Crochet cape patterns and descriptions for women. Original crochet capes with patterns and descriptions for women and girls

Execute given promise, and I tell you how I knitted a flower for an AMAZINGLY BEAUTY SCARF.

Everyone who saw it liked the scarf. But many - including me - have some technological misunderstandings.

During the trial knitting, nuances appeared that required attention.

In the process of solving them, a harmonious sequence was built, with all the amendments to the original, invented by me for creative convenience, and technological incidents.

CASE ONE: the thread laid to tie the petal kept trying to fall out.
In the original, the craftswoman holds this thread with her finger.

I was extremely uncomfortable, and I decided to make slits on the sides of the cardboard to secure the binding thread, and at the bottom for the main thread.

This gave the desired result: the threads were securely fastened and stopped moving.

Having secured the tip of the main thread in the bottom slot, I made 40 turns around the cardboard.
There were no problems, I even enjoyed laying straight rows.

CASE TWO: having removed the winding, I started tying, as suggested in the original,
where the craftswoman ties the loops of the petal, removing them from the cardboard.

But it was not there. The threads immediately became tangled, the loops became unevenly high,
and the result was this fluffy “damn lumpy” thing.

Then I decided to tie the set directly on the cardboard. Immediately things went without a hitch.

Here each thread is visible, which easily connects with the next thread with a single crochet.

Having finished tying, I cut the thread longer. We will use it to sew on the petals.

Now we move our threads to the center and tie them at the bottom with the thread
which was waiting for this moment in the side slots.
Hidden here CASE THIRD.
If you simply knit the threads without thinking, you will get exactly the pom-pom
which several people have written about. After repeated attempts it became clear
that, having made the first knot, and without tightening it to the end, you need to remove the element from the cardboard.
We hold one end of the knotted thread - the left one - tightly, and pull the second end - the right one - to the right. The threads gather evenly in a row and the pompom disappears.

I made the first petal on a narrow - 2.5 cm - cardboard. From it I rolled up a bud in the middle.

On a cardboard that was twice as wide as the first one - 5 cm - I made the main petals.

So I’m posting the flower.

Of course, today you can buy any kind of clothes in stores, but how nice it is to wear something that you made with love with your own hands. So, on the eve of spring, you can treat yourself to a cape - there will be no problems with knitting patterns, since you can use not only ready-made ones, but also those that you are quite capable of inventing yourself.

To ensure that crocheting brings you only pleasure, you need to follow some tips. Situations may arise when the product needs to be restored; to do this, you simply need to tie additional columns instead of those that were damaged.

If your product is made in fillet technique, then in order for it to retain its shape longer, you need to tie it with single crochets in a circle.

To make the product look neat, a new thread should be introduced at the end of the row. We insert the hook into the last loop of the previous row and pull out a new thread, after which it is necessary to knit the air loops for lifting.

If the product is dense, then it is better not to starch it, as it may lose elasticity.

If you are typing a long chain, you can easily get confused. In this case, it is better to knit more air loops and, if necessary, unravel them.

Openwork original crochet cape

You can crochet a knitted shoulder cape according to the pattern and description presented below, but first you need to decide on the material.

So, to knit a cape like the one in the photo at the beginning of the article, you will need:

  • 250 gr. yarn (in this case Pink colour, but you can use any color if you wish);
  • Hook number 3;

You should knit according to the pattern:

To begin with, we cast on a chain of chain stitches, after which we knit 4 rows with s/n stitches. After this, use a fantasy pattern and knit approximately 25 cm, while adding 1 ch. between motifs every 7 rows. The bottom of the cape should be knitted according to pattern No. 2.

To make the ties, you need to knit a double chain about 100 cm long. We insert it into the edge of the cape from above. And you can add decorative elements to the ends of the cord.

Festive original crochet cape for girls

A crocheted women's cape can not only warm its owner, but also become a wonderful accessory for a festive evening. It can be worn with an open dress, although if desired, you can choose a cape for any dress. But even more capes suit little princesses. For this cape you will need:

  • Yarn;
  • Hook No. 3;

First we need to knit the base for our cape.

A chain of 117 air loops is cast.

After this, we move on to creating the first row: 1 vp, and then we knit the columns b/n.

We knit this way until the end of the row, in the end you should get 29 arches.

For the second row we dial 4 vp. at the end of the first row and turn our knitting over.

We knit st. s/n in the middle loop of the arch of the previous row.

We perform the 3rd and 4th rows in the same way as 2nd, just do not forget to turn the product over after each row.

