How to treat onycholysis of fingernails reviews. Nail onycholysis

Diseases of the nail plate are not a rare problem for both artists and clients. How to determine onycholysis? Read our interview with a dermatologist!

Why does it occur? Who is susceptible to onycholysis?

Onycholysis is a condition in which the nail plate moves away from the nail bed. It can occur on both the arms and legs, and women are more often affected by this disease.

What causes onycholysis?

Onycholysis is determined visually and causes aesthetic discomfort if the disease is not caused by an allergic reaction. In the case of allergies, the symptoms of an allergic reaction first appear (redness, itching, blisters near the nails), and then detachments of the nail plate occur, i.e. onycholysis.

There may be several reasons for the occurrence of onycholysis:
  • External factors that cause trauma to the nail plate - impacts, improper care (use chemicals, frequent coating with low-quality gel polish, incorrect extension technology, etc.), improper treatment of the cuticle with excessive exposure to manicure tools.
  • Internal changes in the body, anemia, disease internal organs, inflammatory processes.
  • An infectious factor in which infection with pathogenic fungi occurs and onychomycosis (nail fungus) subsequently develops. Onycholysis very rarely occurs on its own. If you do not treat it right away, then an infection develops later or onycholysis spreads to other fingers, which leads to even greater discomfort and longer treatment.
  • Allergic manifestations, chronic skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, etc.

Types of onycholysis:

  • Onycholysis can be partial, when only a small part of the nail plate comes off, it can be a stripe, a semicircle, etc.
  • Onycholysis is complete when the entire nail comes off.

How to determine onycholysis at an early stage?

To determine onycholysis in the early stages, it is necessary to carefully examine the nail plates as often as possible. If you notice minor changes, you should visit a dermatologist to determine the cause and further treatment methods.

How to treat onycholysis?

Without examinations, it is impossible to detect the causes of the disease, because a number of studies are required to make a diagnosis. Once the cause is determined, treatment by the doctor is selected strictly individually. As practice shows, treatment of onycholysis often takes a long time.

Can I cover my nails with gel polish or polish during treatment?

During the treatment of onycholysis, it is not recommended to apply any irritating substances to the nail plate or carry out extension procedures and gel polish coating. Also, you should not use household chemicals without protection and allow them to get on your nails, or carry out manicure and pedicure procedures with the aggressive impact of tools on the nails and chemical liquids. All this is not recommended by doctors, because the listed procedures injure and irritate the nail plate.

Is there a chance that onycholysis will happen again? How to avoid this?

If you have already been exposed to onycholysis once, then repeated manifestations are possible if you do not follow medical recommendations. If the condition of onycholysis is chronic, then observation by a doctor and special care with preventive examinations and treatment are necessary.

To avoid the appearance of onycholysis, you must be very careful with the nail plate, do not injure it and avoid exposure to chemicals. You should carefully examine the nail plates and, at the slightest sign of onycholysis, stop contact with chemicals, materials for gel polish coating and extensions. Be periodically examined by a doctor and immediately treat pathologies of internal organs. News healthy image life, listen to your body and do not delay a visit to the doctor at the slightest change.

Thanks dermatologist Elena Vasilyeva for her cooperation and wishes everyone healthy and beautiful nails!

Layering of nails, looseness, fragility, the appearance of dark spots - all this clearly indicates onycholysis (onychodystrophy, in other words). It is difficult to get rid of it at home without consulting a doctor, so it is recommended not to delay your visit.

The symptoms of the disease are similar to a fungal infection, but the principles of treatment are radically different. Many people don’t even know that it is onycholysis, but they try to fight it on their own. Untimely treatment leads to the development of secondary infection and severe deformation of the nails.

How to distinguish onycholysis from fungus?

Onycholysis itself is not considered a contagious disease, but there is a nuance. If it is caused by a bacterial or fungal infection, the disease will quickly spread to others. Onycholysis has significant differences:

It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on appearance. A visit to a dermatologist is required, as well as a scraping from the affected surface. Only with the help of laboratory tests is it possible to determine the cause of the defect.

