Application classes for younger groups on various topics. Thematic week “Holiday is coming!” Application soon the holiday will come to the second youngest


Organized educational activities on applications in the second junior group

Subject:"Radiant Sun"


MDOU D/garden No. 20 “Freckles”

G.A. Leonova


Continue teaching children to draw a “sun” consisting of several parts (a circle and straight lines)

Introduce children to a new method - rolling lumps

Improve the ability to carefully pick up glue on a brush, spread ready-made forms on oilcloth, and use a napkin.

Develop aesthetic perception and independence.

Materials and equipment: Bunny, sheets of white paper, CD with music, rosettes, tassels, napkins, oilcloths, (according to the number of children),

Progress of the lesson

1 part.

V. - Guys, Bunny came to visit us. Let's say hello to him.

D. - Hello, Bunny

V. - Bunny, why are you so sad?

Bunny says that he made the paintings for his friends, but there is something missing from the paintings. To find out what is missing, he needs to solve the riddle.

Guys, let's help you solve the riddle:

The morning begins

He greets you with a ray of light.

It shines towards us from the window

Affectionate...( Sun)

B. That's right, children.

Bunny, the children have solved the riddle, now you can finish your paintings.

Guys, he says that he has a lot of friends and a lot of paintings, and he won’t have time to do them alone. Let's help him make the sun in his paintings.

part 2

V. - Take a seat at the tables, we’ll help Bunny.

First I will show you how we will make the sun.

On your plates you have: a circle, stripes and many squares of yellow paper. First you need to lay out the sun on the picture.

What shape is the sun (round).

Correctly round, I will take a circle and put it at the top of the picture (above the tree),

What now needs to be sorted out? (rays). I will lay out the strips of paper in a circle.

For our sun to be bright and beautiful, like this (sample showing), it needs to be decorated. I’ll teach you how to do this now. You have squares on the plates. We will crush them and roll them in our palms using circular movements of our hands. Like this. (show)

Now I will carefully glue everything. I take the circle in my hands, carefully put glue on the brush, spread it on the oilcloth, put it in its place, and press it with a napkin. Now I will glue the rays in exactly the same way. Now the sun is ready, but it doesn’t shine at all. To make the sun shine, I will glue the lumps. To do this, I’ll smear glue in the middle of the sun, and put our lumps there - like this, gently pressing with my palm so that they stick better. Here it is beautiful sun I managed.

Part 3

Independent work of children.

Children, each of you needs to glue the sun pictures that are on your tables. First lay everything out and then carefully glue it. Get to work.

During independent work of children, I provide individual assistance to children

Part 4

Let's show our paintings to Bunny. (look at the children's work, clarify what they did, praise the children)

Bunny, did you like our suns in the pictures?

Bunny says that he really liked the work of our children. He invites us to dance (music plays, children dance).

How much fun we had, let's now say goodbye to Bunny.

Thematic planning of GCD for the younger group.
Author Ilyina T.M. senior teacher
Artistic and aesthetic development. Visual activities
Modeling. Application.

