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Father and daughter - Zheleznov Sergey Stanislavovich and Ekaterina Sergeevna are the authors of the program and methodological developments early musical development “Music with Mom.” They have released a wide variety of audio and video discs with cheerful music, beautiful melodies, simple songs, bright performances, aimed at developing the musical abilities and absolute hearing of children almost from their very birth. The “Music with Mom” technique is popular in many countries around the world.

Sergey Stanislavovich is a teacher with a conservatory education, for several years he led practice in pedagogical universities, for 10 years he taught at children's music schools in Moscow, for more than 20 years he led the early musical development studio “Music with Mom”.

Ekaterina Sergeevna graduated from music pedagogical college No. 7 "Maroseyka" in 2003, specializing in conductor, musical director. In 2007 - Moscow State Pedagogical University, faculty preschool pedagogy and psychology, specialization - music teacher and methodologist.

Since 2008 – postgraduate student at the Academy for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers. Currently, Ekaterina is a teacher-methodologist at the early musical development studio “Music with Mom”.

Creation of the “Music with Mom” method

The “Music with Mom” method began to take shape in the early 90s of the last century. At the beginning, the purpose of this technique was to identify and develop the musical abilities of children 3–5 years old and prepare them for entry into music schools. During the lessons, the children sang and played notes on keyboard instruments.

But not all children were ready to study music so seriously. Most parents strived and strive for the overall development of their children, and from the very beginning early age and advocates for those receiving positive emotions in the learning process. But at that time it turned out that there were practically no ready-made materials for classes with children of such an early age.

Then the Zheleznovs themselves began to compose funny play songs, musical exercises and arrange folk nursery rhymes. As a result, such creative work and the “Music with Mom” method began to take shape, understandable even to the youngest children.

A characteristic feature of this technique is the game form of presentation. educational material, comprehensive nature, accessibility and practicality of use, which turns music lessons into a fun educational game.

Fun, musical and rhythmic activities:

Useful for the all-round harmonious development of the personality of children.

They develop an ear for music, rhythm and memory, active speech, emotionality, attentiveness, creativity, fine and gross motor skills, as well as auditory, visual, tactile abilities to perceive information and concentrate attention.

Improve overall physical development, strengthen the muscle corset, form posture.

Strengthen nervous system and are the prevention of childhood nervousness.

Develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Develop the ability to interact in a team, achieving mutual understanding and compromise.

They accelerate the exchange of information between the left and right hemispheres, as a result of which the processes of perception, recognition, and thinking are stimulated. In general, children who study music are ahead of their peers in intellectual, social, and psychomotor development.

Principles of the technique

1. Parental participation in the lesson is recognized as necessary and important; forms of participation should be creative and varied.

2. Music becomes clearer and more interesting for children through movements. Therefore, the basis of musical activity for children aged one year and older should be dancing, gesturing, outdoor games and playing music, etc.

3. It is necessary to use phonograms in work, since without them the teacher does not have the opportunity to participate in games and dances, or actively help children while playing a musical instrument. Thanks to phonograms, parents have the opportunity to develop and entertain their children not only in class, but also at home.

4. The criterion for creating sound materials and tasks should be their traditional nature, as well as the interest and pleasure of children.

5. The music should be either classical, but at the same time bright and imaginative, or modern dance, but really good.

6. Early acquaintance with the musical keyboard and playing the easiest songs with singing along is still recognized, although unconventional, but useful and interesting for children from 2-3 years old.

Series of discs for kids

Discs are intended for children preschool age from their very birth.

In many albums, after singing the song, notes sound. Thus, children will be able to quickly master musical literacy. After the songs there is a melody, the so-called karaoke version, to which mother and baby can sing independently.

Discs with lullabies - Russian folk lullabies in traditional performance, complemented by the sounds of living nature - “Bayushki-Bayu”, “Sleep, child”, “Come, cat”, etc.

Discs with nursery rhymes provide fun communication with adults, promote physical, emotional and intellectual development the smallest ones - “Potyagushki”, “Water off a Goose”, “Horned Goat”, “Aty-Bati”, etc.

