Minutes of the parent meeting. Protocols of parent meetings in the senior group of kindergarten; methodological development (senior group) on the topic Protocol of parent meetings in the senior group

Lolita Omelchenko
Minutes of the parent meeting “We are now senior group»


group parent meeting

Subject: "We now senior group» .

Chairman – N.V. Seregina

Secretary – L. G. Novikova

Present – ​​11 people – List attached (Appendix No. 1)

Absent – ​​12


1. On the tasks of raising and educating children in senior group kindergarten .

Information from teacher L. A. Omelchenko.

2. Training for parents. A game "Compliment" "Turnip", "Sound Hunt", "Find the Prize". Responsible: S. A. Shigapova. L. A. Omelchenko.

3. Coverage of competitions and events in MDOU and in group. Information from teacher S. A. Shigapov.

4. Approve for the 2014-2015 academic year. g. previous composition parent committee.

1. Listened:

Teacher Omelchenko L.A. determined that the main tasks of raising and educating children in senior group kindergarten is:

Expand ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, flora and fauna, and people’s work. Cultivate love for Homeland, hometown, village.

Develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare, identify characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena, and generalize them based on these features.

Improve all aspects speeches: achieve clear pronunciation of all sounds of the native language. Expand and activate the vocabulary, teach simple forms of monologue speech.

To instill in kindergarten children a positive attitude towards work, a desire to systematically perform feasible work duties, and to do something useful for others.

To foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of playing, working, studying together, the desire to please elders with good deeds. Foster friendship between children of different nationalities.

Develop strong-willed qualities: the ability to limit one’s desires, overcome obstacles that stand in the way of achieving a goal, obey the demands of adults and fulfill established standards of behavior, and follow a good example in one’s actions.

Foster love and interest in music, painting, and literature. Continue to develop the ability to aesthetically perceive reality and works of art, the ability to feel their character, mood, and notice means of expression.

Continue to teach practical skills in drawing, modeling, expressive reading, storytelling, develop singing skills and performing skills in dancing. Develop artistic and creative capabilities children: poetic and musical ear, sense of color, rhythm, form, composition.

Teach children to be responsive to their peers, show attention to their experiences, provide assistance, rejoice in the successes of themselves and their comrades, and empathize in cases of failure. Develop friendly relationships. To teach children to express their attitude towards the actions of their peers, to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades.

Expand and clarify children’s ideas about plants, domestic and wild animals, and seasonal changes in nature. Learn to observe natural phenomena, analyze and draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships. Cultivate a love for nature native land. Learn to behave correctly in nature: treat plants and animals with care and care for them. Strengthen children's ideas about plants. Learn to identify new plants.

Introduce new birds and insects.

To consolidate children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature and people's work in agriculture in different times of the year.

Made a speech:

L. G. Novikova (parent) made a proposal for information on the tasks of raising and educating children in senior group Kindergarten take note.

For – 11 people, against - no


Take into account information about the tasks of raising and educating children in secondary kindergarten group.

2. Performed:

Educators: Omelchenko L. A. Shigapova S. A conducted training for parents. A game "Compliment", theatrical play "Turnip". Target: set between parents contact to create a positive attitude in them. Next conversation on the topic "Why do we need a game". Target: provide parents an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of play in their child’s life. A game "Sound Hunt". Target: introduce parents with children's game aimed at developing attention, forming the ability to do sound analysis of a word. A game "Take the Prize". Target: introduce parents with a game aimed at developing the child’s attention and motor coordination.

Made a speech:

S. A. Shigapova suggested playing as much as possible parents at home with their children.

for – 11 people, against - no, abstained – no, adopted unanimously.


Use the information obtained on parent meeting for the further successful development of children. At home in the evenings and on weekends, create conditions and take part in the games of your children.

3. Listened:

Teacher S. A. Shigapova introduced parents with activities(competitions that will be held in MDOU and in group. Competitions in MDOU: 1. Exhibition of crafts "Autumn Fantasy".2. New Year's competition "Snowflake".3. Creative workshop. 3. Corner of the Komi Region. 4. Role-playing games. IN group: 1. Creation family tree families. 2. sports entertainment “Mom, dad, I’m a sports family”.3. Exhibition" draw on balloons" 4. Photo exhibitions: « New Year holidays» , "Golden Autumn", "Our leisure", "Our wonderful dads", "Our Mothers".