p/pTime period Theme and tasks of the NOD Materials and equipment, literary and musical accompaniment Organized educational activities in areas in accordance with the subject Literature
1. September Application “Big and small balls”
Teach children to choose large and small round objects. To consolidate ideas about round objects and their differences in size. Learn to carefully paste images.
Paper circles-balls large and small, a circle made of paper (white or light shade any color) - plate (diameter 15 cm), brushes for glue, napkins, glue (for each child).
Show children how large and small balls roll across the floor. Offer to circle the large and small balls with one hand, then the other.
Tell the children that they themselves can depict how large and small balls rolled across the floor.
Remind the children that they need to carefully spread glue on large and small circles and stick them on a plate - a circle of paper (white or a light shade of any color).
During the gluing process, pay attention to how children apply glue to the circles and stick them on. Help kids who need help.
After (After completing the work, place all the pictures pasted by the children on the board (on the table) and examine them. T.S. Komarova Lessons in visual arts
Columns. Modeling.
- introduce clay;
- learn to sculpt cylindrical objects (columns), divide a lump of clay into parts and roll them out with longitudinal movements;
- sculpt a lot of objects (2-3);
- roll up your sleeves before class;
- sculpt carefully over the board;
- after class, take the boards to the common table (for those on duty). cylinders (pencils, sticks, etc.); small toys(hare, cat, etc.); clay, boards, wet wipes. 1. Rolling cylinders on the table.
2. Demonstration of sculpting techniques. Children's work
3. Physical education game 4. Examination of the columns, positive assessment of the work.
A.A.Gribovskaya Modeling in kindergarten.2012.
"The balls are rolling along the path"
(Option “Vegetables (fruits) lie on a round tray”)
Introduce children to round-shaped objects. Encourage them to trace the shape along the contour with the fingers of one and the other hand, calling it (round ball (apple, tangerine, etc.)). Learn gluing techniques (spread with glue reverse side details. take a little glue on your brush, work on oilcloth, press the image to the paper with a napkin and your entire palm).
Strips of white paper 15x6 cm, paper mugs different colors on different tables(diameter 4 cm), glue, glue brushes, oilcloths (for each child). (Or apples, oranges, plums and other fruits (vegetables) cut out of paper by the teacher; paper circles-plates (diameter 15-18 cm) or a dish (diameter 30-40 cm) to create a collective composition.)
Show the children a “track” (a paper strip) and roll balls along it. Then, with your children, examine the finished strip with the circles glued on.
Show children gluing techniques: place the circles with the colored side down on the oilcloth, dip the brush in a jar of glue. Remove the excess drop of glue from the edge of the jar and, holding the circle with the finger of your free hand, spread it with glue. Then place the brush on the stand, carefully take the circle with the fingers of both hands and place it glue side down on a strip of paper, cover with a napkin and press it on top with your palm so that it sticks well. Glue the other circles in the same way. This is not very easy for children: there is not sufficient coordination of finger movements, so during the lesson it is important to monitor whether the kids are acting correctly.
At the end of the lesson, display all the work on the board in a long strip. Draw the children's attention to how many beautiful balls are rolling along the long path.
Modeling. BarankiTasks:
learn to make rings by connecting the ends of the columns, getting a familiar object;
consolidate the method of rolling out the column with longitudinal movements, connecting the ends with your fingers;
teach how to sculpt several objects;
work carefully on the board. doll, steering wheel; clay, boards, wet wipes,
1.Org moment. Doll birthday
2. Examination and examination of the steering wheel.
3. Physical education minute

5. Positive evaluation of the work. 2. October Applique
"Big and small apples on a plate"
Teach children to stick round objects. Strengthen ideas about the differences in size of objects. Fix the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on a brush and apply it to the entire surface of the form).
Apples big and small. Circles-plates cut out of white paper (diameter 15-18 cm), paper circles of the same color (green, yellow or red) (diameter 3 cm and 2 cm), glue brushes, napkins (for each child). Show children large and small round apples, clarify their ideas about their size. Draw the children's attention to circles cut out of white paper - plates on which apples will lie.
Invite the children to stick large and small apples on their plates. Say that first you need to arrange all the apples (circles) in order (large - small) on a plate and see if they lie nicely.
Invite the children to start gluing. Ask how to stick it correctly and carefully. Modeling. Carrot
- learn to sculpt a carrot, giving it a cone-shaped shape, rolling it out with longitudinal movements of the hands, gradually squeezing one end;
- sculpt large and small carrots, add stems (small columns of flagella). large and small carrots; bunny toy; mystery; clay, boards; Album 2, p. 3.
1.Org. Moment. Bunny's riddles.
2. Examination of the “Carrot” - shape, thickness, decoration.
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.