A little about the disease

Every person should know what onycholysis is and why it appears. This term refers to a disease in which the plate becomes detached from the bed. The disorder usually affects the legs, but may develop in the arms. According to statistics, onychodystrophy on the fingers is detected more often in women.

Reasons for the development of onychodystrophy

What onycholysis is is already clear, but why does it appear? Women often notice it after prolonged use of gel polishes. The detachment can be explained by an allergic reaction or poor quality of the product. At the very beginning, the disease is accompanied by itching, in other cases it does not cause any discomfort (except aesthetic).

Among the most common causes are injuries to the nail plate and contact with aggressive agents. Women face this especially often. It is enough to do a manicure incorrectly, by overdoing it with tools or using a low-quality extension product. Constant contact with chemistry ( detergents, nail polish remover, gels) also causes onycholysis.

In second place are pathologies of internal organs. The inflammatory process, anemia, hormonal imbalance negatively affects the appearance. In addition, a decrease in immunity due to chronic diseases is possible, resulting in the development of onychodystrophy. In patients with chronic skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema) plate detachment is often diagnosed.

Infections deserve special attention. Infection with pathogenic fungi leads to the development of onychomycosis, which is dangerous for others. Unlike onychodystrophy, the fungus is transmitted through scissors, towels and contact with an infected person. At first, the disease affects only 1-2 nails, but after a few weeks it can spread to the remaining fingers.

Types of pathology

Experts talk about several types: systemic, endocrine, fungal, bacterial, dermatological and mechanical onycholysis. Each of them must be treated with certain means, so independent therapy is unacceptable. Plus, the disease can be partial or complete. In the first case, only a small part comes off (for example, a corner or strip), while in the second, the entire nail suffers.

Is it possible to detect the disease at an early stage?

Of course, it is possible to determine onycholysis at the beginning of development. You should inspect your nails as often as possible to see any light areas (plate peeling). During the examination, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a clear border that seems to divide the nail into 2 parts (white and pink);
  • changing the plate to a yellow tint;
  • thickening of the skin near or under the bed;
  • separation of the nail from the skin;
  • change in shape.

Usually the disease is neglected form detected in girls who wear gel coating for 1.5-2 months. It is recommended to do manicure every 2-3 weeks to avoid the development of onycholysis.

Treatment methods for onychodystrophy

The causes of detachment and its treatment cannot be accurately determined without seeing the clinical picture. You definitely need to see a doctor and then undergo the necessary tests. Only with this approach can a positive effect from treatment be expected.

Traditional therapy

As a rule, patients are prescribed antibacterial drugs, as well as antibiotics in case of inflammatory process. It is recommended to treat the plates with antiseptic solutions several times a day. Treatment often lasts up to 3-6 months until healthy nails grow completely.

If you have a fungal infection, you cannot do without antibiotics. It should be taken into account that drugs cause serious side effects. They can only be used if the fungus is confirmed. Additionally, it is advisable to take a course of vitamins to help the body cope with the problem.

If a large part of the nail plate is damaged, it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention. Fortunately, resection of onycholysis modern methods passes without pain and blood. For some time after the procedure, you will have to carefully care for the treated area and wear a bandage.


Despite the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic procedures, it is almost impossible to do without medications. Iontophoresis, phonophoresis, and paraffin applications can improve blood circulation, which will have a positive effect on the treatment process.

They are often prescribed for hematomas caused by plate injuries. It is recommended to carry out at least 10 procedures (ideally 15), and then a break of 1 month. If the desired effect is not achieved, you can repeat the course again.

Traditional medicine against onycholysis

Non-traditional methods of treating the disease take place if they do not provoke a worsening of the condition. Hand and foot baths made with the addition of sea ​​salt, iodine, herbal decoctions. The simplest recipe is to dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of water. l. salt, then hold your fingers in it for 10-15 minutes. After just a few uses, the inflammation will subside and the nails will become stronger. It will not be superfluous to add 5 drops of iodine to the water to destroy bacteria.

