Energy cleansing of the body sensations. Bath for cleansing the human biofield: how to cleanse your aura yourself

IN modern world there is a lot of negativity and negative energy, so many bioenergeticists and magicians claim that energy cleansing of a person is what everyone needs to maintain their health and survive in the turmoil of days.


Experts say that energy comes and goes through the fingers. Thus, energy cleansing of a person should begin with working on the fingers. The simplest thing you can do is to start stretching them, letting the muscles first feel some tension, and then relax. It will be similar to removing a ring or a thimble from your finger. At the same time, it is imperative to think that with the help of these actions, all the negative energy that is in the body goes into oblivion. Next, having gotten rid of the negativity, you need to charge yourself with warmth and To do this, just turn your hands with your palms up, raise them to the level of your neck and begin to imagine how your body absorbs all the positive that is floating around. This way a person will not only get rid of it, but also be charged with positive energy.

Energy cleansing a person can also be carried out with the help of air. To do this, you need to exhale all the air from yourself and immediately hold your breath. If a person can hold out without air for less than 12 seconds, this means that his body is overloaded with negativity. If it’s more, then everything is more or less normal. Such training should be carried out as often as possible. It is believed that in this way the body’s connections with negative energy are broken, and it leaves the person.

Energy cleansing of a person can also be carried out with the help of a candle and prayers. This method is good to use daily to remove the taint of negativity that can “stick” to a person during the day. To do this, you need to take a lit candle and wrap it in paper so that it does not drip. Next, when reading Psalm 90 or any other, you need to carry out the following actions. First, a person lowers the candle in a zigzag from forehead to toe, then lifts it in a straight line and lowers it again to his feet. Next, from below you need to lift the candle in a counterclockwise spiral, while not forgetting to read the prayer. Then a circle is drawn around the head with a candle, and the action ends with a kind of cross from the forehead to the chest and from the right to the left shoulder. During this time, the prayer or conspiracy is read at least three times. All actions are performed without haste, slowly and carefully. The candle does not go out, it simply burns out on its own.

Simple rules

Cleaning a person can be carried out not only with the help of special actions, but also during ordinary daily activities. So, after coming from the street, you must wash your hands, this way they are cleansed not only of dirt, but also of negative energy. In the evening, you definitely need to wash your face, cleanse your soul and body, throwing off all the negativity. It is also good to avoid conflicts, they spoil. If it is impossible to avoid them, then during a showdown it is better to remain silent and not argue, mentally putting up a defense in front of you that the negativity hovering around simply will not penetrate. Using all these methods, very effective cleaning of human energy channels can be carried out.

The subtle bodies of a person, like the physical body, need nutrition. In addition to power from physical body, the foundation of the body in the initial stages, they are saturated with energy from space during breathing, absorbing it through the chakras and distributing it through channels between all systems, absorbing through the shell, if the place is “charged,” as well as emissions from other people.

Every thought, every action leaves an imprint on us. And emotions are nothing more than energy. And energy moves through channels. Bad thoughts clog the channels. The negative influence of other people does this too, even if you are not in direct contact - they still have an energetic impact.

Therefore, you need to start clearing with thoughts. Understand yourself, who you are and what your goals are, what your worldview is. In general, the task is this: to restore order, to create a structure for your worldview. In other words, reduce the chaos in your thoughts to a minimum. If possible, avoid using internal dialogue when it is not needed.

With order in your thoughts comes order in your emotions. Don’t take people’s word for it, don’t be deceived, strive to understand everything and get to the bottom of the truth. Develop independent thinking; without it there is nothing to do in esotericism. At the same time, it is extremely important not to fall into illusions (this is a separate topic). Strive to experience positive emotions: joy, love. Love the whole world.

Then we move directly to practice. To implement it, you need to feel the energy.

Increased sensitivity to the subtle worlds

Pranic Breathing
Focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly, try to feel how, together with the air, you are saturated with the power that nourishes you, passing through the channels from the nostrils almost to the tailbone. You should feel a build of strength in your stomach.