"Berries and apples on a plate"
Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the shape of objects. Learn to distinguish objects by size. Practice using glue carefully and using a napkin for careful gluing. Learn to freely arrange images on paper.
Paper circle white(diameter 20 cm), red paper mugs (diameter 2 cm) and yellowish-green (diameter 4-6 cm), glue, glue brushes, napkins.
Consider berries and apples with children (in the absence of natural fruits and berries, you can use dummies or pictures). Clarify children's knowledge about their shape and size. Offer to trace a round apple and berry along the contour, first with one hand, then with the other.
Invite children to remember the techniques for carefully gluing. Summarize their answers and allow them to get to work.
At the end of the lesson, draw the children’s attention to the fact that they arranged the berries and apples on the plate in different ways.
Review all the images created with your children. Ask: “What size apples and berries did you stick on?” Modeling. MushroomsTasks:
- learn to examine mushrooms, identify parts (leg and cap);
- learn to sculpt an object from two parts, convey their shape (ball, column), connect them tightly;
- complement the work. toys mushrooms, fox with a basket; clay, boards, stacks, wet wipes 1.Org. Moment. Reading a nursery rhyme.
2. Consideration of “Mushrooms” - Main parts, shape, structure.
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. 3. November Applique
"Colorful lights in the houses"
Teach children to stick images of a round shape, clarify the name of the shape. Learn to alternate circles by color. Practice careful gluing. Reinforce knowledge of colors (red, yellow, green, blue).
Mugs of different colors (diameter 3 cm), 1/2 album sheet with a dark strip pasted on (the roof of the house), glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).
Recall with the children that they saw multi-colored lights decorating the city (village); these lights are round and arranged in a row, like light bulbs in windows
Invite the children to arrange the lights on the strip, alternating them by color. Review gluing techniques with your children; Invite one of the children to tell how he will smear the “lights” with glue and glue them to the strip. While working, monitor the children’s actions and correct them if necessary.
At the end of the lesson, display all the work on the board (on the table), enjoy the beautiful multi-colored lights with the children, and invite them to name the colors of the lights. Modeling. CookiesTasks:
- consolidate the skill of rolling a round shape (ball), flatten the ball between your palms, getting new uniform(disk);
- teach how to decorate a surface with stacks (lines, dashes);
- sculpt several objects, carefully above the board;
- select products with interesting pattern. cookies, doll (or other toy); clay, boards, stacks, wet wipes.
1.Org. Moment. Puppet treat.
2. Examination of the “Cookies” - shape, thickness, decoration.
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. Application
Application on the strip “Balls and cubes”
Objectives: To introduce children to a new shape for them - a square. Learn to compare a square and a circle, name their differences. Learn to stick figures, alternating them. Reinforce proper gluing techniques. Improve your knowledge of colors.
A strip of paper measuring 6x18 cm, circles (diameter 3 cm) and squares measuring 3x3 cm (one color for each table), glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).
Show the children a circle and a square and ask how they differ. Clarify the children's answers by tracing the shapes along the contour; draw their attention to the smooth line of the circle shape and the presence of corners of the square, emphasize that all sides of the square are smooth, identical, therefore, when you trace the square with your finger, it stops at the corner and turns to the other side of the square. Trace the square with your finger, explaining: “The finger goes straight, I stop at the corner, turn it, trace the side down. There is a corner below again, I turn my finger and move it along the underside of the square. And so on.” Invite the children to put a square on the strip, and, holding it with the finger of one hand, circle it with the finger of the other hand, and then stick squares and circles on the strip, alternating them. Pay attention to using the correct gluing techniques. Modeling. BallsTasks:
- sculpt round objects;
- divide the clay into parts, roll the ball in a circular motion;
- sculpt a lot of objects (2-3). balls large and small; clay, board, wet wipes.
1.Ogre moment. Game "Roll the ball"
2. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work
3.Positive evaluation of the work.
4. December Applique
Objectives: To teach children to convey the image of a toy in applications; depict an object consisting of several parts; arrange parts in order of decreasing size. Strengthen knowledge of colors. Develop color perception. A pyramid (preferably consisting of balls or rings of the same color). Landscape sheets, paper mugs (different colors for different tables), glue, glue brushes, napkins.
Examine the pyramid with the children, clarify the shape and size of its parts.
Together with the guys, determine the gluing sequence. During the work, guide their actions by asking questions about the order of gluing. Draw children's attention to the need to use correct sticking techniques.
Examine all the resulting pyramids and invite the children to name their colors. Highlight the most beautiful works.
Modeling. PyramidTasks:
continue to learn how to roll out the columns and connect the ends tightly, getting a ring;
sculpt several rings, convey the structure of the pyramid. pyramid of rings; clay, boards, wet wipes; 1.Ogre moment. Exhibition of pyramids
2.Finger gymnastics
3. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work
4.Positive evaluation of the work.
“Stick on whatever toy you want”
Application "Snowman"
Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about round shapes and the differences in size of objects. Learn to compose an image from parts, arranging them correctly in size. Practice careful gluing.
Paper blue or gray 1/2 landscape sheet size, 2-3 paper circles of different diameters, additional parts (hat, stick, nose, etc.), glue brushes, glue, napkins, colored pencils (for each child).
Remember with the children what kind of snowmen they made during their walk; what was sculpted first, what then; clarify the sequence of the snowman image. Consider what parts for gluing a snowman are prepared on the children’s tables.
Invite the children to name the shape and size of the parts of the snowman. Ask which circle you should start gluing the snowman from. Listen to the children's answers and advise that it is more convenient to start gluing with a large circle at the bottom of the sheet. Then you should stick on a smaller circle, and at the top there will be a small circle - the head of a snowman. Remind you that you need to stick it carefully.
Children who quickly completed the work can be given additional parts to stick on: a hat, a stick, a nose, etc.
Consider all the images created by the children, note their diversity (the snowman is standing upright, bent over; the snowman is wearing a hat, etc.). Modeling. Snowman.