Made a speech:

S. A. Shigapova suggested taking an active part both in the life of the kindergarten and groups

for – 11 people, against - no, abstained – no, adopted unanimously.


Take an active part both in the life of the kindergarten and groups

4. Listened:

Teacher L.A. Omelchenko proposed to approve for the 2014-2015 school year. g. previous composition parent committee.

Decided: Comply with the requirements for comprehensive security in preschool educational institutions. Only the child's legal representatives can pick up children.

5. Listened:

Teacher L.A. Omelchenko reminded parents with the main points of the provision on access control. In accordance with this provision, unauthorized persons are not allowed into the preschool educational institution. During the day, the doors at the preschool educational institution are closed, and the access control is monitored by the administrator on duty. This regime is being introduced to implement comprehensive security in preschool educational institutions. She reminded me about the internal rules of the kindergarten and the uncontrolled departure of children, and who should pick up the child from the kindergarten.


Comply with the requirements for comprehensive safety in preschool educational institutions and the internal regulations of the kindergarten. Only the child’s legal representatives can pick up children from kindergarten.

Made a speech:

Teacher L. A. Omelchenko announced the list of candidates group parent committee:

1. L. G. Novikova – parent;

2. N.V. Seregina– parent;

3. A. M. Valeeva – parent;

4. A. O. Shutov – parent;

for – 11 people, against - no, abstained – no, adopted unanimously.


Approve the previous composition parent committee of the preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 9" V composition:

1. N.V. Seregina – chairman Parents' Committee;

2. L. G. Novikova – secretary Parents' Committee;

3. A. M. Valeeva – member Parents' Committee of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution;

4 A. O. Shutov – member Parents' Committee;

Chairman N.V. Seregina

Secretary L. G. Novikova

group parent meeting in senior group No. 10

Subject: Adaptation of a child in kindergarten.

Present: 17 people

1. Adaptation of a child in kindergarten (Consultation, teacher Ignatenko O.D.)

2. Age characteristics of older children preschool age(Report, memo teacher Ignatenko O.D.)

3. Objectives of education and training of children of the senior group for the 2012 – 2013 academic year (Report, teacher Ignatenko O.D.)

4. Compliance with the regime and rules of the kindergarten (Message, teacher Ignatenko O.D.)

5. Elections of the parent committee

1. On the first question, we listened to the teacher of the group, Olga Dmitrievna Ignatenko, with consultation “ Adaptation of a child in kindergarten" . In her welcoming speech, she congratulated the parents on the beginning of a new period in their lives and the lives of their children - the period of attending kindergarten. She told us what problems parents experience when their child enters kindergarten. The teacher drew the parents' attention to what conditions are necessary for successful adaptation and how to properly form a positive attitude in the child.

(The text of the consultation is in the folder “Materials for parent meetings”)

Ignatenko T.A. spoke in the debate. with the question “How to react correctly to a child crying when entering kindergarten?” and Bagaeva I.V. with the question “Is it necessary and is it possible for a child to take toys with him from home to kindergarten?” Parents received the teacher's answer to their questions.

2. On the second question, we listened to the teacher of the group, Olga Dmitrievna Ignatenko with the report “Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age.” The teacher told parents about the age characteristics of children of middle preschool age. Parents were given leaflets “What a child should know and be able to do by the age of five.”

(The text of the report and the memo are in the folder “Materials for parent meetings”)

3. On the third question, we listened to the teacher of the group, Olga Dmitrievna Ignatenko. She spoke about the tasks of raising and educating children middle group for the 2012 – 2013 academic year. The teacher encouraged parents to work together between the kindergarten and the family.

