Makeup for blue eyes and brown hair: step by step, photos, videos. Makeup for blue eyes step by step, techniques, how to avoid mistakes Everyday makeup for blue eyes

Blue eyes have always been and remain the personification of Slavic beauty and are a real gift of nature. Heavenly artists recreated the beauty of the eyes on their canvases, and modern girls are honing their skills in another art - the art of makeup. Any makeup is a powerful weapon, and correctly shaded blue eyes become a real laser that pierces the hearts of men.

How to do it right - step-by-step instructions with photos

Regardless of hair color, women with blue eyes, stylists and makeup artists It is not recommended to use dark or too contrasting shades in makeup.
Otherwise, there are no restrictions, and this is another incredible luck of blue-eyed girls.

Before you start choosing an eyeshadow palette, you need to decide what time of day you leave the house. Natural daytime makeup for blue eyes for every day involves using soft shades, close to neutral, and placing accents either on the eyes or on the lips.

Let's look at it step by step exampledaytime makeup for blue eyes(with photo), an easy-to-use express makeup.

  • Previously clean your eyelids of any remaining cream or simply blot with a napkin to remove sebum. This way the shadows will last longer.
  • Apply loose base eyeshadow or a small amount of light concealer over the entire eyelid and blend thoroughly. For the base it is better to use satin or matte shadows, and the most convenient way to apply and distribute is with your fingers.

  • Before you start applying accent shadows, choose not just a palette, but also an eye correction scheme, so you know exactly where you are going to apply the shadows and what effect you want to achieve. After all, there is a significant difference in or for the impending century.

  • For shadows, choose win-win options in a neutral palette: champagne and chocolate brown, silver and brown-gray, peach and soft blue or golden light green. White pearlescent shadows perfectly decorate heavenly eyes, but you should be careful with them in daytime makeup.
  • Apply accent shadows with a soft but resilient brush.. Carefully blend (but do not smear) the dark shadows, erasing the boundaries of the shades from the place where the accent shadow was applied along the crease of the upper eyelid. The outer corner of the eye is darkened and lifted in almost any makeup option.

  • Apply the lightest shadows to your brush from the palette and with soft, imprinting movements, walk from the inner corner to the darkening zone of the eye along the entire line of the moving eyelid. Using the same shadows, create a small highlight under the arch of the eyebrows. Blend everything lightly.
  • Choose eyeliner in a color that matches the color of the eyeshadow., but don't use too dark or black eyeliner. If you use a liquid consistency, highlight only the space between the eyelashes. You can apply a little powder on top, then the arrows will not spread and “float”. All makeup artists at leading fashion houses have their own eyeliner technique.

  • Apply mascara along the entire lash line. If your eyelashes are light, then blue mascara will look not just beautiful on them, but enchanting.

When making blue eyes, you should avoid shades of rusty brown and washed out pink. They can make the eyes look teary or puffy. Makeup artists also do not recommend using shades of green, since blue and green are very rarely combined in makeup.

Types of makeup

Everyday makeup with blue eye shadow for blue eyes

Blue shadows can be used perfectly shade and highlight eye color, but this must be done taking into account some rules:

The following technique will help make your eyes brighter: apply bright, shiny shadows on the lower eyelid, and light and matte shadows on the upper eyelid. But such experiments can only be carried out if your eyes are large enough. Slightly different principles apply.

If, in addition to blue shadows, you plan to use other contrasting shades, apply them to the upper eyelid, and paint the line of the lower eyelid with blue shadows.

As an eyeliner, it is better to use blue eyeshadow of a more saturated shade and blend it carefully to avoid too obvious a contrast. If you have very light transparent eyes, graphic arrows in a retro style will look perfect.

Delicate makeup for brunettes with blue eyes

The combination of light eyes and dark hair always looks attractive and creates the image of Snow White or the Winter Fairy. The goal of makeup is to smooth out the contrast, but at the same time make the eyes even brighter. Dark hair color allows any experiments with makeup color, but it is better to choose decorative cosmetics to match the color of your clothes, and also depending on your skin tone.

Pay attention to pearlescent shadows in lilac or beige shades if you have white skin. Girls with creamy or yellowish skin are better off choosing peach or pale pink eyeshadows. There are NUDE palettes on sale with a selected palette in warm pinkish-brown tones.

Do Experimenting with several shades will help make your image even brighter.. Mix, apply shadows of different saturations, but do not get carried away with too dark shadows, even in the evening.

Choose blue or brown eyeliner; it’s better to avoid black. For an evening or a special occasion, you can choose golden brown or silver eyeliner. Black mascara looks impressive in contrast with light eyes. Apply it in several layers along the entire lash line.

Makeup for brunettes it should be less bright than for fair-haired girls, since contrast is already present in the combination of hair and eyes.

If your eyes are a mysterious dark blue color, these options may be right for you.

Smokey eye makeup for blue eyes and light brown hair

Blonde hair and light eyes are the ideal canvas for creating any masterpiece. And who, if not stylists, knows for sure that the ideal evening makeup for cornflower blue eyes is “smoky eyes”. Only it should be done not with a black pencil, but in a palette of brown and golden shades.

Other application techniques and techniques can be found in.

Beautiful romantic makeup for blue eyes

Who else but blue-eyed girls endowed with an aura of romance. And if in makeup for brown eyes they try to emphasize the passion of nature, then blue-eyed girls are associated with romantic natures. Stylists especially often use techniques to create a romantic look in wedding makeup for blue eyes.

