Extravagant women's hairstyles. Basic styles and types of hairstyles

Hairstyle is more than beautifully styled hair. She reflects inner world a woman, her mood and state of mind at a specific period of time. The types and styles of hairstyles are varied, so every woman can choose the one with which she would feel confident.

Women's hairstyles with decorative elements

Two styles or more

It is customary to talk about two styles of women's hairstyles:

  1. Everyday.
  2. Festive.

These two types are conditional; sometimes it can be difficult to attribute a hairstyle to one or another style. Everyday style is characterized by simplicity and conciseness. Usually women have little time for styling, so ponytails and buns are the basis casual style. During the holiday season, more time is spent on styling, but also... Such styling is appropriate for special occasions.

Braided bangs add charm

In fact, hairstyles are not limited to these two types, there are many more. There are nine main ones.

9 styles of women's hairstyles

When considering hairstyles, do not forget about your own individuality and uniqueness. Women love to change, but when experimenting, it is important not to lose your own style. How many styles of hairstyles are there? There are nine main ones, although you can count more if you wish. But we will limit ourselves to the main, most popular and in demand.

Hipsters, retro, classic, grunge, rock, military, empire: what other styles are there?

  • Classical.

This hairstyle is characterized by simplicity, conciseness, and severity. The styling is neat and versatile.

Types of haircuts with different lengths

They appeared a long time ago, stood the test of time and remain. They stayed because they proved their practicality and beauty. Classic hairstyles have strict shapes and clear lines. Suitable for both everyday wear and holidays. Examples of such styles are ponytail, bob, Greek knot, bun, shell.

  • Romantic.

Smooth, gentle lines, curls and curls - these are the features of these styles. They create the image of a sweet and gentle girl, a little frivolous and carefree. To create a styling you need long or middle length hair.

Short hair with curls give femininity to their owner
  • Elegant.

This look echoes the classic one, but is distinguished by thoughtfulness and careful execution. Elegance, simplicity, conciseness, artistic execution - this is distinctive features elegant styling. Performed on any hair length. Suitable for formal suits. Such hairstyles emphasize the refined taste of their owner.

Note! An elegant hairstyle is decorated with discreet accessories that add accents and emphasize taste. It could be a flower, lace, a beautiful hairpin.

This type includes bobs, pageboys, and simple evening hairstyles.

  • Sports.
Unusual styling of long curls

From the name alone it is clear that these are hairstyles for ladies who prefer an active lifestyle. Age category- from small to large. Current short haircut, or long hair tied with a ribbon around the head.

Important! Such styling can visually take off several years, they a good option for energetic mature women.

Scandinavian and other haircut options

Sports hairstyles do not require long-term styling, as they are performed on short and medium-length hair. They are convenient and easy.

Laying long braid complex shape

If you want to do it, but are in doubt, thinking that the sporty style is not your thing, don’t worry. This haircut does not mean wearing sportswear around the clock. It is suitable even with evening dress, and attractive.

  • Vanguard.

These hairstyles are preferred by women who want to stand out and not be like anyone else. They are distinguished by bold colors, unusual shapes and lines. A woman with such a hairstyle will not go unnoticed, as she is bright and eye-catching.

A good example of weaving for owners long hair
  • Extravagant.

This look is preferred by creative people who express themselves through bright, unusual styling. Extravagant hairstyles are a public challenge. The shape, color, and styling are designed to attract attention and arouse interest among others.

Greek style hairstyle for medium hair

  • Historical.

Styling in this direction is reminiscent of a certain stage of fashion. These could be hairstyles that were popular several centuries ago, or retro hairstyles that were popular in the last century. Retro waves and curls popular in the 30s, elegant styles of the 60s, wild styles of the 80s - hairstyles of the past still inspire delight and make you repeat them.

A very popular hairstyle that came from the 60s
  • "Tektonik".

This species cannot be confused with any other: “tectonic” amazes with its unusualness and boldness color solutions, haircut shapes. One of the simplest types of hairstyles in this direction is a short haircut with a “creative chaos” styling, painted in the most incredible colors. More daring solutions include mohawks, shaved signs, symbols, and tattoos on the shaved part of the head. True, young men prefer such hairstyles.

