Street teen fashion with house clothes. History of the Etude House brand Fashionable clothing for teenagers House

Today street style is one of the most popular areas of teenage subcultures. Bright and bold, unique and bold - this is the beauty of street wear. Everyone can look modern and stylish as their heart tells them!

This is probably why the still very young Polish brand House, which specializes only in street fashion, is so popular. Clothes House is one of the very first companies that created a youth image in the Polish market famous style street wear.

Now this manufacturer enjoys great success in all European countries, and it is rapidly developing in the domestic market. Today the products of this company can be found in most boutiques and for young people.

Fashionable clothes for teenagers House

The creator of the company is the Polish corporation Artman SA, which appeared six years ago, at the beginning of 1991. The main focus of all its activities was the distribution and design of clothing. The company achieved its greatest and greatest success in early 1997, when the production and release of this new brand was established.

Fashion designers Artman SA developed it exclusively for young people and teenagers. Due to its very bright fabrics and original shapes, the new brand was called House of colors. Later, the name was simplified to one word House. Specialized for girls and boys whose age ranges from 15 to 25 years, the brand, like the company, was able to make a real splash among young people!

After all, more than one company has previously not dared to bring street culture to the World podium. House clothing became the founder of the House-style trend in youth modern fashion, characterized by novelty and freshness, audacity and uniqueness.

In just one year, the brand became the most popular and recognizable in Poland, then it gradually began to conquer European countries: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia and the Baltic states. Today this fashion clothes for teenagers, whose photos can be seen in the brand’s brand catalogs, also attracts an adult audience.

Fashion that surprises...

Who also wants to dress fashionably and comfortably and at an affordable price. The products of this manufacturer have a unique design, original fittings, an attractive price, a huge range of items, from sweaters, jackets, raincoats, blouses, shorts, to an additional line of accessories and shoes.

All this makes it possible for you to create your own individual image and style. Every year four seasonal collections are released: Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer. Each of them has several thematic lines that will directly depend on all current trends.

Over the course of a year, the company, like the company, develops about a thousand models of clothes and accessories for girls and boys. All House collections of teenage clothing consist of bright, provocative and fashionable products. All street fashion, combined with the latest fashion trends, inspires fashion designers to embody the most unusual and daring ideas.

You can purchase these products today in the online store and on the company’s official website at prices significantly lower than market prices, and in some cases, at the expense of various kinds shares, and even cheaper.

Unleash your imagination...

An unusual feature of the House corporate style is that it meets all the needs and numerous interests of modern youth, as well as some popular and recognizable subcultures. House is a unique opportunity to express your individuality at any time and anywhere.

The younger generation is rightfully considered one of the most demanding and demanding purchasing audiences. Anyone who has once chosen this brand for themselves remains faithful to it forever. Young rebels and rebels love the brand for its free spirit and unique style.

In addition, in the production itself only the most natural and best materials are used, all the features of tailoring and processing are taken into account. In skillful combination with very competent work, the craftsmen made the House brand a truly ideal and unique brand.

Clothes House, as well as the company's products

House – Polish democratic youth clothing for men and women.

House brand history

In 1991, the large Polish corporation Artman SA announced the creation of a new youth clothing brand - House of Colors. The name, which can be translated as “house of color,” fully reflected the design concept. The clothes had to be very bright, memorable and attracting everyone's attention. The development of the first collection took several years, and it was presented only in 1997. The same date can be considered official year birth of the brand. In the same 1997, for convenience, it was decided to change the name, leaving only the first word - House.

The new brand became very popular in its homeland, largely due to the fact that it had no competitors among Polish companies. Having quickly developed in Poland, the brand began to conquer Europe. Now there are House stores in the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia. By the way In Russia, the Polish brand became especially popular; by 2011, House stores opened in 70 cities.

In 2009, Artman SA was absorbed by the LPP corporation, which at that time already owned such well-known brands as Reserved, Esotiq and CroppTown. The merger benefited the development of the brand. In the next two years, even more House brand stores appeared outside Poland.

By decision of the LPP company, a clothing brand was created from House - Mohito, intended modern girls aged from 25 to 35 years.


Two House collections are released per year: seasonal autumn-winter and spring-summer. Every year the brand presents about 1000 clothing models. There are usually several released each season. things united by one new theme.