Inhale - saturation.
Exhalation - distribution.
Inhale deeply and slowly (5-10 seconds).
Exhale freely, without effort.
There should be no break between inhalation and exhalation.

Saturate yourself until you feel like you've reached your limit. Now imagine how energy spreads evenly throughout the body until there are no areas left where there is more or less of it relative to the general state. You can spend part of the energy on strengthening the nearest layer of the aura and protective cocoon, concentrating on it.

As you practice, you will notice that you are almost constantly experiencing power saturation when breathing. When this begins to happen often by itself, you can move on.


A person has 7 main chakras:
Muladhara - base of the coccyx;
Svadhisthana - approximately 3cm above muladhara;
Manipura - just above the navel;
Anahata - in the middle of the chest, at the level of the heart;
Vishuddha - middle of the neck;
Ajna - between the eyes;
Sahasrara - middle of the skull;

At the same time, the bindu chakra is noted, located a few centimeters closer to the back of the head from the sahasrara. There is also a chakra on each foot, and a chakra in the middle of the palms.

Energy moves from bottom to top: it rises from the legs to muladhara, and flows through all chakras to sahasrara. Chakras can be opened both together and separately. Flows can arise between them: for example, only muladhara and ajna are active, energy rises from muladhara to ajna, the chakras lying between them are not active, freely passing the flow of energy without activation. A current from top to bottom is also possible, which is pathological and can lead to serious problems, so it should be avoided.

Chakras are perceived as vortexes, spinning clockwise (relative to the person himself) - to saturate, counterclockwise - to suck energy into the surrounding space.

They supply the body with energy by absorbing and processing it. Therefore, the chakras must be in good condition.

Use pranic breathing, concentrating on the chakras. Try to feel them, open them to a state that does not cause discomfort (too strong activation of the chakras can cause harm). Feel how they communicate with each other. Try to create an upward flow (from bottom to top).

You will also feel how energy flows through the channels through your hands into your palms and out through your fingers.

Concentrate on feeling the energy throughout your body. Imagine that it spreads over him from the chakras.

Do not abuse this practice by opening the chakras to an uncontrollable state and raising the kundalini (a powerful upward current). When the time comes, everything will appear on its own. One day you will simply realize that you are capable of more, and you will begin to activate your chakras more strongly.

It is important that you feel filled with energy that you can then use, rather than just passing it through your body.

Concentrate on your palms, try to tune them into your body and further cleanse it.

Foreign inclusions

You may feel tension in some parts of the body, and then push out some lumps from there, or feel various kinds"scraps". This is someone else's energy that caused the damage. Evil eye, damage, love spell or some other negative magical effect.

Try to push out all such inclusions and saturate the places where they were with energy. After this, concentrate on the aura around the body and push out everything unnecessary from there, compacting it. You can use your hands if you feel more comfortable.


They feel like chakra cords. Concentrate on the tourniquet, mentally ask the question “is it artificial?”, try to feel the answer. If yes, then break it at the level of sensations, after restoring the attachment point, or visualize yourself cutting it off with a knife or scissors.

Bindings are created magically to create a pull towards an object. They are also created naturally between people, connecting them emotionally (energy is transferred between them along these threads).

This is always negative, as it creates a permanent attachment that affects emotionally, and emotions affect the mind. In the normal course of events, flows without attachments arise between people, or their shells merge.

Chakra breakdown

This is damage to the chakra in such a way that it cannot work normally, a gap appears in it through which energy is lost. There is a feeling of cold in the chakra, and this cold spreads throughout the body.

This type of damage is quite serious and cannot always be repaired on your own. Try to pump this place with energy, concentrate on the fact that the chakra goes into saturation mode, how the hole in it closes up and it begins to work normally.

These are suckers on the chakras and feel like foreign implants. Saturate yourself as much as possible so that you become denser than them, and then they can be squeezed out. This is the topic of a separate article.

