Bull tattoo meaning for girls. What does a bull tattoo mean? Cool and funny pictures

A bull tattoo has several meanings. But in most cases it is interpreted one-sidedly - it is the personification of male power. The bull is rightfully considered an invincible, very strong animal. Many cultures say that the divine power of nature lies in the bull. Many people compare the roar of a bull to the sound of thunder, and the beating of its hooves to an earthquake. It is worth saying that this is a rather complex symbol, representatives different cultures they see it differently. This is worth considering if you decide to put an image of a bull on your skin. We should not forget about the criminal side of such an image.

What is worth knowing about crime?

If we talk about the criminal world, then in such an area a person with a bull on his skin means a good fighter. At the same time, it is believed that he is ready to deal with a person for a material reward. Therefore, be careful when you develop a sketch if you do not want to get into an awkward position. You can carefully consider the plot of the image so that there are no obstacles from the illegal world.

Bull Tattoo Meaning

The bull in many cultures is a divine being, this can be seen if you study various religions. This is not surprising; this fact can also be used when creating a drawing. The animal archetype patronized many gods. It is in this regard that the symbol is considered universal and can be used in different situations. So it can mean:

  • Life force, natural strength, including masculine strength.
  • Unbridled, fast-paced energy.
  • Can be used by people to show their supremacy and royalty.

There are other meanings that are also attributed to the image:

  • If a black animal is depicted, then such a drawing may have an ambiguous meaning. He talks about death, fire, belonging to hell, often the animal is depicted with burning eyes.
  • An animal from a Spanish bullfight the best option for the stronger sex. the fact is that the drawing signifies the taming of the masculine principle.
  • Symbol of stability, solidity.

The art of tattooing is extremely popular nowadays. A tattoo is an opportunity for self-expression, a desire to be different from other people. Some ancient peoples believe that a real tattoo itself chooses its owner. But if it is just a drawing, the meaning of which lies in external beauty, and not in a deep meaning, then the unity of the tattoo and its owner will not happen.

Bull tattoos are quite popular now among both young people and older people. The meaning of the design is quite varied, but all opinions agree on one thing - a bull tattoo is the original symbol of male potential. But the picture of a bull can also have a slightly different meaning.

The bull, in some cultures, acts as a powerful generator of animal, penetrating power. And the tattoo of this animal should give its wearer just such natural, unbridled energy. The ability to pass through any obstacles with your head bowed low.

In men

Masculinity and unstoppable power were mentioned earlier, but the drawing of a bull on the body has another meaning, no less important. To obtain good offspring in their herds, farmers specifically purchased a special type of bull - a breeding bull.

A bull tattoo also means the sexual energy of the masculine principle; it shows that its wearer is a real male and has all the qualities of a representative of the animal world. After all, strong fertility is a distinctive male trait.

There is another interesting interpretation of the bull tattoo. Sometimes the drawing is not done in the classical style. The bull can be depicted in the style of a minotaur - a creature with a human body and a bull's head. The meaning of such a picture is one - the minotaur symbolizes the defender, the one who will stand like a rock until the last. For real men, such an interpretation means a lot.

Among women

Girls very rarely prefer to put a drawing of a bull on their body; this animal is quite aggressive. The weaker sex with such a picture looks strange, to say the least. But there are exceptions, because in modern world women have equal rights.

In prison

But in places not so remote, there are not several interpretations of the “tattooing” of a bull. A bull tattoo in prison means that its owner, by order of representatives of the highest hierarchy, is able, using physical strength, deal with those people at whom the finger is pointed. Such people are real fighters. The tattoo is not particularly sophisticated; it is performed as a sketch and does not convey beauty or pleasantness. appearance, but a certain value.

Each design can have a specific meaning for its owner, a meaning that no one puts into this tattoo. It is not necessary to choose a tattoo according to the description that people once determined; you can simply decide what exactly this picture will mean for yourself. Only the owner of the tattoo will see the meaning of his picture and put into it the meaning that he has determined for himself. To do this, you can simply take a close look at the sketch of the future tattoo.

Bull tattoo on shoulder blade

Bull tattoo is of a serious nature. Represents power and strength, fertility and strong character. Suitable for men, less often the image of a bull is painted by women. Sometimes drawings in the form of a bull are made as a sign of a Taurus, but for this purpose only the head of the bull is tattooed.

What does a bull tattoo mean?

A bull tattoo has a symbolic meaning. This is a powerful and strong animal for different nations carries practically one meaning - fertility, deity, indestructibility. According to historical data, in Ancient Greece there are often images of Zeus in the form of a bull.

At the moment, the symbol in modern tattoo culture may differ. For example, the image of a black bull is a symbol of death. Initially a courageous sign, unlike others. It is generally accepted that a bull tattoo on a woman has a different character and rather shows her strength and masculinity.

The symbol of royalty gives its owner vital energy and the ability to quickly recover, both physical and spiritual.