The number of rows must be a multiple of 4.

When the required number of rows are knitted, a lace frill should be made. We knit it according to the pattern shown below:

The end result was this festive cape for a girl.

Video tutorials for beginners

Openwork crocheted poncho

Speaking of ponchos, many immediately have associations with harsh Indians or inhabitants of the Mexican prairies. Today, such an original heritage of South American culture has completely changed, the poncho has been transformed, taking on the status of not only a cozy and versatile, but also an elegant item of women's wardrobe. Knitted items look especially extraordinary and solemn. openwork poncho crochet Author's models have their own price, which not everyone can afford. Having the simplest knitting skills and a passion for creative work, you can create your own masterpiece, spending a minimum of effort and money, but maximum imagination.

Benefits of a poncho

Each element of the costume has its own advantages, which distinguish this or that clothing from the general background.

An openwork poncho is traditionally considered an elegant, and at the same time, original piece of clothing.

The openwork poncho is no exception:

  • Versatility. This model will suit absolutely every fashionista, regardless of age, status or build.
  • Originality. Interesting asymmetrical or correct forms in combination with original fittings and a variety of colors, it invariably gives rise to interest in ponchos.
  • Warmth and comfort. On a cool summer evening or frosty winter morning, such a cape will warm you up and give you a cozy mood.

Hand-knitted models look especially cozy. Capes, knitted, ideal for winter or autumn.

A knitted openwork poncho will certainly keep you warm in cold weather.

Openwork ponchos, crocheted, keep their shape perfectly, look elegant, elegant and airy, without weighing down the figure.

Romantic openwork poncho in heavenly color

In addition to its main advantages, such a wardrobe item can be easily combined with various clothes; you can create original ensembles in any stylistic direction.

Openwork romance

To perform crochet work, you need diagrams that clearly demonstrate the order in which a particular pattern is performed.

Beautiful and romantic, it is done according to a simple scheme. To work you will need:

  • yarn;
  • hook (No. 3);
  • decoration, if desired, in tone or contrast (brooches, flowers).

Crochet - simple and entertaining

The openwork pattern is knitted according to the pattern, the rapport is as follows: 8+1+1, where a multiple number of loops is supplemented by one air stitch for lifting. Knitting is repeated from the first to the fourth row, and then from the 3rd to the 4th. The knitting density of the openwork is 18 cast-on stitches and 10 rows. Knitting feature: the model consists of rectangular parts, which are knitted separately and then sewn together according to the presented pattern.

A simple poncho knitting pattern for beginners

The rectangle is made by casting a chain of 81 chain stitches, plus one more for lifting. Knitting in progress openwork pattern, length approximately 86 cm from the first row. The work is done identically on the second rectangle. After assembly, you need to tie the neckline in a circle in two rows, the 1st row with single crochets, the 2nd with half-crochet stitches. After this, the openwork and romantic poncho is ready.

Colorful knitted poncho
A complicated pattern for crocheting a poncho

Crochet poncho

Stylish cape

Crocheting or knitting an original cape will allow you to create not just clothes, but a real work of handmade art. A short poncho looks especially stylish, which can complement both everyday and evening looks.

Knitted poncho is a real work of art
Simple openwork poncho

To work you will need:

  • cotton yarn;
  • knitting pattern;
  • hook.

To create an incredible metallic effect, you can use two types of yarn: plain and with the addition of metanit (shiny thread). Knitting a poncho-cape is done in two threads. The density is 29 loops per 15 rows. The cape consists of two parts.

Crochet pattern for an openwork poncho

For the first one, you need to cast on 105 air loops and knit in a pattern according to the diagram. The description is as follows: dial 1 air loop, then 8 rapports of 12 loops each, after which 8 air loops are cast on. The approximate height of the product is 78 cm. According to a similar pattern, the second part of the cape is knitted. After this you can proceed to assembly. The two parts of the poncho are sewn together according to the pattern, the neck is tied in two rows. By the way, such a poncho can also be knitted to create an equally impressive evening cape. If you don’t want to create an elegant wardrobe item, you can skip using shiny thread and knit with one thread.

An openwork poncho will help complement a romantic look

Universal cape

The phenomenon of the model lies in its versatility. Depending on the color, features of the model and decor, a cape can emphasize not only a romantic or evening look, but also diversify a strict business style.

A magnificent openwork poncho may well become the envy of others

To work you will need:

  • yarn;
  • knitting tools;
  • scheme.