Parts that have peeled off must be carefully cut off to avoid accidental tearing. After this, you can treat the area with hydrogen peroxide, seal it with a bandage or bandage it. It is recommended to apply a peeled aloe leaf at night, especially if the problem occurs on the feet. A medicinal plant will relieve unpleasant odor, will relieve inflammation and swelling.

Even easier - rub in oil tea tree into the affected fingers. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, but can provoke allergies. Up to 5-7 times a day, a drop of the product is rubbed into sore nails, skin around and under the plate. After the procedure, you should try not to wet your hands or feet for at least 2 hours.

Gelatin has many beneficial effects that not everyone is aware of. It is not only eaten, but also used in healing baths. Soak 1 tbsp in 2 glasses of hot water. l. powder, leave until it swells. This takes 15-30 minutes depending on the gelatin.

Heat the mixture in a water bath (do not boil under any circumstances!), dip your fingers in the warm mixture for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day until recovery. Lemon juice, which can be added to the gelatin mixture, will enhance the effect.

Gel polishes and household chemicals during therapy

Experts insist that the patient refuse coverage for the duration of treatment. Irritating substances included in the gels, as well as mechanical impact from the device, can only worsen the situation. It is better to temporarily exclude any varnishes and cuticle removers. It is advisable to do cleaning with rubber gloves, excluding contact of nails with chemicals.

Harmless white spot on the surface of the nail often ends with complete detachment of the plate. This indicates a disease such as onycholysis. In some cases, the disease is contagious, so you should not delay a visit to a dermatologist. For treatment, various drugs and traditional medicine are used, but sometimes the nail has to be removed surgically.

Onycholysis is a nail disease in which the plate detaches from the soft tissues of the finger located under the nail. In this case, the nail becomes sickly yellow, blue or brown, and brittle.

Separation of the nail plate begins at the free distal edge and gradually progresses towards the proximal edge to the nail lunula area. According to the degree of neglect of the disease, partial and complete onycholysis are distinguished.

The disease occurs more often in women. Of course, you can disguise the affected nail with dark manicure varnish. But if no measures are taken to combat this problem, the patient risks losing the nail.

At the first signs of illness, the patient requires an urgent and mandatory visit to a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.


Causes of onycholysis

Infectious causes of onycholysis include fungal dermatological diseases. Non-infectious causes are as follows:

  • injuries;
  • disturbance of blood supply;
  • neuroregulation disorder;
  • contact with an aggressive, allergic environment: solvents, chemicals, synthetic detergents;
  • taking tetracycline antibiotics.

Diseases in which onycholysis develops:

  • endocrinological diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • syphilis;
  • rubrophytia;
  • athlete's foot;
  • candidiasis;
  • pyoderma;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • dermatoses.

Symptoms of onycholysis

  • change in the color of the nail plate;
  • uneven line between the white and pink parts of the nail;
  • thick skin underneath nail plate.

Treatment of onycholysis

Treatment of onycholysis is determined by the causes of its occurrence. Antiseptics and antibiotics are suitable for medicinal purposes. If most of the nail plate is affected, it is removed surgically.

To treat the disease, doctors prescribe general tonics (vitamins A and B, iron, calcium), it is also recommended to take a course of hot baths with potassium permanganate, as well as bandages with synthomycin emulsion and 5 percent heliomycin ointment. Special solutions are also used for baths: 1-2% alcoholic tinol or 5% chrysarobin in chloroform. In addition, means and methods are also prescribed to help improve microcirculation in the extremities:

  • angioprotectors;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Finger massage, which is performed independently, helps in treatment. In addition, gelatin is also prescribed - 5-7 g/day for 3-4 months. Regular pedicures and manicures are recommended for patients. The cavity formed under the nail becomes a place where already infected dead tissue accumulates, which must be removed mechanically.

