How to hide your nails. Why do we bite our nails and how to get rid of this bad habit? A way to stop biting your nails

Nail biting is a bad habit that occurs in people of all age groups. Due to this, many young people suffer from this bad habit.

Over time, it becomes a practice, and the person biting his nails is not aware of it. Causes may include frustration, stress, loneliness, anxiety and boredom. There may be other reasons as well.

The habit of biting your nails leads to damage to them, as well as damage to the cuticle. Let's look at the problem itself, what it is and how to stop biting your nails.

Nail biting (also onychophagia): severe biting of fingernails and/or toes.
A bad habit begins in childhood and increases in adolescence and decreases with age, although it may continue throughout adult life.

The increase in cases of onychophagia in adolescents is explained by the difficulty of transition phases (adolescence) during this period of time, when the personality is just being formed and physical changes are taking place, as well as the feeling of instability that is associated with these phases.

REFERENCE. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, nail biting is classified as "obsessive-compulsive and related disorders." In the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases, onychophagia is classified under “Other conditioned behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood or adolescence,” such as sucking thumb, nose picking, etc.

Why do people bite their nails

Nail biting – what is the name of the habit? Disease characterized by an irresistible desire bite your nails and burrs, called onychophagia.

Nail biting is an underrated habit, and its exact cause is controversial. Causes of onychophagia include psychological, acquired, or familial factors, although it is unknown whether family factors are associated with the problem, such as nail-biting habits in other family members or a genetic predisposition.

Onychophagia can sometimes affect people who are psychologically stable, but it is usually a sign of loss of control over difficult tasks.

The main psychological factors that are associated with this behavior are stress, nervousness, anxiety and depressed or bad mood. Interesting

: The bad habit of biting nails is most common among children whose parents also did it, and even when the parents stopped the bad habit before the birth of their children. If a child bites his nails, it can be a hereditary manifestation. Actually, Nail biting has been identified as a coping mechanism for stress,

and patients whose habit has been described as an addiction may experience greater stress when trying to abstain from onygophagy. On the other hand, lack of stimulation (low activity, boredom) can also be a trigger for nail biting. Hunger and low self-esteem are known to be possible reasons this.

bad habit Onychophagia is considered an automatic, unintentional behavior. In adulthood, researchers suspect that alternatives to nail biting are smoking or chewing gum . One theory is that onychophagia is a continuation of the habit of thumb sucking.

Conclusion: biting your nails is a bad habit.

Why do children and teenagers bite their nails? A child bites his nails for some reason: curiosity, boredom, stress relief, habit or imitation. That's why they bite their nails. Onychophagia is one of the most common of the group of “nervous habits”.

These include things like thumb sucking, nose picking, hair twisting or pulling, and teeth grinding. IMPORTANT . Growing up can make children and teens anxious, and many of these stresses and pressures are invisible to parents. If a child bites moderately (not hurting himself) and unconsciously (while watching TV, for example), or if he tends to bite in response to specific situations (such as performances or tests), this is just his way of coping with minor stress.

. In these cases, there is no need to worry. Most likely, the child will stop without assistance. If onychophagia continues longer than desired, or if it is an uncontrollable habit, there is simple ways
how to stop a child from biting his nails, which we will look at shortly.

In the meantime, a few photos - what happens when you bite your nails.

Although nail biting is not life-threatening, the habit has many negative consequences.

There are tons of germs that are under our nails that are not embedded in our skin. When you bite your nails and break your skin, you give germs access to your body. Eventually you get an infection. Oh!

ATTENTION. In some cases, infections that occur due to nail biting are so bad and painful that they need to be treated with surgery. A bad habit can even lead to warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).
Onychophagia can cause bacterial infections, colds(or worse) toxic poisoning(the chemicals in gel polishes, which are very popular today, are especially dangerous), painful hangnails, fungal growths and damaged teeth(teeth can even move out of their correct position, become deformed, wear out prematurely, or weaken over time).

Unsightly and ingrown nails are logical consequences of onygophagy.

Those who have this bad habit unconsciously broadcast their problems to others. Regardless of whether the stereotype is true, most people bite their nails to seek comfort or relief from negativity emotional state such as suffering, shame, anxiety or boredom.

