Statuses about women's happiness and children. Beautiful and philosophical statuses about a happy woman

A woman is like a traffic light: first she lights up a red light for a man, then a yellow one, and finally a green one. And the man, as a driver, is ready for anyone!

A woman is man's best friend.

I got sick, went to the pharmacy to buy Tera-Flu or something similar, my ex came in after me, without thinking for a minute I took a pack of condoms and left without looking back.

Here I am not needed, there I am impossible.

You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman... There is happiness in the eyes... There is love in the heart... There is a blush on the cheeks... And there is a little life inside...

Every girl at least once in her life should become fixated on some kind of down.

A beautiful girl is not the one that all the guys hit on. A beautiful girl is the one that makes them fall silent when they see her.

A beautiful girl cannot be stupid, because a smart girl will never allow herself to be ugly.

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the mind, and purgatory for the pockets...

Loves sweet perfumes. Pale lipstick. Ballet shoes. Smile at the sun - knowing that it is mutual.

It is not enough to love me - you need to understand me. You need to live with me, breathe with me. You have to be able to hear... what sometimes cannot be said. It's not enough to want me - you have to feel sorry for me. It’s not enough to come to me - you have to give yourself. It’s not enough to find me - THE MAIN THING IS NOT TO LOSE!!!

I need a very strong guy. In every sense. And with only one weakness called I.

We were never good. But we have always been the best.

We women can drink a liter of vodka, hit a guy, go home alone in the middle of the night, but we only go to the toilet with a girlfriend!

Popular sign: I went out into the street without makeup and met all my friends.

The real risk is when you paint your nails and there is no more nail polish remover.

I love myself in the mirror in the morning, it's like a free freak show!

Why does everyone say that girls are fragile creatures? For some reason, when she hits a man with a frying pan, they call her a monster. But the monster is not at all fragile.

Why do beautiful, well-groomed girls often not have a boyfriend? Because looking at such a guy, he thinks: either she already has a boyfriend or she’s a rare bitch who only loves herself.

It’s a nice feeling when you try on a blouse and it doesn’t fit in your chest.

Let all the assholes rest. According to the scenario, I still have a long and happy life.

I used to think “I’m the only one like this, no one else does such stupid things”, I sat here for 2 days and realized - THERE ARE A LOT OF US!!!

You look kind and sweet, but inside you there lives a monster, ready to kill anyone who does anything to you...

The most important thing is that real woman should realize how lucky she is to be born a woman.

The girl's strength is that when she feels bad, she looks great.

A dog, like a woman, seems to be faithful, but if you hurt her, she will bite.

Immediately when we see a handsome guy, we straighten our backs and straighten our bangs.

Only the one whom a girl allows to touch her hair is allowed to remain in her heart.

TOP 10 favorite phrases of girls: 1. I have a headache. 2. I don't know. 3. It will be visible. 4. You don't understand me. 5. You don't love me. 6. I'm not like that. 7. You are deceiving me. 8. Let's see. 9. Have you forgotten about me? 10. Tell me something.

Each normal girl must have its own little peek-a-boo.

I don’t have the habit of pouting my lips and kicking my butt off in photos! I just have this kind of figure and here I am, drunk and wearing high heels!

Angels like us have wings only on pads.

I want a time when a girl was adorned with modesty, and not with silicone and two layers of foundation.

Screen mobile phone became a mirror for girls.

I will be drawn to where I am expected, but I will remain where I am valued!

Am I the only one, or does everyone, when they hear their favorite song, take something that looks like a microphone and pretend to sing???

I cry without tears and without sounds - this is such a special breathing system when you just suffocate. Quiet and without drama.

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Women's happiness is when you have three names: the first name is Daughter, the second is Beloved, and the third is Mom...

The happiest day in a girl's life is when she knows what to wear!

If you call it fate, gluing a heart broken into pieces, then a woman with eyes the color of happiness will follow you, even into hell...

A happy woman always has the sun in her pocket, love in her heart, joy in her soul and happiness in her eyes.)))

The most beautiful outfit is happiness. I found it, dressed it up and will never take it off now!

Happiness is when they adjust your blanket at night and kiss you on the cheek, thinking that you are sleeping!

A unique feeling of being someone's happiness!

And how little she needs to become happy: to be understood without words - eye to eye, and to become the only one, desired and loved.

Probably one of the most pleasant things in the world is when a person thinks that you are sleeping, comes up and kisses you, says how much he loves you... or just runs his hand through his hair... And you just lie there with eyes closed and you go crazy with happiness!