If the disease occurs in a patient due to the use of antibacterial drugs, treatment is aimed at restoring the natural intestinal microflora.

If the disease is fungal in nature, the doctor prescribes fucorcin, which is applied to the affected nails 4 times a day using cotton swabs. After the liquid on the nails has dried, use 3-5% oxytetracycline ointment.

It is also necessary to ensure a gentle regime: avoid contact with household chemicals and other aggressive liquids, use protective gloves.

Folk remedies for treating onycholysis at home

Folk remedies are used as an additional therapy to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The following recipes help:

Rub oil into nails to restore

Sea buckthorn or olive oil. The oil is applied to the nails before bed, lightly rubbed into damaged nails, then put on cotton gloves and go to bed. To whiten nails, add lemon juice to the oil.

Warm baths for nails with sea salt

The procedure is performed 2 times a day for 3 months. For baths you need sea salt without additives.

Vitamin baths for nails

Dry chamomile grass and crushed pine needles are needed; a tablespoon of both plants is required. The mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, cooled and filtered. The resulting infusion is half diluted with strong green tea. Fingers are dipped into the solution for half an hour.

Gelatin baths

Half a tablespoon of gelatin is poured into a glass of water and left for 30 minutes. The solution is heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved and cooled. Nails are dipped into the solution for 15 minutes 3 times a week.

Alum compresses

You need 25 milliliters of glycerin, 50 milliliters of water and 5 grams of alum, which are mixed together. A compress is made from the resulting mixture: a piece of bandage is soaked in the composition, the bandage is applied to damaged nails and covered with cling film. Secure the compress and leave overnight.

Diagnosis of onycholysis

Diagnosis of the disease is based primarily on studying the appearance of the nails. The doctor prescribes a test for the patient to detect a fungal infection. If the cause of peeling nails is not determined, a full examination is performed.

Prevention of onycholysis

  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • protect nails from injury;
  • application special means nail care.

If the nail plates are already damaged, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible - this will help you quickly cope with the disease without unnecessary effort.

Questions and answers on the topic "Onycholysis"

Question:Hello. I have had onycholysis for 9 years, it begins suddenly, lasts several months or years, and also suddenly stops, only on the first or second fingers on the side, sometimes it reaches the base of the nail. Hands are always visible, the appearance is still the same. For several months I had to press my nail to my finger with a band-aid. The slightest touch of a detached nail causes severe pain. I wash my hands many times throughout the day, taking into account the specific nature of my work. At home I have been washing dishes and wearing gloves for a long time now. I periodically take all kinds of vitamin and mineral complexes. The nails are shiny, unaltered, and do not crumble. In the place of emptiness they are grayish-white. I visited dermatologists several times. Apart from multiple cultures of the nail plates for fungi in the absence of treatment, no tests were prescribed. After the diagnosis of onychodystrophy, the dermatologist usually shrugs his shoulders. I understand that it is impossible to cure the entire body. My diagnoses: chronic gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, liver and kidney cysts, chronic sinusitis, numerous spider veins on the skin. I follow a diet. I observe cysts. Sinusitis sometimes needs to be treated with antibiotics. I use varnishes Smart enamel so that the nails at least “look” somehow, because... hands are seen by children and their parents. When an unpleasant odor appears, I inject antifungal agents through a syringe needle under the nail. What other local general treatment? What do you advise?

Answer: Hello. Depending on the cause of onycholysis, it is necessary to carry out treatment - antibacterial or antifungal, and maybe corticosteroid therapy. It is better to remove the nail plate surgically or therapeutically. What reoccurs indicates your healing. After which re-infection occurs. Maybe these nails are exposed to more pressure. You need to carry out not only local treatment, but also take medications orally (Lamisil 250 mg tablets for onychomycosis). It is imperative to establish the cause of the pathology. If it is fungal, then carry out disinfection measures at home.