1.Org. Moment.
2.Looking at the snowman toy.
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. 5. January Applique
Application “Pattern on a circle”
Tasks: . Teach children to place the pattern along the edge of the circle, correctly alternating the shapes by size; make a pattern in a certain sequence: at the top, bottom, right, left - large circles, and between them - small ones. Strengthen the ability to apply glue to the entire form. Develop a sense of rhythm. Foster independence. Paper circle with a diameter of 12 cm, 4 paper circles with a diameter of 2.5 cm and 4 circles with a diameter of 1.5 cm, glue brushes, glue, napkins (for each child). Consider with the children a sample pattern on a circle; draw their attention to the location of the pattern along the edge of the circle, to the alternation of shapes in size.
Show the children how to lay out and then stick on the large circles, and invite them to arrange the small circles themselves based on the sample.
The children who quickly completed the task are allowed to stick a circle in the middle.
Doll in a long fur coatTasks:
- learn to sculpt a doll figurine from several parts: head (ball), body (cone), arms (column), connect the parts tightly;
- add details (collar, hat - flagella, eyes, buttons - balls - moldings);
- decorate with a stack;
- convey hand movements. doll in a long fur coat; nursery rhyme; clay, boards, stacks.
1.Org. Moment. The Doll came to visit.
2. Examining the doll.
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. Application
“Flowers as a gift to mother, grandmother”
Objectives: Teach children to compose an image from details. Cultivate the desire to do beautiful thing(present).
Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas.
Paper mugs of different colors and shades (diameter 2-3 cm), a stick-stem and strips of green leaves, 1/2 landscape-sized paper of any soft tone, glue brushes, glue, napkins (for each child).
Invite the children to draw beautiful picture as a gift to mom.
Ask how you can make a flower from round parts. If the children find it difficult, show on a flannelgraph how to arrange the petals around the middle of the flower.
For those children who quickly complete the task, advise them to glue another flower as a gift to their grandmother (aunt, nanny), using petals of a different color.
All finished works display on the board, enjoy the bright beautiful flowers; say that mothers and grandmothers will be happy with such gifts. Modeling
. Tumbler bears
- learn to sculpt a figure from two identical shapes (balls), but different in size (large, small);
- convey some characteristic features (ears, eyes, etc.) using the technique of pinching, stack;
- press the parts tightly. snowman toy, clay, boards, stacks, sticks
1.Org. Moment.
2.Looking at the tumbler toy
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. 6. February Application
Objectives: To consolidate the ability to create an image of an object in an application rectangular shape, consisting of two parts; correctly position an object on a sheet of paper, distinguish and correctly name colors; Use the glue carefully and spread it all over the mold. Develop the ability to enjoy the overall result of the lesson. 1/2 landscape paper, 3x4cm paper rectangles, 1x8cm strips of paper, extra sheets of paper and flag pieces, glue brushes, glue, napkins (for each child).
Examine the flag with the children, offer to name its parts, their shape; determine which side you need to glue the flag to the stick (on the right).
During the lesson, pay attention to using the correct gluing techniques.
The guys who make the flag before others are given the opportunity to stick another flag.
Display the finished works on the board and rejoice at the bright flags with the children.
- learn to sculpt an airplane from columns of different sizes, convey the structure (wings, tail, etc.), connect the parts tightly;
- make parts by stacking or molding (windows, etc.). toy airplane; clay, boards, stacks.
1.Org. Moment.
2. Examination of the “airplane” 3. Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. Application
Objectives: Learn to make a pattern of circles and squares on paper napkin square shape, placing circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to glue parts carefully.
Sample napkin. Paper squares with a side of 12 cm; paper mugs (diameter 2 cm) and squares with a side of 2 cm of the same color (each table has its own color), glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).
Consider with children ready-made napkin; offer to name the figures that make up the pattern, determine their location (in the corners, on the sides, in the middle).
Invite the children to lay out the shapes on a napkin, admire the resulting pattern, and then stick on the shapes.
Ensure that children work carefully.
At the end of the lesson, place all the napkins on the board. Emphasize how beautiful, colorful, and neat they are. Invite 2-3 children to say what pattern they got on the napkin and name the colors of the pattern elements. Modeling
- learn to sculpt a bird from several parts of the same shape (balls) of different sizes (head - smaller, body - larger);
- convey the structure, characteristic features (beak, wings), using the technique of pinching;
- connect parts tightly;
- convey movements (raised her head, tilted her head, pecked, etc.). toy bird; nursery rhyme; clay, boards, stacks.
1.Org. Moment. Reading nursery rhyme
2. Examination of the “Bird Toy”
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. 7. March Applique
Objectives: Teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué; determine the shape of the parts (rectangular, round, triangular). Improve your knowledge of colors. Develop color perception.
Tinted paper of any soft tone, 1/2 landscape sheet size, paper shapes (8x13 cm rectangle (wall), 1.5x5 cm rectangle (shelf), 3 cm diameter circle (window), roof triangle), glue brushes, glue, napkins (for each child).
Remember with the children what parts the birdhouse consists of, what shape each part is. Read the quatrain:
We built a birdhouse - the House of the Merry Starling. We hung a birdhouse near our porch.
Invite the children to first lay out the birdhouse on the table from ready-made geometric shapes. Ask which part they will stick first, offer to name its shape, then name and lay out all the parts, and then stick them, carefully spreading them with glue and pressing them to the sheet with a napkin.
At the end of the lesson, ask the children to find a birdhouse with a yellow wall, then find birdhouses with a green wall and a brown wall, naming the color. Modeling
- learn to convey the shape of an object (disk), bend its edges (pinching), decorate the surface with a stack;
- supplement the product. nest; clay, boards, stacks, modeling work from the previous lesson.
1.Org. Moment.
2. Examine the “Nest” shape, remember the methods of sculpting.
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. Application
The holiday will come soon
Objectives: Teach children to compose a composition of a certain content from ready-made figures, independently find a place for flags and balls. Practice the ability to smear parts of the image with glue, starting from the middle; press the pasted form with a napkin. Learn to arrange images beautifully on a sheet of paper. Develop aesthetic perception. Red paper flags measuring 6x4 cm, multi-colored paper circles, a black pencil for drawing strings for the balls, glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).
Invite the children to make a picture about the holiday. Remind them how many flags and balloons they saw at the holiday.
Say that every child can stick on flags and balls as he likes to make it beautiful. It is recommended to glue the flags first, and then the balls.
Consider all the finished works, note the beauty and variety of composition and color combinations.
You can invite children to perform a collective composition on this topic.
Modeling according to plan

