DIY wooden tree made of plywood. How to make a wooden Christmas tree - unusual New Year's decor Christmas tree from bars

There is just over a month left until the New Year, which means that the demand for Christmas trees and everything associated with them (as an attribute of the New Year) is becoming more and more in demand every day. Surely many people are familiar with that feeling when children have grown up, faith in New Year's miracle disappears, and with it the desire to install spruce/pine in the house. The problem with its removal, as well as free space, is very acute. I would like to bring to your attention a simple alternative to an ordinary Christmas tree. Small wooden Christmas trees made of plywood.

Everything is very simple, we cut out thin strips of wood from wooden blocks, gradually increasing the overall width, thereby forming a Christmas tree.


We glue all the plates together. Thus, we get an interesting Christmas tree. For greater beauty, we rotate the particles so that they do not stand straight, thereby imitating the liveliness of the branches. From below, in the extreme part of the board, in a previously prepared hole, we glue a wooden peg.

We cut out a square stand from plywood. We attach the second part of the peg to it.

A Christmas tree in the house during the New Year holidays is a wonderful tradition that has already for a long time more than one generation follows. This tree, decorated with shiny toys and sparkling garlands, invariably evokes awe and delight in the hearts of children and adults.

Despite the enormous popularity of the live Christmas tree, many still decorate their home with its artificial counterpart in order to preserve green spaces of coniferous trees. Therefore, alternative Christmas trees have recently come into fashion, thanks to the inexhaustible imagination of decorators, made from a wide variety of materials. Among them you can find structures made of wire, fabric, feathers, plastic, paper, glass and wood.

We devoted today's article to an unusual version of a wooden Christmas tree, because we are confident that such a tree can be a very effective solution.

Wooden Christmas trees

Maybe you recently replaced the plank flooring, dismantled a wooden table with wobbly legs, or have some unwanted boxes stored in the utility room of your home. All this can be reused to create original New Year's decor.

It is not necessary to have any special skills to put together a cone-shaped flat structure, and you can style the Christmas tree according to your idea of ​​what it should be.

For example:

  • Naive, as in hand-drawn Soviet cartoons, covered with half-erased paint

  • Made from unfinished boards, mounted directly on the floor or leaning against a wall, with a minimum of decoration
  • With a clear geometry of the form and a sparkling garland, in a group of several simple Christmas trees with original homemade decorations

  • Stacked design

A Christmas tree made entirely of wooden elements can resemble a traditional one in its silhouette, thanks to its three-dimensional design. And creating something like this is not at all difficult, because all that is needed is a cross-shaped base with a high metal pin in the center, onto which thin boards or branches of different lengths are strung in turn from bottom to top in descending order.

It is noteworthy that decorating a wooden Christmas tree is a pleasure. Glass balls and the figurines are simply hung at the ends of the boards, decorative figurines can simply be glued to them with double-sided tape, and tablet candles can be placed in pre-formed recesses.

  • "Layout" of the Christmas tree

As proof of the great possibilities of wooden structures, here is another simple way to create a decorative tree. In this form, trees are most often recreated in small copies of parks and squares with models of residential and public buildings at the design stage.

Therefore, it seems to us interesting idea embodiment of the outlines of a New Year's tree following the example of objects made of papier-mâché and cardboard. It is possible to repeat each of the options below on our own at home.

The tree consists of two identical pieces of medium-thick plywood, which are connected to each other thanks to central cuts. In one part of the tree, in its center, a thin strip is cut (equal to the thickness of a sheet of plywood) from the base to the middle of the height of the tree, in the other part - from the top to the middle, with the help of which the structure is securely fastened.

A more detailed master class can be found in our article ““.

  • A three-dimensional model of a Christmas tree, made not entirely from wood, but rather from its derivative material - cardboard. Several fragments of the same size and shape are folded in half lengthwise, and then glued together at the folds, forming a single figured model.

  • Tabletop decorative Christmas trees

Your imagination is the most effective assistant in the task of realizing ideas on the theme of miniature wooden Christmas trees. In the event that there is not enough of it, we suggest turning to our photo selection.

Residues from plywood, fiberboard, MDF will serve as materials for tabletop decor for the New Year holidays and Christmas, and in order to preserve the characteristic texture of wood, we recommend limiting yourself to a small amount of decorations or a thin layer of acrylic paints.



Master class: whatnot - Christmas tree

If you have a mechanical jigsaw on your household, you can use it to design an absolutely charming Christmas tree, which, moreover, can be used as a wall shelf or tabletop shelf.

So, before you get started, you need to prepare:

  1. Thin plywood sheet
  2. Mechanical jigsaw (or manual, if you don't find it difficult to work with it)
  3. Wood glue
  4. Roulette
  5. Simple pencil
  6. Acrylic paint, brush

Step 1:

On a sheet of plywood you should draw an isosceles triangle - the basis of the future Christmas tree. To do this, use a tape measure to measure a horizontal line 40 cm long at the bottom of the sheet. Then, from its middle (20 cm), draw upward a strictly vertical line 60 cm long. From the resulting top, draw two segments down to the ends of the horizontal line.

Step 2:

We make blanks for the sides and shelves of the Christmas tree. We measure the lengths of its base and sides, and then visually divide the structure into three equal parts horizontally, thanks to which the tree will have two shelves in the upper and lower parts. (Don't forget to measure the trunk fragment and sides for it)

Step 3:

Depending on how deep you want to make your Christmas tree, you should draw all the necessary blanks with the indicated lengths and a total width of the rectangles of 5-10 cm.

