Italian style of clothing: creating the right look. Italian style of clothing - How Italian women dress

Italian style in clothing for women is a combination of elegance, sophistication and slight negligence, a real calling card of wayward Italian women.

Basic principles of the Italian genre in choosing an outfit

Simple cut and clear lines. Exactly at this style designers tend to abandon excesses, layers and abundance of details - giving preference to laconic, simple models. In such outfits, graphics and clarity prevail, which corrects and favorably emphasizes any figure.

What characterizes the Italian style of clothing?

For women choosing this genre, not only comfort is important, but also external gloss and practicality.

Calm range of colors

Italian style clothing for women should be without bright colors and accents even in shoes and accessories - discreet shades emphasize the simplicity of shapes, the elegance of the silhouette and allow you to look impeccable in any situation, regardless of external circumstances.

Sophistication and simplicity

Only at first glance, it seems that these are mutually exclusive concepts - Italian style proves that simple (basic) models can and should look surprisingly elegant and expensive with the right selection of outfit elements and accompanying accessories.


In this style, all efforts of designers are aimed at emphasizing the captivating curves of the female body: carefully thought out models - from the shade to the last seam - make the outfit seductive and feminine.

Soft fabrics

This point hides two fundamental principles of the Italian style in clothing for women - the love of Italian women for comfort and convenience, as well as the desire to smoothly emphasize the dignity of the figure, which makes soft fabrics the most popular material of this genre.

Prohibition of vulgarity

Despite all the seductiveness of the style’s outfits, he does not tolerate vulgarity and pretentiousness. For example, only the back or neckline can be open in an outfit - not all together. In addition, the Italian style does not accept an abundance of rhinestones, sequins and beads - they are often not used even in evening dresses. For women 40, 50 years old and older, the Italian style of clothing is best suited.


In the Italian style for women, every detail of the outfit is strictly thought out and has its own purpose, so in this style it is impossible to find unnecessary decorative elements - buttons, beads, buttons or zippers that are not used for their intended purpose. All details must solve some kind of semantic problem, merging into a single complete image.


Italian style is the option when simple outfits must be complemented with expensive and high-quality accessories to complete the look. An abundance of beads, sparkles and cheap jewelry is not acceptable.

Putting together an image in Italian style

What details can you use to create an Italian style look?


The most popular in this style are straight sheath dresses mid-knee length. Accessorize this look with a leather belt to highlight your waist. Soft, pastel shades and classic combinations of black and white are welcome.


It won’t come as a surprise that Italians’ favorite skirt style is a pencil skirt with a deep, intriguing slit. Skirts dark shades usually combined with plain blouses and light chiffon tops in light pastel shades.


The most characteristic is the straight cut of trousers or light flares. 3/4 trousers will also fit the theme.


They are no less loved by women in Italian style than by men. Suits (pants or with a skirt) are most often fitted and look quite feminine in combination with pumps with medium heels (up to 5 cm).

Cardigans and warm sweaters

Single-color models of various lengths are used with simple cut, without decorative elements - collars and natural fur. Shoes. The most popular in this style is quality shoes from genuine leather or suede. For casual daytime looks in the Italian style of clothing for women, functional low-top shoes are preferable: ballet flats or moccasins. For evening events, elegant pumps with thin stilettos or heeled sandals are most often chosen.


It is accessories that make a woman’s image in Italian style truly elegant and harmonious. Hats and bags are often selected from natural materials, reserved Jewelry or expensive designer jewelry. The abundance of cheap accessories in this style is simply unacceptable. Like clothing, accessories in this style must be functional, which is why elegant elements are considered one of the favorite elements of Italian women’s look. wrist watch medium size.

In everyday looks, you should most often limit yourself to one discreet accessory (for example, a bracelet, pendant or string of pearls).

