Should I keep my third child? Third pregnancy, third birth: reviews of mothers who gave birth, doctors

Today, not every married couple decides to have many children. Third births cannot be called a widespread phenomenon. And yet, the desire to have another child appears among those couples who live in mutual understanding, whose children grow up healthy, and whose wealth allows them to expand their family. And sometimes another child is unplanned. What is special about third births, and at what time do they usually begin?

And again fears

No matter how pregnant a woman is, she always worries about the child that is developing in the womb. And although, having two children, a woman is considered to be quite experienced, practice shows that she is worried again. Even despite knowing what and how should happen during pregnancy and childbirth, fear often settles in her soul. Thoughts about the upcoming birth cause anxiety no less than the first time.

If a woman’s pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then most of all she is worried about future labor pain. Yes, most mothers say that the pain of childbirth is quickly forgotten when you look at your newborn baby. And yet, the closer to the end of the third trimester, the more the panic intensifies.

From a physical point of view, a woman’s body, when bearing her third child, is already considered a “professional”, trained and knowledgeable. After all, the pelvic muscles are stretched, the birth canal is prepared for the expulsion of the fetus. All this applies to those third births that take place with a short break between the previous and second ones. But if the interval between them is 10 or more years, the pregnant woman’s age is 35 or more years, then the female body can no longer be called trained.

So, what are the risks and features of the third birth after a short break between the second? Doctors say there is an increased risk of bleeding due to the fact that a woman’s muscles are already less elastic than during the first birth. They contract more slowly, which means they lose their ability to stop bleeding.

Also, in the third birth, the placenta is often poorly separated, again, due to inelastic muscles. It can be difficult for a woman in labor to give birth on her own, and medical intervention may be necessary.

Another common problem is a decrease in the intensity of contractions, which provokes a decrease in oxygen supply to the fetus. Therefore, the woman in labor has to be stimulated with medications.

As for the positive aspects, good lactation can be noted among them. In most cases, milk arrives quickly, it is enough for the baby to gain weight well.

About the harbingers of the third birth and timing

A woman may not have any symptoms of an approaching third birth. Labor activity is sometimes very rapid. So, at the slightest change in your health, you need to drop everything and get to maternity hospital.

Let us recall the traditional harbingers. This is bloody discharge, indicating a drainage plug; cleansing the intestines, which is manifested by indigestion; leaking amniotic fluid; the quietening of the baby, who is preparing for active advancement into the world. Repeated mothers may not experience abdominal prolapse. That is, the uterus, of course, goes down, but the woman simply does not notice or feel this.

As with previous pregnancies, the obstetrician-gynecologist determines the preliminary date of birth based on the last menstruation. But, as practice shows, in most cases it does not coincide with the actual date. After all, the muscles of the uterus are no longer so strong, and therefore cannot hold the fetus in the womb until the end of the prescribed period. This is why labor may begin 2 or 3 weeks earlier than gynecologists and ultrasound predict. In this regard, it is worth collecting everything you need in advance, always carrying an exchange card with you, mobile phone and be ready at any moment for the fact that you will have to go to the maternity hospital.

Another feature of the third birth is that it is not as long as the first, which lasts for 10-12 hours. A woman pregnant with her third child can give birth within a few hours. Her contractions are more intense and faster. IN maternity ward the woman works less because the cervix opened faster, and the woman in labor strictly follows the doctor’s instructions. The pain of childbirth is replaced by the joy of the birth of another loved one.

There is an acute demographic problem in Russia. The state does its best to encourage citizens to have children, but not everyone decides to have a third child. Let's find out what you need to be prepared for when planning your third birth. Features of the process, advantages and disadvantages, preparation and possible complications.

Distinctive features of the third genera

Childbirth is a complex and responsible process. This is always a risk and a powerful burden on the female body. Even with an ideal pregnancy, no one can guarantee that the birth will go perfectly. Even if they proceeded wonderfully, this does not mean that others will face the same scenario and, vice versa.
The main feature of third births is their unpredictability, since the process of pregnancy and the birth of the child is influenced by a complex of factors.

