Statuses about the birth of the second boy's son. Cool statuses with the birth of a boy or girl

  • My son was born, and I realized: my mission in this life was completed.
  • The birth of a child is like the birth of a moth: you see it, wrap it up and wait for it to turn into a butterfly.
  • Father always has fun when good son will be born.
  • I had a son and now I know that I have left my mark on this world.
  • Future parents of a boy should stock up on more than just diapers, clothes, a crib and a stroller. But also with plasters, brilliant green and bandages.

The best statuses about the birth of a son

  • Music influences me a lot. There are some songs that, when I hear them, instantly take me back to certain moments in my life. There are songs that I can't hear because they remind me of, say, the birth of my daughter or son. I can't listen to them because I might burst into tears. (Johnny Depp)
  • First, the first cry and the world froze when the baby said with his eyes: “Thank you, Mom, for waiting for me and bringing me into this world with love...”
  • Happiness cannot be bought. But he can be born!
  • The birth of our son turned our view of life upside down.
  • God has a favorite place - This is a little child's heart. He goes there slowly In the first moment of the baby's birth.
  • Quotes about the birth of a son- The birth of our first child makes us adults in one day. (Leonid Sukhorukov)
  • I take your hand in my hand and kiss the crown on your wrist! It was not in vain that I experienced torment, To give birth to such Happiness.
  • How many years do we have left to live? Everything is a joy for us with our son!
  • Our son has two hearts beating - his mother's and his father's.
  • Many years from now, we will remember our best moment in life, and this will not be our first dinner together, or even our wedding: it will be the moment when I give you a SON.
  • - My son was born! - Oh, congratulations! And who does he look like? - At me, drunk. - How is that? - He yells at everyone and grabs women by the tits...
  • The most expensive bracelet is a rubber tag on which is written the weight, height and time of birth of your baby!
  • The time has come for him to be born, He has begun his circle in life, Let his heart beat evenly, May happiness and love come!
  • Getting pregnant is one thing... realizing that you are pregnant... enduring this miracle and giving birth... God, it hurts... but there are tears of happiness in my eyes... the happiest... with a baby in my arms... he sleeps sweetly, little angel...
  • I asked God for happiness, I asked God for love. And one warm summer night, Fate gave me happiness. And now I ask so little: So that happiness always laughs, So that my happiness does not hurt, And later wakes up a little...
  • I will have an heir! Our family is very happy!
  • We wanted a daughter, but a son was born. A decent family man will be our support.
  • My little one is on his way home! Today I’m going to the maternity hospital to pick up my wife!
  • Finally, you were born and your journey in life began. Let this path last longer, let there be happiness and love!
  • New stage, new life- I'm a dad now!
  • The birth of a son is like winning the lottery. There is a ticket, but whether you hit the jackpot or are left with nothing, you will find out after a while.
  • Statuses about the birth of a son with meaning- The birth of my son destroyed my previous illusory mirages. I started a new life.
  • Let this day be not a noisy holiday, Not a red day on the calendar, But it is happy and beautiful - You have become a mother! The best mom on the ground!
  • My son was born - a reason to invite me to a feast.
  • We are born, from feelings we are children, Your baby is the fruit of great love, Let him be happy on the planet, Always healthy and with a “pipe tail”!
  • Happiness cannot be bought, happiness can be born!
  • If by the age of forty a person's room is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.
  • The world can safely be called naive because of the innocent children born, and they have a long road to perfection ahead of them.
  • Children don't come from nowhere, they come from God.
  • The most expensive bracelet is a rubber tag on which is written the weight, height and time of birth of your baby!