And you know what? But I’m just happy! Purely feminine! I have a cozy home, my beloved husband and daughter, all my loved ones (pah-pah-pah!) are healthy, and I don’t need anything else! I wish you only happiness! And we will earn money for everything else!

Happiness is when the words “wife” and “desirable” refer to the same woman.

A girl's happiness is a beautiful doll, a bright dress. Girl's happiness - fashion clothes, envy of girlfriends, glances of guys. A woman’s happiness is family, children, watching the gaze of men. A grandmother's happiness is her grandchildren and children, who are always nearby.

Happiness is being with a person who supports your crazy ideas, helps you make your crazy dreams come true, and when you look like a side-eyed Shar Pei puppy in a photo, he says that you are the most beautiful and there is no one better than you!

Happy is not the woman who pleases all men. Happy is she who loves a man who is crazy about her. And they don’t care about others.

The most beautiful thing a guy can say to a girl is: “If I ever fall in love with another girl, it will be our daughter.”

The more you mean something to others, the more your life is illuminated by the highest meaning. 9

The soul is like balloon: if you throw away the ballast, it takes off. 12

Simply - Love... Simply - Forgive... You can’t do it, don’t promise... Don’t offend or envy, don’t suffer in vain and value time, don’t hold evil in your heart, in your soul... Just dream, dare, create... Just live with love in your heart! 18

Apparently, there is no such thing as quick and easy happiness. For some reason, happiness must be suffered.. Pay for every moment. 21

When your dreams are stronger than your fears, they will begin to come true. 21

Each of us has something to say, it’s just that many use language inappropriately. 18

Don't expect things to get easier, better, simpler. There will always be some difficulties. So you need to be positive today. 18

You can't start life over, but you can continue it in a different way... 21

Don’t try to look for the guilty... There are no guilty ones in fate... Someone just got something... But you got this. 21

The French say: "Be polite to the stranger, he may turn out to be an angel in disguise!" 18

Ask a person: what is happiness? - and you will find out what he misses most. 23

There is no right choice in reality - there is only the choice made and its consequences. 14

We are like pencils in this life: everyone draws their own destiny, some just break, some get dull, and some sharpen and move forward... 22

The apple of discord is often just a figment of the imagination. 16

Don't fly low, don't disturb the birds. Take care of your loved ones, believe - and forgive! Don't look askance - just straight, boldly! And away from the nose to see the matter. Don't be too sad, be happy, live! 14

​You think about life like this, and a crazy thought comes to your head: Anyone can walk like Christ on water... Walk on our roads... 14

I’m not a doctor, not a fairy-tale healer, but I can still give people advice. Love each other as much as possible. Love is the cure for our troubles!​ 15

The past is in the past, the present is in you. The future is unknown, but the point is in the dream. 14

If you're afraid, don't do it; if you do it, don't be afraid; if you do it, don't be sorry... 21

History repeats itself three times. The first time was like a tragedy, and a couple more times - for stupid people. 14

Have you ever seen how children communicate? They meet as if they have known each other for a long time, and say goodbye as if they will never see each other. We have a lot to learn from them. 19

The only thing everyone knows how to do very well is throw words to the wind. 24

If people could know who is thinking about them before going to bed, there would be more happiness in this world. 23

If you have a conscience, then those who do not have it have you. 22

If you don’t know what you feel for a person, close your eyes and imagine: he’s not there. Nowhere. It never was and never will be. Then everything will become clear. 19

Before you raise a person in someone else, first raise him in yourself 19

If you see someone falling, pick them up. After all, you yourself are not immune from falls... 13

No matter how beautiful your words are, you will still be judged only by your actions. 18

Different views of the world - some enjoy the rain, while others simply get wet under it 17

Statuses about a happy woman are what we want to hear in the constant bustle. Get your share of inspiration and be sure to share it with your friends on social networks!

Being happy is a decision, and then a state

  1. Beauty is important, but your inner state is much more important.
  2. If flowers bring you enough pleasure, then there is no point in waiting for a man to think of giving them...
  3. Dear women! You can be unhappy in heels, but you can be happy in sneakers...
  4. Some strive for a career and money, while for others a quiet sniffle nearby is enough. And each of them is right.

In order for everything to be “strawberry”, set the status “I am a happy woman.”

  1. If you know that in the morning you will eat deliciously and dress beautifully, it becomes much kinder.
  2. If you are used to being unhappy, then become happy in order to fray the nerves of other unhappy people.
  3. If there is at least someone in your life who asks if you have eaten, you already have a reason to rejoice!
  4. Who should I be today? Successful, attractive or lucky? God be with him, I will be happy.