Negative energy has a destructive effect on our biofield, which leads to personal problems, illnesses and turns life into a series of failures. Three things will help you get out of this state: effective ways.

Today there is a huge amount of information around us, most of which, unfortunately, is negative. A person, like a sponge, absorbs all the energy waves with which he interacts during the day. It is necessary to combat negative energy influences. Positive thinking and three effective ways to cleanse the biofield will help you with this.

Information filtering

Each person creates the world around him: our thoughts, words, actions and desires determine our future destiny. The key to personal happiness and prosperity is strong and healthy energy. If it is positive, only positive events surround you. But if the biofield is clogged with negativity, then the person is haunted by misfortune, suffering and danger.

In this world, everything is interconnected and nothing happens for nothing. Some people are overtaken by karma, others achieve everything with their own hands. But we are all masters of our own lives, and, as in any responsible matter, in designing our destiny it is necessary to observe order and certain rules.

Like attracts like. All received information is distributed to every cell of the body. In other words, any energy affects our DNA, modifying it at the physical level. Hence the diseases that appear as if out of nowhere, and a series of failures, and an unhappy life. Did you know that swearing acts on our body like radioactive radiation? Mat launches a program to self-destruct, even if we just hear it.

All the negativity you receive and see will sooner or later affect your luck and physical condition. That’s why it’s so important to filter information, get rid of communication with bad people, and get as many positive emotions as possible. But in addition to the negative influence that you can draw from the world on your own, a person is also subject to bad influence from the outside. Evil eyes, damage and other magical actions are aimed at destroying your life through energy. Three effective and proven methods will help you get rid of energy dirt.

Method 1: eliminating energy holes in the biofield

Place your hands back side palms opposite each other. Imagine that there is a clot of negative energy between your palms. Take a deep breath and feel the Divine energy filling you. With exhalation, pure energy should come out through the hands and positively charge all the collected negativity. It is necessary to repeat the exercise several times.

This technique should be used every morning. With its help, you will not only cleanse yourself of negativity, but also strengthen your biofield. The generated positive energy will help you remove barriers and layers of negative influence. If you're expecting quick results, then at the beginning of your course you should make as much effort as possible and do this exercise several times a day.

Method 2: getting rid of foreign energy

If you feel discomfort in your body, are haunted by obsessive thoughts and failures, as well as noticeably negative influences, this method will help you.

Imagine a river full of fire, and visually place yourself above it. You should mentally throw yourself into the fiery water. Thus, all your fears and negative energy will burn in flames, and your phantom, like a phoenix, will rise from the ashes. Imagine that you have been reborn and everything around you is shining with white light. This is pure energy.

Now in real time you need to feel how the white energy spreads throughout your body, starting from your feet. In the end, it should entangle you like a cocoon, creating a shield from other people’s influences and sorrows.

Method 3: energy cleansing at the cellular level

Close your eyes and imagine that you are currently at sea, relaxing on the shore, you don’t care about anything, you are happy and calm. You feel the waves caressing your feet. Look at yourself from the outside. You must see dirty spots in places that cause physical or emotional pain. Breathe in full breasts and feel the coolness wash over you sea ​​water. As you exhale, feel the water recede, washing away some of the stains. Continue this until the dirt is completely removed from your body. Usually purification occurs after ten times.

These are just some practices for cleansing negative energy. Their impact occurs at the mental level, which helps to saturate yourself with positive energy, release negativity and strengthen the biofield. We wish you success, happiness, and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.07.2017 06:50

Words can not only influence a person’s life, but also attract a lot of problems to him. ...

Cleansing and restoring human energy is a labor-intensive process that must be taken seriously. There are several effective ways that will help improve human energy.

In the article:

Restoring human energy

Each person uses two types of energy: vital (physical) and free (creative). Exist various ways increase energy. For example, if the level of physical energy has decreased, it is necessary to improve the situation good vacation(healthy sleep) and good nutrition.