The most suitable color for such makeup is all shades of blue, close in the palette to ultramarine or deep blue. Blue shadows, blue eyeliner or mascara, with the help of which a bright image will be not just romantic, but also memorable.

If you prefer cool tones, then your choice should be gray, silver or violet shades. The most adventurous of nature can experiment with bright pink, but it can be used if you have a warm skin tone and hair.

If you are a very light-skinned blonde, then you should be careful with blue eyeshadow, as it can give the look the effect of sad eyes, especially if you are planning makeup without using eyeliner.

Lightweight is suitable for creating a romantic look.

Evening makeup for blue eyes

Makeup for special occasions involves making the eyes more expressive. It requires knowledge of certain rules with the help of which blue-eyed women turn into real mysterious beauties.

Brunettes with blue eyes Makeup in a less contrasting palette is suitable than for blondes, and what color palette to choose depends on several factors. It is these parameters that determine the intensity of the selected color for future makeup:

  • when choosing colors consider skin tone first, hair color second;
  • for a party match the color of your makeup to the color of your outfit as well.

It is not recommended to use too dark shadows, as well as a contrasting combination of light shadows and dark eyeliner.

Girls who have some skills in applying makeup can use more than three shades and complex application of shadows. Special A skillful combination of different shades of blue is considered chic- from light to rich.

The active use of shine, glitter, sparkles is appropriate, and of course, rarely does anyone go without false eyelashes. The arrows can be drawn more visible, clearly extending beyond the boundaries of the eyes, or you can decorate them with small rhinestones.

For a club party there are practically no prohibitions. Any options and combinations in “smoky eye” makeup or bright acid shadows and incredible eyelashes. Blondes can try on doll looks (a la Barbie).


Light everyday makeup for a girl with light eyes and light hair. The light palette of shadows and simple application technique with shading are emphasized by a thin, neat arrow.

An example of nude everyday makeup for a girl with heavenly eyes and dark brown hair. The author of the video talks in detail about all the materials he uses in makeup and demonstrates application methods.

The author of the video is the owner of cornflower blue eyes and blond hair in the Scandinavian blond style. Complex, but memorable and beautiful makeup for an evening out helps turn a girl into a real winter beauty.

A makeup artist demonstrates the technique of applying eye shadow to create this popular smokey eye makeup. The model, a girl with light eyes and blond hair, asks questions as she works, the answers to which will help her master the technique faster.

Gallery of images created especially for wedding ceremonies. Light romantic images perfectly highlight the beauty of the eyes, and the application technique helps to create the most advantageous combinations of shades.

What are your makeup tricks for sky blue eyes? Write your reviews, we will be grateful.

The most common eye color in nature is undoubtedly blue and its shades. As for makeup issues, it is quite easy for those with light blue eyes to choose the right option, and in this they are lucky.

This color has a rich palette - starting from a delicate light blue tone and going up to a rich bright blue color. Looking into such eyes, it seems that you are plunging into the ocean, and it is impossible to look away from the soulful gaze. But, in order to further emphasize the richness of the color, you should skillfully perform makeup for blue eyes, which will further emphasize the natural attractiveness of their owner.

Rules for choosing makeup

Correct and beautiful makeup for blue eyes can highlight your natural beauty and make your eyes sparkle with real gems.

Any well-done makeup for blue eyes should be based on the intensity of the natural color. Depending on the saturation of the iris, there are several types of blue-eyes:

Violet-colored eyes. Almost all rich and deep shades and tones of decorative cosmetics are suitable here, and the use of bright mascara and eyeliner is also allowed. The main thing is not to overdo it, since the presence of bright and catchy colors only suggests evening makeup, but this is not at all acceptable in daylight and in the workplace.

Makeup for blue eyes of medium intensity involves highlighting the main zone with light shades with darker fragments at the outer corners and lash line.

Heavenly light irises usually amaze people with their clarity and brilliance. In this case, delicate pastel shades are ideal. If you use deep dark tones, your eyes will look tired and haggard. A very interesting option is to apply thick arrows in a retro style, but they will appropriately complement the evening look.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes involves selecting shadows to match the color of the chosen wardrobe, since chameleon eyes are fickle and they are able to adapt to the environment and the chosen clothes.

Decorative make-up options

There are a great many different options used when using decorative cosmetics for blue-eyed women, since makeup artists believe that this eye color, with proper and competent makeup, can take the place of the pearl of a woman’s entire image.

Smokey eyes are quite a suitable option to use in combination with sky blue irises. For it, it is better to choose shades of a pinkish tint, shallow brown or golden olive. Avoid the classic color scheme of gray-black-brown, as this will weigh down the image and make your look angry and prickly. If you are blonde and have big eyes the color of the sky, then in order to emphasize their natural beauty, you can create a smokey eye in a gray-blue color. It is not recommended to select a palette so that it matches the shade of your eyes, otherwise the makeup for gray-blue eyes will be completely ruined, and the eyes will fade against the background of decorative cosmetics.

If you are a brunette and at the same time the happy owner of chameleon eyes of a blue hue, then choose shadows of a deep saturated blue color for a smoky make-up, which will make your irises much brighter and your gaze more soulful and deeper. True, this option is more suitable as an evening one. Owners of violet eyes should opt for a desaturated brown color scheme with bright purple mascara on the eyelashes.

The photo gallery shows autumn makeup for blue eyes in a wide variety, both evening and daytime. The autumn option for blue irises will look great in pink with bright black arrows.

