Gouache tattoo at home. The main options and their features, how to make a temporary tattoo yourself

In summer, many areas of the skin are exposed, and there is a desire to decorate them. The most affordable way to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your individuality is to get temporary tattoos. Depending on the application technique, the pattern can last on the skin from 1 day to 3 years.

The main advantage of temporary tattoos is obvious - such designs are applied for a certain time. This gives greater freedom in choosing a picture, as well as the place and time of its application.

What are the other advantages of this application method:

  1. A temporary tattoo is applied quickly, one short session is enough.
  2. This is a painless and safe procedure for health.
  3. There is no need to treat wounds with antiseptics.
  4. You can show off your beauty right away; you don’t have to wait for the redness and swelling of the skin to subside.
  5. If something goes wrong or plans change, the temporary decoration can be quickly removed.

There are also disadvantages to applying such drawings:

  1. Short service life.
  2. After a certain time, the tattoo loses its attractive appearance.
  3. It is necessary to limit the contact of the place where the drawing is applied with water and limit sports activities.

Preparing the skin for applying a temporary tattoo

Temporary tattoos - how to properly prepare the skin before the procedure:

  1. Be sure to take a hot bath using body scrubs.
  2. Depilate the tattoo site if there are even small hairs on it.
  3. Before starting work, the skin should be wiped with an alcohol-containing wipe to completely remove any remaining sweat and sebum.

If you do not complete these 3 preparatory steps, then the tattoo will not only stick poorly, but the entire design may not lie flat and become smudged.

To apply a temporary tattoo, it is better to choose a place that does not come into contact with clothing. Then the tattoo will not be subject to endless friction and will last longer.

Temporary tattoos with eyeliner

A temporary tattoo can be done with eyeliner. This application method allows you to paint the decoration on your skin yourself. It is convenient to apply the design to the wrist, décolleté or ankle area.

The tattoo lasts 1 – 2 days. It can be easily removed with a washcloth and soap, and the remaining pencil can be wiped off with alcohol. It is better to choose a drawing from clear and simple lines. Lettering and geometric designs look great.

The size of the picture should be no more than 6-8 cm in diameter. Large tattoos done with eyeliner look incredible. You need to “get your teeth into” and hone the drawing of individual lines of the image on the draft. The final layout is applied to tracing paper with a soft with a simple pencil. A template is cut out with an indentation of 1 cm from the edge of the picture.

The skin is cleaned and wiped with alcohol. Tracing paper is applied to the tattoo site and pressed tightly with a damp sponge. After holding it for about a minute, check whether the lines from the tracing paper are copied clearly enough onto the skin.

A cosmetic pencil must be sharpened. They trace the outline of the drawing several times. You can use colored eye pencils. Marks can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

To consolidate the result, the design is sprinkled with talcum powder, the excess of which is removed with a powder brush. The body art is fixed with hairspray. The drawing must dry out.

Using special paper for temporary tattoos

Temporary tattoos, how to make an original drawing if you have no artistic talent. On sale you can find special paper on which any design can be printed on an inkjet or laser printer. The service life of such a tattoo is up to 7 days; it will last longer, but will lose its aesthetic appearance. Remains of the pattern are removed with a washcloth and soap.

Temporary tattoos can be made using transfer paper by drawing the desired picture.

Special A4 paper is sold in a package of 10 sheets, the cost of a set is about 400 rubles. But what scope for imagination! The picture can be drawn in Photoshop, or download a ready-made template on the Internet. More suitable for this method of application simple drawings. They need to be mirrored from left to right, because after application to the skin the tattoo will be perceived in a mirror image.

After printing, the sheet should dry. The printed design is cut out with a slight indentation from the edge. The tattoo is transferred to prepared dry skin. To do this, you need to separate the top layer of paper and glue the film with the picture to the skin.

Most types of paper require a dry method of gluing the pattern, but there are also options for gluing which the film will have to be moistened. Instructions will be printed on the packaging of the tattoo paper.

Using a stencil

Temporary tattoos - how to make them using a stencil to make it look like a real tattoo. With a black permanent marker, through a stencil, you can apply very realistic tattoos. You can use a ready-made stencil or cut it yourself. To do this, draw a design on a sheet of paper and cut it out with scissors or a stationery knife.

A stencil is applied to the prepared skin. It must be fixed and not moved during operation. This can be achieved by holding the template with your free hand or by securing it with tape to the skin.

The slits are shaded with a permanent marker. You can also use stamp ink. They fill the stencil slots with a sponge or cotton wool. The finished drawing must dry. It will last on the skin for 3 – 5 days, and if you get tired of it faster, it can be easily removed with water and soap.

Permanent marker "Sharpie"

A temporary design made with a permanent Sharpie marker will last about a month. You can make a drawing in any color. But black looks the most believable.