If we are talking about free energy, increasing it is a longer and more painstaking process. There are some tips that can improve the situation.

Firstly, you need to give up bad habits. People who frequently drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs live much shorter lives, which is not surprising: bad habits not only have a detrimental effect on health, but also reduce the amount vital energy individual. People fade away, burning through their energy reserves in a very short time.

Secondly, you need to free yourself from . There are people who happily feast on the power of others. By passing, you can find out who is from your inner circle energetic vampire or a donor.

Having learned that there are vampires among your friends and relatives, you need to limit communication with them so that life changes for the better. You need to get rid of negativity.

An essential way to restore and improve human energy is get rid of envy, anger, irritability, jealousy, regret and fear. These emotions unbalance the individual, making the person weaker and draining energy.

Do breathing practice. According to reviews, this not only increases the flow of oxygen to the brain (which has a beneficial effect on health), but also has a positive effect on energy balance.

Perform energy exercises. There are special exercises that will help you connect to the energy of the Cosmos. The lesson is held on a sunny day. You need to position yourself where no one will disturb you. You should stand up straight, facing the sun, stretch your arms forward.

You need to close your eyes and imagine that through your hands the energy of the sun is pouring into the body, filling it, charging you with strength. It is necessary to feel how a person is renewed, saturated with new energy. A few minutes of relaxation a day is enough. After completing the manipulations, you should definitely thank the source of life.

How to cleanse human energy

Energy cleansing is an important manipulation that will help restore energy and remove breakdowns and deformations in the energy field.

The exercise is suitable for people who are just learning to feel the body and energy. Each individual has two main energy flows running along the back. You need to take a comfortable position, sit on the floor, level up and relax.

You should feel the first flow passing through the crown and exiting through the legs. After this, you need to feel the second flow, which is directed from the ground through the legs to the tailbone and rises to the top of the head. In the first stages, you only need to learn to feel these flows, and with regular training you can even control them, speeding up or slowing down.

If there is a feeling that the power of the flows is increasing, this indicates the cleansing of the energy field and the destruction of various blocks. Subsequently, your well-being improves and vitality begins to flow.

The second popular and systematic method of cleaning human energy is communication with nature. There are many vampire trees that are capable of pumping negative energy out of a person: aspen, poplar, linden.

Nature will help cleanse your energy, you just have to try

You need to go up to the tree, hug it, and stand there for a few minutes. Having completely cleared yourself of negative energy, you can go to maple, birch or oak - donors that can charge you with positive, creative energy.

For people who are no longer beginners and have a good connection with the subconscious, a very popular and widespread method of cleansing is suitable - .

Using this practice (especially combining it with), you can get rid of negative energy. The more often a person meditates, the easier it is to find areas of accumulated negative energy and get rid of it. It is recommended to imagine that the black spots of negativity are washed away clean water and go into the ground.

Cleansing human energy with salt

Salt is an important attribute that is often used during rituals. This is the only natural substance that is used in its original form and concentrates the energy of the earth.

The amazing properties of salt have been known since ancient times. People revered her and valued her like gold. In ancient times, 1 ounce of salt was equal to 1 ounce precious metal. In Rus', guests were not welcomed without salt and bread - this product was considered a symbol of well-being. IN Ancient China Coins-cakes, baked from salt dough, were even used as money for some time.

Salt is capable of capturing, storing and transmitting energy and information. Has strong energy that can absorb negativity. It has cleansing properties and is therefore used to eliminate negative energy. There are three methods that will help cleanse human energy.

In the first case For 21 days, in the morning or evening, you should arm yourself with a large container of rock salt, stand there with your bare feet and trample it. At this time, you need to imagine that the negative goes into this salt. Manipulations last no more than 15 minutes. After completing the ritual, the used product must either be washed off with water or buried.