This model is knitted strictly in the round, according to the pattern and using unusual, but easy-to-make, “Solomon loops”, which are connected into a ring.

Patterns for knitting an openwork poncho

The model looks original due to the fact that the work on creating a poncho consists of combined knitting circular knitting needles and crochet. First, an even number of Solomon loops are knitted, approximately 112. After this, 45 cm are measured from the beginning, the last 2 loops are knitted and closed. The upper edge of the poncho needs to be tied with a row of single crochets. The collar is tied with circular knitting needles; to do this, you need to cast on 224 loops and knit two rows in a circle, and then decrease 4 loops evenly in each subsequent row. Having measured approximately 9 cm from the beginning of knitting the poncho collar, you need to lower 7 loops, knit 1 row and close. To decorate the cape, you can use original accessories, brooches, and large buttons.

Poncho is a fashionable attribute of outerwear

Ponchos have not left the catwalks for several seasons in a row. Having the simplest skills in the art of knitting, as well as a love of creativity and creating original things with your own hands, you can knit an openwork and extraordinary cape. Such a wardrobe item is not only always relevant, versatile and comfortable. A knitted openwork poncho is always elegant and invariably romantic. About how to tie baby poncho, you can read

Crochet for Beginners

Needlewomen knit clothes not only for insulation, but also for stylish options in the images of fashionistas. Shawls, ponchos, boleros or scarves serve as decoration on holidays and everyday days. In this article you can find new ways to crochet a cape for beginner needlewomen. Any woman will love a knitted cape over her shoulders - it is called a cape. It's not a weed, we don't confuse it.

A beautiful lace cape with a hood can be a decoration for a wedding dress, or simply useful for visiting a temple, when your head must be covered, and it is too hot outside. A delicate wedding cape can become a fashionable attribute summer weddings– it will not only decorate the bride’s outfit, but also make it unique.

Crochet capes can be:

  • decorative;
  • ​warm;
  • dense;
  • openwork.

Their beauty lies in the variety of models. Knitted models are quite popular due to the fact that they hide imperfections. Openwork model The one associated with taste will cover the neckline and shoulders, and the long one will help cover the sides or stomach.

So they may depend on appearance and knitting method. Highlight the following types:

  • assembled from individual elements;
  • connected by a common fabric.

They can be in the form of different shapes:

  • circle;
  • semicircle;
  • rectangle;
  • bell

A product of this shape looks very interesting. The design of the product is quite simple.

The basis of the scheme is a tablecloth or napkin. On the back in the center is the main decorative element. Don't forget about the armholes. For this you need to follow the following steps:

  1. We measure the width of the back.
  2. We compare it with the canvas.
  3. Holes are created through chains of air loops.

This cape is used as a shawl. It looks like a cardigan with a collar or a simple sweater.

Scheme of a cape in the shape of a semicircle

Products of this type are the most popular. The basis is made up of patterns of openwork elements or simply napkins. The model has a feature that consists in the use of thick thread in combination with an openwork pattern. The crocheted elements of the cape are clearly visible, as is the texture of its knitting. For this type of knitting a center at the neck and step-by-step expansion of the product are required. A cape in the form of a semicircle can be made of a circular cloth with the first row in the form of a neck or made of two elements.

Openwork crochet cape

This type of product successfully combines openwork fans and classic pineapples. The pattern of the cape is based on the pattern of a napkin in the form of a circle.

The openwork cape is unusual and airy due to the shift in emphasis to the fans and modifications of individual elements. To create an openwork cape, you need to choose a fairly dense yarn due to the small number of rows in the pattern.

Rectangular cape

Crocheting a cape of this type involves using a square or rectangular shape. The description of the crochet cape pattern is as follows:

  • knitting is carried out in the form of a smooth strip with space for hands;
  • the pattern can be in the form of two stitched squares or rectangles;
  • you can use unusual ornaments or ordinary even patterns;
  • armholes are formed between rectangles or squares with unstitched places in the seams.

Drape in the shape of a bell

Such products have an unusual shape, thanks to which a woman can throw it over her shoulders and not worry about it slipping or unfastening. Drapes do not have sleeves or fasteners. The knitting description of the product is that it is knitted in circular rows. The model can be openwork, connected by one dense pattern or equipped with a thick collar.

Crochet poncho

A crocheted poncho is a crocheted piece of fabric with space for your head. Knitting a poncho is quite an interesting and creative process, since the choice of knitting patterns and patterns is unlimited. Ponchos are worn by both women and girls.