Discs with finger games - develop speech and fine motor skills, children receive a variety of sensory impressions, they develop attentiveness and the ability to concentrate - “Knock, current, spider”, “Monkeys”, “Bees”, “Piglets”, “Worms”, “ Snail”, “Fish”, “Crab”, “Gloves”.

Hello, I am writing a series of articles on the topic early development children and methods of their development. Article 1 Glen Doman

Article 2 The approach and methodology of Maria Montessori

This article will be devoted to two methods: the method of Nikolai Zaitsev and the method of Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznov “Music with Mom”

Zaitsev's technique

I’ll make a reservation in advance and honestly admit that, unfortunately, I am familiar with Zaitsev’s method only theoretically, unlike the other methods I wrote about. Therefore, I’m afraid that my view of it may be superficial and not accurate enough. If you have experience using this technique, please tell me about it and its results.

So, Zaitsev’s methodology is aimed at developing the child’s potential, developing his vocabulary, teaching reading, literacy and mathematics. And I must say that I really liked what I was able to observe from the outside, despite the fact that I myself have not yet worked with children using this program, I have seen children doing it, and I want to say that the method works and works Great. If we talk about older preschoolers, then in just a few lessons according to Zaitsev, children can learn addition and subtraction, as well as begin to read. Those. Training children under 5 years old in this program is quick and easy. But it must be said that children up to three years old can also study in this program, thanks to its “tangibility”

The fact is that N. Zaitsev always believed that teaching children the alphabet is difficult and too abstract for them, and it is almost impossible to explain the concept of a letter and its needs to a “little man.” This is where his amazing cubes and Zaitsev tables came from.

Thanks to them, learning has the character of a game. Because letters here acquire: shape, color, sound and weight. Plus, on top of everything, they consist of syllables, Zaitsev calls it: a warehouse, and believes that all words primarily consist of these warehouses: the sounds of vowels and consonants. Moreover, if we think about his method, we ourselves will note its logic and correctness. How do children start talking? That's right, in syllables: ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba, ka-ka, etc. Based on this childhood feature, Zaitsev created his method.

However, there is one feature in Zaitsev’s cubes and tables that not everyone knows: they must be sung! Composer Georgy Struve, who works with preschool children and collaborates with N. Zaitsev, proved that teaching children to speak is much easier and more fun through singing. Moreover, any speech therapist will tell you that if a child has problems with breathing during speech, if he has difficulty with long sentences or has a slight stutter, then he needs to sing. About singing words and sounds at home, and sometimes just talking through singing.

As for the counting method according to Zaitsev, it consists of a table where opposite each number there is the same number of circles arranged in a certain order.

Critics argue that this method has one major drawback: this is the difference between this method and the school curriculum.

However, in reality, I have never heard of a child developing any problems with writing or reading in this program.

At the moment, I can highlight one undeniable plus and minus of this technique.

Plus. A child can easily learn through play, even a small and restless one. A few times a few minutes a day is enough, and this will be enough for learning to take place.

Minus. The price and benefits are very expensive. In my city, cubes cost 3,000 thousand or more, and they also require tables and manuals. Of course, you can make it yourself, but it is quite difficult and very tedious.

To summarize, I can say that this technique It’s good, but not everyone can afford it; it’s up to you to decide whether to use it or not.

From a reader:

Disadvantage of Zaitsev's technique: warehouses always begin in a consonant. If you don’t take this into account and don’t give a lot of exercises on folding and in the reverse order - first the vowel, then the consonant - then the child may (and this happened to us) develop a wrong idea. Even syllables like AM, OD, he will read as MA and DO. Of course, this is not fatal and everything is corrected, but the Uzorova-Nefedova technique does not have such a disadvantage. And their benefits cost pennies. They were worth it, at least when I bought them for my daughter. (Thank you!)

Methodology of Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznov “Music with Mom”

I’m going to sing like a nightingale about this technique now, I really like it. And this technique is not only suitable for children under three years old, it is simply necessary for them, in my opinion.