Oriental makeup is also suitable for blue eyes, as it can not only highlight the color, but also make the look deeper, more soulful and expressive. Since the oriental theme involves a darker palette of shadows and bright makeup options, this is more suitable as an evening option for attending a social event. There are two options for applying decorative cosmetics in an oriental style: Arabic and Indian. Arabic suggests a strong emphasis on the eyes: shades of bright lilac, rich gold with sparkles, violet or lilac combined with black eyeliner.

When using the Indian technique, it is necessary to highlight not only the eyes, but also the lips and eyebrows. This make-up is suitable for those with dark skin tones or those who have achieved this effect using self-tanning, sun tanning or bronzer. The shadow palette should involve the use of green, brown, as well as lilac or silver in various combinations.

An important point of the Indian version is that it is necessary to carefully work out the eyebrow growth line, and instead of lipstick, use a bright shade of lip gloss. As you probably already guessed, the Indian method involves going out in the evening.

Makeup for daily use

As you know, daytime makeup for blue eyes involves the presence of warm, light tones of decorative cosmetics with maximum proximity to the natural color of the skin. This rule applies equally to any type of make-up, regardless of the color and shape of the eyes. When creating daytime makeup, you need to use only neutral colors.

You can achieve lightness, naturalness and inconspicuousness using a palette of pastel shadows. Peach or coral, light green, desaturated blue or soft purple with mandatory careful shading are suitable.

Everyday makeup for gray-blue eyes will look amazing when using green, but only in warm shades, as well as light purple, caramel or soft blue. Be extremely careful when choosing the right shade from the brown palette, as the wrong color will give the girl an haggard look, the effect of sunken eyes or the feeling of a recent hysteria. It is believed that it is completely unsuitable for blue eyes, but when combined with other shades, as well as careful development of the entire image, makeup for gray-blue eyes can sparkle with new, unexpected colors.

Among the brown palette, give preference to cool shades when the skin is light, or a golden tint when the skin is dark and tanned.

Basic nuances of blue eye makeup

A situation very often occurs, especially among makeup beginners, when you seem to be doing everything correctly, step by step and according to the instructions, but everything turns out not as beautiful as in the photo in the glossy printed publication. This may happen because you are doing everything exactly as indicated, but you do not know and therefore do not use some of the nuances that allow you to make the makeup of gray-blue eyes or any other shade of blue ideal.

  1. The darker color should be applied on top of the lighter color, and not vice versa.
  2. If there are signs of fatigue in the eyes, then you can hide it using a certain technique: apply silver shadows to the inner part of the upper eyelid. White or light blue are also suitable.
  3. When you absolutely want to complement your look with bright black eyeliner, after it dries, draw a line over it with a silver pencil. This will make the arrow visually smaller and become more neat and attractive.
  4. Blue-eyed women should under no circumstances use dark purple eyeshadow on the lower eyelid, as it will appear that you have black eyes.
  5. Girls with fair skin should not do makeup for blue eyes using warm golden colors. If you want to somewhat soften the resulting decorative make-up, then add this shade along the eyebrow growth line, but in no case to the upper eyelid area.
  6. A blue pencil along the lash line of the upper eyelid, together with blue mascara, will give the eyes greater expressiveness and brightness, but not like everyday makeup.
  7. Don't use shadows that are similar to your natural eye color.

Option for step-by-step application of decorative cosmetics

A step-by-step guide to applying makeup for those with a heavenly iris shade involves the following steps:

Step 1. Before applying decorative cosmetics, be sure to cover the upper eyelid with a special foundation, which will prevent premature damage to the makeup. After it dries, you can paint it with light neutral shadows. This will add expressiveness and brightness to an already mesmerizing image. It will look very good if you lighten the area under the eyebrow growth line and the area of ​​the inner corner. White, pale blue and soft silver shadows work well for this. If you follow this rule, your everyday makeup will look beautiful and natural.

Step 3. The outer corner is painted with the darkest tone, while the inner corner is painted with the lightest tone. This creates a smooth, consistent transition. After application, you should carefully shade the boundaries so that the transition between the shadows is not sharp and clearly noticeable.

Step 4. Use eyeliner or liquid eyeliner to highlight the contour of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The bottom one should have a similar design, but with a shade that sets off the eyes.

Step 5. Apply eyelashes with appropriate mascara. Everyday makeup looks good with brown mascara. But, when choosing this type of decorative cosmetics, it is best to rely on skin color.

Remember that beautiful and harmonious daytime makeup for blue eyes does not involve flashiness, but moderate colors and soft lines. Violating this rule will only push people away from you and your image, as it will look inappropriate and unnatural. Only evening makeup should involve the presence of bright shades, intricate color schemes and combinations.

Do not neglect the basic rules and tips for choosing colors. This is the only way, observing all the nuances, you can step by step make the perfect make-up, regardless of whether you need an evening or daytime option.

The most complete article on the topic: festive makeup techniques for blue eyes and a little more for real beauties.

Blue eye color is the most common.

Blue-eyed girls are lucky because almost any makeup will suit them.

In this article we will look at several types of makeup for blue eyes.

Step 1. Use moisturizer first. After some time, you can start applying foundation.

Step 2. To hide redness and other imperfections of your skin, use concealer. It can also be used as an eyeshadow base if you don’t have one.

Step 3. Apply a thin layer of powder all over your face and neck. The powder will help set the foundation and prevent the appearance of oily shine on the face.

