Why can't you see the bride's dress? Wedding signs: truth or myth? Can the groom see the wedding dress?

It's finally done! The candy-flower stage of your romance is over, and now you are the bride and groom. What's ahead for you? Is it possible to predict and avoid inevitable things? Yes, this is precisely why signs and beliefs exist. Shall we talk about them?

Understand that everyone believes in omens. Even those who don’t talk about it out loud. You know, the church also denies signs, but this does not mean that it does not have them. For example, you cannot light a candle from another candle, otherwise you risk appropriating the sins of the one who lit the candle.

We'll talk about wedding signs :

№1 If it suddenly starts to rain on your wedding day, don’t worry. This is a good sign. This means that the sky will blur your way back home, and other than to visit, you will not come to mom and dad.

Before you put on your wedding dress, ask your unmarried friend to wipe your feet with a handkerchief, and let her keep this handkerchief without washing it until her own wedding. The wedding won't keep you waiting. Checked!

№3 When you put on your shoes, say the names of five people unmarried girls. And rest assured, after this they will get married within a short time exactly in the order in which you named them.

№4 Remember! You can't look at yourself in the mirror in a wedding dress. Otherwise, you can jinx yourself, so beautiful, tender, airy...

№5 The first dish that you taste at your own wedding must certainly be sweet, so that your future life will be “like honey.”

№6 When the time comes to board the wedding cortege, under no circumstances look back, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Let the past remain there, behind, with all its good and bad. There is a lot of positivity ahead of you!

№7 You probably know the path from your home to the groom’s house very well. And in your thoughts, of course, you have often imagined how you would take this route as a bride. Now strain your memory and try to count how many bridges there are from “point A to point B”. They say that if a wedding cortege crosses seven bridges, the young people will be happy and rich!

№8 Experienced brides warn: Don’t dare make eye contact with your mother-in-law while you’re in your wedding attire, otherwise she won’t love you, God forbid!

№9 Stock up on a pinch of sugar in advance, and when you step over the threshold of your bedroom for the first time, quietly pour it out. A sweet life is guaranteed to you!


Wedding dresses: superstitions and traditions

Wedding Dress is the most important point in a wedding dress and should be combined with a certain amount of care. As for color, it is usually considered, according to ancient tradition, a sign of an unhappy family life for the bride to wear a dress of any color other than white, which is a symbol of innocence and purity. According to other customs, however, blue and pink dresses can be worn with safety.

Blue Garter

One exception to the "all white" rule is the blue garter. The blue garter follows the bride's tradition of wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, something of blue color. Wearing one's mother's wedding dress is extra good luck, as a sign of something borrowed, but usually the second-hand items that brides use at their wedding are shoes or handkerchiefs. In some regions, borrowed may also mean "something stolen" or something gold.

When to try on a dress?

Making your own wedding dress is frowned upon by superstitions as it can cause great misfortune. An old superstition also dictates that wedding attire should not be tried on until the wedding itself. But if the bride must try on her outfit before the holiday, she should not look at herself in a full-length mirror. Of course, brides these days try on their dresses before the wedding. But there is a way to get around this most inconvenient superstition. The bride can try on the dress, but not the entire wedding outfit.

Is it possible for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?

You don't have to wear gloves or shoes in keeping with tradition, and the bride will be safe. Superstitions predict even greater misfortune if the groom sees the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. This means betrayal in married life.

What to make a wedding dress from?

The preferred material for the bride is a silk wedding dress. Satin ones traditionally lead to failure, and velvet ones lead to poverty in the future. The dress should never have blood stains on it. Also, it should not be an exact copy of someone else's model. Images of birds and grapes on the dress should be avoided in every possible way.

Another sign of happiness is that the last clasp in the dress is left open until the very last moment, right up to the ceremony itself. Another sign instructs the bride to sew a few of her own hairs into her wedding dress. Additionally, placing a coin in her shoe is believed to ensure future prosperity.

What about the veil and bouquet?

The finishing touches to an elegant wedding dress are the veil and bouquet. A bride should remember to never try on a veil with her wedding dress before the wedding. The veil was traditionally worn to hide the beauty of the bride from any evil spirits before the wedding. These evil spirits may try to kidnap the bride on her way to the church. The veil should never be pulled back until after the formal ceremony. Wearing a wedding bouquet is a symbol of abundance and sexuality. This is usually associated with lucky ribbons on the bouquet.

