How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. Two interiors with the same chaise longue LC4, Cassina

For the New Year holidays, families decorate their homes with tinsel and garlands, decorate windows and mirrors and prepare delicious dishes. And choosing and decorating a holiday tree occupies the most important place on the list of New Year’s to-dos. Therefore, we decided to prepare for you the most unusual options for decorating the main attribute of the New Year.

The main thing in the article

Germany is considered to be the ancestor of the forest beauty. It was there that on Christmas Eve the tables were decorated with small decorated trees. And under the reign of Peter I, this unusual fashion moved to Russia. Since then, with short-lived bans and renewals, the tree began to be decorated every New Year.

In each century, the Christmas tree was decorated according to the era:

  • At first it was candles and a star decorating the top of a coniferous tree.
  • Later, the spruce began to be decorated with wax toys, cotton wool, paper, and then they were replaced by glass decorations.
  • There was also a tradition of decorating the tree with candies and caramel apples.
  • During the war, toys were in the form of pistols, paramedic dogs, paratroopers, and tanks.
  • During the years of the USSR - cars, airships, tractors, and then heroes of children's fairy tales.

In the 21st century, it has become urgent to modernize old traditions. Therefore, now they decorate the Christmas tree at the will of their imagination and creativity. The New Year's tree contains not only toys, but also garlands, tinsel, and beads with ribbons.

In what style to decorate the Christmas tree for 2018 Yellow Dog: options with photos

New Year 2018 is just around the corner, and to be fully prepared, check out the best options decoration of the main character of the holiday - the New Year tree. Based on the fact that the symbol of 2018 is the Yellow Dog, it is necessary to decorate the house in yellow colors, this could be:

  • saffron color,
  • mustard,
  • brown,
  • sand,
  • gold,
  • orange and other shades.

The Christmas tree should also be decorated in yellow colors. It is important that its design is divided into different styles:

Decorating the top of the Christmas tree 2018

Since the time of Martin Luther, the top of the Christmas tree has traditionally been decorated with a star, which symbolizes Bethlehem. This ancient custom reminds us that it was the Star of Bethlehem that showed the wise men the way to the cave in which Jesus was born. But this is not the only decoration that is placed on top of the tree. The coniferous tree is decorated with:

The choice of toys largely depends on the presence of small children in the house. If there are small children in your apartment during the holidays or in general, then you should protect little curious explorers from glass and other breakable toys. Because if the tree is large or in a prominent place, the little ones will not mind taking a closer look and studying these unusual objects.

  • Choose Stuffed Toys or plastic, preferably without sparkles that fall off.
  • If children are adults and already know that toys should not be disturbed, then you can hang fragile decorations.
  • You can decorate the New Year's beauty paper toys made using the origami technique.
  • If you want to make your Christmas tree more fashionable and glamorous, try hanging your jewelry on it: earrings, chain rings, beads, bracelets.
  • In the store before the holidays you can buy toys for every taste; if you don’t want to rack your brains, you can just buy a set of toys.
  • Wrap a garland around the tree. Take colorful ribbons and make bows, attach them to the branches of the Christmas tree. It will look great both at night, illuminating the room, and during the day, delighting you with its simple beauty.
  • You can decorate a Christmas tree for children by hanging sweets and small chocolates on it. You can also hang small tangerines, which will not only look creative, but also refresh the room with a wonderful smell.

Options for placing toys on the Christmas tree

Each family decorates the Christmas tree in its own way, in a certain consistent style, or simply hangs toys randomly. Some prefer minimalism, while others prefer a certain symmetry. Therefore, let's look at the different options for arranging toys on the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree garlands 2018 with photos

A garland is the most striking attribute of decorating both a home and a coniferous tree. At a time when the Christmas tree was just beginning to become a custom, it was decorated with candles. With the advent of light bulbs, candles were replaced electric garlands.

With each new century, the garland acquired various forms and was modernized. Nowadays, electric lamps are being replaced by LED lamps, which have advantages. Firstly, they are more durable than their ancestors, and secondly, if one lamp burns out, the rest of the circuit will continue to burn and delight the household.