Step 4. Let's move on to contouring. Perhaps this is one of the most interesting stages in makeup. Moreover, if you are going to be photographed, then thanks to the bronzer your face will not be flat in the photo. You can apply the cosmetic product to the cheekbones, chin, hairline, and temples. The main thing is not to overdo it with the product.

Step 5. In eye makeup, the first step is to apply the main blue eyeshadow color to the entire moving eyelid. After that, use an angled brush and draw the edges with the same shade of shadow.

Step 6. Now we need a fluffy brush and a dark blue shade of eyeshadow. Apply the cosmetic product into the crease of the eyelid and blend it well.

Step 7 Mix turquoise and blue shades together. You can use some one shade. Apply it onto your finger or a flat brush and apply over the blue eyeshadow.

Step 8 Use a sky blue eyeshadow or a pearlescent white to highlight the inner corners of your eyes. And using the dark blue color that was previously used for the crease of the eyelid, darken the outer corner of the eye.

Step 9 Use blue eyeliner to draw a water line.

Step 10 If you do such bright makeup, then you simply cannot do without winged eyeliner. Use a black pencil, arrow marker or eyeliner.

Step 11 Many girls admit big mistake without paying attention to the eyebrows. But they play a very important role in any makeup. This is why eyebrows need to be given special attention. Use eyebrow shadow or a pencil for correction, or if your eyebrows don’t need it, just comb them and style them with eyebrow gel.

Step 12 Paint your eyelashes with black mascara. In such a bright evening makeup, you can safely use false eyelashes.

Step 13 With this eye makeup, it is best to apply a natural shade of lipstick to your lips. It's better if it's matte.

That's all! Be sure to try this makeup.

Makeup for blondes with blue eyes

For blue eyes, you can choose different shades of eye shadow.

To create evening eye makeup, you can safely use both matte shadows and shadows with glitter.

To create a bright image, they most often use blue shades of shadows, turquoise colors. And to create a bright club look, you can use black, matte and pearlescent shadows in combination with other shades.

By following our tips, you can do simple evening makeup yourself, which will highlight the color of your eyes and make them more expressive.

Bright Smokey Eyes

Smokey Eyes are considered a classic eye makeup look. The shades of shadows to create such makeup can be any, but the rules and technique for performing Smokey Eyes remain the same.

The most important in such makeup - this, of course, shading. If you perform this technique correctly, a slight haze will appear before your eyes.

It is thanks to this effect that the look will become more expressive.

The next rule of Smokey Eyes is obligatory emphasis on the eyes. For lips in this makeup, it is better to use muted shades of lipstick.

Main color for Smokey Eyes makeup – black. But it can be safely combined with other shades of eyeshadow. And here it is important to consider the color of your eyes.

As for blue eyes, for Smokey Eyes, in addition to black shadows, you can use different shades of blue, pink, gold, and lilac. You can also use a silver shade of eyeshadow.

Light evening makeup

Even a beginner can do this makeup, but it will look great.

First of all, apply the eye shadow base. With it, your makeup will last much longer.

Using a fluffy brush, pick up a light brown matte eyeshadow and apply it into the crease of your eyelid. Blend them well with the same brush.

The next step is to use the same brush to apply a dark brown shade of eyeshadow. Use this shade to darken the crease of your eyelid as well as the outer corner of your eye. To get a beautiful smoky effect, blend the dark shade of the eyeshadow in a circular motion starting from the outer corner of the eye.

Apply a dark beige shade of eyeshadow to the center of the eyelid, without going into the inner corner of the eye.

In the area of ​​the lower lash line, apply the same shade of eyeshadow that you used at the beginning.

Simple makeup

To make your image look bright and at the same time beautiful, follow these tips:

  • To ensure that all cosmetic products lie flat, use the basic foundation under makeup. If you don't have one, you can use a regular moisturizer.
  • To avoid noticeable dark circles under the eyes and various inflammations on the face, use a thick concealer or corrector.
  • Eye makeup is the most difficult and at the same time the most interesting step in creating an image. Most often used in evening makeup smokey eyes. With this technique of applying shadows, you can create both a delicate look and a more daring style.
  • Try focus on one thing- eyes or lips. Otherwise, if both parts of the face are painted equally brightly, you may look vulgar, and even sloppy.

The girl’s blue eyes are like delightful lakes, which with the right makeup can be made incredibly deep and expressive or turned into dull and unnoticeable puddles. Although makeup for blue eyes is not such a problem, you can make a mistake with it. To feel confident, consider the following tips.

Lucky colors

To highlight the advantages of beautiful blue eyes, the first thing you need to do is choose the right color scheme. The shade of your hair, eyes and lips should match perfectly. But first of all, makeup for blue eyes should match the pigment of the pupil. Azure is a beautiful color, but not the entire palette will look good with it.

Basic colors suitable for blue-eyed beauties:

  • delicate: milky, cream, apricot, beige, light pink;
  • brighter: violet, lilac, violet, copper, orange, turquoise, pink;
  • cold: steel, marsh, silver;
  • Dark: dark blue, gradation of brown, dark plum, charcoal.

It is considered a big mistake to use dark eyeliner with red shadows; blue and red colors do not go well together both in makeup and in clothes. In addition, a painful pink mark may remain, as if from lack of sleep. It is also rare to combine bright green and blue colors, especially for brown-haired women.

When creating everyday makeup for blue eyes, it is better to choose calm colors:
  • cream;
  • light brown and champagne shade;
  • lavender;
  • creamy.

