Fluffy skirts for school 14 and long. School skirts for girls: fun school fashion

Children follow fashion trends no less than adults. Often their choice is limited to clothes for school. Parents should know that fashion clothes going to school is a guarantee of a great desire to attend an educational institution. Every child wants to look stylish and attractive. Don't neglect modern trends in this area. First of all, designers focus on practicality and convenience. Simple geometry without unnecessary decorations is chosen. Laconic silhouettes emphasize modesty and look stylish.

Often this is a classic cut that has not gone out of fashion for years. But, despite this, each manufacturer adds its own recognizable details to school clothes. It could be a straight line contrasting color or an interesting patch. You can always decorate your everyday uniform with an original brooch or designer collar. So you can get absolutely new option, different from others. Every mother wants her child to develop excellent taste. Therefore, help your teenager choose the right accessories for discreet clothes.

School FASHION for teenage girls 2019 photos TRENDS

Students in more educational institutions across the country wear school uniform. Its variant depends on the charter of the school itself: it can be business style, tartan, plain clothes in dark or light shades. There is a lot of controversy surrounding school uniforms.

Some people believe that having a uniform deprives children of their individuality and prevents them from expressing themselves. Others believe that school uniforms help smooth out the edges of social inequality and instill discipline in children.

It would seem that if there are certain rules in clothing, there can be no talk of school fashion, but this is a big misconception. Many designers are developing special collections using fashionable silhouettes and colors in clothes for schoolchildren.

Fashionable basic wardrobe for schoolgirls 2019 photo TRENDS

How to create the perfect school wardrobe for this unforgettable, colorful fall 2019? Are you a mother of a teenager, or a teenage girl, a beautiful student, a young girl - any of you needs to know how to become the most beautiful and unforgettable this fall. A list of the most necessary things, the so-called mandatory minimum of things for this fall, will help you with this.

  • Checkered coat. It can be a classic straight-cut coat, or an intricately shaped coat; You can choose a neutral color, or your favorite one: beige, burgundy, black, gray or bright pink, green, sky blue. And a checked coat with an interesting print will definitely not allow you to get lost among other people.
  • Pullover. Multicolored, ruffled, pleated, whatever pullover you need to keep you warm on fall evenings.
  • Turtleneck. This item is generally part of the mandatory basic wardrobe. It is better to choose neutral colors: black, beige. A black turtleneck will suit absolutely any look. And the high collar of the turtleneck will prevent you from catching a cold.
  • Pleated skirt. What could be more feminine and delicate than a cute pleated skirt? And skirts in pastel colors are generally a trend this season.
  • Shirt with bow. The shirt is an indispensable part business wardrobe, both schoolgirls and girls 18-25 years old. A playful bow on the collar will give you charm and femininity.
  • Classic pants. A universal item. Choose your style. It is better to give preference to trousers with high waist, which will make you a “Barbie with a perfect waist.”

Stylish blouses with bows 2019 school trends NEW

Each educational institution, as a rule, offers schoolchildren one or another style of uniform. Because it is practical and convenient. But the older a girl gets, the less and less she wants to wear the same uniform as everyone else. Often the only way to stand out and show your taste is to choose a beautiful, fashionable, comfortable school blouse.

Fortunately, modern designers offer a huge selection of different models of blouses for girls of different ages. A blouse with a bow is a trend that has experienced fashion rebirth more than once over the course of decades. Big or small, wide or narrow bow can make any outfit more feminine and elegant.

The combination of a white blouse with a black bow is so reminiscent of your school days! Yes, this image is more suitable for very young girls - up to 20 years old. For example, this may be indicated by the wavy collar of a blouse. The combination of a white blouse and a black bow is classic.

Stylish turtlenecks for school 2019 MEGA universal item photo

In the cool season, turtlenecks are a good alternative to formal shirts. They are versatile and comfortable for children of all ages. Today we will tell you about the features of choosing school turtlenecks for girls: about suitable models and colors, as well as how to put together a successful set.