First of all, of course, it develops an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, but it also develops speech, sound understanding of words, pronunciation of sounds, and, above all, it sets the rhythm of the baby’s movements, develops his coordination in space and helps him learn to control his body. The first classes can be started as early as 8 months.

The technique consists of many songs and tutorials on how to move to these songs, there are simpler songs, there are more complex ones, there are songs with teaching hissing and ringing sounds. Absolutely all songs can be downloaded on the Internet directly with manuals in PDF format

From experience I can say that children love this technique, because you have to move along with it! You can use available materials, sticks and balls and do everything with them, you can take toys if you have them that correspond to songs and do exercises with them. My 1.3-year-old daughter simply loves these activities and asks for them herself, imitating memorized movements without any music and hinting in this way: let’s start. And if you use your imagination, you can complicate some movements or simplify them to suit the child’s age.

For example a simple song:

Our favorite crocodile walked along the asphalt , At this moment we show a small child the movements of horizontal clapping with his hands. Stomp stomp, we hit our feet with our palms, spank spank - hit the floor with our palms. The crocodile walked, walked, walked, walked, got tired, WHAM - We pretend to be walking, and we fall or just bend low at the end. You can do the exercise sitting or standing.

Usually, after a couple of lessons, children begin to remember the movements and repeat after you, plus this is one of the opportunities to feel unity with their mother, move around and dance. I highly recommend practicing with these classes, I’m sure you’ll have fun yourself, the only difficulty is that in the beginning you need to learn a couple of songs and movements to them yourself, but it’s unlikely to take much time.

Thank you for reading, I would love to read your opinions about the article and these two methods, and if you have questions, then ask)))

P/S/ I sincerely apologize for spelling and punctuation errors and typos, if you can help and tell me where they are, I will be very grateful to you

Seminar “Music with Mom®”

For whom:
The seminar is addressed to early childhood teachers, additional education teachers, music teachers, Montessori teachers, children's fitness instructors, speech therapists and special education teachers, as well as all those specialists who would like to work using the “Music with Mom ®” method or supplement their program our materials.

Who is conducting the seminar:
Seminar presenter - Ekaterina Zheleznova

Duration of the seminar:
2 days, 12 academic hours

Remote seminar:
5 academic hours of video course
Answers on questions

Seminar content:
Like most music teachers who work with preschoolers, in “Music with Mom ®” classes we strive not only to reveal children’s musical abilities, but also to ensure their overall development through music. At the “Music with Mom ®” seminar we will talk about the features of organizing complex musical and rhythmic classes with children from 9 months to 5 years.

  • We will consider the following types of complex musical and rhythmic activities:
  • Games to start and end classes: greetings, warm-ups, final exercises and goodbyes.
  • Games for developing motor skills and activating speech: finger games, gesture games, play massage.
  • Games for physical education: outdoor games, rhythm, communication games and dancing.
  • Songs and games for developing speech and vocal skills.
  • Fairy tales for elementary theatricalization: noisy fairy tales, imitative fairy tales, tickler fairy tales, musical fairy tales.
Listeners are given an author's certificate of completion of the “Music with Mom ®” seminar (12 hours)

Training “Game solfege and School of absolute pitch”

For whom:
This training is intended primarily for music teachers who conduct group and individual music lessons with children from 1 to 5 years old. But at this training, mothers of children will also be able to learn a lot of interesting and useful things for the development of their child’s musical abilities.

Who conducts the training:
Training presenter - Ekaterina Zheleznova

Duration of training:
1 day, 4 academic hours

Distance training:
2 hours video course Answers to questions

Based on our many years of experience in group and individual lessons We have developed a special course “School of Absolute Pitch”. During the training you will learn:

  • How to develop children's musical abilities
  • How in game form introduce kids to notes and develop their hearing
  • How to teach children to sing according to notes and play their first songs
  • How to use the computer simulator “School of Absolute Pitch” for individual work and work in mini groups
Documentation: Listeners are given an author’s certificate of completion of the training “Music with Mom ®”: Game Solfeggio and School of Absolute Pitch” (4 hours)

Webinar “Music with Mom ®” for parents

We invite parents and babies from 3 months to participate in the webinar. Even if you do not have a musical education, you can develop your child’s musical abilities and provide exciting and useful musical and playful leisure.