  1. For example:
  2. Age of mother and father. The older the spouses, the sadder the statistics. Pregnancy and childbirth after 35, 40 years are fraught with various complications. There is a high risk of genetic abnormalities, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the appearance of late gestosis, etc. And there is also a high probability of complications during childbirth. The positive aspect of mature childbirth is the psychological readiness of parents to raise a child, a high degree of awareness of the woman and deep responsibility towards the future baby. Length of time since second birth. According to gynecologists, the optimal period when you can plan your next pregnancy is 2–3 years

    . During this time, the woman’s body has the opportunity to fully recover. Too short a period is dangerous by depleting a woman’s physical and emotional reserves.

  3. Important! A long break - more than 10 years - causes the body to forget the previous process, and childbirth follows the law of first births.
  4. Fear of childbirth. On the one hand, a woman who has decided to have a third child knows what awaits her and must calmly perceive the situation. But on the other hand, statistics and reviews show that even for the third time a pregnant woman experiences anxiety, fears, and worries about the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth. Negative experiences experienced during previous births make it difficult to soberly assess the situation.
  5. The speed of the process. Statistics show that the third birth, as a rule, proceeds faster than the first and second ones and averages 3–6 hours. This is explained by the fact that the body remembers the process, the muscles are trained, and the cervix opens in a short time. If there is a gap of more than 10 years between the second and third births, then there may be no rapidity.
  6. Difficulties of the recovery period. Problems after the third birth include long healing of ruptures and incisions, a long time for lochia discharge, difficulties in regaining previous weight, and prolonged postpartum depression.

Third births may also be complicated by risks of bleeding and difficulty in releasing the placenta. All these points are corrected on the spot by medical personnel.

A significant advantage of the postpartum period for the third time is the rapid establishment of lactation

Contraindications for third births

Only a doctor can prohibit a woman from giving birth for the third time on the basis medical indications. In gynecology, there are absolute and relative contraindications to childbirth. The first ones include:

  • serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • autoimmune pathologies.

Absolute contraindications to the third birth are associated with a high risk of disability or mortality for the woman. Relative restrictions prohibit natural childbirth when a cesarean section is indicated. For example:

  • woman's age after 35 years;
  • large or small fruit;
  • previous cesarean section;
  • pathologies of pregnancy, etc.

As such, there are no contraindications specifically for third births. Each woman, her story, her situation is individual.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the third birth compared to the first

  • the youth of the woman in labor;
  • good health;
  • absence of chronic diseases;
  • fewer complications of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • after natural childbirth, rapid recovery.
  • duration of labor from 6 to 20 hours;
  • post-maturity is possible;
  • a long period cervical dilatation;
  • psychological unpreparedness for motherhood;
  • lack of experience caring for a newborn.
Still others
  • labor lasts 3–6 hours;
  • a conscious and responsible attitude towards the process of a person’s birth and upbringing;
  • experience gained in previous births;
  • ability to care for a newborn;
  • psychological readiness of the family;
  • financial stability;
  • rapid establishment of lactation.
  • mature age of the woman in labor;
  • high risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • labor begins ahead of schedule for 1–3 weeks;
  • the intensity of contractions decreases;
  • difficult separation of the placenta;
  • longer recovery after childbirth.

Of course, all the signs are purely relative and typical for most cases. But there are always exceptions to every rule. Deviations are possible in any direction. Since all women are individual, pregnancy and childbirth can unfold in unexpected ways. The second ones are not considered in the table, since depending on the time interval between the others, they can take place both according to the law of the first and third births.

Signs of the onset of third labor

Signs of the onset of the third labor do not have any specific differences from the second. The main difference lies only in the time of onset of symptoms. The upcoming birth of a child is determined by the following indicators:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • indigestion;
  • lowering of the abdomen and freedom of breathing;
  • protrusion of the navel;
  • decreased fetal movements;
  • removal of the mucus plug;
  • the beginning of training contractions;
  • rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • the “nesting” effect, when a woman begins to put things in order in the house, instinctively preparing to welcome a new family member.

The third birth is characterized by rapidity, therefore signals for childbirth can occur in the same mode. For primiparous women, abdominal prolapse is common on average a month before the due date, and for multiparous women, the event occurs a day or several hours before the birth. Training contractions begin for the first time 2–3 weeks, while for the third time they are observed 3–5 days before meeting the baby.

Considering that a child is often born prematurely, the mother needs to avoid making long trips or trips for at least a month. Knowing all these features, it is important for a woman to prepare her bags in advance and go to the maternity hospital at the first sign, so that the event does not occur in unsuitable conditions.