Create happiness without shame

A woman's status about happiness may have an air of melancholy. But we are talking about things that do not meet standards or any guidelines.

  1. My secret Have a good mood? I am loved. And if not by someone, then by yourself.
  2. What is this life worth? Yes, at least to constantly look for a reason to smile!
  3. Why does everyone so often wish for spring in their souls? Let it just look good, without unnecessary epithets...
  4. I am quite a brave woman. I’m definitely not afraid to die of happiness.

Be sure that you are unique and establish the status of a happy wife.

  1. Ladies, make sure you feel good yourself. And to do this, just reach out to those who are ready to appreciate you.
  2. A smart woman knows which girl is more beautiful than her. The wise one knows, but does not attach the slightest importance to it.
  3. We are modest girls, and far from perfect. Well, what can you do, the ideal has not reached us...
  4. Let's abandon the infidels, let go of the greedy, and leave the indifferent!

Seventh heaven is not the limit of our happiness

The status about a happy woman is for those who are used to attracting the gaze of passersby. Make your status line just as interesting and attractive!

  1. Often we find happiness in wine, but as soon as we become happy, our heads are spinning all the time.
  2. A good period is when all household chores are abandoned a little, and all the bad people are forgotten forever!
  3. I tried to make your words mean something, but then I remembered that I was happy and stopped trying.
  4. They say the bitter truth is still better, but why not make it a little sweeter?

Your eyes should smile, you deserve statuses about a woman’s happiness.

  1. Girls, remember, if you have a favorite thing, it will definitely help you out if you have problems in your personal life.
  2. If you feel that you have become happy, place your slippers near you. And throw them at anyone who tries to ruin your mood.
  3. It's good to have happiness in life. It’s especially good when you know his name...
  4. Perhaps someday I will get up and immediately know what outfit to choose. Yes, yes, this will be my wedding.

May you always be hugged in your sleep!

Statuses about a happy girl are for those who are ready to become the one and only.

  1. If you are sad about money too often, then on the personal front everything is more or less normal. Otherwise you would be sad about it...
  2. For a girl, happiness is more fleeting than for an adult woman. It is important to get enough of it at this age!
  3. Girls, remember, for family happiness the main thing is to be loved. And loving passionately is not necessary, no matter what anyone says.
  4. Heels are a strange thing. When you put them on, you become a little happier; when you take them off, you become even happier.

Attract reliable men to you, establish funny statuses happy woman.

  1. In order for a man to make you happy, no matter how you look at it, you need to be prepared.
  2. If your boyfriend constantly upsets you, ask him to move away. What if there is someone who will cheer you up!
  3. If there is a fire in the soul, then the borscht cooks faster, the floor is washed faster, and in general everything is conquered.
  4. All my life I dreamed of having a child. The dream has come true, and now I'm waiting for her to fall asleep, this dream...

It's easier to be happy with someone!

Short statuses about a happy woman - and that says it all.

  1. I wasn’t happy, but now I’ve decided that I will be.
  2. Stop being strong and they will do everything for you.
  3. Darling, remember, you have no time to be upset!
  4. Look for someone who will allow you to be a little capricious.
  5. Be sure to prepare your home for the arrival of happiness.
  6. Sometimes coming home from work is already happiness.
  7. You also need to be able to feel happiness.
  8. Happiness exists, and it does not depend on age.
  9. Every woman's joy requires a man's effort.
  10. A satisfied woman is a joy for the family.

Choose only the best for yourself, especially when it comes to statuses. And then only Good friends, and wonderful gentlemen!

There are so many women, so many opinions about women's happiness. And this is understandable. Happiness is not chocolate that everyone likes. Moreover, chocolate can be different.

Despite the fact that the post involves “quotes, aphorisms, statements and statuses about women’s happiness,” it contains more real, real statements about what happiness is.

Real women and their statements about what happiness means to them.

Sayings, statuses, aphorisms, quotes about women's happiness

A little female happiness is worth a huge male effort.....

Paradox - what prettier girl, the less chance there is for simple female happiness.

My dad and mom made me sweet, my teachers made me well-mannered, my teachers made me educated, and my husband made me happy.

Female doping is shopping!

A woman's happiness is when you wake up every morning in his arms.

Chocolate... but they say you can’t buy happiness

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to all my former men for those crazy, unforgettable days filled with joy and happiness that I was lucky enough to live after our partings.

A man's joy is measured in LITERS. Women's happiness is in CARATS.

Tender creamy sweet waffle caramel and honey, this is happiness...

