Hate kills. Scary stories and mystical stories

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If you are the person who has NEVER experienced this terrible, destructive feeling, who has not writhed in mental convulsions, while smiling kindly at the object of hatred, who has not experienced the torment of understanding his own powerlessness without any hope of somehow calming down the anger, congratulations to you, you one of the lucky ones.

But if you are still faced with this even now, and do not want to go to a psychologist, but want to figure out the situation yourself and solve the problem, this article will help you!

Hatred is a very destructive feeling that is caused by hostility towards another person, oneself, dissatisfaction with life or circumstances. People are capable of hating both their own body and the entire world around them.

Sometimes hatred arises at one moment as a result of some actions or statements of another person, sometimes anger and irritation accumulate for years, eventually turning into a burning, irresistible feeling that is almost impossible to cope with.

Hatred primarily harms the one who hates. The hater is exposed to its destructive effects. Many illnesses, both physical and mental, are caused by this terrible feeling.

Please note that it is huge negative energy literally bursts you from the inside at the sight of the object of your anger or even the mention of it. At the same time, you most often cannot show your emotions in all their intensity, you have to restrain yourself. Where does the energy go? That's right, it penetrates inside, destroying everything in its path.

People often think that they can stop hating only if the hated person dies. But this rarely brings relief. Upon learning that the man they had grown and nurtured to hate dear years, died, they relax and realize that they even feel sorry for him. The grievances seem small and insignificant. And then a person has a chance, having spent half his life in hatred, to spend the second half tormented by feelings of guilt.

Rules for how to stop hating:

Step One: Find the Reason

Hatred cannot arise out of nowhere, although sometimes when asked why we hate a person, we can answer that we are annoyed by his very presence on earth, we hate him simply because he exists.

In fact, there is a reason for hatred and it is extremely specific. Another thing is that it can be completely insignificant, and over time we can even forget about it. But the anger will remain. Often it is the understanding of the insignificance of the reason that helps a person stop hating.

Maybe the person you hate said or did something that made you angry and completely rejected you. Or maybe you hate your boss who pesters you every day with nagging. Or is it a relative of your husband or friend (whom you cannot refuse to meet with) who behaves completely unacceptable to you? Find out the reason and it will be easier for you to take the next step.

I have a friend whose black, or rather blackening streak in her life lasted for several years. First she lost her daughter. A beautiful, capable girl, just over 16 years old, drowned. She swam like a fish. But she overestimated her capabilities and went swimming at night in an unfamiliar place, where, as it turned out, many fishing nets were placed...
I knew the family for 3 years and during this time, we developed a very warm relationship. Always, when I came to visit, Nastyukha was openly happy, “Hurray! Aunt Katya has come!!!” And there was one more moment after which I began to perceive her just like my own. Somehow in my life, everything happened very, very sadly, when I said with tears in my eyes, “Nobody loves me”... Nastyusha had just turned 14 years old, she heard these words, looked at me so seriously and said : "I love you". I remember this now and roar. How grateful I am for these words. I will never forget that moment.

The tragedy almost took the life of her mother, who tried to commit suicide. The only daughter. But at that time there was a person next to her who saved her from a deadly act. Afterwards, she repeatedly repeated that if it weren’t for Leshka, I would no longer exist...

I found out about her death a day later, and the night before, I had a dream that I was talking to her. Everything is as usual, but I feel that she is somehow different. He jokes and laughs as usual, but something is wrong, not right. It was a creepy dream, I don’t know how to describe it in words. This happened in August.

And now, I’m sitting with my friend, already sad New Year. We drink champagne and remember about Nastyushka. I was sitting at the computer, an unfinished glass of champagne stood next to me on the table. She reached out to the mouse and lightly touched the wine glass. Slightly! But he fell. It didn't break, but all the contents ended up on the keyboard and under the table. How much champagne was there? I think 50 grams. Even if there were 200 grams, how could I wring out the rag 3 times?! The puddle looked like a bucket of water had been spilled. The friend, too, was stunned with surprise. The water was not sticky. And there were no problems with the keyboard in the future. But this was the greeting from Nastya...

