virus that causes chickenpox can have a detrimental effect on the child. The degree of risk depends on the trimester in which the woman became infected. The greatest danger comes from infection a few days before childbirth. The chance of developing intrauterine chickenpox increases greatly - up to 10-30%.

In the first trimester

In the first three months, a woman needs to be especially careful - any infection or disease can harm the fetus, not to mention chickenpox. The chance of becoming infected in the first trimester of pregnancy is quite small.

With the disease, the risk of infection of the fetus with intrauterine chickenpox increases, which can lead to dire consequences. At best - deformities (underdeveloped fingers, limbs) or damage to the sensory and visual organs, serious problems with the central nervous system, and at worst - fetal death or miscarriage.

In the second trimester

If chickenpox strikes a woman at this time, there is nothing to worry about. Active development of the fetus occurs in the first trimester, and by the second three-month period the placenta has already formed, which protects the unborn child, due to which the risks of the disease are significantly reduced, including chickenpox.

During a complicated pregnancy, you can become infected with chickenpox even in the second trimester. In this case there is a risk negative influence virus on the brain and nervous system of the fetus, as a result of which the baby may be born retarded or underdeveloped.

In the third trimester

At the beginning of the third trimester, the infection does not pose a serious threat to the baby, since internal organs by this time they had already formed. At this stage, chickenpox is a danger only if the expectant mother gets sick after the 36th week. The last week is especially dangerous, and childbirth itself is no exception:

  1. If the disease is detected 4 days before birth, the chance of intrauterine chickenpox is 10-20%, and the death of the embryo is 20-30%.
  2. When the disease is detected 5 days before birth, the chance of intrauterine chickenpox is reduced, and the disease itself passes more easily, sometimes even without symptoms.
  3. In any case, the child is given passive immunization, which guarantees the baby’s survival and reduces the severity of the disease by up to 40%.

The closer to the date of birth the expectant mother contracts chickenpox, the higher the risk of miscarriage or congenital diseases. baby.

Is it possible to be near a sick person if you had chickenpox before pregnancy?

Doctors recommend avoiding contact with people with chickenpox to prevent infection with the disease and reduce the risk of intrauterine infection in the fetus or miscarriage.

Is it possible to get sick again?

Relapses occur extremely rarely. The chance of recurrent disease ranges up to 3%. The main reason for re-infection is weak immunity (including due to radiation or chemotherapy).

How to avoid getting chickenpox during pregnancy?

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease. Contagiousness is a property of infectious diseases, in other words, when a sick organism infects a healthy one. In other words, if in early age the woman has not had chickenpox, then if you come into contact with an infected person, the probability of catching the virus is close to 100%.

Limiting contact with the source of chickenpox

If it so happens that you have to come into contact with a person who has contracted the disease, follow a number of rules:

  • It is necessary to wear medical masks and use special antiviral agents. Acyclovir, 400 mg, one tablet 4 times a day, is good. Immunoglobulin is often prescribed, which activates protective functions in the female body.
  • Try to see the patient as little as possible.
  • It is important that the patient has his own separate dishes, clothes, bed sheets and personal hygiene products. Do not wash underwear and clothes together with the belongings of healthy people.
  • You should avoid places and premises where there may be potentially infected people, mainly hospitals and schools.
  • There are special vitamin and mineral complexes designed for pregnant women, which should also be taken.

Can a pregnant woman have smallpox?

Women who have already had this disease have the necessary antibodies in their bodies that will fight the virus. Thanks to this, you can safely plan your pregnancy without fear of consequences, both for yourself and for the newborn.

Fetal survival without consequences

The highest percentage of fetal survival with chickenpox is in the second trimester. During other periods of pregnancy, the incidence of complications is high.

Only a doctor, taking into account information about the course of pregnancy, can determine the survival rate of the child and the degree of negative impact of the virus.

Dangerous moments for the fetus when the mother is infected with smallpox or chickenpox

The severity of the disease and possible complications directly depend on the stage of pregnancy. The most dangerous time is the last trimester, especially a week before giving birth.

What will the doctor say?