I should be happy and I don’t owe anyone anything anymore.

What a blessing to be beautiful woman, shrouded in the mists of spirits, in the hearts of men, tapping cracks with the blows of high heels!

The secret of female happiness is simple: new shoes, a good manicure and a bald girlfriend.

She was happily in her seventh month.

When I'm happy I want to cry, but when I'm sad I don't feel like laughing. Therefore, it is better, I think, to be happy. So you get two experiences for the price of one.

Women's happiness has the appearance of a beloved man.

I'm fine.
I'm happy.
I have nothing to please you with.

A girl should give happiness, and not wait for it.

The greatest happiness for a woman is to see that her children are happy!

HAPPINESS for a woman is small warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. Everyone who has children has HAPPINESS!

In my purse you can only find perfume with the smell of joy, glitter - the colors of the rainbow and orbits, with the taste of happiness.

Women's happiness - I met my ex with a woman and she is so ugly.

Happiness for a woman is not only a state of mind, but also a state of her husband.

The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history.

I am the happiest. I love you and this is such happiness. Everything is simple, like in a fairy tale. Finally I felt what it means to be happy. What does it mean to love and be loved. There is now a smile on my lips.

A woman needs a man to be happy; for misfortune, just a husband is quite enough.

If they ask me what HAPPINESS is, then I will answer: “Happiness is if I am next to you.”

They asked me if I miss you. I didn’t answer, I just closed my eyes, smiled and walked away... and then whispered..."crazy."

I'M HAPPY! I have EVERYTHING for this, even you, dear, you just don’t know it yet.

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

I can smell your perfume hundreds of meters away... Not because it’s persistent... but because I breathe you!

Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up because I stopped hugging him.

Being loved is more than being rich. Because to be loved means to be happy. Money can't buy happiness...

There is a person in this world whose mere presence fills me with happiness.

A happy girl is not the one who has many fans, but the one who has one, besides whom she needs no one!!!

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved...

You are happiness... A little strange and incomprehensible.... Leading to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear... But happiness...

Do you know what happiness means to me? Happiness is You and Me!

Seconds without a loved one are hours. Hours with your loved one - seconds...
Love is the happiness of the loved one.

Happiness is falling in love with a person who is already in love with you...

How good it is to be loved, happy, healthy and make plans for the future!

Only my heart beats for you.

Happy is the one who is completely sure that he is dearer to someone than anyone else in the world!!!

He may not be the best, but he is the most necessary for me.

Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

For me to be happy, I need only one condition - your presence in my life.

It's so good to be someone's forever.
And know that these are not empty words.
How to divide bread and soul and year.
Look into the eyes of immeasurably dear ones.
It's so good to be someone's forever.
And know that he won’t leave you, won’t deceive you.
And it will pull you out from under any ice.
And he will never stop loving...

You can only be small and weak when there is a big and strong one next to you.

She remembered how they met... so ridiculous and most importantly, she didn’t like him at all... and now she’s crazy about him...

Love is a drug. At first there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. The next day you want more. You haven’t had time to get involved yet, but although you like the feeling, you’re sure that you can do without them. You think about your favorite creature for 2 minutes and forget about it for 3 hours. But gradually you get used to it and become completely dependent. And then, you think about him for 3 hours and forget for two minutes.

A woman is happy when she sees her husband's smiling eyes and knows that she is the reason for this joy.

All women are lovely, and what gives them beauty is the love of men.

- What color is happiness?
- Green.
- Why?
- This is the color of his eyes

If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be used as a waiting room.

Happiness is the most wonderful thing in the world, and for those who know how to be happy, it can be as deep as sadness.

When a person is happy, he does not know that he is happy.

If we seek happiness without knowing where it is, we risk losing it.

The unhappy have a truer and more accurate idea of ​​happiness.

Someone with a hammer should stand behind the door of a happy person, constantly knock and remind him that there are unhappy people, and that after a short period of happiness, misfortune comes.

If I want my children to be happy, then I have to be myself happy man on the ground.

Happiness excludes old age. He who retains the ability to see beauty does not grow old.

Life gives a person, at best, one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.

Happiness is not given quickly, like a mushroom in the forest, you have to look for it and break your back over it, but when you find it, look, it’s not a toadstool.

We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.

Numerous definitions of happiness only prove that it is unfamiliar to us.

Now, if you decide that you will be happy, everything in your life will really be fine. You just need to believe!

Whatever we want, everything is real, the main thing is to believe, the main thing is to sincerely desire it. Happiness is nearby!

Women's happiness is when everyone is at home and everyone is sleeping...