Parent meeting on traffic rules “Children’s safety on the road. Scenario of parent meeting "road safety" Road safety parent meeting in preschool

Parent meeting “The Road and Us”

Form of implementation: game library according to traffic rules.

To achieve synchronicity between the teacher and the parent in the prevention of children's road traffic injuries;

Preventive work to prevent road accidents.

Participants: parents, teachers.

Plan of implementation.

Introductory speech by the teacher.

Dear moms and dads!

So your baby has grown up, become more mature, more inquisitive, his life experience has been enriched, he has become more independent. But your authority has not diminished at all. So you remain a faithful assistant for him in instilling cultural behavior on the street and in public transport. Knowing your child's individual traits (anatomy, physiology, nervous system, intelligence, temperament), continue to help him learn the science of respecting the street: persistently, but not intrusively, systematically and patiently.

Cultivate in your child the habit of being attentive, careful and prudent on the street.

While walking, on the way to kindergarten and home, consolidate the knowledge acquired earlier, ask him problematic questions more often, talk with him, pay attention to your actions (why you stopped before crossing, why in this particular place, etc.)

Your child already knows and must strictly follow certain rules:

You should walk on the sidewalk on the right side;

Before crossing the road, you need to make sure that there is no traffic by looking left and right, then you can move, after first looking in both directions again;

You can only cross the road by walking;

You must obey the traffic light signal;

In transport you need to behave calmly, speak quietly, hold on to an adult’s hand (and handrail) so as not to fall;

You cannot lean out of the window of a bus or trolleybus, or stick your hands out the window;

You can enter and exit a vehicle only when it is stationary;

You can only play in the yard.

Keep your child safe on the street and in your personal vehicle. Use reflectors (flickers, vests, smiley faces) on a dark road, and use child seats and three-point seat belts in the car.

Attach the reflector to your clothing so that it is well illuminated by headlights. The reflector will be best visible in the area of ​​the knee, thigh, and worse - on the headdress. You can wear several reflectors at once.

Observe situations on the street, road, pedestrians and vehicles, traffic lights, and be sure to discuss what you see with your child.

Only your culture of behavior, strict adherence to traffic rules, patience and responsibility for the life and health of your child will help us together to develop in him the skills and habits of safe behavior on the street!

No matter who teaches children the rules of the road, be it parents or teachers of preschool educational institutions, it is important to remember that the corresponding behavior of adults has the greatest influence on the formation of a child’s behavior on the street. After all, it’s not enough to just read, tell, teach a child; you need to show him by example how to behave correctly on the street. Otherwise, any targeted training loses its meaning.

Conducting a quiz for parents.

1Reb. There is a traffic jam near the square

The traffic light is broken:

The yellow light came on

But there is still no green...

A hundred cars are standing, honking -

They want to get moving.

Three, four, five minutes

They are not given passage. (S. Mikhalkov)

2Reb. Cross the road

You are always on the street

And they will advise and help

Talking colors.

3Reb. If the light turns red,

So it's dangerous to move

Green light says:

“Come on, the way is open!”

Yellow light - warning.

Wait for the signal to move. (S. Mikhalkov)

2. Competition for parents “Road mathematics”.

Task No. 1.

Seven children were playing ball on the road. The two went home. The rest of the guys stayed to play on the road.

How many guys did the right thing?

Task No. 2

Two boys and three girls left school. When they approached the pedestrian crossing, the green signal had already begun to flash. The boy ran across the road, while the girls remained waiting for the next green signal.

How many guys crossed the road correctly?

Task No. 3

Four boys went riding bicycles along the city streets. One of them was 13 years old, the rest were 15.

How many guys have not violated the traffic rules?

Task No. 4

Seven people got off the bus. Three of them approached the pedestrian crossing, two went around the front of the bus, and two remained at the stop.

How many people did the right thing?


  1. No one. You cannot play on the roadway.
  2. Two girls. A green flashing light warns you that yellow will soon turn on, followed by red, so the safest thing to do is wait for the next green light. Running across the road is also dangerous.
  3. Three. You can ride a bicycle on the streets from the age of 14.
  4. Two. The best thing to do is wait until the bus leaves the stop and only then cross the road.

Summarizing. Presentation of a memo to parents.

Memo for parents.

    Take your time, cross the road at a measured pace. When going out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child must get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

    Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how much you are in a hurry. Cross the road only in places marked with the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign.

    Get off the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the roadway.

    Invite your child to participate in your observations of the situation on the road, show him those cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

    Do not leave with your child from behind bushes or a car without first inspecting the road - this is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

    Do not allow play near the road or on the carriageway.

    Let's remember what words you associate with the concept of pedestrian?

    It is not at all easy to remember and repeat all the named ground transport the first time. Can you?

    Road signs were repeated - puzzles were put together.

Parent meeting on the topic:

“Children on the road. Who is responsible for their safety?