There is also the option of making a garland with your own hands, for this you will need:

Serpentine and tinsel for the Christmas tree 2018

Tinsel and serpentine have long entered our homes and captivated us with their brightness and brilliance. New Year wouldn't be New Year without these brilliant attributes. In Soviet times, Christmas trees were simply hung with tinsel and streamers. Sometimes, under this “tinsel,” you couldn’t even see the Christmas tree or toys. Nowadays, families decorate their trees in different ways, some don't use tinsel at all.

Tinsel, like serpentine, comes in different colors and sizes. There are even ones with imitation snow on the tips, with stars and circles, cones and snowflakes.

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate spruce trees with handmade crafts, improvised materials and decorative elements. And there is more and more tinsel and serpentine, walls, cabinets, cabinets and mirrors.

DIY accessories for decorating the Christmas tree 2018 with photo ideas

Since it has been gaining popularity lately, not a single holiday is complete without something unusual, made with your own hands. And of course, the New Year cannot be ignored either. For this holiday, there are a lot of ideas on how to make your own accessories to decorate the Christmas tree.

How to combine colors on a Christmas tree in 2018?

  • Color plays an important role in decorating the house and the Christmas tree itself. It sets not only the beauty and comfort in the house, but also the mood of the household and guests. Therefore, in 2018 it is necessary to combine colors on the Christmas tree with the presence of any shade of yellow.
  • Since the symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Dog, the design of the New Year's beauty is acceptable golden colors, brown, bright color saffron. These colors will go well with green coniferous branches.
  • You can also use decorations of red colors - matte and lacquered, with or without sparkles - when decorating a spruce tree. Decorate the Christmas tree in warm colors of grapefruit and orange. This color scheme will fill your home with light and comfort.

Since people began to travel to other countries and experience foreign cultures, they began to use them in their homeland. This did not bypass Feng Shui, which came to us from China. The practice of Feng Shui teaches you how to properly organize your space so that all the benefits come to you. And to make 2018 prosperous for you, use these tips.

To attractlove Place the tree in the southwest direction and decorate it in yellow and red colors. Complete with paired figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, doves or other toys. For more passionate love, you can hang toys that symbolize or depict fire.

Behind attracting finance The south-eastern sector of the house answers, so the Christmas tree should be placed there. Decorate your Christmas tree with golden flowers that symbolize wealth. You can also decorate the tree with your own jewelry or.

To attract happiness and health the New Year's beauty must be placed on the south side of the room. To make you feel happy and healthy both in body and spirit all year round, decorate your Christmas tree in beige, calm and warm colors.

To attract a successful career Place the fir tree in the northern part of your house and decorate it in red colors. And so that your studies has brought the desired fruits, place a coniferous tree in the north-eastern part of the house and do not forget to place the main symbol of knowledge nearby - .

If you are placing a live Christmas tree, you need to place a bowl of water or soil nearby. This is necessary so that the tree does not lose its energy.

Christmas tree decoration in shabby style

Shabby style came to us from the not very distant 1980s. This style represents antique sophistication victorian era. combines:

Christmas tree decoration in kanzashi style

Unusual and stylish decoration style will serve - tape craftsmanship. Using colored ribbons you can not only make beautiful bows, but also flowers. Decorate your Christmas tree with beautiful decorations in this style and your beauty will win the hearts of your guests.

Trimming and decorating a Christmas tree in Japanese style

To decorate the fir tree Japanese style you will need paper and threads of red and yellow shades. Form a variety of paper animals and fish, and other designs. Attach threads to them and hang them on a tree. Also make a garland using paper in the form of flags, circles or kites.

In Japan, for the New Year, they usually decorate the branches of willow or other trees with balls, which are formed from glutinous varieties of rice. They are painted in different colors and the room is decorated with such branches.

There is also another decoration in the land of the rising sun - kadomatsu. It consists of branches of pine, bamboo and fern tied with straw rope.

So that your living Christmas tree you won't be pricked by its needles, it can be trimmed in the Japanese style of a bonsai tree.

Christmas tree decoration in rustic style

If you are a fan of fairy tales and magic, then decorating a Christmas tree in a rustic style is just for you. This fairy-tale style will remind us that magic is always with us, you just have to want it. This style combines coziness and comfort, unusualness and simplicity, and uses environmentally friendly materials.

There are many options for decorating the New Year's beauty in 2018, and we have prepared for you a photo selection of creating impromptu Christmas trees that will decorate her interior worse than real ones.

For creative people there are more interesting options decoration of coniferous wood. Do-it-yourself lovers will love creative approaches to decorating a Christmas tree.

