Leukocytes 14 in a pregnant woman. Elevated leukocytes during pregnancy: possible causes and treatment features

Finally, the long-awaited pregnancy! Isn't this what you've been dreaming about for so long? Every time I waited with bated breath for the second line to appear on the test, and then it happened! Now you are a future mother.

But pregnancy is not only about pleasure in anticipation of the most important miracle in your life. As soon as you register with the residential complex, you will have to undergo a whole list of tests - blood, urine, smears. Moreover, this will have to be done regularly - every month. Based on the test results, the attending physician can judge the health of the mother and her unborn baby. The main indicators when conducting tests are leukocytes during pregnancy.

How leukocytes are determined, video

Leukocytes during pregnancy are normal

Leukocytes during pregnancy are an important test indicator. They determine the body's defenses. Leukocytes during pregnancy are the so-called protection of a woman, which prevents harmful substances from the blood from entering the body. Leukocytes during pregnancy are an integral element of the immune system. The levels by which white blood cells are determined in the blood during pregnancy may change; this is not a constant indicator.

Factors such as physical activity, stressful situations, and changes in diet can influence this.

Before answering the question - leukocytes are normal during pregnancy - it should be said that the bone marrow is responsible for their formation in the body. All leukocytes have subtypes, each of which fights specific types of infections. If a person is healthy, the leukocyte norm is 4-8.8 * 109/l. During pregnancy, the number of leukocytes can increase to 10 units, but if these indicators exceed the 13 mark, it makes sense to think about leukocytosis.

Many experts assure that if a woman or girl had any diseases before conceiving a child, they will manifest themselves when carrying a baby.

This is why it is so important to get all tests done on time. This will help to identify discrepancies in time and, if necessary, carry out the required treatment.

Elevated leukocytes in urine during pregnancy

Leukocytes in urine during pregnancy should not be too elevated. Indicators fluctuate between 0-3 units. If a doctor detects elevated white blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, this may lead him to suspect the presence of inflammation or existing infections. Most often we are talking about pyelonephritis and cystitis, which pregnant women so often suffer from. But don't be scared, it's not dangerous at all.

The main thing is that elevated leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy are detected in time, which allows timely treatment to begin. It will take no more than 10 days for everything to return to normal. And further. Do not forget that before collecting urine, you should wash yourself thoroughly, because insufficient personal hygiene can affect the results.

Elevated leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy

When carrying a child, leukocytes in the blood fluctuate between 4-9 units. When the indicators are higher, there is a reason to check for the presence of bacteria and viruses, inflammation, and in rare cases, internal bleeding. In any case, the doctor is obliged to find out the reasons for the “bad” tests as soon as possible; for this, mommy will have to undergo additional examination. Elevated leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy can become a provoking factor in the development of leukocytosis, and this condition is very dangerous.

Elevated leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a smear should contain leukocytes within 10 units. If the leukocytes in the smear are increased during pregnancy, the doctor can diagnose vaginitis, colpitis, or infections that were in “sleeping” mode before conception. In addition, a common reason why leukocytes in a smear increase during pregnancy is thrush or candidiasis in expectant mother.

What should expectant mothers do if their leukocyte count is elevated?

When tests reveal elevated white blood cells during pregnancy, do not despair. The doctor will definitely select the correct treatment, which will in no way cause negative influence for a crumb and will help normalize the indicators in the shortest possible time! Therefore, there is no reason not to trust doctors; be sure to follow their instructions.

Diagnosis of leukocytosis

To accurately diagnose leukocytosis, it is necessary to undergo many studies. But, as a rule, a detailed blood test is quite enough; other procedures are prescribed to confirm the disease and help determine what exactly provoked the pathological state of blood enzymes. These tests include a complete blood count, complete blood count, and peripheral blood smear. In extreme cases, biopsies of the bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver and spleen may be performed.

Leukocytosis in the smear is determined by a laboratory employee, and the decoding is carried out by the treating gynecologist or therapist. In a healthy person, the number of leukocytes is 5 x 109 l. In pregnant women, this figure may increase due to the large accumulation of leukocytes in the mucous membranes of the uterus - 15.0 x 109/l. It should be noted that the number of leukocytes in the blood is not a constant indicator; it can change several times throughout the day.

The indicators are influenced by the woman’s body itself, namely what she eats, what she does, and what she thinks about. If a woman is worried or afraid of something, then jumps in leukocytes will be observed constantly.

Modern medicine has studied this pathology well and distinguishes several types of leukocytosis, all of which can occur in a woman during pregnancy:

  • short-term leukocytosis - characterized by an immediate increase in white blood cells, which could provoke a burn, frostbite or severe stress. This type of leukocytosis disappears immediately after the cause of the provocateur is eliminated;
  • neurophilic leukocytosis is caused by blood diseases, as well as chronic diseases;
  • eosinophilic leukocytosis indicates an allergic reaction in the body, which must be eliminated as quickly as possible to avoid anaphylactic shock;
  • basophilic leukocytosis can be provoked by ulcerative colitis;
  • lymphocytic leukocytosis is a sign of syphilis, brucellosis, tuberculosis and hepatitis;
  • myogenic leukocytosis is characterized by the presence of oncological neoplasms in the blood;
  • food leukocytosis.

If you stay in the same position for a long time, leukocytosis also develops. The pathology that develops during the transition from a horizontal to a vertical position is called orthostatic leukemia. It is often diagnosed in women with threatened miscarriage who are prescribed bed rest throughout the entire period.

They may also detect leukocytosis in a cervical smear in a pregnant woman. In principle, this is not a disease if there are no concomitant diseases. Rather, on the contrary, an increased accumulation of leukocytes in the mucous membranes of the uterus protects the passage of foreign agents to the child, which can harm his health and disrupt the development of the nervous system. The reason that leukocytosis may be detected in a smear may be thrush, vaginosis, or a weakened immune system of the pregnant woman. Based on the information obtained from several tests, the doctor must get ahead of the cause of the pathology and develop a treatment regimen on an individual basis.

Deviation from normal level

Low white cell counts during pregnancy may occur:

  • if the body is attacked by viral diseases (rubella, hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.);
  • when a pregnant woman is exposed to chemicals;
  • with radiation radiation (X-rays, microwave waves, ionization);
  • in case of fasting or monotonous nutrition, insufficient intake of nutrients, vitamins, microelements into the body;
  • with massive loss of white cells by the body - bleeding, burns;
  • when taking potent medications;
  • in case of sepsis, anaphylactic shock;
  • in case of disruption of the formation of leukocytes in tissues.

Each process of the body is interconnected with another, so it is important to monitor indicators at this stage of life. Do not neglect the advice of the gynecologist and follow all recommendations

It is better to stop pathological processes at the very beginning, so as not to have to deal with its consequences later.

Complications of leukopenia.