In addition to other nuances in the Italian style, the division into daytime and evening wardrobes is very important. For everyday life, models are characterized by special comfort, restraint and increased functionality - you won’t find high-heeled shoes or bright accents here. Evening dresses, on the contrary, are more loyal and allow deep necklines or cutouts on the back, brighter and large jewelry. However, everything is relative; in other cases, accessories should be handled carefully, without overloading the image with details.

Italian style colors and prints in women's clothing

In this style, classic colors are universal and do not lose their relevance from season to season - this is why buying an expensive branded item (even on credit) is a profitable investment in Italy, because it will not go out of style and will remain in fashion even after many years. In the Italian style, pastel, natural shades are dominant. The main and most popular colors are shades of gray, green, brown and gray colors. Of course, combinations of black and white remain beyond competition. The red color in its scarlet version is practically never found, only dark or very “washed out” shades.

Prints in the Italian style are also quite restrained - stripes and checks are popular, and laconic geometric patterns are also used. An important rule is to use only one thing with a print in the overall look - to maintain the overall mood of simplicity and laconicism of the outfit.

More images in Italian style:


Girls love to travel, especially if the country they are going to has boutiques to choose from. fashionable clothes that you can afford to buy for yourself. When going to Italy, you don’t have to look like an Italian, unless of course it’s a business meeting.suggests chic and elegance, which is not at all difficult to create yourself. About the history of the formation of the Italian style and its characteristic features and will be discussed in our article.

After World War II, all countries of the world began to experience a slight economic recovery, which Italy also achieved in the 50s of the last century. Along with the growth of industry and employment, the fashion industry has also achieved growth.

The formation of Italian style in the fashion world was facilitated by:

  • A display of clothing produced by Italian craftsmen, supplied to American stores by the Marquis Giovanni Battista Giorgini in 1951
  • The release of the film “Roman Holiday”, which made it possible to show the characteristic features of the Italian image
  • Americans' love for holidays in Italy.

In the 60s last century, fashion became more democratic and devoid of features characteristic of hippie cultures.

This “freed” the hands of Italian craftsmen and opened up the possibility in the 70s hold a whole series of fashion shows. Roberto Cavalli, Laura Biagiotti, Giorgio Armani, Versace, etc. began to gain popularity.

In the 80s XX century Italy was awarded the honor of becoming the first European country, engaged in the export of fashionable clothing throughout the world. At this time, the Italian style of clothing began to take shape more fully, adding details and offering fashionistas a variety of styles. The denim style was replaced by yuppie and Mediterranean styles. Such people began to gain fame fashion houses like Alberta Ferretti, Romeo Gigli and Dolce and Gabbana.

In the 90s The grunge style came into fashion, a characteristic feature of which was the carelessness of clothing, expressed in artificial wear and tear. Gicci, Prada, Vercace and Armani conquered world dominance and are still leaders today fashion industry worldwide.

The Italian style of clothing has certain features that make it possible to distinguish it from other fashion trends.

  • Sensuality. When creating each outfit, fashion designers direct their efforts to highlight the beauty of graceful female curves as effectively as possible.
  • A combination of chic and simplicity. It would seem that these concepts cannot harmonize and exist simultaneously in one image. However, the Italians prove to the whole world that simple clothes in tandem with luxury accessories can work wonders!
  • Sophistication. Each outfit is well thought out from the idea to the last seam. Italians have a clear division between daytime and evening fashion, which allows women to look good in both cases
  • Clean lines and simple cut. They work wonders on a woman of any size. Extra details and unreasonable effects are prohibited by Italian fashion designers, which is worthy of respect and admiration, because in order to create masterpieces without additions, real talent is needed!
  • Restrained color scheme. Italian fashion is conservative. The product you bought now will not lose its relevance ten years later. It should be noted that the quality of clothing will not suffer, because Italians produce items of the highest quality. It is not surprising that the shopping credit system is widely developed in Italy. Buying a fur coat on credit or designer dress considered in this country in a great way for capital investment. The classic black color is common, allowing you to create a lot of combinations, as well as pastel shades.
  • Soft fabrics when creating fashionable masterpieces. It is very pleasant to wear such clothes, and besides, such fabrics allow you to emphasize the plasticity of the silhouette.
  • Convenience and comfort. When composing looks in the Italian style, the comfort that a woman will receive when wearing it is of paramount importance. That is why fashion designers rarely include in their collections overly tight-fitting products that restrict movement and high-heeled shoes.
  • Lack of vulgarity and pretentiousness. The back or décolleté area may be open, or the skirt may have a high slit. However, such elements cannot be combined together, since they create the image of an accessible woman. This rule applies to both daytime and evening fashion. Sequins, sparkles and rhinestones are rarely used by fashion designers even in evening dresses.
  • Functionality. The outfit should be thoughtful and each element in it should have its own purpose. Italians believe that there is no need to decorate an outfit with decorative buttons, snakes, beads and fasteners that are not used directly for their intended purpose.
  • Accessories. Simple things are complemented by expensive accessories - earrings, watches, bracelets.