Decorate the Christmas tree with your family in whatever style you like best. Don't be afraid to experiment and create something new and your own. Celebrate the New Year 2018 with joy and comfort, so that all year you will be accompanied only by love, happiness, health and good luck in all matters.

The New Year tree is a must-have attribute for your loved one winter holiday. Even in the absence of a real forest beauty, people dress up artificial Christmas trees or they try to bring a pine twig into the house. Decorating a Christmas tree is a great custom that helps unite the family and create a feeling of the approaching holiday. The house looks completely different if there is a dressed-up Christmas tree. What colors should you decorate your Christmas tree to attract good luck in 2018?

What colors does the Earth Dog prefer?

The coming 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog. The Mistress of the Year loves natural tones, sparkling colors and shades of red. When selecting jewelry, you should not use the entire color gamut. Give preference to two or three primary colors so that there is no clutter of colors.

To please Yellow dog, be sure to use gold color in decorating the Christmas tree. Combine it with red, orange, yellow, you can also pay attention to purple. The gradient from red to orange, from brown to yellow and others looks original.

The decoration should contain sparkling elements. It could be golden rain or snowflakes made of gold paper. On a classic green Christmas tree New Year's Eve 2018 the following combinations are appropriate: red with gold, red with white, gold with white, gold with brown, red with yellow.

How to decorate a New Year tree in the Year of the Dog?

Initially, the New Year's green beauty was decorated with sweets - these were sweets in bright wrappers and gingerbread cookies. Subsequently, wooden toys also began to be hung on the Christmas tree. Christmas tree decorations appeared relatively recently.

Interestingly, traditional Christmas balls symbolize eggs and apples, that is, they can be called a symbol of fertility and prosperity. If you want the year to be nourishing, then decorate the Christmas tree with balls, golden, silver and red.

To attract wealth, hang coins, banknotes or even gold jewelry on the branches. You can use chocolate coins in gold foil. How more money different types will hang on the Christmas tree, the more favorably the hostess of 2018 will be towards you. Also, don’t forget to decorate the house itself with tinsel and accessories in sparkling colors.

If you want to attract love into your home, use red jewelry. And let among them there be balls in the shape of hearts, as well as with images or in the shape of birds.

Nuts are designed to protect the house from evil spirits. For those who want to give birth to a baby, toys in the form of booties, rattles and pacifiers are ideal decorations. Edible accessories can still be hung on the Christmas tree. Then you definitely won’t go hungry in the new year. Another little secret is to hang all the toys on red strings.

If you follow the color scheme and wisely use knowledge about the shape of Christmas tree decorations, then you will be able to decorate the interior in an original way and attract wealth, love and happiness into your home in the New Year 2018.

Hello dear readers. New Year's festivities are associated primarily with a decorated Christmas tree. And it doesn’t matter in what form she visits the house. Natural or synthetic, a wide-legged beauty or a modest twig - the Christmas tree always brings a special flavor even to the pre-holiday atmosphere. Her presence gives a feeling of comfort, magic and hope for a possible miracle. Therefore, this festive guest is decorated with special care. Many people believe that you need to decorate your Christmas tree in a special way. This will help attract luck, stability, prosperity and even your soulmate. And to do this, you need to appease the main character of the coming year. According to Eastern beliefs, the Yellow Dog will dominate in the coming 2018. Taking this into account, Feng Shui experts offer a number of recommendations on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the year of the dog in 2018.

Following these tips will help create a special aura that will attract good luck and happy accidents into your life throughout the next year.

Where should you put up a Christmas tree for the New Year?

I would like to note right away that no matter what place in the house you designate to place the holiday tree, this will not be a bad sign.

Installing it in a certain zone will only emphasize what is most important to you, what exactly you would like to improve in the coming year in your life.

So, according to the rules of Feng Shui, the most optimal point for installing a Christmas tree will be the center of the apartment. This is where all energy meridians converge.

Therefore, if you place a central holiday attribute here, you will be able to have a beneficial effect on all areas of life.

But placing a Christmas tree here is not always convenient, advisable or even safe. Then you need to assign it to another place.

It should be borne in mind that according to the views of Feng Shui supporters:

— The south determines popularity, fame, promotion.

— The southeast is responsible for the material component.

— The southwest helps resolve issues related to love, relationships, and family.