(The text of the report is located in the folder “Materials for parent meetings”)

3. On the fourth question, we listened to the teacher of the group, Olga Dmitrievna Ignatenko. She reminded parents of the need to comply with the regime and rules of the kindergarten: timely payment for kindergarten; arriving at kindergarten on time; mandatory and timely warning about the reason for the child’s absence from kindergarten; availability of a change of clothes and shoes, uniforms for physical education and visiting the pool; It is inadmissible to bring food and household toys to kindergarten.

5. On the fifth question, the teacher of the group, Olga Dmitrievna Ignatenko, spoke. She invited the group's parents to elect members of the parent committee. The following candidates were proposed by self-nomination: Bagaeva I.V., Vasilenko L.A., Tyaglova M.A. As a result of an open vote by the parents of the group, these candidates were unanimously approved, and I.V. Bagaeva was elected chairman of the parent committee.

6. In the final part of the meeting, parents were asked to ask questions that interested them, to which they received answers from the teacher.

1. Form a positive attitude in the child, a desire to go to kindergarten, and in every possible way satisfy the extremely acute need of children for emotional contact with adults during the adaptation period; During the adaptation period, pay special attention to such factors as the habit of a routine, the level of cultural and hygienic skills, and self-care skills.

2. Take into account the contents of the memo “What a child should know and be able to do by the age of five” and the report “Age characteristics of children of middle preschool age.”

3. Teachers and parents interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating a favorable climate for the education, upbringing and comprehensive development of children in an established team.

4. Observe the regime and rules of the kindergarten.

5. Approve the list of members of the parent committee.

6. Take an active part in the life of the group and kindergarten.

Protocol No. 1 of the parent meeting in the senior group

Olga Ivanovna Boyko
Protocol No. 1 of the parent meeting in the senior group

Chairman: Solntseva E. A. (parent of Solntsev Ulyana and Kirill)

Secretary: Kalinina N.V. (parent of Kalinin Nestor)

Meeting topic:“Tasks in the development and education of children aged 5-6 years.”

Target: acquaintance of parents with the tasks of development and education of children 5-6 years old recommended by the exemplary educational program of preschool education “Childhood”, ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva and others, the educational program of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, Charter of the preschool educational institution, OOP preschool educational institution.

Meeting form: round table discussion.

Present: 20 people.

Missing: 5 people for a good reason.

Invited: Malakhova O. A. – educational psychologist at a preschool educational institution.


1. On the tasks of preschool education for children of senior preschool age.

Speech by O. I. Boyko, the group’s teacher.

2. About age psychological characteristics children of the sixth year of life. Report by O. A. Malakhova, educational psychologist at a preschool educational institution.

3. On the approval of the parent committee of the group and the election of a member of the Governing Council of the preschool educational institution.


Boyko O.I., the group teacher, she congratulated the parents on the start school year and introduced parents to the tasks of educational work recommended by the exemplary educational program of preschool education “Childhood”, ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva and others, the educational program of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the educational program of the preschool educational institution. Parents were also provided with information about the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution for the current academic year. Boyko O.I. introduced the schedule of educational activities, their number and duration.


Popova E.N. (parent of Popova Ulyana) put forward for consideration the issue of individual work with children in educational areas.

Melnik M.A. (parent of Melnik Ivan) supported this issue and suggested replenishing the PRS educational games that are necessary for children of this age(5-6 years) and contribute to their individual development.


If parents wish, attend the “Entertaining Rhetoric and Etiquette” club.

Work in close cooperation: parents - children - educators.

Inclusion of parents in the educational process to achieve results in all directions and in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.


Malakhova O. A. The teacher-psychologist introduced the parents to age characteristics mental development of children. She drew attention to the new development of age, with changes occurring in the development of the cognitive, intellectual and personal sphere of the child. Suggested general recommendations and invited those interested to individual consultations. Olga Aleksandrovna suggested games and exercises for preschoolers with the aim of developing logical thinking, horizons, ability to analyze, etc.


Galaeva M.V. (parent of Galaeva Sofia) shared with age-related changes in her daughter. The child not only asks a lot of questions, but also formulates the answers herself, explains why this way and not otherwise. She wants to be like the adults who matter to her, so she loves to play social games.


Take into account age and individual characteristics children in the process of education and development.

Teachers need to update the poster information monthly or at the request of parents outside the plan.