And the person who saved my friend from suicide died 1 year later. In her arms. His last words were “I don’t want to die. Lyuba, I don’t want to die.” She answered, “You will not die.” Like in the movies? Yes, but it’s much more dramatic in real life.

As his coffin was being lowered into the pit, the rope broke and the coffin fell upside down. This terrible knock! One person fell into the grave, the one on whose side the rope broke. My God, how creepy it was! I stood with my back, closed my eyes and covered my ears with my hands. Creepy, creepy, creepy. Only after 5 minutes I was released. Leshka did not want to die. Obviously I didn't want to...

Do you know how it all started? When everyone was alive and well, I introduced my friend to this Leshka (I knew him for 100 years). At that time, he had been divorced for 2 years and single, she had also just separated from her husband. But his ex-mother-in-law was haunted by other people’s happiness, and one day she came to my friend’s work and created a huge scandal there. The most “affectionate” were her words that you would not be happy. “You will lose everyone and your daughter will die!” - She was almost screaming, with foam on her lips.

“If she is to blame for Nastya’s drowning, she will die within 6 months. If not, she will live happily ever after. Let everything be fair.” The old “witch” did not live even six months after Nastya’s death. This is the sentence she was given after the tragedy. Naturally, without the participation of the forces of light... May the Lord forgive me.

Hate kills

I have a friend whose black, or rather blackening streak in her life lasted for several years. First she lost her daughter. A beautiful, capable girl, just over 16 years old, drowned. She swam like a fish. But she overestimated her capabilities and went swimming at night in an unfamiliar place, where, as it turned out, many fishing nets were placed... I knew the family for 3 years and during this time, we developed a very warm relationship with them. Always, when I came to visit, Natyukha was openly happy, “Hurray! Aunt Katya has come!!!” And there was one more moment after which I began to perceive her just like my own. Somehow in my life, everything happened very, very sadly, when I said with tears in my eyes, “Nobody loves me”... Nastyusha had just turned 14 years old, she heard these words and looked at me so seriously and said: “I love you.” I remember this now and roar. How grateful I am for these words. I will never forget that moment.

The tragedy almost took the life of her mother, who tried to commit suicide. The only daughter. But at that time there was a person next to her who saved her from a deadly act. Afterwards, she repeatedly repeated that if it weren’t for Leshka, I would no longer exist...

I found out about her death a day later, and the night before, I had a dream that I was talking to her. Everything is as usual, but I feel that she is somehow different. He jokes and laughs as usual, but something is wrong, not right. It was a creepy dream, I don’t know how to describe it in words. This happened in August.

And now, I’m sitting with my friend, already on a sad New Year. We drink champagne and remember about Nastyushka. I was sitting at the computer, an unfinished glass of champagne stood next to me on the table. She reached out to the mouse and lightly touched the wine glass. Slightly! But he fell. It didn't break, but all the contents ended up on the keyboard and under the table. How much champagne was there? I think 50 grams. Even if there were 200 grams, how could I wring out the rag 3 times?! The puddle looked like a bucket of water had been spilled. The friend, too, was stunned with surprise. The water was not sticky. And there were no problems with the keyboard in the future. But this was the greeting from Nastya...

And the person who saved my friend from suicide died 1 year later. In her arms. His last words were “I don’t want to die. Lyuba, I don’t want to die.” She answered, “You will not die.” Like in the movies? Yes, but it’s much more dramatic in real life.

As his coffin was being lowered into the pit, the rope broke and the coffin fell upside down. This terrible knock! One person fell into the grave, the one on whose side the rope broke. My God, how creepy it was! I stood with my back, closed my eyes and covered my ears with my hands. Creepy, creepy, creepy. Only after 5 minutes I was released. Leshka did not want to die. Obviously he didn't want to...

Do you know how it all started? When everyone was alive and well, I introduced my friend to this Leshka (I knew him for 100 years). At that time, he had been divorced for 2 years and single, she had also just separated from her husband. But his ex-mother-in-law was haunted by other people’s happiness, and one day she came to my friend’s work and created a huge scandal there. The most “affectionate” were her words that you would not be happy. “You will lose everyone and your daughter will die!” - she was almost screaming, with foam on her lips.