Preparing for the third birth

Obviously, you need to prepare for any pregnancy. In conditions of environmental crisis, low quality food, and high levels of stress, planning pregnancy becomes a very important aspect.

And the third pregnancy is another powerful load on the body, which may be beyond your strength. Careful preparation for conception will significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and childbirth. Preparations for an important process are physical and psychological.

To check if your breathing is ready for labor, you need to do a simple test: breathe like a dog for 1 minute (frequent inhalations and exhalations). If you managed to hold out for the allotted time without dizziness or weakness, then the system is in excellent shape. Otherwise, you need training, otherwise it will be difficult during childbirth.

When the planning stage has been completed successfully, it is important for a woman to listen to the advice of a gynecologist during pregnancy. In difficult situations, it is useful to consult with several doctors and make a responsible decision. If the pregnancy happened unplanned, then the woman just has to be positive, find a good gynecologist and follow all his recommendations.

Psychological preparation for the third birth is no less important. The main problem in this case is the woman’s fear, especially if the first and second births were long and painful.

Important! Working with increased anxiety is the prerogative of psychologists. If you can’t cope alone and you can’t find support in your close circle, then a qualified specialist will be a godsend. Don't neglect it.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the main point is a positive attitude towards childbirth. You can sign up for special courses for expectant mothers. Even when expecting your third child, it is useful to refresh your information about the stages birth process, the behavior of the woman in labor, discuss concerns. This will help you avoid fuss, worries, and unnecessary fears at a crucial moment. Key points in psychological preparation for childbirth look like this:

  • if possible, reduce or stop activities at work;
  • do not communicate with people who cause hostility;
  • look for positive emotions everywhere;
  • tune in to a happy ending;
  • give yourself nice gifts;
  • engage in creativity;
  • listen to your favorite music every day.

Preparations for the third birth must be comprehensive. The main thing is the right one psychological attitude, then physical training will be a joy. When training the body, you need to follow the principles of gradualness and moderation. It is better to do one exercise daily than a whole set once during pregnancy.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about preparing for childbirth

How does the third birth go?

The birth process, as is known, consists of three stages:

  1. Contractions that open the cervix.
  2. Expulsion of the fetus, pushing joins the contractions.
  3. Delivery of the placenta.

Contractions are the longest period, especially for first-time mothers. During the third birth, it most often decreases by 2–3 times. In addition to the rapidity of the cervical dilatation stage, other signs, such as the intensity and pain of contractions for each woman, occur individually and do not depend on the number of births.

In the second period, pushing joins the contractions - this is the moment when the baby has descended to the pelvic floor and the woman needs to help the baby come out with active pushing. At this moment, secondary weakness of labor may occur. Due to age and lack of muscle tone, contractions fade away. Doctors often decide to induce medication. In more complex cases, an emergency caesarean section.

Proper breathing during pushing is the key to successful childbirth

Important! The main feature of breathing during pushing is to take a deep breath and exhale smoothly (not jerkily!).

During the third and final stage of labor, the placenta separates. This period is characterized by complications in the form of a long delay children's place in the uterus. The reason for this is the same muscle weakness, which cannot independently push out the temporary organ. Doctors perform stimulation or perform a manual inspection of the uterine cavity.

Correct behavior of a woman during all three stages guarantees a successful outcome of childbirth. Adequate actions of a woman in labor include calmness, relaxation, and patience. Of course it's hard. But panic, fear, and hysteria can harm not only the mother, but also the baby. During contractions, the child experiences asphyxia. It is very important for a woman to breathe correctly in order to replenish the baby’s oxygen reserves and help him move on. And for a woman in labor, negative emotions are reflected in increased pain, muscle tightness, fatigue, increased duration of labor, etc.

Possible complications and how to avoid them

After the third birth, complications arise much more often. The main causes of the problems are considered to be age and the general deterioration of the woman’s health. The most common negative consequences:

  1. Bleeding. Due to muscle weakness, the blood vessels of the uterus narrow more slowly. The old seams are coming apart. All this contributes to a longer and more abundant release of blood.
  2. Problems of the venous system. As a result of the third birth, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and anemia worsen or appear.
  3. Endometritis. This is an inflammatory disease of the uterine mucosa. Due to delayed discharge, harmful microorganisms multiply. Endometritis is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen with increased body temperature.