Get acquainted with the information in the “FOR YOU PARENTS” corner, prepared by teachers, and follow the recommendations offered.


Boyko O.I. proposed to select a parent committee in order to ensure constant and systematic communication between the kindergarten and parents.

Moreva N.K. (parent of Moreva Dima). She introduced parents to the goals, objectives and functions of the parent committee, as well as rights and responsibilities.


Elect a parent committee consisting of:

Zasimenkova E. O., Solntseva E. A., Kalinina N. V.

Member of the governing board of the preschool educational institution – E. A. Solntseva.

Chairman ___(Solntseva E. A.)

Secretary ___(Kalinina N.V.)

Minutes of the parent meeting at the end of the year in the senior group Municipal budget educational institution basic secondary school in the city of Kirsanov, Tambov region Protocol.

“Do you know your child?” Minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group Municipal preschool autonomous educational institution, combined kindergarten No. 87 Minutes No. 1 of the Parent meeting.

Material (senior group) on the topic:
Minutes of parent meeting

Protocol No. 1.

Parents' meeting “The beginning of a new school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and its students.”

Group No. 1 preschool educational institution.

Number of people present: 24 people.

1. Speech by the head “Goals and objectives of a preschool educational institution for the 2015 - 2016 academic year.” The time limit is 10 minutes.

  1. Speech by the teacher of the group “Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old: tasks of education and training in accordance with the educational program; preschoolers' daily routine, class schedule; organization of additional education." Time limit: 20 minutes.
  2. Meeting with specialists who will work with children during the school year (music director, rhythmoplasty teacher). The time limit is 10 minutes.
  3. Define and approve group parent meetings. The time limit is 10 minutes.


1. In her speech on the first issue, the head introduced parents to the tasks of the educational institution for the academic year.

2. The teacher spoke on the second question. She introduced parents to the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old, their daily routine, and class schedule. Information was provided about the program under which it works preschool, features of the program for children of this age.

It was decided unanimously: to take into account the information about the age characteristics of five-year-old children and the regime of the preschool institution.

3. On the third question of music. The head and the rhythmoplasty teacher introduced parents to the plans for the school year, the goals and objectives that the children will face.

4. The group teacher proposed a schedule of group parent meetings for the year.

It was decided unanimously to agree with the presented plan.

Meeting decisions:

1. Take into account the information about the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old and the features of the program in basic subjects. Maintain a daily routine in kindergarten and at home. Instill in children self-care skills.

Responsible persons are parents and educators.

The deadline is constant.

2. Take note of the information about holding parent meetings. Get acquainted with information from the parent corner. Follow the recommendations provided.

Minutes of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten

Topic: “The role of the family in the speech development of the child.” Senior group

Tishchenko Tatyana Nikolaevna, 03/16/2018

MBDOU kindergarten "Forget-me-not"

Minutes of parent meetings

in the senior group

Teachers: Tishchenko T.N.

parental meetingsgroup "Stars".

Topic: “The role of the family in the speech development of a child”

Number of people present ___13__ people

Parent meeting agenda: Target: creating conditions for speech development preschoolers; formation of the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: introduce parents to the content of work on the development of speech in children of middle preschool age;

Involve parents in sharing their experiences of children’s speech development in the family.

Form of conduct : meeting with practical elements (game-activity)

Participants: teacher, parents, children.

1. Introductory part – announcement of the meeting topic, goals

2Speech by teacher Tishchenko T.N. “Speech development in the family” “Characteristics of speech of children 5 years of age”

3. “I’ll pour you a cup of tea, I’ll tell you about our speech” - advice from parents on developing children’s speech at home

4.Homework for parents: compiling an album on the development of children’s speech “Speech”

Homework for parents: talk about the development of children’s speech at home (how you do it, what you use)

Good afternoon, dear parents, today we have gathered with you once again to talk together about the development of children’s speech.

Now I suggest you watch the organized educational activities children on speech development (lesson)

« Successful speech development of a child"

Dear parents, do you think the successful speech development of a child depends on what? (choose the correct answer on the card), prove it, give a personal example.