Step 4:

Using a jigsaw, you need to cut out a triangular blank and all the rectangles from a sheet of plywood. Using wood glue, we gradually glue the rectangles to the sides of the base, placing their ends perpendicularly. After this, we glue the shelves in the spaces between the sides.

Step 5:

We glue the trunk with the sides to the tree last, after the back strip is attached.

Step 6:

Let the glue dry, check the reliability of the bond and cover the structure with two layers of acrylic paint.


So, in a few steps you can get a decorative Christmas tree rack, and you can easily decorate it with the most different ways: figurines of animals and birds, bunches of berries, beads, paper snowflakes and other crafts.


Take ideas for creating such original Christmas trees, and no one will dare to call your interior devoid of style. Happy Holidays!

Good day, friends!

Soon soon New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
“Children, hello, I’m coming to see you!”
We are celebrating the holiday
Decorating the Christmas tree
Hanging toys
Balloons, crackers...

This is how I decided to start today’s post in an unusual way. Which will be dedicated to making them at home. After all, we all traditionally love to give them for the New Year. Namely, I suggest making a Christmas tree from what you have on hand. It can be anything, for example, paper, cotton pads, dry twigs, etc. After all, we all dream of surprising our loved ones with something special and unique. Therefore, if you are still thinking about what to give to mom, dad, etc. then you have a ready-made solution).

Of course, every home has a brightly decorated live “ forest beauty", which flickers and blinks with multi-colored lights. I suggest making a “little friend” so that she doesn’t get bored. And behind one, your decor in the rooms will be transformed, or perhaps you will place it on the holiday table.

Besides this creative work will bring a lot of positive emotions, and will delight children. Moreover, the winter evenings are long, and you can afford to create something beautiful and green).

Although it doesn’t have to be exactly this color, white is also in fashion. The tree will look as if it is covered in snow or frost.

I’ll start with perhaps the most grandiose and magical tree in my opinion. I suggest you look and study these instructions in order to create such a funny and cheerful beauty for yourself or someone else as a souvenir. The work is made of sisal, who does not know this coarse fiber of a tropical plant.

On a note. A special feature of this craft is the presence of funny legs instead of a stand. And if you remove them, you will get topiary, which can be made of any material, for example coffee beans or thread.

Well, take action by looking at these pictures and detailed descriptions.

We will need:

  • green sisal – 25 g
  • Kinder Surprise cases
  • heat gun
  • Styrofoam
  • wire
  • green pencil - 2 pcs.
  • colored paper
  • green threads
  • decorative braid
  • any decorations such as balls, beads, etc.
  • cardboard


1. Take the Kinder case and cut off the lid. For the small part, cut off a small section on one side with a semi-oval, so that you can glue it together later.

2. Using glue gun glue the two parts together. This is how the boot will turn out, top top.

3. You should end up with two identical shoes. Make a hole in the largest bottle opener. Have you guessed what it is needed for?

4. Now let’s decorate the shoes. To do this, take a red sheet and cut out two strips 19 cm long and 2 cm wide.

5. Glue the longest strip, wrapping it completely around the shoe and giving it the desired shape.

6. Then glue decorative tape along the entire diameter of the sole for a beautiful appearance.

7. Then take your pencils.

8. Poke them into the prepared holes, and add a little glue so that they hold tightly. The legs are almost ready.

9. All that remains is to decorate them with tinsel, do as shown in this photo below.

11. This is what should come out. What does it remind you of already?

12. Now take the wire and insert it into the tip of the cone. Wrap it in sisal too and tie it with thread.

13. The next step is to make a skirt for the stomper. To do this you need to make pounds. Make rectangles of fabric measuring 10 cm x 9 cm, their number should be from 60-80 pieces. depending on the fullness of the skirt.

14. Then start gluing with a hot-melt gun. In this order. Bend the rectangle in half, but along an oblique line. Secure with glue.

16. Then lift the right edge and glue it together.

17. The funnel is ready. It's really a funny name, even a little funny.

18. Then start assembling the Christmas tree. Glue the blanks in a circle.

19. To create a skirt later.

20. Insert the legs into the base.

21. Then use your imagination and get creative, glue on various kinds of decorations.

22. Glue a bow with beads to the top of the spruce and wrap it around the craft.

23. There will also be snowflakes and rhinestones here. Place the resulting masterpiece on a stand. Good luck.

How to make a voluminous Christmas tree out of paper at home

I think that many have ever thought about this question. After all, schools and kindergartens often give assignments on this topic. I suggest making, for example, a silhouette Christmas tree. To do this, take this sample and print it on office colored sheets.

Then cut out with a stationery knife and glue the blanks together. Use special clamps for this.

You can make a whole forest of such colorful coniferous beauties.

The following work will be completed in 5 minutes. Don't believe me? It couldn’t be simpler; you will need circles of colored double-sided paper and a pencil on a stand. The diameter of the blanks, you see below:

1. Fold the circle in half with your hands, so that you get a semicircle.

Do exactly that! Carefully iron the fold with your hands.

2. Now fold the semicircle in half again.

4. And in the same way two more times.

6. And this is what happens. Carefully trim the ends of each piece with scissors.

7. Start assembling the product. Place all the blanks on a stick. From the largest circle to the smallest.

8. The only thing missing is a star or Santa Claus.

I especially found a video for you so that if you need it, you can, in addition to everything else, roll up a grandfather out of paper. A new article will be released soon, in which you will find many works with this hero, but for now, watch the story.