The listed complications can only be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. The main thing for a woman is not to let the disease progress and to seek qualified help in a timely manner, despite constant worries about the baby.

After all, it is important for a child to have a mother who is healthy in all respects.

Features of rehabilitation after the third birth Main distinguishing feature The recovery period lies in the duration. If after the first birth lochia is released for about a month, then after the third the time increases to two months. Sutures that are placed take longer to heal. Stretch marks on the chest, abdomen, hips are more difficult to get rid of, as well as excess weight . As a result, postpartum depression can last indefinitely. During this period, a lot depends on the woman herself and her close circle. If the joy of another motherhood does not cover all the negative consequences, then you need to help your body rehabilitate faster. General recommendations

  1. look like this:
  2. Positive psychological attitude. Accept yourself as you are, at least for the near future. Stop being nervous and worrying about little things.
  3. Be sure to do as much physical exercise as you can every day.
  4. Eat a balanced diet.
  5. Get more rest, even when your home is chaotic. Shift some of the responsibilities to your husband, older children, and other relatives.

Visit doctors if necessary. A gynecologist, psychologist, massage therapist, etc. - all these specialists will help a woman quickly get into the desired shape. Careful preparation for conception and childbirth, confidence in own strength

and quality medical care.

Where it all begins: the process of fertilization

Childbirth) is practically no different from the previous ones at the very beginning. happens in a standard way. During the period of ovulation, sexual intercourse occurs, during which male cells enter the female body. When a gamete emerges from the follicle, fusion or so-called fertilization occurs. As a result, a fertilized egg is formed. It descends into the reproductive organ through the fallopian tubes and is securely attached there.

It is worth considering another method of fertilization. It happens that, for some indications, a couple needs the help of reproductive specialists. If the first two babies were born through in vitro fertilization, then the third pregnancy can occur independently. There is still no explanation for this combination of circumstances. However, the fact remains.

Happy news

A third pregnancy is rarely a surprise for a woman. In most cases, the fairer sex consciously takes this step. Often good news about an interesting situation does not come as a surprise. In most cases future mom From the very first days she feels that a new life is developing in her body.

Reviews indicate that many representatives of the fairer sex long before receiving positive test pregnancy were confident of fertilization. Everything is explained by the fact that these sensations are already familiar to the expectant mother. She knows very well what toxicosis and hormonal changes in the body are.

How is the third pregnancy going?

Before the third birth occurs, a woman will have to carry her baby for many months. In most cases, this time is no different from previous ones. The expectant mother will still have to regularly visit the gynecologist, take tests, be examined with ultrasound, and go through many doctors. Only in certain situations during the third pregnancy may additional examinations be indicated.

It is worth saying that third births usually occur after 30-35 years. During this period, the woman had already established herself as a mother. She knows perfectly well what will be best for her baby. That is why all purchases for a child are made with complete confidence. Also, the age of the expectant mother plays a big role in the genetic issue. After 30 years of age, the risk of having a baby with developmental disabilities increases. That is why representatives of the fairer sex must undergo a thorough examination.

Features of the third pregnancy: the opinion of women and doctors

Feedback from women suggests that the third pregnancy becomes noticeable much earlier than the previous two. The tummy becomes rounded already at the very beginning of the second trimester, whereas for the first time this happened only in the third trimester.

Women also testify that the third time, movements can be felt much earlier. There are representatives of the fairer sex who claim that they felt light tremors of the baby even before 12 weeks. However, doctors are skeptical about such statements. Gynecologists say that you can feel the baby’s movements in the third pregnancy as early as 15 weeks, whereas for the first time this happens only after 20 weeks.

Another feature of the course of the third pregnancy is isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This diagnosis is made to approximately 20 percent of expectant mothers. This is because the uterus and its cervix are muscles. Over time, it begins to wear out. Abortions and diagnostic curettages play an important role in this. Ismatic-cervical insufficiency is characterized by the fact that the cervix begins to smooth out and open earlier than the due date. Often, women who want to become a mother for the third time have to have stitches placed in this area and a pessary placed. Doctors say that this condition can be controlled. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible with the problem that has arisen.