Beautiful statuses and quotes about the birth of a child

  • The sexiest number is 21593, because when two (2) people think about one (1), then in a maximum of five (5) weeks they will understand that in nine (9) months there will already be (3) of them...
  • A real family begins with the birth of the first child.
  • The birth of a child makes a woman happy.
  • The time has come for him to be born, He has begun his circle in life, Let his heart beat evenly, May happiness and love come!
  • A child gives birth to parents. One wrong move and you're the father
  • With the birth of a child, adults also get a new life!
  • Statuses about the birth of a child - Children are happiness! Children are joy! Children are a breeze in life... You can't earn them, they're not a reward. By grace God gives them to adults!
  • Let this day be not a noisy holiday, Not a red day on the calendar, But it is happy and beautiful - You have become a mother! The best mom on Earth!
  • Before pregnancy, I slept on my stomach. During pregnancy - on the side. After having a baby, I can even sleep standing up!
  • When a child is born, he cries and screams. And before birth, it creates certain movements, in the silent, living silence of the mother.
  • I want happiness... such small happiness, with tiny arms and legs, and with your eyes.
  • Before I had a baby, I thought the worst thing you could drop was your laptop!
  • This is how it is in the world According to the law of beauty: Children come into our lives, Like spring flowers.
  • With the birth of children, order, money, peace and serenity disappear in the house... And happiness appears.
  • A child of sincere love will be born not because of anything, but in spite of everything!
  • The birth of a child is like the birth of a moth - you see it, wrap it up and wait for it to turn into a butterfly.
  • An ideal world would be one in which there would be no need to have children—people would simply find them in cabbage patches.
  • I take your hand in my hand and kiss the crown on your wrist! It was not in vain that I experienced torment, To give birth to such Happiness.
  • You can only give birth to the ideal man yourself...
  • Everyone who has a child automatically becomes happy.
  • A child gives birth to parents. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  • Giving birth to a child takes a lot of energy, health, and time from a woman. But in return it gives a lot of happiness, love, tenderness.
  • Nine months of hassle are forgotten with the first cry of the baby.
  • Having a child means going back to childhood again.
  • Statuses about the birth of a child, a boy or a girl - If a man has a son, he becomes a father... And if he has a daughter, he becomes a daddy)
  • The family before the birth of the first child is the gender of the family. After the birth of a child, it is already a whole family.

Finally, my son was born! The path of a new life has begun! Let your heart beat smoothly! There will be happiness and love with him!

On your birthday you received the most important gift - life!

Nowadays storks can only be seen on bottles of Moldovan wines. There is no one to bring children.

The phrase “we found you in the cabbage” took on a specific meaning after the decision was made in Russia to pay 250,000 rubles for the birth of a second child.

Best status:
Before the birth of their first child, the family had not yet become real.

I want to hear words of gratitude when you hold my exhausted but happy hand in the ward where your son is born.

Giving birth to a son is like turning into a butterfly. They also wrap it and wait for it to turn from a cocoon into a miracle.

The biggest miracle inside me is my son!

A beautiful newborn, a wonderful daughter, made me the happiest!

There is no greater happiness for a man and woman than the birth of their common child!

A son, as the fruit of the boundless love of two parents, should simply be the happiest!

Getting pregnant is one thing..realizing that you are pregnant..bearing this miracle..and giving birth..god it hurts..but there are tears of happiness in the eyes..the happiest one..with the baby in her arms...he is sleeping sweetly..angel..

Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be born!

I used to be told that the stork brings babies. But, in fact, the birth of a child is a complex biochemical process in a woman’s body, caused by the influence of male influences... although no, a stork is better.

The birth of a son is like the birth of a moth - you see it, wrap it around and wait for it to turn into a butterfly.

Someday my son will break your daughter's heart.

The birth of a child is the greatest happiness in the life of a man and woman!

May the child born from the unbridled love of such wonderful parents be happy!

My mother once told me: “there are three occasions for tears, daughter: a wedding, a funeral and the birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit.”

The childhood of the first child ends with the birth of the second...

For the birth of a child – 300 thousand rubles. For the death of a person – 300 thousand rubles. As a result, human life is not worth a penny...

One wise woman said: “There are 3 occasions for tears: weddings, funerals and the birth of a child, and the rest is all crap...”

I dream of giving birth to a child, so that he would walk holding our hands and joyfully shout: “These are my mom and dad!” (c)

We are born, from feelings we are children, Your baby is the fruit of great love, Let him be happy on the planet, Always healthy and with a “pipe tail”!

– Congratulations! You just had a baby!! – Gender of the child? - No, whole!