Target: organizing joint activities of parents and teachers to prevent children's road traffic injuries and improve the culture of road users.


Encourage parents to think that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of their children.

Pay attention to the psychological aspect of the problem.

Introduce parents to methods of teaching children traffic rules,

Preliminary preparation for the meeting:

Students fill out a traffic rules form a week before the meeting. Preparation of instructions for parents on traffic rules.

Preparation of a multimedia presentation, preparation of props for games.

Plan for the meeting.

    Relevance of the selected topic

    Game for parents “Traffic Experts” (work in groups).

    Results of student survey.

    Drawing up reminders for children (work in groups).

    Playing out road situations (Road Traps), followed by analysis (work in groups).

    Demonstration of the computer game “NOT a game”.

    Memo for parents on traffic rules.

Progress of the meeting:

1. Relevance of the chosen topic.

Do you want, do you want...

But the point, comrades, is

That first of all, you are parents,

And everything else - later!

Showing a video clip (emotional mood of the audience)

The need for a meeting on traffic rules is dictated by life itself. The terrible statistics of child mortality and health damage as a result of road accidents are simply terrifying. So, ( Statistics).

And most often we, the adults, are to blame for tragedies.

At this meeting we will talk about what parents can do to keep their child safe on the road.

First of all, parents should understand that this task - to protect their child on the road - is fundamentally unsolvable.

Firstly, any movement in transport (and even on your own feet) is fraught with danger, and the probability of the unexpected happening is always different from zero. This is not said at all to scare parents, but quite the opposite, to draw their attention to the fact that you should always take care of the children’s safety (and your own).

Secondly, the task of protecting the child once and for all cannot be solved, because the child is growing, and the possible dangers that await him on the road are growing.

Therefore, children should be promptly taught the ability to navigate a traffic situation, cultivate the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent. And parents should not make the most common mistake - acting on the principle “you can do it with me.” If you show your child by your own example how to run to red, be sure that when left alone, he will try to repeat this trick. Dear parents! Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! We have the power to develop the skills of safe behavior on the roads, to educate a conscious and competent pedestrian, responsible for the life and health of road users.

Recently, a survey was conducted with your children on traffic rules, I will introduce you to the results later, but now I invite you to answer the same questions, but in the form of a Game.

(To make the discussion of issues of preventing children's road traffic injuries with parents more meaningful and lively, an active method of work is used - a game).

2. Game for parents “Traffic Experts”(work in groups).

(The proposed questions will help ensure informal communication, activate adults’ knowledge about road rules, their personal experience and ability to navigate various road situations. In addition, they will supplement adults’ practical knowledge of road literacy).

3. Results of the student survey.

(General analysis for each question in the questionnaire; familiarizing parents with their child’s profile for subsequent work based on recommendations)

Let me remind you once again of the basic rules that child should know:

1. Basic terms and concepts of rules.

2. Responsibilities of pedestrians.

3. Responsibilities of passengers.

4. Traffic regulation.

5. Traffic signals.

6. Warning signals.

7. Traffic across railway tracks.

8. Traffic in residential areas and transportation of people.

9. Features of cycling.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the roads, following the example of family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the roads, he should be able to:

Watch the road;
correctly assess the road situation in all its variability;
see, listen, anticipate, avoid danger.

Watch the road.

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to follow the traffic rules, but also from a very early age to teach them to observe and navigate. It must be taken into account that the main way to develop behavioral skills is through observation and imitation of adults, especially parents.

2. When you are on the roadway with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will learn to rush where you need to watch and ensure safety.

3. Teach your child to notice a car. Sometimes a child does not notice a car from afar. Teach him to peer into the distance.

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to determine which one is going straight and which one is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to watch. The habit of inspecting the street in both directions should be brought to automaticity before taking the first step from the sidewalk to the roadway. You need to look especially carefully at the street when there is a family home or acquaintance on the opposite side, or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Correctly assess the road situation

The main danger is a stationary car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to it. A stationary car deceives: it can block a moving one and prevent you from noticing the danger in time.

Rule #1.

You cannot go out onto the road because of parked cars. As a last resort, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another one suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Draw your child's attention to the fact that a bus standing at a stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not go around a stationary bus, either in front or behind!

A stationary bus, no matter how you walk around it - in front or behind, covers a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet danger!

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and will let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the standing cars and whose driver cannot see the pedestrian may enter the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule #4

Always develop the habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule #5

Strong transport behavior skills of children are formed only through daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and transport, analyze the road situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule #6

There is no need to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic and moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with brightness and kindness. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that sounding the horn when they see a child running across the road is dangerous. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Don't take the trouble to help the children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your home.