clay, boards, stacks, wet wipes.

2.Finger gymnastics

4. Positive evaluation of the work. 8. April Applique
"Chicks in the Meadow"
Objectives: To teach children to make a composition from several objects, freely arranging them on a sheet of paper; depict an object consisting of several parts. Continue to practice your neat gluing skills.
An illustration depicting chickens in a meadow. Green paper the size of 1/2 sheet of whatman paper (or a strip of wallpaper), paper circles (diameter 4 and 2 cm), strips of brown paper for legs, eyes, beak; glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, napkins (for each child). Consider with your children an illustration showing chickens in a meadow. Invite them all to make the same beautiful picture together.
Clarify the techniques for gluing chickens. Explain how you can make a beak, eyes, paws by tearing off the necessary pieces from a strip of paper.
Favorite toy of choiceTasks:
- learn to choose a topic, convey the structure of an object, the shape of parts, characteristic features;
- implement the plan. toys, work from previous classes; clay, boards, stacks, wet wipes.
1.Org. Moment. Choosing a toy.
2. Consideration - shape, what parts, decoration.
3.Finger gymnastics
4. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
5. Positive evaluation of the work. Application
Objectives: Teach children to compose an image from several parts, following a certain sequence; position it correctly on the sheet. Strengthen knowledge of geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle).
Model of a house made of building material. A square sheet of paper for the background, paper figures (squares with a side of 5 and 2 cm, a triangle with a side of 6 cm, beautifully combined in color); glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).
Consider with the children a house built from building material, highlight the parts of the house, and clarify their shape.
Invite the children to find and name the parts prepared for gluing; tell in what order the work needs to be done.
Remind children about the beautiful placement of the applique on a sheet of paper and about careful gluing.
Modeling according to plan
- learn to think about the content of the work, consolidate familiar sculpting methods;
- talk about your work;
- choose the works of other children.

1.Org. Moment. Fantasizing.
2.Finger gymnastics
3. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
4. Positive evaluation of the work. 9. May Applique
Diagnostics. Tasks in accordance with the tasks of diagnostic methods
Modeling according to plan
- learn to think about the content of the work, consolidate familiar sculpting methods;
- talk about your work;
- choose the works of other children.
clay, boards, stacks, wet wipes.
1.Org. Moment. Looking at an album with samples.
2.Finger gymnastics
3. Demonstration of modeling techniques, children’s work.
4. Positive evaluation of the work.

Developed musical director Klinushkova N.N.

Sounds music to start the holiday. The presenter enters.
Leading: Any of us, of course, is waiting
Fun party New Year!
But more than anything else
Children are waiting for this holiday!
Under music children enter the hall holding hands, make a circle around the hall, stop in a semicircle in the center of the hall.
Leading: We invited guests here,
We got into a friendly round dance,
So that in this bright hall
Celebrate the New Year together.
Let's have fun together
Sing songs, read poems
And under the fluffy Christmas tree
Let's dance together!

