The procedure for holding a diamond wedding in the home circle. Organization of a diamond wedding

60 years later life together we can say with confidence that the marriage was a success and the union was strong. Which stone is the most striking representative of strength and durability? Diamond, of course! Rare and very popular, this one gem symbolizes perfection, purity and eternity.

Thus, 60- summer anniversary It is rightfully called a diamond wedding. A diamond typically has many facets, symbolizing all aspects family life, lived in love and mutual understanding. Diamond is also the most durable material in the world - a wonderful analogy for the strength of relationships that have survived many years later. A couple who have come such a long way together is worthy of admiration.

A diamond wedding is a very rare anniversary. The married couple by this time is usually over eighty.

Over the past years, they have experienced many difficult moments, but this united them even more firmly, the spouses trusted each other, loved each other and will always support each other. That's why the 60th wedding day is a special day, as valuable as the gemstone to which it owes its name.

Celebrating such an exceptional anniversary requires special preparations. It should be a beautiful and unique celebration. It is not necessary that organizing a holiday should be associated with huge expenses; it could be a day spent with close people, the main thing is to create a family atmosphere of mutual love and care.

In essence, this anniversary reflects the history of the entire family. Among the invitees should be everyone who has been around for 60 years of happiness: friends, relatives, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If both spouses have brothers and sisters, who, in turn, of course, started families, then, of course, they should be invited with their families.

You should clarify in advance how many guests there will be and take care of an appropriate place for the celebration. When organizing a celebration of an anniversary, you should take into account the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion.

Even if the “newlyweds” are still full of energy, organizing the wedding is usually entrusted to younger family members (children, grandchildren). Of course, this does not mean ignoring the wishes of the spouses. They must be discussed before planning the entire anniversary scenario and its individual stages.

When organizing your parents' diamond wedding, you should focus on what they like best.

Some people like a chic, grand celebration in a restaurant, while others, on the contrary, are more comfortable at a barbecue in the garden of a family dacha with family. After all, this special day should be celebrated in a style that most appeals to the main characters of the “wedding”.

  • For example, you can arrange:
  • festive evening in a rented restaurant;
  • celebration in an informal setting, at home, indoors or outdoors;

rest with the whole “wedding” in a country boarding house, rented for a couple of days. It will be easier to determine the location of the holiday once its style has been chosen

. You should start preparing several weeks (or even months) in advance if you plan to book a separate room in a restaurant or cafe, tourist center or boarding house. To fully meet its purpose, the wedding anniversary celebration should take place on a day as close as possible to the “real” date, but this is not always possible for all invitees. The optimal time would be the end of the week after the wedding day.

In order for each of the invitees to book a day on their calendar, guests should be notified by email or phone at least 4 weeks in advance. To make the party truly successful, it is advisable to decorate the place where the diamond wedding anniversary celebration will take place. If time and budget allow, you can order a beautiful thematic design

premises. On the other hand, a few simple strokes will create festive atmosphere

  • anywhere. For example, you can use:
  • bouquets of flowers on tables;
  • garlands of flowers or electric;
  • candles in candlesticks;
  • photographs of the couple, which depict the years spent together;

reproductions of places they visited during their lives (cities, resorts, etc.).

Of course, the heroes of the occasion must be smart, in festive clothes, similar in style to the wedding.

Even for a very informal party, organizing special moments is important.

  • a short story about the life of a couple, the trials that befell the spouses, joys, successes;
  • a slideshow reminiscent of the years spent together from the wedding day to the present time;
  • a short film – touching and/or humorous;
  • songs that were played at their wedding 60 years ago;
  • a small performance (song, choreography) staged by the great-grandchildren;
  • reading poems written on the occasion of the diamond wedding;
  • wishes of happiness and health to the “bride and groom” throughout the evening.

If the newlyweds have jewelry set with diamonds, there is no need to be embarrassed to wear it during the day.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

A married couple celebrating a diamond wedding, as a rule, already has everything they need, and it is difficult to find a remarkable gift for them. The main idea is gifts that have symbolic meaning.

For him:

  • diamond ring, tie pin/clip;
  • several bottles of excellent vintage wine;
  • a beautiful carved goblet decorated with rock crystal.

  • pendant with diamonds, on a beautiful chain, ring, earrings;
  • beautiful original vase;
  • expensive collectible interior item.

By giving a large bouquet of roses, the husband will remind his beloved of the romance and love that has pleased them throughout their lives.

The heroes of the occasion can treat themselves with tickets to best places to the theater, where they can sit side by side - among people and at the same time alone.

How to congratulate spouses for children, friends, relatives - tips

What can loved ones give for a diamond wedding? 60 years of marriage is truly a special occasion that requires unique gift ideas for the newlyweds.

For 60 years, the couple was together, as they once promised each other - in sorrow and in joy. These years have not always been easy. Nevertheless, all major and minor difficulties were overcome, and trust and love were further strengthened.

This tenacity and admirable strength have earned great respect, which can be expressed with a lovingly chosen gift and warm words.


The gift ideas that immediately come to mind in connection with a diamond wedding are the diamonds themselves. But this beautiful gemstone is not available for every budget. Of course, children can please their parents by giving them matching diamond rings - it will be symbolic.

It is not necessary to give diamonds to friends and relatives. There are charming jewelry with diamond-like stones and artificial diamonds. Gifts of this kind will fully convey the theme of the wedding.

You can give a beautiful crystal chandelier, a painting depicting “young” beautiful vase. The youngest members of the family can make cool personalized cards decorated with rhinestones. As an option, you can give custom-made paired hearts (silver, cupronickel, etc.) with engraving or a porcelain dish, hand-painted with congratulations or cool, humorous maxims on the theme of a diamond wedding.

A wonderful gift would be a bottle of wine from the vintage of the year in which the celebrants officially became husband and wife.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

On this day one cannot remain silent - people who have lived together for such a long time are happy with everyone’s attention, gifts, a cheerful feast, but nothing will please them as much as warm words of love spoken by the closest people.

You can say a few simple words: “Our dear mom and dad! Sixty years have passed since you decided to go through life together.

And today, looking back, you can be proud of the path you have traveled, your accomplishments, your friends and children. And we are filled with pride, looking at you, our relatives. Happy diamond wedding to you!”

Or read a simple poem: “Diamond Jubilee - you are together for exactly sixty years!

WITH wonderful date We congratulate you!

We wish you health and an easy journey with all our hearts!

Let your age not be for crazy passion,

But together you have come a long way.

The most important thing now is peace, participation,

And understanding each other – that’s the point!

In a happy family all years are good

And those that made me happy in my youth, and these.

On this wonderful day, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

Live as long as possible in this world!”

Original and practical gifts

Useful gifts will be various household appliances and devices that make life easier for the “young people.”

You can also give a trip to a sanatorium, where the spouses will relax and improve their health. If married couple They still have enough vitality and can’t sit still, then perhaps they will enjoy a weekend in Paris, the city of love.

Of course, in the company of, for example, grandchildren. Alternatively, you can give the gift of a trip on a small boat on a local river. And a joint visit to the zoo with your beloved great-grandchildren will bring a lot of spiritual joy to the heroes of the occasion.

An album with photographs of the family, where all its generations are represented, will touch not only the celebrants, but also everyone present.

Or you can make this video with congratulations from family and friends:

It is advisable to remember that a diamond wedding is an important milestone not only in the lives of the spouses. This is an important event for the whole family. For the celebrants themselves, this may be the last round date of the wedding anniversary, so you should pay all possible attention to the holiday, try to get together with the whole family, which will please the heroes of the occasion the most. After all, it is difficult to find greater happiness than great Friendly family. Is not it so?

After 60 years of marriage, we can say with confidence that the marriage was a success and the union was strong. Which stone is the most striking representative of strength and durability? Diamond, of course! Rare and highly sought after, this gemstone symbolizes perfection, purity and eternity.

Thus, the 60th anniversary is rightfully called a diamond wedding. A diamond usually has many facets, which symbolizes all aspects of family life lived in love and understanding. Diamond is also the strongest material in the world - a wonderful analogy for the strength of a relationship that endures over the years. A couple who have come such a long way together is worthy of admiration.

