Sports festival we are rescuers. Scenario of the physical education festival "young rescuers"

Target: draw children's attention to the fact that they need to be careful when Everyday life, since there are many dangerous moments in it; teach to prevent and overcome them by observing.


1. Teach children adequate behavior in extreme situations and navigate using a map.

2. Develop physical abilities, intelligence, imagination, attention, determination.

Equipment: gymnastic benches, dry pool, rope ladder, correctional paths, tunnel, diagram map, first aid kit, compass, gas mask, children's oxygen cylinder.

Music sounds, children enter the hall and line up facing the audience. Greetings.

Leading. You guys already know a lot about yourself and your health. Let's remember together what is needed to have good health? (Do physical exercise, eat healthy foods etc.)

Well done, you speak correctly, but sometimes dangers, threats to our health await us in everyday life. If people or animals are in trouble, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which means “Ministry of Emergency Situations,” rushes to their aid.

Today we can play rescuers with you. The phone rings,

Leading. Emergency Department, we are listening to you! Little Bear's voice (crying). Woohoo! Is this the Ministry of Emergency Situations?! Little Bear is calling you. I-I-I... am in trouble, who will find me? Who will save me? Leading. What's happened? Speak!

Little bear.

I was looking for housing in the rock, so that it would be warm in winter.

Not a terrible thing happened:

The rock suddenly collapsed.

It's good that I have a phone

I know he will help me.

Let your squad come soon

And he will save me from death! Woohoo! (Cries.)

Leading. Don't cry! Do not Cry,

Better tell me clearly

How to get to you

Where can we find you?

Little bear.

You need to go along the winding path,

The first is a tunnel on your way,

You won't fall into a hole, go around the fallen oak tree.

Then - a raging river, behind it a swamp awaits you.

And finally, the rock!

I’m sitting here alone under it And I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Yes! And further! I had a map. But the evil Baba Yaga stole it!

Leading. Yes, we have a difficult task ahead of us. We urgently need to find a map, mark the route, take everything we need and quickly hit the road.

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. I heard that trouble happened to you. I will help how I can. You will only be in debt...

Children. Yes, grandma, we need a map to find the way to the rock.

Baba Yaga. What other card do you want? What kind of rock?

Children. Our Little Bear is in trouble. It was covered with rock fragments. He needs to be saved!

Baba Yaga. Oh yes! I had some paper. Yes, I tore it up and threw it away. Or maybe this one? (Takes out a playing card.) I’ll bewitch everyone with it... And don’t worry about the clubfoot: one more, one less...

Children(persistently). Baba Yaga, well, don’t deceive us! We are rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and must save Mishka.

Baba Yaga. How can you?! I am Baba Yaga of the sixth generation! I am the most honest, most sympathetic and kind of all my grandmother-sisters! Well, okay, I’ll give you the card, only on the condition that you take me to your team, suddenly I’ll be younger, I’ll be like you.

There is no time to hesitate, the children agree. Baba Yaga brings a map, and the children determine the path to the rock.

Leading. Children, what do we need to take with us on the road that is very important?

Baba Yaga. I know: matches to set the forest on fire, sticks to fight each other.

Leading. No, Baba Yaga, you are wrong. We will take with us an oxygen cylinder in case Mishka doesn’t have enough air under the rubble, a first aid kit in case someone hurts his leg or arm, a gas mask in case we have to put out a fire, a flashlight in case it turns out that there is no light at all in the cave.

They set off on their journey, but encounter obstacles.

First obstacle- "winding path"

The children pass, but Baba Yaga gets stuck.

Baba Yaga. Oh, my head is spinning, I’m a little old, friends. Leading. Don't look at your feet, keep your back straight. Go slowly and catch up with our squad.

Second obstacle- "tunnel"

Baba Yaga is going to go first, as she considers herself the smartest and oldest.

Baba Yaga. I'm afraid of the dark, so I'll put on a gas mask. (Puts on a gas mask.)

Leading(after passing the obstacle). Children, did Baba Yaga take the right thing?

Children. To not be afraid in the dark, to see where you are going, you need to use a flashlight.

Third obstacle- "pit"

Leading. It’s very easy to fall into a hole, and then there are countless problems. We will step over it, or better yet, bypass it,

The children go around the pit, but Baba Yaga goes straight and falls into it.