The doctor will be able to explain in detail how to avoid getting chickenpox. If necessary, he will prescribe medications to treat or support immunity, and, as a last resort, refer the expectant mother for vaccination.

Vaccination against smallpox during pregnancy is prohibited. Vaccination can be done only in two cases:

  • If the risk of disease is very high.
  • There is a direct threat to the life of the unborn baby.

Chickenpox is a disease that can be contracted during pregnancy. Don’t worry - the main thing is to take this seriously and do everything necessary to avoid getting an infection. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, but did not have chickenpox as a child, it is worth getting vaccinated to minimize all risks and complications. All stages of pregnancy should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. There is no need to treat yourself.

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Chickenpox is the most popular disease among children, who easily tolerate it, but it is quite dangerous for adults, especially if we are talking about a pregnant woman. It often happens that pregnancy and chickenpox occur simultaneously in an older child. What are the risks of this infectious disease for mother and fetus? Should we worry?

How dangerous is the disease for the fetus?

In adults, the clinical picture of the disease is quite complex, so it is dangerous if a family simultaneously experiences chickenpox in children and the mother’s pregnancy. This can be fraught with dangerous consequences for the mother and fetus.

It is quite difficult to predict exactly how the infection will affect it. In some cases, the disease proceeds without a trace, but often the course is complicated by chickenpox pneumonia in the mother or pathology of the baby’s development.

If there is pregnancy and chickenpox in a child, and intrauterine infection could not be prevented, the consequences can be very diverse:

  • Hypoplasia of the arms and legs.
  • Frozen pregnancy.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Cataract.
  • Pathologies of internal organs.

Much depends on the period of pregnancy during which the infection occurred and the general health of the woman. Be sure to contact your treating specialist, and he will accurately determine all possible risks and further therapeutic actions.

Consequences for the mother

Most women who have contracted the virus during pregnancy suffer from pneumonia. In rare cases, pregnancy and chickenpox in an older child provokes the development of such pathologies for expectant mother:

  • Imbalance of movement coordination (ataxia).
  • Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).

If a mother experiences the following symptoms during pregnancy after contracting the virus, immediate hospitalization is required:

  • Difficulty breathing, suffocation.
  • Compressive pain in the chest.
  • Vomiting, dizziness.
  • Bloody issues.
  • Severe irritation on the skin (bloody rash).
  • Significant headache.


If there is a pregnancy in the family and chickenpox in an older child, the problem requires immediate treatment. To prevent the spread of a viral infection, a sick baby must be isolated and given separate dishes and household items. It is also necessary to carry out the following actions:

  1. The patient requires bed rest for 3-6 days.
  2. Create a gentle diet for your baby, completely removing fatty, smoked foods from the diet.
  3. Children need to rinse their mouths with Furacilin solution.
  4. If chickenpox conjunctivitis is observed, it is necessary to use Acyclovir ointment to treat the eyelids.
  5. Chickenpox in children and mother's pregnancy are a dangerous situation. Therefore, it is very important to lubricate the baby’s rashes with Calamine or Fukortsin lotion; you can treat it with a solution of brilliant green as standard.

Important! Do not squeeze or tear the blisters under any circumstances, as this may increase the risk of infection.

  1. To relieve itching, you can use Penciclovir-Fenistil to treat problem areas.
  2. To treat pathological processes occurring in the body, the drug “Zovirax”, “Vrolex” is needed. But before use, you should consult your doctor; these products are approved from 2 years of age.

Important! Many medications for chickenpox are very toxic, so children should take them strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. Chickenpox in a child and pregnancy in a mother is a dangerous “combination.” In this case, the sick child and woman are recommended to receive immunoglobulin injections during therapy. This will significantly speed up recovery and reduce the risk of infection for the expectant mother.
  2. To avoid adverse effects and complications, it is recommended to use Novirin and Isoprinosine.
  • To reduce fever, the antipyretic drug Paracetamol is prescribed.
  • To eliminate itching, swelling, and burning, the antihistamine drug “Fenistil”, “Erius”, “Zodak” is needed.

If a child gets chickenpox and the mother is pregnant, then in the absence of acquired immunity after illness with the chickenpox virus, the woman will become infected in 100% of cases.