In a sense a bad habit makes a person attack himself, since onychophagia is associated with stress, anxiety, bad mood etc., then when someone bites their nails in public, they expose feelings of shame and self-loathing.

The point is to stay away from the bad habit, and we will talk more about the reasons to stop onychophagia.

Treatment or how to stop a bad habit

  1. Make sure that nails were cut short(biting won't be as tempting).
  2. Apply bitter tasting nail polish.
  3. Get regular manicures: spending money but making your fingers look attractive will make you not want to bite them. Alternatively, apply stickers or wear gloves to prevent biting.
  4. Replace a bad habit with a good one: When someone feels like they are biting their nails, they should try playing with a stress ball or some other device that is used for this purpose. This will help keep your hands busy and away from your mouth.
  5. Identify triggers: Triggers are “triggers” - mechanisms that start a bad habit. These could be physical triggers such as having hangnails or other triggers such as boredom, stress or anxiety. By figuring out what causes nail biting, you can understand how to avoid these situations and develop a plan to stop. Just knowing when we are prone to biting can help solve the problem.
  6. Try to gradually stop onychophagia: some doctors recommend gradually getting rid of the bad habit. You can first try stopping biting one set of nails, such as your thumbnail. Once successful, you can do this with your little finger, your index finger, or even your whole hand.

The goal is to get to the point where you no longer bite any of your nails.

What you can do and what it is better not to do if such a problem arises in a child

If a child bites his nails, what to do - there are several ways to solve the problem. First, understand why the child bites his nails, and then choose a solution. IMPORTANT.

You can't punish a child. Find out the cause of the concern (if this is why your child constantly bites his nails) and talk to him about the problem and treatment. We need to help the child to understand the habit and that it is bad.
Offer a replacement activity or two, such as giving your child hand gum or smart play dough to play with instead of going back to biting his nails.

, or you can find some other alternative at your discretion. Besides, try some relaxation techniques when your child feels the urge to bite his nails

– for example, deep breathing or clenching and releasing fists. Make sure your child has plenty of opportunities to run and play.

– outside, if possible – burn off tension and nervous energy. Some children find arts and crafts projects e

An effective way to keep your hands busy and relax at the same time. For other children it will be useful learning to play a musical instrument.

The main thing is to try, try and try again.

Home and folk methods - how to stop biting your nails BITTER PUMPKIN. She's well known bitter taste and nutritional value. Take one bitter gourd and make a good paste. Then use either the paste or the juice. Apply on your nails and leave for a while.

This process will definitely help. The bitter taste will keep your fingers away from your mouth. Nails are the main cause of onychophagia. Trim your nails regularly so that their length is short.

Garlic can be found in every kitchen as it is used in different types dishes. The strong aroma of garlic and its pungent taste will help get rid of the bad habit of biting your nails.

Garlic is antiseptic in nature, so it will help you avoid infections and also strengthen your nails. Take garlic cloves and rub them on your nails. Then let it dry. The pungent taste of garlic will help you avoid harmful practices.

VARNISH COATING. Use bitter nail polish(easy to find and buy) – excellent remedy from biting nails. The varnish can be cooked on different types of vegetables to make it taste bitter. Just use this polish and keep it dry.

The bitter taste of nails will help you avoid a bad habit.

AZADIRACHTA INDICA OIL . Azadirachta indica oil is very bitter in taste and contains antiseptic properties. This particular oil is used to avoid nail biting habit. When using it, all kinds of infections are also avoided. Take no a large number of oil and apply to nails using a cotton ball. Then leave for a while to let the oil dry.

GLOVES. Wearing gloves can help relieve nail biting problems. Most people unknowingly commit harmful actions, and therefore using gloves will help get rid of onychophagia.

Take gloves and wear them regularly. Wear for several months until the bad habit disappears.

By using artificial nails (for girls, of course, like stickers), you can avoid the usual harmful practice.

Artificial nails will properly cover the original nails, protecting them from the bad habit. PATCH.