A diamond wedding is a very rare anniversary. The married couple by this time is usually over eighty.

Over the past years, they have experienced many difficult moments, but this united them even more firmly, the spouses trusted each other, loved each other and will always support each other. That's why the 60th wedding day is a special day, as valuable as the gemstone to which it owes its name.

Celebrating such an exceptional anniversary requires special preparations. It should be a beautiful and unique celebration. It is not necessary that organizing a holiday should be associated with huge expenses; it could be a day spent with close people, the main thing is to create a family atmosphere of mutual love and care.

In essence, this anniversary reflects the history of the entire family. Among the invitees should be everyone who has been around for 60 years of happiness: friends, relatives, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If both spouses have brothers and sisters, who, in turn, of course, started families, then, of course, they should be invited with their families.

You should clarify in advance how many guests there will be and take care of an appropriate place for the celebration. When organizing a celebration of an anniversary, you should take into account the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion.

Even if the “newlyweds” are still full of energy, organizing the wedding is usually entrusted to younger family members (children, grandchildren). Of course, this does not mean ignoring the wishes of the spouses. They must be discussed before planning the entire anniversary scenario and its individual stages.

When organizing your parents' diamond wedding, you should focus on what they like best.

Some people like a chic, grand celebration in a restaurant, while others, on the contrary, are more comfortable at a barbecue in the garden of a family dacha with family. After all, this special day should be celebrated in a style that most appeals to the main characters of the “wedding”.

  • For example, you can arrange:
  • festive evening in a rented restaurant;
  • celebration in an informal setting, at home, indoors or outdoors;

rest with the whole “wedding” in a country boarding house, rented for a couple of days. It will be easier to determine the location of the holiday once its style has been chosen

. You should start preparing several weeks (or even months) in advance if you plan to book a separate room in a restaurant or cafe, tourist center or boarding house. To fully meet its purpose, the wedding anniversary celebration should take place on a day as close as possible to the “real” date, but this is not always possible for all invitees. The optimal time would be the end of the week after the wedding day.

To make the party truly successful, it is advisable to decorate the place where the diamond wedding anniversary celebration will take place. If time and budget allow, you can order a beautiful themed decoration for the room.

On the other hand, a few simple touches will create a festive atmosphere anywhere. For example, you can use:

  • anywhere. For example, you can use:
  • bouquets of flowers on tables;
  • garlands of flowers or electric;
  • candles in candlesticks;
  • photographs of the couple, which depict the years spent together;

reproductions of places they visited during their lives (cities, resorts, etc.).

Of course, the heroes of the occasion must be smart, in festive clothes, similar in style to the wedding.

Even for a very informal party, organizing special moments is important.

  • a short story about the life of a couple, the trials that befell the spouses, joys, successes;
  • a slideshow reminiscent of the years spent together from the wedding day to the present time;
  • a short film – touching and/or humorous;
  • songs that were played at their wedding 60 years ago;
  • a small performance (song, choreography) staged by the great-grandchildren;
  • reading poems written on the occasion of the diamond wedding;
  • wishes of happiness and health to the “bride and groom” throughout the evening.

If the newlyweds have jewelry set with diamonds, there is no need to be embarrassed to wear it during the day.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

A married couple celebrating a diamond wedding, as a rule, already has everything they need, and it is difficult to find a remarkable gift for them. The main idea is gifts that have symbolic meaning.

For him:

  • diamond ring, tie pin/clip;
  • several bottles of excellent vintage wine;
  • a beautiful carved goblet decorated with rock crystal.

  • pendant with diamonds, on a beautiful chain, ring, earrings;
  • beautiful original vase;
  • expensive collectible interior item.

By giving a large bouquet of roses, the husband will remind his beloved of the romance and love that has pleased them throughout their lives.

The heroes of the occasion can treat themselves to tickets to the best seats in the theater, where they can sit side by side - among people and at the same time alone.

How to congratulate spouses for children, friends, relatives - tips

What can loved ones give for a diamond wedding? 60 years of marriage is truly a special occasion that requires unique gift ideas for the newlyweds.

For 60 years, the couple was together, as they once promised each other - in sorrow and in joy. These years have not always been easy. Nevertheless, all major and minor difficulties were overcome, and trust and love were further strengthened.

This tenacity and admirable strength have earned great respect, which can be expressed with a lovingly chosen gift and warm words.


The gift ideas that immediately come to mind in connection with a diamond wedding are the diamonds themselves. But this beautiful gemstone is not available for every budget. Of course, children can please their parents by giving them matching diamond rings - it will be symbolic.

It is not necessary to give diamonds to friends and relatives. There are charming jewelry with diamond-like stones and artificial diamonds. Gifts of this kind will fully convey the theme of the wedding.

You can give a beautiful crystal chandelier, a painting depicting “young people,” a beautiful vase. The youngest members of the family can make cool personalized cards decorated with rhinestones. As an option, you can give custom-made paired hearts (silver, cupronickel, etc.) with engraving or a porcelain dish, hand-painted with congratulations or cool, humorous maxims on the theme of a diamond wedding.

A wonderful gift would be a bottle of wine from the vintage of the year in which the celebrants officially became husband and wife.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

On this day one cannot remain silent - people who have lived together for such a long time are happy with everyone’s attention, gifts, a cheerful feast, but nothing will please them as much as warm words of love spoken by the closest people.

You can say a few simple words: “Our dear mom and dad! Sixty years have passed since you decided to go through life together.

And today, looking back, you can be proud of the path you have traveled, your accomplishments, your friends and children. And we are filled with pride, looking at you, our relatives. Happy diamond wedding to you!”

Or read a simple poem: “Diamond Jubilee - you are together for exactly sixty years!

We congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary!

We wish you health and an easy journey with all our hearts!

Let your age not be for crazy passion,

But together you have come a long way.

The most important thing now is peace, participation,

And understanding each other – that’s the point!

In a happy family all years are good

And those that made me happy in my youth, and these.

On this wonderful day, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

Live as long as possible in this world!”

Original and practical gifts

Useful gifts will be various household appliances and devices that make life easier for the “young people.”

You can also give a trip to a sanatorium, where the spouses will relax and improve their health. If a married couple still has enough vitality and cannot sit still, then perhaps they will enjoy a weekend in Paris, the city of love.

Of course, in the company of, for example, grandchildren. Alternatively, you can give the gift of a trip on a small boat on a local river. And a joint visit to the zoo with your beloved great-grandchildren will bring a lot of spiritual joy to the heroes of the occasion.

An album with photographs of the family, where all its generations are represented, will touch not only the celebrants, but also everyone present.

Or you can make this video with congratulations from family and friends:

It is advisable to remember that a diamond wedding is an important milestone not only in the lives of the spouses. This is an important event for the whole family. For the celebrants themselves, this may be the last round date of the wedding anniversary, so you should pay all possible attention to the holiday, try to get together with the whole family, which will please the heroes of the occasion the most. After all, it is difficult to find greater happiness than a large, friendly family. Is not it so?

A diamond wedding is a family anniversary celebrated by spouses after 60 years of marriage. Such a long-term marriage is a rare occurrence; only a few couples manage to live to such an old age, maintaining love. By this anniversary, the anniversaries are already 80-90 years old; advanced age is not a reason to refuse to celebrate a diamond wedding.

Preparing for the celebration

It is customary to celebrate a diamond celebration with family, in the presence of several generations of numerous relatives of the celebrants, or in a close circle of loved ones. Due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion, the Organization wedding anniversary Children of the heroes of the day take responsibility, due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion. When preparing to celebrate a diamond wedding, it is necessary to select a venue for the celebration, traditionally decorate the hall, write a script for the holiday, and select musical accompaniment.

The main tradition of a diamond wedding is for the celebrants to pass on family farewell messages to the next generations near the hearth, so a suitable venue for the celebration is a restaurant banquet hall with a fireplace. When drawing up a scenario for a 60th wedding anniversary, take into account the presence of guests at the celebration different ages: celebrants need to be provided with comfort, children - active activity, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - children's entertainment, so that everyone feels comfortable at the wedding.