The time has come for him to be born, He has begun his circle in life, Let his heart beat evenly, May happiness and love come!

And I love you, as children love from birth... It’s just that there’s no reason...

May your son grow up healthy, May he go through life with a smile, The path of happiness is prepared for him, May the Lord take care of the guy!

My mother gave birth to mine younger sister first of April. Personally, I didn't like the joke.

There is nothing eternal in life. - Well, don’t tell me. For example, you were born, then kindergarten, then school, then graduated from university, went to work, got married, and now you and your children go for a walk, and the grandmothers at the entrance are still the same

The birth of a child is like the birth of a moth - you see it, wrap it around and wait for it to turn into a butterfly.

We are born, from feelings we are children, Your baby is the fruit of great love, Let him be happy on the planet, Always healthy and with a “pipe tail”!

Childhood is not at all a period from birth to a certain age. Just one day, a child grows up and forgets childhood fun. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies

The general passes in front of the army and says: “Congratulate me!” My wife gave birth to triplets yesterday! Soldiers: - We are glad to try, Comrade General!

I was looking through a book about demonology and there in the section about Ghouls I found the following sentences: “On right side Dnieper there is also a special type of upirs. They call ghouls there children with large heads, long arms and legs, in a word, those suffering from softening of the bones, or the English disease. Such “freaks without bones” are called ODMINS...”

Childhood is not a period from birth to a certain age. Just one day, a child grows up and forgets childhood memories. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies. (Edna St. Vincent Millay) >”Twilight. Saga. Dawn"

May your child be happy and healthy. Let him not know the doctors. So that faithful friends We walked side by side through life. May sorrows and misfortunes pass by!

I have only one wish: “Let my future husband, an oligarch, give me a Maserati Quattroporte for the birth of my third child,” and I still don’t need anything else! Is it true!

Let this day be not a noisy holiday, Not a red day on the calendar, But it is happy and beautiful - You have become a mother! The best mom on Earth!

Childhood is not at all a period from birth to a certain age. It’s just that one day a child grows up and forgets childhood fun. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies

The baby has one task, to be healthy and grow, happiness and good luck to mom, flowers under her feet!

Dad, before I was born, did you want a boy or a girl more? - Actually, son, I just wanted to have a good time...

“Do you want to go to the cinema? - No. I want to live with you all my life. I want to have children from you. I want you to make me coffee in the morning. But in the movies, no. Don't want"

After Russia began paying 250,000 rubles for the birth of a second child, the phrase “we found you in the cabbage” took on meaning.

Happy holiday, my love! -But today is not my holiday. Today is not my birthday, not the eighth of March. Today is Mother's Day. You must have made a mistake? -No, dear, I was not mistaken... You will be the most wonderful mother... for my children...

– Congratulations on the birth of your child!! Who did you want - a boy or a girl?? - um, how can I tell you... I wanted sex.

Bill Gates has a baby. The girl was named “New Folder”. 🙂

But I wanted to become your wife, give birth to a son with your eyes and my smile... but you left... and my dreams collapsed... but I will never stop loving you..

Happy parents! We congratulate you, And in the name of the Savior We wish, without embellishment, May your baby grow up affectionate and successful, May life always lead Him like a beautiful fairy tale!

Do you want your child to have a birth date of 11/11/11? Then you know what to do tonight!)))

I want to marry you, give birth to a son or daughter, or maybe two at once, and just be happy knowing that you are nearby and that you are mine...

I want to give birth to your son. I want to lie exhausted in the ward after giving birth and feel that you are kissing my hands and whispering: “Thank you, dear.”

Getting pregnant is one thing.. to understand that you are pregnant.. to bear this miracle.. and give birth.. God it hurts.. but there are tears of happiness in the eyes.. the happiest.. with the baby in her arms... he sleeps sweetly.. little angel..

When we were little we always dreamed: 1- go to school, 2- go to college, 3- get a job, 4- get married, 5- have children... And now we want one thing - to be small and go to school kindergarten…

“Do you want to go to the cinema? -No. I want to live with you all my life. I want to have children from you. I want you to make me coffee in the morning. And to the cinema, No, I don’t want to...”

but I don’t care about your end of the world and other prejudices, I still need to study, find a job, get married and have children, you know, somehow it’s not until the end of the world now.