Choosing a wedding dress is usually very interesting. The choice of accessories for the entire outfit, such as a veil, gloves and shoes, is no less interesting. The mother's opinion is especially important for the bride to come to a common opinion, especially for young brides. There are many superstitions and long-standing traditions in the world regarding the making, fitting and wearing of wedding attire. Although many people are not superstitious, some age-old traditions can help make your wedding even happier.

Weather and choice of wedding month

Wedding signs and beliefs in winter:

If a wedding is celebrated on Maslenitsa, it means that there will always be prosperity and a cheerful life in the house.

If there is severe frost on the wedding day, it means that the first-born will be a strong and healthy boy. Long live winter weddings!

Wedding signs and beliefs in spring, autumn and summer:

If during the wedding the weather was sunny, and suddenly it started to rain, the young family will be rich.

If a thunderstorm or storm breaks out during the wedding, it means misfortune.

On a snowy day, a wedding means a wealthy, prosperous life; if there is a strong wind on the wedding day, life for the newlyweds will be windy.

If there is severe frost on the wedding day, it means that the first-born will be a strong and healthy boy.

Month for a winter wedding:

December - the eternal feeling of love among spouses.

January - early widowhood.

February - life in perfect harmony.

Summer wedding month:

June - eternal love between spouses.

July - regret about hasty marriage.

August - peace and devotion on both sides.

Month for a wedding in autumn:

September - calm family life.

October - many difficulties on the path to happiness.

November - material abundance.

: don't get hung up on it

I would like to say right away: despite the fact that there are many signs and superstitions associated with a wedding dress, there is no need to get too hung up on them. After all, there was a time when our ancestors simply went to the registry office or village council in everyday clothes, and then lived happily ever after for decades.

If you think about something bad all the time, then it will certainly happen, so there is no need to stress yourself out on the eve of the wedding in anticipation that at some point something unexpected and unpleasant will definitely happen. It's better to just relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday.

However, they exist and sometimes they really work. For especially suspicious brides, there are many rules for choosing a wedding dress.

What should be the ideal wedding dress?

There is an old belief that the bride should be given an item taken from someone close to her. Previously, the mother of the bride would give the girl an embroidered handkerchief. Symbols were embroidered on the scarf that protected the bride from unkind glances. It is advisable to ask for some trinket from relatives or friends, but under no circumstances should you borrow a veil or gloves. It is necessary to return the borrowed item at the end of the wedding. It is advisable to borrow this item from a friend who is happily married.

The wedding dress must be completely new. After the wedding, you cannot lend it to anyone. There is a theory according to which someone else’s wedding dress can attract family life other people's problems. A lucky wedding dress can be an outfit that stores the energy of the family and is inherited from generation to generation. The wedding dress of a great-grandmother who has been happily married for more than fifty years can become a reliable talisman. True, it is difficult to find a family in Russia that keeps a great-grandmother’s wedding dress that can be worn, so the outfit for the upcoming celebration needs to be bought in a store. It is better to buy a simpler wedding dress than to rent a chic outfit.

True, when buying a wedding dress in a store, you cannot say with complete confidence that no one has worn it before. I personally know of such a case when my friend’s mother worked as a salesperson in a luxury wedding dress store and bought a very beautiful outfit for her daughter for one day, which was then returned back to the salon and purchased.

The ideal option is a custom-made wedding dress. In this case, you can be completely sure that no one has worn the outfit before, and it does not carry negative energy.

There is also a sign according to which a wedding dress cannot be sewn by the future bride herself or trusted to close people and relatives.

A wedding dress should be long, as this means a long and happy family life.

An old English sign associated with the bride's attire

According to tradition, the bride must wear four things on her wedding day. One thing should be new, the second should be old, the third should be blue and the fourth should be borrowed from a friend. The new thing is a symbol new family, where love, peace and harmony will reign; the old thing signifies the bride's connection to the home, parents and family in which she grew up. The blue color symbolizes modesty and fidelity, and a borrowed item signifies the bride’s connection with friends, on whose help and support she can always count in difficult moments in life.