  • the classic turtleneck model is the simplest and most laconic option: a plain knitted sweater without any decoration, with a narrow, long sleeve and high collar; Suitable for daily wear.
  • a turtleneck without a collar will appeal to girls who do not like turtleneck clothes; such a model may have a small stand-up collar, or simply a small, round neckline.

  • turtleneck with short sleeve- a model that can be worn under a school jacket, and in the warm season - simply with a skirt or trousers; a shortened sleeve can have an interesting shape, for example, a “flashlight”.
  • a smart turtleneck is an option for school holidays, formal functions and other events that allow a deviation from a strict, business style. The decor can be varied: lace inserts, frills, ruffles, etc. Models with frill collars are also popular.

Fashionable school dresses 2019 with correct and interesting prints PHOTO

How to look stunning and fashionable within the walls of your own school, without disturbing school rules, our next review will help. Thanks to design tricks, dresses perfectly highlight the natural feminine beauty. Young age allows you to turn creative design ideas into reality.

All kinds of darts and folds will emphasize female beauty and the chic waist of high school girls. Remembering the school uniform of the 80s, girls were only offered models with long sleeves. Now high school girls can choose a dress with one sleeve or another.

It all depends on the preferences of the girls and the climate conditions at school. Any style allows girls to look fashionable and extravagant without shocking teachers. On a warm spring day, it’s comfortable to sit at your desk in a dress with short sleeves. For those who do not want to carry a sweater or cardigan, many manufacturers offer long-sleeved models.

Casual looks for school 2019 fashion options trends

Boring trousers can be replaced with trendy culottes, white shirt with a starched collar - a light cream-colored blouse, and instead of a boring vest, wear a neat jumper. A couple of thoughtful details in the form of socks and a cool backpack always come in handy. And don’t forget about the choice of shoes: wine loafers will combine separate items into a complete look.

Don't be afraid to play with color scheme: choose those shades that you like and can pass the school qualification. A blue shirt will go perfectly with a brown skirt, and let the shoes take the leading role. The main thing is to complement your outfits with accessories - then you definitely won’t look boring.

Fashionable skirts for school 2019 tweed, wool, felt TREND of all seasons

Designers create school skirts for girls with special care so that fashionistas feel comfortable and look stylish at the same time. Fashionable school skirts for students of different ages have some differences. For students primary school you can choose beautiful models with decorations of flounces and ruffles, for high school girls the styles become more strict. Popular colors for uniforms are very restrained and calm.

Most people associate a black skirt with a classic business style. Model in this color for a long time is in first place in demand. This item is a staple for a school wardrobe and is perfect for any occasion. It becomes part of everyday outfits and, of course, is indispensable at special events. The gray school skirt ranks second in popularity among schoolgirls and their parents.

This color is calm and pleasing to the eye. It easily fits into sets with white, pink, and blue things. Schoolgirls appreciate it for its versatility and versatility, because, in fact, gray has many shades. Blue skirts are also very popular in school uniforms. Many people associate this color with business suit. This color harmonizes well with white and gray. The blue skirt looks good and is easy to wear basic thing school wardrobe.

Fashionable styles of school trousers 2019 for teenage girls PHOTO

Trending classic styles, as close as possible to the male style, emphasized hippie chic of flared pants, emancipated culottes and unusually feminine skinny models. The color segment is also striking in its diversity: in addition to soft shades of lavender, blue and coral, the undisputed leaders of the season are black, deep red, brown and soft shades of wine.

In 2019, the 7/8 length remains more relevant than ever. No other style of trousers is simply capable of so elegantly emphasizing the sexuality of a naked female ankle. A shortened length is found in almost all types of trousers - from skinny and pipes to sports, classic and retro models.

Some designers even tried to bring capri pants back into fashion by shortening the legs almost to the knees, but this length has not yet become a trend. The fashion for skinny pants boasts an enviable consistency - the tightest pants are again at the peak of popularity.