Onycholysis is the separation of nails from the nail bed. The reasons for this condition are varied. Such a defect, not only a cosmetic one, is difficult to hide; moreover, if you neglect it, you can suffer for the rest of your life. After all, the nail plate can completely come off, which means that the fingers will lose their natural protection. The option of hiding such a defect under a layer of decorative varnish is not the best solution - it needs to be treated.

What causes the disease?

Detachment of the nail plate or onychylysis is a condition in which the integrity of the nail is disrupted and its attachment to the nail bed is not complete.

In addition, the separated area of ​​the stratum corneum changes color to bluish, cream, or yellow. All this indicates the course of the disease in the body. The pathology can affect one or several fingers and toes.

  1. The disease is also characterized by:
  2. Changing the shape of the nail(s).
  3. An uneven line between healthy and diseased nails.

Hardening and thickening of the skin under the damaged area.

  • Reasons provoking the development of pathology: Trauma is the main cause of nail separation. Especially after thermal and chemical burns
  • , blows to the phalanx, tearing off a nail.
  • Infections are the second most common cause. The infection that disfigures the nail is a fungus, but other bacterial infections are not uncommon. More and more often today, patients come to us with such a problem as onycholysis after a nail extension procedure.
  • This may be the result of a general disease of the body, for example. Also, a detached nail may indicate metabolic disorders or vascular pathologies.
  • If microelements and vitamins are not properly absorbed, a similar manifestation can also occur.

Rarely, but there are situations when onycholysis is a manifestation of allergies. Especially when in contact with chemicals, even household chemicals.

The treatment method depends on what exactly caused it. It is not difficult to understand that this is onycholysis. appearance nail Therefore, if the detachment was caused by an injury, then no special therapeutic measures are taken - it is important to protect the site of impact from infections and wait until the nail grows.

If the cause is a general disease, then all efforts must be directed to combating it, and not the symptoms.

When nutrients are poorly absorbed, efforts are directed toward normalizing intestinal function. In this case, a course of probiotics is prescribed. Since the body suffers from suppressed immunity in any disease, it is important to support it. In this case, a course of taking multivitamin complexes that contain vitamins A, B, calcium, iron and others is prescribed.

Gelatin capsules help healthy nails grow faster, which is why it is also often prescribed. To alleviate the condition, you can make potassium permanganate baths at home. Syntomycin ointment has already confirmed its effectiveness. Physiotherapy techniques are also encouraged, especially finger massage. If there is a risk of developing such a pathology, it is necessary to extremely carefully monitor the condition of the nails, do a manicure carefully and preferably on our own

and only with personal instruments.

When diagnosing a marginal lesion, treatment will consist of constant trimming of the overgrown nail and avoiding injury to it. In order to protect the affected area, it is worth sticking a bactericidal patch.

Don’t get your hopes up; this pathology, especially those caused by a fungal infection, cannot be cured quickly. Moreover, for the entire period of treatment it is necessary to limit contact with household chemicals; if this is not possible, then rubber gloves will help out. In the most difficult cases, removal of the affected nail may be prescribed. This is necessary if most of the nail plate is damaged. After the operation, medicinal dressings are necessarily applied, and antibiotic ointments are used.

If the fungal infection has not yet reached the root, then after removal it will grow back. You will also have to use a surgical technique if a hematoma has formed under the nail, but only if it large sizes

. The blood clot will interfere with the normal recovery of the nail. All manipulations are performed under local anesthesia.

It is advisable to use the advice of traditional medicine in the first stages and as additional therapy. They alone will not cure you; moreover, if you start the process, the consequences can be unpleasant.