A patch is applied to cover them and keep them away from harmful activities. Take a few patches and place them on your nails. It can be one of the best motivators to get rid of a problem. Apply a fresh bandage or bandages when the previous ones are worn out or torn for various reasons. RUBBER. Use the rubber band trick (thin rubber band). Take one rubber band and put it on your wrist. Every time you bite your nails, secure your wrist with a rubber band. The rubber band will hurt suddenly and train the brain so that you don't perform the habit again. This is the best psychological preparation

Stories of those who managed to get rid of the habit of biting their nails

PECULIARITIES. We are all different, one way will help some, another will help others. This also applies to onygophagy. These 3 real stories those who managed to get rid of the habit of biting their nails are further proof of this.

“I also bit my nails for many years, now I have beautiful, well-groomed hands, I overcame myself, But: I developed the habit of biting the inside of my cheeks and biting my lips. that is, habits replace themselves, apparently you need to look for inner peace, then the habits themselves will disappear.” Olga Barteneva, housewife.

“I’ve been gnawing since childhood, for many years... and I didn’t just gnab, but simply ate... this is such a habit... I forced myself to grow it several times, but I could hold out for a month at most... I developed the habit of clenching my hands into fists and hiding my fingers ..and nothing helped either..then I once saw a girl on the subway with the same hands and was the end I forced myself not to put my fingers to my mouth and started taking care of my nails (it’s nice when my hands are well-groomed) , paint with bright varnish, gradually regained my shape and forced myself not to hide my fingers... and I finally stopped this habit) so the main thing is to get over it for the first few months, just honestly get over it) and then you won’t even want to..." Svetlana Grishchenko, office manager.

“I am 16 years old, and the habit of biting my nails began at the age of 6, when my parents divorced (stress), I bit my nails for 5 years!!! I want to say bitter varnish is nonsense... I judge by myself... when I got older (9-10 years old) I was ashamed, but I couldn’t do anything. I stopped biting at the age of 12. Once I saw a woman’s nails and asked my mother, “What’s wrong with them?” Mom replied, “The woman also bit her nails and this is the result!” and I thought! In general, until the child himself understands that biting his nails is terribly ugly, it is useless to wean him!!! I stopped biting my nails in time, because the shape of my nails is constantly deformed, now I have very good and beautiful nails, and this habit no longer exists!” Tatyana Oborina, student.

Useful video

What happens if you bite your nails:

Why you really shouldn't bite your nails:

How to stop biting your nails

To forget about the problem and stop biting your nails, follow these simple tips:

  • avoid stress or change your attitude towards problems;
  • make sure that your fingers are well-groomed and beautiful, so that it would be a pity to spoil them;
  • you need to stop every attempt at onychophobia on your own;
  • Carry scissors and a nail file with you. If a hangnail appears or a nail breaks, it will be easy to fix without gnawing;

As a last resort, use bitter varnish, garlic or another method described in our article. The main thing is not to give up, try, try and try again and remember that it will take some time. Good luck!

If you bite your nails, you may find it difficult to break the habit. About 20-30 percent of the world's population suffer from this problem and cannot get rid of this habit, despite efforts. However, this does not mean that there is no way out at all. According to experts, you can do it, but in this case you will have to try hard. In this article you will find tips to help you stop biting your nails for good.

Identify your triggers

Before you try to break your habit, you should identify what makes you do it. People bite their nails for many reasons. Some of the most common triggers are thinking about problems, ignoring anger or feelings about problems, and mindless chewing habits. If you want to succeed, you need to identify your trigger and take real action to get rid of it.

Enlist the help of friends

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Enlist the help of people you care about to make the process easier for you. Research shows that helping a friend achieve a goal increases the chances of success by 95 percent. Ask friends and family to pay attention to you when you start biting your nails. Even better, find a friend who also wants to stop biting their nails, then you can help each other.

Think about how disgusting this is

You should read up on what might be under your nails and you'll never want to bite them again. People who bite their nails usually do not wash their hands before bringing them to their mouths, which puts them at risk of exposure to a wide range of pathogens that can lead to various diseases.

Think about your teeth

When you were a child, you endured the torture of braces. You brush your teeth twice a day and floss. However, if you bite your nails, you will have an extremely negative impact on your teeth. Dentists often see patients with small chips on their upper and lower front teeth, and they don't have to look at the patients' hands to know they're nail biters.