Baba Yaga. Oh, I’m drowning, I’m drowning - save me! Help the hedgehog!

Children have to use Baba Yaga's broom to pull it out of the water.

Baba Yaga. I drank too much water, neither here nor there. (Hiccups.)

Rescuers provide assistance: they lay the grandmother on a log and slap her on the back with their palm. Grandma coughs.

Baba Yaga. Fine! Let go! Go! Don't be lost without me! (Takes out matches.)

Before the children had time to leave, the grandmother lit a fire, which started a fire. Baba Yaga began to scream.

Baba Yaga. Oh, it's warm, it's hot! I'm on fire!!!

Children put out the fire. Baba Yaga helps them. In this case, she gets a burn, and the children apply a sterile bandage to it. The children ask their grandmother if she knows the telephone number of the fire department.

Leading. Baba Yaga, you will have to come with us, otherwise you will be lost without us.

Fourth obstacle- "fallen tree"

The children come up to him and carefully step over him. Baba Yaga falls and twists her leg. The children accompany her to the “bubbling stream.”

Fifth obstacle- "bubbling stream"

Children use a rope to jump over a stream. Baba Yaga. Oh, I'm afraid of heights, I'll fall into the stream there.

You will not save me, my faithful friends.

The children teach her how to properly hold onto the rope and cross to land.

Sixth obstacle- "swamp"

Over the bumps, holding on to the hanging rope, everyone successfully crosses and finds a rock (a trampoline covered with modules). They save Mishka safe and sound.

Marina Esina
Sports entertainment"We are rescuers"

Sports entertainment"We rescuers»

Tasks: 1. Continue to promote the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, develop physical qualities. 2. Develop moral-volitional quality: endurance, perseverance, organization.

3. Strengthen knowledge about fire safety and the profession of firefighter.

4. Develop relationship and cooperation skills.

Venue: gym.

Physical education allowance: hoops 10 pcs., tunnels - 2 pcs., trucks - 2 pcs., telephones, Stuffed Toys- 8 pcs., 2 benches, wall bars, emblems according to the number of children, hoops, water sprayers, music.

Entrance to the march.

Dear guys, today we have gathered in the hall to talk about the rules of handling fire, about the people who have to fight it.

Border guards protect the earth, pilots protect the sky, and firefighters?

They are entrusted with protecting the sky, the earth, the forest, and the house, everything that man creates on Earth. Firefighters protect and preserve the most precious thing - human life!

Now the guys will tell us about these brave people.

Child. The fire has dared, they are bolder,

He is strong, they are stronger

Don't scare them with fire

They are no strangers to fire!

Child. Through storms, snow and thunderstorms

Through the burning forest

Hastens to help people

Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Child. Firefighting is for tough guys.

Firefighting – saving people,

Firefighting is courage and honor,

Firefighting – that’s how it was, that’s how it is.

Do you want to become a firefighter?

What qualities should a firefighter have? (strong, dexterous, smart, fast, brave, daring, decisive, resourceful, careful, etc.)

Do you know that every firefighter, in order to be strong and healthy, must exercise sports, physical education. Leading. Let's split in two teams: "Brave" And "The Brave Ones".

Team "Brave". Who is careless with fire?

There's a risk of fire there.

Team "The Brave Ones". Guys, remember that

That you can't play with fire.

Well, dear teams, let’s get started "warm-up for firefighters"

1. Springs

2. Mill

4. Mill

7. Springs

8. Scissor jumps

9. Springs

Well done, young firefighters, now you have more strength and health to complete your tasks. Do you know that firefighters must be not only strong, but also fast. After all, the safety of buildings, forests, and... the lives of victims of fires often depend on the speed of their work and their movements!

Now we will check how fast our children are in kindergarten.

COMPETITION 1. "Who will call the fire department faster"

COMPETITION 2. Relay race “Young firefighters”

a) crawl into the tunnel.

b) climb the ladder.

c) ring the bell.

MUSICAL PAUSE. "Dance apple"

Game with fans teams: “Who is the most attentive?”

After each verse, I expect from you, friends, answer:

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!” Listen carefully.