For those who found the first option quite easy and simple, you can take and fold a Christmas tree in origami style; for instructions and description, see below in this film.

Christmas tree made of beads for beginners (diagram inside)

The next creation of nature is wow, cool and at the same time elegant. And such a souvenir will last for more than a dozen years. This is a spruce made of beads. I thought it was impossible to make such a tree myself. But as it turns out, I was wrong. I am sure you will cope with such work with a bang.

We will need:

  • green beads - 7 shades
  • white beads or transparent
  • plate from under the flowerpot
  • acrylic paint: white and brown
  • wire 0.4 mm
  • PVA glue
  • ruler
  • rod 4 mm and length 2 cm
  • tape
  • alabaster

1. Place the beads in a cup and mix all the colors. Place beads on the wire in different color sequences and measure 2.5 cm using a ruler. At the same time, leave the edge in the region of 5-7 cm without beads.

2. Make a loop for four circular turns.

3. From the loop, step back 2 cm of wire free and without beads of wire and again count 2.5 cm and make a loop.

4. For the smallest branch, wind 7 loops in this way. Then find the middle and fold it in half and twist the elements together.

5. Thus, you should have this number of branches.

7. Now take the rod and wrap the tape, and then 4 branches with 7 loops to it. The first one is in the center, and the rest are placed below in a circle, twist the stick and wrap it with tape.

6. Next, take 6 branches of 9 loops each. Wrap them in a circle in two tiers of three branches, wind them in a circle. Then step back down about 7 mm and take 5 branches of 11 loops each and wind them in one tier.

7. Retract 7 mm again and wind 6 branches of 11 loops each and again divide them into two tiers. And so on. The final stage is 5 branches of 7 loops.

Rewind the remaining barrel with brown tape. Spread the branches to make the tree lush.

8. Bend the table at 90 degrees and place it in a cup from under the flowerpot. Pour alabaster solution into it and let it dry.

9. Wait until the tree sets; you can also plant any symbol of the New Year. For example, a pig or a rat.

Apply a thick solution from PVA glue and alabaster, dip kitchen napkin and glue it to the trunk. To get a natural look.

10. After complete hardening, start painting, but first remove the product from the cup. Paint the trunk brown and the platform white.

11. Decorate with large beads in the form of toys or something else.

Now a few more instructions that I found on the Internet.

But this model is somewhat similar to the first one, maybe someone will like this one more.

And look how lovely it is.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to show one more example of a flat spruce tree, which you can use as a pendant or keychain.

Kanzashi style Christmas tree made of satin ribbon

Well, friends have now reached another elegant option, which looks quite bright and elegant. The green beauty turns out beautiful and lush. But first, you must master the kanzashi technique; for this you need to learn how to make special blanks in the form of triangles. Take a look at the diagram, if it is not clear, you will find more detailed master class for making such things.

You have to take a green satin ribbon, cut it into pieces measuring 5 cm x 5 cm and repeat all these steps.

Or consider this tip.

Thus you will need:

  • cone made of thick paper or cardboard
  • satin tape
  • star
  • scissors
  • wire
  • candle
  • heat gun


1. Prepare everything you need for work. Place the gun to warm up.

2. Carefully and slowly glue the fabric blanks to the surface of the green cone in a circle and in a spiral.

3. Try to place all the triangles fairly close to each other. After the product is ready, take a star or any bow and glue it to the wire.

4. Place the ornament on the top of the tree. Decorate the souvenir with beads; they will act as a garland.

I came across a more simplified version of the craft in this film, perhaps you will also like it and you and your children will master this technique. Good luck!

Spruce made from cotton pads: a craft for kindergarten children

Now let's get acquainted with a fairly simple craft that you can easily do with your child at home or in a kindergarten class. This option is so lightweight that it is suitable for any junior group or older.

For creativity, you will need to decorate cotton pads with green gouache. Let them dry completely. Then roll it into a petal and secure it with glue.

Since a Christmas tree is usually made for the New Year, let’s glue the snowdrifts on the blue background sheet first of all. And then arrange and glue the green blanks in the desired sequence in descending order.

You can also get creative and build a snowman or other character. Give free rein to your imagination and the souvenir or postcard will be ready.

It is with these triangular blanks that you can build other options.

The next option, for which you will need the materials you see in this picture. Make a bag out of cardboard, glue the parts with double-sided tape, and make the bottom even.

And then dilute the blue gouache in some water and dip a cotton swab in it. Draw dots along the outline of the disks.

Then glue the round pieces onto the cone, overlapping one on top of the other.

Then decorate the craft to your taste. Winter beauty is ready. What do you think of the idea? The truth is super and fast and cool!

You can go another way: fold each disk in half three times and fasten it with a stapler. Then glue these triangles onto the white cone. And then decorate the Christmas tree with beads and a star.

Or you can also go the other way, make a three-dimensional craft by cutting a cotton pad into four equal parts. See it all for yourself below:

The youngest assistants can be asked to do this kind of work.

Forest beauty made of spruce and pine cones

Of course not one New Year's celebration Can't do without tangerines and of course pine cones. So why not use that too. After all, such natural material is easy to collect in a forest or park, and then sit down and make it.