In the new season, this trend has been elevated to an absolute level - some fashion designers have practically erased the line between trousers and leggings. The popularity of skinnies among fashionistas is explained simply - no other model can so openly emphasize slender legs.

The fashion for school skirts never ceases to delight young students. This clothing belongs to the business style thanks to the strict lines that give it formality. School uniforms are provided by manufacturers in a wide range. She pleases girls with ease of wear, elegant appearance, practicality and a wide range of models.

By variety, all children's school skirts are divided into formal (pencil skirts, A-line skirts) and elegant (with flounces and ruffles). They come in styles:

  • High waisted. This style will visually narrow your figure. Therefore, it is perfect for plump teenage girls. The high waist will hold the blouse tightly, which will make the look stylish and neat.
  • . Such models look beautiful and gentle. Their lower tier can be made of tulle, which gives the product an elegant appearance.
  • . This is the most common model, suitable for any type of figure. The fold of the products differs in width.
  • On an elastic band. Models with elastic bands can be flared or pleated. Thanks to the elasticity of the belt, the outfit is suitable for both thin schoolgirls and plump ones.
  • . Half-sun and sun models are in great demand this year. These skirts are full and festive.

With their help you can create a gentle and romantic image. They look beautiful with puff sleeve blouses and shirts.

  • . This model is the trend of the current season. She is preferred by high school students. A pencil skirt flatters your figure and adds elegance to your school look. The length of the model goes down to the knee. The skirt can be high-waisted or low-waisted.
  • Tight. Such skirts are classics, differ in length, color, and are decorated with inserts from other fabrics, flounces and ruffles.
  • . Such styles are in demand among high school students. In this outfit, girls look like adults.
  • . They can have folds throughout the entire product or be placed in certain areas and secured with bows or any other decor.
  • . This school skirt is strict and laconic. A small incision is allowed at the back. This style is suitable for absolutely any body type and is in greatest demand among high school girls.
  • . This model will hide both thin and full legs well.
  • With a wide belt. The skirt will visually reduce your waist size. Suitable for all body types.

Designers also offer schoolgirls models with pockets that are distinguished by functionality and original appearance, tartan skirts, ruffles, and flares. When choosing one style or another, it is necessary to take into account the student’s body type, her personal preferences and the appearance of the product.


Modern designers sew school skirts from the following fabrics:

  • wool;
  • cotton;

Knitted products are distinguished by their elasticity, ease of wear and naturalness. They do not restrict movement at all and allow schoolgirls to feel as comfortable as possible throughout the school day. By cut they are: straight, pleated, flared, peplum; this material beautifully fits the figure, hiding its flaws and emphasizing its advantages.

Knitwear is suitable for any time of year. The peculiarity of the material is that in the cold season it warms the body, and in the hot season it keeps cool.

Woolen products are worn in autumn and winter. They differ in styles, lengths and color scheme. The advantage of the fabric is its naturalness, hypoallergenicity and durability. This material does not wrinkle, does not fade, and retains its original shape and color for a long time.

Cotton is the most popular material when sewing children's clothing. He has high technical characteristics and beautiful appearance. In such clothes, children feel as comfortable and attractive as possible. Cotton skirts attract schoolgirls original models, rich colors, wear resistance.

Tweed products are durable, easy to care for and practical. Skirts made from this fabric are perfect for both slender schoolgirls and very thin ones. They look beautiful with various wardrobe items and are suitable for the cold season.

Leather models are fashion trend of this season. They attract young fashionistas with their stylish appearance, femininity and elegance.

Popular leather styles are pencil skirts and flares. This material is hypoallergenic, wear-resistant and safe.

What clothes to combine with?

Creating a beautiful school look is not so easy. The skirt must correspond to the time of year outside the window and be combined with outerwear. For the season, it is recommended to pay attention to straight models made of knitwear, wool or tweed, which harmonize perfectly with formal shirts and classic jackets.

In the cool season, you can wear a striped pleated skirt made of thick fabric, white golf and a blue jacket. The look is completed with warm tights and neat black boots.

