How they treat Russian women in Tbilisi. Why do Georgians dream of Slavic women?

A conversation with my neighbor Zina prompted me to this slippery topic. So, meet early in the morning on the street.

- Still, these visitors are arrogant. They are simply stealing our men. Just imagine, a pensioner came from Moscow and married a Georgian widower. And now, with pressure and groans, she prepares chakhokhbili for him. She can’t even say the words, but she’s saying something. And he calls him, you know what?

- "Atari"! I would just take it and strangle it. The invader is.

- What, I say, is the problem? Let them enjoy their health. “Atari” is probably making things up a la Chakhokhbili and not complaining. Why didn't you marry this starving widower yourself?

- I??? Are you kidding me? I didn’t get married at the time. And now even more so. At 70, it’s time to get ready for the next world, not get married. People have no shame or conscience!

And we went in different directions. Nevertheless, the conversation stuck in my head and I began to question different people, how can one explain the phenomenon that many Georgians marry Slavic women, while local women, with all their merits, it is not known why they remain unclaimed. Or it just seems like it to me.

Here are some opinions.

Tamriko Kiknadze: My older brother moved to Russia 30 years ago. First he studied, then he served in the army. At first he lived in a hostel, then registration was required and he moved to his classmate from Tambov, who already had a one-room apartment. Lived with her for several years.

My father was nervous and called Achiko here. After all, he was the only son; high hopes were placed on him; girls from good families were looked for. Then Achiko announced to us that he would marry Valya, since she was pregnant. My father almost went crazy due to nervousness. Marrying a woman with a child from his first marriage was beyond his understanding. He had a stroke, but Achiko still did as he decided. He told us that Valya is the best. In the end, we had to come to terms and accept Valya with wooden smiles. Valya visited Tbilisi, but she never wanted to live here. Achiko also repeated in her tone:

- What have I lost here? I will do very well in Russia.

Indeed, he earned good money, sent money to his parents every month and did not forget us, two sisters. Sometimes he came with his son and stepdaughter, who called him “my daddy” and did not even know that he was not her father.

We asked him why he didn’t marry a Georgian, and named specific girls who corresponded to him in all respects. He said something like this:

— Russian women are more beautiful than ours in both their faces and figure. It's easier to communicate with them. Georgians are more pretentious. I lived with different women, and no one demanded anything from me.

What can I say after all these years? My brother is apparently happy, he is a crazy father, he loves his son very much. They have different things with their wife, Achiko is cheating on her on the sly, and Valya turns a blind eye to it. Their marriage took place. I only feel sorry for my father, who can’t come to his senses after a stroke, can barely walk, can barely talk. It was necessary to accept Achiko's choice more philosophically.

And as for our women... In my corps, exactly half of the girls never got married, although all are beauties, hardworking and good housewives. Although there are those who got married two or three times.

David: My wife is Georgian. We live normally, we have two children. Several of my friends have Slavic wives. This, of course, has its advantages. It's much easier with them than with ours. And visually they immediately attract the eye. We men don’t like to be pressured and burdened with responsibility. You haven’t had time to just hang out with a girl for a month, go to the movies, cafes, back and forth, her parents are already looking at you as an official son-in-law, and try not to get married. The whole thing. And my friends lived with their loved ones for several years, and no one dragged them to sign. They could jump off at any moment. For example, my sister remained unmarried, although she is a wonderful housewife, a beauty and an excellent specialist in her field. But she would not let a man come close to her with any suspicious proposals.

Maiko Gagnidze: Yes, there is such a trend. I also notice that our men marry Russians. Either they bring them here, or they meet tourists here. Personally, I like Russian women too. There is a lot to learn from them. They are beautiful, disciplined, raise children well and are very relaxed. No complexes. I think that’s why our men like them.

Ruslan Strizhak: Another option. At the level of instincts, two are fighting, one requires a close and native type to reproduce offspring, and the other requires the most different type to bring in fresh blood. Both instincts work in everyone, and which one will be stronger depends on external factors.

