Volume applique cabbage. Lesson on applique in the middle group “Gift for a bunny”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 80 combined type"


Two carrots and cabbage.


Kuryshova I.A.


Autumn motives.

Two carrots and cabbage.


    Introduce children to beneficial properties carrots and cabbage;

    Learn to create applique images of vegetables: carrots - by cutting a rectangle diagonally and rounding the corners, cabbage - by cutting appliqué;

    Develop a sense of composition and fine motor skills.

Type of lesson: subgroup.

Duration: 20 minutes.

Age of students: 4-5 years old.

Materials and equipment: carrot different sizes; peeled carrots; sheets of paper with the image of a plate; cut out shapes of carrots, cabbage; glue, brush, napkin, brush stand; green pencils and Brown; pouch for didactic game « Wonderful pouch"; poem - a riddle by E. Blaginina, a poem by L. Lesheg “Carrot”.

Preliminary work: examining and examining carrots and cabbage; games with vegetables; drawing and coloring in the creativity corner; conversations with children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part.

The teacher makes a poem - the riddle of E. Blaginina.

Very smooth to the touch

It tastes like sweet sugar.

I grew up for many days

It was getting redder

And sweeter. I became crispy.

And I have a green crest, guys,

So that everyone can pull

And pull it out of the garden.

Educator: What is this riddle about?

Children's answer: about carrots.

Educator: Listen to the following riddle:

Seventy clothes are put on,

And seven buttons were not sewn on.

Children's answer: cabbage.

Educator: Guys, look at the dish with carrots and cabbage. What are they?

What words can you use to describe carrots?(long, thick, orange, with a green tail....) What can you say about cabbage?(round, green with a dense head...)

Didactic game: There are carrots of different sizes in the bag. You need to find by touch: the thinnest, thickest, longest, shortest.

Practical part: The teacher takes an orange rectangle, cuts it diagonally into two rectangles and rounds the corners on them to make two carrots. Then he takes a light green oval and a dark green square and tears the square into small pieces. Lightly crumples it and glues it onto an oval, depicting cabbage forks. Children act the same way, on their own. Then carrots are glued next to the cabbage.

Physical education lesson “Gathering the harvest”: children imitate actions according to the teacher’s verbal instructions: “Pull out the carrots,” “Pluck cucumbers,” “Dig up the onions,” “Cut the cabbage,” the movements are repeated 2-3 times.

Educator: Well done guys! Your vegetables turned out just like the real thing.


Leonova N.N. "Artistically - aesthetic development children in primary and secondary groups of preschool educational institutions", 2013, p. 294.

About to perform applique "Vegetables" First, let's think about what our main goal will be. This is how I develop children’s hands and eyes, so it’s not a matter of chanting poems about vegetables or explaining the peculiarities of growing them to children. I will focus on . Most vegetables have a round shape - let's use this to practice shading in an arc and in a circle. And then also cut out colored vegetables - contour skills.

But then what? Why do we need a bunch of cut vegetables?

But why - we’ll cook cabbage soup. Or even better - borscht! Let's make a soup applique. Great plan, something to fight for.

Application of vegetables in soup

This year I conducted classes on the topic “coloring vegetables for soup” with both preschoolers and first graders - everyone really liked it. The guys were enthusiastically replenishing their supplies of vegetables.

Let's start with . I understand that peeled peas are put into the soup, and potatoes too, but in the conventional dimension of our coloring pages we will not peel and cut paper vegetables, but cook them as is. So, we colored and cut out peas, stretched our hands and remembered how it is crosshatch. Now - a tomato. That is, I don’t give all the vegetables at once, but one by one - if you complete one task correctly - you get the next one. While we were hatching the tomato, my hand was tired from the circular hatching - the carrot will be next - we paint it lengthwise.

Then a couple of potatoes - shading along an uneven oval:

I draw the potato coloring pages on brownish wrapping paper; you only need to add a little coloring, and that’s what’s difficult.

And the apotheosis - cabbage!

Cabbage coloring page I invented it only this year and I’ll tell you straight - the children are all eager to get a big harvest head of cabbage.

While they are painting and cutting out, I go up and draw the outline of a pot for everyone in the album. Now you can think about the composition - first, just fold the vegetables without gluing them. I suggest starting in layers - first along the bottom, then higher, and not haphazardly - randomly.

Let's color the bay leaf

Some students even manage to beautifully combine the colors of vegetables - so that there are different ones nearby that do not merge in color. If there is a lot of space left, please use a bay leaf (remember the correct shading), add mushrooms - I, as a convinced vegetarian, suggest adding richness to the soup not with meat, but with mushrooms.

In today's master class for beginners, we will learn how to make a vegetable like cabbage out of paper with our own hands.

Cabbage is a common ingredient in creating various dishes. However, you can’t make anything from paper cabbage using the origami technique, but it can serve as a great example for a child. Especially if he starts learning the names of vegetables and colors.

And simply folding paper crafts brings development of motor skills of little children’s fingers, perseverance, accuracy and consistency.

Necessary materials:

  • single-sided green paper;
  • scissors.