1. Does any of you know about this? Why shouldn't you play with fire?

2. Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and day?

3. Oh, tell me, which of you doesn’t turn on the gas on the stoves?

4. Which of you, let him say, is playing tricks with electricity?

5. Which of you doesn’t throw logs into the stove without permission?

6. Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others?

7. Who hides houses, children, matches from their little sister?

COMPETITION 4. “Who will carry the most items in a fire?”.

a) crawl into the tunnel;

b) walk along the ladder placed on the floor;

c) returning with a toy.

COMPETITION 5. "Whose team will drive the fire truck faster."

COMPETITION 6. "Who can put out the fire faster."

And now the guys from the preparatory group will tell us about the most important fire safety rule for you. Listen and remember it well.

1. Know the fire rule without hesitation,

Follow the fire rule strictly.

2. This rule applies to everyone,

This rule is very important.

Both on the street and in the room,

You guys remember him.


4. We may be short,

But growth has nothing to do with it,

We are always ready for adults

Help fight the fire!

Dear guys, today we talked about firefighters, learned to be firefighters, competed, played, warmed up, and remembered fire safety rules. The work of firefighters is an everyday feat. For special courage and the rescue people in fires - firefighters are awarded medals "For courage".

You also showed yourself to be real today rescuers. And I think we can accept all the guys in "Youth Squad" rescuers» and I suggest you now make sure that no one violates fire safety rules or plays around with fire. (Team awards)

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: educational: remember polite words and rules of behavior with children; educational: to cultivate a culture of behavior; developing:.

Entertainment in the form of a travel game “Forest Rescuers” in the preparatory group Purpose: To introduce fire safety rules in the forest. Equip children with knowledge of the main causes of forest fires. Objectives: Educational.

Sports entertainment Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 44" Open Parent meeting on the topic: “Together with.

Scenario for musical and sports entertainment “Autumn has come to visit us”“Approved”___ I am/with “Glduren” I am/with “Glduren” a methodologist. Orazova L.K. “___” ___ 2015

Sports entertainment for children 3–4 years old Goal: creation festive mood; consolidating children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, developing speed, jumping ability, and dexterity in games.

Elena Lazareva

Goal: to continue to strengthen children’s ideas about the profession of rescuers.

Improve motor skills and abilities;

Form coordination and consistency of movements of various parts of the body;

Develop physical qualities: speed, endurance, flexibility, agility;

Create a need for daily exercise and a healthy lifestyle;

Foster interest and respect for the work of rescuers.

Ved. : All professions are needed

All professions are important

Today there are more than seven thousand professions in Russia. There are more than 50,000 of them in the world. But there are special ones where only the brave, brave, strong people. These are people who, risking their health and their lives, rush to help each of us.

Ved. : And now it’s time to meet our teams.

Children come out to the music.

Rescuers must be strong and resilient, and for this they do exercises.

Fun exercise accompanied by music.

Child 1: Once upon a time in a city alone

Trouble happened, a flood!

Water flooded everything around,

It seemed like there was no salvation anywhere.

Child 2: If you're in trouble

They will help you quickly.

You need to dial 02

And call the police.

Ved. :In such cases, rescuers always come to the rescue.

The task of our teams is to carry out the crossing using floating means through the affected area.

Relay 1:

At the signal, the first participants “swim across” (i.e., run across) to the other side. Having run across, they stand in the hoop and lift it with both hands to the waist, then run back to the team. Having reached, the first participants capture the second, and together they melt to the other side. Having crossed, the first participants remain on the other side, and the second with a hoop run after the third, etc. The team wins, all of whose players cross to the other side faster.

Child: If something catches fire,

If something starts to smoke,

On command as one

Call 01.

Relay 2:

Each team has plastic balls on one side. Teams stand in two lines. It is necessary to put one ball in a bucket and pass it from hand to hand to the other end of the line, transfer the ball to the basket and transfer the bucket back in the same way to the other end. And so you need to move all the balls.

Ved. : Let safety precautions be held in high esteem at home and at work!

Very often, accidents occur due to our negligence, because sometimes you just need to maintain order in the workplace. This is what we will learn now.

Relay 3:

It is necessary to collect the toys and put them in place (there may be a pyramid, sheets of cubes, etc. scattered about). The team that completes it the fastest gets a point.