This season, cropped gray jackets with pleats are in fashion, which can be complemented with a straight skirt. The look is completed with a strict white blouse or shirt, bright red tights and black boots.

A tweed suit consisting of a pleated skirt and a jacket with ruffles in a gray tone will look beautiful in the autumn-winter period. Under this outfit you can wear a straight-cut white blouse, high white knee socks and black shoes.

You can create an elegant autumn look with the help of a fluffy wide skirt with frills, a white turtleneck and a black jacket. Black tights and shoes will help complete the look.

And you should choose pleated models that harmonize with white blouses and vests. They look beautiful in the warm season and bouffant skirts black color. They are elegantly combined with white blouses with ruffles.

For teenage girls, you can create a beautiful school look using long skirt tight-fitting, black and complemented by a strict white shirt. White tights and black shoes will complete the look.

Also suitable for high school girls is a pleated skirt with a wide belt, decorated with a bow. For this outfit you need to choose a white blouse made of translucent chiffon.

A black pleated bell skirt in combination with a white blouse also looks beautiful. The look is completed with white tights and narrow black shoes.

No matter what year it is outside the window, no matter what new trends excite the world of children's fashion, there has always been a school uniform, and, of course, there will be. School uniforms for girls have always played a special role in the life of every schoolgirl. Young fashionistas want to look their best, and no matter what they say, they are born with a sense of style.

And almost all girls are endowed with this feeling from birth. This is why a fashionable school uniform for girls is of such great importance. This is important not only for the external neat appearance of a beautiful student, it is necessary for her internal harmonious worldview and positioning herself in the world of students, in a school-specific society.

The point is not only to choose a fashionable and stylish uniform that meets the spirit of the times and fashion. Since a modern schoolchild spends a significant part of his day at school in classes, as well as clubs and sections, the school uniform should be as comfortable as possible.

What does comfortable school clothes mean? It is, first of all, made from natural fabrics (wool, cotton, cashmere, linen), which can be supplemented with synthetic additives, but not large quantities. The lining of things should be exclusively natural.

The school year covers both warm months (September, April, May) and cold ones, so choose your student’s wardrobe in accordance with different weather conditions. For boys, several pairs of trousers, plain shirts with long and short sleeves, a vest, a jacket, and a tie will be required. Girls need to buy a skirt, a sundress, a jacket, maybe some trousers, and a few blouses in calm tones.

The main items of school clothing for girls of this age are sundresses or dresses. Today, manufacturers and designers offer many options for models that create a stylish look for the student both on ordinary weekdays and on school holidays.

Formal dresses and discreet sundresses are the main attributes of any little student’s school wardrobe. Therefore, for the upcoming school year, designers have come up with a lot of different options for these items of girls’ clothing.

Girls 6 – 10 years old
A fashionable school uniform for girls aged 6 to 10 years old can consist of a skirt, trousers and a dress in the indicated colors. Checkered pleated skirts are at the height of fashion. From childhood, it is worth teaching a girl to wear skirts (the best length is to the knee or slightly lower), as this thing makes the baby feminine. If this is too simple for a young fashionista, add a chiffon or tulle lining. Under the skirt and trousers, choose blouses that match in color.

Girls 11 – 18 years old
High school girls are more particular about their appearance, so you shouldn’t suggest a pleated skirt. Its place can be replaced by pencil skirts, trousers of a classic cut or tapered at the bottom, a formal jacket, a blazer. It is important for parents to pay attention so that the young beauty does not overuse cosmetics.

Both junior and high school girls need to take care of their hair. Loose hair looks sloppy and careless, so collect it in a ponytail, braid or other more intricate hairstyle. A huge number of hairpins, bows, bobby pins, and hoops will help complete the look of a fashionable schoolgirl.