Everyone knows the power of salt

Next method Suitable for people who are constantly forced to communicate with the crowd and experience information overload. This method is also suitable for those suffering from insomnia.

You need to place a small container (preferably made of clay) near the bed and pour salt into it. The vessel should stand near the bed until the product begins to darken - this is a sign that it is necessary to replace the salt with new one.

Many decorations absorb the energy of the owner, taking away negativity. This is especially true for amulets and jewelry with magical gems.

Charms must be cleaned regularly (

This article talks about how energy cleansing is carried out, also collected here effective tips and important points of practice.

There are many subtleties and points that you should know in energy healing.

What mistakes should you avoid when performing energy cleansing?

It is incorrectly believed that two channels run along the spine - from the crown to the tailbone, and they feed the entire body with energy. The inaccuracy is that the channels are arranged differently. They are not solid, and during their movement they break off at the level of the shoulder blades and enter the soul.

From the heart, the paired channels diverge. One pair goes down to the coccygeal chakra¹, and the other goes up to the parietal chakra. Such misunderstanding leads to subsequent errors in diagnosis and treatment.

In the treatment of diseases, it is very important for a healer to see not the diagnosis, but the very deep energetic root cause of the disease. Physical disorders and doctors’ diagnoses always hide the true essence of the disease.

Only by opening it can one begin to eliminate the disease itself.

How to start energy cleansing?

For effective treatment, you should know many points, such as the structure of the human subtle body, its properties, as well as methods of influencing them. Energy treatment of a person should begin with clearing the parietal chakra.

She, as a receiver, connects a person with the Higher Powers (God, the Universe - you can call it differently), through her he receives high energies. This chakra also serves as the main outlet for negative energy, which causes its pollution.

After contamination of the parietal chakra, a person is no longer able to cope with his negativity on his own, as a result he begins to get sick.

It is the contamination of the parietal chakra and the interrupted connection with the Higher Powers that make a person energetically defenseless.

Sometimes, over the course of a lifetime, so much negativity accumulates that it is impossible to clear it quickly. Even the most powerful healer will not be able to heal such a patient instantly.

Therefore, having cleared the patient’s parietal chakra, the healer opens two doors at once, one for the entry of high cleansing energy, and the second for the exit of weakened negativity.

Such cleansing will remove bad energy from a person for 24 hours, gradually leading him to health.

The healer himself is not able to work so much, but by creating conditions for cleansing, he significantly speeds up a person’s recovery. Once the crown chakra has been cleared, the healer should ensure that it does not become contaminated again with dense negative energies. It should be cleaned from time to time if necessary.

How to cleanse the crown chakra?

You need to clear the parietal chakra with hand movements until a flow of negative energy flows from it. It feels like a stream of negativity coming out of your head. Negative energy needs to be set in motion by weakening it and removing it with hand movements.

During this period of cleansing, it is advisable for the patient to increase the frequency of his energies through prayer. If a person weakens the negative from within, then it comes out of the energy much more easily.

The sequence of the healer's actions is also important. If, for example, a person has a curse, but the parietal chakra is polluted, then cleansing should begin with it. Until the channel with the Higher Powers is cleared, a person will not be able to receive high cleansing energy through prayer.

Anyone can do energy cleansing!

By developing the sensitivity of the palms to energies, everyone can independently master the practice of healing with their hands.

A novice healer can work at his own discretion, listening to his intuition.

Usually, when energy cleansing use rotational movements of palms folded in a boat. Rotational movements come from the place of contamination. Thus, by catching a negative charge with the field of his hands, the healer removes it from the energy.

Correct diagnosis is the foundation!

In energy healing itself, correct diagnosis is very important.

For example, if you feel tension and slight pain when pressing on the groin area, then this is sure sign pollution of the groin chakra. There can be many reasons for diseases, but the main principle is that diseases appear where there is negative energy.

What kind of energy this is, the healer himself must figure out, this will help him choose the right “antidote.”