Children must begin to be raised from the moment their parents are born!

I saw a lot, I did a lot of different things...Only three main things, I didn’t have time to do...Build a house, grow a tree, give birth to a son...And yet in life, the middle is approaching.

How often, as children, did we hear the phrase from our parents: we are giving this to you now, but this is for your birthday...

A cassette with a German film became the reason for the birth of a second child.

My mother once told me: “There are three occasions for tears, daughter: wedding, funeral and birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit!

Our joy is immeasurable, But it cannot be compared with yours. Let him drink the sweetness of life with a full cup!

And I love you, as children love from birth. Just like that, for no reason.

What did your parents give you for your birthday? - Life.

Honey, let's drink so that at least one of our children is born healthy!

For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success one could say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.

May your child be happy and healthy. Let him not know the doctors. So that true friends walk side by side in life. May sorrows and misfortunes pass by!

A truth that you understand after the birth of a child: everything that is stored in inaccessible places is retrieved in 28 seconds; a tube of toothpaste is enough for half a wall and a door :))

This is what you guys need... you don’t like love, you don’t like it... you don’t like affection... you don’t like care... you don’t like sex... maybe you should give birth to a child so that you can enjoy it for the rest of your life?!

happiness cannot be bought. but he can be born!

Girls don’t want the end of the world: they want to get married and have children... men hope for the end

Today is the first day in the world Your beautiful baby lives, May all children be healthy, Good luck in life, dear swift!

Giving birth to a child means deciding to let your heart walk outside your body from now on and forever.

I DO NOT want to give birth to your baby, I want a whole football team!)

Let this day be not a noisy holiday, Not a red day on the calendar, But it is happy and beautiful - You have become a mother! The best mom on Earth!

A real man must give birth to a son, plant a tree and build a house. And he doesn’t care who will raise this son for the rest of his life, water this tree and clean this house.

The memory of the past will forever remain with me, in the form of my own son from a loved one from the past.

A man will do anything for his wife. A woman will be ready to do anything for a man if the man is her son.

Finally, you were born and your journey in life began. Let this path last longer, let there be happiness and love!

Parents whose child was born out of crazy, strong love will definitely see him happy!

Best status:
The low birth rate is due to storks bringing babies. They, like endangered animals, are listed in the Red Book.

My most cherished desire is to give birth to your son and hear the most important words of gratitude right in the ward where he was born and you kiss my hands and quietly whisper them.

Names in Spain are just a nightmare. It seems that relatives were suddenly doused with water and the first word that came out of their mouths became the name of the born child. This is how Conchito, Juan, Hera appeared...

The birth of a son is like winning the lottery. There is a ticket, but whether you hit the Jackpot or are left with nothing, you will find out after a while.

A couple of minutes ago I was a child... And now I’m an adult. 🙂 Happy birthday and coming of age to me! 🙂

First love cannot come at 15, 17, 20 years old and will end after a certain number of years or months.. The very first love arises between a mother and a child and never ends!

Mom: “What time were you born?” Me: “At 10:20, did you forget?” – Yes... I forgot, but you have a good memory, after all, 17 years have passed! I'm shocked, but damn I remember!

My childhood diary: “The first thing I saw in my life was the kind eyes of a gynecologist. And a month later I was born!

The guy who will love me all his life has not yet been born. But he will be born. Surely, and then I will call him affectionately and tenderly - Son!

– Congratulations on the birth of your child! Who did you want - a boy or a girl? - Um, how can I tell you... I wanted sex.

With the birth of my baby, I became more confident in myself.

A small and beautiful miracle inside of me. My baby!

Our joy is immeasurable, But it cannot be compared with yours. Let him drink the sweetness of life with a full cup!

– Congratulations on the birth of your child!! Who did you want - a boy or a girl?? - um, how can I tell you... I wanted sex.

The birth of a child is like the birth of a moth - you see it, wrap it around and wait for it to turn into a butterfly.