  1. The most common is a weakening of the body’s protective function when it is unable to fight viral infections. You need to strengthen your immune system and take dietary supplements. With prolonged leukopenia, there is a risk of cancer.
  2. A low level of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy (at 16 weeks the norm is 4.50 - 11.00) can cause a drop in granulocytes in the blood and damage to the bone marrow. To improve, specialists will prescribe medications and special diet. The diet should limit the consumption of carbohydrates, contain more proteins, ascorbic and folic acid.

It is necessary to include foods high in choline and amino acids in your diet. If you lose a large number of cells, you need to eat more grains; onions, garlic, nuts, blueberries, cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, and berries are useful.

Eat more nuts

It is also necessary to monitor body temperature; when it rises above 37.5 degrees, you must contact a supervising doctor. It is necessary to avoid crowded places during periods of infectious outbreaks and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Decreased white blood cell count

  • exclude the consumption of fatty, fried, salty, spicy, etc.;
  • normalize your daily routine, avoid strong emotional and physical stress;
  • avoid drinking alcohol and tobacco.

If this does not help, doctors order additional blood tests. If a pathological nature is suspected, a full diagnosis is prescribed.

Normalize with home remedies

Doctors often prescribe:

  • antibiotics to fight infections;
  • corticosteroids to relieve inflammation;
  • antacids;
  • drugs that support the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart;
  • leukopheresis – cleansing the bloodstream of excess white blood cells.

During pregnancy, all procedures to lower the level of leukocytes in the blood can only be prescribed by a hematologist who specializes in such diseases.

Traditional medicine methods

  • oat grains;
  • milk.

Mode of application.

  1. It is necessary to clean the oat grains and rinse them.
  2. Take a pan and fill it halfway with oats.
  3. Fill with milk to the brim.
  4. Cook for no more than twenty minutes over low heat.
  5. Take for several days instead of water.

To reduce the level of white blood cells in the blood using folk remedies, a pregnant woman should take the following decoction. It will require:

  • Linden blossom;
  • boiling water;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile.

Instructions for use.

  1. It is necessary to chop the inflorescences and grind the chamomile.
  2. Mix and obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Afterwards take a glass of water, two tablespoons of herbs.
  4. Mix everything and simmer for ten minutes over low heat.
  5. Then strain and drink two or three times a day instead of tea.

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How is the analysis interpreted in a pregnant woman, the nuances of diagnosis

Most of these conditions are very dangerous and detrimental to the unborn child, and therefore require mandatory medical intervention. Treatment of diseases during pregnancy is usually difficult, since the use of most medications can adversely affect the development of the fetus. However, the consequences of the disease can often be more destructive, so qualified, well-chosen treatment should not be neglected.

Another main reason for the increase in the level of white blood cells in the blood of a pregnant woman is the accumulation of leukocytes in the submucosa of the uterus. The physiological meaning of this type of leukocytosis is to prevent various infections from reaching the fetus developing in the uterus, as well as stimulating the contractile function of the uterus, which is necessary during the birth of a child.

It should also be noted that any disease, even one that seems very harmless at first glance, can cause a miscarriage, premature birth, congenital deformities and chronic diseases of the unborn child. Therefore, their treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision.

A slightly elevated level of leukocytes in a woman’s blood in the second half of pregnancy is considered normal and does not pose a threat to her health and the health of the unborn child. A slight increase in the number of white blood cells indicates an increase in the body’s protective function, which is quite natural during pregnancy.

Material updated 04/20/2017

  • Diseases starting with the letter A
    • avitaminosis
    • angina
    • anemia
    • appendicitis
    • arterial pressure
    • arthrosis
  • B
    • Graves' disease
    • bartholinitis
    • warts
    • brucellosis
    • bursitis
  • IN
    • varicose veins
    • vasculitis
    • chickenpox
    • vitiligo
    • lupus
  • G
    • gardnerellosis
    • haemorrhoids
    • hydrocephalus
    • hypotension
    • fungus
  • D
    • dermatitis
    • diathesis
    • encephalopathy
  • AND
    • cholelithiasis
    • wen
  • TO
    • candidiasis
    • cough
    • menopause
    • colpitis
    • conjunctivitis
    • hives
    • rubella
  • L
    • leukoplakia
    • leptospirosis
    • lymphadenitis
    • lichen in humans
    • lordosis
  • M
    • mastopathy
    • melanoma
    • meningitis
    • uterine fibroids
    • calluses
    • thrush
    • mononucleosis
  • N
    • runny nose
    • neurodermatitis
    • oliguria
    • numbness
    • diaper rash
    • osteopenia
    • cerebral edema
    • Quincke's edema
    • swelling of the legs
  • P
    • gout
    • psoriasis
    • umbilical hernia
    • heel spur
  • R
    • lungs' cancer
    • mammary cancer
    • reflux esophagitis
    • moles
    • rosacea
  • WITH
    • salmonellosis
    • syphilis
    • scarlet fever
    • concussion
    • staphylococcus
    • stomatitis
    • convulsions
  • T
    • tonsillitis
    • tremor
    • cracks
    • trichomoniasis
    • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • U
    • ureaplasmosis
    • urethritis
  • F
    • pharyngitis
    • gumboil
  • X




  • Sh
    • lump on foot
    • noise in the head
  • E
    • eczema
    • enterocolitis
    • cervical erosion
  • Blood analysis
  • Analysis of urine
  • Pain, numbness, injury, swelling
  • The letter a


  • Letter B
  • Letter G
  • Letter K
  • Advances in medicine
  • Eye diseases
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system

    Genitourinary system

  • Respiratory diseases
  • Dentistry
  • Endocrinology

How and when to determine leukocytes in the blood

Together with other blood components, leukocytes are determined for all women at least twice during pregnancy:

  • at the first visit to the doctor (preferably before 12 weeks);
  • at a control examination at 30 weeks.

Leukocytes are determined in the structure of a general blood test (CBC). You can take the test at any time of the day, but it is better in the morning on an empty stomach or after a light breakfast. Blood for research is taken from a vein or finger. Recent research shows that venous blood is better for analysis. When taking blood from a finger, the result is not always reliable.

According to indications, the doctor may prescribe OAC with determination of the leukocyte formula more often. The following conditions may be reasons for additional examination:

  • acute infectious diseases of the mother (influenza, ARVI, intestinal infection, etc.);
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • suspected intrauterine infection of the fetus.

OAC is prescribed for any hospitalization - for complications of pregnancy, preparation for childbirth. In addition to leukocytes, other components are determined in the blood - erythrocytes and platelets. This simple analysis allows you to identify serious diseases and determine the tactics for managing a pregnant woman.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy

Leukocytes are white blood cells, with a nucleus and cytoplasm, designed to protect the immune system. They participate in cellular and humoral immunity, are activated during the exchange of histamine and heparin, and fight foreign bodies and toxins that poison the blood. About half of the granulocytic leukocytes move through the vessels, and the rest through the capillaries. In the middle of their movement cycle they penetrate into tissues internal organs(the main place of their activities) and perform their functions. The life of leukocytes depends on many factors and lasts from a few minutes to five days or more.