Techniques from the people that will help restore the normal condition of nails:

  1. Sea salt. It should be used dissolved in warm baths. The duration of systematic procedures is 1 month. Minerals, which are present in sufficient quantities in salt, help in the regeneration and restoration of the nail.
  2. Sea buckthorn or olive oil - it should be rubbed into the affected nail, but carefully so as not to provoke the growth of the void under the nail and its separation.
  3. Gelatin. It can not only be taken internally, but also used as a bath product. To prepare the bath, you need to pour 0.5 tbsp of gelatin into 200 ml of hot water, stir well and leave for 30 minutes. Then heat it up and stir again. After this, cool and make bath solutions with it for 15 minutes up to 4 times a week.
  4. Pine needles with chamomile and green tea. Also in the form of baths, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and antibacterial effect. You need to take 1 tbsp in dry form. raw materials and pour boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Use the baths every day for 30 minutes.
  5. Alum compresses. To apply them, mix 5 g of alum, 25 ml of glycerin and 50 ml of water. Mix all the ingredients and soak the gauze generously, apply it to the damaged nail and cover with a piece of cling film. Wrap the compress with a bandage. It's better to do this at night.

Conclusion. Onycholysis is not only a cosmetic defect, because it often comes in combination with a fungal infection. It is imperative to treat this condition, because the consequences can be very serious.

Irregular use of products harmful to their health and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules can lead to various problems and diseases of the nail plate, affecting not only the beauty, but also the health of the nails. One of the most common diseases is onycholysis, which can manifest itself in different ways. The most noticeable manifestations onycholysis is, its unpleasant sensations, however, these are only external manifestations of the disease. If treatment is not started in time, there is a risk of excessive sensitivity of the nail plate, as a result of which the nails may become brittle and fall out.

What is nail onycholysis

Onycholysis is a disease of the nail plate in which its growth and connecting ability are impaired. As a rule, outwardly such a problem is manifested by the appearance of white and yellow spots on nails, brittleness, peeling and is accompanied by unpleasant, painful sensations. There are two types of onycholysis: infectious and non-infectious.

Usually, infectious onycholysis appears due to bacteria getting under the nail plate in places where it is detached. This type of disease is characterized by a change in the color of the nail as a result of air getting under it and developing infectious processes. Reproducing bacteria affect the condition of the nail, its integrity, structure, causing it to turn yellow, brown or light green, depending on the type of bacteria. With the development of microbial onycholysis of the nails, the structure of the nail changes, the surface becomes uneven, rough, protruding stripes appear, which contributes to its deformation and decay.

With a non-infectious type of onycholysis The color of the nail does not change; only the surface and structure of the nail can be deformed, which also affects their peeling and fragility. This disease can occur in both women and men and requires immediate treatment immediately after the first signs are detected.


Differences between onycholysis and fungus

Despite the fact that onycholosis has many common symptoms with, these are two various diseases. First of all, it is worth noting that this disease, like a fungus, can develop due to infectious infection and the development of bacteria under the nail plate. The main difference between onycholysis and fungus is the complexity of its course and consequences. This disease is often accompanied not only by changes in the structure of the nail, but also by deformation of its shape, changes in color, the appearance of brittleness, dryness, and thickening of the nail. Whereas the fungus only affects the color and structure of the nail, without contributing to the loss and separation of the nail plate.

The main causes of onycholysis

There are many reasons for such a common problem as onycholysis or nail separation. One of the most common is mechanical damage to the nail, which can occur due to a blow, cut, burn, rough tearing of the nail or other trauma. As a result, the structure of the nail is damaged and its growth is disrupted. In addition, dirt, dust and bacteria can enter the affected areas, which contribute to the development of infectious diseases. External factors can also include the influence of aggressive substances and allergens. A similar problem may arise for people who work in manufacturing or construction.

Another common cause of this disease is the presence of fungus on the nails. Fungus is an infectious lesion of the nail that occurs due to the entry and proliferation of bacteria. If not treated in a timely manner, it can affect the structure and growth of the nail, as well as cause the development of more serious diseases. Diseases that can influence the development of onycholysis are: eczema, dysbacteriosis, psoriasis, vascular pathologies, metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins. As a rule, treatment of onycholysis on the legs of this type will also depend on eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

Other causes of illness

In addition to gross mechanical damage, there are other external factors that influence the onset of the disease. These include:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • regular manicure;
  • frequent use of acetone and other toxic substances;
  • use of certain medications;
  • influence of direct rays of the sun;
  • lack of calcium and zinc in the body;
  • carrying out cosmetic procedures under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • high humidity.