Fashionable white blouses for girls 2016-2017 new photos

Beautiful a white blouse can decorate any formal wardrobe. In the new academic year designers recommend choosing blouses with unusual decor, which will become the accent of the school image. Today, shirt-type blouses decorated with unexpected decorative elements are popular. Boyish severity always goes well with small girlish details: lace inserts, original buttons, touching collars. Schoolgirls often opt for models with frill collars or ruffled collars.

After the young fashionista has decided on the style of her blouse, she needs to pay attention to the fabric. Here a lot depends on the model of the product. If it's a shirt-type blouse, cotton is best; if we are talking about a tunic, then the best material is chiffon; for more romantic and festive models, the ideal fabric is satin.

It is best to choose light colors for school blouses. It's not just white, although it will always be great for school. Preferred products are cream, pearl, soft pink, light blue, light green and similar colors. A school blouse goes best with a skirt, dress or sundress. On top it can be complemented with a vest, in the cold season - with a jacket, cardigan or bolero. You can wear a blouse with classic or tapered trousers, but you should be careful here. A shirt-shaped model will be best combined with trousers.

Fashionable school sundresses for girls 2016-2017 trends new photos

A sundress will always be in fashion; it allows you to create different looks. A girl will feel comfortable in a sundress. It hides undeveloped breasts, which young students are often embarrassed about, and favorably emphasizes the waist. In such clothes the girl will be feminine and fashionable.

A school sundress will teach a girl to early years create beautiful images, combine colors and select accessories. The most important thing is that a school sundress should decorate a girl. The style and color are selected depending on the characteristics of the schoolgirl’s figure and age:

For fat girls, it is better to purchase a sundress with an “A” silhouette made of plain fabric;
for a skinny person, you can choose a sundress in a checkered pattern;
high school girls prefer sheath sundresses that emphasize the dignity of the figure;
First-graders dream of looking like a princess, so they will love sundresses decorated with ruffles and flounces.

Fashionable school dresses for girls 2016-2017 trends photos new items

A brown dress with sewn cuffs and a collar - this is the kind of school dress we remember from Soviet times. The decoration for this dress was a white apron, as well as white bows and knee socks of the students. On weekdays, the white apron was replaced by its black counterpart. There wasn't much choice in styles.

School uniforms today are not something shapeless and boring, but belong to a separate style in the fashion world. It is close to the official, business style, since it has strict lines, restrained colors and almost no decor.

Designers create school skirts for girls with special care so that fashionistas feel comfortable and look stylish at the same time.

Fashionable school skirts for students of different ages have some differences. Primary school students can choose beautiful models decorated with flounces and ruffles; for high school girls, the styles become more strict.

Current colors

Nothing should distract a child from the educational process, including bright uniforms and original prints - this is what designers who create stylish uniforms are guided by.

Popular colors for uniforms are very restrained and calm.

Most people associate a black skirt with a classic business style. The model in this color has been in first place in demand for a long time. This item is a staple for a school wardrobe and is perfect for any occasion. It becomes part of everyday outfits and, of course, is indispensable at special events.

The gray school skirt ranks second in popularity among schoolgirls and their parents. This color is calm and pleasing to the eye. It easily fits into sets with white, pink, and blue things. Schoolgirls appreciate it for its versatility and versatility, because, in fact, gray has many shades.

Blue skirts are also very popular in school uniforms. Many people associate this color with a business suit. This color harmonizes well with white and gray. A blue skirt looks good and easily becomes a staple item in a school wardrobe. It is worth paying attention to the dark blue models. In many schools, they are more preferable because they do not distract attention from the educational process and have a calming effect on children.

Also popular burgundy color. It harmoniously combines style and comfort. Psychologists believe that burgundy fills schoolgirls with a sense of stability and self-confidence.

Stylish styles

School skirts 2017-2018 delight growing fashionistas and their parents with a fairly wide variety of styles.

One of the most popular will be a pleated skirt. Designers have paid a lot of attention to corrugated fabric; it is found in many models, and school uniforms are no exception.

Pleated skirts have always been a definite classic in school fashion. The length of such a thing or color could change, but the model did not disappear from view for a long time.