— The West is joy, children, creative impulses.

— The North-West is interesting for those who want change, thirst for travel, and strive to find friends and patrons.

— The North is responsible for career advancement and self-realization.

— The northeastern zone will help in learning, encourage you to work on yourself, and lead to the accumulation of experience.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year of the Yellow Dog 2018

When decorating a Christmas tree, you should remember which symbol is your patron in 2018. This role is assigned to the Yellow Earth Dog.

As it turned out, this character is characterized by modesty, friendliness and a desire for naturalness.

Color palette

Therefore, the preferred palette festive decoration should include the following tones:

Yellow, golden.

Brown, beige.

White, silver.

Natural green.

The presence of other shades is also allowed. But moderation and some restraint must be observed in everything.

It is better to avoid excessively flashy colors. The same applies to the abundance of tinsel. But the use of jewelry from natural materials welcome.

So, you can hang fruits, nuts, crafts using small branches, cones, dried berries, etc. on the Christmas tree.

Christmas decorations

The central figure will, of course, be the image of a dog. It is placed in a prominent place. The symbol of the year can also be placed on the top of the forest beauty’s head or placed below it.

Associated paraphernalia is also used - doghouses, bowls, bones, etc. They can be purchased or handmade, flat or voluminous, artificial or edible (made from dough or chocolate).

Christmas symbols can be used widely. The presence of cherubs, angel wings, stars of Bethlehem, and postcards with biblical scenes will not spoil the New Year's atmosphere at all.

Edible decorations have been used to decorate holiday trees for a very long time. Thus, nuts and fruits (apples, tangerines, lemons, oranges) symbolize a good harvest, and bags of wheat grains will bring prosperity to the house.

Dried berries, gingerbread cookies, cookies, lollipops, small chocolates or chocolate figures, and dough products can also be used as decorations.

Traditional characters look good on the Christmas tree:

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.


Deer, penguin, northern bear.

Heroes of popular cartoons, decorated with a New Year's flavor.

Well, a Christmas tree cannot do without traditional balls, icicles, bows, bells and snowflakes. Christmas tree beads, electric and paper garlands, rain and streamers will complete the decoration.

Jewelry and Feng Shui

Small tricks that Feng Shui suggests.

  • Material wealth and good luck in financial matters are lured with the help of various coins, rolled up bills tied with ribbon, and treasure chests. You can also use jewelry.
  • If you want to find your soul mate in the New Year or strengthen your relationship, then you should use paired toys, hearts and red shades.
  • Coffee beans collected in mini bags will help organize family life.
  • The desire to have a new addition to the family can be expressed by using pacifiers, rattles, and baby socks as Christmas tree accessories.
  • Large monochromatic balls are symbols of longevity and good health.
  • Christmas tree bells will help drive away evil spirits and attract good ones.
  • The presence of figurines, toys and images of a dog will help organize your life and harmonize all areas of your life.

Christmas symbols are also quite appropriate on a New Year tree. It will help win the favor of traditional Christian patrons.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

When live Christmas tree comes into the house from the cold, it needs to be given time to thaw. It would be a good idea, if possible, to rinse it from dust accumulations so that its aroma can be fully revealed.

A Christmas tree, spruce or pine, especially large ones, needs to be securely fastened. It can be installed using a massive cross.

You can use a bucket of sand. The fastening is covered with cloth or cotton balls, imitating snow.

The bottom can be decorated with armfuls of tinsel, including substandard ones, and extra toys. Often, figures of Santa Claus with his granddaughter, an animal symbol of the year and gift boxes are placed below.

If garlands of light bulbs are used for decoration, hang them first. The orientation of the garlands will emphasize the basic principle of the arrangement of Christmas tree decorations. There are several of them.

