Is it true that singer Valeria is expecting a child? Pregnancy of singer Valeria

After Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin decided to have twins, their action inspired many couples: back in the summer, Joseph Prigozhin admitted that he dreamed that Valeria would give birth to his son. And finally, his dream came true: as it became known a little earlier, the woman was pregnant. The happy future dad is already accepting congratulations.

There were rumors that the couple had tried to have a child before, but because they were very busy, they were in no hurry; apparently, something changed in the lives of the spouses, and they decided to add to their already huge family.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: this will be the couple’s first child together

Valeria decided to refuse the services of a surrogate mother and give birth on her own. Recently, the producer and singer were seen at the entrance to one of the capital’s clinics, where Valeria registered for pregnancy. Meanwhile, Joseph Prigogine himself told reporters about the addition to the star family.

You know, it seems to me that it is too early to rejoice. You see, different circumstances happen in life. Therefore, I would not like to talk about this topic at all in principle now,” he said, noting with regret that sometimes news appears earlier than we would like. “That’s why I wouldn’t like to celebrate ahead of time and ring the bells.” Thank you for your congratulations, but for now I think it’s not easy. It takes time, you know,” the producer concluded.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: Valeria has suspended future concerts, but has not yet begun to cancel the already planned tour of Russia

I really want to have a baby that I would pick up and nurse. If in the next two or three years I am unlucky in kind, then perhaps it will be so. Because time passes, and my desire is to take a break from touring in the next two or three years and give the opportunity to become Valeria’s mother again,” Prigozhin said in a recent interview.

It is known that Valeria has three children from her first marriage, producer Alexander Shulgin: daughter Anna and sons Artemy and Arseny. Joseph Prigozhin also has three children from previous wives.

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About a month ago, rumors began to circulate online that singer Valeria was pregnant. If this is really true, then this child will be the first child together with producer Prigozhin. I would like to note that both Valeria and Prigozhin already have children from their first marriage.

However, this is not the singer’s first pregnancy with Joseph Prigozhin. Several years ago, Valeria was already pregnant, but she was unable to carry the child to term.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: a love story

Valeria and Joseph have been together for 13 years. And although they had known each other for a long time, communication between the future spouses somehow did not work out. Marriage with Joseph is already Valeria’s third. And as it turned out, he was the happiest. They don't even feel jealous because they are both happily married. However, not everything in their life is as smooth as it might seem at first glance.

When Joseph Prigogine came to the “Secret to a Million” program with Lera Kudryavtseva, some details from their life became clear. The man said that until the moment he met Valeria, such a thing as love at first sight simply did not exist for him. However, Valeria burst into his life like a hurricane and became its meaning. The most difficult moment for spouses is the fact that they are unable to give birth to a child together. Valeria sincerely admitted that the rumors that are circulating on the Internet that she was already carrying a child from Joseph under her heart, but then lost him, are far from fiction.

Joseph Prigogine said that the couple had even already chosen a name for the future baby; they planned to call their son Egor. For some reason, the happy future parents were confident that they would have a boy. But such happiness was not destined to come true. Prigozhin recalls that the moment when Valeria was pregnant with his child was the most special period in their relationship, but fate decreed otherwise, and the fetus stopped developing. Someone even said that the singer managed to register her pregnancy and decided to give birth on her own, refusing surrogacy.

Singer Valeria is pregnant 2017: rumors, rumors again

The singer's Instagram gave rise to a second wave of rumors about pregnancy. Valeria publishes photos that either hide her stomach behind voluminous clothes, or in which it is not visible at all from a given angle. That is why users considered such secrecy a sign of pregnancy. Since then, thousands of questions have been addressed to her precisely on this sensitive topic. But to date, none of the spouses has made any official statement on this matter. Not long ago, a married couple visited the “Smak” program and, as it turned out, Valery is still a gourmet in life. It is very difficult to please a performer with gifts. Prigozhin said that his wife does not like diamonds. She prefers antique books, which Prigozhin has to obtain over and over again. In this regard, it’s easier for a producer; to be happy, he only needs his wife to be nearby.

The news about the pregnancy of Joseph Prigozhin's wife literally blew up the Instagram space this weekend. Journalists reported that Valeria is in her second month of pregnancy, and that the singer’s husband told reporters about the joyful event in their life.

Netizens had a heated discussion latest news. The first congratulations on the upcoming addition have already appeared on Joseph Prigozhin’s Instagram page:

love_valeriya123 I congratulate you on the new addition to your family, be friendly, and you Joseph, hang in there, it will soon be one or two in the morning, I want watermelon, apricots, peaches, etc..., good luck to you, I love you😘😘😘😘, I’m very happy for you
ymnizaya Congratulations. 😍😍😍
le_na_na_le Congratulations on the new addition to your family.

Valeria's new pregnancy: truth or newspaper "duck"

We also doubted the veracity of some of our colleagues, and therefore we went for a walk on Google. And here's what we managed to find out...

The latest news about Valeria's pregnancy appeared on November 11, 2017 in one of the online publications. Employees of the news portal posted an article entitled: “45-year-old Valeria is expecting a child.”

At the same time, journalists refer to a recent interview with Prigozhin, where he talks about his desire to become a father. True, this “recent interview” happened in October 2013, when the 49-year-old artist was really 45 years old.

Valeria has three children from former producer and husband Alexander Shulgin, but they have no children together with Joseph Prigogine. Now the Russian paparazzi saw the singer Valeria and her husband at the entrance to one of the clinics in Moscow, where the singer, according to rumors, was registered. Rumors about Valeria’s pregnancy are also supported by the fact that she began to prefer loose clothing.