What is the norm of leukocytes?

The levels of leukocytes in the blood depend on age: in a newborn it can reach 30 units, gradually decreasing by 7-8 years to the normal level of an adult. A leukocyte count above 9.0 x 109/L for an adult indicates leukocytosis, and if it falls below 4, then we speak of leukopenia. The percentage of types of leukocytes is called a leukogram or leukocyte formula, which is used to diagnose a pathological process in the body.

The norm of leukocytes during pregnancy may be overestimated, which is associated with the need for enhanced protection of the body of the expectant mother: from 4.0 to 11.0 units and can reach 15.0 x 10 in 9/l. This is necessary to stimulate the contractile functions of the uterus and occurs for several reasons: thickening of the blood during pregnancy (increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate), accumulation of a large number of leukocytes in the pregnant uterus, and a drop in the level of lymphocytes.

Increased white blood cell count during pregnancy

In case of inflammatory diseases, viral and bacterial infections, intoxication, large blood losses, chronic bleeding (internal organs), allergies, anemia, myocardial infarction, renal failure and liver diseases, treatment with medications - the content of leukocytes in the blood increases, as in the second half of pregnancy , menstruation, childbirth, muscle tension, burns and injuries, strong emotional and pain, two hours after eating, after taking cold and hot baths.

Reduced white blood cell count during pregnancy

The concentration of leukocytes in the blood falls with infectious and viral diseases: influenza, measles, rubella, viral hepatitis, malaria, miliary tuberculosis), as well as with gastritis, colitis, renal failure, inflammatory purulent and endocrine diseases, exhaustion, radiation sickness, analgesics, cytostatics, barbiturates.

Due to the fact that the level of leukocytes in the blood is constantly changing, you need to donate blood for analysis in the morning on an empty stomach. Timely identification of deviations will help to avoid undesirable consequences in organism.

White blood cells increased during pregnancy: possible causes and treatment features

In order for the human body to function properly, special cells are needed. They are responsible for different processes

Leukocytes are important. By their concentration, one can determine the presence of bacterial and viral diseases, as well as inflammatory process in organism

Elevated leukocytes during pregnancy do not always mean the development of pathology. Each case must be approached individually. They may indicate not only the diseases described above, but also allergic reactions and stress. Let's take a closer look at what these cells are and what their increased content in the blood, urine and smear indicates.

The human body is very complex. Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine where the inflammatory focus is located.

To do this, doctors pay attention to the level of certain cells. Leukocytes are an indicator of health

They are needed to fight various infections, as well as cancer. If the inflammatory process in the body is severely advanced, then the number of white blood cells increases significantly. In this way, they resist foreign cells, absorbing them and neutralizing them. White blood cells increased during pregnancy perform certain functions. In particular, they strengthen cellular and humoral immunity. Thanks to this, the fetus can develop, and the risk of intrauterine infection is reduced to a minimum

It is also important to know: it is leukocytes that neutralize toxins and poisons in the body

Why determine the level of leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the health of the genitourinary organs is especially important, since any inflammation in them leads to complications during pregnancy. From the vagina, pathogens can spread into the uterine cavity and penetrate into amniotic fluid, causing infection of the embryo and even spontaneous abortion

In places where pathogenic microscopic flora develops, the number of white blood cells increases significantly. Therefore, their concentration in the smear biomaterial can be considered an indicator that determines the presence or absence of foci of infection and reproduction of pathogenic, disease-causing particles in the genital, reproductive, and reproductive organs (and not only, since some infections penetrate the systemic bloodstream and affect the entire body). If the content of leukocytes in a smear (blood, urine) significantly exceeds the standard value, doctors diagnose leukocytosis.

They provoke inflammatory processes in the female genital and other organs:

  • fungi of the genus Candida - they cause the development of candidiasis or thrush;
  • actinomycetes - actinomycosis, and gardnerella - gardnerellosis;
  • Trichomonas - trichomoniasis, and chlamydia - chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmas - mycoplasmosis, and gram-negative microbes of ureaplasma - ureaplasmosis;
  • gonococci - purulent inflammation of the urinary tract gonorrhea, and Koch's bacilli - tuberculosis;
  • amoebas - amoebiasis, intestinal dysentery, and gram-negative pleomorphic bacilli Klebsiella granulomatis (Donovan bodies) - inguinal granulomas or donovanosis;
  • treponema pallidum, which causes the chronic systemic venereal disease syphilis, and cytomegalovirus, a type of herpes;
  • HPV, HIV (viruses that cause genital cancer and the development of immunodeficiency syndrome), etc.

Additional examinations help identify pathogens and diagnose infectious diseases. They are prescribed by a doctor based on the results of laboratory tests of the vaginal microflora:

  • bacteriological culture - identifies harmful bacteria that, when multiplying, can cause inflammatory processes;
  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction - allows you to detect any DNA and RNA in the test material, it is considered the most accurate method for detecting hidden viral and any other infection;
  • immunological studies - determines the amount of immune cells and antibodies in the blood, making it possible to assess how much the immune system is involved and tense at the time of taking the test.

While carrying a child, a woman’s immunity may decrease due to changes in body systems and instability of hormone levels in the blood. As a result, sluggish and chronic inflammations worsen, the growth of pathogens and microorganisms of transistor microflora is activated. Infection can also occur directly during pregnancy. Therefore, monitoring of leukocytes in the smear and the state of the vaginal microflora is carried out several times from the moment the expectant mother is registered with the antenatal clinic (LC) until delivery.

The concentration of leukocytes in a smear is determined by the number of white blood cells in the field of view on the glass under a microscope

Increased leukocytes in the blood

White blood cells are granular (granulocytes) and non-granular (agranulocytes). They are divided into basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. Eosinophils are also included in a separate category. All of them protect the body. Some of the white blood cells are needed by the body to capture foreign microorganisms, others produce antibodies. If leukocytes in the blood are elevated, this may indicate various diseases: there are various reasons.

Blood test for leukocytes

The number of white blood cells is determined by the results of a general blood test. If the total content of these cells in the blood exceeds the norm, an analysis with a leukocyte formula is performed. The analysis is carried out on an empty stomach, but infant You can feed a few hours before blood sampling.

The norm for a child and an adult is considered to be completely different.

So, if the norm for a child under one year old is considered to be 6.0–17.5, then for a child under two years old the normal figure will be from 6.0 to 17, and for a child under 4 years old the normal figure will be from 5.5 to 15.5. For a child under six years of age, the normal value ranges between 5.0 and 14.5, and for a child under 10 years of age, the normal level will be between 4.5–13.5. At the age of up to 16 years, the normal number of leukocytes will be considered a figure from 4.5 to 13, and in adults – from 4.0 to 9.0. But slightly elevated leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy are quite normal.

