Winter headdress for Maslenitsa. Master class “Making a kokoshnik for Maslenitsa”

Yulia Smirnova

You'll need: colored cardboard, shiny self-adhesive paper, satin ribbons different colors, elastic band, double-sided tape, scissors, thread and needle, laminator and laminating paper.

Cut out a blank from cardboard for kokoshnik, you can choose any shape, I wanted this one.

To decorate, I used glitter sticky paper. I cut out different flowers, droplets, peas and glued them on kokoshnik.

In our kindergarten We celebrate Maslenitsa on the street. We dance in circles with buffoons and play outdoor games. For durability, I decided to laminate kokoshnik.

We cut off the excess film, leaving a small margin of 3-4 mm.

And finally, on the sides kokoshnik glue the satin ribbons using double-sided tape.

Ours is ready kokoshnik. Everything is very simple and fast. I hope your little beauties really like it.

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Maslenitsa is coming soon - a week of wide festivities and unbridled fun, a time of eating pancakes, skiing from the mountains and noisy gatherings. Not only children, but also adults will see off the winter and rejoice in the coming spring. Students, and even older people, it turns out, are also not averse to dressing up as a Buffoon or Vesnyanka - for a themed party or going to a nightclub for a costume event! Therefore, today we will tell you how to make Maslenitsa costumes for adults with your own hands.

Russian folk costumes for Maslenitsa

The most popular Maslenitsa costumes are Russian folk ones. It is not difficult to make them. Thus, the traditional holiday outfit for men is a red shirt-shirt. It is better to take products made of silk or satin. A braid with an ornament is sewn onto the sleeves and hem of the shirt - it can be bought at any handicraft store. A more complicated option is a shirt with embroidery on the front. Such clothes are belted with a sash - a long scarf with tassels, and it is better to take the shirt itself a size larger so that it is looser. This Maslenitsa costume for adults is worn with black trousers and red boots, in the absence of which you can get by with traditional dark men's shoes.

With folk costume for women, the situation is even simpler - largely thanks to the returning fashion for traditional Russian motifs in clothing. Although you can sew a sundress with a flared bottom from a large piece of colored fabric, you can also use casual wear: bright painted scarves, large beads, long skirts and dresses of colorful colors, trendy felt boots, and necklaces made of bagels. Makeup with bright scarlet lips and rosy cheeks will complement this costume for adults for Maslenitsa - and now you are the first Russian beauty maiden!

Spring costume for Maslenitsa

The symbol of Maslenitsa is a young spring that has defeated the old woman Winter and gained power over nature. Therefore, a Spring or Vesnyanka costume will be relevant for women. The basis is a plain dress, preferably pastel colors, yellow or green. Multi-colored ribbons or flowers are sewn onto it - they can be made from paper, fabric, or you can buy special artificial ones at a craft store. Interesting flowers You can also make them from the bottoms of plastic bottles, cutting them out accordingly and painting them with paint from a spray can. A wreath or hoop, decorated with the same flowers or ribbons, is placed on Spring’s head. If desired, a girl can complement her costume for adults for Maslenitsa with green tights.

Spring Costume

DIY buffoon costume for Maslenitsa

What Maslenitsa would be complete without a cheerful buffoon! These jokers walked around Maslenitsa fairs, called on the people to have fun and praised the beautiful Spring. A buffoon can be either a man or a girl. In general, such a Maslenitsa costume for adults is quite complex to make; it requires at least two pieces of fabric. bright colors and a special pattern. But you can make the task easier by simply sewing multi-colored patches of arbitrary shape onto a shirt (or tunic for girls). You can get creative by including a bright frill collar or big bow, however, for the image to be recognizable, the buffoon must have a cap. It is cut and sewn from gabardine or any other fabric. The simplest option is to take an ordinary hat with a long tail and decorate it, however, when sewing, the cap can be made with two or three horns. The cap should ring - we sew bells onto it, and if desired, additionally decorate it with New Year's “rain” or sparkles.