Third birth - how is it going?

Reviews from doctors indicate that the process can be carried out in two well-known ways: natural delivery or caesarean section. The choice of technique directly depends on the woman’s health condition and the way her previous babies were born. There may be several options for the course of labor. Let's look at them:

  • Natural childbirth. This mechanism for conducting the process is selected when the first two babies of the mother were born using this method. Also, representatives of the fairer sex with one caesarean section under their belt have a chance for a similar outcome. Moreover, it could be carried out for the first or second time.
  • C-section. This delivery option is chosen when the first two babies were born this way. In this case, only a few doctors decide to give birth naturally. In this case, the condition of the scar and uterus should be ideal, which very rarely happens during the third pregnancy. Also, a caesarean section can be performed for the first time during the third birth. There may be good reasons for this, including the condition of the fetus and the expectant mother. It is worth noting that various chronic diseases are acquired over the years.

Before your baby is born, be sure to talk to your doctor. Despite the fact that the expectant mother already knows what to expect, unforeseen situations may arise. Third births - what are they? Ask your gynecologist about this. After such a conversation, a positive attitude is ensured; you will know exactly what to prepare for.

Third birth - at what time?

Reviews from doctors suggest that the third time the baby may appear a little earlier. This is all due to the fact that the pelvic floor muscles are no longer so elastic. During the previous two pregnancies they stretched. This often leads to the premature birth of a child. It is worth recalling that term births (that took place on time) are those that occurred in the period from 38 to 42 weeks. When the process or discharge of amniotic fluid occurs earlier, we are talking about a premature process.

Similarly, a woman giving birth for the third time may experience problems. This often occurs due to severe stretching of the uterine walls or insufficient production of hormones. It is worth noting that this process is aggravated in some pathologies. These include polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, inflammation, the presence of scars on the uterus, and so on. In these cases, doctors resort to the period after the 41st week.

How does it start?

How does the third birth begin? Reviews from mothers who have given birth indicate that the process starts completely unexpectedly. In most cases, the third pregnancy does not have obvious training contractions, which inform the expectant mother that she will soon meet the baby. Also, the first two times, a clear harbinger was prolapse of the abdomen, which occurred about a month before important day. During the third birth, the baby can descend into the pelvis in just a few hours. Often a woman does not experience any warning signs.

How does the third birth start? Reviews from doctors suggest that the process can begin with contractions or discharge of amniotic fluid. Statistics say that the amniotic sac in the third baby ruptures much less frequently than in the first two pregnancies. Sometimes a woman may simply not feel how the cervical canal opens and the fetus passes down. However, after the outpouring amniotic fluid Normal contractions begin, which the expectant mother will no longer confuse with anything.

Process duration

How long does the third birth last? Reviews from mothers who have given birth indicate that this process occurs quite quickly compared to the first two. This fact has a fairly simple explanation.

The uterus, ligaments, cervical canal and cervix tend to remember everything that happens to them. So, if for the first time the fetus descended into the pelvis for quite a long time, the birth canal was prepared for about a day, and the uterus had unproductive contractions, in the third birth everything is completely different. Many women say that they barely have time to arrive when the pushing begins. The average duration of the third birth is from 2 to 5 hours. During this time, the woman has time to experience all the “delights” of the process, from the prolapse of the abdomen to the birth of the placenta.

Pain intensity

Is third childbirth really less painful? Reviews from mothers who have given birth indicate that this statement is false. The birth of a child for the third time occurs much faster. Based on this, the duration of pain is reduced. However, this does not make contractions painless.

If we are talking about caesarean section, then in this case the process of having children for a woman is no different. During all three births, the expectant mother is under the influence of anesthetics. That is why she does not feel much pain during the operation. However, the unpleasant sensations begin to gain strength as soon as the effect of the anesthesia wears off.

Postpartum period

You already know what types of reviews there are. It is worth saying that recovery in this case takes a little longer. Women say that bleeding may last not 4 weeks, as was the case in previous times, but 6. This is the norm. However, a change in the nature of the discharge should alert every new mother. Quite often, third births can lead to inflammation or retention of lochia.

Concerning breast milk, then the third time it comes much faster. If you had to wait about 3-4 days for your food, then this time you will be able to breastfeed your baby already on the maternity table at the first attachment.