To create an Italian-style wardrobe, items must be of high quality and simple in cut. Ensembles are in no way a way to show superiority over others, or a sign social status in society. Italians prefer:

  • Dresses. Current classic sheath dress, which will not be too close to the body. The dress may have a different style, but it must be made in a discreet manner. Black and white look interesting color combinations, classic black dresses in straight styles, just above the knee length. The dress may have a small frill or ruffle trim, as well as a belt or belt.
  • Skirt. The best option is a pencil skirt with a high, intriguing slit. When it comes to business fashion, black is indispensable. A black skirt can be combined with monotonous blouses and light-colored tops.
  • Trousers. Characterized by a straight cut, they can be slightly flared or wide. You can combine trousers with light blouses or with models of the same color as the trousers.
  • Costumes. Italian women love trouser and skirt suits. As a rule, suits are fitted, elegant and fit well. Pumps or moccasins can be a traditional addition.
  • Jeans. According to legend, it was the Italians who began to exalt them on the world's catwalks, when jeans were still considered American workwear. They can be simple or with small effects or inserts and can be combined with sneakers, moccasins, wedges and other comfortable shoes.
  • Cardigans, sweaters. They allow you to complement your look in cool weather and not freeze. Current simple styles of various lengths, without flashy details and an abundance of decorative parts. Cardigans with mink collars look very stylish on girls.
  • Tops and blouses. As in other Italian clothing, conservatism and minimalism are valued.
  • Shoes. High-quality expensive shoes made from natural materials - leather, suede or textiles - are valued. For shopping, walking and work, moccasins, ballet flats and other low-top shoes are suitable, because according to the canons of Italian fashion, a woman’s comfort is placed above all else. But for evening looks, pumps, shoes and sandals with stiletto heels or high heels are quite suitable.
  • Accessories. Scarves, hats, handbags, jewelry, watches - should not be cheap, because it is through them that the Italian makes the image harmonious and balanced. When buying, preference is given to one, but expensive item, rather than ten cheap ones.

Italian style of clothing in wedding fashion

Dresses created by Italian designers for wedding fashion, are distinguished by a highly raised chest area, accents in the form of belts and bows at the waist or hips. A wedding set must include a veil.

Hair and makeup in Italian style

Among Italian women, hairstyles with voluminous and slightly disheveled hair are valued, which speak of the hot temperament of Italian women. Smooth hairstyles and short haircuts, tight ponytails and retro looks with combed hair and curled curls.

Makeup assumes naturalness and authenticity. Foundation or powder in most cases are used only to disguise existing skin imperfections. The emphasis should be on the shape of the eyebrows, which should be smooth and thick, as well as on the lips, which should be decorated with bright lipstick.

It doesn't matter where you are, in Milan or in a provincial town in our country. Italian fashion is so popular that it finds fans in all corners of the world. Each of us can be Italian!