The marker has a fairly thick rod, so it is better to choose a simple design. The image is applied by hand or through a stencil.

First you need to undergo a preliminary test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small strip to the skin with a marker. If after an hour the skin has not turned red and no other undesirable reactions have appeared, you can apply a tattoo.

An image is applied to the prepared skin and generously sprinkled with talcum powder. The remaining powder is blown off the skin. To fix it, spray the tattoo with strong-hold varnish and dry the design. There is no need to apply a lot of varnish, this will dry out the skin. Excess varnish is carefully washed off with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Temporary tattoo made with henna

Temporary tattoos, how to make them using the mehendi technique at home so that the result does not disappoint. Henna tattoos last about three weeks. This application method is safe for health. Pregnant women decorate their bellies with mehendi patterns without harming the health of the unborn baby.

Henna drawings brown, but you can also get black and white ornaments.

A special composition is prepared from henna powder, a day before application, according to this recipe:

  1. Henna powder is sifted several times through a fine sieve.
  2. The juice from 1 lemon is squeezed out and filtered.
  3. Mix 1 tbsp. henna with 3.5 tbsp. juice and mix thoroughly.
  4. The paste, wrapped in a bag, is infused for 12 hours in a dark place.
  5. If it is too thick, you can dilute the composition with lemon juice.

To obtain black color, basma is added. To add plasticity, add 1 tsp to the composition. granulated sugar. If desired, you can add up to 1 tsp. any aromatic oils.

The consistency of the finished henna should resemble thick sour cream. The paste is wrapped in a bag and sent again to a dark place for another 12 hours.

Skin becomes lubricated olive oil. It is convenient to apply henna designs through special tubes with nozzles of different diameters. You can draw the pattern by hand, or use stencils. Errors in work are removed with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice.

Don't be too scared bright color tattoo in the first days. The lines will darken in literally two days. To make the ornament last longer, it is wiped daily with any vegetable oil. The drawing disappears gradually, becoming paler. You can speed up the process of dissolving the pattern by taking a bath and using a body scrub.

Applying a tattoo at home using an airbrush

Aero tattoo is not the most popular technique for applying tattoos at home. To use it you need a special device - an airbrush. It is used to apply a design to the body. It is done with indelible paints that are absolutely safe even for children's skin. With an airbrush you can work not only through a stencil, but also paint on the body. This requires artistic talent and experience.

For application small tattoo it will take literally 3 minutes. The choice of drawings in this technique is limited only by the thickness of the lines. You should not choose patterns with very thin lines and small details. But laconic drawings from thick lines turn out very clear and bright.

An aero tattoo lasts up to two weeks. If you get tired of the drawing early, you can easily wipe it off with alcohol. Tattoos made with black pigment look most believable. During the process it is applied in several layers. The finished drawing is sprinkled with talcum powder to fix it.

Temporary tattoo with gel pen

With black or blue gel rods you can draw a tattoo that will be difficult to distinguish from the real thing. There are two ways to apply designs: with a shallow puncture with a sharp needle and without a puncture. A drawing made with a pen will last a maximum of 3 days. But if the gel gets under the skin, the pattern will last from a week to months, depending on the depth of the puncture.

Drawings can be applied using a stencil or by hand. Preference should be given to clear pictures with large fragments.

The first method is without puncture with a needle:

Having removed the tracing paper, you can examine the resulting gel drawing. To add brightness, it is additionally drawn with a pen directly on the skin. Mistakes can be easily removed with alcohol. It will take about 2 hours to dry the drawing. Spraying the tattoo with hairspray will help seal the result.

The second method is to pierce the top layer of skin with a sharp needle:

This method of body art cannot be called absolutely painless. But it is more gentle than puncturing the skin when applying a real tattoo.

Particular attention must be paid to maintaining sterility!

The needle and skin are carefully treated with alcohol:

  • a contour is applied to the skin using tracing paper or eyeliner;
  • making shallow punctures in the skin, slowly draw lines with a gel pen, leading it after the needle;
  • A gel line is drawn several times, the ink is allowed to dry for 1-2 minutes, and the excess gel is wiped off with alcohol;
  • At the end of the work, the puncture site is additionally wiped with alcohol.

Important! You should not make deep punctures with a needle, because then you will get a real tattoo and it will be difficult to remove it!

The punctures need to be given time to heal; for the first day they should not be wet or touched. If a crust forms, there is no need to tear it off.

Glitter tattoo

A shiny tattoo attracts attention and looks very elegant. It is applied tiny sparkles, fixing them on the skin with glue. The design can be drawn through a stencil or immediately performed as a glitter tattoo on the skin. The shiny decoration lasts for about 10 - 12 days. If desired, it can be wiped off with alcohol at any time.