Elena Kucherenko: In my opinion, Georgians - ideal wives. And Slavic women are just mind blowing.

Julia: Perhaps the lack of candidates large quantity relatives? Our men are spoiled. Drunk, skinny, doesn't work and drinks. But you still run after him, and he turns his face up - yes, you are fat, and you have children from your first marriage... And the Georgian himself runs after you, and in general loves children more than the average Russian - his own and others. And he will help, and give compliments, and is always ready for intimate relationships. So our ladies favor Georgians, they know what to compare with. Sometimes they are ready to carry such a handsome man in their arms. And they see a good attitude.

Alyona: I myself am a native resident of Tbilisi, but I did not notice such a trend. They marry both of them quite well. They don't marry someone. Very often it depends on the desire of the woman. By the way, not everyone wants to get married.

Tatiana Leon: Yes, I am generally for mixed marriages, I am a child from a mixed marriage, my child is from a mixed marriage. I don’t agree with saying that they only marry Slavic women; I have a friend who is married to a Japanese woman. It’s just that those Georgians who are married to Japanese, Italian, French, etc., are almost invisible in Georgia, they simply don’t live there! Why are Slavic women visible, because the near abroad is more accessible, then in Georgia, I think, after the 90s, a massive depression began: everywhere is good, except for Georgia, and many left, in all directions, and since it was easier in the near abroad, so The kind of marriages turned out to be where you live there and fall in love. Then a wave of tourist boom began with the oohing and aahing of the Slavs, how they adore Georgia and how they wanted to live in Georgia, and so the spell was set in motion. About the fact that it is easier to live with Slavic women, it is difficult to put the same labels on everyone, everyone has their own character, but if you ask Europeans who ate the dog about this, they will say that it is Slavic women who are more capricious, but I don’t want to generalize that Georgians are more interested in brains, it’s hard to generalize, there are different ones. But, probably, in the beginning it is more difficult to court Georgian women, because they grew up with beautiful words and know that it is often dust in the eyes, beautiful conversations, so men do not want to waste their energy.

Anna Masterkova: Parents of Slavic women interfere less in their choice. They don’t even look at economic conditions. Responsibility to the girl’s family is less, especially at the initial stage of dating. You can step back more painlessly, but in practice it leads to marriage faster.

Anna Puchkova: Georgian men often fall in love with Slavic women because the behavior is different and the attitude is different. Now, if a man grabbed all the bags and carried them, then the Georgian woman will not blink an eye: “He’s a man, he’s obliged.” And a Slav, especially from Moscow, will say: “Wow, how nice, thank you very much.” She knows that there are men who don't do this. If a Georgian woman offers a man to take her somewhere, bring her from somewhere, then she takes it for granted, and the Slavic woman as a super caring man. If a Georgian woman counts on serious relationship, then he can bully a guy for months without having intimate relationships, a Slav, in most cases, for the sake of decency, will endure for two weeks, and then will have a full-fledged relationship. For Georgians, children and parents come first in most cases. For a Slavic woman, a man is almost always the center of her attention. At the same time, of course, Georgians devote a lot of time and effort to household chores and worries, and this cannot but admire. All this is not without exceptions. There are also counter examples. But men explain it all something like this.

Temuri: I didn't notice anything like that. As it was, so it is. The main thing is not in origin, but in finances. If everything is financially stable in the family, then there will be no problems. Nowadays, if men see that a woman earns good money, they will gladly marry her. And women think the same way. For example, my neighbor married a Chinese man and already has a child. The Chinese have a business here. They live normally, there is definitely no misunderstanding. I'm a different person. I would never marry anyone other than a Georgian. I really respect our traditions, culture and history. And I think that you shouldn’t mix with anyone.

Many respondents repeated what had already been said before them. All this can be summed up by one simple truth - there are no ready-made recipes for happiness.

I would like to end this impromptu survey with one story.