When a child gets chickenpox, and the pregnant woman has previously suffered this infection, the risk to the fetus is minimal.

Therapy should be comprehensive in order to speed up the recovery process of the older baby and reduce the likelihood of complications in a pregnant woman.

Prevention of complications

The only reliable method of preventing infection is timely vaccination. To avoid the occurrence of chickenpox during pregnancy, it is necessary to take injections on time.

When a woman is “in a position,” her immune system functions for two. If a child gets chickenpox and the mother is pregnant, it is very important during this period to strengthen immunity and health:

  1. To do this, you need to take vitamins and mineral complexes.
  2. The diet must be enriched with vegetables and fruits.
  3. To prevent infection, you should not contact the patient for 2.5-3 weeks, but most likely, pregnancy and chickenpox in an older child will result in the woman becoming infected.
  4. As a more effective prophylaxis, intravenous administration of the anti-chickenpox immunoglobulin Zostevir is recommended. This method is prescribed for reduced immunity and concomitant diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. If the older child goes to kindergarten or school and there are infected children in his group, the woman should consult a doctor for advice and a preventive injection of immunoglobulin.
  6. When a child has chickenpox and the mother is pregnant, the sick baby should be cared for by the spouse or one of the relatives.
  7. A pregnant woman should wear a medical mask in an apartment and not share common household items or dishes. It is important to remember that a person remains contagious only as long as the crusts on the injured skin remain dry.
  8. The clothes of the eldest son or daughter should be washed separately from the rest, wet cleaned daily and the room ventilated.

Pregnancy and chickenpox in an older child is a dangerous situation, and it is almost impossible to avoid infection, but it is necessary to strictly follow the precautions and doctor’s recommendations to reduce the risk of complications.

Chickenpox in a child and the pregnancy of a mother who was ill in childhood is in most cases safe for the fetus; it is protected by the mother’s strong immunity, developed after the illness. However, in any case, consultation with a doctor is required.

Chickenpox in children and the mother's pregnancy is a rather dangerous combination, but do not worry, contact a specialist, and he will expertly recommend what to do and how to prevent irreparable consequences.

Doctors most often diagnose chickenpox in childhood. In children, chickenpox occurs in most cases easily, quickly, and without complications. But the older the patient, the more difficult its course. During pregnancy, this disease rarely occurs, since most women suffer from this disease in childhood. But there are also those who get sick during the period of pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth arming yourself useful information about this disease.

Briefly about chickenpox

The causative agent of this disease is a type 3 virus. Human infection occurs through airborne droplets. The patient is contagious even before the rash appears and for several days after recovery.

Since women's immunity is weakened during pregnancy, this creates favorable conditions for infection. In pregnant women, chickenpox occurs with the same symptoms as in other patients, only they are more pronounced.

The incubation period takes up to 20 days. After this time, external signs illness. This is a deterioration in general health, lack of appetite, headache, increased body temperature, and characteristic blisters with clear liquid. At first these are individual bubbles, then their number increases. The formation of rashes continues for up to 7 days.

It is worth noting that pregnant women more often suffer complications in the form of herpetic pneumonia.

Chickenpox in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Let us remind you that during this period any infection is dangerous, because the formation of the systems and organs of the unborn baby occurs. Chickenpox is no exception, because the placenta cannot yet protect the fetus from infection.

Infection of an expectant mother with chickenpox in the first trimester is rare. However, if this happens, there are never consequences. Fetal death, spontaneous miscarriage, and deformities of organs affected by the virus are possible. There is damage to the organ of vision, underdevelopment of the limbs, and the central nervous system. All consequences of the disease suffered by a woman become known after an ultrasound examination in the second trimester. If these are severe deformities and they are incompatible with life, then the pregnancy is terminated.

Chickenpox in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

This is a safer period. And if a woman gets chickenpox at this time, then there is no need to worry. After all, by this time the placenta is already fully formed. It protects the child, which eliminates the risk of infection. The baby’s protection is also ensured when a woman’s illness is severe.

Chickenpox in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

It is dangerous when a woman becomes infected after 36 weeks of pregnancy. And this danger increases as birth approaches.