On sale you can find kits for applying temporary glitter tattoos. They include a special glue that does not cause allergies, glitter and a brush. You can purchase everything separately. Glue for sale different colors, sparkles also vary in color and size. The thinner the layer of glue and glitter applied to the skin, the longer the design will last.

To perform a glitter tattoo correctly, you need to go through the following steps:

The stencil is carefully peeled off, excess glitter is brushed off with a brush or removed with tweezers. If the drawing is not wet, it will look great for two weeks.

Crystal tattoo

A festive tattoo option is a crystal tattoo. The design is applied using crystals - small transparent stones that are glued with special glue. This decoration will last 2-3 days, given that it is very elegant and solemn, this is quite enough.

The adhesive is specially formulated for the skin, it is hypoallergenic and can even be applied to the eyelids to complement evening make-up bright rhinestones. The technology for applying lenses is very simple; you can easily do it at home. Crystal stones are also used to complement other temporary tattoos. They can add accents to a glitter tattoo and make the mehendi pattern even more original and brighter.

The easiest way to apply rhinestones to the skin is a ready-made temporary tattoo. The blank is applied to the skin, pressed and the backing is removed. Among the many ready-made drawings, it is easy to choose the appropriate option.

There are sets that include a special film and rhinestones added separately. A pattern is drawn on the film by hand and rhinestones are glued along the intended line. The design is glued to the skin in the same way as a finished crystal tattoo.

The most spectacular rhinestone pictures are drawn by hand. To do this, purchase body glue, it comes in different colors, and select pebbles of the desired shade. Glue is applied to the pebble or directly to the body and each rhinestone is glued to the prepared skin using tweezers.

Homemade Tattoo Mix

Bio-tattoo is made from a special mixture of natural ingredients.

Such as: tea, coffee, sugar, lemon juice and a small amount of natural henna.

Tattoo mehendi with chemical paint for 3 months

Henna mixed with chemical dyes, sold in special tubes with a sharp cone. This paint is very convenient to apply to the body. Thanks to the special composition, the tattoo will last for about 3 months. It is necessary to conduct an allergy test before applying such a tattoo.

The skin is treated with alcohol-free lotion. The drawing is applied directly to the skin, the thickness of the lines is adjusted by the force of pressing on the tube with paint and the angle of its inclination. Errors in operation can be easily removed with mecellar water or liquid soap.

The entire layer of paint should remain on the skin until completely dry. This takes from 2 to 4 hours. Excess paint is removed by gently rubbing a dry cloth over the skin. The design should not come into contact with water or steam for 24 hours.

Tattoo sleeves made from nylon tights

On sale you can find an interesting thing - a tattoo sleeve made of nylon. Of course, upon closer examination, the truth will be revealed, but, for example, for a thematic photo shoot, this is an irreplaceable thing.

You can make such a sleeve from torn nylon tights. The color of the nylon should ideally match your skin tone. You can paint the sleeve with colored markers; black be sure to highlight the outline of the design.

To make it easier to apply the pattern, the sleeve is pulled over a cardboard tube. You can draw by hand or using templates. The upper part of the nylon tattoo is hidden under the sleeve of a T-shirt, and the lower part is masked with a wide bracelet. If you accurately select the tone of the nylon, the effect of a tattooed hand will be quite believable.

General recommendations for applying temporary tattoos at home

The technology for applying temporary tattoos at home is not complicated.

How to care for temporary tattoos

Applying a temporary tattoo efficiently and accurately is half the battle. It is equally important to care for it properly.

Temporary tattoos can be done in any way. A correctly applied tattoo will lift your spirits and help you stand out from the crowd. You need to take proper care of it, then the picture will look fresh and bright for a long time.

As soon as the tattoo begins to lose its appearance, you need to remove it completely. This decoration always attracts the attention of others, so it should look just perfect.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about temporary tattoos, how to make them

Temporary tattoo:

How to make a temporary tattoo at home? – interest Ask, which worries many young people who follow the latest trends fashion industry. This is a great solution for those who don't like pain and often change their style. The picture stays on the skin for a maximum of 1 month and does not cause any trouble to the owner when removed.

Basic methods of applying a temporary tattoo to the body

It is not difficult to apply a sketch on the body yourself using available materials. You just need to choose a technique and follow the instructions in the instructions. Depending on the type of dye, the image lasts from 2-3 days to 1 month. This period is enough to try out the role of a rebel or a romantic nature.

An unstable tattoo applied at home will help you decide on a permanent tattoo and its style.