Get your nails done regularly

People who pay for manicures tend to bite their nails less. Before you raise your hand to your mouth, think about the time, money and effort you spent on making your nails look so beautiful. The financial factor is one of the best reasons why a manicure can help you break this bad habit.

Use your phone

You can download special apps that allow you to track how many days in a row you manage to go without biting your nails. The goal of the program is to demonstrate a consistent number of days of your achievement so that you are motivated to work on yourself further.

Prevent hangnails

Very often people start biting their nails when they want to get rid of hangnails. Before you know it, you’ve already moved on to the nail itself. If you want to get rid of this, you better be prepared. Always carry nail scissors and cut off hangnails before you have a chance to bite them off.

Do things against your wishes

If you have the urge to bite your nails, try doing the routine instead of biting them. Every time you find yourself biting your nails, you can paint them. beautiful varnish, file them down or use hand lotion. The point is to replace a bad action with a good one.

Make your nails tasteless

You might want to consider using nasty-tasting nail polish that is designed to help you break this habit. There are a large number of different brands that produce similar varnish. This is very effective method remind yourself not to bite your nails.

Be aware

Mindfulness can help you fight the urge to bite your nails. The practice of being present in the present moment and paying attention to everything that is happening around you will allow you to increase your awareness of this habit. When you start biting your nails, you should think about every aspect of it, the taste in your mouth, the pain in your fingers, the texture of your skin.

Visualize your dream nails

If you want to stop biting your nails, you should think about what your nails should look like. perfect nails. This will help you make the process much easier. You can post photos beautiful hands and nails on the bathroom mirror, in the car or even as a screensaver on your phone.

Reward yourself for progress

You shouldn't dwell on failures. When it comes to achieving a goal like stopping nail biting, it's important to celebrate victories along the way. Think like a professional tennis player. When you notice yourself biting your nails again, don't dwell on it. Adjust your behavior and continue the game.

It is often believed that only children bite their nails. But that's not true. There are also many adults among adults who from time to time succumb to this bad habit and bite their nails. This is a very bad addiction that can cause serious illness. A huge amount of germs and dirt accumulate under the nails. And when a person bites his nails, all this pathogenic debris enters through the mouth directly into the body. In addition to the fact that the habit is harmful to health, chewed nails are a very deplorable sight. Shredded, chewed at the root, sometimes bloody and peeling nails are far from the aesthetic ideal. That is why you need to get rid of the habit, and as soon as possible. But first, let's try to figure out the reasons for this behavior.

Why does a person bite his nails?

Many people attribute this behavior to habit; they have always done this, and now I bite my nails with pleasure. But before, people used to pee in their pants and couldn’t speak. But over time, I learned a lot and no longer does stupid things. So why did the habit of biting your nails persist? Why can't adults consciously stop their actions?

  1. The most common reason for this behavior is neurological. Often a person bites his nails when he is worried, depressed, or worried. Someone smokes at such moments, someone bites their nails - this is normal. But in order to wean yourself from such a habit, you need to have seeds with you for such a moment. Something extraordinary happened, we don’t put our hands in our mouths, but take out the seeds. And the hands are intact, and the mouth is busy.
  2. Some people bite their nails when they are thinking about something important. In such cases, they usually bite their nails automatically, waking up only when all the fingers have become bitten and chewed.
  3. If there is a lack of keratin in the body, this can lead to the habit of biting nails, especially in a child. Eat more carrots to make up for this deficiency.
  4. Very often, nails are bitten from idleness. If this is your case, you need not to get bored, but find something you love that will occupy all your free time.
  5. Often women start biting their nails to get rid of minor imperfections. A hangnail popped out and a piece of the nail broke. This is annoying, and the woman tries to chew a piece of her nail, hoping to correct the situation. But, often, it aggravates it, making it even worse.

In addition to the fact that a huge number of microbes enter the body along with chewed nails, this habit can forever deprive you of the beauty of your nails. Constantly chewed nails change the shape of the nail plate. It becomes wide and short. In addition, the structure of the nail itself deteriorates - it becomes loose, brittle and thin. This is often accompanied by damaged and painful cuticles and frequent hangnails. If you constantly bite your nails, the situation needs to change, and as soon as possible.