Reb: Our hall is so elegant
And such beauty.
We want our Christmas tree to
She lit her lights.

Reb: Sparkle the Christmas tree with lights,
Invite us to the holiday!
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

REb : We are you, smartly dressed,
Let's take you into our circle,
funny about you
Let's sing a song.
SONG “Christmas Tree” by N. Bakhutova

Leading : Now we’ll sit and look at the Christmas tree.
Near the Christmas tree New Year's miracles happen.
Now, in our hall, the fairy tale begins.

(music) Oh guys, what do I hear?
Looks like they're coming here!
Let's clap more cheerfully
Let them find us soon! (Children clap)
(The Snow Maiden enters the hall and dances)
Snow Maiden: Oh, so many kids,
Both girls and boys
Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I am the Snow Maiden - a laughing girl,
Cheerful and playful.
She came running before her grandfather -
What a fidget!
Oh, what a Christmas tree you have.
There are so many balls on the Christmas tree!
And fluffy and slim -
Do you like her? (children's answer)
Leading: Miracle - our Christmas tree!
The long-awaited guest.
The most beloved, the most desired.
And I wish I’d ​​become even more elegant,
If suddenly everything started to shine
With different lights -
Green and red!
Snow Maiden: Oh, so I can do that!
I’ll whisper with her a little:
“Christmas tree, quickly light up,
Smile with lights!”
Let's clap together, one, two, three!
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
(clap - the tree lights up)

Round dance “One, two, clap your hands”
Snow Maiden: The holiday continues
The fairy tale begins!
Snowman: I'm here!
Snow Maiden: Where is it? (goes behind the tree)
Snowman:(in front of the Christmas tree) I'm here!
Snow Maiden: Here "- where exactly?
Snowman: I'm here!
Snow Maiden: Where is it? Oh, what is this? Oh, how can this be? I was bringing the Snowman a new carrot for his nose, but apparently I couldn’t find one! I'll give the carrot to the bunny!
Snowman:(runs out) Wait, Snow Maiden! I'm here! That is, I'm here!
Snow Maiden: But I won’t give you the carrot just like that! Play with our kids and you'll get a carrot!
Snowman: Fine! I'm not an ordinary snowman,
I'm cheerful, mischievous.
I really like to play
Songs to sing and dance.
I have snowballs with me!
Let's play, kids?
(music) (Throws snowballs out of a bucket) You sort out the snowballs,
Have fun playing with them!
One two three four five.
We're done playing!

Snow Maiden: And now we all, guys,

Let's play hide and seek with the snowman!

"Hide and Seek" The children and the Snow Maiden are hiding under a white blanket. The snowman approaches them, the guys either bark, then meow, or crow. The snowman is surprised that he finds only puppies, kittens, and roosters. Then he pulls off the canvas and the children run away from him.

Snow Maiden Well done snowman! Here's your carrot, you earned it honestly!
Snowman Something got very hot
I wish I wouldn't melt by night
Children, blow harder.
To make it colder! (children blow)
Presenter: What's wrong with you Snowman
You look very pale
You are not sick?
Snowman: Oh guys, I'm melting again
I'm melting, melting, dying
I'm melting, I'm melting, help!
Wave your hands! (children wave)
Presenter: Snow Maiden, you need to bring some water and give the Snowman a drink. (Snow Maiden hands you a mug with confetti)
Snowman:(drinks) Cold water is good!
I’ll heat some water and shower the kids! (sprinkles children)
Presenter: You scared us again!
Snowman:(mischievously) I was just pranking you!
You're having fun, but I have to go. Otherwise I’ll melt, it’s hot here.
Happy New Year, kids! Goodbye!
Presenter: Oh, guys, hush, hush!
Do you hear someone sneaking? A bunny (child) comes out from behind the tree
Snow Maiden: What's happened? Why are you so sad?
Bunny: New Year is coming!
I'm going to Santa Claus,
I'm in a hurry to get the gift.
I'm a little bunny
But he's a big coward.
Buried in the snow,
Buried in a snowdrift
I'm afraid of both the wolf and the fox,
I hid from everyone in the forest
Snow Maiden: You little bunny, don’t be afraid of us,
You little coward, calm down!
We will not offend you, we are the best friends of hares!
You better play with us, have fun and don’t cry!
Grandfather Frost will come and bring a gift!
Bunny: Well then I'm not afraid, I'll have fun with you!
: How fun we played, sang songs, danced.
Soon, soon the New Year is coming, but Santa Claus is still not coming.
Snow Maiden: Let's all call Grandfather Frost together.
Let's say the magic words, our parents will help us
“Once, let’s clap our hands together!
Two - let's stamp everything with our feet!
Three - let's all shout together!
Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!" (children and parents)