In this conversation I would like to draw your attention on the psychological aspect of the problem. To avoid troubles on the road, you need to know the characteristics of children and adolescents. Doctors persistently warn, but adults simply ignore these warnings:

    Children under 13-14 years old see only straight ahead, and with their peripheral vision they weakly record what is happening (“tunnel vision”);

    The child has to turn his head in order to have a general idea of ​​the surrounding space. For this, a child will need 4 seconds, while an adult will need a quarter of a second;

    The child’s perception of speed, vehicle size and distance to it is also distorted;

    Children perceive sounds on the road with distortion;

    They have a distorted perception of the size of vehicles, etc.

(Psychologist V. HARUTYUNYAN in the article “The Little “Thinker” and the Road”)

    Drawing up reminders for children (work in groups).

Now we will develop and compile instructions for our children. For child pedestrians. For child passengers. For cyclists. You can also use this method to teach your child traffic rules.

(You can give homework to parents - together with the child, finish and draw up the memos, then bring them to school, for the subsequent organization of an exhibition in the classroom).

    Playing out road situations (Road Traps), followed by analysis (work in groups).

The following method is also a training method, which is also used in working with children. On the tables you have cards describing road situations in which your child may find himself. We need to find the right way out (solution) from the “road trap”.

(You can give homework to parents - together with the child, find a “road trap” in a life situation, analyze why it is dangerous, and determine the correct behavior, then put it in the form of a drawn story. Bring the drawings to school, and organize an exhibition in the classroom.) .

    Demonstration of the computer game “NOT a game”.

(Introducing parents to information technologies for studying traffic rules, with the help of which their joint leisure time with their child can be turned into an exciting, and most importantly, useful game).

The computer game "NOT a game" is a learning program. With the help of the game, a child can study, remember or expand his knowledge of traffic rules. (You can also prepare and distribute information to parents about useful links to Internet resources).

    Memo for parents on traffic rules.

(Prepare and distribute to each parent).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that studying traffic rules is just as necessary as studying basic subjects (mathematics, Russian language). After all, the safety of our children’s lives is no less important than the indicator of their intellectual development, and even much more significant.

When teaching a child the Rules of the Road, an adult must clearly understand what needs to be taught and how to do it more effectively. He himself must be well versed in road situations. Therefore, you should not only analyze your life experience in advance, but also study the necessary literature on the topic “Road Rules”.

What and, most importantly, how well we teach a child, what skills of safe behavior on the street we instill in him, will protect him throughout his life.

    Memo for parents.

    Take your time, cross the road at a measured pace. When going out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child must get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

    Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how much you are in a hurry. Cross the road only in places marked with the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign.

    Get off the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the roadway.

    Invite your child to participate in your observations of the situation on the road, show him those cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

    Do not leave with your child from behind bushes or a car without first inspecting the road - this is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

    Do not allow play near the road or on the carriageway.

QUESTIONNAIRE for students

    Where are pedestrians allowed to walk?

    Is it possible to walk on the roadway?

    Which side of the road should pedestrians stay on in the city and outside the city?

    How should people who are in wheelchairs or driving a moped or motorcycle move?

    What should a pedestrian have in the dark?

    Where can you cross the street?

    How can you cross the road if it is regulated by a traffic light?

    What should pedestrians do when approaching vehicles with blue flashing lights on?

    How should you cross the road at an uncontrolled intersection?

    Why outside the city should we go towards moving traffic.

    Why is it advisable to be at some distance from the roadway at transport stops, watching for approaching vehicles, especially in wet weather?

    What is the danger to a pedestrian when one car is ahead of another?

    Is it allowed to carry passengers by bicycle?

    Is it safe to start crossing when the traffic light is flashing green?

    How should cyclists move on the road?

    When is it permissible to tow a bicycle?

    Is it allowed to carry passengers by bicycle?

Lyudmila Butova
Parent meeting on traffic rules “Children’s safety on the road”

Parent meeting on traffic rules

« Safety of children on the road»

Target: formation of a system of pedagogical knowledge and practical skills for the prevention of DDTT, contributing to ensuring traffic, formation of foundations safe behavior on the streets and roads, preservation of life and children's health.


Introduce parents with theoretical foundations road safety. To introduce in practice new effective pedagogical technologies for teaching preschoolers the rules safe behavior on the streets and roads.

To familiarize yourself with the system and modern directions of preventive work to prevent DDTT and form the foundations safe behavior of children on the streets and roads in preschool educational institutions of the city.

Form at parents motivation for self-development of culture safe behavior of children on the streets and roads.

Create conditions for interaction with society on prevention road-transport injuries among preschool children.

Agenda parent meeting:

1. Opening remarks.

3. Video showing "Danger on roads» .

Progress of the parent meeting:

1. Opening remarks teacher:

"Our children are born were born,

To live joyfully.

To play together, to be strong friends,

To give each other smiles,

So that their dreams always come true in their lives.”

Yes, our children are born precisely for this, but whether this always happens, whether life will be overshadowed by tragedy - this largely depends on us, adults.