  • "Electrics".

The name, which means “absurd,” speaks for itself.

Layouts made in this style are unpredictable, as they include elements of other directions. They are used for colorful performances, shows and podiums, and in Everyday life inappropriate.

How to choose your haircut style

If you feel the time is right, do it. Look at the photos, try on the hairstyles you like, analyze your type of appearance and the haircut that suits you. Choose the hairstyle you like and go to the hairdresser for a new look.


Do you want to change because of changes in your life, or, conversely, are you hungry for change and ready to change, choose haircuts and styles that emphasize your individuality and are in agreement with your inner sense of self.

Hairstyle has always steadily followed the traditions of the era. With innovations in fashion, hairstyles have also changed. Hairstyles have always reflected the inner “I” of a person, his individuality, social status. Hairstyles can be distinguished according to the following parameters: hairstyles for every day, that is, everyday hairstyles and formal weekend hairstyles, that is, spectacular ones.

Everyday hairstyles can be very diverse. This is a careless, hastily tied knot or ponytail, with which you can walk around the house or even allow yourself to show up to work in this form. Since slight negligence is now in fashion, such hairstyles are welcomed even by the world's leading designers. Everyday hairstyles can vary depending on weather conditions, seasons, and also the time of day. Women perceive all these “conditions” very easily on a subconscious level. For example, during the day a girl will definitely comb her hair smoothly, and in the evening she can make it fuller... a bouffant, for example. Naturally, there are also those for whom everyday hairstyles do not depend on any factors other than mood and self-awareness. This is quite natural. After all, even everyday hairstyles, despite their common features, each housewife’s hairstyle has its own extraordinary, individual character. Spectacular hairstyles are bright, festive, emphatically provocative hairstyles. These hairstyles are often intended for performances in the theatre, stage, carnival, performance and the like. Spectacular hairstyles are designed to complement the image and enrich it. Spectacular hairstyles are usually associated with the hairstyles of the Middle Ages, that is, with historical influences in the field of fashion.

Classic hairstyles incorporate clear shapes and lines and are characterized by visual completeness.

Romantic hairstyles feature soft lines. Often such hairstyles are done on semi-long and long hair. They always have a soft feel to the hair, ringlets, curls. Romantic hairstyles personify spiritual subtlety, sublimity, and purity. Sports hairstyles are made for short or semi-long hair. From the name of the style it follows that they are preferred by people leading an active lifestyle. Sports hairstyles do not accept all kinds of styling products, as they should always be practical and comfortable, both to create and to wear.

Sports hairstyles do not limit your hairstyle choices. By dressing sportily and choosing the appropriate hairstyle, you can even create the image of a glamorous and sexy lady. Everything depends on you! Sporty hairstyles will make you freer and more confident. Avant-garde styles hairstyles are bright, catchy, extraordinary, exclusive types of hairstyles that look ahead and reflect innovations in the fashion of tomorrow. They are most suitable for people who gravitate towards uniqueness, expressiveness and originality. Extravagant hairstyles, as a rule, are very bizarre in shape and selection of accessories. This is a kind of challenge to modern fashion. Elegant hairstyles are distinguished by high artistic taste.

Classic is always in fashion - this statement applies not only to clothes, shoes or bags. Classic hairstyles have never gone out of trend, and at the moment they are in no way inferior to the experimental images that fashion stylists love so much.



An unsuccessful adventure with hair is not critical. A fun classic can always come to the rescue, which in the vast majority of cases is quite capable of correcting a failed attempt to change the image. The most popular and successful list of women's hairstyles in the “classic” style is as follows.

Loose long straightened hair

Some people may notice that loose hair is not really a hairstyle in the truest sense of the word, but this is a misconception. Straight long hair always requires special care, even if it is completely healthy. Caring for long hair is much more difficult than caring for short hair: masks, lotions, oils, massages...

This hairstyle is suitable for girls with any type of face, the main thing is not to forget to monitor the health of your hair.

Tail – low or high

A high ponytail (sometimes called a ponytail) is perfect as a quick alternative to the actual hairstyle, and can also be done when going out.