Reasons for the increase

Norm of leukocytes depending on age

But there are more serious reasons:

  1. The level of leukocytes increases in leukemia (malignant blood diseases) and other oncological diseases.
  2. Their levels also increase after myocardial infarction.
  3. With infectious mononucleosis, the figure also increases.
  4. Leukocytes increase in chronic renal failure. after removal of the spleen, with large blood losses and during transfusion.

Stress and asthma may also be to blame. thrush, chickenpox and pneumonia. In addition, they increase after eating, during exposure to the sun or in a sauna, during sports and serious physical activity, during smoking, during allergic reactions and during tissue damage, such as scratches or wounds.

In the blood of pregnant women, the number of white blood cells increases with allergies, renal colic and while taking many medications. In the second half of pregnancy, an increase in leukocytes can be considered normal. If this indicator is lowered, we are talking about leukopenia.


Leukocytosis is not a disease, but during pregnancy it can cause premature birth. With leukocytosis, the main efforts should be aimed at eliminating the cause, that is, the disease due to which it arose. In any case, it is worth conducting additional examinations that will help clarify the cause of the increase in white blood cells and help eliminate leukocytosis.

Increase in leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy

From the 16th week of pregnancy, my leukocytes rose to 17. My gynecologist tortured me, she kept repeating that the fetus was infected, although all other tests and ultrasound were normal. At 34 weeks I saw a hematologist, she said that this was the body’s reaction to pregnancy, the leukocyte count was normal. After I gave birth (to a healthy girl), three weeks later my white blood cells returned to normal.

White blood cells and ESR may rise during pregnancy. To rule out infection, you need to donate blood for CRP (c-reactive protein). If it is higher than normal, an antibiotic is indicated.

Thank you, I’ll ask the doctor about this protein.

I have the same. At week 9 -9, then they started to grow, 11, 12, at 25 weeks they were 13.4. Nothing bothers me. The gynecologist said there is no need to treat this. Obviously pregnancy-related changes. And the soe increased from 6 to 40! She said that this is the norm. The rest of the leukemia is normal. Urine, smears - clean. I don't drink anything and I don't advise you to.

Thank you, that calmed me down a bit. My ESR is now 30, the fact of the matter is that I have no complaints, I feel good, and what will happen after the antibiotic is not known. I was also advised to go to a hematologist and have my urine tested for culture. Although, to be honest, I don’t want to take anything anymore, otherwise these tests are a complete frustration. I’m worried about the baby.

Do not worry. These leukocytes will not harm the baby in any way. An infection can cause harm, which needs to be ruled out. I also handed over the tank. Purely. Antibiotics are taken in case of established infection.

In the bacterial culture there is vaginal dysbiosis, lactobacilli are slightly reduced, and enterococcus is increased. The gynecologist prescribed hexicon suppositories, and taking into account the leukocytes in the blood, amoxiclav. Well, it can’t be because of dysbiosis, which is very common during pregnancy, that these leukocytes are there??

And were you able to get rid of the vaginal dysbak? How long have you been trying?

She got married in December and became pregnant in February. I only found out about vaginal dysbiosis now at 23 weeks. Before pregnancy, and even now, there are no complaints, itching or discharge. The gynecologist explained that apparently during pregnancy, immunity decreased and opportunistic flora grew, which often occurs during pregnancy.

Ahhh, yes, it’s about leukocytes, my sister had elevated levels throughout her pregnancy - she and her daughter are healthy

This is good)) Do you remember what her leukocyte numbers were?

Thank you! I was reassured that at least I wasn’t the only one. And then the gynecologist panics, as if he’s seeing this for the first time...

I was also worried, I monitored my blood every 2 weeks. And now I’ve calmed down. I’ll only go to take it at 30-32. Well, separately for hemoglobin.

During pregnancy, pregnant women undergo many different tests, vaginal smears, ultrasound examinations and other diagnostic procedures, which is quite normal. If there are special indications, then tests have to be taken even more often. One of these indications may be a deviation in the composition of the blood, for example, when white blood cells are elevated during pregnancy. Such frequent tests are necessary to monitor how well the pregnancy is progressing and the fetus is developing.

Children wait with excitement and interest for the arrival of their little brother or sister.

Leukocytes are white blood cells of different sizes and shapes that protect the body from aggressive attacks. The content of leukocyte cells is constantly changing, which is influenced by various factors such as stress, errors in diet, pathological conditions, etc.

  • Based on the content of leukocytes, you can understand the state of the body’s immune defense. After all, it is leukocytes that protect against infectious, viral and other attacks on the body; they help the body to function normally.
  • If there is frequent stress in the patient’s life, he eats poorly, does hard physical work or plays sports professionally, or often experiences some kind of conflict situations, then the leukocyte count increases sharply.
  • If such situations occur almost constantly, then the increase in such blood cells can become pathological and leukocytosis occurs.
  • Infectious lesions of bacterial or viral origin, purulent or inflammatory processes, internal bleeding and other pathological conditions are always accompanied by an increase in leukocyte concentration in the bloodstream.

Therefore, it is important to monitor such indicators, especially in pregnant women, because it is extremely important for mothers to maintain normal health during pregnancy. To establish the exact causes of such changes, diagnostic laboratory tests are prescribed, based on the results of which the doctor selects the necessary treatment tactics.

Blood picture in pregnant women

In pregnant patients, the blood picture differs in some ways characteristic features. One of the reasons for such hematological changes is a significant increase in circulating blood due to an increase in plasma volumes. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called hypervolemic autohemodilution. The physiological significance of this phenomenon is the neutralization of blood loss associated with birth processes. During the process of adaptive changes, plasma volume increases by 50%.

It is necessary to include fresh fruits in the diet

One of the most important leukocyte fractions are neutrophils. The share of neutrophils in the leukocyte formula should be about 48-72%, i.e., the majority of leukocytes should normally be neutrophils of the segmented type. But this information will not tell the patient anything; only a specialist can correctly decipher the blood picture based on the test results, so we’ll leave it to them.

The physiological norm is a slight increase in leukocytes in the blood in the middle of pregnancy. If generally accepted limits are exceeded, then the growth of leukocytes in pregnant women should be considered pathological. In this situation, diagnosis is necessary in order to begin treatment in a timely manner, otherwise there is a high risk that leukocytosis will occur against the background of an increased level of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy. This pathology is characterized by the fact that bone marrow structures produce fractions of white cells in excess volumes.

Leukocytosis is generally considered a self-healing pathology, however, in pregnant women this condition can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable, because it often develops into hyperleukocytosis, which requires complex therapy and entails dire consequences.