We will need:

  • gun
  • scissors
  • cardboard
  • bumps
  • varnish in a can


1. Make a cone from a sheet of A4 paper and glue the ends together. Let me remind you how to do this. Draw a circle, and then cut it in half, coat the walls with glue and let dry.

2. After starting to assemble the product, glue the cones to the workpiece in a spiral. So until the product takes on a finished form.

3. Coat with glitter varnish for durability.

4. Cut out a star from a shiny lid or any other material.

5. Decorate the top with it.

You can go another way and make such a forest charm from husks. Also glue a cone out of paper.

And it is on it that, using a glue gun, glue the particles in a spiral, one after another.

For completeness, decorate with beads or other decorations that are typical for this holiday. For example, tinsel and stars.

Christmas tree made from candies (step by step instructions)

Do you like sweets? Oh, and I just love them. I propose to lay out the symbol of the New Year from them, and take a bottle of champagne as the base.

1. Glue the green fluffy tinsel onto the champagne in a spiral using a glue gun.

2. As soon as the first row of tinsel is glued, glue the candy wrappers (tips) at the same distance.

3. And then add something else, for example a bow.

4. Well, how do you like this wonderful idea? Cool, congratulations to the author! It’s not a shame to go on a visit with such a souvenir).

DIY sisal Christmas tree

Preparations for the New Year are in full swing, so let's do something interesting from such material as coarse fiber. Nowadays it is often used because it is not very expensive, and everyone wants to create with it.

We will need:

  • sisal fiber green and white
  • filler
  • bamboo stick
  • plastic cup
  • cardboard
  • satin tape
  • scissors
  • decorative elements: bows

1. Fold a cone from a sheet of cardboard and glue it together. Place the filler in it and insert the stick. The stick will need to be decorated satin ribbon. Secure the ends of the tape with glue.

2. Also add filler to the glass and put something heavy on the bottom, such as coins. Use corrugated paper or other material to decorate the glass; it will act as a stand. You can also put a piece of foam rubber on top, for strength, and make a hole in it for the stick.

Insert the prepared cone on a stick into the stand.

3. Roll the sisal into balls by hand.

4. Glue them to the workpiece in different combinations, I mean color. Alternate at your discretion.

5. Now dress up the beauty and sprinkle a little glitter polish. All that remains is to admire or give this masterpiece to someone.

Video on how to make a decorative Christmas tree from threads and PVA glue

And another little beauty that will fit very nicely into any interior or will be an excellent gift, like a miracle made of thread. Watch this story and follow all the steps from the author.

I decided to prescribe the next option for you, please read.

We will need:

  • PVA glue
  • threads
  • foil tape
  • disposable cup
  • cardboard or old box
  • plastic bag
  • battery operated candle


1. Form a cone out of cardboard and glue it with foil tape. Dry. Then put it on geometric figure bag, secure it even inside, otherwise it will fidget around the workpiece.

2. Place the threads in PVA glue diluted with water (50 to 50). But before that, make a hole in the cup right at the base and thread a thread into it.

3. Fill the cup with glue solution so that the entire thread is covered in glue.

4. Now start winding the thread around the cone in a spiral.

Important! The thread should not be too tight; it should lie easily on the surface of the cone.

3. So in the end you will get new souvenir, cut the thread. Leave to dry.

4. After drying, remove the Christmas tree from the workpiece; the PVA will dry and become transparent.

5. Decorate the gift with sequins and then turn on the battery-powered candle and place it in the very base.

6. The Christmas tree will twinkle and act as a mini-lamp or garland.

Craft for the school competition “Tinsel Tree for New Year 2020”

Now we move on and perform the symbol of next year using ordinary tinsel. Still, such material is also an indispensable attribute. Do you agree? Plus it looks really beautiful and charming. Take a look for yourself.

We will need:

  • tinsel different colors
  • cardboard - 2 pcs.
  • glass or pot
  • foil sleeve
  • glue gun and PVA glue
  • scissors
  • thread with needle
  • wire
  • any decorations, lace fabric, bell, balls, etc.

1. Make a cone out of cardboard, take it green.

2. Then cut out a circle from another sheet, 1.5-2 cm larger than the diameter of the geometric figure.

3. Then make these slits on it.

4. On a round piece, trace a sleeve in the middle so that you can cut a suitable hole.

5. Glue the circle to the cone. This is what will happen in the end.

6.Wrap the sleeve decorative ribbon and insert it into a cup of plaster.

7. Make a skirt out of lace, assemble it with a needle and thread to make it airy and fluffy.

8. Glue in two tiers to the green blank. Cut the tip of the cone and insert a wire with a bell into it.

9. Now take a glue gun and use it to fix the tinsel in a spiral.

10. Then glue on balloons and other decorations such as beads. Your magical miracle is ready. Create for your health!

Video tutorial on making a New Year's tree from foamiran

If you want something unusual, then I am glad to present you with another little green joy. It will be needle-shaped, and the material will be foamiran. It is quite unpretentious, easy to work with and the most important advantage is that it does not crumble. So, go for it.

Don’t forget to use artificial snow for decoration, which will give the spruce tree unprecedented beauty and brightness.

Vintage corrugated paper Christmas tree

Now there is one more craft that you can also take and perform at the exhibition in kindergarten IR or school. The technique will be trimming. Are you familiar with this method? I hope it's very good. And if not, then you will find out now. To work you will need corrugated paper, PVA glue, scissors, and a cardboard cone. And of course, a good mood.