Clothing from House belongs to the direction street wear– these are democratic, bright things that can be easily combined. The clothes are designed for young men and girls aged 15 to 25 years. The collections offer a rich variety bright colors, there are also models with a slightly aggressive design. The store has a wide variety of clothing: jackets, T-shirts, T-shirts,

Every year our designers create thousands of new projects fashion trends, because we love our work and listen to the wishes of our clients. We exist and create for them

LPP, a Polish clothing manufacturer, operates five recognizable brands: Reserved, Mohito, House, Cropp and Sinsay. Each of them targets a different group of clients with different lifestyles, who have their own views on self-expression and other needs. All brands are created to help people express emotions and achieve dreams through image.

Reserved is a brand that follows new fashion trends in its collections. It perfectly meets the needs of customers, to whom it offers new models in stores every week. There are no boundaries for Reserved in the fashion world: the brand is inspired by both big world catwalks, as well as alternative, bold proposals from fashion influencers. Therefore, the Reserved collection combines the beauty of classic patterns with original, new, fashionable proposals for the season, both for women, men and

Cropp is a streetwear brand that fits into the urban rhythm and style of the urban lifestyle in the broadest sense of the word. It is aimed at young rebellious girls and boys who have immersed themselves in urban culture and live in their own world, and the clothes highlight their individual style. The brand's collections clearly bear influence from pop and hip-hop culture, including inspiration from graffiti, street art, urban sports and music. When creating the collection, the Cropp brand collaborates with illustrators and graffiti artists from all over the world. It also supports cultural events related to street

House is an optimistic fashion brand created for women and men, students and adults. House salons for everyone who wants to look good in Everyday life, succeeding with new trends. House offers both loose, casual looks for any occasion, as well as new fashion trends that House brand designers look for in in social networks, on the catwalks and streets. The brand also focuses on unusual and interesting

The Mohito brand is an offer for clients who love fashion and appreciate original urban elegance. Mohito designers create collections for girls who are self-confident, aware of their advantages, allowing themselves a little freedom and carefree stylish looks. Mohito emphasizes femininity and offers an energetic look in line with global trends. In brand clothes you can look good both in the business sphere and at daily work, and during important meetings on a special occasion or late in the evening.

House- Polish brand of men's and women's clothing, street style shoes.

History of the creation of the House trademark

Today, street style has become the most popular fashion trend in the world. Main distinctive features This style is characterized by courage, audacity, originality and brightness. People want to dress modernly and stylishly, following the call of their hearts. Perhaps for this reason, the Polish company House, whose main style is street fashion, has become very popular.

The House brand became one of the first companies on the Polish market to present the image of a modern young man in “street wear” style. Today, the company's success has spread to most European countries, as well as to the CIS countries.

The brand was first discovered in 1997 in Krakow, Poland, when the very first youth collection was presented.

But the founder of the House brand was the company Artman SA from Poland, which arose back in 1991. This company was mainly engaged in the design and further sale of clothing.

1997 was a successful period of development for the company, because it was then that the production process of clothing for the new brand was fully established. These clothes were developed by the designers of Artman SA specifically for young boys and girls. Thanks to bright fabrics and extraordinary shapes, the new trademark was named House of colors(translated from in English- “house of flowers”) And after some time, the brand began to be called more simply – House. The main audience of the new brand was young boys and girls aged 15 to 25 years. And young people really liked the company’s products. What distinguishes House from other similar brands is that they presented their street fashion on the podium, which no one had dared to do before. A whole trend called House-style even appeared in youth fashion, the distinctive features of which were novelty, audacity, freshness and originality.

It only took a year for the House brand to achieve popularity, first in its native Poland, and then in other countries European countries, such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic countries and others.

Nowadays, House is also liked by older people, because everyone wants to look stylish, fashionable and at the same time pay for their appearance not too high a price. House perfectly combines everything - affordable price, original details, unique design, spectacular images. The brand's product range includes sweatshirts, blouses, shorts, skirts, sweaters, trousers, jackets, shoes and accessories. A huge number of products allows customers to experiment in creating their own style and image.

Every year the House company presents its four main seasonal lines - “Autumn”, “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”. Each of these collections is divided into those that were current at that time fashion trends. Thus, every year the brand presents about a thousand different models of accessories and clothing for young people.

The collections are filled with a variety of bright and provocative models, where street fashion and the latest current trends in the world of the fashion industry are wonderfully harmonized. The highlight of the company's corporate identity is the correspondence of its products to the preferences of not only modern young people, but also some subcultures. House gives you the opportunity to be individual under any conditions.