Marina Kulikova: I want to tell my story.

On July 3, 2008, I also met a young and handsome guy. I knew little about the Georgians, and about Georgia in general, at that time; we talked for days on end on Skype, strong feelings appeared, and then on 08/08/2008 the war began. I bought tickets, but the borders were closed, how many worries there were, how many nerves - it’s simply beyond words. And, lo and behold, two days before my departure the border was opened! I didn’t doubt it for a minute and flew from St. Petersburg to Tbilisi, of course, in transit. At the airport I was told that my flight from Kyiv had been postponed by 12 hours. There had never been a connection like there is now; I managed to convey the message that I was late. As a result, when I was flying, I was the only Russian on the plane, there was NOT ONE sideways glance, and this was September 11!!! Everything would be fine, but while I was sitting in Kyiv, they lost my luggage, and when I arrived, everyone had already left, and I was still writing a statement about the loss, I could not go to Gio. He waited for me for 12 hours at the airport! Neither he nor I knew exactly when I would arrive; there was no longer any communication either.

We spent ten amazing days together, and then, when I returned, I decided all my affairs and two months later I arrived for good.

On August 8, 2009, exactly one year after the sad events, our Sandra was born, and a year later, Gio, our son. We have been happily married for nine years, for us every day is like the first day!

So you can’t put everyone under the same brush: both good and bad people available in every country! Decency does not depend on nationality!

Girls, don't be afraid to love and be loved.

KINDNESS and MUTUAL LOVE to everyone!

I join Marina Kulikova’s wishes and wish all Sputnik readers to find their soul mate and, most importantly, to maintain mutual feelings for life.

A conversation with my neighbor Zina prompted me to this slippery topic. So, meet early in the morning on the street.

Still, these newcomers are arrogant. They are simply stealing our men. Just imagine, a pensioner came from Moscow and married a Georgian widower. And now, with pressure and groans, she is preparing chakhokhbili for him. She can’t even say the words, but she’s saying something. And he calls him, you know what?

- “Atari”! I would just take it and strangle it. The invader is.

What, I say, is the problem? Let them enjoy their health. “Atari” is probably making things up a la Chakhokhbili and not complaining. Why didn't you marry this starving widower yourself?

I? Are you kidding me? I didn’t get married at the time. And now even more so. At 70, it’s time to get ready for the next world, not get married. People have no shame or conscience!

And we went in different directions. Nevertheless, the conversation stuck in my head and I began to interview different people, how can one explain the phenomenon that many Georgians marry Slavic women, while local women, with all their merits, for some unknown reason remain unclaimed. Or it just seems like it to me.

Here are some opinions.

Tamriko Kiknadze: My older brother moved to Russia 30 years ago. First he studied, then he served in the army. At first he lived in a hostel, then registration was required and he moved to his classmate from Tambov, who already had a one-room apartment. Lived with her for several years.

My father was nervous and called Achiko here. After all, he was the only son; high hopes were placed on him; girls from good families were looked for. Then Achiko announced to us that he would marry Valya, since she was pregnant. My father almost went crazy due to nervousness. Marrying a woman with a child from his first marriage was beyond his understanding. He had a stroke, but Achiko still did as he decided. He announced to us that Valya is the best. In the end, we had to come to terms and accept Valya with wooden smiles. Valya visited Tbilisi, but she never wanted to live here. Achiko also repeated in her tone:

Indeed, he earned good money, sent money to his parents every month and did not forget us, two sisters. Sometimes he came with his son and stepdaughter, who called him “my daddy” and did not even know that he was not her father.

We asked him why he didn’t marry a Georgian, and named specific girls who corresponded to him in all respects. He said something like this:

Russian women are more beautiful than ours in both their faces and figure. It's easier to communicate with them. Georgians are more pretentious. I lived with different women, and no one demanded anything from me.