In this case, the woman’s body simply does not have time to create immunity to the disease. A child can become infected before birth, during passage through the birth canal, and in the first days of his life. In such situations they talk about congenital chickenpox. It has a complex course, affecting the mucous membranes, skin, central nervous system, and internal organs.

In general, it is not chickenpox that poses the danger, but its consequences. The most difficult situation arises if the expectant mother falls ill a few days before giving birth. Then up to 20% of all newborns get intrauterine chickenpox. In this case, up to 30% of babies do not survive. Passive immunization is prescribed in this situation to all children.

That is, the level of danger of chickenpox for a pregnant woman and her child depends on the severity of the disease and the duration of infection.

Treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy

If a rash appears, a woman should visit her gynecologist as soon as possible. In the second trimester, no specific treatment is required. You just need to treat the rashes with brilliant green. Severe itching is relieved with calamine lotion. which perfectly relieves this symptom.

If infected for a period exceeding , the pregnant woman is prescribed immunoglobulin injections. After comparing all the risks, the doctor may prescribe the drug acyclovir. It fights the virus, reduces the severity of symptoms, and speeds up recovery. The drug will be effective if you start taking it within 24 hours after the first rash on the body.

When signs of chickenpox are detected several days before birth, doctors artificially delay them, which reduces the risk of infection of the baby. And after his birth, immunoglobulin is prescribed, which contains antibodies to chickenpox.

Chickenpox is a widespread viral disease diagnosed mainly in children. school age. In most situations, the disease occurs without any complications and goes away fairly quickly. Along with this, an adult can also get chickenpox if he did not have such “experience” while growing up. Here the prospects are not so rosy: the older the patient, the more difficult he experiences the disease.

The situation becomes especially dangerous if a pregnant woman gets chickenpox. And although such cases are diagnosed extremely rarely, such a possibility should not be completely written off. After reading the information below, you will learn how chickenpox manifests itself in pregnant women, what danger the disease poses for the expectant mother and the developing fetus, and you will also receive recommendations and important accompanying comments regarding the need and procedure for seeking medical help.

The disease begins to progress after the patient’s body is infected with type III herpes virus.

The pathogen is transmitted primarily by airborne droplets or through household liquids. The first signs of the disease appear on average within several days (sometimes up to 3 weeks) after infection.

Scroll early symptoms Chickenpox includes the following manifestations:

  • general deterioration of health;
  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache.

A couple of days after the first signs appear, the skin becomes blistered with a clear liquid. Every day the number of rashes increases. The peak is reached approximately 5-7 days.

The key danger of chickenpox in the case of pregnant patients is that the latter’s immunity in most situations is seriously weakened, which is why the disease occurs with moderate or severe severity and is accompanied by an increased intensity of adverse symptoms. The possibility of complications cannot be ruled out. They will be discussed in the following sections of the publication.

Possible consequences for mother and child

General information

As noted, during pregnancy the disease being studied today can take on atypical forms. About them in the table.

Table. Possible atypical forms of chickenpox in pregnant women

According to average statistical data, more than 30% of pregnant patients with chickenpox develop a complication such as herpetic pneumonia. This secondary disease is characterized by a very severe course and requires qualified medical intervention. Otherwise, the consequences can be catastrophic, even fatal.

The list of possible complications also includes the following:

  • miscarriage in the early stages;
  • violations of the formation of the baby’s skeletal system;
  • developmental disorders of the main sense organs;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • formation of rough scars on the skin of the mother and fetus;
  • intrauterine death of a developing fetus;
  • infection of a child with congenital chickenpox;
  • various pathologies that provoke developmental disorders of the baby after his birth.

The list of complications and, in general, the level of danger of chickenpox for mother and child vary depending on at what stage of pregnancy the woman fell ill. Thus, during the third trimester, this disease poses virtually no significant threat and proceeds in the same way as in non-pregnant patients. Information regarding the first two trimesters requires more detailed study.

Chickenpox in the first trimester

During the first 12 weeks, the formation of the main organs and tissues of the future baby occurs. That is why absolutely any disease during this period poses an increased danger. The placenta as such remains underdeveloped, read – unable to provide adequate protection for the developing child.