The main methods of body painting:

Name Description Lifespan
Airbrush This style gets its name from the main tool used in the work. The drawing is created using an airbrush. Outwardly, it resembles a pistol filled with dye on water based. It is impossible to create such a temporary tattoo at home, since you need to have the skills to use the device. With proper care it will wash off after a week.
Translations The pattern is transferred to the skin using a simple and understandable technology: paper with a pattern is applied to the body and generously moistened. Disappears after 3-4 days.
Biotattoo It is painted with paints and decorated along the contour with rhinestones and stones. Can last on the body for up to 7 days.
Mehendi Henna is used to apply the design. The paste can be spread using a brush or using a pattern. Remains in original form 1 month.
Home coloring For body painting, the usual office supplies are used: pens, markers, tracing paper, etc. The lifespan is no more than 3-4 days.

How to get a short-lived tattoo on your body? You can go to a beauty salon for the services of a professional artist or create a masterpiece with your own hands. The main difference between the two methods of applying a pattern is durability. The master will make you a bright and resistant picture. For your own analogue, you will need to spend time, since only henna has the desired qualities.

Temporary tattoo at home using a pencil and other devices

Transfer drawings are best suited for applying sketches on the body yourself. All consumables for them are inexpensive and are sold in the nearest store, and the equipment does not require special training. Let's start with the simplest techniques on how to make a short-lived ornament.

Method No. 1. Apply the image to the skin with a black cosmetic eyeliner pencil

Such an unstable tattoo, created by yourself, will last you 1-2 days. Its durability depends on the following factors:

  • contact with water;
  • friction against clothes;
  • sweating.

This a good option for a party, concert, birthday. The experiment is sure to please the guests and will not scare the parents.

Competently done work will not differ in appearance from a real tattoo.

Materials for a technique on how to quickly and easily create a short-lived pattern at home without henna:

  • brush for applying blush to the face;
  • powder for treating the skin of babies;
  • new cloth;
  • Graphite stationery pencil with a high degree of rigidity;
  • cotton swabs or disks;
  • wooden decorative dark eyeliner;
  • baby powder or talc;
  • vodka or alcohol;
  • varnish for fixing long-lasting hairstyles;
  • tracing paper

The main steps on how to make a temporary tattoo at home without any help with a pencil:

  1. Choose the design of the future ornament. Lines and contours should be simple and clear. It is advisable to avoid subtle elements. Ideal for lettering and geometric figures small size.
  2. Practice on plain paper to perfect every detail.
  3. Choose a location. The picture looks good on the upper chest, leg, forearm, wrist. Hair must be removed.
  4. How to create a short-lived pattern using tracing paper? First you need to put paper on top of the tracing paper and draw a picture. Trim the blank edges from the carbon paper, leaving 2 cm from the contours.
  5. Clean the skin of dirt and oil with alcohol.
  6. Soak the cloth in water and wring it out well. Attach tracing paper and press down with a cloth. Hold for about 1 minute. The drawing remained on the skin.
  7. Trace the lines with a decorative pencil until you achieve the desired clarity and thickness. The shadow effect can be created using cotton wool.
  8. Typos can be corrected with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  9. The final result should be treated with talcum powder or powder. Sweep away excess with a brush.
  10. To increase durability, spray the dyed area with hairspray.

If you liked the technology of how to make a temporary tattoo at home without extra costs and pain, but don’t have a pencil at hand, then we suggest the following method.

Method number 2. How to apply a short-lived ornament yourself using a pen


  • paraffin candle;
  • stencil;
  • warm water;
  • cotton pads or sticks;
  • stick with gel paste.
  1. Select a sketch and select the handles of the desired color.
  2. Draw the desired sketch on paper. This will be your stencil. Cut it strictly along the contour.
  3. Attach the template to the body and secure with tape.
  4. Fill in the empty space with a pen.
  5. Fix the dye with acrylic-based hairspray or paraffin from a regular candle.

Do you know how you can make a temporary tattoo using a printer and tape? This method is suitable for all of the methods described above and for henna, since these devices are necessary for making a high-quality reusable stencil.

  1. Select the pattern on your computer and edit to your desired size.
  2. Print it on a printer.
  3. Cover the sheet with the picture with tape on both sides.
  4. Cut out any excess areas.

This template can withstand the effects of pencils, pens, markers and henna solution.

How to make an unstable tattoo at home for a month

A temporary tattoo for the summer is an excellent solution for young people. But the transfer image is erased in the next couple of days, which is sometimes not very convenient and causes a lot of problems when creating a new miniature. Is there a way to create an erasable tattoo without henna yourself at home? This method exists, but it is only suitable for the brave and determined, as it is associated with unpleasant pain.


  • cotton swab;
  • needle;
  • alcohol;
  • gel pen.

Main stages of work:

  1. The area to be painted should be depilated and cleaned of dirt. detergents and treat with alcohol.
  2. Using a thoroughly disinfected needle, make small holes in the skin along the contour of the design. You can use a stencil.
  3. Work out the pattern with a gel pen. The paste is a hypoallergenic product and does not cause allergies or irritation.
  4. Hold it for a while. Remove excess with a swab.