Buffoon costume

Bear costume for Maslenitsa

And here is another universal costume for adults for Maslenitsa - a bear. It is known that sometimes buffoons took these tame animals around fairs for the amusement of the people. For a DIY clubfoot costume, you can use a fur vest or turn out outer clothing with a “fluffy” lining. You can buy a Bear mask in the store, and in addition, if you wish, you can sew fur mittens. It is better to wear a gray or gray turtleneck under a suit. Brown. If the event is taking place at home, you can wear fur slippers.

Maslenitsa - beloved folk holiday. These are delicious pancakes in abundance and lush festivities on such a life-affirming occasion: the victory of spring over winter.

On this day we remember folk traditions, we feel the connection between generations. It is not surprising that they sew with their own hands, based on traditional Slavic outfits. The best example of clothing for this holiday is a folk outfit: colorful, spacious, ideal for festivities, not restricting movement and quite simple to make.

Sew a Maslenitsa costume

So we rely on women's clothing in Rus' - a sundress. Fashion recent years Makes the task a little easier; many girls have this item of clothing in their closet. If it has sufficiently saturated shades, you can safely use it. But if you want something traditional, arm yourself with a needle or sewing machine and make this part yourself.

Let's start with choosing fabric. Chintz, satin, satin will suit you. You will need a cut of 2.5m x 1.10m. Chintz is easier to work with, therefore it is optimal for beginners in the art of sewing. Satin and satin will require certain skills to work with, but the result is worth the effort. As for colors, red would be the most suitable, but if you have green or blue material, take them. The main thing is that they are juicy and festive.

Immediately stock up on ribbons or colored lace for decoration, or a piece of contrasting material. Depending on the chosen style, you may also need an elastic band. And also threads, safety pins, paper.

So, how to sew a street costume for Maslenitsa. We offer you several schemes of varying complexity.

DIY adult Maslenitsa costume without a pattern

If you do not have much sewing experience, choose one of the simpler options.

Method one:

  • Take the selected cut and cut the trapezoid. The top side should be equal to the chest circumference + 1cm for allowances. Height is the desired length + 1cm.
  • After cutting, fold the cut inside out. Perform hand stitching. Then sew: first the edges, then the back seam.
  • Turn it onto the face and press the seams well. The seam can also be made in the front, decorating it with ribbons or lace.
  • Next, we cut out the straps (at least 4-5 cm wide), sew along them and sew them to the sundress. The base is ready - all that remains is decoration.

Method two:

Another one simple technique sewing will not take much time, even a beginner can cope with the task. Cut out a rectangle, one line of which is equal to the width of the hem, and the second - the distance from the top to the bottom edges (do not forget about the allowances).
The sewing pattern is similar to the previous version, but an elastic band is sewn into the upper part of the sundress so that it gathers beautifully at the top. By the way, this way you can get an outfit of a universal size.

DIY Maslenitsa costumes with photo patterns

For those who are not afraid of difficulties, you can resort to sewing a more labor-intensive model. According to the old method, it is performed according to the following scheme:

  • Transfer the design based on your measurements onto the fabric and carefully cut it out.
  • Manufacturing is carried out in two stages. First we sew the yoke together. Fold them wrong side up and sew the side seams.
  • We assemble the skirt separately. It consists of two trapezoids and two side wedges. We connect all the elements along the side seams. You can pin them together with safety pins, or you can make a blanket stitch - it’s more reliable. Then sew all the seams.
  • Finally, we connect the yoke and skirt together.
  • The straps are sewn on last. Fold their cut parts in half lengthwise, wrong side out, stitch and turn them inside out. Sew to the main product.
  • The final note is decoration. The decor is usually sewn along the chest line, at the bottom of the hem and over the front center seam.

The easiest way out is to take a braid with an ornament in folk style. But lace, satin ribbons, and even just finishing with contrasting material can look no less impressive. Here are some pictures for inspiration:

Additionally needed White shirt. Any blouse will do, but it's better if it has enough wide sleeves with cuffs.

If the celebration is planned on the street, take care of outerwear. You can use any fur coats and fur vests. Even a short sheepskin coat with the sheepskin turned outward looks good. You shouldn't take fur coats and floor-length coats, because they completely cover the dress.