In the webinar we will talk about:

  • How to organize and conduct music classes at home
  • What equipment is needed for classes?
  • What repertoire and what aids will you need?
  • How to practice using the “Home Studio Music with Mom ®” kit
  • What results can you achieve?

I thank Yulia Solovyova for detailed description Zheleznov’s methods, which arose after visiting the author’s seminar by Ekaterina Zheleznova.

By the time I personally met Ekaterina Zheleznova, I had already been using her method for six months in classes with my son, who is now 10 months old. However, I grabbed the idea of ​​participating in the author’s seminar with both hands, because somewhere deep in my soul I felt that I was not using everything that the system included. Easy-to-remember, rhythmic songs that are used everywhere - in development centers, modern kindergartens and studios - are just material, but what is hidden behind the scientific word “methodology”? Finding the answer to this question and understanding how you can fully use the Zheleznovs’ method at home—those were my goals at the seminar. It must be said that many existing centers that practice the methods of Zaitsev, Doman, Montessori, and Nikitins, to one degree or another, resort to the materials of Zheleznova’s discs and use them for physical education lessons, logorhythmics, classical rhythmics, staging fairy tales, and staged holiday performances. The teachers who took part in the seminar admitted that they use more than half of Zheleznova’s materials, but they do it “at their own discretion” and interpret the methodology in their own way. However, systematic classes using the Zheleznovs’ method are conducted exclusively by the “Music with Mom” studios.

Let's move straight to the first task - what is a classic lesson on Zheleznova. This is how I presented it myself

Lesson structure:

  1. Greetings
  2. Warm-up
  3. Gesture and finger games
  4. Play massage
  5. Musical rhythmic movements or gymnastics
  6. Logorhythmics
  7. Chanting, singing
  8. Playing musical instruments
  9. Fairy tale (from 1.8 years old)
  10. Parting

I will give an example of a classic lesson on Zheleznova for a child from 1 to 2 years old:

  1. Greetings - Stop fooling around (CD 37 - No. 2,3)
  2. Warm-up – All Together (CD 37 – No. 14,15)
  3. Gesture and finger games – disc No. 37
  4. Play massage – disc No. 33
  5. Musical rhythmic movements or gymnastics – discs No. 6, 22, 32, 37
  6. Logorhythmics – disc No. 35
  7. Chanting, singing disc No. 25
  8. Playing musical instruments – Bells (CD 32 – No. 2,3)
  9. Fairy tale – disc No. 24 – fairy tale – noisemaker, 38 – fairy tale – imitator, 39 – fairy tale – tickler, 36 – musical fairy tale, relaxation
  10. Farewell - We finished studying (CD 37 - No. 68, 69).

The lesson lasts 45 minutes, of which the preparatory part (points 1-2) takes 10 minutes, the main part (points 3-9) - 30 minutes, the final part (point 10) - 5 minutes.

After my first question was resolved, I decided to clarify the second question for myself - how to apply all this at home with a child?

Let's look at what we need to conduct classes:


- carpet covering;

— music center or computer (laptop);

- pillows;

- chairs.

Musical instruments for children:

  • bells
  • bells
  • rattles
  • maracas
  • claves (sticks)
  • diamonds
  • spoons
  • drums
  • plates or triangles
  • shakers (you can use “Montessori boxes”)

Play equipment

For massage:

  • massage balls and rings
  • soft small balls
  • feathers
  • bumps

For gymnastics and outdoor games:

  • fitball
  • wand
  • hoop
  • ribbon
  • handkerchiefs
  • basic toys (dolls, bears, bunnies)

For fairy tales:

  • screen
  • story toys (preferably armbands) or pictures

In general, none of the above points should cause difficulties in acquisition. Much, I’m sure, is already in the homes where kids grow up. There shouldn’t be any problems with the material itself either - currently, Zheleznova’s discs can not only be purchased by ordering them in online stores or on the official website, but also downloaded online for free access.