There are several variations of the high ponytail:

  • Comb your hair smoothly, securing it at the back of your head with a stylish elastic band or hairpin - in this case, the ponytail can be either left smooth or curled large curls on curlers.
  • A variant of the second high hairstyle is a ponytail with backcombed hair at the back of the head - in this case, the shape of the head looks even more attractive.
  • As for the low ponytail, they are more suitable for it smooth hair with a straight parting in the middle - a low ponytail is best suited for women with a round face type.


Bob is a hairstyle that has not gone out of fashion for about a century. Bob length is usually up to the chin, the hair itself should be either straight or slightly curled inward. A shorter length (to nose level) or longer (to shoulder length) is allowed.

It is perhaps impossible to imagine a more classic hairstyle - it suits surprisingly well any hair color, eye color, skin color and face type.

Such classic haircuts as bob or bob are timeless and fashionable.


If a fashion experiment with hair goes very wrong, there is no need to be sad - a classic called “pixie” can come to the rescue. Pixie is very short women's haircut, which has not gone out of trend since the middle of the last century. Its main feature is that such a haircut is very easy to care for. Styling will also not cause problems: with the help of a straightening iron you can give your hair a silky smoothness or curl it into soft flowing waves, which will short length it will look extremely cute.

This hairstyle gained popularity in the nineties, but very quickly entered the rank of “classic” for its simplicity along with its effectiveness. The essence of the hairstyle is as follows: using a wide-toothed round comb, a hair dryer and foam/hairspray, curl large curls, paying special attention to the strands near the face. In this case, you need to start curling the curls no higher than the ear area - this way the hairstyle will look airy, light and not weigh down your head.

Current look 2016

Classic hairstyles are a win-win variation for any hair length and type, and this year the timeless classic has not lost its ground at all. According to the advice of fashion stylists, in 2016, owners of long hair should pay close attention to hairstyles in the style small waves and curls, while you can dilute the classic look with airy, sparse bangs. Another fashion classic that has regained its popularity is braids. Openwork and airy or dense and massive, weaves occupy the first lines of the charts of fashionable hairstyles of the season.

Modern hairdressing has enormous potential for giving girls dazzling beauty. Each representative of the fair sex, from a wide variety of styles and types of hairstyles, will certainly find those that will emphasize her natural features and become a great addition image and visual reflection of the inner world.

Fashion trends in women's hairstyles are divided into two groups:

Hairstyles for every day
- holiday hairstyles

Everyday hairstyles accompany a woman every day, being her “calling card” and forming an idea of ​​her. They can change several times a day depending on the time of day, weather conditions and, most importantly, the mood of their owner. This type of hairstyle has one thing in common - lightness and ease of styling.

Holiday hairstyles are performed mainly in specialized salons, but some of them can be done at home. Such hairstyles are prepared for a “special occasion” according to the focus of the event and in strict accordance with its dress code.

Spectacular hairstyles, this is their second name, are present in abundance at shows and competitions of stylists and hairdressers; they adorn the pages of women's glossy magazines. Many of the trends in spectacular hairstyles are successfully embodied in wedding, prom and evening fashion.

There are a lot of hairstyles, they are created by stylists and fashionistas themselves.

Classic style

The most common hairstyles of this style are: "ponytail", "shell" and "Greek knot". Like any classic, they have passed the “test of time” and thanks to their versatility, as well as the nobility of lines and shapes, they are always relevant.

Romantic style

It is the personification of tenderness, sublimity and purity. The perfect solution for young girls and ladies with rose-colored glasses. This style is characterized by soft flowing lines, ringlets and curls, loose hair fluttering in the wind. Fresh flowers can be used as decoration.

Sport style

Contrary to its name, it does not necessarily mean wearing sports clothing and shoes. Moreover, the “sporty” hairstyle goes well with an evening outfit, adding notes of “girlish recklessness” and glamor to it.

Hairstyles of this style are comfortable to wear and laconic, they allow you to “forget” about your existence and do not necessarily require the use of styling products. Often complemented by bandages and invisible ones. Sports hairstyles are more relevant for short and medium length hair.