Decoration of the celebration venue

Decorating the hall for a diamond celebration will create the mood appropriate for the celebration. An excellent decoration option is garlands of balloons, beautiful flower arrangements. Decorate the table using accessories with rhinestones, symbolizing the wedding gem - the diamond. To decorate the hall for a diamond celebration, choose calm, warm colors so that the excess of colors does not tire the guests in advance.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

Choose music for a diamond wedding in accordance with the taste of the couple. Open the holiday with melodies from the youth of the heroes of the day, which will touch the spouses and evoke pleasant memories of youth. During the feast, use background music to allow those present to communicate without interference and congratulate the celebrants on their anniversary. For the more active part of the evening (competitions, dances), cheerful, active dance songs are suitable.

Diamond wedding scenario

We bring to your attention a ready-made script for a 60th wedding anniversary.

The presenter opens the diamond celebration with the words:

- Dear friends! We have gathered for a great occasion - to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the wedding celebration (Names of the spouses), which is called a diamond wedding. Thanks to the joint efforts of the spouses, on the 60th wedding anniversary, all the beauty of the relationship is revealed, like the brilliance of a diamond obtained when cutting a diamond. Let's greet our heroes of the day!

The wedding guests applaud.

The presenter continues:

– Today there are four generations in our hall: spouses and their friends, children of the heroes of the day, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. We will give them the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds and present gifts!

Congratulations from the spouses' friends:

– You carried love through time, living together for many years soul to soul. We are incredibly happy because we managed to live to see this significant day and testify that your feelings remained as solid as a diamond. Happiness to you, love each other!

Congratulations to the children of the couple:

- Dear mom, dad! Love, friendship, mutual assistance, harmony between you have always served as an example for us of a strong family. We have preserved and passed on the family wisdom we received from you to our children, raising them to be people worthy of respect. We sincerely congratulate you on your diamond anniversary!

As a congratulation to the younger generation (grandchildren, great-grandchildren), children can play any small play, sing a song, dance a group dance, for example, the dance of little ducklings. If there is only one child at the party, ask him to read a poem for his grandparents. For an example of congratulations from children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, see the video:

Diversify the wedding feast with competitions that allow the active part of the guests to warm up and have fun for the couple. The traditional end of the Diamond Anniversary celebration is the passing of the family order to the older generation. The address is prepared by the celebrants in advance, read out solemnly at the celebration and passed on to the younger generation. This concludes the official part of the diamond wedding, and the evening continues with dancing.

Competitions for 60 years of married life

  1. Competition "Artist". Married couples are invited to participate. Participants need to draw a portrait of their spouse, reflecting his main character traits in the drawing. Then the contestants exchange portraits and try to guess what qualities the spouse portrayed. The winners are determined by the audience.
  2. Diamond Competition. Married couples participate. The husband and wife must, within 5-10 minutes, come up with compliments for each other using the word “diamond.” Then the spouses take turns reading them out. The one with the longest list wins.
  3. Competition "Family". Everyone is welcome. The participants’ task is to take turns naming their associations with the word “family”, for example, strong, friendly, etc. Those who hesitate to answer are eliminated. The last contestant remaining receives the prize.

A diamond wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday that allows you to gather all your family and friends. A wedding celebration will help strengthen family ties, improve relationships, and give unforgettable impressions to each participant in the celebration, which for a long time will remain in the memory of children and adults. Celebrating your 60th wedding anniversary will be wonderful family tradition passed down from generation to generation.

A diamond and gold wedding is the anniversary of spouses who have lived together for sixty years. Agree, celebrating such an anniversary is an extremely rare occurrence, since not many people manage to live to such an advanced age (the celebrants of the day are already approximately 80-90 years old by this time), and even in such a long marriage.

Silver and gold weddings are more traditional and common. And diamond-gold, copper, porcelain, etc. weddings began to be celebrated relatively recently, somewhere from the end of the 19th century, among wealthy townspeople. Most likely, such family anniversaries were an attempt to create new traditions that would strengthen the family, an attempt to decorate and diversify family life. This is indirectly evidenced by the fact that these anniversaries took root and quickly spread among all segments of the population, the names stuck and were picked up by the mass press.

The sixtieth anniversary is celebrated in the interval between the golden wedding 50 years of marriage and the diamond 75 years of marriage, so the features of both anniversaries can be discerned in the celebration. Sometimes this anniversary is also called the first diamond wedding.

In order for the form of the holiday to correspond to its essence, you need to know the properties of those materials indicated by the name of the holiday, i.e. gold and diamonds.

Gold is a metal that occupies a very high place in the rating scale of rare and noble metals; it is malleable, chemically inert, and does not change in air even when heated. In alloys, it retains all the basic properties, but at the same time becomes harder and more durable. Therefore, people whose relationships sparkle with gold truly have a golden character, since they managed to live in peace and harmony for so many years. In general, the word “gold” in the language of human communication is synonymous with everything valuable, kind and noble. The highest praise for a person is to say that he is “simply gold.”

Despite the fact that life, through a combination of circumstances and the pressure of difficulties, crushed and melted the heroes of the day, they did not break and did not change their basic qualities - the ability to love and be patient.

With each passing year, their character only became stronger and acquired the shine of a noble metal.

In ancient times, alchemists searched for " philosopher's Stone" stone of wisdom, which in a practical sense led them to search for and obtain gold, and then on the path to discovering the origin of life.

Polished and treated gold shines like the sun. And the sun played in people's lives, in mythology, religions and folk rituals a very important role - it gave life, was the luminary of life and vital force. According to astrological medicine, the Sun rules the heart and all major human organs, and modern medicine discovered the presence of gold in blood and cells.

Alchemists believed that the earthly transformation of metals (which are all on the path of transformation into gold) is only a symbol of the transformation of man into a more perfect being. Indeed, compare young spouses: a volcano of passions, haste to live, immaturity of judgments and an old married couple: wisdom, harmony and calmness, a clear example of improving spiritual qualities.

The gradual nature of this transformation is also reflected in the names of wedding anniversaries: chintz wedding any scandal can tear the thin chintz of a relationship, copper wedding the relationship has become stronger, but copper is too soft a metal, easily oxidizes in air, and therefore requires careful handling and constant cleaning, silver a beautiful noble metal, but also requires considerable effort to maintain its shine, etc.

Diamond is a mineral, one of the crystalline varieties of carbon. It’s hard to say what captivates most about this stone: the special bright shine, colorful game rays reflected by it or extraordinary hardness. Nothing created by nature or man can compare in hardness to diamond.

This amazing creation of nature can cut and process any solid substance: glass, stone, metal, but the diamond itself can only be processed with another diamond. The name “diamond” itself is a corruption of the Greek word “adamas”, which means “invincible”. The relationship between the spouses, who have lived together for sixty years, has truly acquired a diamond strength. No one and nothing can destroy this union.

Typically, the edges of minerals have straight edges, but in diamond they are rounded, consisting of curved or streaked edges that intersect beautifully in arcs in certain directions. There are many tubercles, pits, mounds, curvatures, and complex mesh patterns on the edges. That is, we can say that the long family life of the heroes of the day was not distinguished by directness and ease. Various obstacles, troubles, failures, disagreements, of course, left their mark. And at the same time, love, joy, achievements polished the edges, made them play and shimmer.

The best quality diamonds are colorless and are said to be " pure water"But in most cases, diamonds come with the so-called “overcolor,” i.e., with a faint shade of a different color: straw, reddish, black, greenish, blue. They are very rare, and therefore diamonds that are transparent, but colored completely in any color, for example pink, yellow, black.

“Through thorns to the stars,” the ancients said. Love gave the relationship of the spouses a red tint, tenderness pink, trouble black, separation yellow, melancholy green, failure blue. The thorny family path mixed all the colors, sharpened the stone into a diamond of family happiness and, in the end, sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow, turning into the most beautiful gem diamond. And this diamond is like a guiding star for all young family members. And not only for them.

The Diamond-Golden Jubilee is a shining example to follow for everyone who has not yet reached the age of the hero of the day.