Topic of today's meeting « Safety of children on the road» .

Necessity meetings on traffic rules are dictated by life itself. Scary statistics on child mortality and injury health as a result of an accident on the roads are simply terrifying, and most often we, the adults, are to blame for tragedies. On this we'll talk about that at the meeting, What parents can do, to .

First of all, parents should understand that this task is keep your child safe on the road- fundamentally indestructible.

Firstly, any movement by transport (and on your own feet) is associated with danger, and the probability of an unforeseen situation occurring is always different from zero.

Secondly, the task secure child is not resolved once and for all, because the child grows, and the possible dangers that await him in life grow. road.

Therefore, it is necessary to teach in a timely manner children ability to navigate traffic situation, cultivate the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent. A parents- do not make the most common mistake, act according to the principle "You can do it with me". If you show your child by your own example how to run to red, be sure that when left alone, he will try to repeat this trick. Dear parents! Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! We have the power to develop skills, educate a conscious and competent pedestrian, responsible for life and road user health.

2. Message from the group teacher.

Today's children have to live with incomparably more aggressive traffic, and therefore every day it is becoming more and more difficult to provide for them safety. It is very important from preschool age to form children's road safety skills, raise a law-abiding citizen.

Our task is to develop in children an understanding of the dangers that the automotive world conceals. It is important to do this before the child adopts or accepts incorrect behavior patterns. road, unfortunately, today they are prevalent in the adult environment.

Learning the rules road movement in kindergarten occurs in special classes, during games (didactic, active, role-playing, entertainment, etc. The topic of traffic rules covers not only educational, but also other types of classes - mathematics, familiarization with fiction, artistic and aesthetic development, etc. In classes, children learn to navigate in space, simulate various situations on road, lose them. Also children motor skills are formed skills: children must not only move correctly in accordance with the received signal or, focusing on an adult, but also be able to coordinate their movements with the movement of other people and the movement of objects. In addition, with the help of didactic games we try to develop voluntary, active attention, because for safe behavior on the streets must be shaped by children voluntary attention, ability to concentrate on traffic situation.

You can see the result of our studies now.

3. Show video Danger on road.

Teacher's speech: Experience of preschool educational institutions in developing skills in preschoolers safe behavior on the streets and roads.


Preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same standards as adults, so there is a need to create a certain system for familiarizing children with traffic rules and instilling skills in them safe behavior on the roads and streets of various settlements.

It is safe to say that work in this area is being carried out quite effectively, since for several years now no violations or accidents involving pupils of our kindergarten have been recorded.

Our goal is not only to give children knowledge about the rules traffic, but also to develop in them the skills to adequately apply this knowledge in various situations, so that these skills develop into a habit.

Let me remind you once again of the basic rules that a child should know. nok:

1. Basic terms and concepts of rules.

2. Responsibilities of pedestrians.

3. Responsibilities of passengers.

4. Regulation traffic.

5. Traffic signals.

6. Warning signals.

7. Traffic in residential areas and transportation of people.

8. Features of cycling.

Remember! The child learns the laws roads, taking cues from family members and other adults. Take the time to study children behavior on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on roads, He must be able to:

Watch for Expensive;

Evaluate correctly road the situation in all its variability;

See, listen, anticipate, avoid danger.

Watch for Expensive:

1. Must be taught children not only follow the traffic rules, but also teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It must be taken into account that the main way to develop behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, first of all parents.

2. When you are on the roadway with your child, do not rush to cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will learn to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety.

3. Teach your child to notice a car. Sometimes the child doesn't notice

car from afar. Teach him to peer into the distance.

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car.

5. Teach your child to watch. The habit of inspecting the street in both directions should be brought to automaticity before taking the first step from the sidewalk to the roadway. You need to look especially carefully at the street when there is a family home or acquaintance on the opposite side, or when a child is crossing the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Evaluate correctly traffic conditions: The main danger is a stationary car.

Why? Because, having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to it the road. A stationary car can block a moving one, making it difficult to notice the danger in time.

Rule #1.

You can't go out on road because of standing cars. As a last resort, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Draw your child's attention to the fact that a bus standing at a stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule No. 2.

Do not pass a stationary bus, either in front or behind!

A stationary bus, no matter how you walk around it - in front or behind, covers the area roads, along which a car may be driving at the moment you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about security. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule No. 3.

And at the traffic lights you can meet danger!

Children often reason So: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and will let me through.”. They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the standing cars and whose driver cannot see the pedestrian may enter the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule No. 4.

Always develop a habit in your child before going out. the road, even if there are no cars on it, stop, look around, listen and only then cross the street.

Rule No. 5.

Strong transport skills children are formed only by daily systematic training. During every walk with your children, a trip with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc., teach them to observe the street and transport, analyze the ones they encounter. traffic situations, see dangerous elements in them, accurately act in different circumstances.

Rule No. 6.