1. So, take a cone to work with. This is what we will be processing now.

2. But before you do this, cut the corrugated squares: 1 cm x 1 cm, 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm, 3 cm x 3 cm, 4 cm x 4 cm, 5 cm x 5 cm, 6 cm x 6 cm.

You can replace corrugated paper with regular paper napkins.

3. Take a small square and wrap it around a stick, then dip it in glue and glue it onto the cone.

4. In this way, fill the entire geometric figure and move in a circle.

5. Take the smallest squares first, then larger and larger ones.

6. You can also make a star out of paper on the top of your head. Or take it already ready-made option from the shop.

This is the kind of wonderful green souvenir you should end up with. Don't forget to decorate with any beads or rhinestones.

Creative spruce made from plastic bottles

I think that in any home there is a plastic bottle. Take it light green in color. The steps are quite simple, do it with your children to occupy your family leisure time.


1. Cut out the middle of the bottles, and then cut it into pieces.

2. You should end up with rectangles like this. From which the branches for the Christmas tree will be made. Their sizes are:

  • 8.5 cm x 6 cm – 6 pcs.
  • 7 cm x 6 cm – 6 pcs.
  • 6.5 cm x 6cm – 5 pcs.
  • 6 cm x 6 cm – 5 pcs.
  • 5.5 cm x 6 cm - 4 pcs.
  • 5 cm x 6 cm – 4 pcs.
  • 4.5 cm x 5 cm - 3 pcs.
  • 4 cm x 5 cm – 3 pcs.
  • 3 cm x 3 cm – 3 pcs.

3. Round each rectangle, bend the tip, and cut after the edge, as shown below.

4. For curl, scorch the fringe with a candle.

5. And then color the fringes acrylic paint or nail polish. Pollinate with glitter.

6. Thus, you should make this number of branches, and make a hole on each branch.

7. Then take a stick and stick it into the bottom of the bottle. This will be a stand for a souvenir. Make the hole using a drill.

8. Well, now all that remains is to assemble the Christmas tree, thread the branches onto the stick.

9. Looks chic and attractive.

10. Decorate with a bow and beads. Give such a masterpiece to your friends or keep it for yourself. New Year's table. Product height 20-25 cm. Cool!

Christmas tree for New Year 2020 from scrap materials (100 ideas)

The time for miracles has come, and so let's get your apartment today. Which each of you can create yourself. For example, you can use this idea and decorate the walls in any room. Such a nice craft will lift everyone's spirits. You can make such a drawing in a school classroom or even a kindergarten room. In principle, anywhere, even in the office.

Such hanging Christmas trees look elegant, and they can be made from anything, as in these pictures. These could be chopsticks or even utensils, take a look:

Or decorate the figure with any lamps or New Year's garlands.

A souvenir with your photos and images on it looks cool.

And also perform illumination. Wow, it’s breathtaking especially in the dark, when it’s already evening or night.

You can add spruce branches or use them to do the work.

You can also create an elegant composition even from ordinary sheets of magazines.

From ordinary leaves for notes you can also make a craft in the form of a Christmas tree, both three-dimensional and for the door.

It has now become fashionable to make compositions on doors or walls. Here's an example from old book pages:

But even in stores they make such wonderful decorations from the books themselves.

Again, depending on where you work, if it’s a clothing and shoe store, then you can disguise the mannequin like this.

Besides everything, you can also take from waste materials ordinary wine corks and voila, a new masterpiece.

Or use the simplest idea - draw a Christmas tree.

Or make the desired shape using the template.

Well, what if you are completely creative person, then you can do the job even from machine tires or plywood.

If you work in a hospital or your specialty is related to medicine. Then you can put it this way:

And from ordinary wooden blocks it is also possible to create something beautiful, as shown in this picture.

You can also turn an ordinary stepladder into something very cool, take a look, what does it remind you of?

They even make Christmas trees out of plastic or paper pipes.

And here is another souvenir made from disposable plates.

Or line it with fabric and modern glass marbles.

Or use bows.

For those who are interested in needlework (for example, you can take foamiran or felt) or knitting:

From New Year's toys They also lay out such cool little things hanging in a suspended state that resemble a forest beauty.

This is where the wire was used.

And here they made a cardboard frame.

Crafts are also made from ordinary napkins and newspapers.

Or use scrapbooking paper.

Once I even saw a gorgeous creation made from egg cups.

You can also create a masterpiece out of pillows.

The most original crafts You can designate these ones, from bottles.

Here’s another idea from jelly jars or take any containers.

With the kids you can easily make a Christmas tree out of plasticine.

By the way, you can create sweet masterpieces that are also edible. You will need waffle cones and cream.

And here is another beauty, which is made of sweets or cookies.

You can create unusual souvenirs from fruits and berries. I think that children will not resist such beauty and will immediately want to try it on their tongue.

Here's another pasta idea.

And you won’t even believe it, they create products from disposable spoons and forks.

Here is another work made from wool balls and buttons in the shape of a cone.

And here, look, shells were used.

This masterpiece looks quite unusual; it is made of feathers.

Or from a material such as floral mesh or sisal.

Here are a couple more ideas.

That's it, friends, that's all I have. The post turned out to be quite long, but I hope that you found what you were looking for. Create such wonderful decorative Christmas trees yourself or together with your children and be happy. After all, such a souvenir always exists and will be the main attribute of the New Year.

I wish that all your dreams and expectations come true in the near future. Good luck everyone and have a great day! Bye.

