How long does it take for a child to adapt to a new formula? How to determine that formula is not suitable for a newborn and transfer the child from one diet to another? Symptoms that let you know something is wrong

Breastfeeding newborns is a very valuable gift of nature. Experts say that every woman can breastfeed. But sometimes desire alone is not enough. Difficulties arise. If for some reason a woman cannot breastfeed, the choice of formula must be approached carefully. After all, the health and development of the baby depends on this. How to choose the right mixture? What mixtures are there? How to prepare the mixture correctly? Let's talk in the article.

What important points should be taken into account when switching to artificial feeding of newborns? First, consult your doctor. He can offer formulas that are as close to breast milk as possible. They must be of high quality and purchased in special stores or baby food departments.

Do not buy mixtures of different brands and several pieces. Buy one pack. After all, you don’t know whether it will suit the baby. Carefully study the composition and expiration date. When switching to a new formula, the baby may experience constipation or loose stools. Don't worry. Thus, the child’s body adapts to the new food.

You should not buy the mixture secondhand, even at a price significantly lower than the store price. Even if the packaging is intact and has a normal shelf life, there is no guarantee that it was stored under the required temperature conditions and acceptable humidity. This means it may be damaged.

What formulas exist for artificial feeding of newborns?

Baby food manufacturers offer a wide selection of different formulas. Sometimes parents are at a loss as to which one to choose. Each child is individual. In general, infant formula is made from high-quality cow's or goat's milk. The protein is processed.

1. Adapted. The composition is as close as possible to mother's milk. It is possible to feed a newborn with an artificial formula with maximum adaptation from the first days of life. The baby quickly gets used to the mixture, as it is nutritious and quickly absorbed by the body. It is based on demineralized whey, the correct balance of vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. Such mixtures include, for example, “Nan”, “Nutrilon”, “Humana 1”.

2. Partially adapted. Does not contain demineralized whey. A partially adapted formula imitates the composition of breast milk. Just as nutritious and healthy. This is “Nestozhen”, “Malyutka”. They can be given from birth, but this food more often causes negative reactions in the child than the above. But the price is cheaper.

3. Unadapted. Includes casein, beneficial substances such as lactose, amino acids, vitamins and semi-saturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Made from unprocessed cow's milk. It is recommended to give to children over six months.

4. Fermented milk. Rich in bifidobacteria. If a bottle-fed newborn's stool is often hard, irregular, or there are problems with the digestive tract, these mixtures the best choice. Doctors' opinions differ as to whether fermented milk formula can be a child's main diet. Some advise giving fermented milk mixture no more than once a day. Others say that you can feed children exclusively with it, because it is not kefir, but a mixture, albeit with the addition of bifidobacteria.

5. Medicinal. Possess unique properties. They not only nourish the baby, but also have a healing function. Infants who have been diagnosed with anemia will benefit from formulas with high levels of iron; with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - baby food based on soy milk; prone to allergies - hypoallergenic mixtures. Medical nutrition is prescribed to children born ahead of schedule. They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, protein and proteins.

The mixtures are sold in the form of a dry powder and ready-made. The first option is more popular. It is economical and affordable for most families. Preparing the mixture is not difficult. Instructions are on the package.

Remember the main thing, Golden Rule: The new mixture must be introduced gradually. First 30 ml, the next day - 60 ml, etc. The mixture with a thickener is intended for children who regurgitate excessively. It is introduced a little at each feeding. The thick consistency of the food does not allow it to be easily pushed out of the stomach.

Why should you choose a quality mixture?

International standards have been developed based on biochemical research. They are responsible for the quality of breast milk substitutes. The emergence of such mixtures is the most important technological achievement of mankind. Previously, children were fed cow's milk, and almost all of them had problems with the kidneys, intestines, and allergic reactions. Nowadays, natural and artificial feeding are practically on the same level.

What are the features of the adapted mixture? What does it contain?

1. Reduced protein levels. An excess of aggressive cow protein leads to negative reactions in the child’s body. The digestive system cannot digest proteins due to a lack of enzymes. Abuse can lead to allergic reactions, metabolic disorders, problems digestive system and with weight gain.