According to ancient esoteric views, diamonds were formed from five primordial elements: sky, air, water, earth, energy, and therefore have magical and medicinal properties. Diamonds without any defects drive away enemies, protect against lightning and poison, complications during pregnancy, and bring all kinds of benefits to their owner. Likewise, spouses who have lived together for six decades, thanks to their wisdom, life and professional experience, become excellent advisers in difficult life situations, good healers of the soul, unsurpassed teachers for grandchildren, the spiritual force that unites all generations of the family.

When celebrating a diamond and gold wedding, organizers should try to combine intimacy and solemnity.

Usually, professional toastmasters and musicians are invited to hold such celebrations, but in this case it is more appropriate to hold the holiday only with close relatives.

The fact is that the anniversaries are elderly people, and so are their friends, so it will be difficult for them to take an active part in preparing and holding the holiday. People invited from outside (toastmasters, actors, musicians) will somewhat confuse the elderly, who feel much calmer and more relaxed when surrounded by loved ones.

If among the guests there are friends of the spouses - their peers, then they will also need to be given increased attention. It is advisable that there is a doctor among the relatives, so that if necessary, he can provide assistance to the elderly, or at least there is a first aid kit nearby with the medications that celebrants most often resort to.

It is advisable to invite as many relatives as possible, including children, to celebrate the anniversary. This will add solemnity to the family anniversary, and the children, with their spontaneity and cheerfulness, will enliven it, delight and touch the elderly.

The form of the holiday is something between a solemn celebration of anniversaries and a fun concert for them. The celebrants themselves do not take part in organizing the holiday, everything is done by younger relatives, in particular children and grandchildren, but if they have such a desire, then do not interfere with them, but simply be nearby so that you can quickly come to the rescue if necessary.

An anniversary can also be in the form of a theatrical performance. Option one. A fireplace is lit in the house, or even better, an improvised fireplace is built in the yard, around which all the relatives sit. In the most honorable and comfortable place sit the anniversaries - the guardians of the family, ancestral fire. The family hearth symbolizes eternal love and work, only thanks to which the fire can be constantly maintained. By the way, this is also an ancient pagan form of unity by the fire. The sun was considered the source of life on earth, and the hearth was considered the source of family life.

The holiday itself is held as a big conversation about the true values ​​of the family.

The anniversaries accept congratulations and talk about their lives and loves, give advice to the young on how to maintain peace, harmony in relationships and material wealth in the family, after which they move on to a feast and entertainment.

Option two. Jubilees are seated on makeshift thrones. Crowns made of cardboard and gold foil or soft gilded metal, the teeth of which are lined or covered with beads and rhinestones imitating diamonds, are placed on the heads of the “king” and “queen”. The royal couple are the founders of the family dynasty, their descendants honor them, thank them for their wise reign and entertain them.

The “king” and “queen” have the right to establish laws, issue decrees, punish and reward their subjects. For example, a comic punishment for a son for being inattentive to his wife: eating a whole lemon in front of everyone in order to understand the taste of her sadness.

The room in which the holiday is held is decorated with many fresh flowers, colorful balloons, serpentine and confetti. In winter, you can even put up a Christmas tree in the hall, around which dances will then take place. Old people will be delighted by exhibitions of old family photographs or drawings and crafts of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The table is being set beautiful tablecloth, best yellow-white color.
Fresh flowers and a birthday cake are a must. For the celebrants, it is necessary to prepare their favorite dishes or dishes that were popular during their youth. Do not fetter the elderly with the ostentatious, blinding luxury of table setting, do not depress them by turning the holiday into a banal drinking party, do not behave cheekily, take into account the tastes and wishes of the heroes of the day. Respect maturity!

The biggest gift for older people will be the very holding of their diamond and gold wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means they are loved and respected. They will be very pleased. If your parents or grandparents live in another area, then bring them to your place, and if they don’t want or can’t, then have a party with them.

If the anniversaries did not exchange rings for the fiftieth anniversary of marriage, then the children can present them with new gold rings.

Sixty years ago, today's anniversaries exchanged gold rings for the first time. The groom put his ring on the bride's finger as a sign of love and willingness to sacrifice everything for his wife and help her all her life, the bride put the ring on the groom's hand as a sign of her love and devotion, as a sign of her readiness to accept the groom's help all her life and desire to walk with him hand in hand hand in hand through all difficulties. The young people kept their oath, for sixty years they shared equally joys and sorrows, they endured everything. But their rings turned out to be less resistant, they couldn’t stand it and they wore out. That’s why the closest people give the celebrants new gold rings. And even better, giving gold rings with diamonds will be in full compliance with the diamond-golden anniversary.

Gold rings can also be used for medicinal and diagnostic purposes. Elderly people are jealous of their health, so this will come in handy. A gold ring tied to a string is used to measure pressure by swiping up and down from the hand. A ruler laid from the bend of the hand to the elbow shows in numbers the pressure where the ring “wakes”.

To determine problems in the liver, you need to draw a line with a gold ring along the cheek along the ear, if a black stripe appears - this is a sign of a diseased liver. The ring can also be used as a pendulum to determine foods that are useful or not very specific for your body: if the ring goes clockwise “yes”, counterclockwise “no”. Water is infused on gold rings; this water perfectly tones, strengthens the lungs, liver, heart muscle, and improves memory.

Try to “reward” the heroes of the day with gold or gilded anniversary medals. For example, this option: silhouettes of a man and a woman holding hands, below is the year in which the anniversary is celebrated, and the inscription “For life.” Pictures and inscriptions can also be humorous, such as: “Veterans of the family front”, “Winners of the family race”, “Martyrs of God’s will”, “Victims of love”, “Conquerors of everyday mountains”, the pictures can show two pigeons, a boxer , rose cactus, heart, ring, captain, etc.

Luxurious gifts will be any jewelry made of gold and diamonds: brooches, earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, tie and hair clips, chains, tiaras, watches, cutlery, figurines and various crafts.

Or ancient weapons: daggers, sabers, swords, pistols, the handles of which are trimmed with gold and diamonds. Of course, these are very expensive gifts. Their equivalent can be gold-plated products, as well as products decorated with rhinestones. Do not spare money, because the heroes of the day gave you immeasurably more - your life, their love and care, involvement in a large and glorious family.

Be sure to give the “groom” and “bride” many, many fresh flowers. If the heroes of the day prefer certain flowers, then give them exactly. Spouses who grow flowers can be given flowers in pots or seeds and bulbs of rare flowers for planting in the countryside.

For active celebrants who still do everything in the house themselves, to make their work easier, you can give a vacuum cleaner, food processor, washing machine and other useful devices, mechanisms, tools. Many old people love to listen to the radio, so a portable radio would be a nice gift for them.

A very kind and symbolic gift would be to dress the celebrants from head to toe. That is, having agreed among themselves, relatives buy them all new clothes: from underwear to winter clothes, from shoes to hats.

During the anniversary celebration, you can pass around a new notebook among the guests, in which everyone, both adults and children, will write their wishes or congratulations to the heroes of the day, perhaps in verse, or draw something beautiful or humorous. At the end of the holiday, the notebook is tied with a gift ribbon and presented to the heroes of the occasion. The holiday itself can be filmed on videotape, and then presented to the celebrants.

For greater solemnity, present the spouses with bread and salt on a long embroidered towel. Towel sacred wedding item, in the old days it was used to seal the union of two loving people for life. Loaf symbol of prosperity, symbol of earth. Salt is a symbol of the sun.

Once upon a time there was a custom of breaking a loaf of bread for newlyweds, so that in their subsequent life together they would divide everything in half. And the proverb “To know a person, you have to eat a ton of salt with him” is still popular today. In addition, to this day presenting bread and salt to someone is considered an expression of great respect.

The most fun gift will be a concert dedicated to the anniversaries.

Songs and dances (some of them must be from the youth of the celebrants or simply favorite songs and dances of the celebrants), humorous skits, performances by a family orchestra, poems, ditties, home mini-performances, fairy tales, jokes, round dances. Try not to focus too much on the age of the celebrants, let them just have fun and be happy looking at you.

People of all ages congratulate: from a small great-grandson to an old fellow soldier.

