Congratulations on Chemist's Day. Congratulations on Chemical Industry Day in verse The role and importance of chemistry in the life of mankind cannot be overestimated

Congratulations on Chemist's Day

We sing glory to those whose fate is chemistry,
About whom scientific rumors are buzzing:
Creative, vulnerable natures,
From an unstable substance
But you have all the molecules and atoms
Subject to... Stop! Let's change the leitmotif:
On Chemist's Day we wish to become rich -
To buy both bread and reagents!

Your science is not easy,
Chemistry is such a thing
If something goes wrong, it will explode,
And no one will understand.
We wish the chemists happiness,
To work with passion,
Without forgetting about caution,
May life give you an opportunity!

Birthday of the chemical industry
Celebrated all over the country now
And according to statistical statements
Chemicals are always at a high price.
We wish you happiness and prosperity
Increases in bonuses and salaries
May all beginnings be easy
And adversity will fly away with smoke!

Not everyone, of course, loves chemistry,
The way you're in love with her.
Happy Chemist's Day, I wish you
May you be inspired with happiness.
Let work bring joy,
Recognition, money and success.
Love for work is great
Although it doesn't happen to everyone.

Chemist, you are our magician,
Start the Sabbath soon,
The flasks have been filled for a long time -
There will be a holiday anyway!
And hug the molecules,
Let your connections
Cheer up!

Chemists are stubborn people,
Corrosive, like acid!
Noon, night - they are zealous
They bring their experience to the end!
Chemists are harsh people,
Definitely don’t put an atom in their mouth!
We wish them new discoveries
And great achievements on the way!

In the twenty-first century without chemistry
People won't live a day.
Chemist! There is no more honorable name!
We congratulate you!
There are too many people on this day
Accepts congratulations,
Chemists are a big industry
Let everything without exception
They will be happy, lucky,
All work will be paid!

Congratulations on Chemist's Day
And I irreversibly wish you
Achievements in your favorite work,
Well, at home - bathe in care.

Don't argue - there is no more important science
And they don’t come to it out of boredom,
Apparently, you need to be born a chemist,
And tirelessly study all my life.

Chemistry is the science that studies substances and their transformations as a result of chemical reactions. A long time ago, people put their knowledge of chemistry into practice, trying to obtain gold from any metal, melting glass, and dyeing fabrics with various dyes. As a result of such practical actions, some reagents and equipment appeared, for example, an apparatus for the distillation of liquids. Chemistry as a science began in the 17th century with the name of Robert Boyle, who was the first to try to define the chemical element that makes up a substance. In the 19th century, Mendeleev created a table of elements, later named after him, with the help of which it was much easier to determine chemical composition substances.

IN modern life It is difficult to find at least one area where chemicals and materials are not used. Our whole life is in one way or another connected with chemistry. Chemist's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May. This professional holiday chemical industry workers, representatives of science, chemist students and their teachers.

Who loves science terribly,
And chemicals day after day,
I congratulate you on the holiday,
And good luck to you in everything.

May you have everything in life,
Only as light as hydrogen
Be sure to keep it in your wallets,
Only the aurum is growing.

Let health be like ferrum,
Never fails
And of course let it be alright
There will be heart and soul!

Yours will go out on this holiday
The alcohol lamp has a flame.
All C2H5OH
It gurgles in the glass.

Chemists, go to the bottom!
And then - to the sediment.
Let them pour on you in full
Wishes from the city:

To the money box,
Mountains of personal happiness
You are a mischievous fate
I was constantly doing chemicals!

Happy Chemist's Day! Let all connections in life, be they chemical or human, be strong and not subject to decay. May there always be chemistry in your hearts, from violent reactions and positive emotions, may your blood always boil. More successful experiences, new interesting discoveries and sustainable success for you.

Gather the ingredients:
Joy, happiness, compliments,
Mix in a gram of luck,
Don't forget about love
It is necessary to warm up with hope,
Let your boss add some salary.
If suddenly the mixture ends up
Will give in the sediment anger, arrogance -
Pour them off carefully
And the resulting cocktail
Drink in one gulp, old man,
A chemist's day to the bottom!