What immediately comes to mind when you hear the word Italy? Magnificent architecture, immortal paintings, melodious songs and delicious food. This is an amazing and romantic country on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, warmed by the cozy rays of the sun all year round. Another association that Italy evokes in us is that it is the center of world fashion. It is here that famous and talented couturiers, makeup artists, and stylists come from all over the world. Being an authoritative trendsetter, the country has defined its own special and unique Italian style of clothing. What is this fashion trend and how can you create a bright look based on it? Let's figure this out together.

Italian style in women's clothing

No one doubts that every person wants to look good every day and at the same time feel comfortable. When a suit, dress, coat is of excellent quality and looks in full accordance with the name, then you have real Italian style. It is also often called the spectacular word chic. In women's clothing, this means femininity and elegance in the most ordinary things.

Typical features of Italian fashion can be defined in a small but indicative list.

  • Laconic images. A stylish suit usually consists of simple functional elements, executed in a discreet manner. The ability to variably add exquisite jewelry and eye-catching accessories allows you to create looks for different occasions.

  • Simple cutting lines. The clear silhouette and simple shapes of the basic models make Italian clothing suitable for women of any age, regardless of their figure.

  • Moderate color palette. Italian style can be classified as a conservative fashion trend. Therefore, most images are formed on the basis of classic black, complemented by pastel colors in delicate shades.

  • Soft fabric structure. High-quality materials with a small content of elastic additives contribute to the creation of elegant styles. The fashion for products of natural origin has led to the fact that many Italian-style fabrics have natural base. The slight crumpling of finished items does not look sloppy; it indicates their environmental cleanliness.

  • Practicality. Every element of the costume is carefully thought out, since fashionable style does not tolerate accidents. Significance is attached to every little detail, which, in addition to decoration, must be endowed with a certain function.

Create an Italian look

Simple style requirements define the set basic items wardrobe First of all, this is a traditional sheath dress. Contrary to the name, it does not have to be tightly hugging the figure; a soft flow around the silhouette is sufficient. Without a doubt, black and white pieces have the most stylish look, although you can choose from a variety of colors. It would be nice to dilute the excessive severity decorative elements such as ruffles or frills.

The optimal model of a women's skirt is a pencil style with a slit. If we consider the product as the basis of a business look, then the most suitable color black or grey. For other occasions, a skirt in blue, red, chocolate, beige colour. The narrow model goes well with almost any style of blouses, blouses, and tops.

It is advisable to stop your search for trousers with a model with a straight cut or slightly flared from the knee. They go well with light, light blouses and thin turtlenecks. Jeans are an indispensable element of every woman's wardrobe. These are comfortable and affordable clothes for any age category.

In the closet of the average Italian woman there are at least a dozen different models. The most popular jeans are straight, flared or skinny jeans. They are worn with sneakers, moccasins, and low-top sandals.

Italian style for women is unthinkable without a suit. If desired, there can be several of them: with a skirt and trousers, summer and winter, light and dark. The main requirement of the style is high-quality fabric and a good cut that ensures a perfect fit.

Italian style of men's clothing. Photo

Characteristic feature fashionable images for the stronger half is elegance and originality. An Italian man never looks tasteless or ridiculous. A good tailor helps him in this, who will not allow an accordion on the trouser leg, overly wide shoulders or excessive volume in the jacket. The Italian cut guarantees an impeccable fit, straight posture and a slim, toned figure.

A man's wardrobe consists of traditional items made from quality fabric and combined with other items in multiple variations. Two or three suits for business meetings and special events, one and a half to two dozen different shirts of classic and sports cut, pullovers, jeans - this is a mandatory set.

In the cold season, men will need a coat, trench coat, and light jacket. Functional accessories are few but of good quality: ties, belts, sunglasses, watches, briefcase. Particular attention is paid to shoes, which should be made of good leather and always look well-groomed.

Party in Italian style

Clothing for women from southern designers usually has a clear division into daytime and evening wear. As for holiday looks, these are costumes that can be described as elegant classics.