Father Frost : I hear you! I hear you! I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!
Hello my friends!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all guests!
Congratulations to all the children!
I visited you a year ago
I'm glad to see everyone again!
They grew up and became big.
Together with you even now
I'm ready to start dancing!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Song "Santa Claus"

Game "I'll freeze"
Father Frost:
You kids, don't yawn,
Close your cheeks quickly!
(freezes cheeks)
Now hold on tighter
I'll freeze your ears!
(freezes ears)
Take care of your shoulders
I'll freeze it - you won't notice!
(grabs shoulders)
Oh, and nimble people,
Lives in this kindergarten!
Father Frost: Nice, nice game!
If only I could sit
I looked at the kids
I know that poetry taught -
That would surprise me.
(Children read poetry)

REb: The New Year is knocking on our door
Old Grandfather Frost.
It sparkles with snowflakes,
It's covered in icicles!

Reb: Santa Claus has come to us, let's have fun.
We will sing and dance and spin around with the music.

Reb : Good Grandfather Frost
I brought a miracle Christmas tree.
He sits under the Christmas tree himself,
He looks at the kids.
Reb: Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
Lights were lit on it,
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

Reb : Santa Claus is dancing with us,

makes everyone happy today
And under the tree they sound

jokes, jokes, laughter!

Song "Winter"
Father Frost : Well done, guys!
Father Frost: It got kind of hot in the hall,
Oh, I'm afraid I'll completely melt!
Come on, granddaughter, my friend, call your friends!
Snow Maiden: My snowflakes, bring coolness!
Snowflakes-girlfriends, fly quickly,
Let's spin around our Christmas tree together!
You fly and cool off the frost!
You snowflakes, come,
Get up in a round dance with me!

Reb: We are white snowflakes
We fly, we fly, we fly.
Paths and paths,
We'll cover it with snow.
Reb: We dance over the fields
We lead our own round dance.
Where we don’t know ourselves,
The wind will carry us away.
Reb: We are funny snowflakes
Golden fluffs.
We're flying, flying, flying,
We sparkle and shine!
: Children, did Santa Claus play with us?
- Played.
- Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
- He danced!
- Did you sing songs and make children laugh?
- Made me laugh.
- What else did he forget?
- Present!
Father Frost: Yes! Now! Now! Come on, Snow Maiden, quickly bring the snowballs and put them in my bag. My snowballs are magical, if we want, we can turn everything into gifts.
He walks around the tree and says:
Snow! Snow! Ice! Ice!
Miracles for the New Year!
May miracles happen on the New Year's tree
Let magical snowballs turn into gifts! He knocks with his staff. He walks around the tree, changes bags and gives out gifts!

Father Frost : That's all! It's time for us! Be happy guys!
In a year, Santa Claus will come to your holiday again!
Snow Maiden:
I wish you success in the new year.
More cheerful ringing laughter!
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone around you laughs together!

Summary of a lesson on applique for children of the younger group: Gift for a hare.

Software tasks:
To develop the ability to pre-lay out (in a certain sequence) finished parts on a sheet of paper to compose an image;
Continue to introduce the properties of paper (crumple);
Continue to develop the ability to carefully use glue;
Develop accurate work skills;
Cultivate attention, perseverance, independence, expand knowledge about spring flowers (snowdrops);
Continue to develop the ability to create a composition based on a model;
To develop interest in appliqué, develop a sense of rhythm, and consolidate knowledge of the shapes of objects and colors.
Materials and equipment: ready-made application “Bouquet of snowdrops”. Snowdrop flower illustration; half a sheet of yellow cardboard for each child, with a picture of a bouquet, blanks of blue and white napkins, paste, maples, rags. Educator: Hello children! We have guests in class, let's welcome them! Children: Hello. Educator: Today near kindergarten I met the sun, who came to visit us. But the sun is not simple, but magical. Whoever takes it in his hands will become the most affectionate and kind child in the world. Let's check! (We pass on the sunshine, saying to each other sweet Nothing). It's true, we have become the kindest and most affectionate. Children: - Yes.
I turn to the children and attract their attention: a ball of thread has been unwound.
Vs: what is it, who unwound the threads and where did they come from?
V-l: Can we find out who did this?
V-l: Let's try to go where the ball is showing us? The ball rolled to where the music was heard, the children approached where the music was heard. Let's see who's there?
- Let's.
Look, someone left this (showing the envelope). I wonder who this letter is from. Let's get a look. Hello children. I really need your help. Zoya the Bunny has a birthday soon, and her favorite flower is the snowdrop. But I don't know where to find it. And a magic ball will help you with this. Help me please. Your hare. Guys, let's help make a gift. The children agree. But our little ball rolled on. Let's go there. Ball brings the children to the table on which everything is prepared for appliqué.
I draw the children’s attention to the image of a flower posted on the board.
- Guys, before we make a flower, let's look at it carefully and tell the hare what kind of flower it is.
- Look what beautiful flower. What kind of flower does a snowdrop have, what does it look like?
-white, like a bell.
- That's right, let's touch how it feels (I approach each child with an applique).
- Right. Are there many or few flowers on a branch?
- Few. One.
What color are the flowers?
- Blue and white.
- Absolutely right.
I show you the finished work.
While the children are doing their work, I approach each child, observe, if necessary, help with a word or suggest, and show each child the finished work.
- Guys, you are all so great! Look what beautiful flowers you made it for Zoya the bunny! She really likes it! She thanks you all. Music plays and the children play with the magic ball.