What can I say after all these years? My brother is apparently happy, he is a crazy father, he loves his son very much. They have different things with their wife, Achiko is cheating on her on the sly, and Valya turns a blind eye to it. Their marriage took place. I only feel sorry for my father, who can’t come to his senses after a stroke, can barely walk, can barely talk. It was necessary to accept Achiko's choice more philosophically.

And as for our women... In my corps, exactly half of the girls never got married, although all are beauties, hardworking and good housewives. Although there are those who got married two or three times.

David: My wife is Georgian. We live normally, we have two children. Several of my friends have Slavic wives. This, of course, has its advantages. It's much easier with them than with ours. And visually they immediately attract the eye. We men do not like to be pressured and burdened with responsibility. Here you haven’t had time for a month to just hang out with a girl, cinema, cafe, back and forth, her parents are already looking at you as an official son-in-law, and try not to get married. The whole thing. And my friends lived with their loved ones for several years, and no one dragged them to sign. They could jump off at any moment. For example, my sister remained unmarried, although she is a wonderful housewife, a beauty and an excellent specialist in her field. But she wouldn’t let a man come close to her with any suspicious proposals.

Maiko Gagnidze: Yes, there is such a tendency. I also notice that our men marry Russians. Either they bring them here, or they meet tourists here. Personally, I like Russian women too. There is a lot to learn from them. They are beautiful, disciplined, raise children well and are very relaxed. No complexes. I think that’s why our men like them.

Ruslan Strizhak: Another option. At the level of instincts, two fight, one requires a close and native type for the reproduction of offspring, and the other requires the most different one, for the introduction of fresh blood. Both instincts work in everyone, and which one will be stronger depends on external factors.

Yulia: Maybe the candidates don’t have a large number of relatives? Our men are spoiled. Drunk, skinny, doesn't work and drinks. But you still run after him, and he turns his face up - yes, you are fat, and you have children from your first marriage... And the Georgian himself runs after you, and in general loves children more than the average Russian - his own and others. And he will help, and give compliments, and is always ready for intimate relationships. So our ladies favor Georgians, they know what to compare with. Sometimes they are ready to carry such a handsome man in their arms. And they see a good attitude.

Alena: I myself am a native resident of Tbilisi, but I have not noticed such a trend. They marry both of them quite well. They don't marry someone. Very often it depends on the desire of the woman. By the way, not everyone wants to get married.

Tatiana Leon: Yes, I am generally for mixed marriages, I am a child from a mixed marriage, my child is from a mixed marriage. I don’t agree with saying that they only marry Slavic women; I have a friend who is married to a Japanese woman. It’s just that those Georgians who are married to Japanese, Italian, French, etc., are almost invisible in Georgia, they simply don’t live there! Why are Slavic women visible, because the near abroad is more accessible, then in Georgia, I think, after the 90s, a massive depression began: everywhere is good, except for Georgia, and many left, in all directions, and since it was easier in the near abroad, so The kind of marriages turned out to be where you live there and fall in love. Then a wave of tourist boom began with the oohing and aahing of the Slavs, how they adore Georgia and how they wanted to live in Georgia, and so the spell was set in motion. About the fact that it is easier to live with Slavic women, it is difficult to put the same labels on everyone, everyone has their own character, but if you ask Europeans who ate the dog about this, they will say that it is Slavic women who are more capricious, but I don’t want to generalize that Georgians are more interested in brains, it’s hard to generalize, there are different ones. But, probably, in the beginning it is more difficult to court Georgian women, because they grew up with beautiful words and know that it is often dust in the eyes, beautiful conversations, so men do not want to waste their energy.

Anna Masterkova: Parents of Slavic women interfere less in their choice. They also don’t look at economic conditions. The girl’s responsibility to the family is less, especially at the initial stage of dating. You can step back more painlessly, but in practice it leads to marriage faster.