May, last Sunday,
Warm spring time...
On Chemist's Day again
I wish you great happiness!

May all your wishes come true
Days are filled with kindness
There will be successes, victories,
Joy, there are coins in your pockets!

In any of the spheres of huge life
Sometimes chemistry is needed.
After all, our life is unthinkable without her,
The country is proud of the chemist!

And everyone involved in chemistry,
Happy Chemist's Day now.
We wish you goodness and happiness,
May everything work out for you!

On Chemist's Day I wish you
Violent, non-dangerous reactions.
Let your life burn, shine,
And it will be bright and beautiful!

Let the elements from the table
Everyone will obey you.
And only good moments
They will be remembered from work!

Happy Chemist's Day! Live prosperously.
May the sun of May please you with its radiance.
All relatives give care.
The income will be the coolest!

Workers in such an essential sector,
We wish you warmth, success, faith,
Hope for good things, for happiness.
And let your dreams come true!

Opening the doors to the laboratory as usual,
Where flasks and solutions are unlikely to stand,
I want you to easily believe in a fairy tale,
Magically transforming everything.

After all, you are not just a chemist, you are a magician!
Solutions and reactions eternal magician,
You comprehended the textbook behind the textbook,
And chemistry, like a rod, is in your hands.

Happy Chemist's Day! Let your work make you happy
Well, the salary is doubly pleasing!
There is something magical and secret
And in chemistry, and in life, and in you!

Don't let your reagents let you down.
Great success and initiative!
Difficult tasks for you, and also such
It is worthy that you can solve them.
Make the work great
And at the same time it is absolutely safe.
Hypotheses confirmed in experiments
A huge success without question.
Strive for new discoveries!

Enjoy life at fifty - just like at thirty!
Success and good luck that others cannot dream of!

Let not everyone remember about the holiday,
He is dear and pleasant to us.
We know what the secret of “Comets” is,
Yes, and anti-stain liquids.
Rarely do the media remember us
But in vain, oh in vain...
Only a chemist knows magic -
He's a scientist, which is great!
We invite you to our holiday...
... Mendeleev with a table.
Let's mix joy with pride,
Science has our faces!

Chemist's Day is a professional holiday for everyone working in the chemical industry. It was officially established on May 10, 1965 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The first who began to celebrate this holiday were teachers and students, in a word, chemists of Moscow State University. This tradition was later adopted by other universities. Celebrated Chemist Day in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in last Sunday in May. But different chemistry departments in these countries celebrate Chemist Day on more than one day. For example, in St. Petersburg it is celebrated on the 1st Saturday of April, in Kharkov - on the last Sunday of April, Donetsk is celebrated on the last Friday of May, Moscow - the second weekend of May, Minsk - the 3rd-4th weekend of May. Other cities celebrate this day on other days of May. One of the official dates of Chemist's Day in 2019 - May 26. Chemist's Day in Ukraine in 2019 will also be celebrated 26 of May.

Scenario for Chemist's Day

Chemists have a tradition of celebrating Chemist's Day under the sign of a chemical element of Mendeleev's Periodic Table. For each holiday, one chemical element is played out. A similar tradition underlies all Chemist’s Day scenarios. In towns and cities that were formed as a result of the construction of a chemical enterprise, Chemist's Day is dedicated to the City Day holiday.

In our country, this traditional holiday of Lomonosov and Mendeleev is celebrated cheerfully and noisily. This holiday, Chemist's Day, is not only one of the most famous, but also traditional holidays year, and the modern generation not only honors and preserves its traditions, but also successfully multiplies them. As mentioned above, every year this holiday is held under the symbol of a new element. The first holiday was assigned the first element from the periodic table - hydrogen, and subsequent years - each element in turn.

The Chemist's Day holiday brings together graduates of all generations, graduate students, students, and, of course, teachers. Graduates of chemical industry faculties are in great demand in many industries modern world. They are indispensable in science, business, and industry. Therefore, Chemist's Day is always celebrated cheerfully and brightly.