For healthy people The normal leukocyte concentration is considered to be 4-9 units. The rate of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy in the first trimester should not rise; it remains approximately at the same level as in ordinary patients and is about 3-9 * 109/l.

  1. From about 12-14 weeks, the rate of leukocytes in the blood of pregnant women begins to increase, because large-scale changes begin to occur in the body, which provoke the activation of protective immune reactions and an increase in hematopoietic processes.
  2. Around the fifth month, the leukocyte norm during pregnancy rises to somewhere around 11-15*109/l.
  3. If the content of leukocyte cells consistently remains at the top level for several weeks, then the patient must be sent for additional examination to exclude or confirm any pathology.

Slight increases in leukocyte cells can occur against the background of psycho-emotional overload, psychological experiences and nervous disorders, but when the girl’s condition returns to normal, the leukocytes are restored.

Why do leukocytes increase

A condition such as leukocytosis during pregnancy occurs in a pathological or physiological form. In the physiological form, leukocyte fractions increase against the background of completely harmless reasons such as worries, stress, after a hot bath or meal, as well as at 12-28 weeks of gestation.

Routine examination will help avoid complications

If we talk about pathological leukocytosis, then its causes are more dangerous conditions. For example, infections of viral or bacterial origin. They are represented by respiratory pathologies (bronchitis, pneumonia), which occur in combination with hyperthermic reactions and severe cough. Also, white cells can increase against the background of bacterial infections (pyelonephritis, appendicitis, etc.).

Also a provoking factor pathologically elevated white blood cells During pregnancy, inflammatory lesions appear, such as exacerbations of gastritis or arthritis, etc. Allergic reactions or asthmatic attacks, skin lesions and burns, urogenital infections - all this also provokes the growth of leukocytes. There are a critically high number of white blood cells in patients suffering from cancer pathologies and metastases, as well as in those who have lost a lot of blood.

Such conditions undoubtedly have an extremely negative impact on the fetus and the pregnant woman herself, and therefore require urgent treatment. Leukocytosis is very insidious, because it develops covertly and rapidly. In just a few hours, it can develop to a serious condition and provoke internal hemorrhages and bleeding that are life-threatening to the patient. In gynecological practice in pregnant women, leukocytosis most often occurs against the background of allergies and inflammation, chronic exacerbations or renal colic, etc.

And another physiological reason explaining why leukocytes in the blood are elevated during pregnancy is the accumulation of these cells in the submucous uterine lining. This process is extremely important; it is necessary to prevent the penetration of infectious agents to the child, to stimulate contractile uterine functions during labor.

Signs and symptoms of increased

As a rule, leukocytosis does not manifest itself in any way, but if you pay close attention to your own well-being, the pregnant woman will notice some alarm bells indicating a high content of white blood cells.

  • Fatigue, severe weakness and hypersweating may appear, and some may develop a fever.
  • Sometimes, against the background of leukocytosis, bruises, bruises, and subcutaneous hemorrhages may appear, although the patient has not injured these areas of the body.
  • At times, fainting, dizziness, and difficulty breathing are also troubling.
  • Almost everyone has a lack of appetite, which can sometimes even manifest itself as an aversion to food.
  • Sometimes patients experience a slight decrease in visual acuity, sleep disturbances, myalgia or arthralgia.

The most dangerous reactions for a patient in this position are considered to be hyperthermic reactions, which indicate the development of an infectious and inflammatory pathology in the mother’s body.

Why is leukocytosis dangerous?

If elevated leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy significantly exceed the upper limits of normal, this often leads to serious complications and dangerous consequences. As noted earlier, the pathology develops in a matter of hours or days, reaching critical levels and provoking the most dangerous hidden bleeding, which is unacceptable during pregnancy. There may be difficulties in bearing the baby, there is a threat of miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death, fading or premature birth.

A high level of white cells in the blood of a pregnant woman can negatively affect the health of the baby. Against the background of leukocytosis in a pregnant woman, the baby may develop some kind of chronic pathology. Moreover, critical levels of leukocytes can provoke a lot of congenital fetal pathologies. Therefore, it is urgent to take therapeutic measures to eliminate the root cause of leukocytosis, which will require a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis.

Diagnostic methods

Walking in the fresh air is simply irreplaceable

The level of white cells can be determined through a routine laboratory blood test. But before passing, it is necessary to meet some conditions that affect the reliability of the results obtained. Firstly, the biomaterial must be taken on an empty stomach, early in the morning; the last meal is allowed 8 hours before the study. Before receiving the biomaterial, the patient needs to rest properly and be sure to get enough sleep (full 8-hour sleep).

The psycho-emotional state of the patient is also important for the veracity of the results; the pregnant woman needs to calm down and not be nervous. Increased nervous excitability or excessive nervousness leads to a short-term increase in various fractions of white cells, which, accordingly, leads to false research results.

How to treat

To treat leukocytosis, you need to contact a gynecologist who is managing your pregnancy. He will conduct an examination, prescribe tests, and only then will he be able to select the most effective therapy. In complex clinical situations, when an increase in leukocyte cells is present directly in the bloodstream, the patient may be referred for consultation to a hematologist.

The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the root cause of leukocytosis; only after this can successful normalization of leukocyte concentration be possible.


Drug therapy is usually complex, but all prescribed drugs must be safe for the fetus and mother.

Given the variety of etiological factors, it is not always possible to select an absolutely safe therapy. But if we take into account the likely threat posed by leukocytosis, the consequences of the pathology can be much more dangerous than treatment with medications. Sometimes situations arise when the doctor insists on an urgent termination of pregnancy in order to save the life of the mother herself.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed to eliminate leukocytosis. If the pathology is caused by taking certain medications, then you must immediately stop taking them and replace them with other medications. The treatment program may also include antacid drugs, corticosteroids, cardioprotectors and hepatoprotectors, medications to maintain renal and gastrointestinal activity. In severe cases, blood purification from excess leukocytes through leukopheresis is prescribed.


You need to carefully monitor your well-being

If leukocytosis in a pregnant woman is physiological in nature, then patients are advised to reconsider their daily routine, eliminate any stress and psychological overload, and emotional experiences. It is also important to review your diet. Experts have identified a list of specific products that provoke a short-term increase in leukocyte levels. Therefore, pregnant women need to limit the consumption of such products to reasonable limits, especially in cases where the content of white cells in the blood is already increased.

And to normalize the leukocyte level, pregnant patients are recommended to eat offal and fish, seafood and lean meat, fermented milk products and cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), freshly squeezed grape, carrot or pomegranate juice, and fruits.

Folk remedies

There are many folk recipes that help normalize the content of white blood cells. One such remedy is an oat milk drink. To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to clean and thoroughly rinse the oat grains. Then fill the pan halfway with oats and add milk to the brim. Place the pan on low heat and cook for about 20-30 minutes. Take this remedy instead of water for several days.