This kind of everyday makeup is ideal for work, it does not look flashy or provocative, it is easy to maintain for the whole day and touch up if necessary. If you highlight the shape of your eyes with dark eyeliner, your look will become deeper and more expressive. When choosing a color, remember one simple rule: it should not match the shade of your eyes. For the rest, feel free to experiment.

Makeup by shade depth

The blue shade can also be different, from bright blue to pale azure with greenish impurities. And depending on its brightness, a different type of makeup should be selected for the girl.
The owner of bright eyes that resemble shining sapphires can use the whole range of colors and will look great. The simplest and most everyday makeup for blue eyes is bluish shadows in the same tones, but a little lighter or slightly darker. For red-haired girls, brown-haired women and brunettes, bright makeup is also suitable, since the hair color can set it off. But for blondes, it is better to choose a gentle tone so that bright blue eyes stand out noticeably.

Medium blue tone is the most common. It can be emphasized with silver and beige shades; everyday makeup for blue eyes with dark shadows will look strange even for brown-haired women, so it is advisable to use black only for eyeliner. It is also suitable for mascara, with the exception of light hair, for which the best option is brown mascara and a pencil.

The overall look is greatly influenced by the harmony between hair color and makeup. So, for blond hair, dark eyes and red lips can look provocative, but this makeup for brunettes with blue eyes harmonizes well, for dark hair and for brown-haired women everything will be fine too. Owners of bleached hair should clearly know all the options for shades that look good on their face. The easiest way to choose them is through trial and error, but you can leave gray, silver, white and beige tones for every day. Unlike brown-haired women, it is better for blondes not to experiment with black eyeliner; brown and gray are ideal colors for them. Almost the entire palette is available for brown-haired and red-haired girls. For red hair, sandy shadows and a light brown pencil, terracotta lips and a little golden tint work well. This natural makeup for blue eyes looks great both at a meeting with friends and every day at work.

Makeup by skin type

Many years ago, when man was still developing and evolving, on the equator, in hot lands, the eyes needed enhanced protection from the sun, so dark skin and dark eye shades went together. Also in the north: the color of skin, hair and eyes was light. But thousands of years have passed since then, now blue-eyed girls can have any skin tone from snow-white to very tanned. And the type of makeup for such girls will be different.

On fair skin, light makeup for blue eyes, delicate tones, cream and beige look good. But brighter ones, for example, purple or greenish, are also suitable. The colors for the pencil and eyeliner should be discreet and calm to make the makeup look natural and neat. Small arrows can correctly emphasize the curve of the eyelid. Natural lipstick colors will highlight your lips.

For dark skin, the best shade is golden. It matches your skin tone perfectly and goes with any hair color. If you shade dark shadows, you will create the effect of a charming cloud over a heavenly gaze, the gaze will be mysterious and charming. It is better to avoid very bright shades, especially in everyday life. You need to remember: the makeup on a model or actress is designed in detail for a specific angle, but in life, naturalness and naturalness look better.

Makeup options

The easiest way to do the right and fastest makeup for blue eyes is to use the classic method. Thin black eyeliner with short wings, a minimum of makeup, natural lips and fluffy eyelashes - the look will be deep and expressive for both blondes and brown-haired or red-haired girls, and everyone can repeat it. To add a little color, you can use light pink or beige eyeshadow. A riot of colors is suitable for a party or an evening out, but some courage is needed. The main thing is to remember about the appropriateness of makeup.

Smoky everyday makeup looks beautiful for blue eyes, especially for brown-haired women. Long arrows can create a predatory look, and scarlet lips will create the image of a vamp. Arabic makeup looks just as bright with contrasting eyeliners for the lower and upper eyelids. If you use bright blue underneath and a thick eyeliner on top with sharp arrows at the end, you will get a complete oriental look.

Autumn makeup looks natural for any hair type: several shadows of different shades of brown from light beige in the inner corners of the eyelid to almost black, ending with neat arrows, overlapping each other, get a smooth transition. This makeup harmonizes well with the hair of red-haired girls and brown-haired women.

Makeup step by step
  1. There are many different photos on the Internet in which the process takes place in stages, makeup is applied layer by layer. Similar types, in which it is clear which color comes after which and how they fit together on the eyelids. Let's go through a fairly simple and common makeup for blue eyes step by step:
  2. First of all, wash your face, remove traces of old cosmetics.
  3. Apply a base of neutral shadows to the upper eyelid, lighten the skin under the eyebrows and in the corners of the eyes with light shadows or a white pencil.
  4. Blend the eyeshadow color of your choice into the crease of your eyelid.
  5. Apply the darkest shade of color to the edge of the eyelid and blend it too.
  6. Using a thin pencil, highlight the outer half of the eyelid. Applying a gray eyeliner on top followed by a slightly lighter eyeliner will create a cleaner, more open look.

Apply mascara of a suitable color to your eyelashes and apply natural lipstick to your lips. Everyday makeup is ready.

The method of applying shadows is always the same: first the lightest shades, and then slightly darker shades on top. If you take these simple tips into account, you can easily choose and combine colors.

This video tells and explains all the intricacies of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, it is recommended to watch.

Makeup for blue eyes step by step

For girls who have blue eyes, stylists advise creating their look using light and light shades. Beautiful makeup for blue eyes is very easy to do. First of all, to create light makeup, blue-eyed girls need to take into account an important rule: after applying the makeup base, you need to apply shadows of a lighter shade to the eyelid, and then dark ones. And if dark shadows are applied closer to the outer corner, then dark shades will look much more impressive.