For a successful and happy holiday The Chemist's day script will be useful. On this holiday, you can hold various competitions, concerts and performances. Many poems are also dedicated to Chemist’s Day, which can be inserted into the concert script for Chemist’s Day.

Congratulations on Chemist's Day

Congratulations on Chemist's Day can be in prose or poetry. Here is an example of one of the congratulations on Chemist’s Day in verse:

S2N5ON - you are our beloved friend!
You and I will be together
Celebrate Chemist's Day.
And on this day everything will go smoothly
And the experiments will be easy
And the substance will reveal a mystery,
And we will all be lucky in life!

And on this day we will be glad
On Chemist's Day, congratulate everyone.
Without fabric, paints and lipstick
Success would not await all women.
And let not every holiday remember
It is dear to us, like the day of victories
And we don’t need big words
Happy Chemist Day! Success awaits you.

There are a huge number of scenarios for the Chemist’s Day holiday. It may include entertaining competitions and riddles for a festive evening. Here are some riddles that will go a long way:

Ready to make us all happy
He who is coal and diamond,
And sits in pencils
Just like he is still graphite.
Our smart people will understand
Let's say together:...

It burns logs, gas,
Carbon or diamond?
What do we breathe?
Maybe kvass?
No! Of course not kvass!
Without what will nature freeze?
Everything is true! Without:…

There is the most important gas in the air,
He will surround us everywhere.
Everything around is fading away.
Without him - he is the best friend
He lives in our cells
An important element...

Competitions for Chemist Day can be very diverse: from “brainstorming”, when thematic questions are asked, and whoever answers the most wins, to competitions “who can catch up the most”. You can also include in the Chemist's Day scenario themed game“collecting molecules” (collect as many tennis balls as possible with your eyes closed).

You can also organize a charming chemical show using different chemical elements, for example, the interaction of sodium nitrite with hydrochloric acid and water. It will be unusual and fascinating. And at the end of the holiday, you can give everyone present small memorable gifts that will remind you of this holiday for a long time.

Happy holiday, dear chemists! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Specialized secondary school of I-III levels No. 24

Simferopol City Council of the Republic of Crimea

Open event on the topic:

"Great chemists in art"

Chemistry teacher

Lepikhova G.M.


year 2014

"Great chemists in art." Integrated open extracurricular activity(chemistry + music + art)

Educational: introduce students to the outstanding creations of great Russian chemists in the field of chemistry and art.

Developmental: continue to develop knowledge about the secrets of glassmaking, mosaics, chemical reactions, substances, the periodic system, develop listening skills, deepen knowledge about the composer’s work.

Educational: using the example of famous scientists and composers - to instill in students a sense of pride and patriotism for their country, for their compatriots, to instill in them a desire to gain knowledge and work with the same perseverance.

(SLIDE 1)Epigraph:
“Long live the muses,
Long live reason!
A.S. Pushkin

Chemistry teacher:

Tonight is an evening of chemistry and art at the same time. On it you will hear about famous chemists who glorified themselves not only in the field of chemistry, but also created beautiful paintings, wrote wonderful odes, songs, suites, symphonies, and operas.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov– 298 years since his birth – the first Russian scientist, naturalist, poet, artist, historian, champion of national education.

Alexander Porfirievich Borodin– 176th birthday – Russian composer, talented scientist, professor of medicine.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev– 175 years since his birth – Russian chemist, teacher, progressive figure.

Thanks to books and art that are eternal, we can learn about the one or those who lived and worked three hundred years ago, for example, about the years when M.V. Lomonosov was born.

Students' message about Lomonosov's childhood(SLIDES 2,3) (see. application).

A.N. Nekrasov, poem “Schoolboy” (read by student) (SLIDE 4):

You'll soon find out at school
Like an Arkhangelsk man
By my own and God's will
Became intelligent and great.
Not without good souls in the world
Someone will take you to Moscow,
Will you be at the university?
The dream will come true!
There is a wide field there:
Know, work and don’t be afraid.
That's why you're deeply
I love, dear Rus'!