Lime-chamomile decoction is also effective in reducing leukocyte levels. To prepare it, you need to grind chamomile and linden until smooth, take two large spoons of the herb and pour a glass of boiling water. Place the mixture on the fire and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Then filter and drink 2-3 cups per day, like tea. Any, even the safest folk remedy can become a threat during pregnancy, so you must first discuss the likelihood of using this remedy with your doctor.


To avoid such unwanted surges in leukocytes, you need to follow some preventive measures, which include:

  1. Strict adherence to the regime;
  2. A balanced diet designed in such a way that the pregnant woman’s body receives the required amount of microelements and vitamin compounds. If it is not possible to achieve the required replenishment of the daily requirement of all elements with nutrition, then you need to take vitamin complexes;
  3. Make it a rule - you need to sleep at least 8 hours, this is the only way mommy can get enough sleep and rest;
  4. The immune system will be constantly in good shape if a woman walks in the fresh air every day for at least 60 minutes;
  5. It is unacceptable to skip scheduled examinations and examinations prescribed by the gynecologist, because only regular blood donation will help to timely monitor the increase in leukocyte levels and take the necessary measures to eliminate the problem.

Maintaining a normal level of white cells in the blood in most cases depends entirely on the mother. To ensure that leukocytes do not go beyond the normal range, mommy must strictly monitor not only her well-being and her own feelings, but also what she eats and what kind of life she leads. Gestation is the most exciting and important period for every girl, since it depends only on her how strong and healthy her baby will be.

During pregnancy, every woman undergoes blood and urine tests. One of them is a general clinical blood test (CBC) with the determination of immune cells and other indicators. If white blood cells are elevated during pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo additional tests to identify the cause. Only a doctor can explain why the analysis showed such a result.

Diagnosis of leukocyte levels in the blood of pregnant women

The emergence of new life in a woman’s body causes activation of the immune system. For her, the fetus is a foreign microorganism, since it contains a set of genetic material from the father. Therefore, during pregnancy, leukocytes in the blood are determined. If they are slightly elevated, this is a variant of the norm. But with excessively high titers, it is recommended to conduct additional blood tests to identify the cause.

Causes of leukocytosis

If elevated white blood cells are found in the blood during pregnancy, there are the following reasons:

  • slight activation of the immune system during pregnancy;
  • the presence of an inflammatory focus (viral agents, infections, fungal proliferation);
  • a decrease in fluid level, which causes the cell ratio to increase;
  • consumption of alcohol, nicotine, leading to a violation of the ratio of cellular composition;
  • psycho-emotional stress, depression, neurosis;
  • prolonged exposure of women to direct sunlight;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • development of a malignant or benign neoplasm;
  • wounds on the body accompanied by bleeding;
  • sepsis (bacterial blood infection);
  • taking medications;
  • incompatibility of the mother and the unborn child according to the Rh factor, which causes miscarriage or premature birth.

Leukocytosis in the blood during pregnancy is a common occurrence. You shouldn't be afraid of him. If additional laboratory and instrumental tests do not reveal pathological causes, physiological state. A woman should rest more, get enough sleep, and not worry.

Symptoms of leukocytosis in pregnant women

Symptoms of increased white blood cell counts depend on the cause of the deviation. The most common symptoms are:

  • malaise (weakness, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness);
  • increase in body temperature from subfebrile to maximum values;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • signs of ARVI (body aches, sore throat);
  • abdominal pain, weight loss;
  • sudden loss of strength, fainting;
  • a violation of the psycho-emotional state, which occurs with depression, stress, depression, fear of impending childbirth.

Other symptoms may appear depending on the disease. For example, if a woman develops fungal vaginosis, she experiences pain during urination and a burning sensation in the genital area. Pathology during pregnancy occurs quite often, as the ratio of normal vaginal microflora changes. This is one of the causes of leukocytosis.

Norm of leukocytes by trimesters of pregnancy

The rate of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy is higher than in women in general. Doctors do not rule out slight fluctuations of several units. This is a normal variant and does not require treatment.

The maximum number of leukocytes in the blood is observed in the first weeks after fertilization. The immune system reacts sharply to the appearance of a foreign cell with a different genetic makeup, so white blood cells and antibodies are produced. But thanks to changes in hormonal levels, the embryo is not rejected and attaches to the wall of the uterus, where its further development occurs.

Doctors rarely look at the white blood cell count by day of the week of fetal development. More often the indicator is observed in trimesters. These data are presented in the table.

After the completion of the first trimester, the level of the indicator increases slightly. But until the end of gestation, it remains the same and does not change.

High white blood cell count in pregnant women

In most cases, an increased number of leukocytes during pregnancy is observed for physiological reasons. A woman works a lot, leads an active lifestyle, and eats poor quality food. She may experience various types of infections. Therefore, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • to sleep more;
  • rest, limit physical activity;
  • sports should be carried out with the permission of a doctor; heavy loads are not recommended;
  • walks in the open air;
  • proper nutrition containing nutrients, microelements, vitamins, minerals;
  • lack of stress, tension, limitation from worries.

If a woman has infectious diseases, they are treated immediately. There is a high risk of spread of a pathogenic microorganism to the fetus through the placenta. Self-medication is prohibited. Doctors prescribe drugs for leukocytosis, which are allowed during pregnancy.

Reasons for low levels of leukocytes in the blood

Less commonly, there are cases when the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases. The following reasons are given for this:

  • intoxication due to the spread of a pathogenic microorganism, consumption of low-quality food;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • eating food containing minimal amounts of nutrients;
  • taking medications (glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics);
  • long-term allergies causing depletion of immune cells;
  • disruption of the hematopoietic system.

It is prohibited to use immunomodulators on your own. They lead to a threat to the development of the fetus and the formation of internal organs.

Is a change in the level of leukocytes in the blood of a pregnant woman dangerous for the fetus?

If the level of the indicator changes slightly, it is not dangerous to the health of the woman and child. A woman needs to change her lifestyle, rest and sleep more. But if the number of immune cells changes dramatically, consequences arise:

  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • deterioration of the pregnant woman’s condition, development of diseases;
  • serious disorders of the hematopoietic system.

Therefore, during pregnancy, blood tests are performed periodically. If a woman is at risk, then such blood tests are prescribed more often. The level of blood leukocytes during pregnancy is one of the main indicators that a gynecologist or other doctor looks at. First, a re-examination is prescribed to rule out improper blood sampling or medical error. If the data obtained are identical, treatment is prescribed. It must be safe for the child and not affect development and growth.

Leukocytes are white blood cells in the blood. They have a core, but are not colored, they have no shape. These cells play an important role in the human body. Their main function is to protect and restore the body; the leukocyte absorbs the bacterium, dying in the process.

analysis consultation
products that there is an explanation
pregnant woman with doctor problems
vegetables in a white coat

Leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy are an important indicator that needs to be monitored; various diseases can be determined by their content.