If you use shadows correctly, you can hide some imperfections, such as signs of fatigue. To do this, apply light shades of shadow (white, silver, blue) to the inner corner of the eye.

Before applying makeup, cleanse your face with toner, apply foundation and correct any imperfections on your face. Apply makeup foundation to the upper eyelid; if you don’t have such a product at hand, then apply foundation again. This will help the makeup last longer and not fall off.

Let's move on to the most important thing - step-by-step makeup for blue eyes

Step 1.

Neutral shades of eyeshadow should be applied to the upper eyelid. They will add brightness and light to your look. Also, using pearlescent shadows, lighten the area under the eyebrows and the inner corner of the eye. In addition, shades of white, silver or pale blue are suitable.

Step 2.

Apply a small amount of medium eyeshadow to the crease of your upper eyelid and blend towards your eyebrows. The beauty of blue eyes is emphasized by shades of light pink, lavender, and golden and silver shades.

Step 3.

The darkest shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eye. The boundaries should be carefully shaded so that the transition of shades is natural and not sharp. Shades of delicate plum, peach, lilac and taupe will look good in makeup.

Step 4.

Using a pencil or liquid eyeliner, highlight the upper eyelid halfway with a thin strip along the border of eyelash growth. Line the lower eyelid with a shading shade.

There should be a minimum of dark contours in light makeup. Give preference to golden, brown and gray shades of eyeliner. If you apply gray eyeliner and silver on top of it, then your eyes will look much more expressive and larger.

Step 5.

Finally, you need to apply mascara along the entire line of eyelash growth. Everyday makeup for blue eyes will be ideal with dark brown or dark gray mascara. But it is best to choose the color of mascara based on your skin color. For example, for fair skin types, gray or brown mascara is suitable. And for a tanned woman - black.

Step 6.

Complete your look with lipstick that matches your lip color or a neutral gloss. Don't forget that makeup should be light.

Blue eye makeup: step by step photos

Start your makeup application with a base (light) eyeshadow shade and then gradually add depth. A win-win color for those with blue eyes is bronze. It can be used both in everyday makeup and in evening makeup for blue eyes.

To achieve a charming makeup, stick only to those shades that harmoniously combine with blue eyes. In other words, if you want to use dark purple eyeshadow for blue eyes, then most likely it will look like bruises. The best option would be to use purple eyeliner, but not eye shadow.

For brighter shades, apply makeup with a damp brush. You can complete your look with false eyelashes.

Photos of makeup for blue eyes

Makeup for blue eyes step by step photo

Natural makeup for blue eyes

Daytime makeup for blue eyes

Light makeup for blue eyes

Blue makeup for blue eyes

Evening makeup for blue eyes

Green makeup for blue eyes

Bright makeup for blue eyes

Beautiful makeup for blue eyes

Makeup for blue eyes video

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Able to highlight the dignity of the eyes and give them an extraordinary shine. To properly do makeup for blue eyes, you need to follow some rules for color combinations and follow step-by-step photos.

Good makeup should be based on the intensity of natural shades. You should not use too much decorative cosmetics in your daytime makeup. Bright and catchy shades should be reserved for an evening out.

Depending on the brightness of the iris, blue eyes are divided into several types:

  • Light blue eyes are bright and shiny. For them, it is worth choosing shadows in pastel shades, as more saturated options will give the image a tired look. Dark-colored arrows in retro style will suit these eyes.
  • Gray-blue eyes have the ability of chameleons - changing color depending on the chosen clothes.

Advice!You should be careful when using colors that are the same tone as your eyes, as this will create the feeling of blurry eyes. Among the blue shades, you should choose deep blue and ultramarine. But such colors will not suit blondes with pale skin; their bright blue will make them look old.

Types of makeup

There is a huge selection of interesting makeup solutions for blue eyes. High-quality makeup can make them the main decoration of the face.

The following options are worth considering:

    Blondes with blue eyes will suit a smoky design in a bluish-gray palette. Brunettes can do similar makeup for gray-blue eyes with shades of deep blue tones.

  • A more open look can create an autumn look. In this case, pink pearlescent shadows, shimmering pink lip gloss and a contour pencil with black mascara are used.
  • Oriental makeup will add brightness and expressiveness to blue eyes, so it is used as an evening option.
  • The natural option is made using decorative cosmetics, which are close in color to skin tones. Light tones of neutral colors are used. Pastel shades of a bright color palette are suitable for eyelids. The natural effect is created through careful shading.
  • Summer makeup in a turquoise color palette is considered spectacular.

  • A light version of makeup will only look good on a well-groomed face. Therefore, before performing it, you must first moisturize the skin and also apply foundation, which will make your complexion more even.

Advice! When creating blue makeup, shadows of blue shades should be combined with shadows of other colors, otherwise the eyes will look expressionless and faded.

Everyday makeup

Daytime makeup has some special features for blue eyes. It assumes the presence of light and warm tones of cosmetics, which are close in color to the natural shade of the skin.

Makeup for daytime use is performed in the following sequence:

  • The face is cleaned well and a cosmetic base is applied to it.
  • With the help of foundation, all defects are removed.
  • Light shadows are applied to the fixed eyelid, and darker shadows to the moving eyelid.
  • The border should be blurred by careful shading.
  • The brow area is painted with light beige-golden shadows.
  • Apply a drop of pearl-white eye shadow to the inner corner of the eye.
  • The crease on the eyelid is emphasized with purple shadows.
  • Matte gray shadows are distributed onto the moving eyelid. Using the same shadows, draw a thin line at the very edge of the lower eyelashes.
  • Finally, dark gray mascara is applied.