How to buy a wedding dress correctly

It is best to go with a group of loved ones. When trying on dresses, only those people in whom good attitude you can be 100% sure.

You don't need to take pictures of yourself in different outfits to compare later. You should treat your wedding dress with due respect.

In the store, you need to try to ensure that the future bride in her wedding dress is seen by as few strangers as possible.

The future bride does not have to pay for the purchase herself. The wedding dress should be kept in the parental home until the celebration.

No one except the bride herself should try on the purchased dress. Also, you can’t put on your entire wedding outfit and look in the mirror. For example, you can do the fitting with one glove.

What color should a wedding dress be?

Traditionally, a wedding dress should be snow-white. White color symbolizes purity and light that will illuminate the future family life of the newlyweds. However, modern designers offer wedding dresses in various colors, and brides increasingly want to wear something unusual to their wedding.

A yellow wedding dress can bring quarrels and tears into the family, a red one can bring scandals and numerous discords. However, individual elements of red in a wedding dress or a bride’s bouquet foretell good luck in marriage, the power of love and unquenchable passion.

The gold color attracts money to the family and symbolizes a life of abundance. However, you shouldn't get married in an all-gold dress. We are talking here about individual finishing elements.

A pink dress symbolizes deep, pure love, but a white wedding dress is still ideal.

How to wear a wedding dress correctly

Popular signs and superstitions say that you cannot dress for a wedding on your own or with the help of your mother. It's best to ask your friends for help. They are the ones who should help the bride on this day.

You need to pin a pin to the hem of the wedding dress, head down. The pin will avert the gaze of envious people and neutralize negative energy.

The bride's wedding dress must be worn over her head.

How to wear a wedding dress during a celebration

On the wedding day, when the groom has already arrived at the bride’s house, the newlyweds cannot be separated until they are declared husband and wife. Guests should also not be allowed to pass between them.

If the bride's dress is very fluffy skirt which interferes with walking, the groom should under no circumstances help his chosen one to carry the hem. This should be done by the bridesmaid.

During the wedding ceremony, girlfriends should not adjust the bride's outfit. According to existing wisdom, in this case they will interfere and spoil the family life of the spouses.

Popular folk signs about the bride’s wedding dress

On the wedding day, the dress is torn - the relationship with the mother-in-law may not work out.

If a button falls off the bride’s wedding dress, then frequent quarrels and discord in the family are possible. You need to sew on the flyaway button with two stitches to ward off troubles from the newlyweds. By the way, according to folk tradition, there must be an even number of buttons on the bride’s wedding dress.

The groom cannot be shown in his wedding attire before the wedding. It is believed that in this case the wedding may not take place.

Wedding dress as a talisman

In our modern and developed society, there is still a large number of different signs and superstitions. One of the main wedding superstitions– the groom should not see the bride’s wedding dress before the wedding day. Why can’t a girl and her future husband go to a wedding salon together and pick out a wedding outfit?

How did this wedding sign come about?

They claim that the sign existed back in Ancient Rus' and migrated to our time from old Russian traditions. However, the period where and when this sign appeared remains unknown. But one thing has remained unchanged - the belief of most girls in this outdated sign.

So is it possible for the bride and groom to choose a dress together? Let's consider several arguments "For" and "Cons".

So, the arguments against:

  1. Married life will be unhappy, or not work out at all.

On this occasion folk sign clearly defines: under no circumstances should the future spouse see, much less choose and buy a wedding dress for the bride. And it gives an idea of ​​what could happen: expect trouble, the marriage will not last long, the wedding may be upset. After such definitions, any bride will want to play it safe and not take the groom with her to the wedding salon.

  1. A sign cannot exist in vain.

Most grandmothers are sure that since the sign has survived to this day, it’s not just like that. It has been tested by time, and by more than one generation of people, which means it has been confirmed. Smart people won't talk in vain. After all, it cannot be that due to someone’s stupidity this sign was followed for so many years.

  1. Relationship with the past.

Many believe that by observing signs and traditions, especially when it comes to wedding ceremonies, they thereby pay tribute to their ancestors, and they, in turn, strengthen the marriage union.