The principle of using garlands

  • Spiral – each subsequent decorative detail is hung with a slight indentation to the side and down. The garland encircles the tree in a spiral from top to bottom. Helical orientation can also be achieved using color accents. Here, different toys of the same color are hung in a continuous narrow strip in a spiral, encircling the Christmas tree. The colors alternate from top to bottom, maintaining the same spiral.
  • Pyramidal – the size of the toys gradually increases from the top to the lower branches. The largest of them are hung from below. The garland is hung in a circle with overhanging waves. You can do without it.
  • Intermittent – a checkerboard pattern is used to place decorations or sequential alternation of large and small accessories. Two lighting lines can be used. One of the garlands is wound in a spiral from left to right, and the second, on the contrary, from right to left.
  • Horizontal or vertical orientation – strict lines are followed. Design elements either encircle the tree in circles or are arranged in vertical straight lines. Garlands are hung accordingly.
  • Intuitive – at first it seems that the toys are hung chaotically, but at the same time the impression of complete harmony is created. Here the colors, shapes and sizes of decorations alternate in accordance with the tastes of the owners. The most attractive decorative elements occupy central positions. The orientation of the Christmas tree lights doesn't really matter. Here it is important to decorate the tree from all sides, even the one that is adjacent to the wall.

The chosen principle of decorating the Christmas tree is emphasized by the location paper garlands, rain, Christmas tree beads, serpentine, tinsel.

These items are hung last. The final touch is decorating the crown.

To do this, they use a traditional star, a special spire-shaped toy, and a spherical design of their rays directed in all directions.

You can also place it on top big bow, a figurine of Santa Claus or a symbolic animal - a dog. And sometimes they simply put a red New Year’s cap on the top of the head. Looks good too.

A decorated Christmas tree should have a harmonious, complete look. Nothing should be out of place general style registration

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018 - colors and design styles

There are several established styles that you should stick to when decorating your Christmas tree for 2018.

Everyone, in accordance with their taste, will be able to choose the decor option that is closest to them. It should be recalled that elegant Christmas tree should fit harmoniously into the overall decoration of the room.

European style. The Christmas tree is decorated in one color, you can use different shades. Another option is a design using two or three well-combined colors. Toys are hung in a small volume.

Accents can be made by evenly placing fairly large elements on the tree. These can be bows, bells, flowers, small cards or pictures. The Christmas tree turns out strict and elegant. As a rule, tinsel is not used here.

1. Handmade

Homemade ones are used Christmas decorations. They can be made not only from paper, cardboard and foil.

Various available materials (old jewelry, plastic containers, vinyl records, etc.), fabric and knitted crafts are widely used here.

2. Eco-style

Peculiarity of this style– use exclusively natural materials, primary use light shades and simplicity. Here you can even do without a Christmas tree, simulating it from all kinds of materials.

Decorations include dried fruits, berries, pine cones, shells, twigs, etc. And various figures can be made from salt dough. It is preferable to use a garland of yellow light bulbs.

3. Scandinavian style

It also suggests light colors and simplicity of decoration. Use white and light-colored toys.

Preference is given to small sizes and simple shapes. No frills. There are few accessories, but they are chosen with taste.

4. Minimalism

You can use a silver or white Christmas tree, or sprinkle the pine needles with glitter. For decoration, a very small number of toys are taken, usually of one discreet color. Single-color, non-blinking garlands with a sparse arrangement of lights are appropriate here.

5. Victorian style

This classic version decorations. The main colors are gold and red. The Christmas tree is generously hung with toys, cherub figurines, ribbons, bows, and golden beads.

The garland should be red or yellow. Availability required gift packaging under the tree and no tinsel.

6. Vintage

A riot of lights and colors is provided. A large number of tinsel, the presence of tangerines and apples, vintage toys.

Cotton or foam New Year's characters are placed under the tree: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, astronaut. And on the top of the head a traditional scarlet star is placed.

7. Modern

Artificial Christmas trees in flashy colors would be appropriate here. Often coniferous wood is spray painted or not used at all. It is replaced by a stylized imitation made from any materials.

It is not even necessary to imitate a Christmas tree; it is enough to achieve a pyramidal structure. This piece can be decorated with anything, including various junk, wire scraps and spare parts. Agree that this option will not be appropriate in every interior.

Safety precautions

Before decorating your Christmas tree in 2018, read the safety rules.

  1. The tree must be stable. The fastening must be reliable
  2. There should be no open fire either on the tree itself or in its immediate vicinity. If you want to use candles or lamps, they should only be electric. Otherwise, let them be decorative elements only. They should not be lit.
  3. Electrical garlands must be in good working order. They should be positioned so that there are no difficulties in plugging them into a power outlet.
  4. If the family has small children or active pets, then you need to select Christmas tree decorations with special care. It is better to avoid accessories that are too small so that the baby does not have the opportunity to swallow them or place them in his nose or ear. Animals may try to eat some too new Year decoration. For the same reason, all figures must be solid, without removable elements. Also, fragile or breakable objects should not be used. The Christmas tree should be safe for everyone, without exception.