Anna Puchkova: Georgian men often fall in love with Slavic women, because the behavior is different and the attitude is different. Now, if a man grabbed all the bags and carried them, the Georgian woman will not blink an eye: “He’s a man, he’s obliged.” And a Slav, especially from Moscow, will say: “Wow, how nice, thank you very much.” She knows that there are men who don't do this. If a Georgian woman offers a man to take her somewhere, bring her from somewhere, then she takes it for granted, and the Slavic woman as a super caring man. If a Georgian woman is counting on a serious relationship, then she can harass a guy for months without having an intimate relationship, a Slavic woman, in most cases, for the sake of decency, will endure it for two weeks, and then will have a full-fledged relationship. For Georgians, children and parents come first in most cases. For a Slavic woman, a man is almost always the center of her attention. At the same time, of course, Georgians devote a lot of time and effort to household chores and worries, and this cannot but admire. All this is not without exceptions. There are also counter examples. But men explain it all something like this.

Temuri: I didn't notice anything like that. As it was, so it is. The main thing is not in origin, but in finances. If everything is financially stable in the family, then there will be no problems. Nowadays, if men see that a woman earns good money, they will gladly marry her. And women think the same way. For example, my neighbor married a Chinese man and already has a child. The Chinese have a business here. They live normally, there is definitely no misunderstanding. I'm a different person. I would never marry anyone other than a Georgian. I really respect our traditions, culture and history. And I think that you shouldn’t mix with anyone.

Many respondents repeated what had already been said before them. All this can be summed up by one simple truth - there are no ready-made recipes for happiness.

I would like to end this impromptu survey with one story.

Marina Kulikova: I want to tell my story.

On July 3, 2008, I also met a young and handsome guy via the Internet. I knew little about the Georgians, and about Georgia in general, at that time; we talked for days on end on Skype, strong feelings appeared, and then on 08/08/2008 the war began. I bought tickets, but the borders were closed, how many worries there were, how many nerves - it’s simply beyond words. And, lo and behold, two days before my departure the border was opened! I didn’t doubt it for a minute and flew from St. Petersburg to Tbilisi, of course, in transit. At the airport I was told that my flight from Kyiv had been postponed by 12 hours. There had never been a connection like there is now; I managed to convey the message that I was late. As a result, when I was flying, I was the only Russian on the plane, there was NOT ONE sideways glance, and this was September 11th! Everything would be fine, but while I was sitting in Kyiv, they lost my luggage, and when I arrived, everyone had already left, and I was still writing a statement about the loss, I could not go to Gio. He waited for me for 12 hours at the airport! Neither he nor I knew exactly when I would arrive; there was no longer any communication either.

We spent ten amazing days together, and then, when I returned, I decided all my affairs and two months later I arrived for good.

08/08/2009, exactly one year after the sad events, our Sandra was born, and a year later - Gio, son. We have been happily married for nine years, for us every day is like the first day!

So you can’t put everyone under the same brush: there are both good and bad people in every country! Decency does not depend on nationality!

Girls, don't be afraid to love and be loved.

KINDNESS and MUTUAL LOVE to everyone!

I join Marina Kulikova’s wishes and wish all Sputnik readers to find their soul mate and, most importantly, to maintain mutual feelings for life.

May 23rd, 2017 , 11:01 am

User alzoter asked a reasonable question - why don’t Georgian and Armenian women marry Russian men, while Russian women take great pleasure in marrying Caucasians or simply having affairs with them?

Actually an interesting question. Let's try to reason a little. With Caucasian Muslim women, everything is clear and understandable - Dagestani, Chechen and Ingush women, if they marry a Russian, will simply be expelled from their tribe and, if they are lucky, will peacefully disappear from their native republic. Although Fatima Ivanovs, no, no, are already found in the vastness of Rus'!

It’s a little more difficult with Armenian and Georgian women. Technically, a Russian can, without loss to himself, seduce an Armenian or Georgian madmazel and have a sexual shurum-burum with her until marriage.