2. Proteins are very close in composition to mother’s milk. Such mixtures contain amino acids. They are necessary for building cells.

3. Presence of taurine. It is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is not found in proteins. Essential for children, especially in the first year of life. In older children, taurine is produced based on the synthesis of cysteine ​​and serine. Responsible for the proper functioning of the brain, cell building, absorption of fats and other components.

4. Semi-saturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are responsible for the development of a child’s brain. The body produces hormone-like substances based on PUFAs. Their main task is to regulate metabolic processes at the cellular level, providing anti-inflammatory effects and an immune response.

5. Carbohydrates. There are much more of them in breast milk than in cow's milk. The main one is lactose (85% of the carbohydrate composition). It consists of galactose and glucose and belongs to the group of disaccharides. The remaining 15% are oligosaccharides. They contain several molecules of simple sugars. Their main task is to maintain the intestinal microflora and protect against harmful bacteria. Oligosaccharides are replaced by a low molecular weight polymer of glucose in mixtures. It normalizes the intestinal microflora, is responsible for the absorption of fats and their entry into the blood. Thanks to this, the baby does not feel hungry.

How to prepare milk formula?

Not everyone knows how to prepare the mixture correctly. It would seem that this is as simple as shelling pears. But sometimes nuances arise that confuse parents.

Not a single, even the most expensive, adapted mixture can replace breast milk. Transferring a child to formula should be done gradually if there are reasons for this.

First of all, carefully read the instructions on the package. Pay attention to such points.

1. What temperature should the water be.

2. What are the correct proportions for preparing the mixture.

3. Is there a measuring spoon in the package?

5. How long can the mixture be stored and under what conditions.

Sterility is the main condition for preparing the mixture. The main task of parents is to protect the child from germs by all means, to help adapt to the conditions environment. There is no need for extra microbes. Intestinal infections are very dangerous for a child of the first year of life. You need to prepare the milk formula before each feeding. For a newborn, be sure to boil the bottle and pacifier.

When everything is ready, let's start preparing the mixture. Determine the required ratio of water and measuring spoons of the mixture. Pour boiled water into the bottle and let it cool to the required temperature. Pour the required amount of mixture (without a slide).

Do not use another spoon, only the one included. Cap the bottle and shake. Make sure there are no lumps. You should not shake the bottle too vigorously, so as not to saturate the milk drink with air bubbles.

Checking the temperature. Drop a little mixture onto your elbow. If the temperature is normal, you can give it to the baby.

It is important to maintain the correct ratio of water and mixture. Some mothers, in order to saturate the baby, add more measuring spoons to the water. There is no need to do this. For the first three months, the baby already suffers from colic.

Prepare only as much formula as your baby will eat. Do not store unfinished mixture or add a new portion to it. The longer the mixture is stored, the higher the risk of bacteria growing in it. If you are going on the road, take a thermos with boiled hot water with you. You will need it to prepare fresh mixture for the baby.

You should not exceed the feeding norms for bottle-fed newborns, which were announced to you by your pediatrician. Usually they are written on the packaging of the mixture. If your child, after feeding the recommended dosage, feels the urge to suck on a bottle more, this is not a signal to offer more formula. Most likely, the signal of satiety from his stomach has not yet had time to reach his brain. Give your baby a pacifier if he sucks on one. And in the future, do not try to quickly feed the child. Let him suck slowly. To do this, purchase a slow flow bottle nipple. By the way, a small hole in the nipple will protect the baby from being swallowed large quantity air, which means from intestinal colic, belching and hiccups.

Give the child a mixture with a temperature of 36-38 degrees, the same as body temperature. This way it will be absorbed better.

Do I need to give water when bottle feeding?

Additional fluid is necessary for children receiving infant formula as their main diet. How much and how to properly supplement infants? First you need to decide what you will give to drink. There are several options for what kind of water to give to a newborn, and they can be combined with each other:

  • special children's water;
  • boiled water;
  • clean spring water, from an artesian well;
  • fennel fruit infusion or other baby “tea” (usually recommended for colic);
  • infusion or decoction of raisins, prunes, dried apricots (with their help, constipation in newborns with artificial feeding is also treated).