Types of bull tattoos

The most fashionable and complex tattoo designs at the moment in the realistic style. For such execution, it is important to choose a talented master of his craft.

Another popular destination is new school. These are more characteristic drawings expressing emotions and attitudes towards life. Tattoos made in this style on different parts of the body carry their own meaning. For example, the head of a bull on the shoulder with steam escaping from the nostrils and red burning eyes will show the owner’s furious and aggressive life position.

An unusual style will add expression, romance and rebellion to the picture. Done with “careless” wide lines different colors.

Black and white drawings in the form of a bull’s skull are also popular now. In addition to the symbolism of death and neutral energy, it brings peace to the owner, as a sign of eternity.

Places of application

Good places for bull tattoos are large areas of the body such as:

  • spatula
  • back
  • shoulder
  • hip.

When choosing a place you need to take into account your physiological characteristics, after all large drawings visually increase the area, and more vertical ones lengthen it.

Thus, a tattoo on the shoulder in the shape of a bull gives relief and masculinity and increases biceps. Always a winning option, except for a very fragile physique, then it looks rather out of place.

Images of this strong animal in dotwork or linework style look great on the shoulder blade, back and lower back. The execution technique has been simplified to graphics. But for a drawing of a bull this is only a plus, since after years the drawing will not “float” and will maintain contrast.

For vertical tattoos, the shins of guys with the image of a bull are suitable. But also if the physique is average or strong. Such designs will “stretch” the lower leg and give it relief.

Tattoos on the chest in the form of a bull's head look especially good. They immediately show that the owner has clearly defined his position in life and looks at the world as a tool for achieving his goals.

A bull tattoo on the thigh suits everyone, regardless of body type. For those who are slimmer, it is better to use realism and new school. For medium to strong Any will do style. With the help of a skilled tattoo artist, you can correct your figure and hide (scars, spots, cicatrices).

Bull tattoos look inappropriate on young guys, as a symbol of indestructibility, suitable only for men.

Criminal value

In the area, the tattoo has a different meaning. Like all tattoos, it has its own meaning, which differs from the “free” one. Such a drawing is applied to people of exceptional strength, which entails responsibility for the obligations imposed.

As a rule, this is physical violence, instructions are given by a higher rank. For failure to comply, the rank of the bull wearing the tattoo drops, which is very serious in limited circles.

Video on the topic

As you can see, this symbol is very complex and complex. Let's learn more about how representatives of different cultures saw the bull, as well as how all this cultural heritage is reflected in modern body painting.

Plunging into history

If we study in more detail the different religions that exist and have existed on the planet, we will notice that the bull is often perceived as a divine animal. Many gods were patronized by the bull archetype. This universal symbol combines the following qualities:

  • Rapid, unbridled energy;
  • Royalty, supremacy, elitism;
  • Life force and force of nature.

Interestingly, in Iranian culture the bull is a reflection of the soul of the world. IN Ancient Rome, known for its cruelty, the blood of a bull was considered a source of life-giving energy. India and Egypt are countries where the bull is considered a sacred animal, highly revered by the people. As we see, the key essence of the symbol is the personification of divine action, unbridled energy and power.

There is also an alternative view of the bull symbol:

  • In the zodiac system it corresponds to Taurus - a symbol of stability, down-to-earthness, and thoroughness.
  • The black bull has a very ambiguous interpretation, meaning death, hell, fire. Such a bull is often depicted with glowing eyes.
  • Bull from a Spanish bullfight. This tattoo should not be applied to guys, since the composition will mean taming the masculine principle. The guy certainly doesn’t need such a “body mantra”.

Criminal value

If you decide to get a bull tattoo, remember that in the criminal world, a person with such a tattoo reveals himself to be a good fighter, ready to deal with a person on instructions or for material reward. To avoid getting into an awkward position, carefully think through the design and plot of the tattoo. At the same time, practice shows that tattoos with bulls are quite successfully tattooed on thousands of people around the world without any special obstacles from the criminal subculture. This plot is universal and has not lost its relevance for many decades.

Places and styles

A bull tattoo is a wide field for the flight of creative thought. A small tattoo will look great on the chest, between the shoulder blades or on the calves. With large compositions you can safely fill the back - this is where the bull will look authentic. If you plan to fill only the bull's head, look for places in the center to use the effect of symmetry. For example, such a tattoo can be safely tattooed in the center of the abdomen. As for styles, your imagination will help you. Today on our website you can find a bunch of sketches in a variety of genres and sizes. Go for it!


Perhaps the most famous owner of a bull tattoo is wrestler Dwayne Johnson. His powerful shoulder is adorned with a tattooed bull's head. Looks very impressive considering Dwayne's size. Also on the head of the famous Chris Brown is a huge bull's head. The composition is perceived in a special way, given that a virgin female face is tattooed on the other half of the head. This R&B fashion is so eclectic.