The main thing is to create a festive, relaxed atmosphere. The “groom” can confess his love to the “bride,” the “bride” to the “groom,” and the guests to both heroes of the day.

What can you wish for elderly spouses? Wish you health, peace, happiness, long life, sunny days, joy, patience, more great-grandchildren, happiness for children and grandchildren, celebrate your anniversary more than once, prosperity, peace of mind, etc.

Dear (names of spouses)! You are God's chosen ones, since the Lord does not grant everyone such a long and happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you shared all the difficulties with the country, but at the same time preserved your love and raised worthy people - your children and grandchildren. This means that you truly have a heart of gold, a golden mind and golden hands. I congratulate you on your “precious” anniversary and wish you that your future life will be as bright as today’s holiday!

Sixty wonderful years

Life has counted down.

So, is everything in the past? Oh no!

Sixty beginning.

Yes, the start of new things

In the field of cognition.

Being an example is your destiny -

Kindness and knowledge.

And now congratulations from adult children:

Dear mommy! I congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary! I want to thank you so much for giving me life, for love and understanding, for good advice and support in difficult times, for my happy childhood dreams, for the comfort of home. I have no one closer to you and my father. I love you with all my soul. I wish you happiness and long life!

Dear father! Congratulations on your anniversary. Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance. The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Thanks to your help, life’s hardships did not bend my mother’s back, thanks to your love and tenderness, my mother’s eyes sparkle young and cheerful, thanks to your example and your advice, I learned to overcome any difficulties. Thank you for everything! And I wish you all the best! Sunshine and joy to you!

To the spouse:

Where you go

Flowers are blooming.

Smile sun light,

There is no boredom with you.

No need for many words:

After all, you are love itself!

Not broken by misfortune

She was always with me.

You are light, fire, water.

I wish you always be!


Be as gentle and simple

For me, just as young.

Life with you is not a burden for me,

You are my love, you are my joy!

To the spouse:

And you're still so pretty

The eyes have wrinkles, but the eyes shine,

Cheerful, lively, energetic -

Either snowfall or summer thunderstorm.

I love you so restlessly,

Thank you for every day

In the fight against worries and troubles

You were always next to me.

The hero of the day says:

I walked through obstacles

I removed the interference

I worked like an ox

To achieve success.

I knew that the rear was strong -

You will wait no matter how long.

I loved you so much

That he was coming to you, and that’s all.

My peak is you.

Through the years and bad weather

Didn't spill my dreams

I'm talking about shared happiness.

And this anniversary

I know, not the last.

We are not at the end of our days,

Our age is still middle age.

Spouse's words:

Many years ago

Your look struck me.

There were many troubles, obstacles,

But the look remained the same.

And more valuable than all the awards

For my beloved look,

In him spring garden blooms,

The sun is in it and sweet honey.

Darling, thank you for your love and tenderness! May your eyes never become clouded, may they never be filled with bitter tears, may they only radiate!

On this glorious anniversary

From family and friends

Allow me to wish

Don't get sick, don't be sad,

Waiting for no troubles and no end,

And the diamond crown:

You are still fifteen years old

Be patient until the crown.

We will monitor this strictly.

Have a good, smooth journey!

On such a major anniversary you can’t do without toasts. Let's raise a glass to health, happiness and love!

Even though your hair turns gray

And sometimes it's sad

But souls don't grow old

And always young.

For you, "newlyweds",

For eternal love,

To her laws

Reigned again and again!

Reveal pink petals our dreams, girls in love bloom, beloved women bloom, children are born - the most beautiful flowers on earth, in the spring the gardens drown in a white-pink sea of ​​flowers, and in the summer a rainbow of meadow flowers shines, today’s holiday is also a flower carnival.

So let's drink to the many colors of life!

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful and proud eagle. The earth weighed him down, he spread his mighty wings, soared into the blue sky and looked down from above. The eagle bathed in air currents and golden rays of the sun; he felt light, joyful and free. But one day at dawn he saw a beautiful eagle and forgot about everything in the world. From that time on, he was attracted to the earth, because there, on a mountain slope, an eagle and eaglets were waiting for him in a large nest. And no matter how much the eagle circled in the high sky, it always returned to them.

Let's raise a glass to love, to love for life!

My dear parents, dear ones,
You have been together dear for so many years.
Family, you are the best example for me,
And it’s clear your connection is very strong.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
I wish you a peaceful life, dear ones.
Let your feelings only grow stronger,
And you always lived wonderfully.

My dears, happy anniversary
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let love be the main reason
Your ever shining eyes!

I wish you goodness and prosperity,
Understanding, happiness, warmth!
And may everything be fine with you,
May life bring you joy!

Let the applause ring out
Everything today is in your honor!
After all, for bright compliments
There is a very nice reason!
You're having a diamond wedding
And this is a significant anniversary!
We congratulate you, dear ones,
With all my heart today with her!

Congratulations now,
After all, the children so want to congratulate you!
We are proud of your achievement
And we really strive to repeat it!
You have been together, dear ones, for 60 years,
We wish you many victories in life!
The best is, of course, ahead,
We wish you continued love!

You have been together for 60 years, like doves,
May your happiness be endless,
My beloved parents,
Give each other happiness forever!
May you always be happy,
May you have a lot of health,
Good luck for many years to come,
And so that you always have enough of everything!

The head of the family, of course, is my beloved daddy,
Serious, strict and imperturbable.
But at the same time, you are our good joker,
In short, dad - you are a real man!

Happy anniversary to you, dears,
Live in peace and know no troubles!
After all, you are still so young,
Even though we have many years behind us!

You still have everything ahead, I know
May all your dreams come true!
Today, parents, I wish you
May you live together until old age!

Mom, dad, happy anniversary!
The Lord himself married you.
Dad, you are the best man.
Mommy, you are perfect!

Your couple is a wonder to everyone,
It's impossible not to notice you.
Amazingly beautiful
Harmonious family!

Congratulations, dear ones!
I wish you many years to come.
Live, dear ones,
You will be without troubles all your life!

Dear, beloved, dear,
May fate send you many years,
So that your health does not let you down.
You are dearer to me than anyone in the world.

Our mommy is the most beautiful
Wonderful, caring, very sweet.
He will always listen to everyone and help,
Our mother can do anything you want!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
Let's continue to love each other,
And always find happiness in communication,
Have all the blessings from God!

So that every day is joyful, happy,
And you are still young, beautiful,
And your house was cozy, a full cup,
May your happiness last for a very long time!

Congratulations mom, dad,
Happy birthday family.
I wish you understanding
Respect, love.

I wish you happiness, patience, passion,
Take care of your hearth
Peace, joy, prosperity,
Tenderness, kindness, all the best.

Happy holiday, happy wedding day
We hasten to congratulate you.
Your union has become a year older,
Thank you for everything.

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary
The most dear, close people
And say a huge thank you
That I live on this earth.

Dad - you are the best man
Mom is a woman to match.
You are half of each other
This is something everyone can only dream about.

I wish you my dears,
Always good health.
You loved each other the same way
We never parted!

My dear and beloved parents! Congratulations on your next wedding anniversary! I wish you, my dear ones, longevity, mutual love, mutual understanding and prosperity, good health, vitality and optimism. Be as cheerful, energetic and positive as always.

Mom and dad, congratulations,
Happy wedding anniversary to you!
I don't know a better couple
You are always an example for us.

Congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary - Diamond wedding:
To parents | From grandchildren

Everyone should pray for you,
For you to ask God for happiness,
You are the embodiment of spiritual beauty,
We should all look up to you.
We'll shower you with diamonds from head to toe,
You are worthy only of admiration,
We wish you good luck, happiness,
Let adversity bypass you.

You've been on the road together for six decades,
Today you are the bride and groom again,
The diamond rings on your hands shine,
This best gift from loving grandchildren.
Be happy, live richly,
We wish you cheerfulness and strength from the bottom of our hearts,
Let your love be winged,
May all your dreams certainly come true.

You are a sincerely and deeply loving couple,
We call you a living legend,
The strongest union unites you,
You are the best example for all of us.
Congratulations on your diamond wedding,
Live in love and harmony for up to a hundred years,
Give us wise advice every hour,
Thank you, dear ones, for being with us.