As for the quantity, focus on the following calculations: 30 grams of water multiplied by 1 kg of the child’s weight. That is, a child weighing 7 kg needs about 210 grams of fluid per day. But how much water to give a newborn during IV is very average recommendations. Children who have a high body temperature need more fluids. And a baby who is in a humid room with a comfortable air temperature will drink less. All this shouldn't bother you.

If supplementation during artificial feeding is not carried out enough, the child will most likely have problems with stool. Usually, literally trying to push liquid into the child, parents resort to tricks. For example, they begin to sweeten it. In principle, this is not harmful. If done in moderation. However, many children, after such desserts, have trouble drinking regular water in the future. In this case, it is more useful to try to feed the child with a syringe without a needle; if he does not drink water from a bottle, pour some water into his cheek. Or give it from a spoon.

First complementary food during artificial feeding

Previously, it was believed that formula-fed infants should begin receiving additional nutrition in the form of fruit juices as early as 4 months of age. Now that many adapted formulas are sold in stores at affordable prices, the introduction of such early complementary feeding is not at all necessary.

That is, it is recommended for bottle-fed babies to start complementary feeding at the same age as babies fed on mother’s milk, at 6 months. And not from fruit juices or fruit purees, but from vegetable purees or dairy-free cereals. This complementary food is given at 6-7 months. At 8 months it is time for meat. After - cottage cheese, fish and kefir.

Basic products that should be introduced into a child’s diet by the age of 1 year:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • porridge;
  • meat;
  • fermented milk (kefir, cottage cheese - if the child does not have an allergic reaction to them).

Egg yolk and fish - if the child tolerates them well.

The introduction of complementary foods during artificial feeding can be carried out in accordance with the table on our website.

Table. Scheme for introducing complementary foods when artificially feeding children from 0 to one year old by month.

Names of complementary feeding products and dishes Child's age, months
0-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-12
Adapted infant formula or “follow-up” infant formula, ml 700-800 800-900 800-900 800-900 700 400 300-400 350 200-400 200-400
Fruit juices, ml 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Fruit puree, g 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Cottage cheese, g 40 40 40 40 40-50
Yolk, pcs. 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5
Vegetable puree, g 10-100 150 150 170 180 180-200
Milk porridge, g 50-100 150 170 180 180-200
Meat puree, g 5-30 50 50 60-70
Fish puree, g 5-30 30-60
Kefir and others dairy products or "subsequent" mixtures, ml 200 200-400 200-400
Bread (wheat, highest quality), G 5 5 10
Rusks, cookies, g 3-5 5 5 10-15
Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn) 1-3 3 3 5 5 6
Butter 1-4 4 4 5 6
Whole milk 100 200 200 200 200 200

28-03-2009, 22:02

We have been on IV practically since birth, eating NAN hyperallergenic. Now something happened (we are almost 4 months old) and we began to eat this mixture very poorly. We bought Nutrilon Comfort to try. He seems to be eating better, but, in my opinion, his poop has become a bit runny. I want to try another mixture (for example, Frisolak), but I don’t know if it’s possible to jump from one mixture to another so often? Will this be difficult for the baby? On the other hand, I want to find the mixture that is optimal for the child. How to do this correctly? Please tell me!

28-03-2009, 22:07

28-03-2009, 22:18

Under no circumstances should you “jump” so often! to each new mixture The baby needs to get used to it, it doesn’t happen so quickly.
We have been on IV since the maternity hospital, in the maternity hospital they fed us Nan, but for some reason we did not gain weight well on it.
after Nana we ate Nutrilon Comfort, which supposedly helps with constipation and colic, on the advice of the pediatrician.
didn't help us one bit. In addition, it tastes disgusting (bitter) and the baby spat on it.
after a while we switched to regular Nutrilon.
so they stayed there. and they began to poop better, and everything was OK with the weight.
excellent mixture, one of the best according to all kinds of data and research.

How long does it take for a child to get used to the formula?