Factors for the successful development of a child’s speech - (prepare cards for parents in advance)

From emotional communication between parents and child from infancy

From the child’s communication with peers

From the structure of the articulatory apparatus

From the speech of adults (as a model for children)

From development fine motor skills

From reading to children fiction

From the child’s games with adults and peers

All these factors influence the development of a child’s speech.

Speech is not inherited; the child adopts the experience of verbal communication from the adults around him (and above all from his parents), i.e. mastery of speech is directly dependent on the speech environment surrounding the child. Therefore, it is so important that he hears correct, competent speech at home.

You should know that an important aspect of speech development is the correct pronunciation of sounds. Errors in pronunciation are the basis of many school difficulties (in writing).

In addition, children with unclear speech are not confident in themselves and are reluctant to communicate with peers and adults.

-Note: A 4-5 year old child must pronounce all sounds correctly. If this is not the case, don't waste your time. Do not expect that speech impediments will disappear on their own. The best thing is the help of a speech therapist (consultation)

Don’t forget that his communication with you is crucial for the development of a preschooler’s spoken language. When walking with your children, try to pay attention to objects that are significant to a person: shops, schools, clinics, libraries. Tell your child what these institutions are for and who works in them. During walks, draw children's attention to the beauty of the surrounding nature, plants, animals, insects. Never shy away from answering your child’s questions.

When introducing new items, things, objects, name them correctly, tell them about their purpose. Offer to consider the subject in detail, highlight characteristics, properties (with this you will enrich the children’s vocabulary), teaches them to observe, compare objects and phenomena.

I advise you to create a children's library at home, where you can look at illustrations in books and encyclopedias for children together with your child.

If your child distorts words, do not be afraid to stop him and correct him, to say the word the way it needs to be said.

It is necessary to introduce children to folklore, tell and read fairy tales, riddles, songs, and nursery rhymes. They not only introduce children to the national culture, but also form moral qualities: kindness, honesty, care for another person, entertain and amuse, make you want to speak out, talk about the heroes of a fairy tale.

Support this desire, let your child tell a familiar fairy tale to his sister, grandmother, or his favorite toy. These are the first steps in mastering monologue speech.

-And now I propose to listen to the reading of poetry by children and compare what speech was in II younger group, and what she has become now.

-What changes have occurred in the children’s speech?

I pay great attention to memorizing and reading poems, I teach to read poetry expressively, loudly, clearly pronouncing all the words, slowly.

The development of children's speech occurs in the garden not only during classes on speech development and reading fiction, but also throughout the day.

What do we do in speech development classes:

We communicate, develop our speech through conversations, speech games, looking at pictures, describing pictures, describing toys, describing clothes and shoes, memorizing poems, riddles, retelling fairy tales, observing the life of birds and animals outside in the garden, reading fairy tales and poems, sound games and exercises.

Characteristics of speech of children of the fifth year of life

The main direction in the development of children’s speech in the fifth year of life is the development of coherent monologue speech. At this time, noticeable changes occur in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, in the development of word formation methods, and an explosion of verbal creativity occurs.

Children at this age learn different types statements - description and narration. Children's speech becomes more connected and consistent;

The following disturbances occur in the speech of children aged 5 years of age:

Not all children pronounce hissing and sonorant sounds correctly;

Some people have insufficiently developed intonation expressiveness; (volume, speed, timbre)

There are shortcomings in mastering the grammatical rules of speech (agreement of nouns and adjectives in gender and number, the use of words in the genitive plural).

The speech of children in the middle group is characterized by mobility and instability. Children can focus on the semantic side of a word, but many find it difficult to explain the meaning of the word. Most children do not sufficiently possess the ability to construct descriptions and narratives. They violate the structure and sequence of presentation and cannot connect sentences and parts of statements with each other.

By the end of the year, children in the middle group can :

Significantly increase your vocabulary, in particular, through words denoting objects and phenomena that have not occurred in the child’s own experience.

Actively use words denoting an emotional state (angry, sad), ethical qualities (cunning, kind), aesthetic characteristics, various properties and qualities of objects. Understand and use antonym words; form new words by analogy with familiar words (sugar bowl - suharnitsa).