“If she is to blame for Nastya’s drowning, she will die within 6 months. If not, she will live happily ever after. Let everything be fair.” The old “witch” did not live even six months after Nastya’s death. This is the sentence she was given after the tragedy. Naturally, without the participation of the forces of light... May the Lord forgive me.

“...it amazes me how you can hate your own brother who has done you so much good!”

From a letter from Tatyana N.

Tatyana, hello! The story of hatred is so old that the first envious man who rebelled against his brother is told at the very beginning of the Bible. And we should take this narrative extremely seriously. If only because it shows the mechanism of the emergence of anger in the human heart.

So, after the Fall and expulsion from paradise, Adam and Eve had their firstborn. And Eve said: “I have obtained a man from the Lord.” The name Cain just means “acquisition.” Most likely, Eve believed that her child was a gift from God; she hoped that Cain would become the one who would be able to crush the power of the devil: remember how, after the Fall, God promised that from the “seed of the woman” would appear the One who would bruise the head of the serpent - tempter? Eve, of course, could not forget these words of promise, and all her hopes for returning to her former life in the Garden of Eden were concentrated in Cain. But she did not have such hopes for her second son, Abel. That’s why she named him Abel, which in Hebrew means “steam, a breath of wind, or... nothing, vanity.” Perhaps Cain did not live up to his mother's expectations from the very beginning - it happens! - and they decided not to create any illusions about Abel.

And Abel was a shepherd, and Cain was a farmer. One day the brothers decided to make a sacrifice to God. Cain brought “from the fruits of the ground,” and Abel brought sheep from his flock, the best sheep. It is clear that the Lord does not need either fruits or sheep, even the best. The meaning of the sacrifice offered to God is that our heart, realizing both its sinfulness and its inextricable connection with the Creator, demonstrates this on a material level - after all, we ourselves are completely material. It is we, and not God, who need excellent fruits, fine-fleeced sheep, and much more, but out of love for the Lord we tear away the essentials from ourselves. Giving the best, and not according to the principle: “It’s on you, God, that it’s not good for us!”

Cain didn’t bother with the choice, he gave as he said. And it turned out that this is not possible with God. Insincerity and falsehood do not pass in relations with the All-Seeing One. Not in the sense that the Lord does not forgive this. No, He is All-Merciful, and we will see this later. And the fact is that the worm of arrogance: “Why give in!” turns too quickly into a destroying serpent. The quality of the sacrifice and the carelessness with which Cain made it testified that he did not believe that a relationship with God was worth special attention and effort. I suppose it is not for us to condemn Cain for this.

And it is said that the Lord accepted the gift of Abel, but not the gift of Cain. Why is that? Firstly, it is the Lord’s right: to accept a sacrifice or not to accept it. And secondly, a sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit, a contrite and humble heart. And this is what Cain did not present.

Seeing that his brother’s sacrifice was accepted, but he was not, Cain was upset and his face drooped. So we often, when we do something for God or for our neighbors, expect a reward for it. And not receiving it, we become sad and annoyed - this is how it becomes clear what our efforts were for: for the sake of encouragement or for the sake of the very joy of being involved in goodness and God.

And the Lord appeared to Cain: surprisingly, God appeared not to Abel - the righteous man with a pure, open heart, but to his brother, in whose heart envy had already crept, his face was distorted by malice. Yes, the Lord appeared to the sinner - to stop, to reason: God does not come to save the righteous, sinners. And He said to Cain: “Why are you upset? Why is your face drooping? If you do good, don’t you lift up your face to heaven? And if you don’t do good, then sin lies at the door; it draws you to itself, but you rule over him." God gives Cain, in whose heart envy has already settled, the opportunity to see what is happening to him! Stop, repent! And here we hear from the lips of the Lord one of the most important laws of spiritual life: “If you do not do good, then sin lies at the door - that is, if you are no longer able to do good with with a pure heart, not formally, but sincerely, this means that sin is already here, nearby, at the door! He attracts you to himself, but you have dominion over him!” God warns.