28-03-2009, 22:22

Under no circumstances should you “jump” so often! The baby needs to get used to each new mixture, it doesn’t happen that quickly.
We have been on IV since the maternity hospital, in the maternity hospital they fed us Nan, but for some reason we did not gain weight well on it.
after Nana we ate Nutrilon Comfort, which supposedly helps with constipation and colic, on the advice of the pediatrician.
didn't help us one bit. In addition, it tastes disgusting (bitter) and the baby spat on it.
after a while we switched to regular Nutrilon.
so they stayed there. and they began to poop better, and everything was OK with the weight.
excellent mixture, one of the best according to all kinds of data and research.

We developed a rash when using regular Nutrilon. We ate Comfort for half a year. Now I’m trying to switch to Frisopep, because everything is covered in plaques.

28-03-2009, 22:28

How long does it take for a child to get used to the formula?
5-7 days, that’s what our gastroenterologist told me.

28-03-2009, 22:39

We developed a rash when using regular Nutrilon. We ate Comfort for half a year. Now I’m trying to switch to Frisopep, because everything is covered in plaques.

What are plaques?:009:

29-03-2009, 12:43

The first one and I have been on Frisolak since 3 weeks, everything was fine (except for small constipation several times), now the eldest is 1.7 years old, we eat Frisolak 3. The youngest is 13 days old, we bought Nutrilon for supplementary feeding, but I don’t like it yet - the feeling that I didn’t eat, but just drank some water, because... Half an hour passes and he wants to eat again: (I’m thinking of switching to the same Frisolak or to NAS.

29-03-2009, 13:36

From the maternity hospital we were put on Frisolak, and at 3 weeks the baby was allergic (severe allergy). Then in a month I changed 3 different formulas, and the transition was not gradual, but abruptly, the result: the child regurgitated the mixture like a fountain after feeding. The pediatrician recommended Nutrilon Comfort, we took it for 0.5 years. The allergy began to manifest itself again and the allergist switched us to Nanny. But the doctor told me that I should switch gradually over the course of a week, first give half a portion of the new formula, supplement with the old one, the next day replace one feeding with a new one, and so on. This time my daughter had no problems switching from formula to formula.

Mothers who are breastfeeding need to carefully plan their diet so that the baby grows healthy and strong. Together with milk he receives vitamins, beneficial bacteria- everything a newborn needs. Any changes in diet can lead to an allergic reaction, indigestion, constipation, and colic.

The situation is different with those babies who are forced to be content with formula milk. Artificial feeding is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor; it is the pediatrician who can recommend a change in product, as well as a specific manufacturer that produces a quality product.

It is best to entrust the selection of formula to a leading pediatrician who is knowledgeable about the characteristics of a particular child’s body.

When should the mixture be replaced?

Often mothers are looking for another mixture for financial reasons - an inexpensive analogue. In this case, you should consult with specialists. The pediatrician has accumulated a wealth of experience over the years of his work; he knows exactly which mixture meets safety requirements, but at the same time does not break the bank (we recommend reading:). Today on the market you can find a wide variety of products from domestic and foreign manufacturers - there is always an alternative.

Symptoms will help you understand whether the formula is suitable for your child or whether you need to switch to special feeding. It is quite simple to determine that a product is poorly absorbed - the baby has:

  • development of anemia;
  • bowel dysfunction for a long time;
  • allergic reactions;
  • frequent bloating;
  • The child has grown up - a planned transition is needed.

If, after taking the mixture, the baby begins to burp, there is bloating or abnormal bowel movements - most likely, this type of nutrition is not suitable

Purchasing a mixture taking into account the characteristics of the body

A huge selection of mixtures on store shelves allows you to change it correctly, taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s body. For example, for babies with frequent belching, mixtures with gum are offered, which will calm the microflora of the stomach. When a child is lactose intolerant, they buy special baby food without it, and if they are allergic to protein, a mixture with soy ingredients is suitable. A special mixture should also be given for anemia; pediatricians recommend a diet high in iron.

Most often, you have to switch to a special diet when there are signs of dysbiosis. Artificial products are not enriched with bacteria for the stomach, so the classic formula is not suitable for children with digestive problems - they need to introduce probiotics into their diet, but only with the permission of the pediatrician.