Avant-garde style

These hairstyles are impossible not to notice, they attract the eye and leave a lasting impression. Their inner meaning is a challenge to the whole world. This style is preferred by individuals who have their own worldview and a different outlook on life from most people.

Extravagant style

Hairstyles that are distinguished by their original shape and creative approach to the choice of jewelry for styling. Very often they are accompanied by asymmetry and non-trivial color of hair or individual strands. The audience for this style is show business stars and creative personalities, for whom an “exclusive solution” to a hairstyle is another way to express themselves.

Ethnic style

Elements of this style are favored by most girls. Most often, they represent a variety of weaving: graceful " french braid" or perky " african braids" Each nation has its own ideas about hairstyle details, which should be an integral part of the “national” image and a reflection of its culture.

Elegant style

Highly artistic hairstyles of impeccable execution, which are a continuation of the elegance of the outfit, makeup and even the demeanor of their owner. “Laconically and tastefully” is a common characteristic for them. Elegant hairstyles are unthinkable without careful hair care and styling.


A bright and catchy style that is recognizable at first sight. It is typical for informal movements and has its own characteristics: a huge mohawk of defiant color with long bangs, “creative disorder” fixed with varnish, a head shaved with patterns, and the like.

Historical style

Each era put forward its own requirements for appearance women. IN Ancient Egypt Braided wigs were popular and adorned with tiaras, combs and hoops. Ancient Greece was characterized by complex hairstyles using braids and curls, complemented by ribbons, beads and jewelry. In the Middle Ages, knights “went crazy” over the locks of their ladies. The Renaissance implied an open forehead and light color hair. Baroque brought great volume to hairstyles to match the current high collars, and Rococo glorified the elegance and neatness of hairstyles. Modern fashion, for the most part, is a synthesis and reproduction of elements from different eras.

A beautiful hairstyle is best decoration women. Pay special attention to her, and you will always be irresistible!

Style and its origins

Style, emergence of style, display of style in hairstyle

The formation of a person’s individual style can be influenced by literary images, works of painting, music, images of movie characters and environment, in which the person is located.
Style from Greek. Stylos - a rod or stick for writing on a wax tablet. Style is a stable unity of a figurative system, expressive means that characterize art. The originality of various artistic phenomena, be it a major historical era or a separate artistic movement. Style is a commonality of a figurative system, means of artistic expression, creative techniques, conditioned by the unity of ideological content. Style – thin. the language of the era, its art. characteristic.

Style- this is the unity of artistic characteristics (due to the unity of ideological content), characteristic of a given era and determines the system of internal connections between all components of the creative process:

  • Content and form
  • Plot
  • Color
  • Execution technique
  • Techniques, materials

Origin of style:
1. Transformation of nature with its practical influence, that is, the constant change of everyday models that we see on the street, in society, that is, fashion in large quantities.
2. The ideal of an artist-fashion designer who presents his works at competitions and shows in fashion magazines. Fashion designers create their models by capturing and creatively comprehending the expected changes in household fashion. They offer models that are a step towards something new. New models are based on deep learning folk traditions history and modern fashion trends.
The style reflects the artistic characteristics of the era, the image of individual and social life and the trends of modern fashion. 3 sources:

    1. artistic characteristics of the era
    2.image of individual and social life
    3. modern fashion trends

The first two sources are relatively constant, the 3rd is dynamic and determines the character of the style itself.

Basic hairstyles

Hairstyle has always steadily followed the traditions of the era. With innovations in fashion, hairstyles have also changed. Hairstyles have always reflected the inner “I” of a person, his individuality, and social status. Hairstyles can be distinguished according to the following parameters: hairstyles for every day, that is household hairstyles and ceremonial-weekend hairstyles, that is - spectacular.