You became aware of the reviews of those who gave birth to third births. Doctors say that no pregnancy can be repeated as it feels. Even for the same representative of the fairer sex, the process of childbirth occurs every time in a new way. Third births - what are they? Ask your gynecologist about this. However, storytelling is only a small part. Much in this process depends on the woman herself. Follow your doctor's recommendations and follow all instructions. Have an easy birth and quick recovery!

Not every mother can decide to have a third child. Large families are becoming less and less common in modern society. There are many reasons for this - modern methods contraception to regulate fertility, effective ways termination of pregnancies if necessary.

However, even a strong desire to have another child is called into question due to modern economic instability. This is why two children are considered today to be the optimal number of offspring.

And yet, if a woman decides to have a third birth, then she should understand how everyone positive points this event and possible risks. For example, the experience of having two previous children will undoubtedly help a future mother with many children. But she should also know when things might not go as planned.

Features of the third birth and preparation for it

The birth of your third child will go without problems if you prepare for them properly.

First of all, pay attention to your physical condition and, if possible, go through the following steps:

  1. It’s best if a third baby is planned. Then, before conception, both parents will have time to undergo the necessary medical examination to eliminate possible risks;
  2. Many women gain weight with age and may have weak uterine and abdominal muscles by the time they carry their third child. It will be great if you work on your figure, and during pregnancy you eat adequately and take care of yourself;
  3. There are special exercises to relax the vaginal muscles. It's worth doing them from time to time;
  4. a balanced diet based only on healthy foods should be one of the main principles during pregnancy;
  5. Make sure you have enough calcium in your body. It would be a good idea to drink vitamin complexes containing it so that the bones are strong enough at the time of childbirth;
  6. Maintain an active lifestyle, do swimming and gymnastics, and walk in the fresh air.

Remember that in last month There is no point in preparing before the birth of a child. Don't miss out on the preparation time - it should start from the moment of conception or even before it.

The psychological aspect is also incredibly important. Even if your previous experience with other children was negative sides, try to forget about it and tune in to a painless birth of your baby. Indulge yourself in your favorite activities, get more rest, and delegate some worries to family members. It is also important to prepare older children for the arrival of a new brother or sister.

How long does it take to give birth for the third time?

Whatever the statistics, each individual case is individual. But still, any woman who decides to become a mother for the third time should know that most often they give birth much earlier than in previous cases. So, if the first baby is usually born at 40 weeks, then the period with the third baby can be equal to 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.

Of course, the statistics are arbitrary, but still mothers should be prepared that the baby will ask to come out a couple of weeks earlier than the expected date.

That is why it is advisable to have the proper psychological attitude already at 37 weeks, so that the appearance of a new son or daughter does not come as a surprise.

Precursors during the third birth

Since the timing of the appearance of the next addition to the family is a little unpredictable, the excitement is even experienced woman quite justified. That’s why the first warning signs should direct you straight to the maternity hospital. And even if the concern turns out to be false, the baby runs the risk of being born at home or, worse, in places completely inappropriate for this.

The initial stages of the birth process may look like this:

  • weight loss;
  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • decreased fetal motor activity;
  • protrusion of the navel;
  • easier breathing;
  • the appearance of “nesting” syndrome;
  • sensations of discomfort in the sacral and lumbar region;
  • false contractions, usually appearing 3-4 days before the baby is born.

In general, the listed precursors differ little from the previous signs of delivery. The main difference may be in the timing, because the third time you will have to record the harbingers a little earlier than usual.

Third births - what are they?

Every future mother of many children should familiarize herself in advance with how the third birth goes and how to react at different stages of the birth of the baby.

The first stage may have some complications, so it is important to take appropriate measures in time due to the following features:

  1. Stretching of the abdominal and uterine muscles in women giving birth for the third time;
  2. High probability of secondary weakness of labor;
  3. Less intense contractions, weakening of pushing.

Also, often such women have to stimulate labor additionally with the help of medications, or even use a caesarean section.

According to statistics, 35% of cases have a similar outcome.

In order to properly prepare the body and prevent complications, it is worth systematically performing Kegel exercises, eating a balanced diet and observing a rest regime.

Separation of the placenta in the case of the third birth is often accompanied by more painful sensations than in previous cases.