Greetings, friends! When you start to think about the onset of magic winter holiday New Year, you immediately think about miracles and gifts under the Christmas tree. After all, every family has such a tradition. In addition, the Christmas tree is the main attribute New Year's Eve and its absence is simply impossible to imagine. Therefore, I propose to talk about it today.

Previously, people always cut down the forest beauty and destroyed trees just because of a few. Now everything is a little different. Real Christmas trees have been replaced by artificial and homemade ones. The artificial option is good because once you buy the product, you install it every year. But DIY Christmas trees will be different from all others and will somehow decorate your home in a special way.

In addition, homemade Christmas trees are usually not made big size. And this allows you to solve the problem of installing a forest beauty in an apartment that does not have much space. Also, products can be placed on window sills and create a single composition with New Year's window decor. And if you have very active children who can tear down a tree, then the idea of ​​a homemade product is perfect for you. After all, a small Christmas tree can be easily placed where children cannot reach it.

I would like to offer to your attention large selection photos of ideas and master classes on making a decorative Christmas tree with your own hands. The products can not only decorate your home, but also serve as a creative gift or decorate any thematic exhibition.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands for the New Year? 30 photo ideas

As always, first I want to invite you to look at finished works and understand what and from what our hero of the occasion can be created. And, in fact, see with your own eyes already realized ideas.

I note that you can make a Christmas tree from various available materials. We will consider all options, and in detailed master classes. Therefore, read the post to the end, there will be a lot of interesting things!

The most popular way to create trees is from threads and PVA glue. Makes great crafts. Moreover, such works are easy to decorate, for example, using beads and paper.

Also do not forget about such material as fabric. You can sew different Christmas trees from satin types. By the way, please note that the fabric blank is fixed to the cone with glue. This idea is present in many crafts. You can use felt and stuff it with cotton wool.

You can also use pasta, and first you can color it in green color. And for a festive touch, alternate rows of pasta with tinsel.

And here is a paper beauty. You can create it from ordinary colored paper, which is cut into strips and glued together in the form of droplets.

Now I propose to do the work from tinsel and delicious sweets in shiny wrapping.

But there is only one fluffy tinsel and real ball toys.

Or it would be great to weave a souvenir from beads. And this is done in an elementary way. All you need are wires and the beads themselves. Here's a look at the finished work.

And here are the weaving patterns closer to you.

Spruce can also be collected from truffle sweets. The basis is also a paper and cardboard cone.

And how cool the crafts look with lighting. Simply magical! In this work, ordinary mesh fabric or floral mesh is used.

Make a beauty like this from a paper cone and buttons. A great idea for a craft for kindergarten or for a school exhibition.

In addition to fabric, ribbons also work well together in trees. Cheap, creative and festive!

And look at the next picture. I would never have guessed that this souvenir was made of paper. Very volumetric craft it turns out.

I completely forgot about the easiest way to make trees. When two blanks are made and inserted into each other. I'll talk about this option a little below.

Here's another step by step diagram Christmas tree creations made from threads. Interested in this idea? Then scroll below and read the master class. And of course, then turn everything into reality.

I really liked the next souvenir. My daughter and I will definitely make such a forest beauty. And let her decorate her room.

Here's some more work for children's creativity. Natural material in the form of cones - both simply and tastefully!

If you have accumulated toilet paper rolls, don’t rush to throw them away. After all, you can make a green tree from them.

Or use feathers. They can always be purchased at a hardware store. This product is very quick to make and looks impressive and airy. Ordinary white feathers can be colored using food coloring.

And I also found a job made from pasta. I really liked it. So I'll leave it here too.

Also don’t forget about the Christmas trees. They are very cute.

You can always sew green trees from felt.

Or make it from foamiran.

And what a blessed material sisal is. Create endlessly!

And a wooden tree. Great idea!

And if you are a very creative person, then make a tree out of books.

As you can see, Christmas trees can be made from anything. In this case, a cone is taken as a basis, which is subsequently pasted over and decorated. different materials. You can also make products from plasticine. But since we are considering options for replacing real wood, we did not take plasticine work into account. Although they are just right for children's creativity.

Christmas tree made of fir cones and pine cones

Now let's move on directly to the master classes. And first of all, I want to show you how you can make a tree from pine cones. So the smell will remain in the house, and the mood will certainly become festive.

Collect pine or fir cones. Choose open, but at the same time strong and whole fruits.

You will need: cones; hot glue; heat gun; cardboard; scissors; tinsel and toys; flowerpot; spray paint.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, decide on the size of your future spruce. Then cut out the base from the appropriate size cardboard.

2. Clean the cones from dust and sort them by size.

3. Now start laying out the cones in tiers in a circle, using first big shots. Connect the pine cones and tiers together using hot glue.

4. As shown in the photo, assemble the entire product. And at the very top, fix the cone vertically.

5. Decorate your beauty with any decorations. You can also paint the cones with spray paint. To ensure that the tree stands firmly on the floor, glue its base to flower pot using the same hot glue.

I would also like to suggest you make a souvenir from cone scales.

You will need: cones, sharp knife, cardboard, glue, cloves, brush, acrylic paint, glitter.