The normal level of white cells in human blood is calculated from up to 8.8 x 109 /l. Their content depends on several factors:

  • climatic conditions, seasonal;
  • Food;
  • human age: in newborns the level is about thirty units, but by the age of eight years it normalizes to the level of an adult;
  • time of day, towards night the number of leukocytes increases;
  • mental, physical activity;
  • diseases;
  • state of pregnancy.

Normal level in humans

During pregnancy, the blood thickens, the uterus begins to accumulate a large number of leukocytes and, as a result, the level of lymphocytes decreases. Because of this, the contractile function of the uterus is stimulated.

If the level is elevated (leukocytosis), this may indicate the following:

  • the body tolerates inflammatory processes and diseases;
  • there are viral and bacterial infections;
  • intoxication of the body has occurred;
  • there was major blood loss;
  • bleeding of internal organs began;
  • anemia is present;
  • there was a long-term use of medications;
  • have liver disease.

The level of white blood cells in the blood during pregnancy may increase due to the following factors:

  • end of pregnancy, before childbirth;
  • childbirth;
  • muscle strain;
  • burns;
  • injuries;
  • stress, emotional overload.

Increase occurs under stress

Since the cell level is constantly changing, a pregnant woman needs to donate blood regularly on an empty stomach. If deviations are detected, the specialist prescribes treatment.

Deviation from normal level

A reduced level of white blood cells during pregnancy is called leukopenia, and can also indicate inflammatory processes in a woman. When infections worsen, a massive release occurs into the blood in order to prevent Negative consequences bacteria, and when the presence of immune system protection is exhausted, leukopenia occurs.

Low white cell counts during pregnancy may occur:

  • if the body is attacked by viral diseases (rubella, hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.);
  • when a pregnant woman is exposed to chemicals;
  • with radiation radiation (X-rays, microwave waves, ionization);
  • in case of fasting or monotonous nutrition, insufficient intake of nutrients, vitamins, microelements into the body;
  • with massive loss of white cells by the body - bleeding, burns;
  • when taking potent medications;
  • in case of sepsis, anaphylactic shock;
  • in case of disruption of the formation of leukocytes in tissues.

The level of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy helps specialists determine the cause of a particular disease. During pregnancy, starting from the 12th week, you can determine the threat of premature birth and other threats to the life of the child and the expectant mother.

Each process of the body is interconnected with another, so it is important to monitor indicators at this stage of life. Do not neglect the advice of your gynecologist and follow all recommendations. It is better to stop pathological processes at the very beginning, so as not to have to deal with its consequences later.

Complications of leukopenia.

  1. The most common is a weakening of the body’s protective function when it is unable to fight viral infections. You need to strengthen your immune system and take dietary supplements. With prolonged leukopenia, there is a risk of cancer.
  2. A low level of leukocytes in the blood during pregnancy (at 16 weeks the norm is 4.50 - 11.00) can cause a drop in granulocytes in the blood and damage to the bone marrow. To improve, specialists will prescribe medications and a special diet. The diet should limit the consumption of carbohydrates, contain more proteins, ascorbic and folic acid.

It is necessary to include foods high in choline and amino acids in your diet. If you lose a large number of cells, you need to eat more grains; onions, garlic, nuts, blueberries, cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, and berries are useful.

Eat more nuts

It is also necessary to monitor body temperature; when it rises above 37.5 degrees, you must contact a supervising doctor. It is necessary to avoid crowded places during periods of infectious outbreaks and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Decreased white blood cell count

Most effective method decrease in leukocytes - cure the disease due to which the level was exceeded. If the cause is physiology, then it is necessary to normalize nutrition and lifestyle:

  • exclude the consumption of fatty, fried, salty, spicy, etc.;
  • normalize your daily routine, avoid strong emotional and physical stress;
  • avoid drinking alcohol and tobacco.

If this does not help, doctors order additional blood tests. If a pathological nature is suspected, a full diagnosis is prescribed.

Normalize with home remedies

Doctors often prescribe:

  • antibiotics to fight infections;
  • corticosteroids to relieve inflammation;
  • antacids;
  • drugs that support the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart;
  • leukopheresis – cleansing the bloodstream of excess white blood cells.

During pregnancy, all procedures to lower the level of leukocytes in the blood can only be prescribed by a hematologist who specializes in such diseases.

Traditional medicine methods

You can use folk remedies to increase the level of white blood cells. In order to prepare the medicine, you will need:

  • oat grains;
  • milk.

Mode of application.

  1. It is necessary to clean the oat grains and rinse them.
  2. Take a pan and fill it halfway with oats.
  3. Fill with milk to the brim.
  4. Cook for no more than twenty minutes over low heat.
  5. Take for several days instead of water.

In order to reduce the level of leukocytes in the blood using folk remedies, a pregnant woman should take the following decoction. It will require:

  • Linden blossom;
  • boiling water;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile.

Instructions for use.

  1. It is necessary to chop the inflorescences and grind the chamomile.
  2. Mix and obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Afterwards take a glass of water, two tablespoons of herbs.
  4. Mix everything and simmer for ten minutes over low heat.
  5. Then strain and drink two or three times a day instead of tea.

Please note how to select and.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Elevated white blood cells during pregnancy are not normal. They can be detected in any physiological environment of a woman - in blood, urine, vaginal smear. The appearance of such changes in at least one of these tests is a reason for a more detailed examination to identify the causes of the increase in leukocytes and correct the condition.

Condition monitoring during pregnancy

For the normal course of pregnancy at all stages, it is necessary to promptly monitor the woman’s condition. Immediately after registration, the frequency of observation is agreed upon. In this case, you not only need to be examined by a gynecologist during certain weeks of pregnancy, but also undergo a minimum amount of mandatory laboratory tests. These include:

  • general clinical blood test (CBC);
  • general urine analysis;
  • vaginal smear analysis.

The results of these simple studies make it possible to identify the emerging pathology in its early stages and treat it in a timely manner in order to avoid further serious complications for the mother and child.

Leukocytes – the body’s immune defense

Leukocytes are cells belonging to the body's immune system, part of its immune defense. When an infectious agent of any nature enters the human body or the body of a pregnant woman, protective reactions are activated. The number of leukocytes in the blood increases (leukocytosis). Myself increased rate it only means that some kind of inflammation has arisen.

What caused the inflammatory reaction, what pathogen became the source of the pathological condition and what system or organ is involved in the disease process must be clarified by studying the results of additional studies.

In a general blood test, in addition to elevated leukocytes, there may be a high ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which is also an indirect general indicator of the inflammatory process. Lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes may also deviate from the norm. These are types of white blood cells, each of which plays an important role in inflammation.