There is no need to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that sounding the horn when they see a child running across the road is dangerous. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules traffic, it happens that they are violated. Don't take the trouble to help the children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So if you teach your children follow these basic rules of conduct roads, which means that trouble will not come to your house.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that studying traffic rules is just as necessary as studying basic subjects (mathematics, Russian language). After all safety of our children's lives is no less important than the indicator of their intellectual development, and even much more significant.

Teaching a child the Rules traffic, an adult must clearly understand what needs to be taught and how to do it more effectively. He himself must be well versed in traffic situations.

Therefore, you should not only analyze your life experience in advance, but also study the necessary literature on the topic "Rules traffic» .

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"DS No. 13"

municipality of Bratsk


parent meeting

"Road. Child. Safety"


Prepared by: Romanyuk Vera



Target: Increasing the activity of parents as participants in the educational process.

Preparing for the parent meeting.

    Together with the children we make invitations for parents.

    A fragment of a video recording of children having fun is being prepared.

    Questioning of parents, analysis of questionnaires.

    Decoration of the room where the parent meeting will be held.

    Design of an exhibition for parents, which includes:

    Children's fiction on traffic rules;


    Description of didactic and outdoor games that parents can play with their children.

    Design of the exhibition of children's drawings “My friend is a traffic light”.

    Video equipment is being prepared to view the video.

Progress of the meeting:

    Opening speech by the senior teacher.

Good afternoon, our dear parents!The topic of today's meeting is “Road. Child. Safety".

It is no coincidence that this topic is raised. Among all road users, the most mobile and unpredictable road user is a child. Of the total number of children killed, the vast majority are children of preschool and primary school age.

We are very glad to see you. Our cooperation is the benefit of yours


I suggest playing a little to get in the mood for communication.

    Exercise “Carousel of Communication”

Participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the leader.

I love...”, “It makes me happy...”, “I feel sad when...”, “I get angry when...”, “I’m proud of myself when...”

    Exercise “Napoleon Pose”

Participants are shown three movements: arms crossed over the chest, arms extended forward with open palms, and hands clenched into fists. At the leader’s command: “One, two, three!”, each participant, simultaneously with the others, must show one of three movements (whichever one they like). The goal is to get the whole group or most of the participants to show the same movement.

Presenter's comment:

This exercise shows how ready you are to work. If the majority showed their palms, it means they are ready to work and are quite open. Fists show aggressiveness, Napoleon's pose shows some closedness or reluctance to work.

Dear parents! Our meeting today is dedicated to a very important issue - teaching our children the skills to behave safely on the road. You may have a question: won’t the work of learning traffic rules in kindergarten be unnecessary, since a child, crossing the road or in transport, is always under the supervision of an adult?

It must be remembered that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Now a child walks hand in hand with an adult, and very soon he will become an independent participant in traffic - a pedestrian or a passenger. Thus, the work of teaching children the rules of the road is a long-term job. In order for it to bring results, an activity or conversation with children is not enough. And this work must be carried out systematically. Various studies indicate that in preschool children there is a significant gap between theoretical knowledge of rules and their practical application. Even specially organized traffic monitoring does not in itself ensure the formation of stable ideas about traffic rules. Thus, children should be able to apply all theoretical knowledge in practice.

And if we can provide theoretical knowledge to children in kindergarten, then their practical application is your job, dear parents.

    Now let’s find out what rules parents know.

(the teacher invites the children)

1st child:

Imagine, dear parents, you are five years old, you need

cross the street, how do you do it? (parents' answers)

Sorry, but it is not recommended to walk alone at the age of five.

2nd child:

Please choose the best one from these toothbrushes (parents' answers)

Sorry, these brushes cannot be used, they are foreign.

3rd child:

The traffic light is not working at the intersection,

your actions? (parents' answers)

Find another crossing, no matter how far it is.

    Art. Educator: Why are preschoolers often exposed to accidents on the road?

Due to itspsychophysiological development . This is due to the characteristics of their higher nervous activity: immaturity and instability, rapid depletion of the nervous system, the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes.

Children don't have the sameprerequisites for learning safe behavior when driving on transport and the road, like adults. Preschool childrendo not understand road signs, traffic rules, road markings, or the capabilities of vehicles.Theydo not have the ability adults and older childrenestimate speed and distances . Children's hearing and vision are insufficiently developed. In particular, they cannot move their gaze from close to distant objects and vice versa at the same speed as adults. It is difficult for them to determine from which side the sound signals are coming. A child's small stature does not allow him to get a full view of the road traffic, which is natural for an adult. The ability to carry out several actions simultaneously is insufficiently developed in a young child. Children do not have the ability to draw general conclusions from their learning, i.e. they cannot transfer, for example, the rules for correctly crossing the road from the place where they learned it to all other places where they must cross the road.