One of my friends, for example, specializes only in Armenian women, almost exclusively uses them, constantly and inconsistently. He likes the Armenian mentality, the constant struggle in relationships between a man and a woman. He squeals because the rebellious Armenian woman constantly needs to be mentally pressured and physically grabbed by the throat (so that she stops showing off and showing her teeth). But this is foreign to me. Plus, I really don’t like Armenian women for their crooked-nosed appearance.

Georgian women are much more beautiful than Armenian women, but they are still not very accessible to Russian men due to geography and material wealth. Nowadays, in the midnight pubs of Tbilisi you can find and try to hook up with Georgian girls smoking strong cigarettes and singing English-language hits at karaoke. However, these young creatures are still more focused on the Western public: guests from the USA and other Europe/Turkey. I introduced myself as a visitor from Ireland and I was lucky. :) Outside of tourist Tbilisi, where the harsh Caucasian traditions of bygone times still linger, Georgians are still gloomy and inaccessible to strangers.

In general, to be honest, complex issue. I tried to answer it briefly and came to the conclusion that the difference is in mentality.

Georgia needs to be rebuilt somehow. We must get used to the fact that religion is not somewhere out there, but here and now. Here, not only old people, but also teenagers and children are baptized at churches. It's customary to say here beautiful words about friendship and love, and sincerely. Here toasts are not a joke, but something serious. Here you have to learn to trust people. And you have to get used to the fact that they trust you. It's not easy, by the way.

A generalized and at the same time very interesting description of the Georgians is given by the Georgian historian and geographer of the 18th century Vakhushti Bagrationi: slender, especially women, rarely obese, energetic, hardworking, patient in trouble, daring on horseback and in equestrianism, agile, fast, dignified in the army , loving weapons, proud, free, seeking a name (to the point that for the sake of their name they do not shy away from either their country or the king), loving guests and strangers, cheerful (if there are two or three of them, they don’t care about any trouble), generous (not protect neither their own nor someone else's), not chasing wealth, smart, quick in attack, standing their ground, loving learning (but there comes a time when knowledge is not held in high esteem, except for reading books and writing, singing, and fighting, and this taken for great knowledge), acting together, knowing good and rewarding good, shunning shameful deeds, easily inclined towards good, daring, loving glory, perspicacious and sensitive.

Georgians, both historically and today, have had a highly developed sense of friendship. Georgians often put friendship above all other relationships. The primacy of friendship was equally characteristic of residents of all corners of Georgia. “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger” is an apology for friendship. And the author of the monograph on the mentality of the peoples of the world, Georgy Gachev, emphasized that “The Knight in the Skin of the Tiger” is not a poem about war, like the Iliad, not about passionate love, like the eastern “Leila and Majnun,” but, of course, it is an epic about friendship. The same author notes that for the hero of the poem Avtandil, the duty of twinning and friendship comes above love and political interests. If for the West the formula “Plato is my friend, but the truth is an even greater friend” is an axiom, for Georgians this does not work. A friend is dearer to him than truth, says G. Gachev.


There are legends about Georgian hospitality. And for good reason. The people here are warm and sincere, guests are welcome. Most likely, you will find yourself in a situation where you will be treated to food, given gifts, and surrounded with attention. There is no need to refuse - this will offend the Georgian. If they treat you, they do it from pure heart. You shouldn't offer money either. It’s better not to be lazy and bring small gifts and souvenirs from your homeland - Georgians will accept them with gratitude

Bargain! In Georgia it is almost like a national sport. It's not so much about saving (although it's about that too), but about communication. Taxis, markets, even some shops - in most cases, bargaining is quite appropriate


In many establishments the service is far from ideal. Don't be offended. This does not mean that you are not welcome or respected. It's like rain - it just happens. What is the reason for this situation. It turned out that the root of everything is pride. Georgians are too proud to “serve”. The logic is not entirely clear to us, but it is a fact.


In Georgia people smoke everywhere or almost everywhere. You need to be prepared for this. There are non-smoking rooms in restaurants, but not all.