  1. For women, the following method works almost 100%. Go to a beauty salon and get yourself a quality manicure. You will simply be sorry to gnaw on such beauty, and every time you will pull yourself together. In addition, the cost of the procedure will not allow you to return your nails to their previous condition. Let your nails be manicured constantly so that you don’t want to feast on your nails again. And if you do your extensions with acrylic or gel, you definitely won’t want to chew on such hard material.
  2. Try to be less nervous, find time to relax. Take relaxing baths, go for a massage, listen to calm music. In this case, you won't want to stretch your fingers towards your mouth.
  3. If you want to chew something at important and tense moments, you can use seeds, a toothpick, a match, fruit, or nuts for this.
  4. Women need to carry a nail file and nail scissors with them at all times. This will help you react in time if your nail suddenly breaks or a hangnail appears.
  5. Before you put your fingers to your mouth, think about the pathogens that can cause worms and worms in your body. And the larvae of these worms are most likely under your nails.
  6. Keep yourself occupied when boredom sets in. You can do household chores, sit in in social networks, read a book, eat, walk with friends.
  7. Bet someone you know that you can stop biting your nails for a while. Material values can sometimes be a powerful motivation.
  8. To remember every time your difficult struggle with a bad habit, you need to put a ring on your finger or simply tie a red thread. When your fingers reach into your mouth, a bright object will remind you not to bite your nails. In this case, you need to show your will and give up your immediate desire.

People with this bad habit have bitten nails with a large number of wounds and sores. The hands of such a person can be seen from afar - they look disgusting. It becomes especially unpleasant if their owner is a charming woman or a pretty girl. A person who bites his nails often seems to everyone to be nervous, cowardly, silent, downtrodden and unsure of himself. Are you that kind of person? Well of course not! And you need to prove this with beautiful and well-groomed nails! But what to do if the youngest members of your family bite their nails?

Since ancient times, our grandmothers knew a lot of advice on how to stop a child from biting his nails. They smeared their fingers with garlic, pepper, iodine and even brilliant green. You can smear the child’s fingers with a solution of chloramphenicol. It is very bitter and leaves a long aftertaste. Having tried such fingers once, the child will not want to put them in his mouth for a long time.

Among modern means You can note the special nail polish. It is applied to nails like regular varnish, dries and remains on them for a long time. As soon as the baby puts his fingers to his mouth, he will feel an unpleasant bitter taste that will be impossible to tolerate. He is unlikely to want to try the “treat” a second time.

Neurologists say that the habit of biting nails in a child is associated with nervous experiences. Think about what happened to the baby that could throw him off balance. However, remember that your child's problems can be as serious as yours. He may worry about a lost toy just as much as you worry about problems at work.

You should not scold or reprimand your child if he bites his nails, otherwise the habit will only intensify. You need to gently invite the baby to play new games, draw, that is, keep him busy.

If a teenager bites his nails, talk to him. Tell him that bitten nails look untidy and ugly. You can offer the girl her first manicure. Give your boy an anniversary penny or an expander that will help him occupy his hands when his fingers reach into his mouth. To remind you, you can cover your nails with adhesive tape. After a few days, when the habit is eradicated, the patch will no longer be needed.

Biting your fingernails is not only very harmful and dangerous, but also incredibly ugly. A person with chewed nails will not pass an interview and is unlikely to please members of the opposite sex. If you bite your nails, you need to get rid of it immediately. Pull yourself together and get rid of the terrible habit forever.

Video: how to stop biting your nails

Nail biting is a very common habit among people. Moreover, it can occur at any age, in adults and children. But in adults, it is most often women who bite their nails.

How to get rid of this? I bring to your attention several effective, proven methods. But first, briefly, what is the reason? What are the roots of the nail biting habit? Where does it come from?

Most often, this habit is explained as follows: people bite their nails to relieve stress, relax, and get distracted. By the way, they bite not only nails, but also pencils and pens. Take a closer look, especially if you work in an open office. Some people are just like squirrels - they are constantly gnawing on something.

There is a theory that this habit can be inherited. But in my opinion, it’s not a matter of genes, but the fact that the child simply sees how one of the parents does it. There was even once an episode of “Jumble” in which the whole family gnawed carrots.