When creating models for schoolchildren, designers tried to combine simplicity and elegance as much as possible. The presented models allow you to emphasize your individuality within the educational process.

Various styles of school skirts allow you to create elegant, but simple images that would be appropriate in an educational institution. There is an unspoken division of school uniforms by age. If in the lower grades light frills are acceptable, then for teenagers such decor is excluded.

The types of skirts for older girls are discreet. Frills and flounces are a thing of the past, replaced by strict lines and discreet styles.

Wrap skirt

For school, a wrap skirt is a great opportunity to add some variety to your formal, discreet wardrobe. Such models are strict and stylish, although they look very attractive due to their cut.

The most common silhouette for schools is the trapezoid. In this model, the wrap is neatly fastened with small buttons or convenient snaps. This model suits almost all girls, and this is its undeniable advantage.

Skirt with elastic

The school sun skirt looks light and attractive at the same time.

This model is quite simple, there are no complex elements in it. A comfortable elastic band allows the child to feel comfortable, does not press on anything, and there is no need to think that numerous buttons will come undone. Skirts with elastic for school have become one of the most popular, especially for primary schools.

Checkered skirt

A checkered skirt can easily be called a timeless classic of a school uniform. This model is able to diversify the rather restrained wardrobe of a schoolgirl.

Today, a checkered skirt occupies one of the leading places among the models chosen by parents and children themselves for visiting an educational institution. This print is completely school style.

Pencil skirt

A pencil skirt is perfect for school style. It is laconic, simple and restrained, but at the same time it looks very stylish.

This model is especially popular among high school students. When choosing a model, you can move away from the classic black color, giving preference to another suitable shade.

Models of pencil skirts look very appropriate at school. Simplicity and conciseness do not distract attention, and the overall image is feminine.

Straight models

Straight models of a classic cut have long occupied a leading position among other school uniform styles. This model may have a small slit at the back.

A straight skirt is also popular because it suits schoolgirls with different figures and all ages. It can be present in the wardrobe of a junior or senior school student, but this style always looks advantageous.

Skirt with straps

A stylish school skirt with two straps that go over the shoulders fits perfectly into the strict school dress code.

Many girls and parents choose skirts of such models; they add a touch of variety to their usual wardrobe.

High waist model

More elegant models high-waisted skirts resemble a dress and hold the blouse well so that it spills over the edges.

This model visually slims the silhouette, which many girls like.

Fluffy skirt

A multi-layered skirt looks festive.

Such models are not welcome in all schools, but for festive events they fit well.

The bottom layer of the skirt can be made of tulle, which supports the curvy shape.

This model can be any color suitable for the educational institution.

Suitable materials

School skirts for teenagers can be made from various materials.

The main division is based on the seasons. For cold periods, dense fabrics are used, and for warm periods, lighter, breathable ones.

Skirts from knitted fabric are popular all year round. They are convenient and comfortable, do not restrict movement and fit perfectly to the figure. In addition, this fabric can be corrective - the right model will hide figure imperfections, placing the necessary accents. Such clothes for girls are comfortable and do not cause discomfort when worn.

The material that can be used for a school skirt is leather. Such things are not welcome in all schools, but if there is no such restriction, you should give preference to a pencil style or a flared skirt. They look stylish, even bold for school, but they definitely cannot be called provocative.

During the production process, girls' uniforms can also be used natural materials. Most often it is cotton, linen. This material is relevant in the warm season. When it gets colder outside, you can pay attention to velvet or wool skirts. They warm perfectly, but do not weigh down the image - it remains light and delicate.

Current length

A skirt for junior schoolgirls may be mini-length, but not all schools allow such freedom.

It is better for older schoolgirls to forget about short skirts - everything should be restrained and strict. You should pay attention to knee-length options.

Midi length is considered optimal for school uniforms. A pencil skirt of this length looks especially relevant.

An acceptable length is slightly below the knee. Such models are often chosen by girls who want to hide existing figure flaws.