Georgia is a country of long-livers. Why? Because of the attitude towards time;) No one is in a hurry here. If a Georgian is fifteen minutes late for a meeting with you, do not be offended - this is not at all a sign of disdain. Probably, this quality is worth learning - to leave time to live, and not to be on time everywhere.


You will not see a Georgian dining alone in a cafe. In Georgia, eating alone is just as terrible as drinking alone here. If a person is dining alone - he is a lonely person, they are more likely to sympathize with him and invite him to his table.


There are legends about the attitude of Georgian men towards women. Georgians are famous ladies' men. If you, dear ladies, are looking for male attention, you will find it in abundance in Georgia. But if you don’t want attention, all you have to do is say “no” directly and there won’t be any problems. Just don’t be coy, flirty or flirty - “no” should be firm and specific. By the way, in Georgian “no” is “ara”)

A girl with a wonderful name Salome moved to Russia from Georgia in 2009, when she was only 11 years old. It took her a long time to get used to Russia, and, as the Georgian herself claims, she is still getting used to it - she is learning more and more about Russia and Russians. At first it was especially difficult, and therefore Salome shares the strangest things she encountered in Russia:

Photo by VK Salome
Slippers = humiliation
When I went to visit my mother, and the guy who met us said to me: “Take off your shoes, here are your slippers, please”... For me it was simply insulting. It’s just that in Georgia, and, as it seems to me, everywhere in the Caucasus, people wear shoes around the house. I then told my mother: “What the hell is this? Why do I have to take off my shoes?!” That is, you know... The queen came like that, who doesn’t understand why she has to take off her shoes... It took me a very long time to get used to it. And now, I come to Georgia and see that they wear shoes there, for me it’s wild. True, now it seems that this is very wild.

Visit from call to call
It was very strange for me that I had to call someone, warn them, and only after that come to visit. That is, this is not the case here in Georgia. I wanted it spontaneously and went to visit. They don't even call. In Georgia, everything is factual - they came to you, knocked, entered. And you must greet them with hospitality, otherwise you will be disgraced for the rest of your life. This is actually also a very bad moment in Georgia, and for me it was very strange in Russia at first. But now I understand that this is actually correct.

Photo by VK Salome

Too free children
It was strange for me when at school, after classes, we had to stay for a rehearsal. That is, stay late after school. And no one called the parents and warned them about anything. That is, it’s normal when you stay late at school and don’t call. It was very strange for me, because they called me even if I was 10 minutes late home. I was very controlled by my parents for a very long time, so this was surprising. But now it’s not like that anymore, of course, now I’m completely different.

Relationship? RELATIONSHIP!?
Which was very, very strange for me... That in Russia girls at the age of 12-13 date boys, kiss, almost sleep. It was just wild for me. Even if attention was shown to me, I could not even think that at the age of 12-13 I would be dating a boy. Maybe it’s a psychological barrier, but it was wild to see the photos they posted... But now I’m getting used to it, like with many other things.

Photo by VK Salome

Hospitality is not a strong point
In Russia, people are not entirely hospitable. The majority, even 90% of my acquaintances, simply do not want guests to visit them. They don't even call. In Georgia we have these guests almost every day. Yes, it’s very steamy, but for me it was surprising - why doesn’t anyone invite me to visit... Why do I keep calling everyone, but I’m not? But now I look at it differently, I’ve become the same way myself, I’ve become so lazy. Well, that is, when my friends come, I, of course, rejoice, but when people come to my mother, I think: “Well, here we go again...”.

We need more bread!
Russians eat little bread. Well, compared to the Georgians. This is probably because there are some dishes that require bread. Do you know how much bread I ate? My grandmother in Russia said why we eat so much bread... And it was very strange to me why they eat so little bread here. And there is very little choice of bread. If you go to Georgia, bread is like the main dish there. It will definitely be on all tables and in the most different types. Thank God, I’m out of the habit of this, otherwise I had such a belly from this bread...