Very similar habits are twirling hair around a finger or twirling a chain. All this speaks of a state of anxiety, readiness and desire to act. Which finds its expression in such spontaneous movements.

It’s rare, but it happens that a person simply has bad, brittle nails, or lacks vitamins, for example. Nails cling to clothes, get in the way, etc. A person gets irritated and starts biting his nails, essentially gnawing them, so as not to get in the way.

The easiest way to deal with this is to have scissors or at least a nail file with you. As soon as the nail begins to catch on everything, cut it off (this applies more to men) or simply treat it with a nail file.

Well, a few clear, proven, working ways to get rid of the habit of biting your nails.

  • When you bite your nails, a million germs enter your body through your mouth. No matter how you take care of your nails, there are always germs under them - this is the law. And when you chew, everything goes into your mouth, but do you need that?
  • Women bite their nails even with a manicure. And here acrylic nails Almost no one chews. This has been verified. Extend your nails and then you will think 33 times before putting them in your mouth again.
  • You can approach it from a slightly different direction and get rid not of this bad habit, but of the stress that causes it. Very often a person, having calmed down, simply forgets that he once bit his nails.
  • Drink soothing herbs - valerian, motherwort. Stop being nervous and get back to normal. And you will find that life around you has become completely different! And there is no longer any place in it for habit, which one is reluctant to remember.
  • Sometimes people can't concentrate until they start chewing on something. For variety, chew on crackers or edible straws. The main thing is to forget to put your fingers in your mouth, and then it’s easier.
  • And a method that works best for teenagers. Ask your friends to pat you on the hand if you forget to bite your nails. It is for teenagers that this method works almost 100 percent. Why this is so - I don’t know, but it works great!

And most importantly, don’t be so upset about it. There are worse habits than biting your nails, and nothing. People live. Well, if you are determined to get rid of this, then write right here. Let's come up with something together.

Many children, teenagers and adults, for reasons unknown to themselves, bite their nails. Moreover, this happens completely spontaneously and unnoticed even by ourselves. In science, this habit is called onychophagy. Biting your nails damages the nail and the skin around it. In most cases, a person bites his nails until blood appears on his fingers. This habit often manifests itself in childhood(4-5 years) and not rarely in adolescents who are adult life continue to bite their nails.

1) Why does a person bite his nails?

  • Stressful situation.
  • Auto-aggression (as an expression of self-masachism).
  • Internal conflict (self-doubt).
  • Genes (doctors assume that this habit is inherited).
  • Brittle nails (if a person has brittle nail plate and nails often peel and break, then the “owner” decides that the best solution is to bite his nails).
  • Boredom or idleness.

Why you shouldn't bite your nails

  • There are a huge number of bacteria and fungi under the nail plate. In addition, there may be worm eggs there.
  • Biting your nails can damage your tooth enamel or injure your gums. This can lead to stomatitis.
  • Biting nails painted with varnish is strictly prohibited. The varnish contains toxic substances.
  • If you regularly bite your nails, then over time the nail plate shortens and the nail turns into a protruding stump.

5 ways to stop biting your nails

  • Whenever you feel the urge to bite your nails, distract yourself with something else or eat something. Replace a bad habit with something (draw, write, touch your rosary).
  • Keep your nails in order and get your nails done regularly. Use varnish; if you are a man, then colorless varnish will help you with this. The pharmacy also sells a special transparent varnish that tastes bitter. Many women get nail extensions to avoid biting theirs.
  • Come up with a punishment for yourself. For example, when you break the ban on biting your nails, squat 50 times.
  • Calculate the periods or times of day when you bite your nails, this will make it easier for you to stop yourself.
  • Also pay attention to your children. If you see that a child is biting his nails, then there may be some problems or stressful situations. They must be discussed in a warm family circle.

Remember that biting your nails is, first of all, unsightly, and besides, it is a bad example for children. And before you try to get rid of this habit, understand yourself or change something in your life. Onychophagia, first of all, manifests itself due to psychological problems, this indicates that something is not satisfying or bothering you.

Finally, we invite you to watch a video on how to stop biting your nails.