It is important to work meaningfully on your own pronunciation, highlighting the first sound in a word.

Understand cause-and-effect relationships; use compound and complex sentences.

Talk in detail, with detail and repetition, about the content of the plot picture, with the help of an adult, repeat samples of the description of the toy, dramatize (dramatize) excerpts from familiar works.

Tell incredible stories, which is a consequence of the rapid development of fantasy.

Actively accompany your activities with speech (games, household and other activities).
I propose, together with you, to compile an album on the development of speech “Speech”, where you can place your games, exercises, poems, nursery rhymes on the development of children’s speech.

Minutes of parent meetings senior - preparatory group

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group parent meeting

Topic: “What a 5-6, 6-7 year old child should know.”

Present: .22 people.

Absent: 2 people. (Skomorokhova K.M., Bondar L.A.)

Parent meeting agenda:

1. Report “Developmental Features of Children 5-6 Years Old”

2.Tasks in teaching children of the sixth and seventh year of life.

3. Selection of the parent committee.

1. On the first question, we listened to the report of Badak teacher Tatyana Mikhailovna. She introduced parents to the age characteristics of children 5-6, 6-7 years old. The report drew attention to changes in thinking and psycho-emotional state in children. Answered parents' questions. (report attached)

Shchennikova A. N. (parent) made a proposal to take note of information about the tasks of raising and teaching children in the senior group of kindergarten.

We decided to take note of the information.

2. Chipiga S.P. spoke on the second issue. She talked about what they would do with the children throughout the year, Svetlana Pavlovna explained in detail the tasks for speech development, and gave recommendations for the development of cognitive interests in children. The tasks for fine art activities were explained to the parents (in applique - the ability to hold scissors, cutting off corners of a square, rectangle, dividing a strip in half; in modeling - the ability to flatten a lump, decorate with a stack; in drawing - apply paint with the tip of a brush, flat) told about the tasks in mathematics (counting and counting objects, comparing length, width, height, familiarity with the parts of the day.

SPEAKERS: S.A. Khusainova (parent) shared her experience of working with her child at home and made a proposal to find entertaining tasks for children on the Internet.

We decided: To provide comprehensive assistance to educators in achieving the goals set by the program. We decided to stick to the routine at home and take an interest in the lives of the children in kindergarten. Organize children's Corner at home, equip it not only with toys, but also with everything necessary for work and educational activities.

Resolved: to select a parent committee of 4 people

1 Chernyakova T.A., - Chairman

2. S.A. Khusainova - secretary

3. Syaskova O. – assistant

4. Pavlyuchenko A.V.

SPEAKER: Sharkova O.N. spoke and proposed to approve the parent committee consisting of: Chernyakova T.A., Syaskova O., Pavlyuchenko A.V., Khusainova S.A.

Decided: To approve the newly created parent committee consisting of: Chernyakova T.A., S.A. Khusainova, Syaskova O., Pavlyuchenko A.V.

Parents spoke: O.N. Sharkova, E.A. Zhuravleva...offered to purchase for the group educational material for classes, discuss this issue together, express your opinion, suggestions, comments, questions, etc.

municipal government preschool educational

institutions kindergarten "Raduga"

Kargat, Novosibirsk region

  • Minutes of pedagogical councils
  1. Instructional "Main directions of educational activities of preschool educational institutions for the 2016-2017 academic year."
  2. Interaction between kindergarten and parents in the spiritual and moral education of children.
  3. Nurturing an active life position of the child’s personality in maintaining and strengthening health. Physiological and hygienic aspect of organizing classes.

Description of material: I offer you a summary of the minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group (6-7 years old). This material is useful for teachers and parents of the older group. This summary is aimed at involving parents in the life of a preschool institution and spending leisure time together with their children.

Minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group.
From October 16, 2013
Present: 20 people
None: 5 people for a valid reason.
Music director;
1. Game situation for parents “The object of my childhood.” Teacher _______.
2. About the system of measures for the improvement and hardening of preschool children. Nurse: ________ .
3. “About the plans and system of work of the choreography circle.” Music director:
4. “Principles of creative pedagogy in the family.” Teacher: _______.
5. Showing the fairy tale “Turnip in a new way.” Children of the older group.
6. “Safe presence of children on city streets.” Manager:______.
7. Selection of the parent committee of the preparatory group.
8. Miscellaneous.
On the first question, the teacher suggested going to the world of childhood - the game situation “The object of my childhood.” Various objects are laid out on the table: a ball, a doll, a note, etc. Each parent chooses an object that is associated with his childhood and tells the corresponding episode from his life.
On the second issue, Art. nurse. In her message, she told parents about the system of measures for improving the health and hardening of preschool children, carried out in a preschool institution. The nurse asked the parents to support and carry out hardening procedures at home.
On the third issue, she spoke musical director. In her speech, the teacher told parents about the plans for the choreography club for the 2013-2014 school year. She told the parents about how the classes would be held, what the children would study in the choreography club. She also provided information about what materials the children would work with and what shoes they needed to use during classes.
Next the teacher spoke. Families are very different. They are implemented differently depending on the conditions and functions of the family. The social crisis in our country has affected the social and moral health of the family. The material capabilities of many families have sharply decreased, low-income families have appeared, and the number of single-parent families has increased. Currently, there is a decrease in the attention of parents to raising children and a reduction in time for communicating with children. And yet, for many children, the family still remains a necessary environment for full development and successful social formation, because the family, as an educational team, has a number of specific features.
After the teacher’s speech, a tape recording with music is turned on. The children showed the fairy tale “Turnip in a new way.”
Next, the head of MBDOU No. 8 spoke. In her message, she reminded parents of the responsibility they bear for their children. Nowadays, in preschool institutions, one of the most important tasks for a child is to learn the rules of life in the adult world - the world of rushing people and cars. It is the adult's responsibility to help the child enter this world with maximum gains and minimal risk.
We believe that the education of preschool children safe behavior on roads should be carried out in the following ways:
through direct perception of the surrounding world, during which children actively become acquainted with various road situations, perceiving and naming objects, phenomena, actions of people, their relationships with each other, analyzing these relationships and independently drawing conclusions.
through knowledge of reality through stories from parents, educators, reading fiction, watching videos, through outdoor games, using various pictures, illustrations, attributes, and the personal example of adults.
through special work to develop in children motor skills and perception attitudes that are significant for safe behavior.
Next, the teacher of the senior group spoke. The teacher introduced the parents to the composition of the parent committee of the senior group. It remained unchanged. The parent committee has included parents (legal representatives) since the last 2012-2013 school year.
Voting: for – 20, against – 0.
1. Organize activities in the group that promote the development of the creative potential of children and parents. It can be creative projects, theme weeks, organization of competitions (readers, artists...)
2. Together with parents, work to familiarize children with the rules traffic.
3. Approve the composition of the parent committee: .

The protocol of the parent meeting in the senior group covers the preparation of certain methods for the development of the child. For this purpose, the teacher invites parents and talks about the development trends of children. The teacher sets certain goals to strengthen the physical and mental health of each child.

Rules for filling out the protocol

The minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group are filled out as follows: number, number of parents present, number of absent parents, number of invitees - head, music worker, nurse. A list of questions and topics for discussion is also indicated. Solving assigned tasks.

Meeting at the beginning of the year

The minutes of the parent meeting at the beginning of the year in the senior group includes the following list of questions:

Familiarization with the assigned tasks and specific goals for the current academic year.

Familiarization with the daily schedule. Conducting classes.

Child development.

Questioning parents about their child.

Appointment of a parent committee.

Result of the meeting

Take part in the development of children, prepare the child for school, provide assistance in consolidating learning materials.

Do not disrupt the daily schedule at home and in preschool.

Take care of the child's health.

Information about the parents and the child’s upbringing is compared. The results are summarized based on observations of the child and relationships with parents. Identify problems that parents face on a daily basis. Listen to parents' requests regarding their children. Help and advise parents in matters of raising a child.

Questions during the survey

The minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group (September) include the following questions when compiling a questionnaire for parents:

Is the child receiving enough attention?

Does the child go to clubs and sections?