Advice! You can create spectacular everyday makeup using green eyeshadow, but not warm shades, but cooler shades. Caramel, soft blue and purple tones will also help create a feminine and elegant look.

Evening look

When planning evening makeup for blue eyes, it is worth preparing shadows in contrasting and bright shades. Light eyes will be lost in artificial light, so they need to be highlighted and emphasized.

  • To create a spectacular look, purple, bronze, silver, olive and golden shades are suitable. It is also worth considering dark blue, pearlescent, turquoise textures, as well as a sea wave palette.

  • You can create a stunning evening look using three shades. In this case, the lightest tone with a pearlescent texture, a shade of medium saturation and a darker one are selected. A good option is smokey ice
  • Light shadows are distributed onto the upper eyelid and corners of the eyes.
  • The moving part should be painted with a shade of medium saturation. In this case, high-quality shading is used.
  • Using dark shadows, a line is drawn along the growth of the eyelashes. The outer corners of the eyes are highlighted with the same color.
  • Using liquid eyeliner, a thin arrow is drawn.
  • Eyelashes are painted with dark mascara in two layers.

Advice! Before any makeup, the skin needs to be prepared. The skin around the eyes is treated with a special corrector. To make makeup last longer, it must be applied to a base. For this, a matte foundation is used.

Selection of decorative cosmetics

When choosing decorative cosmetics, you need to take into account the shade of the skin, hair color and iris shade:

  • To create a smoky look, blondes with blue eyes can use silver, blue and gray shadows.
  • Makeup for every day for girls with dark curls and blue eyes involves the use of brown and pink shadows. The contrast between dark hair color and light eyes can be enhanced by using brown or gray eyeliner.
  • For brunettes with gray-blue eyes, smoky makeup created with bronze, dark brown and silver shadows is suitable.
  • When creating natural makeup, girls with brown hair will benefit from shades of various shades of blue and cyan, as well as dark gray eyeliner, blue mascara and beige or slightly coral lipstick.
  • Red-haired girls with blue eyes are suitable for both warm and cold-colored cosmetics.

Advice! For blue eyes, you should not choose a reddish-brown shade or too light a tone, as this can create the effect of tear-stained and sore eyes. It is worth choosing coffee shades for evening makeup. Golden shadows are more suitable for girls with dark skin tones.

Makeup shades for blue eyes

Wedding or holiday makeup for blue eyes can be made more vibrant by using contrasting shadows.

The following shades will be contrasting for blue eyes:

  • soft peach and sandy gold;
  • bronze and warm gray;
  • lavender and lilac;
  • yellow and pale pink;
  • orange and silver.

Blue eyes with golden, pale pink or purple shades look great. Lilac and pearl shades would be appropriate. A more expressive look can be created using dark blue.

Advice! A dark color is always applied over a light color. Applying silver, light blue or white eyeshadow to the inner part of the upper eyelid will help hide signs of fatigue.

How do the shape and size of the eyes influence the choice of cosmetics?

Depending on the shape of the eyes, makeup options are selected: Eyes that are too round can be visually drawn out using dark eyeliner

  • Eyes that are too round can be visually elongated using dark eyeliner.

Makeup for blue eyes. Step 5-8

The choice of shades depends not only on the color of the eyes and hair, but also on the chosen style in creating the image. The lighter colors predominate in the appearance, the more delicate the makeup should be.

  • When using rich tones of a cold palette, you need to shade all the transitions so that the makeup does not look too rough.
  • When creating daytime makeup, light shades are first applied, then medium-saturated, and lastly the darkest.

When creating daytime makeup, light shades are first applied, then medium intensity and lastly the darkest shades.
  • In the evening, you should not use too rich blush. In combination with light shadows, black mascara will look unnatural.
  • Experienced makeup artists do not recommend using a bright green palette when coloring blue eyes. This option will drown out the blue shades. Black eyeliner will make blue eyes brighter. At the same time, a little powder is applied to the applied arrow. This will prevent the eyeliner from bleeding.

Advice! You can draw a line over the black eyeliner with a silver pencil. This will visually reduce the arrow somewhat and make it more attractive. Blue-eyed girls should not use purple eyeshadow on the lower eyelid. This will create a black eye effect.

Any makeup for blue eyes is carried out using the following steps:

  • Before coloring, you need to apply a special base to the upper eyelid, which will prevent damage to the makeup.
  • Once it dries, the surface is covered with light shadows in neutral tones.
  • The crease of the upper eyelid should be drawn with a shade of medium intensity, and then shaded.
  • The outer corner should be painted with the darkest shade of the shadows, and the inner corner with a lighter shade. This ensures a smooth transition.

Delicate makeup for blue eyes. Step 5-8
  • Using eyeliner or pencil, emphasize the contour of the upper eyelid along the lash line.
  • Then mascara is used. For everyday makeup, brown is a good color, but you should take into account the tone of your skin.

Advice! Evening makeup for older women deserves attention. At the same time, you should avoid straining your eyes and avoid using too dark colors, as this will only emphasize wrinkles.

Harmonious and beautiful daytime makeup involves soft and moderate lines.
Do not neglect the rules for choosing a color palette. Only by observing all the nuances of makeup can you create the perfect makeup, regardless of whether you are using evening or daytime makeup.