Ved. : The guys placed a black bag on the porch of the school, the bag ticks and ticks suspiciously, there is a suspicion of a terrorist act. There are witnesses who saw the alleged terrorist. His description: large head, small body, long arms, short legs, cunning eyes, hooked nose, closed mouth, sparse curly hair. Your task is to draw a sketch of a terrorist.

Relay 4:

Each participant is given a piece of paper with a description of what to draw; the relay participants take turns running to the Whatman paper and draw their part.

Relay 7:

There is a “victim” on the opposite line from the team; the participants take turns running to the “victim” and tying a bandage on him.

Ved. :If you are in trouble

I will help you quickly.

You need to dial 02

And call the police.

Relay 8:

Now the task of our teams is to collect the word rescuer from the cards that are on the opposite side. Moreover, the first participant must take the first letter, the second the second, etc. At the end of the relay, the participants line up, raising their hands up along with the cards so that they can read the word “rescuer!”

Ved. : Today you showed yourself to be real rescuers. This concludes the holiday.

The children leave the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

Kindergarten No. 230 of JSC Russian Railways Summary of the educational situation in middle group No. 1 “Sun” Prepared by: Zhilina T.V.

Final integrated lesson in the senior group. Topic: Rescuers rushing to help. Objectives: Fix forward and backward counting within 10. Continue learning to count and count using a number line. .

Summary of GCD using Dienesh blocks “Space rescuers rush to the rescue” (preparatory group) Abstract of the GCD “Space rescuers rush to the rescue” (with Dienesh blocks, preparatory group. Goal: Development of logical thinking.

Behind last years A lot of household appliances have appeared that make household chores easier. For parents, the question arises: “Is it necessary to teach.

Summary of GCD for children senior group using health-saving technologies. Topic: “Friends rush to the rescue” Prepared by the teacher:

New Year's scenario for senior or preparatory groups “Ellie and friends are rushing to the rescue” Presenter: Let the music play loudly, hurry to our elegant hall. Here, guys, let's start our New Year's carnival! Exit - dance Presenter:.

Lyudmila Nikiforova

In our kindergarten, the last week before the new year and the first week of the new year are holidays. OODs are not held at this time, but every day is thematic. On December 27, Rescuer Day was celebrated in our country. We dedicated a thematic day to this holiday.

Thematic day in the preparatory group "Rescuer's Day"

Target: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the profession of a rescuer, to form ideas about situations that are dangerous to humans and the natural world around them and methods of behavior in them;

Introduce to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them;

Develop a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous to humans and the natural world around them.

Morning. Surprise moment. Stobed ​​comes to the children and brings rescue equipment. He says that he was going to become a rescuer and go on an expedition to save people. Invites children on this expedition. – create interest in upcoming events.

View album“Saratov Rescue Service” - expand ideas about the profession of a rescuer, an active dictionary for children on the topic.

Rhythmic gymnastics“Rescuers” - develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen the muscles of the back, legs, and arms.

Didactic game“Rescue transport” (with a ball) - develop a quick reaction, assign the names of rescue vehicles.

Outdoor game “Firemen in training”- develop dexterity, quick reaction, practice climbing stairs.

Lifeguard's breakfast. The teacher informs the children that today we have an unusual breakfast in our group - it was delivered to us by rescuers. The rescuers' breakfast does not always go according to schedule. After all, often instead of breakfast they have to rush to help people. Let's try it and tell you what rescuers eat. - expand children’s knowledge about various dishes, teach them how to taste them.


View the presentation “Rescuer Day”- consolidate ideas on the topic, cultivate a sense of self-preservation.

"Dangerous Expedition for Stobed". Goal: to develop the physical qualities of children, to cultivate a desire to help people, to cultivate a sense of self-preservation.

While watching the presentation, Stobed ​​disappears. The teacher invites the children to think about where he could have gone. Offers to go in search of a hero. The children walk, overcoming obstacles: mountains, narrow gorges, streams, etc. At the end of their journey, they hear the voice of Stobed ​​(he fell into a mountain rubble). The children clear the rubble and save the hero. The teacher offers to give him first aid and take him to the hospital. Stobed ​​thanks the children for their help and calls them real rescuers.