Everyday hairstyles can be very diverse. There are 2 types: P

This is a careless, hastily tied knot or ponytail, with which you can walk around the house or even allow yourself to show up to work in this form. Since slight negligence is now in fashion, such hairstyles are welcomed even by the world's leading designers. Everyday hairstyles can vary depending on weather conditions, seasons, and also the time of day. Women perceive all these “conditions” very easily on a subconscious level. For example, during the day a girl will definitely comb her hair smoothly, and in the evening she can make it fuller... a bouffant, for example. Naturally, there are also those for whom everyday hairstyles do not depend on any factors other than mood and self-awareness. This is quite natural. After all, even everyday hairstyles, despite their common features, each housewife’s hairstyle has its own extraordinary, individual character.

Examples of everyday hairstyles:

Spectacular hairstyles– these are bright, festive, emphatically defiant hairstyles. These hairstyles are often intended for performances in the theatre, stage, carnival, performance and the like. Spectacular hairstyles are designed to complement the image and enrich it. Spectacular hairstyles are usually associated with the hairstyles of the Middle Ages, that is, with historical influences in the field of fashion.

Spectacular hairstyles are displayed well in competitions between stylists, hairdressers or designers. Here you can already distinguish such hairstyle styles as everyday, evening and creative (artistic).
Hairstyles can vary depending on gender, age, interests and life priorities.


Classic styles(from Latin Classicus - exemplary) hairstyles incorporate clear shapes and lines and are characterized by visual completeness.
Romantic Hairstyles characterized by soft lines. Often such hairstyles are done on semi-long and long hair. They always have a soft feel to the hair, ringlets, curls. Romantic hairstyles personify spiritual subtlety, sublimity, and purity.
Sports styles(from the English Sport - game, entertainment) hairstyles are done on short or semi-long hair. From the name of the style it follows that they are preferred by people leading an active lifestyle. Sports hairstyles do not accept all kinds of styling products, as they should always be practical and comfortable, both to create and to wear.

By dressing sportily and choosing the appropriate hairstyle, you can even create the image of a glamorous and sexy lady. Everything depends on you! Sporty hairstyles will make you freer and more confident.

Avant-garde styles(from the French Avant - garde - ahead and guard) hairstyles are bright, catchy, extraordinary, exclusive types of hairstyles that look ahead and reflect innovations in the fashion of tomorrow. They are most suitable for people who gravitate towards uniqueness, expressiveness and originality.
Extravagant styles(from the French Extravagand - unusual) hairstyles, as a rule, are very bizarre in shape and selection of accessories. This is a kind of challenge to modern fashion.
Elegant styles hairstyles are distinguished by high artistic taste.
Historical styles hairstyles are designed to display fashion trends hairdressing art of one era or another.
Hairstyles “Eclectic” (from the Greek Eklektikos - choosing) chaotically combine various elements of existing styles.

Tectonic hairstyles quite unique. Only those for whom tectonics in itself is a lifestyle can decide to undertake such an experiment with their hair. There are a lot of options for tectonic hairstyles. And they are all defiantly catchy. It is impossible to pass by a person with such a hairstyle and remain indifferent. Tectonic hairstyles always evoke breathtaking surprise, wild delight or furious indignation among passers-by. But these hairstyles are aimed precisely at emotions. A mohawk with bangs, shaved with a pattern or without whiskey, just a mohawk, creative chaos - this is just a small list of options for tectonic hairstyles.

It should be noted that these hairstyles are very complex to perform, so creating them truly requires the hand of a master. It is also important that you can get rid of this hairstyle only if you cut all your hair to zero. Therefore, when choosing hairstyles, be prepared for the consequences.

Often people pay attention to hairstyles precisely when a responsible and important event lies ahead. For example, a wedding. Here the girl needs to listen to her worldview, understand what kind of bride she wants to appear as. Hairstyles will highlight your inner world in the best possible way, but they must necessarily match the dress. After all, a bride with ragged haircut, blue-black hair, eyebrow piercings and bright makeup in a classic white wedding dress. Wedding hairstyles coincide with the classic differentiation of hairstyle types. That is, you can do classic, romantic, glamorous or modern hairstyles. The names of the hairstyles speak for themselves. You can change your hairstyles throughout your life. The main thing is that they match your mood and lifestyle. Or maybe vice versa... By changing your hairstyle, will your life itself be transformed? Naturally, for the better. Either way, don't be afraid to express yourself through your hairstyles. Experiment and be at your best!