Among the reasons for this pain are:

  • stretched uterine muscles and poor contraction;
  • various pathologies, such as fibroids, polyps, etc.;
  • bleeding may occur;
  • high probability of anemia and low blood pressure.

In fact, for some women, the third birth is much easier than the previous one. If the expectant mother is no more than 35 years old and is in excellent health, the likelihood of an easy birth process is very high.

Otherwise, it is important to take into account all possible complications in order to prevent them in time.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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What features do the third genera have? How to properly prepare for them and how long does the recovery period last?

Features of the third pregnancy

Most mothers of many children note that the third pregnancy is different from the first two. The process of waiting and the birth of the 3rd baby has both positive and negative sides.

Among the negative features are:

  1. Increased risk of intrauterine bleeding. The threat of large blood loss is due to the loss of elasticity of the muscles of a woman who has already given birth.
  2. Low intensity of contractions. In most cases, they are less pronounced than the first two times, making them difficult to count. The contractions of the uterine muscles are so weak that some women do not even realize that they are in labor. During the birth of your third child, it is quite difficult to distinguish real contractions from precursors. In a number of situations, women over 35 years of age may develop secondary weakness of labor, associated with a sudden cessation of uterine contractions. This phenomenon can result in oxygen starvation for the fetus and serious consequences for its physical and mental development. In this situation, there is a need to artificially induce labor or perform an emergency caesarean section.
  3. The likelihood of incomplete separation of the placenta. When this complication occurs, doctors often resort to urgent surgery.
  4. Risk of developing endometritis. As a result of a decrease in the contractile function of the uterus, discharge is delayed in its cavity. Such conditions are beneficial for the life of pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammatory process, accompanied by hyperthermic syndrome and pain in the lower abdomen, in most cases develops 5-7 days after delivery.

In addition to the disadvantages, the third birth, compared to the first two, has a number of advantages:

  1. Reducing the risk of fetal injury. Third children are much less likely to be injured. This is due to the fact that the trained birth canal opens more easily, and the intimate muscles stretch much better than both previous times.
  2. High birth rate. Women usually give birth to their third baby much faster. Often labor begins quickly, so to avoid complications you need to go to the hospital in advance. Normally, the birth process takes 6-7 hours, of which 5-6 hours are contractions. In some cases, pushing lasts only a few minutes. The duration of labor largely depends on the behavior of the woman in labor. As a rule, women who have already given birth have an idea of ​​the correct breathing technique and how to push so that childbirth takes place as quickly and painlessly as possible (more details in the article:).
  3. Good breast milk production. For most women who already have 2 children, the lactation process is fully adjusted within the first hours after the end of childbirth.

How to prepare for the third birth?

The birth of a third baby requires special preparation. In this case, physical, psychological and financial factors are of great importance. The first of these involves the following preparatory activities:

  1. Planning. The decision to have a third child should not be spontaneous. This event needs to be carefully planned. It is also important to take into account the woman’s age. The younger she is, the easier the pregnancy is, and childbirth takes place with minimal difficulties. Before conceiving, you must visit a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations. Both future parents must be examined.
  2. Bringing weight back to normal. Many women gain weight after giving birth to their first two children. Excess body weight over time leads to weakening of the abdominal and uterine muscles, which significantly complicates the process of delivery. To avoid complications during labor, it is recommended to lose excess weight.
  3. Providing the body with sufficient calcium. Often, women with two children experience a deterioration in the condition of the skeletal system. To strengthen bones and prevent the development of injuries during childbirth, it is recommended to use calcium-containing preparations before conceiving a child.
  4. Strengthening the vaginal muscles. Regular performance of special exercises will help to avoid injury.
  5. Good nutrition and regular exercise. Including vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and dairy products in your daily diet and playing sports will help strengthen the body and prepare it for the birth of a child.

At the core psychological aspect Preparations for the third birth include the following points:

  1. Getting rid of negative memories associated with previous births. When planning your third pregnancy, you need to try to forget all the bad things and tune in to a positive mood. The course and outcome of pregnancy largely depends on this.
  2. Relaxation and rest. Before conception and during gestation, you need to get as much rest as possible, spend time with your family, engage in your favorite hobbies and pamper yourself. The period of waiting for a baby should be filled with exclusively positive moments.
  3. Preparing older children for the arrival of a new member in the family. For children, this event should not come as a surprise, otherwise their psyche could be seriously harmed.
  4. Shifting part of the care of children and home onto the husband.