According to statistics, infection of the fetus occurs extremely rarely, but if intrauterine chickenpox does begin to progress, it will not go away without a trace with almost 100% probability.

The consequences can be very diverse: from disruption of the development processes of tissues, organs and systems to severe pathologies of the nervous system, various deformities and even intrauterine fetal death.

The condition of the fetus is assessed using ultrasound methods. If a specialist identifies severe pathologies and deformities that pose a danger to the fetus or can significantly worsen the quality of life of the baby after birth, the question of artificial termination of pregnancy will be raised.

There is no confirmed information about the relationship between chickenpox and the likelihood of natural miscarriage or miscarriage.

After the 12th week, the likelihood of the fetus becoming infected with chickenpox is almost completely eliminated. By this point in time, the placenta is already able to provide adequate protection to the developing fetus, which reduces the risk of developing various complications to almost 0.

If you get chickenpox in the second trimester, undergo an ultrasound to assess the baby's condition and provide personal reassurance.

What should an expectant mother do?

In most situations, the results of an external examination are sufficient to make a diagnosis. If the disease takes an atypical form, they resort to the use of additional laboratory diagnostic methods. Traditionally, this is a serological study, the essence of which is to determine the presence of antibodies to the chickenpox pathogen in the patient’s body. Possible results are described below.

  1. If the test gives a positive result, this indicates the presence of chickenpox in the acute stage or indicates that the patient has recently suffered from the disease.
  2. If the analysis gives a negative result, the disease is either absent, or is in the incubation stage, or there are early stages of the disease.
  3. If the results are questionable/fuzzy, the test must be taken again a few days later.

Features of chickenpox treatment in the case of pregnant women

Basic information about the features of the treatment of chickenpox in pregnant patients is given in the table.

Table. Chickenpox treatment

Features of the course of the disease/pregnancyTreatment procedure
If chickenpox occurs without complications and does not pose a threat to the mother and fetus, no specific treatment is used. In such situations, we limit ourselves to treating the blisters with brilliant green or another suitable remedy (as recommended by the doctor).

Important! As a rule, chickenpox rashes are very itchy. Of course, you can’t scratch them - you can get infected. To get rid of itching, you can, for example, use calamine lotion.

If the infection occurred during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy or on the eve of delivery, the doctor may prescribe immunoglobulin injections.

If chickenpox takes an atypical form and/or causes serious complications, more serious treatment will be required. As a rule, special antiviral drugs are prescribed, for example, acyclovir. This is used exclusively before the 20th week of the period and only during the first day after the initial symptoms of chickenpox are identified. If the above rules are not followed, the use of acyclovir will not give any positive results and, moreover, it will harm the baby.

Important! During pregnancy, a woman should take double responsibility for her health. Any uncontrolled self-medication is strictly prohibited - drugs to combat chickenpox are prescribed only by a qualified doctor.

To better understand the procedure for detecting symptoms of chickenpox during pregnancy, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information below.

So, you have contracted chickenpox. The first thing you need to do is go to an appointment with the doctor managing your pregnancy. In the absence of complications and a serious threat to the fetus, treatment will most likely be limited to treating the rash with brilliant green or another remedy recommended by the doctor.

Deciding whether to use additional medicines accepted only by a doctor and only after a thorough examination of the patient and a comprehensive assessment of possible risks.

First, take a responsible approach to planning your pregnancy. Visit your doctor and get tested for chickenpox antibodies.

A specialist will provide a list of additional examinations and studies. If necessary, immunoglobulin and other medications will be prescribed to strengthen the immune system and eliminate existing health problems.

Secondly, avoid visiting crowded places, especially hospitals, schools and preschool institutions. Keep contacts with strangers to a minimum. Remember: chickenpox is easily transmitted by airborne droplets even during the initial incubation period, i.e. a person may not have any symptoms of the disease, but may already be contagious.

Thirdly, if you did not protect yourself and allowed contact with a sick person, be sure to go to the doctor. If there are no risks for the baby, the specialist will give an injection of immunoglobulin. This will prevent infection.