Is it possible to imagine a festive New Year's mood without a Christmas tree? Probably not. When she appears in the house, the holiday settles in with her. Decorating a spruce tree is a whole science, a pleasant ritual and an unshakable tradition. Of course, you can decorate it as your heart dictates, but it is better to approach this important task with intelligence, the experience of wise people and the knowledge of “Christmas tree” specialists. How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 will be suggested by the traditions of ancestors, fashion designers and even astrologers who read information on the stars and planets.

New Year tree: Slavic customs

Modern fashion is largely borrowed from foreign cultures. It did not bypass the New Year either. For example, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui. Of course, this is a matter of personal preference, but is it worth neglecting your own cultural traditions, the strength of which lies in the spirit of your native land and the wisdom of your “blood”? We have a lot to learn from our Slavic ancestors. The symbolism that they included in the arrangement of everyday life, daily life activities and the organization of holidays carries hidden power. There is also a tradition of decorating a Christmas tree. The Slavs lived in harmony with the world around them, respected nature, and understood its deep content.

In old times Christmas decorations replaced the gifts of forests, gardens and fields. New Year's beauties were decorated with nuts, apples, sweets, pine cones, and rowan bunches. They symbolized the generosity of the future harvest, prosperity, prosperity, and carried the creative energy of nature. Hand-made jewelry also had a special meaning that contributed to the creation of family happiness, health, love or good luck. This is how motanka dolls, figurines of animals and birds, and amulets made of natural materials appeared on coniferous branches. The choice of outfit for the tree was never accidental. Therefore, perhaps today it is worth listening to the wisdom of generations and decorating the spruce according to ancient beliefs. This will not only be useful for the energy of the home and the happiness of the family, but will also mark the beginning family tradition, which favorably distinguishes such an original Christmas tree from all others.

Decorating the Christmas tree: three main steps

Step 1: Christmas tree, burn!

The garland can be placed on the Christmas tree in three ways: spiral, vertical and ring. The choice of the appropriate option depends on the toys that will complement the Christmas tree decoration. The main thing is that they correspond to the chosen “geometry” of the decoration.

Step 2: Color decision.

The color composition for the Christmas tree is chosen taking into account the interior of the room, the theme of the holiday or the symbol of the year (according to the eastern horoscope). A spruce tree can become, for example, a multi-colored kaleidoscope, a starry universe, a forest fairy, an oriental princess or an elegant lady. Colors that bring good luck in the year of the Earth Dog will be relevant: all shades of yellow, gold, brown, burgundy, blue.

Step 3: Pyramid principle.

The arrangement of toys should comply with the “pyramid” rule: increase the number of decorations and decrease their size from the bottom of the tree to its top. You can separate the rows of toys with rain or strings of beads.

It's also worth sticking to general rules Christmas tree decorations:

  1. harmoniously alternate types and shades of toys;
  2. make the most of natural toys, or choose artificial ones, but of high quality;
  3. hang unbreakable and soft toys if there are small children or animals in the house;
  4. harmonize the Christmas tree with the surrounding interior;
  5. comply with fire safety rules.

"Stylish" Christmas tree

The New Year tree that matches the family’s tastes, mood and established traditions will look beautiful. There are several styles of decorating a Christmas tree, the variety of which will allow you to choose the one with which the holiday will feel the most fabulous and magical:

Style Style characteristics
Traditional Vintage toys, homemade decorations, snowflakes, New Year characters, candies, tangerines, colorful balls
Slavic Apples, candies, nuts, mushrooms, pine cones, bunches of viburnum or rowan, bagels strung on a ribbon, reels, dried flowers, homemade cookies in the shape of birds and animals
Eco style Decorations made only from natural fabrics and natural materials, edible and hand-made toys
Classical Large balls (two or three colors), angels, garlands, bows, snowflakes
Vintage Rare toys, antique-style jewelry, tinsel, satin ribbons, animal figurines
Provence Decorations made from plant materials, flowers, toys in soft colors, different-sized balls, ribbon bows
Scandinavian Multi-colored country flags, snowflakes, stars, animal figures
Rustic Only natural toys, knitted Christmas tree decor, edible “outfit”, handmade decorations