Galina Syusyukina

Subject: « The holiday will come to us soon» .

Educational area: Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world).

Integration educational regions: communication, artistic creativity

(application, socialization.

Program content:

formation of concepts in children "city", ability to share impressions; acquaintance with the sights of the city;

development the ability to compose a composition of a certain content from ready-made figures, independently find the place of parts in the application, smear parts with glue, starting from the middle;

enrichment inner world child, development of his activity;

nurturing love for one's small homeland, city.

Equipment: photographs of different residential buildings, kindergarten buildings "Alenka", letter from Dunno, easel, (flags, colored paper balls, glue, brushes, napkins, air balloons, woven flags, artificial and fresh flowers, ties for boys, bows for girls, beads for the teacher.

1. Organizational moment:

Children, Dunno sent us a letter today. (The teacher reads Dunno’s letter, in which he asks the children to tell about their city).

2. Cognitive - research Job: -Guys, please tell us about where you live?

If your story is interesting, I will thank you with sweet gifts.

Sincerely, your Dunno.


Educator: Children, what is the name of the city in which we live?

Children: Kirsanov.

Educator: That's right, children.

3. Looking at photographs: (with commentary and accompanying story).

4. Demonstration of slides with the sights of the city.

5. Reading a poem by S. Baruzdin "Who built this house?"

On Sadovaya street

The house was built new

And the roof is so high

What you can't get.

The house has ten floors,

There are thousands of people in the house.

Who built this house

The house we live in?

6. Conversation:

Educator: - Children, who built the house?

Children: - Builders.

7. Physical education minute:

Little feet walk along the path

Big feet are walking along the road.

8. Conversation:

Educator: - Children, you love holidays? What is it holiday?

Children: - Yes, we love it. Holiday means new outfits, beautiful bows, boys have ties, good mood.

Educator: - Why do you love holidays?

Children: - We sing, dance, read poetry, dress smartly.

Educator: - Which holidays you know?

Children: - New Year, Eighth of March.

9. The teacher’s story about holiday:

Day of Peace and Friendship, which is celebrated on May 1st. Music flows all around, colorful posters, flowers, balloons, flags. Both your moms and dads will go for it. I know, and you go to Revolution Square on May 1, where the fountain is located. Amateur groups will sing, dance, and children will recite poems.

(We hand out flags to the children).

10. Reading a poem pupil:

Checkbox. (A. Barto).

A flag is burning in the sun,

It's like I lit a fire.

11. Execution of the application: (Children stick flags and balls on improvised city streets, using glue and a brush on a poster).

12. Reading a poem teacher:

To your flag,

To the red one,

Admiring, I look.

I'm with him in big holidays

I walk the streets

Today songs can be heard

From everyone, from all sides.

And my flag is swaying.

Among the big banners.

14. Reading poetry by children:

May brought a cheerful holiday,

Music flows all around.

We are this today holiday

Let's call it Friendship Day!

Holiday will come in our city,

Dads and moms on the holiday will go.

Children will sing, dance,

Kindergarten includes holiday,

Come out and dance, people!

How many of us are funny, different...

Let's join a noisy round dance!

15. Dance on the carpet "Friendship".

(Children put on ties and bows, teacher beads, dance in a circle).

16. Summary classes: (exhibition of collage crafts).

Educator: - Children, you all did a very good job, well done!

(There is a knock on the door, a resident of the Flower City enters and gives sweet gifts to the children on behalf of Dunno and thanks them for completing the task.).