  1. The thought is material.

According to this theory, the idea is firmly rooted in your subconscious that if the groom sees the wedding dress before the day of the celebration, expect trouble. If you really believe in this sign, you will see in everything only confirmation of this thought, even without reason.

  1. The effect of surprise.

Probably the most compelling argument for buying a wedding dress without the groom is the effect you can have on him with your luxurious look. After all, he has never seen you in such a chic image. This kind of surprise on your part will be remembered by the groom for the rest of his life.

We hope we have more or less dealt with the arguments “Against”.

Now, regarding the arguments “For”:

  1. Signs are a relic of the past.

In our constantly changing world, it is simply indecent to continue to believe in omens and superstitions. First of all, this concerns whether the bride can buy a wedding dress with the groom? Modern progress has stepped forward, and with it sciences such as philosophy and psychology, which were able to explain why people still hold superstitious views.

  1. Wedding outfit- the dream of two.

We are accustomed to the understanding that only the bride imagines her wedding dress in her dreams, forgetting about her other half - the groom. Of course, a man will be happy to see his beloved girl next to him at the altar in any outfit. But he, just like the girl, imagines the image of the future bride. Why not take it with you then? Give him the opportunity to participate, express his ideas and views on the wedding dresses he is trying on. The groom's advice and opinion on choosing a dress can be very constructive and helpful. Choosing a dress with your groom can be quite an exciting adventure.

  1. In a relationship, the choice of dress is not the most important thing.

Any psychologist can explain that it doesn’t matter whether the groom saw the dress or not, the main thing is the feeling that has arisen between two people, mutual understanding and patience with each other. Let's be realistic, a marriage cannot break up because of signs. A marriage can be destroyed by: betrayal, assault, misunderstanding. And there is no need to blame someone or something, for example, a wedding dress. If you can't find common language with each other, the dress has nothing to do with it.

  1. Religion denies superstition.

The Church denies any signs and superstitions, believing that they came to us from pagan culture. Therefore, first you need to determine what you believe in, pagan superstitions or church foundations.

In any case, the choice is always yours. We will be pleased if these arguments helped to understand and dispel doubts. Happy marriage!

What is Love Story filming really (and what is it for)
Many photographers and videographers have a Love Story shooting service. But different performers may have completely different services! So what's the difference?

The fact is that everyone puts something of their own into the concept of shooting a “love story” and, having asked one photographer how much a love story costs and what is included in it, it is quite possible that another photographer has a completely different perception of a love story, and it will be a completely different service , and maybe even given to you as a gift.

Everyone knows that a love story is some kind of romantic couple shoot, where you are together, which is filmed before the wedding. There are actually a lot of types of it. I'll tell you about the main ones. The simplest option is what is, as it were, replaced by the word “love story” - pre-wedding photography. This is essentially a rehearsal for your wedding shoot to get you as a couple used to the photographer and videographer who will be filming you.

This is a small photo shoot in ordinary clothes. It can be filmed anywhere: in a park, on the street, etc. In general, wherever there is beautiful light. Roughly speaking, it is done so that you can see how the photographer works, understand what you will have to do during this shoot, that it is different from a passport photo, so that the groom sees that it is not scary, and the bride understands that she, It turns out that it can turn out beautifully in photographs, and that the photographer can capture it beautifully.

That is, this is just a training photo shoot. But the photographs, if they are taken in advance, you can safely use when decorating your wedding: print them for invitations, magnets or posters, give them to guests, in general, anything. This is what is called pre-wedding photography, that is, a small rehearsal, quite short in time.

By the way, this year I’m giving it as a bonus, but many photographers sell it for extra money. Not the point, the main thing is that you understand what it is. There is a Western tradition of pre-wedding photo sessions - this is, roughly speaking, pre-wedding photography in wedding suits, with hair and makeup - the way you will look at the wedding.

In the West, this often happens before the wedding, but since we have a tradition that the groom should not see the bride's dress directly until the day of the event. That’s why we often take it off afterwards, because in the traditions of European weddings, there’s not much time at a wedding to conduct this large-scale photo shoot. That's why they do it in advance. When it's just a wedding, some Russian photographers offer such a service as After Wedding Photos. What it is? (continued in video)