These are the easiest ways to make a transferable tattoo at home for a few days or weeks. Choose a technique and go for it. There is nothing complicated in the methods described. Even a beginner who does not know how to draw can master them. If you have artistic talent, draw directly on the skin without training. If you are deprived of these abilities, then use stencils. A masterpiece created with your own hands will become a nice gift for your perseverance and work.

Surely everyone has a childhood dream of getting a tattoo. However, for various reasons, some people cannot afford to have any design on their body permanently. That's why they wonder how to make a temporary tattoo at home.

Making a tattoo using paper and a printer

To make a temporary tattoo at home using paper and a printer, first of all you need to find a printer and adhesive paper, since without these items you will not be able to print the desired design or transfer it to the skin.


A tattoo applied in this way lasts on the skin for no more than a week. The design on the body will last longer if you do not frequently wet the place where it is placed.

Let's look at how to make a tattoo at home using paper and a printer. First of all, you need to select the picture that you want to see on your body and print it on a laser printer.

Please note that the design must be printed on adhesive paper. But if you don't have such paper and don't know where to buy it, you can try using tape. Just paste it over the entire picture that you are going to transfer to the body. Then you need to prepare:

  • sponge or small clean cloth;
  • water (it is advisable to pour it into a convenient container);
  • Polish for hair;
  • alcohol.

Treat the area of ​​skin where you plan to get a tattoo with alcohol. In this case, you can make a temporary tattoo at home using perfume. Because this perfume product is also suitable for disinfection.

Then take the drawing and place it with the picture down to the place where the tattoo should be. Walk over this area with a damp cloth or sponge several times. Remember that this procedure must be done carefully and carefully.

Then peel off the paper from the part of your body that now has the tattoo on it. Apply hairspray to this area. Using this option, you can make a temporary tattoo at home using paper without powder and without tracing paper.

We make a tattoo at home through paper using a pen

To make a temporary tattoo at home through paper with a pen, you need to put in a little more effort and time.


If you have a friend who really has any artistic skills, then it's worth asking him for help.

It is usually very difficult for yourself to make a beautiful and neat tattoo on your skin. However, if you are confident and ready to create a beautiful pattern on your body, then you can read the instructions that explain how to make a cool pattern on your skin by hand.

What do we have to do:

  1. Create the pattern you want to see on your body. Perhaps it will be some kind of drawing, inscription, or just a small but important sign. If you can’t think of anything, but really want a tattoo, you can get inspiration from tattoo sites, look at paintings by great artists, read your favorite poems and listen to your favorite songs. This usually works.
  2. Once you've decided on your design, you'll need parchment paper. You need to draw a sketch of the future tattoo on it. Use dark, rich colors of the gel pens you will use to draw.
  3. Place the piece of paper on which the future tattoo is located on the part of the body where the design should be. Do not forget that the paper should be applied with the pattern down.
  4. Then simply place a damp cloth or sponge on the area where the tattoo will be and hold it there for 40 seconds.
  5. After this, remove the cloth and check whether the design is completely imprinted on the skin. If everything turned out as you planned, then remove the cloth and let the image on the skin dry a little.

Don't be afraid to experiment, but remember that if you want your tattoo to actually look beautiful, you need to do it carefully.

If you want to give a temporary tattoo to a child at home without henna, then a pencil tattoo would be a great option.


In order to use this option for creating tattoos on the body, you will need tracing paper.

Despite the fact that many have already forgotten about this method and consider it old and completely irrelevant, it still exists and is actually very effective.

The action plan is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to come up with a design for your future tattoo. If this is a drawing for a child, then you can draw inspiration from his favorite children's books, hobbies (for example, if a girl does ballet, you can draw pointe shoes), toys, cartoons, and so on.
  2. Then you need to draw what you came up with on tracing paper. If you're not good at drawing, you can ask friends or acquaintances who wouldn't mind having a little fun and going back to your childhood.
  3. Before applying a design to the skin, you need to treat this area of ​​​​the skin. You can use alcohol or some kind of alcoholic drink. For example, vodka. If there is no alcohol-containing composition at all in the house, you can treat the skin area with soapy water. But it is better to use this option only if there is really nothing else suitable.
  4. Apply the patterned paper to the area of ​​skin where you plan to tattoo. Do not forget that the paper should be applied with the pattern down.
  5. Go over this area with a damp cloth or sponge several times. Remember that this procedure must be done carefully and carefully.
  6. The drawing must be outlined with an eyeliner.
  7. Do not touch the creation for 5 minutes so that everything has time to dry.
  8. Treat the drawing with wound care product.

This option is safe. Moreover, such a tattoo looks very beautiful, impressive and elegant.

Very often, temporary tattoos are a real salvation. Especially when a child asks for such a drawing. To prevent him from doing anything stupid, you can give him a tattoo yourself.