Numerous studies indicate that young people are the most demanding buyers. But even despite this, young people who have already chosen House products at least once over other brands will never give it up. The freedom with which its products are imbued, as well as a unique style combined with the highest quality and modern materials, have made the brand the most desirable among young people.

House - these are things for everyone who wants to stand out from the crowd and show their individuality. The unique images of House will appeal to many.

Official company channel on Youtube:
Video review of the brand's products for the Winter 2013-2014 season:

Where to buy men's and women's clothing, shoes from the House brand, store addresses in Ukraine:

As indicated on the official website, in our country you can buy products at the following addresses:
Kyiv, 1st floor, ave. Generala Vatutin, 2-T;
Kyiv, st. Antonovicha, 176, b;
Kyiv, shopping center District, st. Lavrukhina, 4;
Chernigov, Megacenter shopping center, Mira Ave., 49;
Zhitomir, st. Kyiv, 77;
Rivne, Zlata Plaza shopping center, st. Korolenko, 1;
Krivoy Rog, Solnechnaya Gallery shopping center, pl. 30th anniversary of the Victory, 1.

House is an excellent European brand aimed at modern youth. Brand for stylish young men and fashionable girls offers its fans a wide range of clothing High Quality, sold at reasonable prices.
Country of origin of youth fashion collections: Republic of Poland.
Manufacturer country youth clothing: Republic of Poland.

House: stylish youth fashion.

The brand from Poland House is creating stylish clothes, shoes and practical accessories. Every season, the brand delights its fans with new collections. House products are in high demand among boys and girls in the CIS countries and Europe. The brand's products are characterized by strict adherence to all the latest fashion trends. A combination of House clothing, shoes and accessories can create an excellent individual look. The wardrobe items offered by the Polish brand are among the most popular among products of this kind. It is no coincidence that many people prefer this particular company, because its goal is to develop truly stylish options casual clothes.

Online stores in Europe and various retail outlets (boutiques, shops, department stores) present excellent products from Poland to the Russian audience. Everyone will be able to get acquainted with the catalog, which includes a wide selection of different things for every taste. For each new collection House has special distinctive features.

Characteristic features of House products:

The products of the Polish brand House are created using the casual style that is popular today, to which are added current youth additions. Thus, the brand’s clothing is distinguished by a very original style, which helps young people to advantageously emphasize their individuality. Fashionable, comfortable, unique in design products give complete freedom for imagination and experimentation. House is an opportunity to create a new spectacular image every time.

A big advantage of the brand’s models is their excellent cut, thanks to which the products give real comfort. House allows fashionistas and fashionistas to wear their favorite products for a long time, without experiencing any inconvenience. The brand's assortment includes items that are perfect for creating an office look, ideal for outdoor recreation, or will help you dress up for a meeting with friends.
The House collections are replenished with a new assortment based on seasonality, each time delighting customers with relevant items for summer, winter, autumn or spring. Thanks to this pattern of product renewal, the brand can keep up with emerging new trends every season.

Another advantage of this Polish product is its reasonable price, which allows everyone to purchase high-quality wardrobe items.

House brand assortment:

The House assortment includes the following products:
Fashion clothes. This includes two directions: clothing for men and clothing for women. The collections present numerous options: for the fair sex - skirts and trousers, tunics and dresses, comfortable models for summer; for men - sweatshirts, outerwear, T-shirts and much more.
Comfortable shoes. You should pay special attention to excellent summer shoe options - comfortable lightweight slippers and pantos.
Practical accessories. The collections include current scarves, belts, hats and handbags. This excellent tools to complete the perfect look.

House Product Design:

The design of House models is characterized by the use of bright colors and interesting images, and women's products are distinguished by more sophisticated decorative options: floral prints. Also, the brand’s specialists do not forget about traditional stripes and checks. Often, designers come up with rather bold ideas, combining different styles in an original way in one product.

House product quality:

Brand specialists prefer natural “breathable” cotton material. The percentage of use of synthetic fibers in the manufacture of House products is low. Thanks to their excellent properties, cotton products give their owners extraordinary comfort. The latest equipment is used to sew clothing models, and every stage of the production process is under the control of company employees.
House is a great combination of classic casual and youth style.

The direction of the Polish trading company House: originality, quality, variety, youth, fashion, energy.
House company price category: low.