It is useless, literally the next phrase of the Book of Genesis sounds like this: “And Cain said to Abel his brother: let us go into the field. And while they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and killed him.” Bible - pay attention! - does not dwell on either the treachery of Cain or the purity of the unsuspecting Abel, as well as the details of the fratricide itself - the first murder on earth. The details aren't that important. The spiritual law revealed to us by the Lord is important: “If we do good, it means we are still with God; if we are not capable of a good deed (this is where you can test yourself, test your heart!), then sin is nearby, at the doorstep our soul. But there is still a chance, it is still possible to stop! It, sin, attracts us, but we have the power to dominate it! And if we do not stop ourselves at this stage, if we do not listen to the voice of God, and this is our conscience! the voice of God in us, then the ending will be terrible!” Cain is not able to sincerely do good and his heart becomes the container that the devil is looking for: this is the objective law that records how a person gives his heart either to God or to the enemy of the human race. Evil attracts, and if you are passive, if you are not able to become a co-worker with God in doing good, then, whether you want it or not, sin will carry you into the abyss of hell. By the way, envy is more agile than all other passions, it is ready to open the gates of our soul to the devil.

And further. There are significant words in the Bible: “If you are about to serve God, prepare your soul for temptation.” This is connected with the action of sin, with the action of Satan. If you did something good, then get ready to be tested for the reason why you did it - was it out of love? And how much of this love do you have? On the other hand, if a good deed is followed by serious trials, then you really did something good.

But let's return to the fratricide Cain. And God said to Cain: “Where is Abel your brother?” - The Lord gives Cain one more opportunity to come to his senses and repent. But what do we hear in response? Bold and no less stupid: “I don’t know; am I my brother’s keeper?” Just as Adam, after the Fall, tried to hide from the All-Seeing One in the bushes, so Cain tries to deceive the All-Knowing One: sin always blinds, so that a person loses the ability to correctly perceive God. The blinded sinner begins to think that he can deceive and deceive God Himself. And then the Lord raises his voice. And the Lord said: “What have you done? The blood of your brother cries out to Me from the earth! And now you are cursed from the earth, which opened its mouth to receive the blood of your brother from your hand! And when you till the earth, it will no longer give strength. yours for you. You will be an exile and a wanderer on earth! And it was then that the peals of God’s wrath reached the heart of the fratricide Cain, and he realized his guilt, and repented, and begged for mercy.

“Confession is sufficient, but not timely,” writes St. John Chrysostom. And he adds: “There is no sin, no matter how great it is, that conquers God’s love for mankind, if at the appropriate time we bring repentance and ask for forgiveness.” But time was just lost. Judge for yourself, sin is always an instrument of death: both physical and spiritual. Through sin, death enters our world, because God did not create death, He created people immortal. Abel was the first to die on earth. But Cain, the first murderer, committed a terrible crime and destroyed his soul. And if God does not curse Adam and Eve for their fall in Paradise, He curses the tempting serpent and the earth for them, then the Lord places a curse on Cain. Which? The earth, the support of man in our world, ceases to be a stronghold of reliability; they say that it shuddered and began to shake where Cain stepped. “The earth is burning under our feet,” we will say about a criminal person. And does this have a chance to be saved? This, as well as which of us bears the mark of Cain, what to do if you are envied and hated, and how to overcome evil with good, is discussed in the following material.

Saints about the sin of envy

“It is better to have a snake swirling in the womb than envy nesting inside. A snake located in the inside, when there is other food for it, does not touch the human body; envy, even if they offer it a thousand food, devours the very soul, from all sides she is gnawing, tormenting and tearing; for her it is impossible to find any sedative that would reduce her fury, except for one thing - misfortune with the prosperous... Just as those who are furious often turn their swords on themselves, so do the envious, meaning only one thing - harm to the one whom they envy, they lose their own salvation... Do not let envy take possession of the soul, because if it nests there, it no longer leaves the nest until it brings the soul to the last degree of recklessness.”

Saint John Chrysostom

“Other ill-wishers are made more meek by good deeds. The envious and malicious are even more irritated by the good done to him.”

Saint Basil the Great