You are united by swan loyalty,
You are the most beautiful and happiest couple,
For 60 years you have been side by side all the time, together,
Today we call you bride and groom again.
We sing a hymn to your love,
We always take you as an example,
Strong love cut two diamonds,
And she gave me a beautiful diamond for the wedding.

Diamond wedding
It speaks of lasting family happiness,
Take you as an example,
Fate orders you to look up to.
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
You carefully keep your love,
May all your dreams come true,
Appreciate each other like the apple of your eye.

Like a scattering of the most precious diamonds,
60 years are left behind.
And we wish you everything at once -
Great happiness and great love!
Good health to you, help each other,
Always support your loved ones
Give them the most valuable advice,
May trouble not touch you at all!

You have achieved a wonderful record,
Be proud of your Diamond Wedding!
After all, not everyone is capable of
So that love and warmth remain.
Always be young
Don't lose love and hope.
Let them not be enemies of the year,
On the contrary, let them give you tenderness!

Your wedding happened one day!
You were spinning in a charming dance!
Graceful and well-coordinated
The crowd gave compliments!
Since then, just as clearly and boldly
You get down to business together!
The core of a strong family was laid,
We made it to the diamond wedding!

A diamond wedding is a family anniversary celebrated by spouses after 60 years of marriage. Such a long-term marriage is a rare occurrence; only a few couples manage to live to such an old age, maintaining love. By this anniversary, the anniversaries are already 80-90 years old; advanced age is not a reason to refuse to celebrate a diamond wedding.

It is customary to celebrate a diamond celebration with family, in the presence of several generations of numerous relatives of the celebrants, or in a close circle of loved ones. Due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion, the organization of the wedding anniversary is taken over by the children of the heroes of the occasion, due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion. When preparing to celebrate a diamond wedding, it is necessary to select a venue for the celebration, traditionally decorate the hall, write a script for the holiday, and select musical accompaniment.

The main tradition of a diamond wedding is for the celebrants to pass on family farewell messages to the next generations near the hearth, so a suitable venue for the celebration is a restaurant banquet hall with a fireplace. When drawing up a scenario for a 60th wedding anniversary, take into account the presence of guests of different ages at the celebration: the anniversaries need to be provided with comfort, children - active activity, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - children's entertainment, so that everyone feels comfortable at the wedding.

Decorating the hall for a diamond celebration will create the mood appropriate for the celebration. An excellent decoration option is garlands of balloons and beautiful flower arrangements. Decorate the table using accessories with rhinestones, symbolizing the wedding gem - the diamond. To decorate the hall for a diamond celebration, choose calm, warm colors so that the excess of colors does not tire the guests in advance.

Choose music for a diamond wedding in accordance with the taste of the couple. Open the holiday with melodies from the youth of the heroes of the day, which will touch the spouses and evoke pleasant memories of youth. During the feast, use background music to allow those present to communicate without interference and congratulate the celebrants on their anniversary. For the more active part of the evening (competitions, dances), cheerful, active dance songs are suitable.

We bring to your attention a ready-made script for a 60th wedding anniversary.

The presenter opens the diamond celebration with the words:

- Dear friends! We have gathered for a great occasion - to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the wedding celebration (Names of the spouses), which is called a diamond wedding. Thanks to the joint efforts of the spouses, on the 60th wedding anniversary, all the beauty of the relationship is revealed, like the brilliance of a diamond obtained when cutting a diamond. Let's greet our heroes of the day!

The wedding guests applaud.

– Today there are four generations in our hall: spouses and their friends, children of the heroes of the day, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. We will give them the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds and present gifts!

Congratulations from the spouses' friends:

– You carried love through time, living together for many years soul to soul. We are incredibly happy because we managed to live to see this significant day and testify that your feelings remained as solid as a diamond. Happiness to you, love each other!

Congratulations to the children of the couple:

- Dear mom, dad! Love, friendship, mutual assistance, harmony between you have always served as an example for us of a strong family. We have preserved and passed on the family wisdom we received from you to our children, raising them to be people worthy of respect. We sincerely congratulate you on your diamond anniversary!

As a congratulation to the younger generation (grandchildren, great-grandchildren), children can play any small play, sing a song, dance a group dance, for example, the dance of little ducklings. If there is only one child at the party, ask him to read a poem for his grandparents. For an example of congratulations from children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, see the video:

Diversify the wedding feast with competitions that allow the active part of the guests to warm up and have fun for the couple. The traditional end of the Diamond Anniversary celebration is the passing of the family order to the older generation. The address is prepared by the celebrants in advance, read out solemnly at the celebration and passed on to the younger generation. This concludes the official part of the diamond wedding, and the evening continues with dancing.

  1. Competition "Artist". Married couples are invited to participate. Participants need to draw a portrait of their spouse, reflecting his main character traits in the drawing. Then the contestants exchange portraits and try to guess what qualities the spouse portrayed. The winners are determined by the audience.
  2. Diamond Competition. Married couples participate. The husband and wife must, within 5-10 minutes, come up with compliments for each other using the word “diamond.” Then the spouses take turns reading them out. The one with the longest list wins.
  3. Competition "Family". Everyone is welcome. The participants’ task is to take turns naming their associations with the word “family”, for example, strong, friendly, etc. Those who hesitate to answer are eliminated. The last contestant remaining receives the prize.

A diamond wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday that allows you to gather all your family and friends. A wedding celebration will help strengthen family ties, improve relationships, and give unforgettable impressions to each participant in the celebration, which will remain in the memory of children and adults for a long time. Celebrating your 60th wedding anniversary will become a wonderful family tradition passed down from generation to generation.

60th Anniversary - Diamond Wedding

  1. exclusively Russian cuisine;
  2. themed outfits.

  • collection of wines;
  • health gifts;

Diamond wedding, how old is the legendary wedding?

Not all spouses live to see a golden wedding, and a diamond one is as rare as the precious stone in honor of which the celebration got its name.

This date is an exceptional event for the whole family: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are sure to all gather together, feeling legitimate pride in the heroes of the day.

After how many years is it celebrated? wooden wedding? Be sure to read this article.

Photo selection dedicated to the celebration of the diamond wedding

This holiday unites generations and helps people feel like one: a strong and friendly unit of society with its own traditions, characteristics, and family traits. In our photo gallery we invite you to familiarize yourself with the attributes of a wonderful family event.

This day will then be remembered for a long time by all family members, and so that nothing overshadows it, you need to prepare for the holiday in advance, think through all the little things: what to do gift for wife and husband, who to invite, where to celebrate events and what dishes to serve.

How many years is a diamond wedding, is it a lot or a little?

Diamond wedding - sixty years of marriage. 60 years is a serious period in the life of an individual, a time when they take stock and remember their achievements.

Six decades - harmony in relationships

60 years is a whole life, a long road that the heroes of the day have walked hand in hand. They maintained love and mutual respect, carefully kept their marriage vows, overcame difficulties together, shared grief and joy, raised children and rejoiced at grandchildren.

How did the name of the anniversary come about - “Diamond Wedding”

A diamond is a cut diamond. This is the most expensive gemstone, which is distinguished by its unusual strength and beauty.

It was not for nothing that popular rumor called 60 years of marriage a diamond wedding: the couple went through all the tests together, their relationship hardened, became strong and precious, like a sparkling diamond!

An interesting scenario for a diamond wedding

Traditionally, children of anniversaries are involved in preparing for the holiday, and they need to try to festive mood did not leave the “diamond newlyweds” from early morning until the end of the ceremony.

What might a diamond wedding scenario include:

  • morning greetings ( phone calls, telegrams, personal congratulations),
  • gala lunch (dinner),
  • toasts, poems in honor of anniversaries, congratulations on a diamond wedding,
  • touching memories and interesting and funny stories from family life,
  • looking through old family photo albums,
  • musical accompaniment of the holiday in retro style.

When planning an anniversary, do not forget about the age of the “Diamond” couple and guests

You can digitize photos from a family album and display them on the big screen, get an old gramophone or at least a record player, decorate the room, cook Greeting Cards(elderly people will appreciate such a sign of attention) and beautiful, useful gifts.