(SLIDE 5) His life in Moscow was very difficult, hungry, but he did not give up, became the best student of the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy, and then, after studying in Moscow and St. Petersburg, among the 3 best students, he was sent to Germany for further studies.

(SLIDE 6) After studying abroad, Lomonosov returned to Russia in 1745. he has already been confirmed as a professor of chemistry. Lomonosov can, in all fairness, be called the first Russian naturalist. Before him, chemistry generally belonged to the category of arts.

Lomonosov was the first to define chemistry as the science of the transformation of substances, became the founder of atomic-molecular science, formulated the law of conservation of mass of substances, designed a single-mirror telescope, invented a night vision telescope for seeing in the dark, and made astronomical and atmospheric observations.

Pushkin said very briefly and succinctly about him: “Historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything” (SLIDE 7)

Lomonosov devoted over 17 years of his life to research in the field of glass making. Lomonosov was very interested in the work of Italian masters, mosaics, who managed to create thousands of shades made of colored glass, smalt, as they were called then.

The preparation of smalt was kept strictly secret by the Italians. Lomonosov himself revealed the secrets and developed his own recipes for making smalt. He carried out thousands of experiments and discovered methods for producing smalt of any color, and built the Ust-Ruditsk glass factory. He became so fascinated by glass and loved it that he even dedicated one of his odes to it (read by a student):

They think about things wrong, Shuvalov
Who honor glass below minerals
An alluring ray shining in the eyes:
No less useful in it, no less beauty in it.
...I sing praises before You in delight
Not expensive stones, nor gold, but Glass
...We owe health and life to part of Glass
What praise should be given to him!

(SLIDE 8) Many mosaic paintings were created in his workshop, one of which he completed with his own hand (painting Peter I). Lomonosov treated Peter I with great respect, even adoration. In memory of him, he wanted to create a mausoleum, where paintings, floors, walls, columns, tombs - everything was to be made of colored glass, but illness and death cut short his plans.

(SLIDE 9,10) In memory of Russia’s victory over the Swedes, the painting “Battle of Poltava” (42 square meters in area) was created. Work on the painting took place for almost 5 years, and then it suffered a sad fate. She went missing. Almost 150 years passed, the October Revolution took place, and then one day, in St. Petersburg, while putting in order the basements of the Academy of Sciences, workers came across some huge boxes. A painting was found in them, chopped into pieces. It was restored and now it surprises us with its splendor. It is located in the building of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

(SLIDE 11) Tsarina Elizaveta Petrovna favored Lomonosov. On the day of the Empress’s accession to the throne, in 1747, Lomonosov wrote an ode for her, in which he addressed young people, urging them to acquire knowledge and serve the fatherland (read by a student):

O you who await
Fatherland from its depths
And he wants to see them
Which ones are calling from foreign countries,
Oh, your days are blessed!
Be of good cheer now
Please show me
What can Pluto's own
And the quick-witted Newtons
Russian land to give birth!
Science nourishes the young, gives joy to the old
IN happy life decorate, protect in case of an accident.
There is joy in difficulties at home, and there is no hindrance in distant travels,
Sciences are used everywhere: among nations and in the desert,
In the noise of the city and alone, in peace and in work!

Academic Chem.: He dedicates one of his mosaic paintings to her.

He also created a portrait of Count Ivan Shuvalov, who saw in Lomonosov the glory and pride of his homeland and greatly valued his friendship with him. In addition to these works, paintings were created (SLIDES 12,13,14):

“Savior not made by hands”

“Apostle Peter”

"Alexander Nevskiy"

“God is the father”

“Count M.I. Vorontsov”

“Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich”

“Princess Anna Petrovna”

“Count G.G. Orlov”, “Catherine II”

All these paintings have survived to this day, once again proving to the current generation that mosaics and “are not afraid of the gnawing of ancient antiquity.” Many of them are now in the Hermitage. And exactly 180 years ago, almost at the same time (with a difference of only one year), two remarkable chemists were born and worked: A.P. Borodin and D.I. Mendeleev.