The only thing that may raise doubts is that there are several children in the group and the classes are mainly designed for a group of 5-7 people. But I'm sure that this is not a problem either. Firstly, those who have brothers and sisters are lucky, secondly, you can involve family members available at that time in the activities (after all, round dances can be done with adults), thirdly, even together with your baby you can organize Pair lessons are the format of many of Zheleznova’s lessons.

Another question that may arise is how to determine which block a particular composition on the disk belongs to. Firstly, on the official website of E. Zheleznova you can find the characteristics of each released disc, and secondly, there is a disc with methodological instructions on which you can find not only this information, but also a step-by-step guide to movements, choosing a musical instrument, gestures, and toys.

All you need to do is make room in your schedule for daily or weekly (as convenient for you) classes according to Zheleznova’s method and off you go!

Download a trial lesson from the course “Home activities using the Zheleznovs’ method”

Is waiting for you:

  • audio lecture with recommendations for classes
  • a selection of songs, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales in mp3 format, which you only need to turn on sequentially
  • backing tracks of musical works
  • manual with lesson plan, texts and description of movements

Hello, dear readers!

Musical development must be present in a child’s life. First of all, children really like this and in the process music games You can develop fantasy, imagination, a sense of rhythm and tact, hearing and intelligence, and stimulate.

Through dance movements, children strengthen their muscle corset and coordination of movements, and simple songs will help the child develop speech and acquire the first vocal and communication skills.

Zheleznov’s method of early child development, let’s take a closer look.

About the authors

Sergey Stanislavovich and Ekaterina Sergeevna Zheleznov (father and daughter) developed their own method for the early development of children.

Sergei Stanislavovich Zheleznov is an experienced teacher (pianist and composer) of children's music schools in Moscow, organized an early stage studio development “Music with Mom”.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Zheleznova is a follower of her father, graduated from a music pedagogical college and a Graduate School of Advanced Studies, and is now a teacher and methodologist - the head of her father’s original school.

Initially, this program was a preparatory course for children aged 4-6 years to enter music schools, where they learned notes, first songs and played musical instruments.

Later, the technique began to expand its position and it was decided to deepen it. In the mid-90s, there was practically no musical material to engage children under 3 years old.

Then the Zheleznovs began to independently write small songs that kids could understand, songs with movements, and refine Russian nursery rhymes. This is how new collections were born.

The program is designed for different ages. It can also be used for very small toddlers from six months of age, when they can dance in their mother’s arms. Of course, here they are only listeners.

And at the age of about a year they can already dance. Then, older ones can perform songs with movements, first with adults, then on their own.

Composition of the method

The program is divided by age and recorded on audio and video discs and teaching aids.

This methodology includes the following collections:

  • songs with movements (download) - here are short marches, round dances, the first active games (blind man's buff, tag). The baby learns new movements and roles.
  • finger games. Little fairy tales when moving your hands and fingers.
  • fairy tales are imitations. We discover the first theatrical skills in the baby.
  • fun logorhythmics
  • moving lessons
  • aerobics for kids (download), play gymnastics - an adult shows play gymnastic movements, and the child repeats. We strengthen our muscle corset and coordination every day and have fun.
  • noisy fairy tales. Little tales for imitation and imitation of sounds. The baby learns to listen and reproduce what he hears. Involved fine motor skills memory and imagination.
  • play massage (download)
  • dramatized songs, small fairy tales using toys and simple gestures
  • lullabies are an adaptation of Russian folk lullabies with the addition of sounds of nature or animals.

Advantages of the technique

Of course, the Zheleznovs’ method has a beneficial effect on the diversified development of children. This is mental and social and emotional.

The main difference and advantage is that the music taken here as a basis is an excellent way to present material in a simple and interesting form, even for the little ones.

Disadvantages of the technique

This technique does not have any particular disadvantages, there are only individual differences in tastes. For example, my Danilka doesn’t like all the songs (and neither do I), he doesn’t understand everything and doesn’t want to repeat these movements.