Meanwhile, the first congratulations from fans on the future addition appeared on Joseph Prigozhin’s page. Family acquaintances and fans of creativity Valeria sincerely congratulates the couple and wishes everything to go well.

Valeria's fans, looking at her latest photos, noticed that appearance singers. Instead of tight outfits, she began to wear looser clothes. This makes them think about their idol’s pregnancy. It is worth noting that in other photos Valeria continues to look very slim. Perhaps the pregnancy is still too young.

Joseph Prigogine, in turn, without denying or confirming rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, emphasized many times that if he and Valeria have a baby, they will have to postpone creative plans for some period.

It has long been known that, having six children between them (each spouse has three of their own), they would really like to have a child together. At this age, even a healthy and athletic woman may have problems conceiving, and the appearance of Valera and her husband in such a place may not only be evidence of the singer’s pregnancy.

Both spouses have long become parents of many children - each of them has three beautiful children who were born in previous marriages. But recently, in Prigozhin’s interviews, hints began to slip more and more often that he dreams of having a child together with Valeria.

Fans of her work began to have such thoughts about pregnant Valeria after the singer began giving concerts less often, and in one of her interviews she stated that she would like to give Joseph Prigogine a baby.

Valery's personal happiness came only with her third husband, Yosuf Prigozhin. But before that, she had to go through a difficult and thorny path. Valeriya's first husband was the jazz pianist Leonid Yaroshevsky, with whom Alla Perfulova (Valeriya, this is a pseudonym) came from Saratov to enter the Gnesin Institute. But family life didn’t work out that way for us.

Journalists were able to record the moment when Valeria and Joseph were heading to the entrance to one of the private clinics in Moscow. Perhaps the popular singer was going to register for pregnancy there. Regardless of her age, and Valeria will turn 50 next year, she is determined to give birth to a child herself, without resorting to the services of surrogate mothers, who dialed now very popular. There was already information in the media that Valeria’s husband talked about a possible addition to his family, but this was not officially confirmed.

Valeria and Prigozhin are expecting a child Interesting Facts. Latest information as of December 12, 2017

Although both spouses have three children from previous marriages, Prigozhin often said in recent interviews that he wants a son from Valeria. If the rumors that have filled the media come true, the future baby will become the first joint child from the singer and producer.

The online publication “OaNews” was registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) on November 28, 2016. Certificate of registration El No. FS77-68027.

While our readers are discussing that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend will soon become parents for the second time, in the space of Ukrainian-Russian show business everyone is only talking about the fact that singer Valeria is pregnant.

Singer Valeria is pregnant with Joseph Prigozhin’s child and the couple is expecting their first child together.


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Singer Valeria's pregnancy is in danger of miscarriage. Urgent news.

Since the very morning, fans of the famous singer have been wondering what happened in her life that she decided to interrupt her concert activities for whole year. Of course, the first assumption was the artist’s pregnancy. Everyone knows that Valeria and her husband have long dreamed of adding to their already large family. But before the fans had time to rejoice for the couple, Joseph dotted all the i’s.

It turns out that Valeria is really preparing a surprise for her many fans, but not the one everyone thought about. Throughout 2017, the singer will work on recording new songs, as well as on a show program with which she will go on a large tour of major Russian cities in 2018. According to Prigozhin, they plan to take this program to the international level.

Joseph Prigogine, in turn, without denying or confirming rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, emphasized many times that if he and Valeria have a baby, they will have to postpone creative plans for some period.

Valeria became a guest on the program “Secret to a Million”. On air, the 49-year-old singer was extremely frank and tried to answer all the questions from presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. In the first part of the show, Valeria talked about her personal life. The artist remembered her first husband, composer Leonid Yaroshevsky, as well as her second wife, producer Alexander Shulgin, who raised his hand against her.

Conclusions about the artist's potential pregnancy are based on the fact that new concert tours have been suspended. According to Joseph, if he and his wife decide to have another heir, there will be a forced pause in the singer’s creative career.

“The ability to sincerely say “thank you” is the key to relationships between people,” said the domestic singer. Under this post on the singer’s page, more than seven thousand “likes” and a large number of reviews and comments. Most fans welcomed such words, and some of them began to put forward their thoughts on this matter.

Prigozhin, who also became a guest on the show, said that he and Valeria have long dreamed of having a child together. In 2014, the singer became pregnant, but lost the baby. Valeria decided to talk about this topic for the first time. According to her, the miscarriage occurred in the sixth month, when she had already come up with a name for the child.

A message about singer Valeria’s pregnancy appeared in one of the major online publications. In addition, other information appeared - a married couple, Valeria and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, were noticed among visitors to the Moscow perinatal center.

Popular singer Valeria is pregnant. Information about this appeared on the pages of a major online publication. The artist and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, were spotted on the threshold of the Moscow perinatal center.

For several weeks now, the topic of pregnancy of the Russian pop star, singer Valeria, has been actively discussed on the Internet. This child may be the first to be born in her marriage to Joseph Prigogine. Do not forget that each of this married couple I already have three children from previous marriages.

Friday morning starts with good news. There is talk online that singer Valeria is pregnant! Fans suspect that the 49-year-old artist will soon give an heir to Joseph Prigozhin. Read the details on I WANT.

On your page in social network On Instagram, the singer called on all her fans to show sincerity to the people around them as often as possible and express gratitude. During a short conversation, Valeria found out how often they say thank you to someone. The singer believes that every person has a need for love and care. Most often, such feelings need to be shown towards family and friends.

But the fans can no longer be calmed down or stopped. Basically, with the best intentions, they do not abandon the discussion of this topic and find more and more evidence that everything is exactly as the ubiquitous journalists write.