We complement with accessories


Here fashion again plays into our hands. Classic version shoes - these are, of course, felt boots. But modern UGGs can also replace them. As, in fact, almost all winter shoes on a flat ride (except, perhaps, for sports).

Felt boots with an ornament will be especially good. You can decorate your shoes yourself with appliqués.


For winter festivities outside, feel free to choose your grandmother’s scarf. Both colorful and plain down ones are suitable. It looks impressive and protects from the cold.

If you don’t have to walk in the cold, you can do this. You will need thick cardboard, elastic, cloth and decorative elements to your taste (beads, seed beads, rhinestones, lace, braid).

  • Choose the model you like.

  • Transfer it to thick cardboard, and then to the fabric twice: once with the front side, once with the wrong side.
  • Cut out the part from cardboard, and first make indents for the seams on the rag elements. Fold both rag pieces with the wrong side out and sew them together, leaving only the bottom unsewn. Turn out the resulting kokoshnik. Place a cardboard insert inside.
  • Fold the bottom edges inward and stitch carefully. The base is ready.All that remains is to attach the elastic band.
  • Decorate the kokoshnik in the way you choose. But remember that you should not overuse heavy jewelry.

Decor options:


Large beads and several different threads are used for decoration. Take everything you find in your grandmother's box or among your mother's jewelry - the time has come for jewelry that has been gathering dust in closets for years.

Beads made from bagels and bagels look no less impressive.

We complete the image - apply makeup

In this case, nothing particularly complicated is required. You just need bright makeup. Moreover, the emphasis is not on the eyelids or lips, but on the blush. Rosy cheeks - here you go distinguishing feature Russian beauties on similar holidays. To highlight them especially, start your makeup with light powder (it will also help maintain an even complexion in any frost), and then highlight your cheekbones with blush. If you want to create a memorable, slightly toy-like image, you can use red makeup paint and draw even red circles on your cheeks. Remember the character of Inna Churikova in the film “Morozko” with a whitened face and bright cheeks? Her makeup in the style of “not a princess, but a princess” on this day will look appropriate, albeit funny.

This festival - perfect occasion not only have fun, but also feel an atmosphere of togetherness. This is a heritage that is so important to preserve. Don't miss the opportunity, dress up and celebrate. Delicious pancakes to you!

Maslenitsa is one of the most joyful and long-awaited holidays of the year, the celebration of which lasts seven days. At this time, people have fun, go to visit, have parties and eat pancakes. Maslenitsa in 2018 will begin on February 12, and its end date will be February 18.

Pancake week is a national celebration dedicated to welcoming spring. Before entering Lent, people say goodbye to winter, enjoy the warm spring days, and, of course, bake delicious pancakes.

Maslenitsa: traditions and customs

There are several names for this holiday:

  • meat-empty Maslenitsa is called because during the celebration people refrain from eating meat;
  • cheese - because they eat a lot of cheese this week;
  • Maslenitsa - because they consume a large number of oils

Many people anxiously await the onset of Maslenitsa, the traditions of celebrating which go back deep into our history. Today, as in the old days, this holiday is celebrated on a grand scale, with chants, dances and competitions.

The most popular entertainments that used to be held in villages were:

  • fist fights;
  • eating pancakes for a while;
  • sledding;
  • climbing a pole for a prize;
  • games with a bear;
  • burning an effigy;
  • swimming in ice holes.

The main treat, both before and now, are pancakes, which can have different fillings. They are baked every day in large quantities.

Our ancestors believed that those who do not have fun on Maslenitsa will live the coming year poorly and joylessly.

Maslenitsa: what can and cannot be done?

  1. You should not eat meat on Maslenitsa. Allowed to eat fish and dairy products. Pancakes should be the main dish on the table in every home.
  2. On Maslenitsa you need to eat often and a lot. Therefore, it is customary to invite guests and not skimp on treats, as well as to visit yourself.

Maslenitsa: history of the holiday

In fact, Maslenitsa is pagan holiday, which was changed over time to the "format" Orthodox Church. In pre-Christian Rus', the celebration was called “Farewell to Winter.”