Also, temporary designs on the skin may be needed for various kinds of holidays or events. Many people like to get temporary tattoos before going to the sea to look more interesting and mysterious on the beach.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Choose the option of applying a permanent pattern that you consider most suitable for your skin.

Instead of a traditional tattoo, which is done once and for life, you can quite easily make a temporary decoration on the body, even at home. This tattoo will stay on the skin for a maximum of a month. This is convenient, since not everyone is ready to decide on a radical change of image.

Transfer tattoo is the simplest and most quick option applying a temporary tattoo. This method is relevant if you need to apply jewelry to go to an event.

The advantage is a large selection of pictures. And the most important disadvantages are the fragility of the tattoo and its unnatural appearance, i.e. A transfer tattoo is easily distinguishable from a tattoo applied in the traditional way.

  1. Having purchased a picture you like, you need to cleanse the tattoo site of any sebum - this way the tattoo will last longer.
  2. Then either moisten the place where the tattoo will be transferred, or press the transfer sheet with a damp cloth, having first removed the protective film from it.
  3. It must be remembered that the drawing will be applied in a mirror image.
  4. Having smoothed the paper well to the skin, after 15-20 minutes the sheet is carefully removed. Only the transferred film with the pattern will remain on the skin.
  5. The design is allowed to dry, then, to secure it, it is sprayed with hairspray on top.

The tattoo must be protected from water and from rubbing parts of clothing, otherwise the image will quickly crack and begin to separate in parts.

Temporary tattoos: photos

Making a temporary tattoo at home is both simple and difficult

A temporary tattoo is an excellent solution for those who decide to get a tattoo for the first time

Using special paper

A tattoo made with paper gives more room for experimentation, since you can print any design you like on it. Special paper consists of a layer of regular paper and a self-adhesive layer on which the image is to be printed.

Printing is done on a color or black and white printer. When choosing a color image, you should select shades that match the color type. Having selected an image, you need to adjust its size in the graphics editor. Then you need to insert the paper into the printer so that the design is printed on the adhesive side.

Be sure to take into account that the image on the skin will appear as a mirror image.

If there are captions in the image, then you need to use the “Reflection” tool in the editor. The printed blank is cut out with scissors, slightly retreating from the edge of the image. Then the workpiece is applied to the skin and pressed with a damp cloth. Smooth the workpiece using pressing movements. After 30 seconds, you can carefully remove the paper. The image will remain on the skin.

A temporary tattoo made in this way will last about a week. If necessary, it can be removed earlier by rubbing it with a stiff brush and soap.

Eyeliner tattoo

Eyeliner allows you to create a stylish temporary tattoo at home, as it looks almost the same as a traditional tattoo.

  1. To make the tattoo look as natural as possible, you should choose a suitable pencil. It should be a pencil that needs to be sharpened, not too soft and without shine. It is not prohibited to use pencils of any other colors instead of black.
  2. Do not use liquid eyeliner - it will smudge.
  3. The image can be large or small, but it must be without thin lines close to each other.
  4. Before making a drawing on the skin, you need to practice on paper.
  5. Hair must be removed from the area where the tattoo will be located.
  6. It is better to choose an area that will not be covered by clothing, otherwise the tattoo is likely to be smeared.
  7. The skin must first be wiped with alcohol to remove fat.
  8. After applying the contour, the tattoo is sprayed with a small amount of varnish.

You can use carbon paper in the process if you need to draw a complex picture:

  1. Select a place for the design, remove hair from this area and degrease it with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  2. Place a sheet of carbon paper under the drawing prepared on paper.
  3. Apply a stencil with carbon copy to the desired area of ​​skin. Trace the lines.
  4. Remove the paper and trace the outline with a cosmetic pencil.
  5. Baby powder or hairspray will help set the lines.

The drawing is removed with warm water, soap and a washcloth. Draw using a ballpoint or gel pen in the same way.

How to Make a Tattoo Using a Sharpie Permanent Marker

A permanent marker will allow you to create a tattoo that is very similar to the real thing, which will last 2-3 weeks.

Here's how to make a realistic temporary tattoo at home:

  1. Draw with a marker immediately on the selected fat-free area of ​​the body.
  2. After applying the design, you need to sprinkle the image with baby powder and rub the powder into the skin.
  3. Then a little hairspray is sprayed onto the design.
  4. For greater durability of the tattoo, the “powder-varnish” procedure is repeated again.
  5. The tattoo will be more durable if you apply a liquid adhesive plaster on top.

Before making a temporary tattoo at home with a marker, you need to draw a line on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin and wait.

If redness or itching appears, this is a sign of an allergic reaction. This means that this method of tattooing is not suitable. The marker must be erased immediately.