An interesting theme for an incendiary party could be a gangster-themed meeting. Mandatory for men classic suit, patent leather shoes, a black hat and a stern look. A woman looks gorgeous in a floor-length black evening dress made of soft flowing fabric and with a fur boa on her shoulders. High heels and stockings with arrows emphasize graceful legs. A high updo, a small clutch bag – and the boss’s girlfriend is ready for adventure.

You can find many original ideas for holiday parties. One of the most popular is an Italian style wedding. This is a family celebration with a large number of guests and obligatory observance of traditions and customs.

A snow-white dress, a transparent veil, fresh flowers, simple jewelry, discreet makeup - everything speaks of the bride’s modesty and purity. The noble image of the groom should fully correspond to the solemnity of the event: a classic suit, a starched shirt, a colored bow tie and a happy smile.



I really love watching old black and white Italian films where I can watch amazing, gorgeous Italian women. Sometimes I really want to be like them, and I wonder what the secret of the attractiveness of Italian women is.

And in this publication, I tried to analyze what nature has endowed Italian women with so special, whose style is often cited as an example of femininity and sexuality. I suggest you look at the photos of Italian fashionistas and see my conclusions.

1. Create your image based on one catchy accent

Italian women know how to look slightly extravagant, but truly fashionable. They achieve this by building their image around one catchy accent. This could be a top with large ruffles or colorful pants with a bold print, something that catches the eye and creates visual interest like no other element of your outfit.

It can also be accessories, for example, massive earrings, shoes or a clutch. The basic rule is that you should only have one striking accent in your image, while the others remain neutral and calm. This way, you won’t overshadow this catchy accent you have, won’t push it into the background, and will become one step closer to the style of Italian women.

2. Don't be afraid to invest in quality wardrobe staples.

Forget about buying cheap clothes that will only last for one season at most. It's best to start investing in classic wardrobe staples that are high quality and that you can wear for almost the rest of your life. Of course, basic things are preferable in neutral color scheme. Black trousers, dresses, white shirts, etc. - all these things should be in your wardrobe, and they should be of impeccable quality. Having such clothes will never make you look cheap, you can always combine them with other elements and look really stylish without much effort.

3. Don't save nice things for special occasions.

Many women, having purchased something especially attractive and original, keep this new thing for a special occasion. And sometimes only thoughts about this special occasion encourage us to buy something interesting. “Don’t do this!” the Italians say, “every day is your special occasion, and dressing beautifully, you live your whole life with a feeling of celebration in your soul.”

In addition, you can wait a very long time for this special occasion (sometimes without waiting). So, does it make sense to keep good new clothes in your wardrobe without showing them to anyone? You may lose the chance to show them off. Therefore, live with a sense of celebration in your soul, in Italian style, and wear your best things without saving them for special occasions.

4. Good underwear is important

You can look like a million dollars, but you will never feel 100% wearing bad underwear under expensive clothes. Therefore, take into account the following advice from Italian women - buy only good quality underwear. Such underwear will make your posture correct and your breasts seductive, you will look sexier and feel more confident.

So the high cost of good underwear will pay for itself with the benefits listed above. And in the end, your man will go crazy about your body in good lingerie.

5. Add a little glamor

Please note that Italian women are not afraid of sequins, sparkles and precious stones. In fact, using these glamorous elements will add a rocking drama to your looks, making them more stylish and memorable. But, be careful and don't overdo it with glamour. A sense of proportion is important in everything.

Italians believe that a woman should shine at any time. And they achieve this effect with the help of beautiful flowing skirts, high heels and large accessories decorated with sparkles. Just remember that glamorous elements must be combined with neutral ones to achieve a truly elegant look. appearance. And then even Italian women will envy you!

As you may have noticed, these tips require a fairly large investment in your wardrobe. But we can’t do without it. I like the words of Karl Lagerfeld:

“I never condemned women who want a good life, I just didn’t understand men who complain that women only need money... But they themselves look at well-groomed, in beautiful dresses, With long hair, who smell nice of perfume and whose hands have a neat manicure... They say beauty requires sacrifice... Nonsense! Beauty requires money!”