Current combinations

When choosing clothing options for school, parents and girls should pay attention to how things are combined with each other. It is better that they are universal, allowing you to create harmonious images in various combinations.

A simple combination of a white blouse, skirt and vest looks great. The skirt and vest should be made in the same color so that everything looks like one. The vest can have an elegant bow - like this decorative element completely appropriate for a school look.

A simple blouse with ruffles looks very elegant, it can be complemented with a simple skirt, and the outfit is ready for the next school day.

Cropped jackets can often be seen today in school sets. This item looks good paired with a straight skirt and a simple blouse. The jacket can be decorated with patch pockets.

An A-line skirt combined with a classic-cut jacket will become good option for a school look. The laconicism of such a set can be diluted by a blouse with a lace collar.

When giving preference to a ready-made school suit, you need to consider whether items from it can be used separately to create other sets. Versatility is another feature that must be present in clothes for school.

School fashion does not stand still - this clothing has many stylish variations. Designers are trying to diversify the laconicism and severity of lines with new colors, original styles and decor, if appropriate.

Today, choosing a set for school is quite simple; all things combine well with each other, providing the opportunity to create relevant, but discreet images.

I remember when I was a child at school, my mother brought me a skirt for school. If you remember, after the shortage, everything that was made of synthetics and looked different from before became a source of pride and joy for women and girls. Then a pleated skirt made of terrible synthetics, which collected all the dust and lint, was simply at the peak of popularity. Now parents are not limited in their choice, except perhaps by means. For girls, school fashion has long ceased to be something boring and ugly, because models and various kinds There's more than enough decor.

Fashionable school skirts

Lots of ruffles, interesting fabrics, lace and of course bows - all this is actively used by children's fashion designers. The styles remain the same, but the cut details and some modifications make the school uniform completely different from what we are used to imagining.

The school sun skirt is one of the most common cut options. More often it is chosen for girls in primary school. Looks great with jackets and short vests. Lovely graceful girls they are very stylish. There is a cage and light lace to add fluffiness to the product, there are even multi-layer models. In a word, it turns out really not boring and there is no need to add anything special; plain tights and a laconic blouse are excellent companions.

A checkered school skirt is generally one of those solutions when you want to find simple model for every day and at the same time get something practical. Most often they use the classic combination of blue and red, black and gray. The cage itself is either the main pattern of the skirt or is partially present on the clothes. For example, all kinds of yokes, strips, pockets and simple inserts serve a great addition.

School pencil skirt is the choice of older girls. At this age, girls try to wear things that resemble office clothes. And we must admit that such a model really fits perfectly on beautiful chiseled figures. And when they select a couple stylish jacket and a shirt, the dress code is adhered to, and my daughter is not looking for ways to go against the system and wear something out of the ordinary. Remember the period when uniforms began to be introduced en masse in schools and at first the female half of the students actively protested? Now schools are increasingly giving the main color of the uniform, and parents and children sew or buy it according to the child’s preferences.

School balloon skirts and tulips for girls are also a very original solution for young fashionistas. These two styles are very suitable for the creative impulse of designers. Decorate them with flowers satin bows, tulle lining. It turns out everything is within the framework of the school statute, but the skirt immediately stands out among the more simple styles. They look especially cool paired with white tights, which have an interesting pattern. Most often, such models are offered immediately paired with jackets made with similar decor and in the same style.

And finally, school pleated skirts for girls. They remain relevant to this day. Pleated from the waist, on the yoke or along the bottom edge of the skirt - you will find all this in stores with children's clothing. Again, checks and plains are equally common. Yes, and they look great. Pleated folds can be small and very wide. For an older girl, the length sometimes reaches as much as the knee, resulting in modern models. If the school does not have strict limits regarding color, you can always meet your daughter halfway and choose something brighter and more unusual. Agree that a beautiful skirt paired with an interesting blouse completely transforms the school uniform and changes our idea of ​​it. Parents, of course, have to prepare for serious expenses, because the quality and originality of the design will be fully reflected in the price.