Sharpie markers can be removed with alcohol-based lotion or makeup remover. The liquid must be applied to a napkin and rubbed over the skin. If the paint is not completely washed off, you should use a scrub.

How to prepare a mixture for biotatu

The catalyst solution for biotattoo is prepared on the basis of tea, coffee, lime juice and a small amount of henna. Lime juice can be replaced with lemon juice. It promotes better absorption of pigment into the skin, and coffee makes the henna shade brighter.

The proportions are as follows:
coffee and tea 2 tbsp. Coffee should be ground and tea should be in leaves. It is best to buy green henna. You will need 40 g of it. You will need 2 tsp of lemon juice.

  1. First, tea is brewed with a glass of boiling water.
  2. When the infusion becomes dark color, it is filtered, removing the tea leaves.
  3. Then coffee, henna and lemon juice are added to the tea. When mixing coffee and henna powder, you need to make sure that there are no lumps.
  4. Cook until caramelized to achieve an intense, rich color.

You should choose natural henna in the form of green powder, without artificial dyes. Such henna can provoke strong chemical burn, traces of which will not heal for a long time.

Temporary tattoo using henna

Using henna, a temporary tattoo called mehendi is applied to the body. This image will last on the skin for up to a month. The henna pigment ensures long-lasting results, and the convenient consistency of the composition allows you to experiment with application tools and the complexity of the design.

Before applying a henna design, it is necessary to test for skin sensitivity to the dye.

Typically, traditional Indian motifs are chosen as subjects for drawings, which have sacred meaning and, as Hindus believe, contribute to good luck. However, you can also make ordinary designs with henna, such as inscriptions.

To apply the composition, brushes, cotton swabs, and stencils are used. In addition, you will need special henna for mehendi. The henna that is used for hair coloring is not suitable. It is best to use Iranian henna.

The composition can be prepared from fine powder or use ready-made mixture, packed in a cone-shaped briquette. The powder is diluted lemon juice with a little sugar and 2-3 drops essential oil to a paste-like consistency.

When making your own composition, it is convenient to make something like a pastry bag for application. It is made from a thick bag, sealed tightly, and a corner of the required diameter is cut off. Now the composition can be applied by carefully squeezing it out of the packaging. Instead of a pastry bag, a medical syringe is also used.

To make a tattoo beautiful, you need to first apply the outline of the design to the skin with a water-based felt-tip pen or use a ready-made stencil.

After application, the composition must dry for at least an hour. Experts recommend leaving the paste on the skin even longer, for 6-8 hours, protecting the ornament with hairspray or cling film. For a more intense color contour, it is recommended to keep the paste moist by sprinkling it with water or lemon-sugar syrup.

After removing the composition from the skin, the pattern gains brightness within 2 days. A henna tattoo lasts about a month, but begins to fade after the first two weeks. However, this is the most affordable and durable option for home tattooing.

Glitter tattoo based on glue and paints

Temporary glitter tattoos look bright, they are made for some reason festive event, such as a birthday or New Year's party. When applied at home, a stencil with an adhesive base is used (you can purchase a ready-made one or cut it out of plain paper yourself), acrylic body glue, glitter and decorative rhinestones.

  1. The skin is first degreased with alcohol.
  2. Remove the protective film from the stencil and glue it to the skin.
  3. Apply acrylic glue along the stencil lines with a brush.
  4. Remove the stencil and wait until the glue becomes transparent.
  5. Then glitter is applied using a cosmetic brush. They are literally rubbed into the layer of glue with a brush. The excess is brushed off with another brush. This created a base layer of glitter.
  6. Now, with a thin brush, apply another layer of glue to the contours of the design and, after waiting 2-3 minutes, apply sparkles of a different color over it.
  7. If rhinestones are glued instead of sparkles, they will last on the skin for up to 1.5 weeks. The glitter will last up to 2 weeks.

The advantage of a glitter tattoo is its effectiveness and simplicity, richness of shades and subjects., which can be used when creating. The pattern will remain on the body for at least a week, and will fade gradually.

Tattoo with a stencil

Using a stencil it is easy to make a temporary tattoo with clear contours at home. You can use a ready-made stencil or create one yourself. The stencil greatly facilitates the distribution of paint over the skin, allowing you not to think too much about the accuracy of applying the composition.

The use of stencils is one of the most simple ways applying tattoos to skin at home

It is not necessary to create a drawing on paper by hand. All you need to do is print the image you like. After this, the contours of the design are cut out with scissors, a blade or a stationery knife. The resulting holes should be exactly the size corresponding to the contours of the future image.

Then the stencil is applied to the skin so that it is in close contact with it. Regular or double-sided tape, which should be used to glue the paper to the skin, will help prevent the stencil from moving.

Using a stencil, tattoos are applied even with nail polish, using for each color new stencil. The stencil you like can be reused.