The time has come for him to be born, He has begun his circle in life, Let his heart beat evenly, May happiness and love come!

I have only one wish: “Let my future husband, an oligarch, give me a Maserati Quattroporte for the birth of my third child,” and I still don’t need anything else! Is it true!

Children must begin to be raised from the moment their parents are born!

Honey, let's drink so that at least one of our children is born healthy!

“Do you want to go to the cinema? -No. I want to live with you all my life. I want to have children from you. I want you to make me coffee in the morning. And to the cinema, No, I don’t want to...”

My mother gave birth to my little sister on the first of April. Personally, I didn't like the joke.

I saw a lot, I did a lot of different things...Only three main things, I didn’t have time to do...Build a house, grow a tree, give birth to a son...And yet in life, the middle is approaching.

Dad, before I was born, did you want a boy or a girl more? - Actually, son, I just wanted to have a good time...

My mother once told me: “There are three occasions for tears, daughter: wedding, funeral and birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit!

This is what you guys need... you don’t like love, you don’t like it... you don’t like affection... you don’t like care... you don’t like sex... maybe you should give birth to a child so that you can enjoy it for the rest of your life?!

but I don’t care about your end of the world and other prejudices, I still need to study, find a job, get married and have children, you know, somehow it’s not until the end of the world now.

Childhood is not at all a period from birth to a certain age. It’s just that one day a child grows up and forgets childhood fun. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies

I want to marry you, give birth to a son or daughter, or maybe two at once, and just be happy knowing that you are nearby and that you are mine...

Happy parents! We congratulate you, And in the name of the Savior We wish, without embellishment, May your baby grow up affectionate and successful, May life always lead Him like a beautiful fairy tale!

But I wanted to become your wife, give birth to a son with your eyes and my smile... but you left... and my dreams collapsed... but I will never stop loving you..

We are born, from feelings we are children, Your baby is the fruit of great love, Let him be happy on the planet, Always healthy and with a “pipe tail”!

“Do you want to go to the cinema? - No. I want to live with you all my life. I want to have children from you. I want you to make me coffee in the morning. But in the movies, no. Don't want"

When we were little we always dreamed: 1- go to school, 2- go to college, 3- get a job, 4- get married, 5- have children... And now we want one thing - to be small and go to school kindergarten…

Childhood is not a period from birth to a certain age. Just one day, a child grows up and forgets childhood memories. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies. (Edna St. Vincent Millay) >”Twilight. Saga. Dawn"

And I love you, as children love from birth. Just like that, for no reason.

For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success one could say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.

How often, as children, did we hear the phrase from our parents: we are giving this to you now, but this is for your birthday...

Getting pregnant is one thing.. to understand that you are pregnant.. to bear this miracle.. and give birth.. God it hurts.. but there are tears of happiness in the eyes.. the happiest.. with the baby in her arms... he sleeps sweetly.. little angel..

Girls don’t want the end of the world: they want to get married and have children... men hope for the end

I want to give birth to your son. I want to lie exhausted in the ward after giving birth and feel that you are kissing my hands and whispering: “Thank you, dear.”

Do you want your child to have a birth date of 11/11/11? Then you know what to do tonight!)))

The childhood of the first child ends with the birth of the second...

A truth that you understand after the birth of a child: everything that is stored in inaccessible places is retrieved in 28 seconds; a tube of toothpaste is enough for half a wall and a door :))

After Russia began paying 250,000 rubles for the birth of a second child, the phrase “we found you in the cabbage” took on meaning.

Today is the first day in the world Your beautiful baby lives, May all children be healthy, Good luck in life, dear swift!

Giving birth to a child means deciding to let your heart walk outside your body from now on and forever.

Let this day be not a noisy holiday, Not a red day on the calendar, But it is happy and beautiful - You have become a mother! The best mom on Earth!

I was looking through a book about demonology and there, in the section about Ghouls, I found the following sentences: “On the right side of the Dnieper there is also a special type of Ghoul. They call ghouls there children with large heads, long arms and legs, in a word, those suffering from softening of the bones, or the English disease. Such “freaks without bones” are called ODMINS...”