The growth of a child is a serious obstacle to timely detection by the driver on the road. Due to a standing vehicle, a standing group of pedestrians, and snowdrifts, it is not visible to the driver who is on the road.

Children cross the road differently than adults. Thus, adults, approaching the roadway, observe and assess the current situation from afar, while children begin observing only when approaching the edge of the roadway.

The desire to play in any situation explains the unpredictability or impulsiveness of children's behavior. They are greatly influenced by emotions. Joy, surprise, interest in something make them forget about the danger to which they may be exposed when crossing the roadway.

Children's need to move, which prevails over caution, underestimation of the situation, insufficient knowledge about the sources of increased danger on the road, and sometimes just interest in their surroundings can lead to dire consequences.

Children react differently to different types of vehicles. When a large truck, bus, or tram approaches, even if they are moving at low speed, the child does not risk crossing the roadway, but does not fully appreciate the danger of small cars and especially motorcycles that are approaching at high speed. Sometimes they believe that the car can be stopped instantly.

All of the listed psychophysiological characteristics of the child indicate that it is impossible to adapt children’s behavior to traffic conditions only through training; they need a special approach when imparting knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Children of preschool age never knowingly violate traffic rules. Their unexpected appearance on the road, collision with other pedestrians, noisy behavior in transport is a clear manifestation of the age characteristics of preschool children. Hence,Due to its psychophysiological characteristics, a preschool child himself, consciously fulfilling all the rules and requirements of the rules for pedestrians, cannot cross the roadway correctly and safely.

You can select a rowfactors contributing to the participation of children in road accidents:

    absent-minded attention;

    forgetting the rules of behavior on the street;

    reduced visibility during bad weather due to an umbrella or raised hood collar;

    poor condition of the road surface;

    emotional condition;

    diverting attention from dangerous vehicles

    a narrower angle of vision than that of an adult: a 6-year-old child has 10 times less than an adult, and is only 20-22° in the horizontal plane, and 12-15° in the vertical plane. The growth of the visual angle continues up to 20 years;

    child's reaction time (time from the beginning of danger detection to
    actions) is significantly greater than that of an adult. So, for an adult it is 0.6-0.8 s, and for a preschooler 1.3-1.5 s;

    the more dangerous the situation, the slower and more incorrectly the child makes a decision, he gets lost;

    the cells of the cerebral cortex are easily depleted, the child quickly develops a state of fatigue and absent-mindedness;

    lack of adult control (the appearance of one child on the road should attract the attention of all road users and be perceived them as an emergency).

Today we invited a traffic police officer to our meeting, who will talk about the importance of the problem we are discussing today.

    Speech by a traffic police officer.

    Game "Explainers"

    Message Art. teacher

Today's children have to live with incomparably more aggressive traffic, and therefore every day it is becoming more and more difficult to ensure their safety. It is very important from preschool age to develop in children the skills of safe behavior on the road and to raise law-abiding citizens.

Our task is to develop in children an understanding of the dangers that the automotive world conceals. It is important to do this before the child adopts and accepts the wrong stereotypes of behavior on the road, which, unfortunately, are currently prevalent in the adult environment.

The study of traffic rules in kindergarten takes place in special classes, during games (didactic, active, role-playing), entertainment, etc. The topic of traffic rules covers not only educational, but also other types of classes - mathematics, familiarization with fiction, arts and crafts, physical education, etc. In classes, children learn to navigate in space, simulate various situations on the road, and play them out. We also form motor skills in children: children must not only move correctly in accordance with the received signal or being guided by an adult, but also be able to coordinate their movements with the movement of other people and the movement of objects. In addition, with the help of didactic games we try to develop voluntary, active attention, because For safe behavior on the streets, it is necessary to develop in children voluntary attention and the ability to concentrate on the road situation.

You can see the results of our classes on the stands and we will now show you stories of the teacher’s activities with children.

    Solving a crossword puzzle together with children.

1. A place where roads intersect, join or branch at the same level, bounded by imaginary lines (crossroads).

2. A person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it (pedestrian).

3. A person authorized in accordance with the established procedure to regulate traffic using signals established by the rules, and who directly carries out the said regulation (traffic controller).

4. Device for supplying light signals that regulate traffic on streets and highways (traffic light)

5. A person driving a vehicle (driver).

6. Getting ahead of one or more moving vehicles, associated with leaving the occupied lane (overtaking).

7. An element of the road intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the roadway or separated from it by a lawn (sidewalk).

8. A person other than the driver who is in the vehicle, as well as a person who enters the vehicle (passenger).

9. Intentionally stopping the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as longer if this is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle (stopping).

All parents’ answers are commented on by a traffic police officer, who also provides clarification in controversial situations.

    Analysis of questionnaires.

Questionnaire for parents

1. Does your child know some traffic rules?

2. Which ones?

3. By developing safe behavior on the road, you act:

through direct prohibitions (“no”, “stop”, etc.);

trying to explain the situation in detail;

do things differently.