Our ancestors revered the sun as a god. And with the onset of the first days of spring, we were glad that the sun was beginning to warm the earth. That’s why the tradition of baking round flatbreads, shaped like the sun, arose. It was believed that by eating such a dish, a person would receive a piece sunlight and warmth. Over time, flatbreads were replaced by pancakes.

Maslenitsa: celebration traditions

In the first three days of the holiday, active preparations for the celebration took place:

  • they brought wood for the fire;
  • decorated the huts;
  • built mountains.

The main celebration took place from Thursday to Sunday. People came into the house to enjoy pancakes and drink hot tea.

In some villages, young people went from house to house with tambourines, horns, and balalaikas, singing carols. City residents took part in festive festivities:

  • dressed in their best clothes;
  • went to theater performances;
  • We visited booths to watch buffoons and have fun with the bear.

The main entertainment was children and youth sliding down ice slides, which they tried to decorate with lanterns and flags. Used for riding:

  • matting;
  • sled;
  • skates;
  • skins;
  • ice cubes;
  • wooden troughs.

Another fun event was the capture of the ice fortress. The guys built a snowy town with gates, put guards there, and then went on the attack: they broke into the gates and climbed the walls. The besieged defended themselves as best they could: they used snowballs, brooms and whips.

On Maslenitsa, boys and young men showed their agility in fist fights. Residents of two villages, landowners and monastery peasants, residents of a large village living at opposite ends could take part in the battles.

We seriously prepared for the battle:

  • steamed in the baths;
  • ate heartily;
  • turned to the sorcerers with a request to give a special spell for victory.

Features of the ritual of burning an effigy of winter on Maslenitsa

Just as many years ago, today the culmination of Maslenitsa is considered to be the burning of an effigy. This action symbolizes the onset of spring and the end of winter. The burning is preceded by games, round dances, songs and dances, accompanied by refreshments.

As a scarecrow to be sacrificed, they made a large funny and at the same time scary doll, personifying Maslenitsa. They made a doll from rags and straw. After which she was dressed in women's clothing and left on the main street of the village for the duration of Maslenitsa week. And on Sunday they were solemnly carried outside the village. There the effigy was burned, drowned in an ice hole, or torn into pieces, and the straw that remained from it was scattered across the field.

The ritual burning of the doll had a deep meaning: destroying the symbol of winter is necessary to resurrect its power in the spring.

Maslenitsa: the meaning of every day

The holiday is celebrated from Monday to Sunday. During Shrovetide Week, it is customary to spend each day in your own way, observing the traditions of our ancestors:

  1. Monday called “Meeting of Maslenitsa”. On this day they start baking pancakes. It is customary to give the first pancake to the poor and needy people. On Monday, our ancestors prepared a scarecrow, dressed it in rags and displayed it on the main street of the village. It was on public display until Sunday.
  2. Tuesday nicknamed "Zigrysh". It was dedicated to youth. On this day, folk festivities were organized: sleigh rides, ice slides, and carousels.
  3. Wednesday- “Gourmand.” On this day, guests (friends, relatives, neighbors) were invited to the house. They were treated to pancakes, honey gingerbread and pies. Also on Wednesday, it was customary to treat your sons-in-law with pancakes, hence the expression: “ My son-in-law has come, where can I get sour cream?" Horse racing and fist fights were also held on this day.
  4. Thursday popularly nicknamed "Razgulay". Starts from this day Wide Maslenitsa, which is accompanied by snowball fights, sledding, cheerful round dances and chants.
  5. Friday nicknamed “Mother-in-law’s Evening,” because on this day the sons-in-law invited the mother-in-law to their house and treated them to delicious pancakes.
  6. Saturday- “Sister-in-law’s get-togethers.” The daughters-in-law invited their husband's sisters to their house, talked with them, treated them to pancakes and gave them gifts.
  7. Sunday- the apotheosis of Maslenitsa. This day was called “Forgiveness Sunday.” On Sunday we said goodbye to winter, said goodbye to Maslenitsa and symbolically burned its effigy. On this day, it is customary to ask friends and family for forgiveness for the grievances that have accumulated over the year.

Proverbs and sayings for Maslenitsa

Video: history and traditions of the Maslenitsa holiday