Manufacturing process:

1. Clean the cones from dirt and dust and separate the scales. Do this carefully with a sharp knife.

2. Roll the cardboard into a cone and glue it on the side. Trim off any excess cardboard at the base.

3. Now glue the scales in a circle, starting from the very base of the cone.

4. When you reach the top, glue a clove on top.

5. Wait for the glue to dry and start painting. Take acrylic paint and paint the scales.

6. Grease the ends of the “twigs” with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

7. You can leave the product as is or further decorate it to your liking.

Now that you know two simple ways to make coniferous trees with your own hands, I can show you ideas for their design. Look and choose!

Most easy way Making a spruce from a cone means decorating one cone, because it looks so much like a forest beauty.

Master class on making a Christmas tree from candies and corrugated paper

You will need: tinsel, corrugated paper, candy, stapler, thick paper, newspaper, glue gun, wire.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a sheet of thick paper and roll it into a cone. Glue the seams and secure with a stapler.

2. Level the bottom of the cone so that it stands firmly on the surface.

3. Then trace the bottom on thick paper and add allowances for later gluing. Cut out the bottom.

4. Crumple the newspaper and fill the cone tightly with it. Glue the bottom.

5. Carefully insert the wire into the crown and secure it with a glue gun.

7. Make another one exactly the same as you did before, only from corrugated paper.

8. Glue the corrugated paper bottom onto the regular bottom.

9. Now make strips of corrugated paper 50-60 cm high and 5 cm wide. Wrap (glue) the cone with these strips.

10. Glue the bottom tier of tinsel onto the glue gun. Glue candies on top of the row of tinsel.

11. Glue the next tier and the next portion of candies.

Glue the candies in a checkerboard pattern.

12. Continue in the same spirit, alternating a row of candies and a row of tinsel. Moreover, towards the top the number of candies will decrease to two.

13. Cover the end of the wire with tinsel and decorate with a bow.

14. This is the extraordinary beauty that results.

Take note of this method. After all, this is a great gift!

And as a gift, take as a basis not a cardboard cone, but a bottle of champagne.

Now see how you can create a spruce tree only from corrugated paper.

You will need: corrugated paper; cardboard; scissors; thread and needle; heat gun; beads and sequins.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut a blank from cardboard in the form of a rectangle or square.

2. Roll it into a cone and glue the part together. Level the base.

3. Cut strips of corrugated paper 5 cm wide. And then sew them with thread along the entire length as shown in the picture below.

To find out the length of the strips, measure the circumference of the cone and multiply by two or three.

4. These are the “ruffles” you should get.

6. Then glue them to the cone, starting from the base. At the same time, step back a little from the base.

7. Glue all the “skirts” all the way to the top of the head, slightly retreating from the previous edge.

8. Then glue on decorations in the form of sequins or sparkles.

Making three-dimensional paper Christmas trees at home

The most in a simple way making souvenirs and home interior decorations is considered to be work made from ordinary paper. It is better, of course, to take high-quality and thick paper.

So, here are your options for creating paper Christmas trees.

Cut out two blanks according to the template. Cut one tree exactly along the middle from the bottom, and the other - from the top to the middle. Then insert both halves into the slots.

Make patterned trees in the same way. Only here you will need a special stencil.

And here is the template itself, for example.

By folding and gluing paper according to the pattern, a super voluminous craft is obtained. It is most convenient to connect the workpieces with a wire. Attach any decoration on top.

You can even simplify the manufacturing process. And connect simple circles. Look how colorful this product looks.

I also found an option to make it from regular strips. In my opinion, it also makes a worthy souvenir.

Well, or you can create these little accordion Christmas trees.

Also, don’t forget about the quilling technique.

DIY Christmas tree for New Year 2020 from plastic bottles

You know, I would never have thought that the forest beauty is made from plastic bottles. It turns out that the options from this material at hand are very diverse and exceeded all my expectations. Don't believe me? Then admire it for yourself! Watch the video, I'm sure it will interest you.

And for work, in addition to bottles, you will also need: acrylic paint and glitter. And the required dimensions of the branches are 8.5 cm x 6 cm; 7 cm x 6 cm; 6.5 cm x 6 cm; 6 cm x 6 cm; 5.5 cm x 6 cm; 5 cm x 6 cm; 4.5 cm x 5 cm; 4 cm x 5 cm; 3 cm x 3.

And at your summer cottage or in the yard, all together make such a large craft).

Here's a way to cut bottles and create fluffy branches.

Or these miracles of cutting. How do you like this idea? I think it looks great!

Well, here are the works from solid bottles. If you want to make such creations, then start saving bottles now.

Or crumpled bottoms. And they just can’t come up with anything.

I hope I surprised you a little with these products.

Ideas for making Christmas trees from napkins and cotton pads

You can make cool crafts from ordinary white and colored napkins. And I will now show you how this can be done. The work is not difficult, but painstaking and long.

You will need: paper napkins of different colors - 92 pcs. (the quantity depends on the size of the Christmas tree); pencil glue; stapler with small paper clips; thick paper for the cone; scissors; scotch.

Manufacturing process:

1. Fold the napkin in half, and then in half again. And fasten the middle of the resulting square with a paper clip.

2. Now cut out a circle from the blank.

3. Make a lot of these circles.

5. Do this with each layer.

6. As a result, you should get a bud.

7. Spread it out with your fingers.

8. You need to make a lot of these flowers.

9. Then cut out a sector of a circle from thick paper and roll it into a cone. Glue or secure the cone with tape, and secure it at the bottom with a stapler.

10. Glue the flowers onto the cone so that there are no gaps. Your floral napkin product is ready.

And one more option using the same technology.