4. Do you yourself adhere to these rules?






5. Is it advisable to conduct specially organized classes to study traffic rules in kindergarten?

6. Are you ready to take part in discussing this topic, holding various events, as well as maintaining and strengthening safe behavior skills on the road outside of kindergarten?

7. How do you react if other people’s children violate traffic rules before your eyes?

8. Does your child know where the school where he will study is located? How to go there, where to cross the street, what signs are there on the road?

9. Your wishes.

Art. teacher:and now, dear parents, we would like you to comment on how useful our meeting today was for you, and we would also like to hear your wishes for us to teach children the rules of the road.

Dear parents, it depends on you, to a large extent, how your child, kindergarten, and we, educators, will grow up, can only help you find a way out of a difficult situation. But you need to remember that your real actions, your behavior have the greatest influence on the formation of the child’s personality. Try to be an example for your children.


Dear parents, the children have prepared “gifts” for you with their palms and painted their hearts on them. And you write on each finger what you affectionately call your child to the music of “Family Anthem” (I. Reznik).

I would like to end our meeting with a poem, once again confirming everything that was discussed at the meeting.

"A child learns that

What he sees in his home.

Parents are an example to him!

Who is rude in front of his wife and children,

Who loves the language of debauchery,

Let him remember that he will receive more than

Everything that teaches them comes from them.

It was not the wolf who raised the sheep,

Father gave cancer the gait!

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds.

And for the words: easy to push

children on a bad path.

Keep your house tidy

so as not to repent later."

Sebastian. Brant.

At the end, all parents are given leaflets with rules for raising children.

Parent meeting on traffic

Topic: “Foresee + teach = protect.”

Time spending: November.

Location: group room

Duration: 1-1, 20 hours.

Target: Involving parents in the process of teaching children safe behavior skills on the streets and roads of the city, organizing joint activities of parents and educators to prevent children's road traffic injuries, and improving the culture of road users.


Create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation of educators, parents and children in joint activities.

Encourage parents to think that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of their children.

Familiarize parents with some rules and reminders that will facilitate the most effective learning of traffic rules.

Preliminary work:

parent survey

making invitations to parent meetings

memo for parents

posters with images of “traps” on the roads

design of a corner for parents (children's fiction on traffic rules, guidelines for parents on developing safe behavior skills on the roads, description of didactic and outdoor games on traffic rules)

drawings by children and parents on the theme: “My friend is a traffic light!”

Progress of the parent meeting:

1.Relevance of the chosen topic


3.Analysis of the survey:

5. Game for parents “Trapped on the roads”

6.Memo for parents: “Teach your child to behave correctly on the roads”

7. Summarizing the drawings.

8.Task for joint activities of children and parents

Progress of the meeting:

1. Relevance of the chosen topic.

In everyday life, we try to be polite towards each other, but when we step on the road, get behind the wheel of a car, we become different, as if we are reborn. “It’s not a tram, it will go around,” the pedestrian convinces himself, crossing the road in front of nearby traffic. The driver has a completely different opinion about the pedestrian: “If the pole doesn’t move, it will move away,” and as a result, statistics accumulate a harvest of road accidents. Pedestrians, just like drivers, are required to comply with traffic rules. Both adults and children should know about this.

Dear parents! At modern speeds of cars and public transport, the majority of road accidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians (adults and children). These incidents are accompanied by injuries and often lead to serious tragic consequences.

3. Survey results.

Before the meeting, parents were given a questionnaire to complete.

It consisted of 7 questions:

Based on the survey results, we see that parents talk with their children about the topic of traffic.

4.Traffic rules.

Rule #1.

You cannot go out onto the road because of parked cars. As a last resort, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another one suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Draw your child's attention to the fact that a bus standing at a stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not go around a stationary bus, either in front or behind!

A stationary bus, no matter how you walk around it - in front or behind, covers a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet danger!

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and will let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers to cross

a car can drive out that was not visible behind the standing cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule No. 4

Always develop the habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule #5

Strong transport behavior skills of children are formed only through daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and transport, analyze the road situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule #6

There is no need to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic and moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with brightness and kindness. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that sounding the horn when they see a child running across the road is dangerous. A child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Don't take the trouble to help the children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your home.

Do you want, do you want...

But the point, comrades, is

That first of all - you are parents,

And everything else - later!

Our task is to do everything necessary so that trouble does not come to your family. Education

Traffic rules require knowledge from both children and their parents. Children should be taught in a timely manner the ability to navigate traffic situations,

cultivate the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent. And parents should not make the most common mistake - acting on the principle “you can do it with me.” If you show your child by your own example how to run to red, be sure that when left alone, he will try to repeat this trick. Dear parents! Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! Parents should instill in their children respect for the traffic rules and the habit of strictly observing them. We have the power to develop the skills of safe behavior on the roads, to educate a conscious and competent pedestrian, responsible for the life and health of road users.