A cassette with a German film became the reason for the birth of a second child.

May your child be happy and healthy. Let him not know the doctors. So that true friends walk side by side in life. May sorrows and misfortunes pass by!

Bill Gates has a baby. The girl was named “New Folder”. 🙂

The baby has one task, to be healthy and grow, happiness and good luck to mom, flowers under her feet!

I DO NOT want to give birth to your baby, I want a whole football team!)

My mother once told me: “there are three occasions for tears, daughter: a wedding, a funeral and the birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit.”

And I love you, as children love from birth... It’s just that there’s no reason...

A real man must give birth to a son, plant a tree and build a house. And he doesn’t care who will raise this son for the rest of his life, water this tree and clean this house.

There is nothing eternal in life. - Well, don’t tell me. For example, you were born, then kindergarten, then school, then graduated from university, went to work, got married, and now you and your children go for a walk, and the grandmothers at the entrance are still the same

One wise woman said: “There are 3 occasions for tears: a wedding, a funeral and the birth of a child, and the rest is all bullshit...”

After Russia began paying 250,000 rubles for the birth of a second child, the phrase “we found you in the cabbage” took on meaning.

I dream of giving birth to a child, so that he would walk holding our hands and joyfully shout: “These are my mom and dad!” (c)

– Congratulations! You just had a baby!! – Gender of the child? - No, whole!

What did your parents give you for your birthday? - Life.

May your child be happy and healthy. Let him not know the doctors. So that true friends walk side by side in life. May sorrows and misfortunes pass by!

Childhood is not at all a period from birth to a certain age. Just one day, a child grows up and forgets childhood fun. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies

happiness cannot be bought. but he can be born!

May your son grow up healthy, May he go through life with a smile, The path of happiness is prepared for him, May the Lord take care of the guy!

Happy holiday, my love! -But today is not my holiday. Today is not my birthday, not the eighth of March. Today is Mother's Day. You must have made a mistake? -No, dear, I was not mistaken... You will be the most wonderful mother... for my children...

For the birth of a child – 300 thousand rubles. For the death of a person – 300 thousand rubles. As a result, human life is not worth a penny...

The general passes in front of the army and says: “Congratulate me!” My wife gave birth to triplets yesterday! Soldiers: - We are glad to try, Comrade General!

Let this day be not a noisy holiday, Not a red day on the calendar, But it is happy and beautiful - You have become a mother! The best mom on Earth!

If anyone knows others, please write!

What a blessing it is that I have a son, lovely eyes and chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and a sonorous childish laugh... and this little man is more precious than anyone else in the world!!! ​ ​

A gentle face, every line, a snub-nosed sniffling nose! Money, career... all this is unimportant... The important thing is sleeping next to you!

The only one I will run after will shout to me “Catch up, mom!”

I kiss a tenderly soft hand, I barely touch my nose with my lips, my heart skips a beat with love for my son, for me there is no better creature in the world!

*♡*Happiness is soft, warm palms! There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa! What is happiness? It’s easier not to answer, everyone has happiness - who has children!*♡*

I will squeeze your little legs in my hands. And I will press it to my lips - I will not give them to anyone.

Take care of mothers and daughters!!! My SON is growing!

First, the first cry and the world froze when the baby said with his eyes: “Thank you, Mom, for waiting for me and bringing me into this world with love...”

Son, son, little son... Affectionate, beloved, warm little bundle... Sunny child, sweet child... How we used to live with dad without you!!!

Happy... because I sing a lullaby... because little hands tangle my hair... because the meaning of my life falls asleep on my hand.

A little lump was born

And now there’s no time for sleep at all!

You need so much care, affection,

And now there’s too much to do,

To make those little eyes laugh!

And there is no better trouble

A beloved man appeared in my life and my lawful husband is simply crazy about him.

There is someone in whose hands my heart is. Whose smile adorns my entire day. Whose laughter shines brighter than the sun for me. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

What a cool guy!.. And he is my son

You are sleeping, my little friend, The heart of an angel is innocent. I'll quietly come up to the crib and kiss you on the cheek...