Also, do not forget to decorate not only your home, but also festive table. And here are the variations of decorations.

Oh, I also found Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. This composition looks very cool.

And now I propose to build soft Christmas trees from cotton pads. They are usually folded and then also glued to the cone base. Next they decorate. Discs can also be painted regular paint. Or just glue snow-white circles together.

Look at the photographs and see everything for yourself. The manufacturing technology is identical to those we have already discussed above, so I won’t go into detail.

The good thing about such crafts is that the material for their creation is always available at home. 🙂

Christmas tree made of threads. Master Class:

And now we will make a festive attribute from threads. The manufacturing technology is the same: glue threads are strung onto a cone and dried. Then they are removed and decorated. In general, let's look at everything in detail.

You will need: sheet of cardboard; a skein of green thread; PVA glue; scotch; beads; scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a sheet of cardboard and cover it with tape.

2. Then roll it into a bag to make a cone. Next, level the base.

3. Then, using scissors, make teeth that will hold the thread.

4. Dilute the glue in a small plate with water until it becomes liquid.

5. Take the threads and tie a knot at the end. Dip the thread into a bowl of glue; it should be thoroughly saturated. You can also lubricate the cone with glue.

6. Now wrap the thread around the cone in any order. At the same time, do not forget to dip the thread in glue.

7. Once you wrap the cone so that there are few gaps left, cut the thread and leave the workpiece to dry completely.

9. Now decorate the product with beads.

If you understand all the details, then everything is done quite easily and even a child can handle it.

Christmas tree craft for kindergarten and school competition

In addition to the fact that the forest beauty should decorate our home, it also educational institutions This attribute is given special significance. And they always organize exhibitions of children's works. Therefore, I want to offer you products that your children can create.

You can also use the ideas described above and make Christmas trees with your children.

Here is a common paper work with a snowman made of cotton wool.

Or creative idea with regular transparent bags. Class!

Options for inserted paper trees.

Work from tinsel, snow-white mesh fabric, as well as from a wire base and decorations.

Idea for kids. Make a cone, cover it with tape and stick a regular mosaic into it.

And here is the whole composition from last year's exhibition.

Video about how you can make a Christmas tree with your own hands

In fact, there are a lot of ways to make homemade Christmas trees. Only I offered you about 100 photo ideas. And what are they made of? I tried to sort out all the options as much as possible so that you can definitely choose your beauty and build it with pleasure. Finally, I picked up one story that contains different variants handmade Christmas trees. So to speak, for your inspiration).

Well, all I can do is wish you creative success and festive mood. And Happy New Year, friends!

If you want to surprise your guests with an unusual decor, to celebrate Christmas and New Year in an original way, I offer several ideas on how to make a wooden Christmas tree with your own hands - materials - branches with driftwood, roots, wood cuts, just a piece of wood or plywood.

Decorative birch tree - tree cuts

This is a Christmas craft for men, the Christmas tree is made using birch sections. Can serve as decor both inside and outside the house. It is not necessary to cut out Christmas figures inside each wooden round; you can leave it as is, or apply a design by burning.

If you are not too lazy, you can make stencil drawings with acrylic paint. But in my opinion, it looks more interesting in natural color.

And this close-up, the stencils of the drawings are made like on Christmas cookies - a star, a heart, a deer, a Christmas tree. The bark is not peeled (it turns out much better this way!), no special processing.

It is not necessary to cut branches that are thick in diameter; you can be content with thin ones, there will simply be more of them. Fastening with glue.

DIY creative Christmas tree made from branches and driftwood

This is an even simpler version of a homemade Christmas tree. This is good to put in front of the house, in the garden. And next to her are such wonderful fawns, which were also made using natural material.

If these objects are entwined with a garland of lanterns, then even such an “unsightly” Christmas tree will shine with a completely different light. Nobody forbids decorating such a decorative coniferous tree like a real one - with balls and toys. Especially in the evening light it will be magnificent.

The easiest way to make a souvenir tree is to find a piece of plywood or a wooden block, draw the outlines of the future craft on it, and then, as the sculptor said, “remove all that is unnecessary.”

Place it on a stand for greater stability and stability.

To paint it green or leave it as is is up to the owner of the forest beauty.

If you drill a few holes, then you can easily hang small, light decorations on the tree - sweets, paper toys, ribbons, or just colored glass balls.

Other wooden products are suitable for such crafts as decor - garlands with sticks, twigs, cones, for example, like those in the picture below.

You can use wooden beads, all sorts of trinkets, and old, no longer needed children's toys for kids.

There are many options for making a wooden Christmas tree with your own hands - you can come up with your own (cones, shavings, whatever!), it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

A wooden Christmas tree craft can be painted entirely; as you can see, even White color(she will be in the snow!), or you can create an aging effect.

To do this, before painting, slightly rub the protruding parts with wax or paraffin of a regular candle. After the paint has dried, the paint will not stick to the treated areas, wipe them with a cloth - this way you can “age” any objects.

In the end, I’ll show you several options for a New Year’s tree made from white-painted wooden sticks or twigs that I spied in store windows during the pre-Christmas days.

These Christmas trees look good, they resemble snow-covered beauties in the forest. In my opinion, the most impressive is the latest option, such a stick pyramid, with the smallest sticks used at the very top, medium ones in the middle, and large ones at the very bottom.

Such a wooden craft can easily be decorated with real Christmas tree toys, for example, with balls, put a bird on a branch, at least