The mesmerizing beauty of blue eyes will be emphasized by the right makeup.

He will help them sparkle like precious stones.

And the tones of eyeliner and shadows will depend on what kind of gem the eyes resemble.

All shades of gems

  • So, if a girl has bright eyes like lapis lazuli with a rich blue hue and light or light brown hair, most saturated tones will be suitable for her makeup, except for overly warm ones.
  • Eyes like blue topaz, attractive with their pure, deep color, require the same clear, delicate colors, shaded by dark fragments at the outer corners.
  • Turquoise eyes will look interesting in greenish or gray frames.
  • Eyes the color of transparent blue chalcedony will sparkle against a background of discreet muted tones. The hands “a la 60s” will also look good.
  • Is the main color similar to the gray-blue tints of Amazonite? For such changeable eyes, you need to choose shades of turquoise and pink tones.

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How not to drown out natural beauty

But whatever the shine of blue eyes, there are general trends in the choice of tones and makeup.

The following will look winning:

  • for natural makeup - mother-of-pearl, pale pink, lavender, lilac, pearl shades of eyeshadow;
  • for a romantic date - violet, hot pink, anthracite: they will enhance the depth of the look;
  • for a party - smoky makeup, smoky eyes, when dark tones gradually flow into light ones.

This photo shows step by step how to apply light, beautiful natural makeup for blondes:

and here is a step-by-step demonstration of the makeup technique:

Tones to be careful with:

    Blue shadows of the same tone as the eyes. Otherwise, you will get the feeling that your eyes are swollen.

    If you want blue tones, it is better to try ultramarine or deep blue. But for blondes with pale skin and light eyes, such makeup will not work.

    Their delicate beauty will be aged by the bright blue.

  • Brown can make you feel sick appearance, unsightly swelling. But sometimes you manage to choose special shades that will look advantageous. Brown-haired and red-haired women can try shades of copper, coffee or bronze color.
  • Golden shades, for example, for oriental makeup, are suitable only for girls with dark hair and blue eyes, and fair-skinned girls should choose silver colors.

Shades should depend on the color of not only the iris, but also the skin and hair, as well as the general style of the woman.

The paler the colors predominate in the appearance, the more delicate the makeup is needed.

When using rich tones in cold colors - blue, dark gray, purple - it is important to shade all transitions so that the makeup does not look rough.

To make light daytime makeup look weightless and unobtrusive, you need to use a certain rule: first apply light shadows, then medium depth, only then dark ones.

The latter should be placed as close as possible to the outer corners of the eyes. In a bright evening version for blue eyes Don't use rich blush so as not to distract attention from their shining gaze.

In tandem with delicate light shadows, black mascara will look unnatural.

For daily makeup, stylists advise choosing mascara from a palette of gray and cool brown tones.

It's fun to experiment with bright colors. For example, try blue, lilac, turquoise mascara.

Just not bright green: this option will drown out the blue.

Makes aquamarine eyes bright and shining thin line of black eyeliner. Professionals advise using this makeup product together with powder, applying the latter to already drawn arrows.

This way the eyeliner will not spread and look greasy, which will give the look depth and naturalness. Makeup looks much better on a structured face.

This procedure is performed using a bronzer or corrector of a soft beige-brown shade with a cool tint.

Still have doubts about which option of shadows and mascara to choose, but don’t have time to experiment?

Ordinary black eyeliner plus bright lipstick is a good combination for all types of blue eyes.

This photo shows step-by-step instructions on how to apply beautiful evening makeup:

Here’s a video tutorial that details how to highlight blue eyes using simple makeup:

Options: step by step

Here are two simple step-by-step options for different cases. Before starting work, you need to clean and moisturize the skin around the eyes.

If necessary, eliminate dark circles.

You will find ideas and tips on everyday makeup techniques in this video:

Generous nature has endowed blue-eyed ladies with a gentle, defenseless, but at the same time seductively attractive look. It is worth further enhancing these charms with the help of cosmetics.

1. Shadows of neutral tones are applied to the upper eyelids to give the look openness and brightness.1. The emphasis should be on the lower eyelids. Using eyeliner, we draw thin arrows from the inner corners far beyond the outer corners, slightly upward. This way you can make your eyes appear larger.
2. The area under the eyebrows and inner corners is highlighted with mother-of-pearl. You can use pale blue, soft lavender.2. Blend the base under the shadows under the arrows. This will enhance the color later and prevent the cosmetics from falling off.
3. Light pink, deep lavender or gray-silver are applied to the center of the upper eyelid, shaded towards the eyebrows.3. Under the black arrows you need to draw additional lines with a silver pencil.
4. The darkest shadows are at the outer corners of the eyes. Let it be taupe, plum, lilac. Transitions are carefully shaded.4. Now you need to visually divide the area between the lines into three parts. Color the one closest to the bridge of the nose bright yellow.
5. We emphasize the upper eyelid with a thin strip near the roots of the eyelashes (you should prefer taupe or gray eyeliner). The bottom one is done with a soft pencil to match the main color scheme.5. For the middle part you need to choose pearlescent salad shades, and for the outer part - sky blue. Shade the boundaries between areas.
6. The final stage will be to choose the tone of the eyebrow pencil and mascara. White-skinned girls will suit gray-brown shades, dark-skinned young ladies may prefer black, even charcoal.6. The upper eyelid should be painted with silky shadows of the palest shade: beige, champagne, cream.