Children receive "Young Rescuer" badges

"Urgent evacuation"- invite children to evacuate from the kindergarten building. Put hourglass for 3 minutes. – learn to act according to the situation, develop a sense of self-preservation.

S/r game "Rescuers"- teach children to act in concert, develop the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss the actions of all players.

Stages of the game: rescuer training, challenge accepted, rescue activities, rescuer rest.


“Rescuers help clear the area of ​​debris”- cultivate diligence, develop labor skills.

Outdoor game “Rescuers in training”- develop quick reaction, quick wits, practice running with acceleration, climbing.

Word game "Rescue equipment"- expand children's vocabulary on the topic.

“Building a rescue station from snow”- develop constructive skills, teach how to create collective buildings.

2 half day

Reading the story by B. Zhitkov “On the Ice Floe”- develop interest in fiction and educational literature, pay attention to expressive means, educate a reader capable of experiencing empathy and compassion for the characters of the book.

Board game: “Who needs what for work”- expand your vocabulary on the topic, teach how to correctly select and name cards, and develop the ability to communicate politely.

"Rescue Training"- develop strength, agility, endurance, learn to act according to the situation, take turns, follow safety rules.

Construction of the “Rescue Station”- to develop interest in a variety of buildings and structures, to encourage the desire to convey their features to constructive activity, invite children to independently find individual constructive solutions.


S/r game “Fortress Defense”-develop creative imagination, the ability to coordinate your game plan with the plans of peers, cultivate the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of peers, and resolve disputes fairly.

Game "Labyrinth"- teach children to act on a signal, develop intuition, and a sense of self-preservation.

Observation at the site “Whose traces”- develop observation skills and the ability to compare.


leadership skills.
3. Increase motivation for physical education and sports, to healthy image life.



Sports entertainment:

"We are rescuers!"


Summarize children's knowledge about the profession of rescuer and firefighter. Activate the ability to avoid dangerous situations and, if possible, act correctly.
Promote the development of caution and prudence.
Cultivate attention, sensitivity, responsiveness.
1. Develop and improve motor skills.
2. Foster a healthy sense of competition and collectivism,
leadership skills.
3. Increase motivation for physical education and sports, for a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: Do any of you dream of becoming rescuers? (children's answers). But this profession is considered one of the most dangerous, because rescuers come to the aid of people who are trappedinto trouble, often risking their own lives. For a rescuer to do his job, he must be strong and resilient. Therefore, they play a lot of sports and train. There are obstacle courses. Do you want to try? (children's answers). First, we need to warm up (a warm-up is being carried out).

O.R.U. (without items)

We stood up together for the warm-up. We need to warm up now.

  1. Circular rotation of the head.
  2. Hands "Scissors".
  3. Body bends “Umbrella”.
  4. Squats.
  5. While kneeling, twist the torso.
  6. Lying on your back “Bicycle”.
  7. Jumps "Scissors" forward - backward.
  8. Breathing exercises.

I ask all participants to prepare for the competition.

Greetings from the teams.

1 team: “Chip and Dale”, motto “We will always fight fire, and our most faithful companion is water. She is able to extinguish the flame, and we are ready to accomplish feats.”

Team 2: “Paw Patrol”, motto “The howl of a piercing siren can deafen. We will use both water and foam to extinguish the fire. And we can help people in trouble. We will all fight the fire bravely day and night.”

Leading: And as you may have guessed, the theme of our holiday today is fire safety. A firefighter is a difficult and heroic profession that involves putting out fires and saving people.

Leading: Well, guys, we will conduct the training very cleverly!
And you will receive awards, we will be happy to congratulate you.
And we will introduce to you the jury who will congratulate us and present well-deserved prizes.
Leading: Attention! The competition is considered open.
I will ask the teams to take their starting places.

1- competition “Sound the alarm”

Move the edge of the rope from the start to the counter, climb up the gymnastics wall, ring the bell, and place the edge of the rope back to the start.
Inventory: rope, 4 chips, gymnastic wall, 2 bells with string, 2 mats (belay)

2nd competition “Call 01”

If something catches fire in the house, you need to call the fire department, so each player must do the following

1. run to the phone,

2. dial 01,

3. state your last name,

4. tell your home address,

5. go back and pass the card to another player.