Stages of folding cabbage from paper:

  1. Let's prepare a sheet of paper from which we will fold cabbage using the origami technique. The leaf must certainly be green and in the form of a square (all sides are equal). Place the colored side up and fold the side in half to create a vertical fold line in the middle of the sheet.

  1. Cabbage consists of many layers of leaves. Therefore, you need to give it a similar shape. To do this, bend the right side to the left side.

  1. Bend it a little reverse side, creating a fold like an accordion.

  1. Now let's create the same fold on the left side. To do this, first bend the left corner to the right side.

  1. Bend it in left side, creating a paper fold.

  1. Fold the sides into the middle at the same distance.

  1. We bend it back, creating one more fold.

  1. Bend the top corner down slightly. If you took a square sheet of 10 x 10 cm to create cabbage, then at this stage you need to bend the corner by 1-2 cm.

  1. Then we bend the bottom part. The height of the cabbage will depend on it.

  1. We bend the side corners slightly inward for the craft using the origami technique.

Program content:
- teach children to create applique images of vegetables: carrots - using the mosaic applique method; cabbage - using the method of broken and applied applique;
- arouse interest in creating an individual composition “Zayushkin’s vegetable garden”;
- develop a sense of form and composition;
- develop communication skills and interest in creativity.
Mosaic orange color, dark green paper ovals, light green napkins for volumetric applique, glue, glue brushes, paper napkins, oilcloths. Carrots and cabbage are fake. Basic schemes for planning work with children; "carrots", "cabbage". Bunny toy baskets
Preliminary work:
- applique and drawing according to the idea “The gray bunny has become white”;
- conversation about garden crops;
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: So, guys, late autumn has come. The trees have shed their golden outfit. In the villages, the entire harvest from the fields and vegetable gardens was collected. The animals in the forest are preparing for winter.
Children read poems about autumn.
The beauty of autumn fashion
He threw down the tired forest,
Late autumn of nature -
It's a sad time for miracles.
Educator: Guys! I suggest you go to our garden and see if all the vegetables are collected there.
Children with a teacher go to an impromptu vegetable garden.
Educator: Oh! Guys! And we are not alone here! I will tell you riddles, and you will guess who is hiding behind the bush.
Educator: In winter it is white, and in summer it is gray.
Children's answer.
Educator: Forests hide many troubles.
There's a wolf, a bear and a fox!
Our animal lives in anxiety,
Trouble takes you away...
Come on, quickly guess
What is the animal's name? ...
Children's answer.
Educator: Well done! Right! It's a hare!
Hare: Hello guys!
Children: Hello, bunny!
Educator: Bunny! Our children know poems about you. Sit on a tree stump and listen to them.
Children recite poems about the hare.
-Very tasty
Cabbage leaf -
Told me
The bunny is sad.
-Why are you
Bunny, sad?
-I lost a cabbage leaf!
Educator: Guys, look, our bunny is actually
Hare: I'm not having fun. All vegetables were collected from gardens. No carrots, no cabbage. I didn’t have time to prepare supplies for the winter.
Educator: Don't be sad, oblique! We will help you! Guys, what does a hare like to eat?
Children's answer.
Educator: That's right, guys! Take your seats, let's get to work.
The teacher shows the children vegetables and describes their external characteristics. The children look at them.
Educator: Guys, a carrot grew in my garden bed, what color is it (White). What should a carrot really be like? (orange). Well done! Watch me turn carrots into real ones. I cover the entire surface with paste and begin laying the mosaic along the contour. At the end of the work, press the mosaic with a napkin. Guys, look, I have an oval and a napkin left in my plate, what can be done from this?
Children's answer.

Well done! Watch me make cabbage out of this. We apply the paste to the surface of the oval, glue it, press it with a napkin, then apply the paste on top and begin to roll balls from the napkin (Tear off a piece from the napkin and roll the ball) and apply them to the surface of the oval.

Educator: Look, guys! Was it a beautiful job? Guys, who can explain how to do the job correctly? Well done, let's get to work.

Children's answer.

Hare: I really liked the work too! I can’t wait for the guys to make a lot of tasty and juicy carrots and cabbage for me.

Children act independently and creatively. The teacher supports and encourages original ways to create expressive images.

As the images are ready, the children transfer their work to an impromptu garden, and the teacher helps distribute them on the beds.

Educator: Look, hare, how much cabbage and carrots the guys helped you prepare for the winter. What do you think is the most delicious carrot and the most elegant cabbage?

The hare's answer.

Educator: What do you guys think?

Children's answers.

The teacher, together with the children, evaluates the result of the lesson and discusses the resulting image with the children.

Hare: Thank you guys! All winter I’ll be crunching carrots and cabbage and remembering you. And I will not remain in debt, for you guys, I have the same treats.

The hare gives treats to the children.

Hare: It’s good at your place, but my friends are waiting for me at home. It's time for me to go back.

Educator: We won’t detain you, scythe! Run and make sure you don’t lose our gifts along the way. Goodbye!

Children: Come to us again, bunny! Goodbye!

Hare: I'll definitely come! Goodbye, guys!

The hare leaves, at the end of the lesson we play an outdoor game: “The little white bunny is sitting”