The knitting pattern for a poncho for a woman is as follows:

  1. We use yarn and 500 grams of 100% mercerized cotton, as well as a hook No. 2.5.
  2. We knit a poncho from motifs that are connected when knitting the last row.
  3. We tie the neck with a crayfish step.
  4. We decorate the bottom of the poncho with fringe.

Crochet shawl

Knitted shawl is lovely women's accessory. The shawl knitting pattern looks like this:

Thus it turns out lovely knitted shawl, which you can give to a loved one.

So, knitted models retain one of the first places in fashion trends. There are many reasons for this. For example, such products are practical and original. They will transform any woman, as they will emphasize her individuality and make her more slender and stylish. Crochet shoulder capes are still the main competitors to sweaters and jackets. This model goes well with jeans and dresses. Knitting such products is not a complicated process. The key to success is imagination, as well as perseverance. Knitted products are a great alternative outerwear, which will delight its owner.

An instructional video will tell you how to knit a shawl with spiders.

Knitting clothing items primarily implies insulation, although in the world of all kinds of yarns and newfangled patterns, very stylish solutions in the images of modern fashionistas. Shawls, boleros and openwork scarves, ponchos decorate the outfits of many girls, both in Everyday life, and in special cases. Crocheted capes, with patterns for them can be seen in our material, complement evening and holiday outfits with gentle chic, hide shoulders from the scorching sun and warm you up on summer and winter evenings.

We offer some options for crochet capes with patterns. Some types of capes, like ponchos and shawls, are so simple to knit. You just need to choose the pattern you will knit according to, the shapes are very simple. But for a bolero, you first need to draw a pattern on paper and, starting from it, tie the parts together. Some sewing skills required. Boleros are decorated with functional and decorative materials, such as buttons, brooches, beads, ribbons in the form of ties.

Knitted shawl

Sometimes, creating stylish things is easier than finding the right one in a store. Choose the desired color and pattern, knit a triangle with an openwork pattern, and an elegant knitted cape over your shoulders will not only warm you up, but also express your style.

Yarn for such things will need from 300g, up to the waist and below about 600g, the hook for the openwork is taken twice as thick as the volume of the thread.

Motif outfit

Openwork women's scarves are easy to crochet with motifs. The knitting principle is quite simple. Knit motifs of different sizes and assemble them, like a puzzle, into the desired shape. The photo below shows an example of a poncho made from motifs.

Threads used - Maxi viscose Madame Tricote (72% cotton, 28% viscose), 50 g - 207 m, hook number 1.3, yarn consumption per product - 300 g.

A shawl for a cool evening knitted from Angora yarn (40% mohair, 60% acrylic, 500 m/100 g + metanit) - 150 g, crochet number 2. Knit 36 ​​motifs according to pattern 1, 9 squares according to pattern 2. Connected to each other and tied on top with single crochets. Thread brushes will give a finished look.

An openwork shawl with a large pattern is suitable for warm and not windy weather in the fall; the hook for such products is taken twice as large as the thread volume.

Diagram and description of an amazing shawl made of flowers.

Take 300 g of yarn (10% wool, 10% mohair, 80% acrylic, 550 m * 100 g), the color is best with sectional dyeing, hook 3.5. So, first we knit 3 tiers of the flower and connect them together, then we attach the second and first tier.

Festive scarves

Dresses with thin straps will be decorated with crocheted boleros. You can create chic beautiful things yourself for any special occasion, proving once again that knitted things are not only things for insulation, but also for an elegant addition to an outfit.

Bolero with long sleeve crochet in addition to simple dress a thin dress for a date to a restaurant or a festive buffet. Take Bright type yarn for the product (80% polyamide, 20% metallic, 340 m/90g) - 400 g, hook No. 2.

Most simple diagram knitting can be complemented with knitted flowers or leaves, adding romance and splendor to the image. Tie the rectangle with a thick fabric and secure the side corners a few centimeters apart, as shown in the photo below.

If you are a skilled craftswoman, we suggest knitting an openwork designer bolero from various knitted elements, with additional bead decorations. Such openwork will look stylish if made with cotton threads. For this example, size 48 required 230 g. White cotton yarn 360 m/50 g, 0.75 mm hook for the mesh, 0.9 mm for the elements. Beads 8,6,4 mm, seed beads, 4 viscose decorative tassels, brooch pin.

Tie a bolero to your wedding dress with white threads bare shoulders. Accessorize with pearl beads or a dainty floral brooch.