A fragment from the opera “Prince Igor” sounds - “Fly away on the wings of the wind” (slide 15-21)

Why do you think the music was played now? But because we will now talk about the great musician - chemist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin.

Student message

A.P. Borodin was born in 1833 near St. Petersburg. His father was a prince, and his mother was a soldier’s daughter, so he was an illegitimate child, and was recorded as the son of a serf - Porfiry Borodin. (SLIDES 16,17)

Alexander's mother, although she had no education, understood how important it was to be an educated person, and spared no expense in educating her son. She hired him teachers who taught him at home. He studied well, in childhood he mastered French, German, English languages, and later Italian. Of all the subjects he studied, he liked chemistry the most. At the age of twelve, he turned the entire apartment into a kind of laboratory, where he conducted various entertaining experiments. (SLIDE 18) Borodin’s II “Bogatyr” Symphony sounds. (slide 24-27)

In the symphony, the composer reveals the strength and power of the Russian people.

In the same era, the outstanding chemist D.I. Mendeleev lived and worked.

Student message about Mendeleev(SLIDES 19,20)

Born in 1834 in the city of Tobolsk, he was the 17th child in the family. The family was intelligent. Mom - Maria Dmitrievna was a very educated, well-read woman, played music well, had a strong character and inexhaustible energy. They used to say about such families: “the music of old Russian families.” Father is the director of the Tobolsk gymnasium, a man of progressive ideas and views. This was a family that, with its example, intellect, and culture, raised and raised famous people in Russia.

The daughter of D.I. Mendeleev, Lyubov Dmitrievna, married the poet Alexander Blok.

Mendeleev himself was the soul of the company that gathered in his house, where one could always talk with famous artists: Repin, Shishkin, Kuindzhi, talk about painting, hear the wonderful performance of romances by Mendeleev’s wife, Anna Ivanovna Popova. During his student years, Mendeleev was an avid music lover, was very interested in opera. The powerful effect of music on his soul remained until the last days of his life. He read a lot, loved Nansen's travels, treated many writers with respect and had his own opinion on everything.

(SLIDE 21) Many scientists went to Europe to improve themselves in the sciences. Mendeleev chose Heidelberg (Germany). At that time there were many Russian scientists in Heidelberg.

All the bright minds of the fatherland gathered at the Hoffman boarding house. Often after lunch, the young chemist Borodin sat down at the piano and the room was filled with melodies familiar from childhood. Passionately loving music, Borodin drew his friends into this wonderful and bright world.

A nocturne from Borodin's Little Suite for piano sounds. (slide 31-35)

Academic Chem.:

A.P. Borodin was not only an excellent composer, but also a wonderful chemist and doctor of medicine. (SLIDES 22,23,24)

Already in the first year, Borodin begins to independently engage in scientific work, as a result of which he obtains glycolic acid (hydroxyacetic) - CH 2 (OH) - COOH

Developed by original way obtaining bromo-substituted fatty acids, studied Chemical properties amarin and proposed its use in medicine as a pain reliever.

In 1862, Borodin obtained the first aromatic organofluorine compound, which then became very widely used in industry and medicine.

In 1872, he discovered a new type of reaction - aldol condensation (when two aldehydes or ketones combine with each other).

When meeting in Heidelberg, scientists in Russia often organized funny skit parties, where they played comic scenes, the prototype of which we wanted to show you today. “Romeo and Juliet” in a chemical way.(SLIDES 25,26,27)

(SLIDE 28) A.P. Borodin also owes Heidelberg the fact that he met his first and only love there, his future wife - Ekaterina Sergeevna Protopopova - true friend, a virtuoso pianist, a serious critic of his musical works, a passionate admirer of his talent. He dedicated one of his quartets to her.

The nocturne from the 2nd quartet sounds. (slide 40-44)

Academic Chem.:

Let's return to Borodin's friend and ally, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, the greatest genius of Russia. (SLIDE 29)

A man very much in love with art, but he found his main calling in chemistry.