Today at the meeting we must bring to your attention the idea that only through the joint efforts of teachers and parents can they teach their children safe behavior on the road.

Having analyzed quite a lot of road accidents in which children were injured, traffic police officers found that 80% of the incidents occurred within a radius of one kilometer from the child’s place of residence. That is, in those places where the guys would have to know traffic conditions and pedestrian crossings well.

5. Business game for parents “Trapped on the roads.”

Now we will check how parents have learned what they heard and will be able to teach their child how to behave in order to prevent accidents on the roads. Often traps await us in which we need to make the right decision in a timely manner.

Trap #1.


Conclusion: Teach your child to be especially careful in this situation.

Trap #2.


What needs to be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: “The car is moving slowly, I’ll have time to run across,” the child thinks... and gets hit by a car. Show your child similar situations, explain to him on the street why a slowly approaching car can hide danger behind itself!

Trap #3.


What needs to be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Where is the most dangerous place to cross the street: in a stop zone or at an intersection? Ask your child this question. Children usually say: “It’s more dangerous at the intersection.” This is wrong. Three times more children are hit by cars in a stop zone than at an intersection.

Trap No. 4.


What needs to be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Children get hit by cars in typical road “traps”. You cannot cross the road without making sure it is safe. Wait for the full review.

Trap #5.


What needs to be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: In the first moments, a car that has just passed often closes

with an oncoming car. A child can get under it if he, having let the first car pass, immediately runs across the road. Show your child on the road how a car that has just passed has blocked a car going in the opposite direction, and explain to him how he should behave in such circumstances.

6. Memo for parents.

We want everything said at this meeting to be memorable to you. To do this, each parent will receive a “Traffic Guidelines Reminder.” Read it often and discuss various traffic situations with your children.

7. Summarizing the drawings.

Parents and children drew pictures on the theme: “My friend is a traffic light!”

All the pictures confirm the relevance of the topic of traffic rules. Thank you to the parents for working together in raising their children.

7. Assignment for parents.

Once again, show your child the dangerous places on the way from the garden to home.

I am sure that if we carry out such active work in this area, children will clearly remember the rules of behavior on the road. Then we will avoid many dangerous situations and save the lives of our children.

For everyone who likes to take a walk,
Everyone without exception

You need to remember, you need to know
Traffic rules!

Summing up outcome of the meeting, the parent committee suggests discussing the following solution:

1 .Study and practice the Rules of the Road with your children every day.

2 .Draw and work together with the children a diagram of a safe route “Kindergarten - Home”, “Home - Kindergarten”, marking on it dangerous areas and places for safe crossing of the road.


Invitations to parent meetings.

Questionnaire for parents

"Children's safety on the road"

FULL NAME________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

At what age do you think a child should be introduced to traffic rules?

3 years

4 years

5 years

6 years

How often do you tell your child about the need to obey traffic rules?



We don't talk about this topic

Does your child know a safe route from home to kindergarten and back?



Do you and your child take this route?




Who do you think should teach a child how to behave safely on the road?






Anything can happen

Does your child often teach you a lesson in road safety?



It happens sometimes



Repeat the following instructions to your children regularly:

BeforeHow to get out onto the roadway, stop and tell yourself: “Be careful!”

Never run out onto the road in front of an approaching car: the driver cannot stop the car right away!

Before entering the roadway, make sure that there is no approaching traffic on the left, right and behind, if it is an intersection.

When getting off a bus, trolleybus, tram, do not walk around it in front or behind. Find a crosswalk.

Do not go out onto the streets and roads on roller skates, bicycles, scooters, or sleds.

Don't play near the roadway. For games there is a yard, playground or stadium.

Cross the road only across, and not diagonally, otherwise you will spend longer on it and may get hit by a car.

Never rush. Know that you cannot run along the road.

When you go out onto the roadway with other children, don’t chat, concentrate and tell yourself and the kids: “Be careful!”


The child learns the laws of safe behavior on the road from adults. Take the time to teach your children traffic rules. Try to do everything possible to protect your child from accidents on the road.


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R. Babina. Entertaining road alphabet. M.: AST-LTD, Education, 1990

Borovskaya I. I'm safe. CITY, “Horvest”, 2004

Druzhinina M. Our friend is a traffic light. M.: Makhaon, 2005

Mayorova F.S. We study the road alphabet. - M.: “Scriptorium 2003”, 2008

Denisova D. How to cross the road. M.: “Mosaic-Sintez”, 2004

Cherepanova S.N. Traffic rules for preschoolers. - M.: “Scriptorium 2003”, 2008

Khromtsova T.G. Education of safe behavior of preschool children on the street. M.: “Center for Pedagogical Education”, 2007

Garnysheva T.P. How to teach children traffic rules? SPb: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2010