Don't forget about flowers for your loved ones

Don’t forget about flowers: there should be a lot of them and they should be exquisite and expensive, because it’s not so often that there is such a holiday as a diamond wedding: a rose, an orchid, a lily would be quite appropriate.

When choosing a venue for a celebration, it should be taken into account that older people do not like noise and get tired quickly. You can celebrate the event:

  • at home (provided that the heroes of the occasion will be completely exempt from preparation work festive table and subsequent cleaning),
  • in a quiet and peaceful family cafe,
  • in the banquet hall,
  • in the summer, a family meeting can be held at a summer cottage.

The holiday should be warm, touching and memorable not only for the “diamond newlyweds”, but also for all family members, big and small.

A diamond wedding is a holiday for everyone!

  • You need to think through all the toasts and congratulatory words in advance.
  • Come up with it yourself or find beautiful and touching poems about a diamond wedding on the Internet.
  • Come up with congratulations from little family members.
  • Ask all relatives and friends of the family to prepare greeting cards: they will become a worthy exhibit of the family archive.
  • Prepare a photo collage of family photos.

What to give to a legendary couple who is celebrating such a wonderful anniversary

According to tradition, diamond jewelry is given as a gift for this anniversary. You can give your wife earrings or a small pendant, but what to give your husband depends on his preferences: a tie pin, a signet ring, cufflinks.

As a gift, you can present modern household appliances and products that will make the life of a mature couple easier.

You can give diamond spouses something from household appliances that will help make the life of the elderly couple more comfortable, pay tribute to their hobbies, select unusual interior items, home textiles, and dishes.

How to propose to your girlfriend? Be sure to read this article.

The main thing is that the gift is beautiful, necessary and brings true joy and pleasure to the celebrants!

In conclusion, we present to your attention a heartfelt video about the “Diamond” anniversaries. Do you know the history of relationships between family and friends? Be sure to ask them, listen and take part in an active discussion, good mood and life experience are simply guaranteed. Enjoy watching!

How I would like all the couples who got married in their youth to go through life hand in hand, take care of, feel sorry for and appreciate each other... 60 years is a long time for life’s trials - many couples separate, someone passes away and only the most persistent pass this serious exam! Unfortunately, such an event is not expected in my family, my father passed away early, but my mother lived to see this event and is very sad that she will not have a diamond wedding...

I agree with previous commentator Zoya. I would also like to live like this for 60 years with my loved one. There are really few families now who live to see such an anniversary. And it’s sad... The gramophone and records will really be a surprise at such a wonderful holiday. I remember my grandmother even has such a thing in her attic somewhere))

Unfortunately, now there are fewer and fewer couples living for such periods. People have forgotten how to value each other and the sanctity of family ties. And men also have short lives due to the stress of our lives. In addition, we have a fashion for late marriage; if a family is created at 30, then the couple will only be able to celebrate at 90.

Sixty years of marriage has always been rare. Few people live together until this anniversary, given various life factors - this is natural. Of course, this unique event is simply amazing in its longevity.

Diamond wedding.
You've been together for 60 years.
Today we will shout again: “Bitter!”
“Love,” we tell you, “is advice!”
They proved by their example
You say there are no obstacles to feelings.
I wish with admiration
Long and happy years to you!

I wish you health
Only understanding.
Live in harmony with yourself,
Tender attention.

A wonderful holiday, a significant date in honor of the 60 years we have lived together. Congratulations on your diamond wedding. I wish you to remain for each other the most precious and beloved diamond for many years to come, I wish you health and prosperity, great luck, family understanding, care and respect for loved ones, prosperity and spiritual joy.

Diamond wedding, six decades.
Congratulations today. May your century be
Long, joyful, pleasant and rich to everyone,
Whatever a person needs. Let it be no problem
Then you will live together until the end of your days.
Let life be kinder and fate more tender.

Diamond wedding - 60 years!
Only a few people note this.
Diamond strength love in your hearts
Even erases the boundaries of time.

We wish you to live like this again
Side by side together for twenty or thirty years.
Leave warmth in the memory of your love

Let it be preserved
All that has been dear to you for so many years.
Everything that was created by labor with the soul,
Let it stick.

Love and live for many years,
Happy days are coming
Just let it last.

Glorious anniversary of our life together,
And it’s also called very beautifully -
Diamond wedding
In sixty years it’s counting!

This is a very rare and beautiful stone
And not everyone can afford it.
Only selected before this date
We can survive together!

There was nothing in life,
And happiness and adversity,
And there was no noise in your house
What kind of weather?

But everything was accomplished with perseverance,
And counted as experience
Reliable support for each other
You've been around for a long time.

Diamond wedding -
Incredible day!
So let it disappear in the future
Even a shadow of sadness.

Happy diamond wedding!
You are heroes, no doubt!
We lived in marriage without difficulty
Sixty happy years.

Who knows how to have fun
He cannot live any other way,
Will never get angry
And in misfortune he will not cry.

Forget all your illnesses and troubles,
If your circle of friends is large.
We are all grandparents
Only the young at heart!

Weddings, like people, fade away over the years,
There in the loneliness of our land,
What will remain with us forever?
The native shore and its ships.

Time knows how to celebrate anniversaries,
Buoys flash across the vital river.
She will carry us away and will always be with her,
Your warm gentle hands.

There will be a hearth, the one we created,
Warm us with your stepfather's warmth,
To icicles and quarrels and sorrows.
They were melting somewhere outside the warm window.

There are many flowers and smiles today,
To match our diamond wedding,
Let the years of mistakes be forgotten,
Let's remember our victories.

Let's love, hold on more cheerfully,
Let's warm the earth with family warmth,
We need to hold each other tighter,
And there is nothing to be sad about, about the past.

The path is strewn with diamonds,
Your life is goodness and grace,
Love is alive in her, and that's the point,
Destined to meet each other.

God-bound destinies
Two dear and loving hearts,
Sixty years inseparable
Union of two gold rings.

Adversity and bad weather have passed,
May you never return
And so that there is happiness in life,
And may we always bake together!

All the guests together will not stop clapping,
Everyone is surprised at the strength of the family.
Even though the years that have passed cannot be darned,
And there’s no need, it’s all for love!

And six dozen is a huge time,
This is a big part of life.
Let it be with bottomless tenderness
Fate is for you to spin smiles!

A diamond wedding is an important date, because it is celebrated after 60 years from the date of marriage. This is a record length of married life, especially by modern standards. Diamond symbolizes durability: this gemstone undergoes numerous treatments before becoming beautiful. Draw a parallel between the diamond and the 60th anniversary - they are almost identical, because in both cases efforts were made to obtain the final result. How to celebrate this wedding?

Ancient traditions and customs for 60th wedding anniversary

According to legend, 60th wedding anniversary was always celebrated in a magnificent and rich way. All familiar couples were invited to the anniversary. It is interesting that Europeans began celebrating the diamond anniversary, as well as wondering how many years they have been together, just recently. Therefore, there are relatively few traditions associated with this anniversary. But still, it exists ancient rite, which should be performed by a couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

In Rus', on the eve of the holiday, spouses wrote a so-called joint letter to their offspring, which outlined the secret of family happiness and harmony. The couple mentioned how they managed to maintain love, respect, and devotion to each other over so many years of marriage, because how much they had to go through together! This order was hidden in a beautiful box. In the future, the order could become a family heirloom, passed on from father to son or from mother to daughter.

Diamond wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary?

A traditional diamond wedding is a real holiday, because the spouses have experienced a lot of events, and now they can relax a little and have fun. Over the course of their sixty years of marriage, they have repeatedly encountered problems, as well as real grief, and there may even have been separations and heated reconciliations. This wedding anniversary deserves lush decoration, expensive gifts, and close guests.

To celebrate your sixtieth wedding anniversary successfully, watch this good video example that will help you organize the event with a bang:

Choosing a venue for the celebration

As a rule, a diamond significant wedding is held at home, in a close circle of family and close people, because due to their age, the couple is unlikely to want to celebrate their anniversary outside the home. But if the heroes of the occasion can be persuaded to celebrate the event in some cozy cafe or restaurant, it will be great.