Common causes of onycholysis are various cosmetic procedures and regular manicures. When using manicure tools, gel polishes and acetone, there is a possibility of damaging the nail. In addition, it is worth considering that care products such as varnishes, hardeners and remover contain aggressive chemicals that can harm the health of the nails. With regular use of such products, there is a risk of developing various kinds diseases and brittleness of the nail.

What to do if onycholysis occurs

If you notice excessive brittleness, peeling and staining on your nails, you must begin treatment immediately to prevent the disease from developing further. It is recommended that you seek help from a qualified dermatologist who can prescribe complex treatment. In addition, nails affected by the disease require careful care. Prevention and treatment of onycholysis on the legs and arms can be done at home. There are many folk recipes aimed at combating this disease.

If nail onycholysis develops, you should:

  • protect nails from bacteria and dirt;
  • avoid impacts, bruises and strong pressure on the nail plate;
  • avoid rooms with high levels of humidity and high temperatures;
  • avoid work that requires direct contact with paints, solvents and other irritants;
  • trim nails promptly as they grow;
  • Avoid applying varnish and glitter to affected nails;
  • avoid wearing tight shoes with onycholysis on the legs.

With the development of a disease such as onycholysis on the legs and arms, you can resort to traditional medicine. Folk remedies homemade cannot help completely get rid of the problem, but can have a significant impact on its development and manifestation.

Traditional medicine in the fight against onycholysis

If infectious onycholysis occurs, treatment may take a long time. Typically, it will take 4 to 6 months for your nails to return to normal. The doctor may prescribe effective ointments and drugs for treatment, but in combination with them you can use folk recipes that enhance the effect. To combat infectious diseases of toenails and fingernails, natural bactericidal products can be used, such as: soda, salt, herbal decoctions, aloe juice, salicylic acid, lemon and others.

To common folk recipes in the fight against peeling and brittleness of nails include:

  • compress with sea salt;
  • bath with the addition of pine needles;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • bath with soda;
  • compress with a decoction of chamomile, nettle, green tea.

To prevent and treat the disease, it is recommended to do daily compresses and foot baths to help fight bacteria. Bath with the addition of regular baking soda or sea salt can help effectively fight bacteria under the nail plate and prevent their proliferation. To prepare it, add 2 tablespoons of soda or sea salt to a glass of boiled water, into which you need to dip your fingers. Typically, the time to keep your fingers in the water is 20-30 minutes.

To prepare the bath, it is recommended to use decoctions of natural herbs rich in vitamins and minerals. Sea buckthorn oil can be applied to the affected areas, which helps cope with peeling, dryness and peeling of the nail plate.

Drugs for the treatment of onycholysis

In order to effectively cope with the problem of nail detachment and loss, treatment must be carried out comprehensively and prescribed by a specialized doctor. Today there is a large list of medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing the negative manifestations of the disease and its complete elimination. The most popular remedies for onycholysis include:

  • StopActive nail cream;
  • Peklavus pencil;
  • Ketoconazole and others.

A popular remedy is StopActive bacterial cream, the main effect of which is to fight bacteria. The product is often used to eliminate fungus and its unpleasant manifestations, such as bad smell, itching and peeling. It contains active components that act on the root of the fungus, eliminating the proliferation of bacteria. This remedy can be used to treat onycholysis in cases where its development is caused by a fungus or other infection.

Has a similar effect medicinal product. This drug is included in the category of antifungal drugs with the main active ingredient triazole. The use of this remedy is indicated for fungus, mycosis, candidiasis, onycholysis and other nail diseases. This category of drugs also includes Ketoconazole, whose action is aimed at combating infections of any kind.