Therefore, it is important for the healer to learn to feel what kind of energies they are - damage, a person’s bad thoughts or a curse. After all, only an accurate identification of the problem will help eliminate it.

Sometimes the difficulty for a healer in such work is that the patient has a lot of different problems. It happens that negativity, like a layer cake, is an accumulation of various negative energies.

In such cases, patients with high expectations are often dissatisfied with the duration of treatment. Some patients do not understand the scale of the work, and after being healed, they continue to give birth to negative energies again.

In this case, treatment of such people will be unproductive. The main point of a healer’s work is to strengthen the connection with the Higher Powers, which will lead people to purification. If this is impossible, and the person is not ready to change his habits, then after a while the disease will return.

Basic principle of healing

This principle lies in the fact that a person receives high energies from the Higher Powers from above, through the parietal chakra. Therefore, the accumulated negativity goes from bottom to top. The exception is when a person himself generates high energies. In this case, high frequency energy moves from the human soul.

When the energy is cleansed, the negativity begins to weaken and begins to move, trying to get out. All this is often accompanied by pain in the head and body. Just as thick oil moves slowly through pipes, negative energy moves reluctantly and slowly through energy channels.

In places of “stagnation” a person develops painful sensations, and the negative begins to penetrate into the tissue. In order to heal, a person needs to increase his internal energies.

Physical crisis of cleansing

Immediately after the cleansing of negative energy in places where it accumulates, a physical crisis of cleansing begins. It is due to the fact that in places where negativity is most concentrated, spasms occur and the blood supply to cells is disrupted.

As soon as the spasms go away, blood movement is normalized, and it immediately begins its cleansing work.

Sometimes there are so many lesions in the body that it causes intoxication in a person. It all happens because waste from the affected areas immediately enters the bloodstream.

You can independently diagnose intoxication by looking at inflamed and painful lymph nodes. The more severe the illness, the stronger the intoxication will be. During this period, it is recommended to drink a lot of water. Bathing and sweating also help reduce the effects of intoxication.

Usually, immediately after intoxication, the patient experiences dramatic relief and recovery.

Cleansing the chakras with your hands

Often a person has several chakras contaminated at once, and a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the subtle bodies. At a certain period in a person’s life, the movement of energy is blocked.

The healer’s task is to weaken and set in motion the negative, up to its complete removal from the structure of the subtle body.

The disease manifests itself only when negativity is in the energy of the physical body.

There are different approaches to cleansing the chakras, but the most correct way to cleanse all chakras is through the crown. The sequence of such cleansing from above gives a good result, since the crown chakra is the main gateway for the entry of high energy.

If, for example, you start clearing the groin chakra when the parietal chakra has not yet been cleared, then there will be no way out for negative energy.

The peculiarity of the negative is that it has a solid structure. When the healer begins to withdraw negative energies movements of his hands through the crown, then he pulls them out of all the energy in one large charge.

As the healer gains experience and practice, he will apply individual approach. For example, it is better not to touch damage with your hands at all, since it can seriously contaminate your fingers and suppress the sensitivity of your hands to energies.

Healing is knowledge, mastery of energies and improvisation in each case, but the general principles still remain unchanged.

In order not to absorb negative energies, the healer should generate high energies in himself, in particular, the energy of love.

Turning to prayer helps to quickly cleanse yourself and improve the quality of healing work.

Treatment based on photography

Despite the fact that treating a person with personal participation is preferable, sometimes, for various reasons, this is not possible. Then the healer can have an energetic impact on the patient using his photograph.

Working this way is more difficult than in a personal meeting, when you can feel all the contaminated areas with your hands.

In the case of photography treatment, one should also cleanse a person’s energy through his parietal chakra. However, when treating using a photo, constant communication with the patient is necessary; it is very important for the healer to know about changes in his condition during the course of treatment. With practice, mastering healing from photography will become increasingly easier.

If a healer develops and practices healing, his abilities will gradually increase.

Dmitry Belousov