Are there any customs in the family? If yes, which ones?

Is there a games room and desk?

Do you read books to your child? When?

What does your baby like to listen to?

What kind of music does your child listen to?

What does he do in his free time?

Does your child help around the house? What exactly does he do?

Do conflict situations arise when communicating with a child?

Do you punish your child for pranks?

Does he ask for help in certain situations?

What would you like to ask the teacher?

Making suggestions to improve work.

Minutes of parent meeting

Ready protocol The parent meeting in the senior group consists of questions and explanations by teachers of the nuances that relate to the topic “Adaptation of children in a preschool institution”:

1. Adaptation of children to a preschool institution, conversation and consultation are carried out by the teacher. At the same time, having congratulated everyone on the beginning of the school year, he begins to talk about the difficulties that parents face. He also gives advice to parents so that they prepare the child for adaptation and support him good mood so that he is not afraid to go to kindergarten.

The topic should then be discussed with parents so that everyone can have a say in how the topic is addressed. The next topic discussed is “Characteristics of a child of senior preschool age.”

2. The teacher reads out a report on the behavior of children at this age. And he distributes prepared material about what a child can and should know by this age. The teacher talks about methodological developments for the school year. Asks parents to take part in activities held in the preschool institution.

Reminder about the kindergarten regime: adherence to the daily schedule, punctuality (no delays), payment without delay, the need for additional, replacement shoes and items of clothing. Warn the teacher in cases where the child is sick. You should not bring food to the preschool. A request has been made to select a parent committee. Appointment of the parent committee by voting.

Minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group - summing up

The final stage of the meeting is for parents to submit proposals and issues of interest that were discussed at this meeting:

  • Help the child achieve positive contact with teachers, create the mood for the child to go to kindergarten, help achieve a familiar routine, teach the child independence.
  • The topic under discussion is material about what a child in the senior group should be able to do.
  • Cooperation between parents and educators, mutual assistance, participation.
  • Distribution of responsibilities between members of the parent committee.
  • Do not violate the rules of the child care facility.

Protocol topics

The minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group include the following discussions:

  • The new school year - new stage development.
  • Development and education of a child in the senior group. This item includes the following issues discussed: development and education of children, psychological development of a six-year-old child.
  • Child’s independence at the stage of development and personality formation.
  • What do parents know about their children?
  • Goals and tasks of teachers for the new school year.
  • Daily routine for older children. Timetable of classes. Introducing parents to kindergarten workers who work with children during the school year.
  • Speech development of a six-year-old child. Help from parents and educators.
  • Communication between the child and other children in the group.
  • Development of fine motor skills, additional visits to the club.
  • Children's health. Physical education, promoting child health.
  • About the education of girls and boys of the senior group in kindergarten.
  • Family cultural skills.

End of year parent meeting

The minutes of the parent meeting in the senior group at the end of the year on the topic “Is the child ready for school” include the following questions:

  1. Determining the reasons that affect children's learning.
  2. Discussion of the situation in preparation for school.
  3. Asked questions and answers.

When determining the reasons affecting a child's learning, the teacher tells parents how to help him prepare for school. Explains directions for children's development. At the same time, parents can ask questions and express their opinions, and the teacher sums up the results. The consultation is conducted by a psychologist and answers questions asked by parents. Educators remind parents about the end of the school year, about dressing their children for walks during this period, and making payments.

What the children learned

A protocol is drawn up for the final parent meeting in the senior group, in which the teacher sums up what the children have learned during the school year. The meeting is held in a group. The teacher sets up an exhibition creative works children for the year, then, at the end of the meeting, distributes the work to parents as souvenirs. Tells parents about each child what they can do, what they should pay attention to, and gives recommendations. Reports on ongoing open lessons attended by teachers primary school, while the children showed excellent knowledge and readiness for school. Tells about a new stage in children's lives - school. Conducts instructions on child safety in the summer and gives a reminder to parents. Present at the meeting medical worker, which talks about the necessary nutrition of children during the period of growth of the body. The teacher presents gratitude to parents for their participation in the life of the kindergarten group. Gives recommendations and sums up results.