P.S. Picture for the mood - glamorous Italian grannies))

Made in Italy

They say that Italians have an impeccable sense of style in their blood, and quite rightly so. Fashion in Italy is a way of life, tradition and culture, carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. Impeccability, highest quality, elegance, status are the constant attributes of the Italian style, which has rightfully received worldwide recognition.

Italian fashion is dynamic and capricious. Starting their journey at the beginning of the twentieth century, today the most famous Italian fashion houses, such as Prada, Gucci, Versace, Moschino and many others, determine fashion trends and are among the leaders in the world market. However, Italian style is not only about big names and luxury clothing. This is the ability to present yourself, combine the simple and complex, and not lose your individuality under fashionable clothes. How to feel this fine line if your relatives do not even remotely resemble the indigenous inhabitants of this sunny state? To do this, you should get acquainted with the basic style rules, which was named "Italian chik".

The first thing that is important to know is that there is no "vulgarity". The meaning of this word among Italians has a broader meaning. For example, it is considered vulgar to wear extremely high heels during the day or to the office. Italian women choose comfortable flat or low heel shoes. Most likely these will be stylish loafers or moccasins; sneakers are popular among young people. Occupy a special niche ballet shoes, which can be worn with both jeans and dresses.

Jeans - another special one attribute of the Italian wardrobe. Every self-respecting Italian woman has at least 10 different pairs of jeans that will definitely highlight the advantages of her figure. Italians love tight jeans - skinny, which can often be seen as an element of office clothing. Another rule is modesty, in the sense that Italian style does not imply a deliberate demonstration of one’s status, in other words, one should not wear clothes that clearly indicate that they belong to an “expensive brand.”

And here accessories, which Italians use masterfully, not only can, but also must be branded and stylish. Accessories in an image are a whole concept, this is what, according to the Italians, makes your image yours, individual. Good watch, catchy earrings, handsome neckerchief, high-quality costume jewelry or jewelry, bag and integral element - Sunglasses. Glasses are present in almost any everyday outfit, partly due to climatic conditions.

Italian women pay special attention to makeup - and here Golden Rulemakeup should be every day! With the exception that by “makeup” Italians do not mean “war paint”. This should include a correction of facial tone, if necessary, well-groomed thick eyebrows, a small amount of mascara and lipstick, depending on the clothes and the place where they are going.

Italian women try to look as natural and relaxed as possible. Therefore, as a rule, they wear their hair loose - straight or slightly curled, gathered in a relaxed bun or loose ponytail. There is no need to dye your hair in “unearthly colors” and pour a ton of hairspray or other styling products on your hair every day, carefully arranging “hardened curls” over shoulders. Natural color and light creative disorder is just right.

But carelessness in clothing is not allowed. Your items should always be clean, ironed, and fit.

Don't forget about manicure! Italian women love manicures and paint their nails in various colors. Black, burgundy and natural shades are popular.

If we talk about colors in clothes, then the basic one will, of course, be black, around which the image can be built depending on the accessories. As well as white and shades of brown, close to natural colors. Italians love everything natural and organic. In particular, special attention is paid to eco-fabrics.

Men's fashion is no less demanding. Italians are very meticulous when choosing a suit. It must fit perfectly to the figure. And even expensive brands must be “adjusted” in the studio. Important men's accessory- watch. They emphasize social status. Men also pay enough attention to their hair and manicure. Typical male day look- this is either a stylish suit with a good shirt and shoes, or a high-quality shirt, usually white, with rolled up sleeves, a pullover made of fine wool can be thrown over the shoulders, chinos, tapered, in some cases rolled up and bright moccasins on bare feet . Instead of a pullover or in addition to it, there can be a colored jacket or a jacket in an elegant check.

Concerning typical woman's everyday look, then most likely it will consist of tight-fitting trousers or dark-colored jeans, ballet shoes or sneakers, a loose sweater, under which a shirt or an original top can be worn, a leather jacket for young people or a jacket for older women, a voluminous scarf, glasses and a small bag.