In his diary, he wrote: “In total, more than four subjects made up my name: the periodic law, the study of the elasticity of gases, the understanding of solutions as associations and “Fundamentals of Chemistry.” All my wealth is here. These are my children"

Student message

2009 is a double anniversary year for D.I. Mendeleev, 175 years since his birth, 140 years of the periodic system of chemical elements created by him.

Is it true that Mendeleev discovered the periodic table in a dream, as is often said now?

Listen to what Mendeleev himself thought and said about this, answering this question to the reporter: “But it’s not like yours, my friend! Not a nickel per line! Not like you! I’ve been thinking about it for maybe twenty years, but the table itself is the final chord, the result of many years of work.”

In his periodic table, Mendeleev predicted the existence of 11 elements unknown at the time. He wrote the properties of three of them in the most detail and with amazing accuracy: eka-aluminum (gallium), eca-boron (scandium), eca-silicon (germanium).

Academic Chem.:

One day in the fall of 1875, when Mendeleev was looking through the reports of the Paris Academy of Sciences, his gaze fell on Lecoq de Boisbaudran's report on the discovery of a new element, which he named gallium. Mendeleev feverishly looked through the article, there was no doubt - the properties of the newly discovered element were similar to the properties of eka-aluminum predicted by Mendeleev. There was no doubt - this is a triumph, this is a victory! But the French researcher indicated the specific gravity of gallium as 4.7, but according to Mendeleev’s calculations it was 5.9. Mendeleev wrote to the scientist. Lecoq de Boisbaudran, having read Mendeleev’s letter, was very surprised and did not understand why Mendeleev asserted with such confidence the density of gallium, if he did not have this element at all, but only predicted the possibility of its existence. But still, he carried out repeated tests and became convinced that Mendeleev was right. This caused a real sensation among scientists. Work began to boil everywhere, scientists began to look for the remaining elements predicted by Mendeleev.

And success was not long in coming. In 1879, Professor Nilsson discovered ekabor - scandium. In early 1886, the chemist Winkler announced the discovery of germanium - e-silicon.

Without initially supporting Mendeleev’s research, but advising him to “get down to business,” N.N. Zinin then became one of the first to recognize the genius of the periodic law and later told Mendeleev: “that the periodic law glorified your name, and with you the Russian science all over the world. How joyful it is to realize that this is the merit of your compatriot!

N.N. Zinin was also Borodin’s scientific advisor and often reproached him for spending a lot of time on music. (SLIDE 30)

Borodin dreamed of creating a new Russian opera. The basis for it was the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” in which the feelings of Prince Igor and his Yaroslavna sounded so vividly, which reflected the centuries-old struggle between Russia and the barbarian East.

Borodin worked on the opera for 18 years. He never had enough time for everything. He managed to study music, as he himself said, only during illness. At the same time, he often joked: “for me, music is fun, and chemistry is business.” However, everything he took on was very serious for him.

Borodin did not have time to finish work on the opera. On February 15, 1887 he died. His friends helped finish the opera and carry out its premiere. Poetry

On the monument to Borodin, 4 formulas of the chemical compounds he obtained and musical themes from the opera “Prince Igor” were engraved.

Igor’s aria from the opera “Prince Igor” sounds (slide 45)

Academic Chem.:

Tonight we were convinced that all brilliant people were very multifaceted, that chemistry and art, to the average person, seem completely polar, and their study is conducted as two different parallels. But, thanks to such outstanding scientists as Mendeleev, Lomonosov and Borodin, they have many points of intersection. (SLIDE 31)

It is not for nothing that chemistry was once considered an art. Chemists are lyrical at heart, and their discoveries also sounded throughout the world like symphonies or poems and became eternity for us.

I asked the free wind:
“What should I do to be young?”
The playing wind answered me:
“Be airy, like the wind, like smoke!”
I asked the mighty sea:
“What is the great covenant of existence?”
The sonorous sea answered me:
“Be always full-voiced, like me!”
I asked the high sun:
“How can I shine brighter than the dawn?”
The sun didn't answer anything
But the soul heard: “Burn.”

Application - presentation