Norm of leukocytes in the blood

For women, the norm for leukocytes is 4-9 g/l. Depending on the condition (stress, physical and emotional stress, heavy food - 3-4 hours after eating, exposure to external conditions - overheating or hypothermia), the numbers of leukocytes in the blood may change: increase by insignificant amounts within the limits of the specified norm.

Therefore, OKA should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Before taking blood, you need to sit for a while and calm down. Only in this case the analyzes will be reliable.

This norm for the number of leukocytes is determined for the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, the limits of normal indicators increase. This is due to:

  • stimulation of hematopoietic organs;
  • increasing the body's defenses in connection with the development of the fetus.

During this period, the norm is 11-15 g/l, provided that there are no pathological symptoms.

Causes of leukocytosis

An increase in the number of leukocytes above the upper normal value appears in the following pathological conditions:

  • inflammatory diseases of a bacterial nature (with a viral etiology of the process, leukopenia is determined in the blood - the number of leukocytes is below normal);
  • chronic bleeding of internal organs or intense acute bleeding with large blood loss (for example, with placental abruption);
  • intoxication of the body or various poisonings;
  • renal failure;
  • injuries and burns;
  • purulent processes (abscess, peritonitis, sepsis)
  • allergic reactions;
  • malignant neoplasms.


Elevated leukocytes during pregnancy require additional diagnostic procedures. They are prescribed after examination and medical history. It can be:

  • biochemical blood tests;
  • ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space;
  • urine and vaginal smear analysis.

Increased leukocytes during pregnancy in a smear

The first time a vaginal smear is analyzed is done when a pregnant woman is registered at a dispensary. If the analysis is normal, then the next test is scheduled for the 30th week of pregnancy. The acceptable norm of leukocytes in a smear is 10-20 leukocytes in the field of view of the microscope. Exceeding this amount indicates pathology:

  • colpitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;
  • candidiasis (thrush);
  • vaginosis – vaginal dysbiosis;
  • urogenital sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The latter include:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • syphilis;
  • genital herpes.

Diagnosis of leukocytes in a smear

An increase in leukocytes in a smear only indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Based on this indicator, one cannot judge either the pathogen or the localization of the pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, additional studies are prescribed:

  • smear culture;
  • immunological analysis;
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is the most accurate, but also the most expensive method.

Subsequently, based on the results of diagnostic measures, the cause of leukocytosis is determined and treatment is prescribed.


A general urine test may reveal an increased number of white blood cells (leukocyturia). The first time this happens is after the first visit to the gynecologist. In the future, at each visit to the doctor, this test must be taken:

  • in the first trimester - every 3 weeks;
  • in the second trimester - every 2 weeks;
  • in the third - weekly.

This is the only way to identify and prevent further development of pathology.

Normal indicators

Normally, the number of detectable leukocytes in the urine of pregnant women is 3-8 in the field of view of the microscope. If there are more than 8 of them, it is considered leukocyturia (in men the norm is different - up to 4 in the field of view).

If they exceed this number during the first analysis, it is recommended to repeat the analysis first. A slight increase in white blood cells may be due to abnormal collected urine. To eliminate such errors, it is recommended to thoroughly toilet the external genitalia and collect an average portion of urine in a clean container. Currently, you can buy a sterile container specially designed for this purpose at the pharmacy.

Additional examinations

If the standard value is repeatedly exceeded or if large quantities leukocytes in the urine, it is necessary to be examined to determine the pathology that led to such changes.

The most common diseases that cause changes in the urine in the form of the appearance of leukocytes:

  • candidiasis (thrush, fungal infection);
  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis.

Cystitis and pyelonephritis are caused by bacterial pathogens and require urgent treatment.

Pyelonephritis as a cause of leukocyturia

For pregnant women, the development of pyelonephritis, an inflammatory kidney disease of an infectious nature, is especially dangerous. With pyelonephritis, the pathological process involves the glomeruli, renal pelvis, parenchyma, and tubular apparatus. Among pregnant women, 2-8% of women suffer from pyelonephritis. This is one of the main reasons for high blood pressure in women.

During pregnancy, there are many risk factors for the development of the disease:

  • changes in a woman’s hormonal levels;
  • pressure from the pregnant uterus on the bladder, which leads to the development of reflux of urine from the bladder to the kidneys;
  • impaired innervation of the bladder with existing concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, damage to the nervous system)

In the presence of diabetes mellitus, the course of pyelonephritis can be complicated by urosepsis, the development of calciuria and result in death.

Diagnosis of pyelonephritis

A woman with suspected pyelonephritis needs additional urine tests:

  • according to Nechiporenko (determine latent leukocyturia, hematuria);
  • according to Zimnitsky - determine the specific gravity of urine, which characterizes the concentration function of the kidneys;
  • bacterial culture on various nutrient media to detect a specific pathogen;
  • culture for sensitivity to antibiotics (until the results are obtained, the initial prescription of an antibacterial drug is empirical; even with such treatment, the effect occurs in 50% of patients);
  • if necessary, blood tests for creatinine and uric acid (an increase in creatinine indicates the death of kidney nephrons);
  • Sometimes an ultrasound of the kidneys is performed.

Treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnant women

Based on the examination results, it is prescribed drug treatment taking into account all contraindications for the pregnant woman and the fetus: the gynecologist or nephrologist chooses the safest, least toxic medications, taking into account their effect on the fetus.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you self-medicate, even if you carefully read the instructions. Only a doctor can select the right drug during pregnancy, taking into account the objective condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus, indications and all contraindications.

In pregnant women, the use of antibiotics is contraindicated throughout their entire pregnancy. Fluoroquinolones may be used. Also assigned:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy - semi-synthetic penicillins;
  • in the second - third - you can add macrolides (erythromycin is not recommended, since it increases stone formation), cephalosporins.

Complications of pyelonephritis

If inflammatory diseases of the bladder and kidneys are not treated promptly, this can lead to the development of:

  • late toxicosis (preeclampsia), which is very difficult and, in turn, causes various complications, including increased blood pressure and fetal death;
  • eclampsia (one of the symptoms is an increase in blood pressure to critically high levels for both the mother and the fetus).

Any reason that causes an increase in leukocytes during pregnancy should not be ignored. The development of pathology in a woman during pregnancy can affect the health of the child and its development. In such cases, rapid diagnosis and gentle therapy are necessary. The expectant mother may have a reduced immune status; in such cases, the pathological process during pregnancy develops rapidly. This can lead to serious complications such as:

  • development of congenital or chronic diseases in a child;
  • premature birth;

Prevention of increased leukocytes during pregnancy

Only a doctor can prescribe examinations and further treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to appear for medical examinations in a timely manner and follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to avoid heavy physical activity and stressful situations, have enough time to rest, eat right and, if necessary, follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, and do not ignore any new or alarming symptoms. This is the only way to maintain the health of the unborn child and good health throughout pregnancy.