The financial aspect of preparation for the third kind involves the implementation of activities that help distribute funds most wisely. To do this you need:

  • save clothes and furniture left after the first two children;
  • set aside a certain amount of money;
  • 2 weeks before the scheduled date of birth, collect documents, things and hygiene items that may be needed in the maternity hospital;
  • purchase clothes and care products for the newborn in advance.

At what stage does the third birth usually begin?

Exactly when the third birth will begin depends on many factors. As a rule, this happens much earlier than the first two times. If the first baby is often born at the 40th week of pregnancy, then the third baby for many mothers is ready to be born already at 37-38 weeks. However, such data are conditional.

How is the birth of your third child going?

Despite several births under their belt, many women experience great anxiety before the birth of their third baby. To get rid of it and focus on positive emotions, you need to be able to identify the signs of the onset of labor, and also know how long the process of childbirth takes and how much pain it is accompanied by.

Harbingers of childbirth

As noted earlier, for the third time labor activity often begin earlier than the expected period and can be rapid, so when the first warning signs appear, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital. You can understand that the baby is ready to be born by the following signs:

  • loss of body weight by several kilograms;
  • lowering of the abdomen;
  • relief of respiratory function;
  • reducing the frequency and number of fetal kicks in the womb;
  • eversion of the navel;
  • development of nesting syndrome;
  • training contractions, which during the third birth often occur just 3-4 days before the baby is born and are not felt at all by the expectant mother (see also:);
  • nagging pain in the lumbosacral spine.

Duration of labor

No doctor can say exactly how long the process of the third birth will take. It depends on the large quantity factors. However, it has been proven that the third birth occurs much faster than the previous two. This is due to the fact that the opening of the cervix and its inner and outer rings, trained by previous births, occurs almost instantly.

On average, third children are born within 4-5 hours. However, there are often cases when the entire process takes only a couple of hours. Moreover, such a rapid birth does not in any way affect the health of the newborn and the new mother.

How much does it hurt?

As for the intensity of pain experienced by a woman in labor during the third birth, everything is not so simple here either. Some women note that they experienced very severe pain, others say that the pain syndrome was much less than in the first and second pregnancies.

However, all mothers of many children agree that giving birth the third time was much easier for them than the first and second. This is explained by the fact that the body already at an instinctive level carries out the signals sent to it by the brain, and the woman in labor knows how to behave correctly during the birth of the baby. She intuitively chooses exactly the breathing technique and posture that will alleviate her condition and speed up the long-awaited meeting with her child.

The psychological factor plays an important role in reducing attacks of pain in a woman in labor during the third birth. Despite the fact that the expectant mother still experiences anxiety and fear, she already knows well how this procedure will happen and understands what needs to be done to help her baby be born as quickly as possible.

Postpartum period

For most women, the recovery period after the third birth takes much longer than the first two times. This is explained by the fact that with age, tissues lose their elastic properties and ability to quickly recover. In addition, the older a person is, the slower the processes in his body proceed.

It is for this reason that many mothers with many children complain that after giving birth, vaginal discharge does not go away for several months, stitches resulting from ruptures heal much more slowly, stretch marks on the body look worse, and they cannot get rid of excess weight. All this can negatively affect the emotional state of the mother, provoking the appearance of postpartum depression. To prevent this from happening, you need to help the body overcome this difficult period as soon as possible and get comfortable in new conditions. To do this you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Rest as much as possible and devote at least 1 hour a day to yourself. Despite the fact that with three children it is difficult to find time for yourself, you need to try to retire during the day, do your favorite things, and take care of yourself. In addition, you need to regularly go out with your husband to the cinema, theater or restaurant. A change of environment has a beneficial effect on a woman’s emotional background.
  2. Visit your gynecologist regularly. This measure will help avoid possible postpartum complications.
  3. Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep not only improves well-being, but also helps restore the body.
  4. Avoid stressful situations.
  5. Massage your breasts daily. This measure will protect a nursing woman from developing mastopathy.
  6. Exercise regularly. Light exercise, yoga or long walks with your baby will help improve your mood and get rid of excess weight.
  7. Eat nutritiously and drink plenty of water.