If the baby suffers from an allergy to cow's milk, he is given a mixture with goat or soy milk (more details in the article:). Protein obtained by hydrolysis is often used. Useful elements are preserved, but there is no harm to the body. Be that as it may, baby food should be purchased only after consulting a doctor.

How to change your baby's formula: basic principles

It is not necessary to switch the child to another formula spontaneously. You must follow the recommendations:

  1. Act gradually, do not abruptly cancel the old diet, as a malfunction will occur in the stomach, stool will be disrupted, which will lead to diarrhea and dehydration. Smoothness is very important if you want to give a mixture from another manufacturer.
  2. Gradual replacement occurs not only in the case of different brands and compositions; When you change a diet that is not appropriate for an older child, do it gradually. One or two weeks is quite enough.
  3. If you want to change the brand, dilute the product in different containers. At one feeding, give the bottles one at a time: first the new one, and then the old one. Changing diet according to age is easier: the powders can be mixed in one bottle.
  4. The transition to a new diet due to age requires a gradual increase in the diet. Every couple of days you add a spoonful of new powder instead of the old one - the dosage gradually increases.

To introduce a new mixture according to age, you will need to mix it with the usual one for some time and gradually change the proportions

Scheme of transition from one mixture to another

How should the transition take place? If you change the brand of baby food, you will need two bottles. Once every two days you need to change the diet, increasing the volume of the new mixture and reducing the volume of the old one. For example, when your baby eats 180 ml of formula, you can plan the diet as follows:

  • first or second day – 30 ml of water + 1 teaspoon of new mixture / 150 ml of water + 5 spoons of old;
  • 3-4 days – 60 ml water + 2 spoons / 120 ml + 4 spoons;
  • 4-6 days - 3 spoons and 90 ml of water in each bottle;
  • 7-8 beats – 120 ml water + 4 spoons / 60 ml + 2 spoons;
  • 9-10 – 160 ml water + 5 spoons / 30 ml + 1 spoon;
  • Day 11-12 – the mixture is completely replaced.

Changing nutrition according to age occurs in a similar way, only now the powders can be mixed with each other. A sample diet looks like this:

  • first or second day – 1 spoon of fresh powder + 5 spoons of old;
  • 3-4 days – 2 tablespoons fresh + 4 – old;
  • 4-6 days – 3 spoons of each type;
  • 7-8 days – 4 spoons of fresh + 2 – old;
  • 9-10 days – 5 spoons of fresh + 1 – old;
  • Days 11-12 – complete transition.

It is impossible to know in advance how the body will react, but if the baby accepts the replacement normally, you can reduce the time frame slightly. Just add new volume daily.

You can find out the body’s reaction to a new mixture only after the child has taken it - you need to carefully monitor changes in digestion

Difficulties when changing diet

The transition to a new feeding is deliberately extended - the child’s body needs time to get used to the unusual diet. The stomach must adapt and digest mixtures normally. Reasonable caution will never be superfluous, especially when it comes to a baby - often the body begins to react negatively. The child develops the following symptoms:

  1. bloating;
  2. colic;
  3. diarrhea.

If signs of distress continue for more than 3 days, the baby’s condition constantly worsens, the baby becomes restless, contact pediatrician. Perhaps the selected mixture did not suit you and you need to replace it with another product.

If the unpleasant symptoms of intestinal disorders and skin rashes do not go away, the baby should be shown to a doctor
  1. To ensure that the transition goes well, as planned, draw up a table with a transition schedule that will reflect the volumes, days, and reactions of the child’s body to the changes. The doctor will be able to understand whether the diet is suitable for the child.
  2. The powder must be diluted as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. If the baby cannot eat enough, simply increase the amount of mixture by 30 ml. It is strictly forbidden to leave the same volume of water and add more powder.
  3. Transition, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is always stressful for the body. Colic will be a common problem for your baby, so try to alleviate his condition by giving massages, cuddling him, warming him with the warmth of your body - the baby feels maternal love, even if you feed him artificially (we recommend reading:).