After choosing a location, it is important to take care of the correct design of the room. It is advisable to place on the walls photos of diamonds in company with photos of spouses in different years life, decorate the hall with shiny decorative items. The color scheme should be in golden-white tones.

What to wear to a wedding?

Spouses are advised to wear loose, comfortable clothes for their wedding anniversary. So, a dress of an interesting, loose-fitting style in white or black, decorated with embroidery or lace, would suit a wife. And the husband should choose a neat light suit, combining it with a bright tie. People who are going to visit the couple should wear clothes decorated with shiny stones and embroidered with gold threads.

Whom to invite?

It is customary to invite only the closest people of the couple to such a wedding: children, grandchildren, relatives, friends. If a young married couple you know has a child, it is also worth bringing him to this wedding, because children are a symbol of longevity. In a narrow circle of relatives, it will be easier for spouses to relax and truly rest their souls. Having created a pleasant family atmosphere of the celebration, guests will be able to hear a lot interesting stories, because over 60 years of living together, the spouses have accumulated a decent number of interesting stories.

What should be on the table?

Since the wedding is called a diamond wedding, the table should be set accordingly. Original, unusual dishes of fish, meat, poultry, seasoned with a hearty side dish, are perfect for an event. Cold appetizers, sandwiches, canapés, and rolls will be appreciated by guests. A traditional diamond wedding would not be complete without pies and other baked goods baked by the hostess herself. A wife with such experience in family life, by definition, must prepare delicious dishes with which to surprise guests.

Choose hot drinks for the diamond anniversary; they will serve as a kind of fuel for the future relationship of the spouses. These include unusual varieties of tea (black, red, green), natural coffee and vodka. It’s better not to overdo it with the latter, otherwise the holiday will end unpredictably. Cover the table with a yellow or white tablecloth, because these colors are symbols of the Diamond Jubilee.

Celebration scenario

There are many options for the development of events during a significant wedding. You can create a diamond wedding script yourself, but it is not forbidden to use a ready-made sketch. Let's look at some ideas on how to celebrate your diamond anniversary.

The children and grandchildren of the spouses may well organize a small concert for the elderly, consisting of songs, poems, and funny skits. The mini-concert performances should be interrupted for snacks, during which it is necessary to honor the couple. It is also worth organizing some interesting games. A well-rehearsed concert will attract the attention of husband and wife, giving them joy and new impressions.

It would also be a good idea to organize a beautiful theatrical production, where the couple’s close people will act out the couple’s love story. Include in it the main moments of the couple's married life, such as dating, wedding, birth of children, travel, etc. In an improvised play, you need to take into account the place where the husband and wife met, be it school or college. The performance should end with congratulations from the characters in the play.

What to give for a diamond wedding?

The 60th wedding anniversary involves presenting the spouses with items made from the appropriate material. But the whole point is that a diamond is an expensive stone that the average person can hardly afford. However, there is artificial diamond, which is called cubic zirconia. It is as durable and of high quality as a diamond, and in appearance it is not much different from it. Therefore, we will look at examples of gifts made from cubic zirconia:

  • Ceramic vase decorated with rhinestones and cubic zirconia.
  • Cubic zirconia jewelry chains, bracelets, earrings, etc.
  • Wedding rings for both spouses with the names of the other half carved on back side products.
  • Chandelier decorated with cubic zirconia.
  • Cufflinks with cubic zirconia inserts.

The main thing is that your gift is sincere. Therefore, be responsible when choosing a gift for your spouses for their diamond anniversary.

Congratulations on your diamond wedding

The sixtieth anniversary is worthy of respect from society. Anniversary greetings should highlight devotion and love for your spouse. Elderly people will be happy to hear pleasant, nice words. If you don't know how to express your love to a couple, check out more congratulations Here:

The Diamond Anniversary will be held at the highest level if you carefully think through the scenario and organize the event yourself. The reward for your efforts will be immense gratitude and smiles from the elderly spouses!

Have you organized such a wedding, have you ever attended a diamond celebration? Leave a few words about your experience in the comments to the article!

What to gift:

Diamond wedding - how to celebrate your anniversary unforgettably

Sometimes happy and loving spouses I forget how many years they spent in legal marriage and what anniversary is coming to them. After 60 years of marriage, the couple traditionally celebrates their Diamond Jubilee, which symbolizes the incredible love of the spouses. This anniversary belongs to the category of very rare events, so congratulations on the diamond wedding should be remembered by the heroes of the occasion for a long time.

The mystery of the name

Diamond is the most durable and expensive stone in the world. Family relationships, which have come such a long way, can also be called the most expensive and significant achievement.

The heroes of the day fell and rose together, they went against all obstacles, holding hands, they shared the happiest moments with each other, and now rightly deserve the title of a model couple.

The anniversary of marriage represents the fact that the relationship between the spouses has been reliably tempered along their life path, acquiring diamond strength. The married couple was able to polish out all the rough edges, carrying out invaluable work every day of 60 happy years.

A diamond wedding is an indicator of the rarity of such pure and sincere relationships. A significant anniversary appeared at the dawn of the 19th century. The diamond wedding stands between other equally significant anniversaries - iron and gold.

Traditional features of the holiday:

  • a diamond wedding requires a certain type of flowers - phlox;
  • the symbol of the holiday is a diamond;
  • A diamond wedding involves writing a special letter to your children and grandchildren, which is called a “mandate.” The letter is placed in the chest and a date is set for its opening;
  • The dominant color for the anniversary of marriage is white.

How is it customary to celebrate a sparkling anniversary?

Congratulations on a diamond wedding should be magnificent and solemn. It is worth remembering the respectful age of the heroes of the day and taking on all the difficulties of preparing the holiday by organizing the wedding scenario.

A diamond wedding is a rare occasion for a gala evening at a large table. A magnificent celebration should be complemented by an equally magnificent number of guests.

The solemnity of the moment should be manifested in all details. It is recommended to use balloons, following the rule: how many years have you been together, so many balloons.

Table setting should be solemn, but not pompous. So that the celebrants of the day do not feel awkward in the pretentious surroundings. But the couple’s glasses should be highlighted with patterns, rhinestones and crystals. That's what the script says.

The festive menu should reflect the tastes of the honorary couple. Naturally, you should refuse to use exotic or too spicy dishes. The holiday scenario is created primarily for anniversaries and must meet their preferences.

Themed celebration

Since a diamond wedding belongs to the retro category, it can be completely stylized to fit this style:

  1. pastel colors in the decoration of the hall;
  2. The holiday script tells you to decorate the hall with vintage items;
  3. use black and white photos of the anniversary;
  4. exclusively Russian cuisine;
  5. themed outfits.

Holiday atmosphere

However, entertainment for the celebration itself is also necessary. Our script invites you to take advantage of the hot-cold game. The game is a quiz where guests are asked various questions. If the guest does not guess the answer right away, then he can ask whether the correct answer is warm or cold and try to guess again.

You can organize a warm-cold theme, when guests will be asked questions regarding the number of years of marriage and the corresponding anniversary. Warm-cold can be complemented by characteristic patterns, where the number of years and the correct name of the anniversaries are scattered among themselves, and you need to restore the sequence.

The wedding script also suggests using the game of warm and cold, regarding funny and comical issues, in order to give the holiday an appropriate atmosphere. For a change, you can dilute the warm and cold with similar games and continue the fun.

Anniversary gifts

Many guests of the celebration are wondering: what to give for a diamond wedding? It may seem that the anniversary symbol greatly limits the possible gifts for the anniversary of marriage. However, it is not. Let's consider suitable ideas presents:

  • diamond jewelry;
  • collection of wines;
  • tea or coffee in unusual packaging in the shape of a diamond;
  • diamond tie pin;
  • dishes with imitation precious stones;
  • various household gifts in white colors;
  • diplomas and medals with the honorary number 60;
  • health gifts;
  • gifts in the form of intellectual games such as hot and cold, so that the heroes of the day can entertain each other after the holiday.

What else can we do to make each other happy?