Run to the phone, pick up the receiver, dial the number “01”, say “Hello!”, hang up, run back wearing a forward helmet.
Inventory: 2 phones.

We carry sleeves in the compartments on the car -

Not the ones that are sewn onto your shirt and coat.

We have a fireman's hose - it's completely waterproof,

Although it is made of woven threads, there is rubber in them.

A fire hose is not a sleeve that is sewn to a shirt, but a long hose that carries water from a fire truck

3-competition “Who can roll up a fire hose faster?”

Instead of a sleeve, we will use a ribbon on a stick.

4th competition “Smoke”

Leading. Guys, what is worse in a fire, fire or smoke? Of course there is smoke.

How to get out of a smoky room? You need to cover your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief and crawl along the floor, because there is less smoke at the bottom.

A participant with a wet handkerchief near his face runs on his haunches, crawls under the hoop, returns to his team, passes the baton, and stands at the end of the column.

5-competition is called"Bring fire extinguishing supplies"

(Required equipment: various pictures, magnetic boards).

Remember the rules of the relay race: each team member runs, jumping from hoop to hoop, to the cube, selects a picture there with the desired object for extinguishing the fire, returns and passes the baton. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.

Competition for fans “Collect matches”.

Cotton swabs, painted like matches, are scattered around the room. Collect as many matches as possible for your team.

Host: The earthquake destroyed residential buildings. The rubble needs to be cleared.

6-competition "Sorting out the rubble". (5 people)

A child with a toy car runs up to a destroyed house, takes a “brick” (wooden block), and takes it to a certain place. Passes the car to the next one.

Dance "Firemen"

7th competition “Save from the Fire”

Walk through the fire - wet the blanket in the basin, throw the blanket over yourself and crawl under the arc “enter a burning house”, save the toy.

8-competition "Construction of a new house"

The team takes turns driving one cube at a time, placing it in a hoop to form a tall house, and the last team member builds the roof. The team that builds the new house faster without collapsing wins.

Presenter: This is the work the rescuers did: they got to the scene of the incident, cleared away the rubble, and provided first aid. Now you can rest.

And I have prepared no less difficult riddles for you:

  • He slept in stone, stood up on iron, walked on wood, like a falcon flew (fire).
  • I don’t chew, but I eat everything (fire).
    There are four brothers:
    One eats - he can’t get enough,
    Another drinks - he won’t get drunk, the third goes for a walk - he won’t get enough
    The fourth runs - does not run (fire, earth, air, water)
  • He is beautiful and bright red, but he is burning, hot, dangerous(Fire)
  • Climbs straight into the flames, fire equipment...(Scrap)
  • What happens when birds light matches in the house?(Fire)
  • The insidious fire will win, the one whose name is...(Firefighter)
  • It often protected a fireman in a fire. This “cap” is made of metal.(Helmet)
  • When gasoline burns perfectly, it can be easily extinguished...(Foam)
  • Legendary heroes go into the fire...(Firefighters)
  • She's not big in stature, she's a little matchstick. Just touch the matches, don’t have...(habits)
  • If little sisters light matches at home, what should you do? Immediately those matches...(Take away)
  • A coal fell onto the floor and burned through the wooden floor. Don't look, don't wait, don't stand, but fill it up...(Water)

"Obstacle Course"

Put on a helmet, crawl under the arc, climb over the barrier, take a “fire extinguisher”, put out the “fire” (use a stream of water in balloon), run back and wear a forward helmet.
Inventory: 2 helmets, 2 arches, 2 barriers, 2 fire extinguishers, 2 balloons.

Leading: The jury gives the floor. Summing up, rewarding.


  1. A. A. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.V. Sterkin “Safety: a textbook on the basics of life safety for older children preschool age” publishing house “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2004.
  2. S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina Popular manual for children and parents “Safety of your baby” Publishing house “Academy of Development”, 1997
  3. K.K. Utrobina “Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 5-7 years old” Publishing house “GNOM and D”, 2003
  4. N.B. Mullaeva “Notes-scenarios for classes in physical culture for preschoolers” Publishing house “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2005