How to make a temporary tattoo with a printer and tape

If you have a printer at home, you can make yourself a realistic temporary tattoo with absolutely any image. Any picture found on the Internet will work as a sketch. You can even draw it yourself in a graphics editor.

Then you should take a wide tape and carefully glue it to a sheet of paper in the longitudinal direction. Next, place the sheet of paper in the printer so that the printed design is on the tape. Thanks to the smooth surface of the tape, the pigment will not be absorbed into the paper, but will remain on the surface of the film; if you apply the sheet to the skin, the design will be well imprinted on it.

This method allows you to make a tattoo of any complexity on the skin. Monochrome tattoos look best - from the outside they are difficult to distinguish from real ones. However, such a tattoo does not last long. It will only last a few hours before it smears. If you need to keep it a little longer, you need to spray it with hairspray.

As in the case of a transfer tattoo, it is necessary to mirror the drawing in the editor if there are inscriptions on it.

Tattoo sleeves made from nylon tights

This temporary tattoo looks great in photographs and allows you to “try on” the design you like. However, it is not suitable as an everyday tattoo.

Everything you need to create a tattoo from tights - nylon tights or stockings, alcohol markers or acrylic paints on fabric, an image printed on paper.

  1. Tights are cut to the desired length.
  2. Stretch the nylon onto a rigid cylindrical base, for example smooth plastic bottle, filled with water or rolled thick paper (you can insert something hard inside the roll).
  3. A piece of paper with a printed sketch is wrapped on top of the form.
  4. The nylon is glued on top with tape.
  5. Now you need to trace the drawing with a marker through the nylon material and spray it with hairspray.
  6. Instead of markers, acrylic fabric paints are also used. They do not need to be further secured, but the layer should not be too thick, otherwise cracks will appear.

You should choose tights that are as thin as possible and blend in with your skin color. so that the tattoo sleeve looks natural.

How to make a temporary tattoo for a month

To ensure that a temporary tattoo made at home retains its original appearance for as long as possible, It is recommended to use a setting topcoat, which can be talc, hairspray or liquid adhesive plaster.

However, the lifespan of a tattoo largely depends on what pigment was used when applying it. The most short-lived tattoos are those made using decals or a cosmetic pencil. A biotattoo, a marker drawing and a glitter image will last 1-2 weeks. The most durable design is a mehendi tattoo. Only it can be preserved for up to a month in an acceptable form.

A spectacular temporary tattoo that will emphasize style and individuality. For application at home, various materials are used, starting with the most affordable ( ballpoint pens, markers, cosmetic pencils), ending with professional mixtures of pigments for mehendi tattoos.

Interesting videos about tattoos at home

The video presents several ways to apply a temporary tattoo at home:

The video shows a master class on how to make a henna tattoo at home:

Today, all kinds of tattoos are very popular. However, not everyone is ready to decorate their body for the rest of their lives. An excellent alternative in this case would be a temporary tattoo, for example, for the summer, which you can easily do yourself, right at home.

In addition, some people use this method when they want to check whether a particular design suits them. After all, if you are dissatisfied with your work, you can delete it at any time.

What types of temporary tattoos are there?

Temporary tattoos vary depending on the type of ink used and the method of application.

Today the following types of such jewelry are the most popular:

In this article we will tell you how to make a temporary henna tattoo that will last you for several weeks or even months.

How to prepare the solution for application?

First of all, you should prepare henna to create a design. You need to start preparing a day in advance.

Follow our instructions carefully:

How to prepare for the procedure?

First, you need to decide on the area of ​​skin on which you will apply the image. If this is not your first time getting a temporary henna tattoo, try choosing a different part of the body. Experts do not recommend decorating the same place more than once every 2-3 months.

At least a day before applying the design, avoid visiting the solarium, and also try not to expose your skin to direct sunlight.

  • wash your skin thoroughly with a hard washcloth and soap;
  • wipe it with a cotton swab generously soaked in alcohol;
  • All hair must be completely removed from the area of ​​skin on which the image is to be applied.

How to make a temporary tattoo at home?

When you have prepared the paste for application and have decided on the area of ​​the body where you will paint, you can proceed directly to creating the jewelry. Such a temporary tattoo will remain with you for a period of one week to 3 months.

Mix the pre-prepared solution again and begin drawing the outline.

To do this, you will need a special tool, which you can make yourself from foil or polyethylene, according to the following scheme:

Using the resulting tool, you can easily draw the outline of the future image by carefully squeezing the tape. In this case, a little paste will come out of the tip of the cone.

Having drawn the outline, we slowly draw patterns on it. In this case, you need to very carefully and slowly squeeze the tip of the tool we made. To draw the smallest lines, a thin brush will help you, which you need to dip in henna paste as often as possible.